GiM'it t o A l a s k a . A n o t h e r C ut H a t e . Buckeye’s are the best. Bnckeye. Elwood AVeesner lias deei led to go into A farm of hi) acres, ¿pjo»l building, (io to the cheap cash store for bargains. Multnomah Falls July 4tb. the Indian work in Alaska again. A few wafer, 45 acres young piune trees, 3 acres L v. N ew b e r i, 7:V> a. m ¡ Lv. P ortlan d , 9:40 a m Ail aboard (or the exeuraon to Multno­ L. V. Moore the Portlaud music dealer A N D P L U M B IN G S H O P . * *-. P ortlan d , :ua. m. Ar. N e \ ‘ en ; Li-.Dp.m. days ago lie got a dispatch from Mr. Dun- hearing orchard. All in good condition, T I N N I N G mah Falls. ‘ «.v. N ew ber» U:4ô p.m. | Lv. P ortlau d, 4:'.;0 p.m . was in tonu Tuesday. 1 can, the man who has done so much for and 10*tniles from Newberg, ctFered for a TIN AND .STEEL ROOFING, Ar. P ortlan d , : jo p.m . | Ar. N ew berg, • t'o p.m . Miss (ierlru le Lamb closed her Parrott the Mctlahkatla Indiana, asking him to short time at $5,000, ($01 23 per aero ) A. M. lloskins made a Hying flip to Sl’o r r iN U AND G ALVANIZED IRON AA’ORK, P ftjgeoger an d F reigh t K ales to a ll p oin ts, WELL CASING AND HOP STOVE OC1FITS. mountain school last Friday. c a u be o b ta iu ed from C. B. FKISSELL. Chumpoeg last Friday. meet him in I’orl'and. He went down oned.alf cash. No amenta or coimi«th*ion A gen t N ew berg. -L, XJ~~kiTI3?S— A’l Kin Is and Si/, s. 3 ? I 3 ? I E j —Black and Galvanized. The grocery stores have been doing a and after a conference with Mr. Duncan to he paid. A good quality ol shingles at lV |ot l E n T T I I I S T G r ' 3 —Elbows, Tees etc , all Bizes. big business during the week. lie engaged to go to his mission to assist Lumber Yard for $1.73 |>er M. Heal estate is too hij»h in this valley Itep ilr t n f and Job w ork. :-: llo t aud CoUl W ater Q u ie ts C om plete. H ave tool» lor cn y Try the Jluial Xurthwctt in connection ; If you want odd sized w indows W. P. him in his woik among tlie Indians. Mr. you sav. What do you know about thU k in d o i work in la y Hue. Dtmcun first established a mission on place until you see it? Heacock can make them for you. with the U baiuuc for the next year. “ T h ere is a tim e w e k now not w h en , Ab. Hill and E. D. Elwood went to' lion. J. C. Nelson came down Iasi Sun­ British soil where lie did most excellent Pump* at Storey's. A p la c e w e k n o w n o t w h ere. work, but the dictation of the church of day to hear ltev. Levi Mil's at Fi ¡ends Portland Tuesday on their silent steeds. That m ark s the d e> tiny o f m an, Heacock has the best shingles. England was more than he could endure To a fflu en ce or d is p a ir .” church. Buckeye's are the best. Miss Nellie Younger is attending the and he moved to Mctlahkatla Island after I i the p la ce to b uy But for this country the time ami place ltuy your flour and feed of Calkin’s. James Bean, uncle of B. C. Miles spent teachers’ institute this week. receiving a grant from the United States is usually tin* when and where you invest Delivered to all parts of the city free of government, lie is a Justice oi tho l’eaco your means upon arrival here. Call or tio to C. F. Moore & Co., for Dr. Win. a few days at Salem the first of the week. with lull police powers and lias such con­ address J. B. Mount furnishes the trade with !charge. Kllis’ Liniment. J . B urt M oohk , Mrs. Haskell came up from Portland trol of the Island that no whisky smug­ (do to Evans A Clemenson for fresh stoves and hardware. Satisfaction guar- ; Cor. 10th & Everett Sts., K V K K Y T H IN O I T . F.M1I A N D C L E A N . last Monday to look after her property gler need undertake to get in his work untoed. Portland, Or. meats. west of town. among the Indians. Two smugglers