STEAMER TOLEDO TIME TABLE Samuel Davis, of Dundee, was iu town The Steamer Toledo miking the Round Trip Tuesday. between MUaiou Leading uud Fortlaud daily, Storey has complete outfit iur repairing •leaves, Mission Lauding .................... . 5:50 A. M. Bumps. Machine Oil at Mount’s. F a r m fo r Sale. Mitchell A Clark will fell you lumber at fifty per cent discount fi r cash. At STOREY’S. A t ST O R E ' ’S. Two mile« east of Newberg. For par- Storey handles Buckeye rumps. W . C. Warnoi k and wife, of Washta. titulars inquire of 1*. G a id . Harvest has begun. BEST TH EY Iowa, are visiting with Win. Bond and Misses Lulu Lamb and Lily Bale* re­ Newberg . 6:1 • A M. K -.O.M ( t i lt K X C I I A X H K S . family, who are old acquaintances, ’ iti tLo YJor' Never Bother. Fare for the Ruuud Trip 11.00 Spencer Haworth is up and around turned home Satuiday. Kay A Todd will sell you straw hats, Mrs. 1.. II. Baker uiet with a severe again. Huv your Binder Twine, Machine Oil, -u.inner underw ear and summer clothing shaking up in a runaway last Sunday. OREGONIAN R A IL W A Y TIM E TABLE. Screen doors and windows at the depot etc., of Christenson Bros. a ' 2>) per cent discount tor cash, in order She had been for a drive behind one of North. A p ril l, 18£1. South. lumber yard. Buckeye’s are lietter and choaper than ! to clear out their stock ready for fall and Mr. Baker's spirited and high-bred colts, L v. Newberg, 7:55 a. m j Lv. Portland, 9:40 a. m President Thomas Newlin was at Sher-' any other force Bump made, Ar. Port laud, 9:-!0 a. m. 1 Ar. Newberg 12:15 p.m. I winter goods. and bad stopped at the house. Closing a Lv. Newberg 12:45 p.m. | Lv. Portland. 4 :;•» p.m. wood and Middleton last Friday and Sat- N M Snodgrass sold a good horse to .... . L ■ . ' ± — . '.! " B i - J i g « '. L-J-.-L. ...L ..-LL. Ar. Portland, 3:20 p.m. ( Ar. Newberg, 6:06 p.m. The latest from the John Day pros- parasol frightened the horse, ami he ran j a man on Dayton prairie thi* week. Passenger and Freight Kates to all points, urday. pectins crew is that they have reached down the long hill in that vicinity, throw­ can be obtained from C. B. FRISSELL, Buy your Hour and feed of Calkins. Harrison Crater lots decorated the Cra- tho field for fossils and that they are ing Mrs. B. out u|xiu a pile of brush.— H e Agent Newberg. Delivered to all parts of the city freo of Ven house with a coat of paint this week. getting down to hard work. They think porter. I* the place to buy j Go west ! I’ nt tirst buy C. F. Moore's ; they will he out live weeks. The other day John Allison’s horses, J. H. Townsend sold to Kev. J. C. F.un-1 new teoj for ¡ess (¡mn wholesale (price, The Baptist Sabbath school gave its an* three in numher, jumped into Mr. Coop­ mel a first class spring wagon the first of ¡¿¡¡^ i° Tk„ I nuul picnic last Tuesday on t’ liehalem er's field during the night time and while the week. Go to Evans A Clemensou for fresh A. E. Moore’s new residence west of mountain. A large crowd was in attend­ playing run Into a barb wire fence which K V K K Y T 1 II NO FKFS1 I A N D C L E A N . C. F. Moore A Co. . have a tine fine of ( 0» n is being pushed forward to comple­ ance. A bountiful dinner was dispatched Mr. Cooper had up to seperate his wheat meats. machine and engine oil at prices th a t; tion with rapidity. after which the children s|H iit a very from the summer fallow- and was cut so ffm . Allen and Jesse Ilobson went to can’t be beat. Portland Tuesday. Mrs. A. W. Walker and son Maurice, pleasant afternoon in swinging, croquet- badly that one died. The others are get­ Seven thousand pounds of of the thousand pounds j 0f Portland, have been visiting with C. • ing, hall playing and oilier amusements. ting along all right, John Woods having Whips until you can’t rest, at Allen’s Binder Twine on the market for sale by B. Frissell’s this week. W an - tu d :—Salesmen, to sell our choice noted as vetrinarv and stitched up the harness stiop. tf H E A D Q U A R T E R S FO R Christenson Bros. • i and hardy nursery stock. Many special wounds. The one that died was valued Allen Smith and family have been at Go to C. F. Moore A Co., for Dr. Win. varieties to offer both in fruits and orna- at f2Q0.