5 mo. 19th, 1815, He was a birthright member of the Friends church and was converted in early life. He was married to Keziab Brown according to Friends ceremony at West Grove meeting in N E W B E R G , OZE^ZEG-OLT. Tho bicycli ts of tho Willamette valley within lliroe miles ot said road proposed Wayne counry, Ind., 10 nr.o. 22, 1835. to he improved) when confirmed by tho north ot Salem contemplate a grand mob­ Soon after their marriage they settled j court shall constitute a first lien on t fro ilization to swoop down on that date in real estate respectively assessed, which the near future. It is said the procession near Walnut Ridge, Rush county, Ind., lien shall relate hock and bind the real 1 will proceed via McMinnville.— Reporter. and courageously began the work of DIRECTORS: estate so assessed from the time of the l building a borne in what was then g c o n n e l l g c h r is t e n s o n w k a i len An attempt was mado to rob Wilson & thing of ttic petition. heavy timbered country. There have | G. W . M I T C H E L L , A . It. M I L L S . After tho improvement has teen order- I Henderson’s safe at tho City stables last ed and the assessments confirmed, the Friday night. Joo Brower, who was been born to them three sons and five A m p le Facilities A fforded for the Transaction o f a General B anking Business. daughters, all of whom have been mar- court shall let the contract for the con-, T IIE M Fi.Q5VF.U8. sleeping in tho next room, was awakened G . W . M i t c h e l l , Pres. A . It. M i l l s , Vice Pres. M o se s V o t a w , C ashier. ied and are living. Four of the daugh­ O ra fruit growers, in view of the pres­ striiction of tho work us a whole or in Take a feller 'at's sick and laid up on the shelf, parcels as it may deem best upon proper by the rattling of tho combination knob. ters are living in Newberg. Brother and All shaky, and ga'nted, and pore— ent excellent prospects for a big fruit notice, etc. j Ho secured bis pistol and waited develop­ Jes all so knocked out ho can t handle yield, would do well to begin to discuss A ll work on said improvements shall j ments. Joe is as brave as any of them, sister Hastings have walked together in hlsself plans for its disposal. Tho next thing lie done under tho aupervision of th e ; bat this was a situation ho hadn’t calcu­ happy union more than 57 years, sharing With a stiff upper lip any more; alter a minimum cost of production, qual­ road master of the counly or any other 5 lated on, and was a little puzzled to know each others joys and burdens with a de­ Shet him up all aloue In the gloom of a competent trerson of tho county appointed j votion and common interest that has room ity considered, should always he tho con­ by the county court. As soon as the eon- j what to do. To open tho door might As dark as the tomb, and as grim, sideration of a means ot disposal that will tract or contracts are let for the construc­ give him an uneven fight, if there were lieen tlie ruling characteristic of their And then take and send him some roser lives. During Ids entire life since his realize to tho producer the highest possi­ tion ot tho work, the supeiintendent shall \ in bloom. 0 ) assess upon all tho lands iienefilted, | two of them, so after waiting a little he conversion he lias taken a deep interest 6 c-----------o --------- ble price. This is to Ire uttained by con- And you can have fun out o’ him! , . , ratably upon the amount of benefits as clicked his pistol and the burglar was in tho church and although for many certed action more than in any other way. (.ontj1IIU.,i am) a,¡judged by the county You've ketched him ’fore now—when his liver out ot tho stable ami across tho street A buyer will very quickly recognize ex- court, such sum as may he necessary to j quicker than scat. Ho didn’ t get the safe years he resided four miles from his was sound meeting he was faithful in its attendance, cellence in size or preparation of fruit | pay tor the work and all costs and ex And his appetite notched like a saw— open, and Joe’s pistol is still loaded.— Re­ thus fulfilling the command, “ Neglect A-mockin’ you, maybe, for romancin’ round offered for sale, but it is a business prin­ ponses accrued and to accrue, not exceed­ porter. ing tho whole benefits adjudged upon With a big posy-bunch in your puw; not tho assembling of yourselves together But you ketch him, say, when his health is ciple to buy as cheaply as possible, and any tract. The county treasurer shall ! W illie Johnson and another boy killed as tlie manner of some is,” and set an ex­ if tlie producer has no hacking ho is very thereupon execute certificates w hich eer-1 away a rattlesnake in tlie vicinity of the ceme­ ample that is well worthy of our follow­ Aud he’s on his back in distress, likely to he compelled to take a lower tify the sum assessed against each tract I Aud then you cau trot out your little price than be otherwise would. Hence it of land respectively that tlie same is to j tery Wednesday. Don’t often see them ing oven in the busy days in which we tie paid in ten equal installments in one, lierea bouts.