from J. B. David and family arrived home This otfiee wishes to express thanks to Smith Bios, were up the valley two or Douglas Island undertook to get some J. T. Smith for a line [date of straw­ from their trip to the World’s Fair las* three days last week buying horses for whisky in at one time but Mr. Dunean Daily Capital Journal Tuesday. berries. sent Indian officers after them who the stable. Buckeye Pumps. U n p a r a l le le d O ile r. F or S ale :—A good five room bouse, HEADQUARTERS FOR Samuel Terrell’s parents, Thomas Ter­ followed them oji to sea in a storm A I . i v o D a i l y N e w s p a p e r f o r O n e C e n t a with four lots, nicely situated. Inquire The college catalogue recently gotten rell ainl wife, arrived here from Oskal oosa, and brought them and their whisky in. D a y , T w en ty-tiv© C en ts a M on th . at this oil».«. 1 out at this oflico we think represents good This island >s some threo hundred miles Iowa, last Saturday. The People’s Paper for hard times. Mitchell & Clark are prepared to tur- wurk for a small job office. Look it over ' south of Douglas Island and only about Mrs. Murv E. Morrison ot Salem, has For town people, city people and farmers; I nish first class lumber on short notice to an'l see what you think of it. seven hundred miles from Cortland. Mr. parties going to build. j Harrison Crater has built a small been visiting with her mother Mrs. E. B AVeesner will go the first of August and prepaid, by mail, for 25 cents a month, I Miles since Saturday. $»> a year. Not a paper sent on credit or | house on his Hancock street property, his family will probably go with him. Buckeye pumps never bother. which he will occupy as baohlor’s ^ r- Frank F. Holt, of Astoria, visited lie did excellent work among the natives after time is out. Strictly in advance, j Jesse Hobson and family have been at ipiarter. Cheapest Xe ns pa per on the Pacific Const, j P U M P S , Q^TSD EdST TOOLS, ETC. ‘ P a r e n t s , Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Holt when in Alaska a few years ago and we homo on the corner of Second and Kiyer I n t i ci n i Complete Associated Press telegraph re­ i i i his - school i , j l a few days last week sliull look for good results from his labors Prof. J. C. Ilodson closed fS ^ Y J e m a k e a S p ecialty of J u d s o n P o w d er. streets, since the first of the week. Roofing, spouting, valleys, tin shingles, again. He will be missed from Newberg port. All news from Capital, Foreign I near Dundee last Friday. He is attend News, Sporting News, Markets, Hop and Buckeye, Buckeye, Buckeye. .. , but his heart seems to he in the mission j ing the teachers institute at McMinn etc., at Storey's. Wool news. Screen doors and windows at tho depot , yjjje Mrs. O. C. Yocum of Portland, was in work and his many friends will wish him Unbiased Editorial Discussion. Indepen­ lumber yard. I T B Cummings since being relieved! town Ia9t week visiting her brothers, well in his new field. dent of dictation by the Oregonian or any Whips until you can’t rest, at Alien’s from work on the church lias been busy Warren and Waiter Robertson. monopoly. Republican, Indepenpent for T h e A lu s l c a le . harness shop. tf A young man front Portland, collecting this week putting an addition to his resi­ the People. Bv an overnight in the rush of last Mrs. C. C. Johnson, who will take the dence, in order to have room for com­ for E. J. Bowen tho seed dealer, was in Try it. You will he pleased. }foney I t ü l M I l l l N Q L I N K W A T O U R S A N I» C L U C K S A S P K C I A L T Y . week, the musicals which came off on position of matron oi the college boarding pany. town Monday astride a Victor wheel. . . . . OREGON. Monday night was omitted