— Am ity Popgui 1 . J. 8 . Larkin furnished some gooseber- | tll0 soaHilte ,,Mt ten days. They are E llis’ Liniment. j mentals, and controlled only by us. We ries for the Oregon exhibit at the W orld’s expeclej il0ine this week. Just as wo wore going to press news Prepare to pay for your premium list ! pay commission or salary, give exclusive reached this city that while Wm. Bewley Fair that are world beaters. . . . , Summer clothing, summer underwear ad. August 1st. territory and pay weekly. Write us at and an unknown hoy were coming in Hills are out for public sale of house-1 aU(j gummer hats at 20 per cent discount Mr. Fisk was down from Arlington on once and secure choice of territory. hold goods by C. E. Hayes, The sale for ca6[i at Kav A Todd’s. from toward the coast with a load, broke business the tirst of the week. M a y B r o t h e r s , Nurserymen, through a bridge and all went down be­ will be Saturday, August 5th. Binder Twine, in quantities from fifty jlCt29 Rochester, N. Y . See E. B. Long when you have any G A R D E N TOOLS, TCTC. low. The hoy’s hack was broken and P U M P S , Charley Johnson returned from Salem cents wortli up to nine hundred dollars »plastering or brick work to do. Rev. G. W . Gue, D. D., of Grace Mr. Rewley was badly injured. Just | the first of the weeji. He reports things worth, for sale by Christenson Bros. Church Portland, Or., will lecture at the where it occnred we could not learn but f * " W e m oke a Specialty o f Judson P ow d er. Roofing, Spouting, Tinshiagtes, etc., at pretty quiet at the capital citv. Rev. A. J. llutisaker, of McMinnville, M. E. church on Tuesday evening. Sub­ from tbe fact that it was about six before Storey's. When Kay A Todd sav 20 per cent off, will preach in tho Baptist church next ject, “ Heroines of the W ar.” In defer­ they were found it must have been some Fred Oliver was up frmn Portland a they mean just what they say. No goods Sunday at 8 p. m. A ll are invited to be ence to Dr. Gue, who is an old veteran, distance back in the mountans. Bow-ley day or two the last of the week. im iko I up to be sold at discount. present. we invito all w ho belong to the G. A. It. is a son of Roily Bewloy, of noar this See J. B. Mount when you want any­ Drew Price is spending his vacation If you want to improve your appetite corps to be present with their families place.— Amity Popgun. thing in the line of Machine Oil. cutting cord wood and is one of the most take a look at the choice display of meats and no charge w ill lie made. Regular There is a Hurry of dissatisfaction James Ciemeason has been in town industrious young men about town. sold by Austin A Stanley, at Central admission 19 cents. H. N. R o u n d s , K K l’ A IH lN t i F IN E W A T C H E S A N D C LO C K S A S P E C IA L T Y . among McMinnvills’s business men over -during the week visiting his parents. H . L. Heath, of the Telephone-1egiettr Meat Market. Pastor. NEW BERG, . . . . OREG O N. an advance in Southern Pacific freight Millard J. Lee, the Canby nurseryman, and E. C. Apperson. a bank cashier of Get a premium list of tho fair and read W e understand that full ami complete rates according to a new schedule which was in town one day tlie first of the week. McMinnville, were in town yesterday. it over carefully, then select such pre­ arrangements are made to widen the went into effect on the 15th. The com- Ira Mills, Jess Pressnall, W ill H ill and Rev. J. C. Enamel will preach at the miums as you can best compete for and gauge of the railroad from Dundee to pany has lowered the rate to southern Or­ ethers left the first of the week for the Evangelical church on Sunday, August get in to win. Sheridan and Arlie on next Sunday. egon points in order lo 001011010 with the 0, at 11 a. m. A general invitation is ex­ coast. Small boys and green apples are fast Three rails will remain from Dundee to Oregon Pacific, ami in order not to loose Jesse Edwards and 15. C. Miles drove tended to all to attend. making friends and the price of soothing Portland only. Tho reason given is that anything hv the