— Reporter. bokay live. During his life he has been is as essential that sellers should meet two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, And not be insulted, I guess. Hoover ICingery, who came up from specially particular to observe the 1st day and discuss plans, as for fruit raisers to nine and ten yearn from tho date of cer­ You see it’s like this, what his weakness is— tificate, and that the whole amount of ihe California last fall, has had poor health of the week as a day of devotion to God do so. Them flowers makes him think of the days certificate may he paid at any time by ever since, and will return to California and his work. Of Ills innocent youth, aud that mother o’ the owner of the land against which the as soon as able.—Reporter. Ho came to Oregon in Ihe autumn of JI<:lll’SAI.KH ON' A BOOM. his assessment Is mado. Such certificate 1889 and settled in Newberg where he And the roses that she used to raise; Tho news that J. V. Wager, formerlly Boom towns in the west where corner shall bear interest at tho rate of eight per Bo here, all alone with the roses you send. cent per annum, and if any installment is editor of tho l'endleton East Oregonian, has since lived. He had a severe attack Bein’ sick and all triinbly and faint— lots und acre pro|iorty go higher than not paid when due the whole certificate has reached tho bottom of the ladder and of the La Grippe about two years ago My eyes is—my eyes is—my eves is—old a kite in a very short time, aro a part of shall becorao due and payable. Such is an inmate of the Portland jail, charged | from which ho had never entirely re­ friend— certificate may be paid out by tho county the history of the country, hut who ever During his lingering illness Is a leakin’—I ’m blamed ef they ain't. A L W A Y S OUST ZHZ^ZLTID. with forgery, will ho heard with sorrow covered. treasurer on a warrant ordered by the expectoil that Jerusalem, the Holy City, —James Whitcomb Kiley. county court in payment for any labor by those who knew the man either per­ since that time he has manifested great would loom up us a boom town at this performed on said road improvement as sonally or by reputation, in his better patience and frequently expressed him- A i.EAUSKD M. D. lias ventured tlie day and ago of tho world? It seems iiu may negotiate and sell such certificate days. One of ttie brighest minds in Ore­ i self that he was ready for the change statement that the cholera is easier to rattier remarkablo to read tho following at, not less than par value thereof, aiTd j that seemed to be approaching. Two ihe proceeds of said sale shall be kept by gon has been ruined by the use of liquor. manage than the grip. Tho people of from tho report of tho United Ktatcs the treasurer as a separate fund to be The gifts of eloquence and statemanship, I (lavs before his death he said to one who this country are just now very anxious consul at Jorusalom: used only in payment of the expenses of high courage am] unsullied honor, have was watching with him that ho would "T w o acres that wero »old in 1890 for said improvement, and shall bo paid out for him to prove it. been stolen from him by an insidious not have to cough much longer. He $250 per aero sold in 1891 for $750; 12 by him only on a warrant drawn on said habit, and one who might havo been tho peacelully fell asleep in Jesus at 6:39 p. improvement fund by order of tlie county I t is all right aud proper to show due acres sold in 1899 for $135 per acre, sold court. leader of his party and an honor to his in , 5 mo. 22, 1893. His life work was respect to distinguished foreigners who in 181)2 for $2,178; seven ucres sold in This is the substance of tlie law passed, state occupies a felon’s cell. I t is an ob­ done. His toils and conflicts were over, visit this country, hut the demonstrations 1886 for $363 per aero, sold in 1892 for as above stated. Under Ibis law when­ ject lesson that young men should study and like a shock of corn fully ripe, he was in honor of princess Eululie, who is no $6,534; two acres sold in 1886 for $1,200 ever a majority of tho resilient land own­ gathered to the Heavenly garner. He ers within three mile« of any road, desire, und profit by. C onviviality may be tho better than a million other women, is be­ per