in our report Jufiunded to anyone who is not satisfied it NEAVBERG, hall next year came down from Salem Mrs. E. E Shiite and family, of Clack­ is not worth twice what it costs. Buckeye Pumps. of ttis commencement exercises. The Monday. These are times of close margin*. Profescors Jessup and Vance aro figur­ amas, are stopping with Anderson Hodg­ Woa, Charley! Here is where we ing on a trip into the John Day coun­ son and attending Friends Yearly Meet­ evenings entertainment, which was one Why pay $1.25 to $2.53 a month for one R U Y of tho best held during tho year, was well stop. Whips from 25 cents up at Allen's try, seeking for elephant remains and ing. or more daily newspapers when you can J. H. T O W N SE N D . attended and everybody seemed well harness shop. other small game. This is a rich field in Carl S'anley is home again this week. pleased with the program. Much im­ net tho whole tiling in a nut shell for Ono of Buckeye’s are the best. fossil remains and the boys ought to His face indicates that he has been en­ provement was noticahlo in the class, and Cent a Pay? Send for a sample, free. B U Y J. H. T O W N S E N D . gaged w hile away in the cultivation of a it could hardly L m otherwise, as Mist You will ho surprised. You will lie de­ The steamer excursion on the “ fourlh” make some valuable finds. lighted. A silver two-hit piece will bring crop of bnrnsides, will be the event of the season, (loud Buckeye Pumps. Howard is a tireless worker. The pro­ you a Rally Newspaper for a whole B U Y music, good speaking, and a general good Ify o u w an tto improve your appetite gram rendered we give below. ijionth, with ul> the Important News of W. P. Heacock will make your door o f J. H. T O W N S E N D . the State, the Coast, the World. time on board. PART I. and window frames, or cut them out take a look at the choice display of meats Sustain the People’s Paper. All who W. P. Heacock has just received a car! ready to put together. He has a corn- sold by Austin & Stauley, at Central Instrumental Duo, “ Botmio Sweet Bessie, favor Independent Journalism should B U Y Maid O’ Dundee.” load of yellow pine lumber. If you want plote stock of frame and porch materials; Meat Market. take ami push this paper, and push tho ° f J. H. T O W N S E N D . anything in the lino of casing or finishing also cedar redwood yellow and sugar B. Tall man had rather an unpleasant Trio, “ Farewell my own Free I.ove,” high priced monopoly dailies out of ex­ BU Y 11 or Mil r.ROTIIKRH, Misses Jessie Cox, Cora Judd and Flor­ istence. lumber call atnl see him. pine, at the Depot Lumbar Yaid. experience last week from too close a Editors and Proprietors, o f J. H. T O W N S E N D . ence Brown. Go to the tinning and plumbing shop J. E. Todd arrived homo last week from contact w ith poison oak. It don’t make a Salem, Oregon. Instrumental Solo, March, Air. Ben A A 'il- fellow pretty in the face. for bop pifie, well casing pumps, pipe, etc. his trip to Dakota to see his aged father, son. Air. Clark has been circulating a paper Mr. Caldwell, agent for the Western 1 He is looking, “ large a3 life” and if any Recitation, Miss Effie Mary. this week to see how much can be raised difference more handsome than *Avhen he Union Telegraph company at Portland, Instrumental Solo, “ Angels Dream,” was hers the first of the week visiting his went away. J. E. is a jolly good follow to pay for having First and Main streets, Miss Ethel l'eharrell. and everybody is glad to see him back sprinkled during the dry season. father-in-law J. II. Bowerman. On the floor, but sleep on a bed purchased at Macy’s. Our Recitation, “ De Sperience of Rebrend again. Pipe, pumps, fittings, steel sinks, etc., Say! Don't fool away your