OREGONIAN KAILW AY TIME TABLE. North. A pril l, 1W1. South. L v. Newberg, 7:V» a. m i Lv. Portland, 9:40 a . m A r. Portland, o a. m. I Ar. NVwherg 12:l.r> p.m. Lv. Newberg 12.4 * p.m. i Lv. Portland, -t :•>•• p.m. Ar. Portland, 3:20 p.m. | Ar. Newberg, <>.oô p.m. Passenger ami Freight Kates to all points, ca u be obtained irom t . B. FUISSKLI . Agent Newberg. Local Events. K K. K. at C. F: Moore & Co. . Kimball pianos an> reliable and durable. Harrison Crater lias moved into one of Jas. Vestal’s houses. Pure flavoring extracts at Star Bakery. Kimball Pianos. L. V. Moore, Port­ land. Joseph Wilson will do tho mayor act in Dr. McConnell's absence. Ask C. F. Moore & Co, what K. K. K. is. L. V. Moore, Pianos and Organs, Port­ Ileacock has the best shingles. Solomon Haworth has been homo with land. Hugh Ileacock of Dayton prairie, was bis family a few days this week. K. K. K. cares rheumatism and neu­ in town on business last Tuesday. Pianos direct from factory. L. V. ralgia. Moore. Go to C. F. Moore & Co., for Dr. AY in. The commeneement exercises of l.a- Kills’ Liniment. We understand a petition is out for a Fayette seminary took place Wednes­ day. new post office at Hoskins’ station. Kimball pianos are first class. J. B. Mount furnishes the trade with Kimball pianos are the beet. stoves and hardware. Satisfaction guar­ Call and see Macy’a new stock of Baby anteed. Carriages. Amos Nelson from np the valley was in A. M. Hadley is writing liio insurance town Monday and reported prospects ex­ in the IVnn Mutual oi Philadelphia. cellent for a good crop. For fresh cookies, ginger snaps, etc., go Mr. Holliday, the Springbrook mer­ to Star Bakery. chant, lias his store building about ready Kimball l ’iunos and Organs on easy tor his new stock of goods. terms. The college boys are making prepara­ Heston Bros, will have charge of tions for field day which conies on June Mitchell & Clark’s lumber yard this sum­ lCtb. A big lime is expected. mer. Try the Hurat Xurtltue,?t in connection Kimball pianos have elastic touch. with the G rafuic for the next year. Field peas and Millet Seed at Calkins feed Store. The Yamhill Land Co., sold an acre tract in Hurley’s addition to P. L. Welch this week. Go to Evans & Clemensou for fresh n-.ca's. J. K. Blair and wife and Mrs. M. Reece are arranging to make a visit to Jowa in July. Do you eat bread—get it at Star Bakery. Gilmore endorses the Kimball piano. Finos Ellis who has been at work for some time on n big job of ditching up in Polk county, came home for a short visit with his family Tuesday. Kimball Pianos and Organs, warranted 5 years. College stationery at this office. I 'r- i!<»rn I nowi s I ojis & i t . C T o riï’Y , TINNER PLUMBER. t o N e ir W r g . Athliion (\ t”.:i of Amo, Indiana, tho Kimball Organs arc reliable, J.. V. Tianos and Organa. L. V. Moore, Port­ veteran railroad excursion manager wi’l Moore. land. Attorney Flower, of Dayton, was in run un pxt'ni'M ” i to Oregon leaving lu* s o o n i i a , s r o u T iiiG , t i n a s d s h e e t i r o n v o h k . Wilber Round’s pleasant face has been I ilianapoli« June i Hi» and Chicago List, j seen on our streets a few days this week. town Thursday. PIPE CUTTING THREADING, FITTINGS OF ALL 8IZE3, A. K. Kenworthy of Oakaloosa, low«, J. 15. Warner is busy with his well ma­ A balloon ascension is among tho pos­ T U B S , S T E E L SX TTTC S. | will also run one from that point at tho B A T H sible attractions for tho A. O. U. W. pic­ chine now-a-days. ; satire time. These excursion« are ex- i T V L yE B L S ’ F O R C E P U M P S . Mrs. M. C. Graham took in the Dayton l ectetl to bring persons who desire to at* j Am p re p a r'd to d o Job and llepalr work to order lu a satl.tffclory manner. "A »tUc'u In tim e ,’ nic. A good quality of shingles at Depot excursion Wednesday. tend the opening of Oregon Yearly meet- j etc. lU v e your palls, poti, etc , repaired and overhauled now. Lumber Yard for «1 75 per M. G. M. Bales has been fencing his First ing of Friend« church which opens June 27th. James Vestal looks for Ids brother up street property this week from California the last of the month. Itev. Curran, of LaFayette, was vioit- P r c g r a iu fu r F l d t ! D a y . W. Duncan sold 40 acres ef mountain ing with John Hash yesterday. 