aero, sold in 1802 for $3,000; half an thev can have said road improved and road to distinction, but it is often the might have said with tho Apostle, “ I aero sold in 1881 for $200 Hold in 1892 for made so that it is a good substantial road, coming a little wearisome. road to sorrow and doath. Tho Democrat have finished ray course.” Likowiso he $3,700 that is, for thu ball aero; ono acre free from mud in winter and dust in sum­ The memorial sermon earnestly ho[ies that J. B. Wager may be yo ulso ready. T bvino M c Q caby has sold tho Athena sold in 1872 for $40, sold in 1892 for mer, and have ten years to pay for the dealt with leniently, and that there is wa3 preached by Thomas C. Brown. sanm. Press to J. W. Smith, late principal of $12,(HK); two-thirds of an aero, sold in enough of iiis former manhood remaining The text was, “ l ’reeious in the sight of the Athena schools, who in partnership 1866 for $100, Hold in 1891 for $3,600; one SOMKTIIINO TO T H IN K ABOUT. to rebuild his character and restore him the I.ord is the death of his saints. witli a former employe of the office acre sold in 1865 for $ 1,000, sold in 1891 H. J H . to his proper place among men.— Marion Psalm 116, 15. Mr. Carroll D. Wright gives us some named Boyd, will undertake to do the for $24,000. These aio not in one section County Democrat. or locality, but in different, directions very interesting facts. Ho estimates— pilot act on tho sea of journalism. about tho city, varying from one-fourth of and in the matter of statistics ho is an K. W . H A D L E Y * R eceiver. R ki - obts indicate an unusually large a inilo to ono luilo distant from tho expert—that there are in thi3 country at the present time rather more than twen­ yield of peaches in Maryland. The town.” Low rates between San Francisco and Port­ ty-two millions of persons who aro “ en­ Mrs. Gibson, of Olnev, Wash., is visit­ land and mountain districts are found to be excel­ gaged in gainful occupations.” SUNDAY O l'L N IS U . ing her brothers, G. F . and J. E . Ileslon. lent for peaches and land that went beg­ V A L L E Y DPOITTTS Subtracting from our sixty-five millions The report comes from all over this dis­ ging a few years ago at a few dollars per The first Sunday ojieniiig of the River Steamers Wm. M. Hoag & Three Sisters most of tho wives and daughters, all of JQT W rite for Particulars. Correspondence Con­ trict of excellent work being done on the leave Portland Sunday, Wednesday and Friday acre is now selling at $100 por ac.-o. World's Fair took place last Sunday anil at ♦> a. in. Leave Salem, north, Tuesday, Thurs­ Iho decrepit and aged, and ali tho school roads. day and Saturday at 6 a. m. a large crowd was in attendance. The fidential. Passenger fare, Newberg to Portland or Sa­ J. L. S tevens , ex-Unitod States minis­ clamor for Sunday opening has boon children, it will ho soon that wo are a The May Crescent is now ready for dis­ lem, 50 cents. ter to Hawaii, has declared his intention made largely on the pretext that it would work a day nation in its shirt plocvos. tribution. It is one of the best numbers For any information desired, address to send out an address to tho American lie in the interest of the laboring classes. Tho class ot do-nothings because they of the year. R. E. MULCAHY, have too much money and tlie other C. T. WARDLAW, Oen’l people, in which he will defond his Wo believe, however, that the demand Preaching at the Christian church next T. F. it P. A. Corvallis, Or. class of do-nothings because they are course as a foreign minister in raising the has been largely by those who want to Sunday at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. in. by born loafers do not count for innch either Hag over the state buildings of a friendly make money out of tho visitors on that T. R. CUMMINGS. A L L E N S M IT H . in number or influence. But Mr. Wright Rev. Glasscock. government. day, on tho one hand, aud those who A. M. Hadley, Miss Myrtle Price and adds that not only is the aggregate of would he glad to seo tho Christian Sab­ J. D. B ell, P rop rietor. those who do not work on tho increase, Mrs. S. S. Graham and children boardod D cbino the i ’uris exposition tho Amer­ bath broken down on tho other. Sunday Of Dcs Moines, Iowa, writes under date of tho Portland train at this place yesterday hut also the aggregate of those who are March 20, 1WW: ican exhibits wero closed to tho public opening can only accommoduto tho la­ morning. I am prepared to do a general delivery busi­ on Sunday. Now a number of foreign boring classes within roach of Chicago, willing to work, hut can't get it. Thoro’s ness. Goods or express delivered to any part S. B. M e d . M fo . C