precious Quacko Strong,” Miss Lillian llavnes. líricos are on the lloor—sleep above them . AA’e keep Dr. E. Jessup has Ids goods packed at Storey's. lime cutting a hazel, when you can buy a Instrumental Solo, “Come Back to Erin,” ready for the trip to California. He and whip at Allen’s for ¡15 cents. tf Washington Hadley and wife, of AVhit- Miss Laura Brutschor. Sea-moss and Oregon coast bouquets the family, with tho exception of Elmer tier, California, well known to many PART II. will in about a week start overland w ith Parke county Indiana people here, ure Vocal Solo, “The man who broke tho made by Delphina Ellis the invalid, fur the mule team. They will leave a large stopping with J. II. Townsend. sale at J. T. Smith's store. Bank at Monte Carlo,” Dr. 11. Clark. circle of friends behind who wiil wish Mr. and Mrs. S. Bottomly from Eng Recitation, “ Sparticus to the Roman Don’t fad to notify all your Portland them a pleasant journey. land, who are taking a tour through the Gladiators at Capua,” Miss Emma friends that the steamer Sara Dixon will C orner First nml C enter Streets A ride of seventy-five miles and return United States, sight seeing, are here this Dcskins. N ew berg, O regon. on the tn irning of the “ Fourth” receive W . T. M A CY . on the Willamette and Columbia rivers is week. Both are members of Friends Solo and Chorus, “The Homestead where parse gers at tho foot of Alder street. well worth the time and little outlay of church. my Mother Died,” Miss Jessie Cox. iV4i keye. money required. The falls of the Willam­ Elocution Class. Bert AVeesner informs 113 that he is se­ “ A few old Friends,” J. G. Hadley’s for bed-rock prices. ette at Oregon City are rnagnificant and riously considering a proposition to go to Instrumental Solo, “Convent Bells, Miss O. Winslow who has been working in tho scenery ulong the great Columbia Edna Nowlin. Alaska with the rest of the family. Bert CARRIKM A FULL LINE OF Spaulding’s logging camp up the river rivals that of the Hudson. is a good fellow and he will be missed by Vocal Solo, “ Farewell Marguerite,” Miss for the past few weeks, came homo Tues­ Any one having good specimens of any the young people of Newberg. Ada E. Howard. day morning. DE. li. Li G à RM d IL varieties of fruits that will do to send to A. C. Stanbrough will take a course in Trio, “ Good Night,” Misses Ethel Behar- Stricken Down with Heart the World’s Fair, can leave them with Buckeye. rell, Jessie I’almcr and Lida Hanson. the Portland Business college during the D r . S U lc » m e d i c a i C o ., E l k h a r t , J n d . Remember that a dollar and a half paid E. II. Woodward, C. E. Hoskins or Win summer, in order to better fit himself for G en t lem en : I feel it m y d u ty, na well an c F a r m f o r Sal«*. (or a ticket for the excursion is a dollar Allen, the committee to receive and for­ taking charge of the commercial depart­ loaauro, to publish, unsolicited, to tlio w orld the ure rugs for rescrpitions enetit received from d D r r . M i l e s - R e s t o r a t i v e Two miles east of Newberg. For par­ E and a half for the benefit of Pacific Col­ ward them. Newberg can make a good ment in Pacific College next year. cdie with R e : w me d i e 3. s . I wwi wroi stricken down dow n w ith Heart H ea rt showing if all will take an interest and ticulars inquire of P. G a u d . D i s e a s e and its com plications, a rapid pulso v a ry ­ lege, and you get a delightful ride be­ in g from 90 to MO beats per m inute, a ch ok in g or Several of our school teachers attended rerfumes, Fancy and Toilet Articles, l’uints, Oils, A’arnish and Oil Color. Also» help. R. S. I. nulis , Pres. Ilor. Society. side. burning sensation in th e w ind pip e, oppression tho teachers’ institute again this week. lino line of tho F a r m f o r S ale._ I’rof. J. J. Jessup will have chargo of B orn :—On Tuesday, June 27th, to the Prof. Hodson and the Misses Dasie Stan­ t h o u s a n d s 21.74 acres on Wynooski street, near wife of Samuel Shultz, twin babies, a boy the vocal and instrumental music on ley, Emma Beskins, Itoxie Heater and g lo n o f th e heart and below low er rib, pain in tho L A T E S T S T Y L E S of W A L L P A P I Z R . J. AV. B. C ook . arms, shortness o f breath, sleeplessness, weakness and a girl. The little girl only lived till hoard the excursion steamer, which in­ Celintla Haines, with the driver, made river. and general debility. T he arteries in m y nock w ould throb v iolen tly, tho th ro b b in g cf my heart j eome time Wednesday, but the boy and sures good music. L. V. Moore the one carriage comfortably full. could l»e heard across a lurge room and would F o r S a le . Portland music dealer, has kindly tender­ its mother are doing finely. shako m y w hole body. I w as so nervous th at I A stranger who seemed to lie of an un­ could not hold m y hand steady. J h a v e baen A farm of 250 acres, 4 'a miles north­ ed the use of a new Kitnball piano from An error occurred in last week's issue u n d e r th o t r e a t m e n t o f e m i n e n t p h y s i c i a n » • j PRKSCKIITIONS CAKKFl’i.LY COM- f balanced mind was found in the public a n d h a v e t a k e n y u ll o n s o f f a t e n t . M e d i c in e his music store at 305 Washington street, west of Newberg. For particulars inquire } founded D a y o il N ig h t . I & in giving the names of the winners at tho w i t h o u t t h o le a s t b e n e fit. A friend reeoi ; road near Myert,’ fish pond last Thurs­ at this office. for the trip. A good program is being ar­ m ended your remedies. Who w as cured by Ur. field day contests at Pacific College Ed day, the 22nd iiiRt. Mr. Myers brought W lies’ rem edies I have taken ^ « -• « threo bottles o f your New I 1 K r S 1 gar ‘Ballard should have been credited ranged for the home trip, consisting of him into town and telegraphed for the r l . m I s f o r Sal«*. Heart Cure and tw o bottles 1 a *"* music, declamations and speech making. with winning the prize for batting the My pulse is norm al, I h a v e n o inoro sheriff who took him to McMinnville for At James Heater’s farm, one mile east Nervine. v iolen t throbbing o f th eh eu rt, i am a w ell m * n W a n t e d : —Salesmen, to sell onr choice hall, instead of II. T. Cash, who was giv­ I sincerely recom m end ev e ry ono w ith svmptoxua examination. of town, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, j and hardy nursery stock. Many special o f Heart D isease to t a k e D r . M l i e s ' M en tor a* er that credit. t i r e t t r m e d ir s a n d b o c u r e d . The band boys have set Saturday, July and Tomato, at 25 cents per 100. Gypsum City, Kalis. L. L. C armfr . Fifty rents is a small doctor bill, but varieties to offer both in fruits and orna­ 15, as the dale for their bicycle and base A . IC. C O O P E R & C O . 15 F rank W ood . B o ld o n a F o s it i v e G u a r a n t e e . that is all it will cost yon to cure any or­ mentals, and controlled only by ns. We ball tournament. The boys aro anxious pay commission or salary, give exclusive O R M O N E Y R E T U R N E D . dinary case of rheumatism if- you use to make a raise of money for the purchase N o t i c e t«> T a x p a y e r « . We take this plan to inform tho public that wo aro better than ever prepared to tup- Chamlierlain’s Pain Balm Try it and territory and pay weekly. Write us at of uniforms and other necessaries and we The time for settlement of city taxes Sold by C. F. MOORE & CO. once and secure choice of