1« the place to buy Tire program of exercises for Field Pay land last AVedncsday to Martin Falch, of Ira Mills pulls tho reins over a new at the college on Friday tire lfith, will bo Portland. team all drested np in a new harness. as follows with probably a fe'.v changes: Lee Stanley has been nursing a lame F or S ale :—A good five room house, Throwing base ball—ladies. K V K U Y T U I N G FKKS1X A N D C L E A N . finger this week us a result of the base with four lots, nicely situate!. Inquire I Batting “ “ “ ball game last Saturday. at this office. ' Standing broad jump. Sea-moss and Oregon coast bouquets A. J. Estep and family moved to Sheri­ 100 yards daalr. made by Delphina Ellis tho invalid, (or dan this week, Mr. Bovard having pur­ Throwing lti pound hammer, chased land there. sale at J. T. Smith's store. j Putting “ “ shot. “XjgriLSO N’S GROCERY Anything inn» Grocery Line. THE PIONEER HARDWARE STORE, D. P. and AViltiain Stratton are ex­ . Running broad jump. Tho Workmen have secured a J10 gold HEADQUARTERS FOR medal to be given to the bett bicycle pecting their mother out from Iowa for a , Ladies race—100 yards. visit the last of June. rider at the picnic on the 14th. < icsture drill—elocution class. Mitchell & Clark are prepared to lur- | Standing ball liainmond jump. E. D. Klwood, tho Main street jeweler, has just received a fine lino of clocks. nislt first class lumber on tdiort notice to Throwing base ball. Batting 11 “ parties going to build. Remember him if you are neoding otio. Miss Stella Patty and a lady friend of | Bicycle raco. There will probably be no fourth of July celebration in Newberg this year, McMinnville were visiting with Miss Horizontal bar and ringer. PUM PS, G A R D E N TO Standing high jump. at least we hear none talked of. West Mattie Stratton vosterjay. Blind wheelbarrow raco. Chebaletn will fly tho eagle, however. i î T - W o m a k e a Specialty of J u d s o n P o w d e r. k s AY. Wilson, the painter, is happy. Three legged raco. Don’t buy before seeing the Kimball A fine girl baby put in an appearance at 50 yards dash. pianos. his house Monday morning, w Dumb bell drill. Mr. anil Mr«. B. L. Gibbs and eon Sack race. C. C. Johnson, of Salem, was in town Tuesday and AYednesday. He and Mrs. Bradford, of AYoodlawn, old acquaintances Pule vaulting. Johnson liavo been contracted with to of O. C. Finery and family, were in town 22 yards race. have charge oi the college boarding ball over Sunday. Obstacle race. g next year. G. M. llonsley of Lodi, California, ai- Running high jump. AATo have heard of all kinds of bead rived hero last Tuesday and will spend Rolling race. necklaces, and silk, velvet, gold anil sil­ the summer with his daughter, Mrs. Liz- 11 unite race. ver neck ornaments, but an aluminum zie Patton. Tug of war. bicycle chain, fastened with a padlock is Mi-sea Matlie Stratton end Anise Potato race. something new. Brown, with their classes of little Sun­ Tennis—single—doutfic. J. C. Nelson contemplates a visit to day school people, enjoyed a picnic in the Missouri this fall. He says it doesn’t park yesterday. F o r Snlf. seem so fur as it did forty-eight years ago A farm of 250 acres, 4 '- miles north­ All ladies are cordially invited to at­ when he crossed tho plains with an ox tend tho meeting of tho AV. C. T' U. west of Newberg. F or particulars inquire team, taking six months for the journey. next AYedntday at 2:3d o ’clock in the at this ollico. Kimball pianos. Moore, Portland, Or. Y. M. 0 . A. rooms. Tinware, Stoves, Loggers’s Supplies, OLS, K T £J. J . B. MOUNT. I I . H ow ard , WATCHMAKER & JEWELER. Jb. A F II Line of Cloc’is And W atcUcs Always on Hand, at Reasonable Prices* NEWBERG, • • " OREGON B U Y Hg If you want odd sizeJ windows W. P. Heacock can make them for you. To judge from the bottles turned tip by tho plow in tho Newberg House truck Mr. Brown and family; of Oregon Ci!y, patch, it would seem that it had been visited a day or two last week with J. G. used as much for a beer garden as for any other purpose. Hadley and family. Kimball pianos, deep