o|>eration, local business to LaFuyette on busiuess Tuesday morn­ J. C. Cletnenson cut four tons of hay syrup has an upward tendency. It was the charter for this end of the line calls men say, have udvaucod the rate at this for a narrow gauge track and must bo re­ end. The course is denounced as un­ ing. from an acre of land near the railroad. : ever thus in dog days. Stop drawing water, get a force Pump A pretty good profit at eight to ten dollars I have seemed the services of J. D. Bell tained until a new charter is obtained. warranted and unjust, uml some say they and keep your lawn and garden nice—See a ton. to do my delivering and any orders left Tho first standard gauge train will prob­ will ship their goods, the hulk of them, More first class timothy hay has been with him for flour and feed will be ably go over the line on Monday morn­ l>y water to Duyton and employ teams to Storey. ■/I ing. haul to this point.—Reporter. Mrs. Lambright, of Sheridan, has been brought into town during the past ten promptly attended to. 8 . M. Cat. k in s . The meeting of the W . C. T. U . held visiting her daughter, Mrs. W . T. Macy, days than lias ever been brought into Thomas and Samuel Terreil and their The members of tho Newberg band Newberg in one season before. this week. families returned from their trip to Port­ Wednesday, the 2ti!h inst., at 2:39 o'clock held a picnic last Saturday that attracted W e understand that Emmor Hall and land and Astoria the first of tho week. in the Presbyterian church was as usual a large body of people. The center of at­ It pays to advertise. Nate Snodgrass’ very interesting. The president not be­ traction was the contest of speed by tho water tank has returned right side up his family, spoken of last week, as being They report a very pleasant trip to both ing present Mrs. Harford acted in hor sick, ate all improving nicely. Their places, cyclists. Newberg had staked everything with care. stead. Those who were permitted to at­ many friends here will be glad to hear on her man, Edwards, and the way he J. II. Bowerman is getting the material Woa, Charley! Here is where we j tend the picnic at Cordoliver, gave testi­ that they are better. took the conceit out, of our young men, on the ground for building a fruit evapo stop. Whips from 25 cents up at Alien’s! mony to a day spent both pleasantly and Ilihbs and Adams, showed that their B orn :—To W. T. Macy and wife, on rator after the Carson pattern. Ho will harness shop. On the floor, but sleep on n lied purchased at M acy’«. Out; profitably, and those who were debarred judgment was well grounded. The win­ Friday, July 21, a boy. All parties doing have all he can do (luring the prune dry­ .1. M. Tice, Norris Tihido and Walter of tire privilege expressed their regrets priees are on the floor—«loop above them . W e keep ner was awarded a gold medal which he well. Tho price of furniture has gone ing season, let it work as well as it may. M ills have been painting Alf. Moore’s and stated their reasons for not being will hold until he meets the better man down at Many’s, and his friends are kept The contract for putting up the brick new house this week. j in constant fear that lie will do something building on First street lias been let. A of the nuintier. The county president that awaits him.—Reporter. was present and gave us a very encourag­ Mitchell A Clark are prepared to lur- rash in his ecstatic exuberance. Mr. Cunningham, of Woodlawn, and E. ing and interesting talk. The Presbyte­ nish first class lumber on short notice to The board of trade held a meeting Tues­ The season for canning fruit is at hand B. Long get the contract for the brick rian fiiends have kindly offered the day evening at which a committee report­ parties going to build. and housekeeiH-rs ought to lie making se­ work and Mr. Bow man xvill do tho wood Union their church for a place of ed that $1,25!) 