territory. ply the trade this Fall in thu lino of a yon will he surprised at the prompt relief hope to see the people turn out and give has been extended thirty days after M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, it affords. The first application will quiet them a liberal patronage. which penalty will attach. ii« ! » Rochester, N. Y. the pain. 50 cent bottles for sale by C. Dr. Connett the Alaska missionary, M. V o t a w , Treasurer. Dr. McConnell surprised everybody F. Moore & Co., Druggists. Pat ties desiring to net orchards this Fail will muko money by calling on or correct who was here a short time ago is on his The standard gauge rails that are being ,Momla>' ,ev,*ninf. arrivin”' ho“ e ttt return trip, after having spent some time ponding with us liefore placing their orders. F«»r S a le . _,_i along ___.i__ j .__ l t___least a day earlier than expected. He distributed the _:,__ railroad track from visiting at his old home in Illinois and at I offer during June my nursery stock \ has been too busy to talk about the Portland this way, removes all doubt points in Indiana. He will return to grafted an d budded, o f 30,INI ) a t $30.00 about a change to standard gauge. The World’s Fair, but he looks like he had Douglas Island, Alaska, in a few days to T JE P O T L U M B E R Y A R D . per thousand. J. M. L kwki . i . in o , bad a pleasant trip. Everybody is glad talk is that three rai's will bo laid and resumeJiis work among the natives. The W . IF>. H E A C O C K , Newberg, (Jr. to see the doctor homo again safely. Tho both gauges used for a time. Elk Rock Doctor is a genial fellow and we hope to old farmer who had been away for Beverai is being blasted off and other necessary i see him back this way again. E n c y c lo p a e d ia B r l t a n n lc a . months seeing the sights said: changes are being made preparatory to "As h e ’d pat o ld gray and sla p old bay, T u rn in g s, S h in g le« , Lath, P ick ets, L im e, Hunt], (11 as«, N ail« nm l a ll k in d s o f B u ild in g Mate Miss Ada E. Howard, who has had Wo have a *ot of the Ainericanized En- the reformation. ria l an d B u ild e r s ’ H ardw are. N ow h ere, O regon T h e p lea sa u test part of a jo u rn ey la gettin g charge of the music and elocution depart- eyelopfcdia for wale at one fourth value. h om e." Buy a pamn where you can get the ex­ I rnents in tho college fur the past two The edition ia well printed on good paper And that is the way the doctor's tras and repairs. Bnckeye, Myers and J. It. HUNT. F. K. H A DLEY, A. U O D G 3 0 N j years, has gone to pay a visit to her and bound in sheep. Call quick and get countenance indicated that he felt. Douglas at Storey’s. ; brother at Fossil in the eastern part of a bargain. Are you insured ? If not, now is the ^ e 8,ate Miss Howard is a hard worker Charley Hill who hails from every­ anything she undertakes and makes F o r S a le . M an u factu rers of where, and who makes periodical visits time to provide yourself and family with to Newherg, was in town on day last a bottle of Chamherl dn’s Colic, Cholera friends wherever she goes. After a visit Twelve «ot and understand an effort has been made to months. It is almost certain to be need­ filled . O r r i -p o n d en u e so lic ite d . P rice list on a p p lica tio n . C orner Main «k D aytou Street-». public school. Inquire at this office or oi ed the first sermon in the auditorium ol ed and should be procured at once. No have him sent to Salem. C a n b y H esto n . Friends church on last Sunday, taking 3 S T I J W E / C 3 - , A “ Bob AYbite” was discovered in the re™e'ly, ^ ,akf Placf or ‘,s his text from 1st Cor. iv: 18, and those 25 and 50 cent bottles for rale by lO O C o n i * o f W o o d W a n t e