o , Springbrook Christian Endeavor reports of the city at reasonable rates. Headquarters countries have a chance to administer and just why these should bo accommo­ tho rub. That is the reason for tho ex­ Dufur, Oregon. at Morris, Miles & Co's store. a similar rebuko to America, and they dated, when in so doing a precedent is istence of labor organizations, for strikes, a very enjoyable sociable held in the new Gentlemen: On arriving home last week, I found all proceeded to do so last Sabbath. This is established that will in tho near future he and for tho unceasing conflict between store room at that place ono evening tho capital and labor. well and anxiously awaiting. Our little , first of tho week. reciprocity of another kind. a blow to the interests of the toilers all girl, eight and one-half years old, wlio j The remedy? There is but one. Sirs. J. It. .Smith, Mrs. J. It. Mount and over tho country, we are unablo to see. Skilled labor is nearly always in great do had wasted away to 38 pounds, is now We are ready to do any kind of work in our Mrs. Hash attended La Fayette Seminary A W ashington man lias patented a The Christian Sabbath ns a day of rest well, strong and vigorous, and well line. Plans and specifications furnished on ap­ mand. A first-class workman is seldom fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done plication. Stair building aud saw filing a spe­ commencement Wednesday and report novel invention. It is a device for rais­ has been encroached upon, little by little, cialty. Residence, corner 3d aud Meridian Sts. its work well. Both of the children like out of a job. It is necessary, therefore, an excellent program well carried out. ing sunken ships, by placing large air by grasping corporations, and laborers it. Your 8 B. Cough Cure has cured I _________ for tho new generation to eoaso dawdling, tight rubber hags in them and by means have been compelled to work on Sunday Paul Mary this week purchased the A. O ak C ro v e P o u ltry Y a rd is the place to and kept away all hoarseness from me. to give up being jacks of all trades, to of hose und air pumps inflating them, against their wishes or lose their jobs, M. Hoskins seventeen-acre tract from Mrs. buy eggs of the leading breeds of poultry at So give it to everv one, with greetings for j J 4 A Y fA T T f t T T ’p ' I t 1 I t 'T ? P lowest prices. G. Everest, Newberg. Ore. all. Wishing yon prosperity, we are 1 ,v ' 1 4CMJ J. A U I V . thus causing the wrecks to float. Sort of until in many lines of business tho day give themselves voheinontlv to soma Louisa Round. He will now have some special department, and to become mas­ Yours, M r . & M r s . J. F F o r d . -------- "raising tho wind,” as it were. op|iortuiiity for recreation as there are laborers’ day of rest has become quite an ters of that. There never yet was a time Rheumatism, Fits fepilepsy), SorofulK, If vou wish to feci fresh and cheerful, ami some big stumps on tire place. uncertain quantity, and wo believe that ready for the Spring's work, cleanse your sys­ Liquor, Morphine or Tobacco Habit, T he world’s fair is a national institu­ laborers who have been clamoring for when it was not easier to earn $4 a day tem with the Headache aud Liver Cure, by quickly and permanently cured by the A New Brick. beianse you are worth it than to earn $1 taking two or three doses each week. tion, originating with congress, largely Sunday o|Hining will seo the grave mis­ wonderful B I-C H LO R ID E of GOLD That Newberg is to havo another brick 50 cents per bottle by all druggists. a day at work which a million others can treatment. supported by congressional appropriation, take they have made when it is too late. business house this season, is now a Sold under a positive guarantee by C. F. do as well as y o u ; and, as Iho New York RJIPTTMATTQlf (The " ric *ci<4 entirely ex- Moore & Co. and yet there aro people absurd enough Wo are glad to noto that many of the f lU L U lU f illO !U polled from the blood), Hera'd says, ihe lesson is clear and it is settled fact. A company consisting of i Cured in from five to thirty days. to elaim that tho institution of tho Sab­ state buildings were closed to visitors Messrs. Hans, (i. C. and N. C. Christen­ WE SELL FOU \ O T f (Epilepsy) Permanently cured: no re­ WE BUY FOR li bath should be overthrown in order to Among this number wore Missouri, Dele- emphatic.