50 bad been expended in -Sea-moss and Oregon coast bouquets lections of the best fruits for an exhibit at work. meeting which the Union accepted, ten- road work up to the 10th 111st. The treas­ made by Delpbina Ellis the invalid, fur ( ’orner First and Center Streets the fair. You always want something David Everest lias in tbe yard at his di ring a vote of thanks. Hereafter that urer, E. C. Apperson, presented his re­ Newberg, Oregon. sale at J. T. Smith's storo. nice to show to your friends when they old house a fine upright growing cherry- will be our place of meeting. God con­ port. On motion the committee on oily Say! Don’ t fool away your precious come out from the east and what is finer tree, a seedling, that gives promise of tinues to bless our union, the blessing at and country subscriptions was appointed tim e cutting a hazel, when you can buy a than a few cans of fruit put with care? amounting to something when given a this meeting was manifested by fourteen to meet with tho superintendent of con­ —: > whip at Allen’s for 25 cents. tf There are some people w ho let their fair test. new members falling in line to lend their struction and ascertain the exact condi­ Geo. Hardwick leaves this week for cows run loose in the streets at night who * tion of all thu pledges ami subscriptions, The dryer in the west end of town now- help to fight against "T h e worst foe.” CARRIE» A FULL LINE OK California. W o have not learned are liable to pay the marshal a little bill how much bail been worked out and how owned by Bray, Dixon A Hudson is to ho whether he will return soon or not. N ew F reig h t Warehouse. one of these bright mornings. A cow remodeled and its capacity more than much remained to he worked and how Parties having ads. in the premium list bell is bad enough in daytime, but at doubled. They are preparing for a big A long felt want is being supplied at to be collected, and to report at an ad­ are notified that they will be called night it is v >ry annoying, and some peo- run, and they will undoubtedly have it, if the foot of River street this week in the journed meeting.— Reporter. { pie are protesting against it. upon for payment on August lit. building of a new freight warehouse. the present outlook is any indication. Calvin Dixon and Elias Ilodson bought >Say! Are yon going to do your part to There is at least one boy in Newberg The owners of tho Steumer Toledo have P u r e D r u g s f o r P r e s c r p it io n s . only Elwood Weesnnr’s interest in the make the exhibit at the fair this fall a who will undoubtedly be in iiis gruvo in been in town during the week arranging dryer. A. M. Bray still retains a half in- howling success? It all depends on the a very few months if lie doesn’t quit the with our business men for carrying Perfumes, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Paint«, Oil«, Varnish and Oil Color. A ls o * efforts of the people. The stuff is in the use of cigarettes. This is no idle state­ freight from Portland by their steamer. forest. fine line of tiie They received such encouragement from country to make a fine showing, if the The woodwork on Armory hall has ment, but a truth that will bo sell evident our merchants that they have contracted been treated to a coat of paint which has ; proper effort is made to get it together in to all if lie does not call a halt at once. lb A T J C S T S T Y L E S o f A V A L L P A P E E . with T. B. Cummings to put up a ware­ improved its appearance materially. | proper shape, hut it won’ t come of its S. A. Kersey, of Portland, was in town house at once 18x24 feet. The work is Pressnall Bros, did the job. I owa “ ecord. Now is the time to begin to a day or two this week. Mrs. Kersey, well under way and they expect to be Blank Books, Stationery, School Books and School Supplies. ! strike. A Mr. Pierce, of Portland, quite a who lias been superintendent of the ready to receive freight h.v Saturday noted local bicycle rider, was in town laBt I L. W. (larger says Chehaioin valley Woman’s Home in Portland, for the past ( P kf . hcwptions O a r k f u l l y C o M- i night. The company agrees to deliver- Saturday in the interest of J. K . Gill A j has the best crop of winter wheat this few year? has resigned her position on ac­ } FOUNDED D a y oh N iu iit . C. F. MOORE & 0 0 . lias ever produced. Tho crop is count of her health. They will go east freight at the