d . orchard back of the bank building last * ° 2 ' „ „ ; who follow him will do well if they Fir wood cut from large trues, to the Tuesday morning. He sat on the 9 fence ! C. F. Moore & Co., Druggists. ' preach any better sermons than he de­ H op G rowers :—Call on Storey for for some time ringing bis tune very earn­ livered on this occasion. His delivery amount of 10) cords, is wanted for Pacific estly, as if to comfort and console the your pi|«o. was excellent and I ho words spoken were College. Bids for the delivery and plac­ “ Iloosiers” who had arrived in town the J. H. Boworman says his Italian prune worth hearing. We have heard many ing of tho same in ths basements of the T h o fthoYnU n porreo* p ir tu r e o f THF. ORE- 'lM A X .H N kW llCJI.D IN 'fi. loo-ited a t th e college buildings by .September 15th, maj O previous day. The “ Bob White” is a trees are almost breaking down with fruit favorable comments on this sermon. c o r n e r o f .'ix th and Al or itr e n t* F o r m a n y y en . h THF. O K F /iO N lA N h s f r l t th e n o n i o / fine bird and we hope people will not mo­ already. The French prunes are almost bo left at the G bapiiic office. u now ui.d '■•.-»jnjno'lion * b u ild in g m iihrat-ln g Buckeye’s are the best. lest this fellow. This is the second one as we'd loaded and he thinks that in or­ uil the* m o d ern luiprovcincntH . w ith tin* Intent I f noursclf or friends trittli to be cured o f im p r o v 'd n o icL in cry f o r t u r n i out. n in*t- I l i i l . W a n t e d . we have ever seen at large in Oregon. If der to prevent the trees from breaking to Dr. M. .1. Davis is a prominent pliysi- tr o p o l 1 • : i |»np r. Jt n ow host office, will tie received at Christen­ Now tf. »t THK *»»i » » » . . A N is « etti* I I-» thin n ew h o n e it fm*!* I k o i v lraie H-> m an y or Tobacco habilsf seek on lj the Genuine, of medicine at that place for the past son Bros, implement house between July frio n -'s h hen«‘fit. It rnuko* th i* ip r c in l o ffer y r o d - ’v t iio ir sub*-?r¡(>t o •, o r to thirty-five years. On tire 2le. VS h*»n produce a diarrlnea. Every one should pnni|is as well, are too well known in this y v o ititin i l ’o r t i t:id y o u ur< « o r d ir liy invit*>l t- '-Write for Particulars. Correspondent* Con procure a bottle of this Remedy liefore section to need any recommendation from l o o t ìl an I t »k»* n tr ip t h r o i^ h o lir n**w fium e. A ihiri 4 a The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Atntuonia; No Alum. fidential. leaving home. For sale by C. F. Moore ns, and we bespeak for him a iilieral i M iM 'I A t PUBlISHNG CO, Used in Millions of Homes— 40 Years the Standard. à Co , Druggiita. patronage. CaaianMoN Bcos. P c iH T L A X D . OK. O R E O O N U N RAILW AY TIME TABLE. N orth . A p r il 1, 1391. S ou th . S T 'O I E L I E 'S r ’ S ) Local Events. W n - SON'S G R O C E R Y Anything in Grocery Line. THE PIONEER HARDWARE STORE, Tinware, Stoves, Loggers’s Supplies, J. 0. MOUNT, b . Ii. H ow ard, W A TC II M A K E R & JE W E L E R . A Fnll Lins of Qocks And Watcbes Always ou Hand, al to rn a tile Prices. Hardware Stoves P lo w s Furniture Seeds of D O N ’T ALL KINDS OF L Furniture, Bedding & I E Garpets. Picture Frames Made to Order. P OST O F F ICI: D R U G STORE Popular Patent and Family Medicines P D P . ! “« Blank Books, Stationery, School Books and School Supplies. C. F. MOORE 00. Newberg Nursery, GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FRU IT TREES. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Doors and Windows, Brackets, H A D L E Y , H U N T & CO. jj'irst Class Drain Tile. o iR /iE C ro n sr. A SPECIAL OFFER! Don’t Fool With Fakes! , ¡L & Bakioi Ii Forest Grove & Rosebery, Or.