bass, clear treble. Jesse Edwards is now solo proprietor of Mrs. L. P. Round of Cleone, was here There is rotno talk of » college steamer tho pressed brick works, be having a few days the first of tho week. She oc­ excursion up the Columbia, probably lo bought John Wetherell's interest. Mr. cupied the pulpit at Friends church on Multnomah Falls, on the glorious Fourth. Wetheral will return to Philadelphia in a Sunday night and preached an excellent few weeks. Two kilns of brick are now sermon. What do you think about it? .. , . . ., , I burning Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mount attended the Dressmaking at residence north of | When in west Newberg, call at the dedication services at the new Evangeli­ Newberg Bank. Mas. M c D a n i e l . store of II. F. Lashier, for Groceries, cal church in LaFayette last Sunday, and ’ Noah Heater has the contract for build­ Provisions, Notions, Merchandise and enjoyed the pleasure of hearing Bishop ing a new house for A. E. Moore on his 1,001 articles required in every well regu­ Dubbs. I fruit farm a mile west oi town. It will lated household. Everything fresh and Jas. ATestal has traded his Main street I be a story and a half and well finished. new. tf residence property to II. D. F'ux for his \AVork will begin soon. A. M. Bray was in town last Monday house and lots on Meridian street. This See the Kimball Pianos before buying. getting some pointors for tho new school gives Mr. Fox a chance to get a warm J. L. Hoskins wa3 so unfortunate as to . ™ i I building that is to be put up during the meal occasionally, as his new home will lose a valuable young mare last Tuesday ; sumnier in (he Dllndee diatrl„ . A Imlet. be near liis place of business. that died quite suddenly from some | ,ng u to be called icr the 1:lst of the week \V. P. Ileacock will make your door stomach trouble. lie has a young colt to determine the location. It will no and window frames, or cut them out left that will be to feed by hand. roady to put together. lie lias a com­ 30 acres of fruit land two mile3 oast of Kimball Organa. L. V. Moore, Tort- plete stock of frame and porch materials; Newberg for sale. J. B u r t M o o r e , land. also cedar red.vood yellow and sugar Portland, Or. Dr. G. AY. McConnell left here last pine, at tho Depot Lumbar Yaid. Hava yon seen anything prettier than Monday morning for his old home in In­ Charley Butler, tho poultry man, is the yellow pine finish on the new church? diana, to visit his mother and sister who raising some fine birds for exhibition The accouetic properties of the building are both in poor health. ,1 It; will be gone at ttie fair. He recently purchased a trio are thought to be perfect also. A pin about a month and will take in the of line Plymouth Rocks from .a Cottage dropped on the pulpit can be distinctly World's Fair while he is east. Ho has a Grove breeder, and will turn his atten­ heard anywhere in tho gallery. host of friends who will be glad to see tion to this breed more in the future. L. V. Moore, Portland, Or. Kimball him back again. Screen doors and windows at the depot pianos. William McCollum got a fall last Mon­ lumber yard. K. K. IC. is guaranteed to cure rheu­ day that will lay him up for some time. The A\'. C. T. U. of McMinnville, gave matism. While working on a new barn which he j an entertainment at that place last F’ri- Frank, a young son of Amos Nelson, is building, a timber gave away and let day evening, the proceeds to go to a free fell from a horizontal bar a few days ago, him fall a distance of nine feet. He re­ rending room. Miss Ada FI. Howard, of resulting in the fracture of one of his ceived a very severe cut on the head and l ’acifie College, accepted an invitation to arms. Dr. Littlefield went out and fixed was braised up generally in a pretty bad assist them hy reciting a couple of se­ him up, and reports that he is improving shape for a man of bis age. lections, which were pronounced excel­ nicely. The ball game last Saturday between lent, doubt be at Dundee, “ James” Wilson of the corner grocery !, N o tic e t o T a x P a y e r s . A large and well selected stock of hats, The assessment roll