stores for a less sum than Co^ Portland’s popular stationers. ] year, it has ■ I 11 n u ■■■ I J_p I _ij I — the railroad company now charges for de­ Remember that the fair comes off i at least three weeks late in ripening but on a visit in a short time. livering at their depot. Howard W il­ a little earlier this year and consequently j all tbe substance is going into the grain Any one having good specimens of any liams will have charge of the warehouse I The cool weather lias been very la v rable it will be necessary to commence prepa­ varieties of fruits that will do to send to ami do thu hauling. foi ripening grain for the best results. rations at once, if a good exhibit is made. the World's Fair, can leave them with If thu Toledo is properly patronized the Spring sown grain will Ire short but a fair Don’t wait until it is too late. E. II. Woodward, C. E. Hoskins or Win company agrees to put an agent at the 3 A . K. C O O P E R & CO. crop. Allen, the committee to receive and for river which would he a great convenience Mr. Nolt, of San Francisco, who owns I Elder S. S. Beaver, of McAllister, Ju- ward them. Newberg can make a good to passengers. Most people have more tbe property on the coruer of Second and Wo take tb i« plan to inform the public that we are bettor than ever prepared to «up- niatta Co., Pa., says his wife is subject to showing if all will take an interest and time than money on their hands ju t at Meridian streets, was in town a few days cramp in the stomach. Last summer she help. It. S. Isou s, Pres. I lor. Society. ply the trade this Full in the line of a present, and as the Toledo will carry pas­ last week. He and Mrs. Nolt have been HON. Z . A V E R Y, tried Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and sengers for just half tho money charged At the horticultural meeting on last east visiting and seeing tiie W orld’s Fair O nc or TM8 L arocst C o n tr a c to r « an d B u il » * Diarrhoea Remedy for it, and was milch GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF F R U IT TREES. CRB IN N lB R A IM . Saturday afternoon, .1 S. Rees was elect­ by tire Southern Pacific, many passengers and are on their way home. pleased with the speedy relief it afforded. Pai tio« desiring to set orchard« this Fall will make inonoy by calling on or correfl ed president; It. S. Inglis, vice-president will certainly patronize the boat, oven if W . P. Small and wife, of Albany, came She has since used it whenever necessary and E. C. Arins'rong, secretary and treas­ it does take a little more time to make landing with us before placing their orders. down last Saturday and remained over and found that it never fails. For sale by- O hakd I slakd , N i b ., April Stb, 1*92. urer. The crowd 'n attendance was not the trip to Portland. Here is a good op­ Sunday. They took the Holloway cliil- j C. F. Moore A Co. Dr. ZliUs Medleai Co., Elkhart, Jnd. very large, hut a very interesting meeting portunity for our people to help them­ OKNTi.f3CEN : I h®d been troubled with mkaht dren back with them and they and their , ^ fine exhihit of farm, garden and or- was the remit. We were culled away selves by patronizing a competing line oiscA ec ron the last so v c a r s , «nd Although I daughter Anna, who lived here for a year «hard exhibits can be made at the fair and consequently are unable to give the treated by able phyaloluus and tried munf and if they don’t tako idvantage of it waa remedies, I gr«w steadily worse until i w as cosi - W . F>. HEACOCK, or two, will provide homes lor them this fall if people will commence early discussions. nobody else will be to hlaino for the re­ plctclv PROSTRATED AND CONrincp TO MV BCD uriTHOuT anv mope o r reco ver y . I would bsvs Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Weesner left yester­ and arrange for it. There are plenty of sults. very bod s t n k ^ - . n M ing spells, whsn Rough and Dressed Lum ber, Doors and W indows, brackets, Many of the nice shade trees that were my pulse woe ■ J K p I J u ld stop beating day for their new home in Alaska. They farinera who can make an exhihit of grain planted on the turrets lust spring are lie- s llo g e th c r .