— Scientific American. son and Dr. G. W . McConnell, will us turn of the disease from two to four r weeks treatment. gratify tho curiosity o( Chicago's mongrel waro, New York, Virginia, West Virginia, speedily as possible begin the erection of T il r. it li.u is r t u IM H . C tp n n rn r A a,1<1 the worst eases of inherited population. Pennsylvania, North Dakota, Now Hamp­ such a building at the corner of First and O b fiU r U L t t Mo.id taint quickly aud perma- I neutly cured. The largest theatre in tho world is tlie Washington street*, just west of the new shire, Rhode Island, Now Jersey, Con­ n D T T W F r W r W Cured In from 20 to SO davs. T he private ear used by I’ rcs. Lincoln necticut, Maryland, Massachusetts and new Opera-house in Paris. It covers post-oilice building. It is to be a double UnUnMjrlDilD m i l It. II OKI-it INK'or TOK lC Tu lialiit cured 10 to 20 days. thirty years ago lias been in use for some Utah. On tho doors of the I’ ay state nearly throe acres of ground; its cubic building, 50x76, two stories high, tlie No restriction or publicity. l\iticnt.s (of the late firm of Smith & Haworth.) have en­ time as a boarding car for section men on house was the following legend: "B y or­ mass is 4,287,000 feet; it cost aboat front to be faced with pressed brick. Wo tered into partnership and will engage in the cured at their own homes. 40,000 suffer­ a Colorado road, it is now Issing re-fur­ der of the great and general court of 100,000,000 francs. Tho largest suspen­ havo not learned who will occupy the Millinery business at Mrs. Baldwin’s, one door ers cured in 8 years. nished in its former condition at Omaha Massachusetts this building is closed on sion bridge is tho ono between New York building when completed, but it is safe lo west of the post office, under the firm name of Full particulars without charge, address and will bo taken to tho World's Fair. the Lord’s day.” The building* erected City and Brooklyn; the length of the say that it will not long remain unoc­ B A LD W IN ¿ l H A W O R T H . It will bo sought out and viewed with by tlre.it ltrilian, Canada, New South main span is 1,595 foot 6 inches; tho en­ cupied. I Having the largest stock of Millinery Goods venoration by many thousands of visitors Wales and oven India were closed to visi­ tire length of tho bridge is 5,980 feet. ‘4 1 5 P o w e l l S t . f Sa n F r a n c i s c o , C a l. i C. F. Butler, Breeder and Fancier of Lt. Brah­ ; ever brought to this city we cordially invite C ru elty to A n im a l* . tors. Let Americans hang their heads in Tho loftiest active volcano is Popocatapetl I the ladies of Newberg and vicinity to call aud ma Fowls. Puke of York and Auto­ crat strains. A n Oregonian is not truly an Oregon­ shame and never refer to “ heathen In­ —"smoking mountain” —thirty-five miles i inspect them before purchasing elsewhere. If there were a society for tho preven­ ian unless he stands up for Oregon inter­ dia” again. A ll the buildings, however, southwest of Puebla, M exico; it is 17,748 tion of cruelty to animals in this section Stock first class in every respect Kegs for sale and satisfaction guaranteed. ests. If, ns is Htatcd, the Salem cannery that are under tho control of Ciii-le i feet above the sea level, and has a crater it might occasionally find something to OREGON NEWBERG last year sold its output o[ straw berries to Sam” wero locked and tlie flags were three miles in circumference, and 1,000 claim its attention. A good many people a California firm to he labeled and sold as taken down. Whether Sunday opening feet deep. The longest span of wire in seem to think that cruelty to animals con­ California fruit, that institution is hardly will continue or not is to ho decided in tlie world is used for a telegraoh in In­ sists only in treating them, but judging NEWBERG. OREGON. II. D. F O X , Prop rietor, deserving of success. It is such mean the courts. dia over tire river Kistnah. It is more from the appearance of some cattle occa­ We have just received from New York a large NEWBERG, : OREGON. MR8. M. J. NASH, l’ np. work us this that has prevented a proper than 6,000 (eet in length, and is 1,200 sionally seen, and some of the teams that ; stock of recognition of Oregon's nnei|ualed fruit feet high. The largest Hliip in the world may bo noticed on the streets from time The cheapest place to buy N E W U O A O I .A W . SIE-A-SOIST A.BJL j IE 3 A good supply of resources. Stand up for Oregon. was tho Great Eastern. She was 680 to time, it seems that an easy case might IMII H D ITST ZE JIR , YL A large and enthusiastic public meet feet long, 83 feet broad, and 60 foot deep, Ire made on a charge of starvation. In a Ijice Curtains, Ribbous, Towels Kte. ' of superior quality aud latest styles. We are ine of tlie citizens was held at Salem oil In-ing 28,627 tons burden. 