of the city of New­ trimmings and other millinery goods will be reieved by tho firm of Baldwin & berg, Oregon, with tho city taxes levied Haworth tho last of this week. Call thereon for the year 1803, have beon placed in my hands for collection, tire early and got first choice. The friends of Harvey AA’ hito of Ma­ same are now . ¡let’ ll by un order o f the County Court of B. S. Cook and Rev. Marion George, of Salem, were in town last Friday and Saturday, looking after quarters for tho Salem people who expect to attend Friends Yearly Meeting the last of the month. Amos C. Stanbrough will represent Pacific College in tire oratorical contest at Salem tonight. If the decision in the contest rests on tho real merit of the orations wo shall look for Mr. Stan- brouge to return with tiro prizs. Of J. H. TOWNSEND. B U Y Sj, 3V8S ° f J. H. TOWNSEND. B U Y p|( 3WS °f J. H. TOWNSEND. Of BUY h J. H. TOWNSEND. rniture B U Y 3ü e d s of J. H. TOWNSEND. rdware VMnhill County. Oregon, »Lily appointed hh the Administrator o f the estate or Surah K. Smith deceased, Lite o f said county. Now therefore nil persons having claim s against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same to the undersigned nt Newberg. Yamhill County, Oregon, with proper verification there­ of. Doted this the 20th day o f May A. D. 1893. J. T. S mith , Adm inistrator o f said Estate. Ram sey & Fenton, Attorneys for Estate. Several hands with teams were at work on the college grounds yesterday plowing and leveling the campus in front of the N o tic e t o C r e d it o r s . The steamer El wood has offered to buildings. Tho intention is to summer H aving been appointed by the County Court carry passengers to Newberg and return fallow tho grounds and shape them up for Yarnhill County and State o f Oregon, A d­ m inistrator of tho Estate o f Orphu A, Ifagey d e­ from Salem, during the Yearly Meeting for tree planting and sowing to grass. ceased. All persons having claim s against said Estate of l'riomls church the last of this month, A company of young ladies nre ar­ are hereby notified and required to present the for fifty cents for the round trip, provided ranging for a fishing party tomorrow. same with tho proper vouchers within six months from the date o f tills notice at the office 200 passengers can be secured. F'are by Jr.st who will carry the bait we have not j o f L. F. Hall in Newberg, Yam hill Couuty, Ore- the river is getting down so that people been informed. The chances are that I fo il. Dated at Newberg the 10th «lav of May. 1893. E. G K a o b y . cap afford to leave homo. there aro a number of fellows around prices ure on the floor—sleep above them. ALL KINDS OF W e keep Furniture, Bedding & Carpets. Picture Frames Made to Order. W. T. MACY. Corner First and Center Streets Newberg, Oregon. p O S T O F F IC E D R U G S T O R E D c a r r ie s a r r i.L l in i : of Popular Patent and Family Medicines L ure D rugs for P rescriptions . Perfumes, Funcy anil Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Varnish and Oil Color. line lino of the Also a L A T E S T S T Y L E S of W A L L P A P E R . Blank Books, Stationery, School Books and School Supplies. tP C C -. rot) HMD D N r. C. F. MOORE & CO. Fifty cents is a small doctor bill, but j the Pacific College and Forest Grove Uni­ rescriptions arefully om i a y ob iob that is all it will cost you to cure any or­ versity teams, resulted in a walk away for the latter. Newberg wasn’t in it from dinary case of rheumatism if you use Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it and the start, and was badly boaten. For you will be surprised at the prompt relief this our boys have no one to blame but it affords. The first application will quiet themselves. They play ball only when the pain. 50 cent bottles for sale by C. there is a game up with some other team, consequent)- cannot reasonably hope to F. Moore & Co., Druggists. A . IC. C O O P E R «fc C O . Adm inistrator o f the Estate o f Orphu A. Hagey win. In baseball, as in everything else, The Newberg tile factory has been town w ho would willingly accompany the deceased. Mr. Ed. Stevens, living just west of it is practice