^ ^ ■ » *^ a n d It was with Turnings, Shingle«, Lath, Picket«, Lim e, Sand, Glass, Nails and all kinds o f Building Mate the vrcateKt difficulty that my circulation could NOTICE. will stop in Portland till Saturday when in the sheaf that will surprise tbe natives ing destroyed by cows from want of prop- rial and Builders’ Hardware- N ew b erg, O regon E. W. and wife will join them and all if a little pains is taken right now. Any- ! er protection. Others are needing mulch- Thore indebted to the firm of BaMwin t h o u s a n d s one making such an exhibit will nev 10 • proceed together. The best wishes of a ck to conwlouFueRR again. While In this condi­ F. E. H A D LEY. , ing about tho roots in order to retain the & Haworth will please call and settle ini J. R. HUNT. A. HODGSON gret the effort put forth. tion I tried your new H cart C u r e , *nd begun host of Newberg people go with them. I moisture to keep them growing. A little mediately’ . to Improve from the iirst, and now I am able to do rwrood day’« work fora man 68 yearsof age. I give The babies are to be given a hearing at attention in this way is just as necessary A . J. Clark, the water man, bad the D a M il e «- N ew H e a ii t C u r e «H ih* Hie planting of the tret;«. Don't lose credit for iny r< coverv. It isoverRlx months since ni’ sfortune last Friday morning to dislo­ the fair after all. A. M. Hadley has been Manufacturers of Enry])mrlia I tr it ai m lo a . I have taken uny. although I kcip a bottle In the prevailed on to superintend this depart- wliat you have done, by a little neglect, house in cu e I should need It. I have also used cate bis right ankle. His team was un- W e have a set of the Americanized En­ your N e r v e a n d L i v e r P i l l . , • “ <» ort to h,ra’ an<1 ‘ ie,r *»*■ months with diarrhea. W e used various The edition is well printed on good paper Bold on s P o s itiv e G u arantee. to lend them a little assistance with the i 8afI^ at or' hUiirant also called in two doctors, but and bound in sheep. C a )I quick ultd get D r . M I L E S - P I L L S , 6 0 O o . e s 2 5 C t » We aie prepared to mako a superior quality of drain tile In sll sixes. I-artre orders promptly above result. * l11 * .ren,* ,n ,,e t at " * e nothing done him any good until we used a bargain. filled. Correspondence solicited. Price list on *H»llcstlon. Coruer Main A Dayton HireeU. close of the exhibition, entries may be . i m \ , Sold by C. F. MOORE & CO, T.,4 m i t «-«o ♦ _*ai _ «• j . , Chamberlain s Colic, C holera and I>iar- Last fall I was taken with a kind o made. A grand rush is expected. OREGON. NEW BERG, rho-a Remedy, which gave immediate re­ N o t ic e . summer complaint, accompanied with af Pref,i()ent c . c Stratton, of Portland wonderful diarrhoea. Soon after ray ................... ... I lief and soon cured him. I considered i t ' There will lie a meeting of the citixans a. w ife’s sister, who lives with ns, was taken , - ' , ? ! u r ™h! 1! ^ ’ the hw,t me,licine ,na,le 8n'1 ran con' of Newliertf in Armory Hall, on Hatunlay .1____________ \ u .___ 1 _ i___ . _____ adise Restored, at the M. I., church on scientionsly recommend it to ull who in the same way. W e used almost every­ evening, July 29, 1893, for tbe purpose of Tuesday night. A moderate sized andi- need a diarrhoa or colic medicine. J. E. thing without benefit. Then I said, let yetting an expression of cur people in re- ence was out to hear it but nothing to Hare, Trenton, Tex. 25 and 50 cent hot- us try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and yard to brinyiny tbe pure and health yiv* OREGON. compare with what the merits ot of the t|e9 for 9ale by C. F. Moore A Co. KKWHRRG, Diarrhma Remedy, which we did, and iny waterH from Chehalern mountain by lecture justified. W e doubt very much if i I have just received a full line of new goods, that cured ns right away. I think much Mrs. Laura A. Winston, of Guilford a system of water work«. Let everyr>ody latent patterns and best quality, and will a better lecture for thinking people lias of it, as it did for me what it was recom­ ever been delivered in our town. Presi- College, North Carolina, who has lieen turn out or forever k«»ep quiet on tbe sub­ sell at a- low figures a. the quality of our goods I f yourself or friends wish lo he cured of w ill Justify. mended to do. John Hertzler, Bethel, dent Stratton is logical and yet tie puts reeling here rince attending Yearly Meet- ject of water works. By order of the A complete embalming outfit Just received. Come and see me. Liquor, Opium, Morphine} Chloral , Cocainef Berks Co., Pa. 25 and 50 cert bottles for |,j. thoughts into language so simple that ' ntf- leaves for Portland today whero she Mayor, G. \V. M c C onnell . sale by C. F. Moore A Co., Druggists. i a child can understand him. will spen 1 a few days visiting a cousin, or Tobacco habifs) seek only I he Genuine Snur tittto f'jfti’nsshts» maSstl — in. i — —— .- I m.. — ,■■■»■ after which she will start on her journey . BUCKEYE PUMPS. Pitcher Pumps Pipe, Cutting & Threading. Roofing, Spouting, Tinware, Repairing Etc. “^ 7 " I L S O N 'S G R O C E R Y Local Events. Anything Grocery Line. THE PIONEER HARDWARE STORE, Tinware, Stoves, Loggers’s Supplies, J. B. MOUNT. H. H ow ard, W ATCHM AKER & JE W E L E R . A Füll Lina of Clocks Aud latches Always on Baud, at Reasonable Priees. Hardware of J. H. TOWNSEND. ltVY Stoves ° f J. H. TOWNSEND. nvY Plows 0f J. H. TOWNSEND. BUY Furniture ° f J. H. TOWNSEND. DUY Seeds ° f J. H. TOWNSEND. 1 C M * T J U IM BUY ALL KINDS OF Furniture, Bedding & Oarpets. Picture Frames Made to Order. W . T. M A CY . p O S T O F F IC E D R U G STO R E Popular Patent and Family Medicines Newberg Nursery, HEART DISEASE 30 YEARS. T )E P O T L U M B E R Y A R D . S S H A D L E Y , H U N T & CO. First A. SI Fa rm for Mai#*. DSPR i# IC a Powder The only Pure Cream o f Tartar Powder.—N o Ammonia; N o Aiuin. Used in Millions of Homes— 40 Years tbe Standard. home. She will stop for a tour through the Yellowstone l ’arg, anil fur a week at the W orld’s Fair. A letter from pen will he found in this issue that will be of interest to many of our readers. There is some probability of her and I or sisters coming lo Oregon to make a home, and wo are sure that those who have formed her acquaintance will lie glad to welcome I them to our midst. The marriage of one of her sisters, whi. Ii is to take nlw e in the early part of SepteiuVr, makes her stay here sh-jrier than i t otherwise would • have been. ‘ ¡1 , « » fu i O d »m ir r d v Ìn | tM N ll Notice. All person, knowing themselves in­ debted t o .I B Mount are requested to call srrl settle immediately. Silver taken at face value. / o€ j ob ? Aoino .-sni "'»r • ioni li V<«i un ilo ih«- wm I i tnd IH» t hotns, « I 3 s in t **• - «n «r * are easUj «»gn hic froio f S to J • n4 stari ?o«4 an «ork in .|wr^ ihnS • '! • » A ll * f • W e show >un h»>w l or « Il fhv tino«. R I« ni,>ne> ft>t eis. tali ne tmUnowu om-rflf 'hr’it IM lu lle t tA Tile. Don’t Fool With Fakes! work f m li», liy Ann» l-*g*. Austin P " »»i. >n.J Ji,-,. H.-nn I nini«,. I »M% - A farm of 2V> acre-, 4 1*' miles north­ west of Newberg. For parti cal ¿.rs inquiro at tb is office. Drain c o x . 21.74 acre» on Wynonpki street, near riVer. J. W . I*. C ook . F o r ‘»alp. Class N K W (Hittrntidsrf'il. P ir S t s Is n fn t I u - . l l o s I S O l ' u r l i u m l . M m i ik t Kceley Treatmentf which is the only safe , relia­ ble and permanent cure in existence. Genuine Kerley Institutesf with most favorable jxr roundings, at f M .m. OO a j-ear t* r e ’ n g \,y .f^'tf* f|, Onotlwfn.I'rnj'.N t ,»t w eilt fo rt.« l.»s l»r. you tu »r u- t » ’« h - * • rum I*, but • » • *n le «t b yoM<|MÌ.'kly l*ow t u m n from SS to • IO a «lev #t III » *!•, s u d M o t» ss ye>u *•> Oli li i ’ é • » » * * . » i l » » • * I n a n ' i - .r t e f ■ r, . . * > • su • m m rnrr at I ■ « ■ I,.g «11 ,..r iim »,.'r *|-are w o n. nt» only to Ih » w ik A il ll i ■ • O re»! ) * • SI H » ' t I ( mjf • orfcsr " » s u i t you. furnish » • «• t r lM m r r .A S ll.Y , ftl'ft.KOfLY h a r f w f I 'A M f K • I .A H « I M I A 4 tr»«a s t -e ».«, * ( • * * » * * «* > ., I O S I L A '! # , S «1 > S * F orest G ro v e & R osebcrg, O r. t W W rite for Particular). fidential. Uorrvt*pondedoe Con­