that makes perfection. One somewhat delayed by the weather, but young ladies for this purpose. town, while driving along a rough piece Wo take this plan to Inform the public that we are better than ever prepared to sup* of two things should be d ci led upon by is now getting down to business in good of road last Friday, was riding on the Kimball pianos, endorsed hy I’atti. ply the trade this Fall in the lino of a them, either learn how to play baseball shaped Tho tile manufactured by this running gears of his wagon, and one of It was a pleasant company ol relatives or quit accepting challenges from other factory are of superior quality, and are in liis feet caught on a stump in such a and friends that gathered at the home of teams. such demand that a great deal of the time manner as to break his leg in two places Hon. J. C. Nelson on Thursday tho 25th I’a! tios desiring to set orchards this F’ail will malm money hy calling on or correo It looks to the ordinary individual like they are behind with their orders. In­ below the knee. Drs. McConnell and of Vav, tile occasion being Mr. Nelson's it would be much more humane and no ponding with us before placing their orders. creased facilities will be the next move Littlefield reduced the fracture, and .Mr. sixty-sixth birthday. There nan a good more trouble, for butchers to handle live down there. Stevens is new getting along finely. big crowd and a very enjoyable limo is calves as though they were not insensible In a letter to E. II. Skinner from hU reported. Mr. Nelson is an old pioneer, Decoration day was observed in New­ to pain. AVe see them hauled through berg atsjut after (tie usual manner. The the streets laying in wagons with their son at Marysville, Cal., he stated that the i known and respected by all Yamhill poo- W . IF. H E A C O C K , |,|Pi w| 10 will w j|j join j 0 ¡n ¡n wjshing him still who procession formed in town and marched h gs tit‘d together, being hiim|>cd over prunes in tho Santa Clara valley had i pte, to the cemetery where tho usual cere­ rough places in a way that would bruise dropped some but the yield would bo up many returns of the occasion thus eole- monies were carried out. Thu address the flesh of a dead animal. It is just as to tho average. Buyers are offering $40 j brated. Turning", Hhlngles, Lath, Pickets, Lime, Sand, Glasa, Nalla and all k l n L o f B illd in ? M its was delivered by Judge Wm. Townsend easy to put a rope around a calf’s neck ; per ton for lots of green prunes us they | Tho stars and stripes will wave over rial and B uildrra’ Hardware. W ow bora, O re g o n of Lakeview, who is hero visiting. Rev. ami then tie each end to the side of the I run, and ho knew of one choice lot where I’a< ilic College in tho future. The large ..... ■■■!■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■ I I ■■■ ■ I Noble followed with a short address, wagon in a way that will allow the calf to they offered $43 per ton. ( ’aimers ure and h indsome flag which was bought (or . .. , , , , . . , i paving seven and a half cents tier pound after which the graves were decorated. stand on its feet, or lav down m a natural , ,, tho fl ig pole that formerly stood on , , . . : . for Royal Ann cherries. The brass band and the glee club furnish­ position. Some people First alreet, has been donated to the very unthinking­ A t fr n t » n tu l IJculcrH in Are you insured? If not, now is the college by the owners, Morris, Milos & Co, ed tho music for the occasion. ly give unnecessary paiu to dumb ani­ time to provide yourself and family with A. M. Hoskins and J. T. Smith. As the mals. For a first class shave or hair-cut go to run*'/. a I k ,ttie of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera flag floats in the breeze on state occasions J. L. Myers. Dr. M. J. Davis is a prominent physi­ can s. ELMIRA HATCH. and Disrilma Remedy as an insurance in the future, the generosity of th ! do­ Bargains in 5 a o d 10 acre Fruit and Chcken Tracts, near town, on eaxy term«. Bc*t ou thu Dr. Elias Jessup by the request of tho cian of 1-ewis, Cass county, Iowa, and against any serious results from an attack nors will ho remembered by the friends ; market. \V. C. T. IT., delivered an address at lias been actively engaged in tiro practice of bowel complaint during the summer of ttie college. D r. MUr9 XTcdlcai Co , X lhhrrt, In d . Friends church last Tuesday evening of medicine at that place for the past months. It is almost certain to bo -need­ P ear flnw: For 20 years I wo* troubled w lft A* usual when the doctor talks, a good thirty-five years. On the 2(3th of May, j ed and should be procured at once. No P la n t* fo r B ale. L . D . K L W O O D », heart diaeofie. Would frequently have falling ., while in Dea Moines enroute to Chicago, . , ! , , •pell« arid Ktnotherln* at night. Hod to sit up o f crowd was present, and he u n ar ,■ lumso'f , . , . . . . . other remedy can take it* place or do its At James Heater's farm, one mile east g«*t out <;f I hj <1 to breath«). Il&d puln In my left . „ 1"’ wa* suddenly taken with an attack of , : . ' T h o N ow b erg and the subject of temperance inee justice. - . , work. 25 and 50 cent bottes h ar sale by of town, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Bide nr(l bonk moat o f the tim e: •». 1 ud I became d r o p -j« l. I waa very nervous and nearly worn Having sold Chamberlain's He took for his text a sentence from the d'arrbna. j C. F. Moore & Co., Druggists. out. 1 L .0 lu -.t excitement would cane« mo to and Tomato, at 25 cents per 100. Colie, Cholera and Diarrhcea Remedy for reply of the shepherd David to bis 15 F rank W ood . A poor country congregation found brothor: “ Is there not a cause?” and the past seventeen years, and knowing itself badly in want of hymn books. with f.iiUirtn* For the list After n year. I could proceeded to relate a number of instances its reliability, he procured a 25 cent bot­ The clergyman applied to a London firm, E w rirln p iP illa lit Ita n n lrn . r,oi sleep on ni r leftside or back umii t.-c«n laldriv Keeps a full lin e of tle, two dos s of which completely cured our Acw» H ea rt C a rr. I Lud not taken U very of recent date, to prove that there is great We have a set of the Americanized En­ f .ng until I felt much belter, end I ran now steep anil asked to tie supplied at the lowest him. The excitement and change of on either side or bock without tbe least dlscom- need for agitation on this subject. The W ATCHES, 'Church) rates. The firm replied that cyclopedia for sale at one fourth value. f ;rt I Lave no pain, smothering, dropsy, no wind Glee Club rtndered sonic excellent rau»ic, water and diet incident to traveling often on condition the hymn lK lir-l t verse with $ lini« MmNliiwkMi **•«!*•$ here. Good music, Is.tli vocal and in­ fervor. When they reached the last strumental, has lieen provided, and an '«* rut. «nheriircli iiniriwttell. Why line they f nind this was what they had i"«$ y «dl? « -m* • an» i.ter f • interesting program will lie carried out. dont h T on «-un «K. Ih » w ork unti li* « been singing: t nh-r («r y n ar#. f v#n S#- Among oil.er features wi!F 1« a bicycle [iaam *rs ••»•tir wnrnin« front f i ta llnn.Uy All »»'a. Wrahnw ym Hot* ' Hark the herald insets >107. We a :p pr«*p. r»*d *o m »kr t superior «i'ialllr o f dra*n t l> in «11 « r.«*«. I «rge order» prom ptly race an i other athletic «port* and games. inti atari roti. ( an work In *(M.r« t!:n« ih c l. « n i .o 'p » im U mh * «>l letted. Price liai on application. Corner Ham «b Daytou Street*. B eccham < p-.il. .r e J..«: the rhtng. The only l ’are Cream o f T a r t a r I \'o Ammonia; No Aiuta. >f «II lb # flirt# IM» m ow #y tnr w o r h - You can't afford to ini s it. Fiver) bo y Peare na earth ca t mercy ra'ld, Â k W .. Lv P a i n t e r , ft # j Used ia Milliouj Homes— 40 Years the SluudarJ. USTE W E E IR * G-, : OP k E G O N . Two fer mail aa-l on. for valid. tomo. ¿1. liu t i« :li «fc C o ., 1*0 A fe •> I ’ vi Hauti, %1 uiiK» Newberg Nursery, GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FRUIT TREES. DEPOT LUMPER YARD. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Doors and Windows, Brackets, ]\/£ARIS cSs COLCORD, R E A L E ST A T E . HEART DISEASE 20 YEARS. THOUSANDS S.KS Sold by C. F. MOORE CO. JEWELER, I I A D L E Y , H U N T & GO. s First oi Class Drain Tile.