18,195 gross, Main Street, - • Xcwbers, Ore. also prepared to do land of plenty like this, where feed is ea­ U nci . k S am . is a reai nice fellow and last Friday to consider tho necessity for, and 13,33-4 nut register. sily obtained, no man has any excuse for bis power is mighty when any favore are f a s h io n a b l e : d r e s s m a k in g , and to take such steps as may be neces­ The greatest fortress, from a strategical starving his team or other stock, and he wrsnted, but when he asks flint tire ohris- , , ^ , . . , and invite the ladies of Newberg and vicinity sary toward tho improvement of tho (Mint ot view, is the famous stronghold of who persistently docs aneh a thing is as ! Usually on band. Our endeavor is to supply ^ ca]j an«l see tis. First street, 2 doors east of tmn Sabbxtli he observed bv Ilio closing our patrons with the best of everythin* in our Morris. Mile» A Co. wagon roads leading to Salem, under the Gibraltar. It occupies a rocky peninsula guilty of cruelty to animals as if he beat of thè gates at thè world's fair, Ilio city liue. Main street, cue door north of Hard- , , „ , . ot Chicago claims thè proprietorehip of new law. As there are a large numUer of jutting out into the sea, alnjut three or otherwise maltreated them. W e know wick s photo gallery. thè show, and sets up thè pica flint inter­ our rendere w ho are no doul.t ignorarli of miles long and three-quarters of a mile of a few cases ol this kind, an 1 wo hope thè provisiona ef tho newr law we noto thè wide. One centrai rock rices to a height to eee an improvement soon, or we may- ferente witli Flato ond municipsl rights of 1.43.4 feet above sea level. Its feel called upon to mention the matter bv thè generai governtnent is not con- , following freni Ilio Capital Journal: This law, whieh was passivi at thè last northern face is almost perpendicular, et ¡tilt ¡oliai. again. I Pession of tire legislature on Ilio 22d ol February, 1S >3, previde*, that. "when » while its east side is full of tremendous I f you want gootl and cheap home«, Main Street, NEWBERG, OREGON. Si'litMtl 11 «»port. I t i s rumored that Prof. Jordan has r e ­ ! majority of thè resident land holders of precipices. On the south it terminates in a healthy locality on the Southern Report of Piirrett Mountain school, N ewbero , O regon . signed the presidency of tlie 1 .eland tire connty whoso landa are withiu throe in what is called Europa I'oint. The Having opened a stock of Millinery at Mrs.) Stanford Jr. university. Tho reason giv­ ! miles of Ilio propeseti iinprovements pre- west side ¡ a less steep than the oa*t, and «listrirt No. ;*4, for tlie month beginning sonl a |ictilion tn Ilio intinti court of ani Davis’s old stand on Main Street, I respectfully 1 en for the resignation is that Senator conntv, stating tire Limi of improvement between its base an 1 the sea is the nar­ May 1, and ending May IT». invite the ladies of Newberg to call ami see me. CO Stanford has for some time l>een ratlior | asked for and thè points bclween which row, ulmost level span on which the town No. ei days taught, 25 dissatisfied with tho manner in which thè sanie is asbed, thè said county court, of Gibralter is built. rito fortress is con­ Total enrollment, 422 Prof. .Ionian has managed university if it tic satisfiivl that thè propose.! iin- sidered impregnable to military assault. No. of day« attendance, provement would Ire of publlc utility, 78 affairs. It is understood that the resig­ mav appiani throe disintereslrd honse- The regular garrison in time of peace ” *• ” absence, , . T h e Irest and most popular breed. My endeavor will >e tv pleve. by eeUraf for sale at $2 tier setting o f 15. Average daily attendance, nation will take effect at tho close of the hohlers of Ilio munti- viewers, and n coni numbers about 7,009. good g.xnls at a reasonable margin of profit. ^ AB O V E T H E A V E R A G E . | petent surveyor or erigimv-r, to procedi. Tire Olimene Wall is the largest in tlie No. of time« tardy, 0 school year. M R S . C. P. KCf4YON. C all on or address, g H o b S O Il. , un n ilsy named hy tire county court, to world. It was completivi by the first em­ No. of visitor«, 19 U nim proved land ?12 to $2T per uoiv. esamino, liew . lay out, vtraighten, or M onday ' s Oregonian remarks that there chsnge suoli road ha in their j'i.lgment peror of tho Tain dynasty, about 220 B. r o m . of notion. Large farms 8-jo lo $.V) per acre. 4'lo.tr- Lowell Uriatow, Gertie aro some hiatoric spots ot earth in Oregon pillili utility or con venie noe reqnires; C , as a protection against Tartars. It oil land tn •"> to 2” acre lot*. $49 to $•’*> that shouM he purchased and preserved and if thè said viewois timi that sin li im- traversivi tlie northern bound irv of China W illie r.dward«, Ella Parrott, Paiay por acre. n Hold on there. Mr. Man! Stop washing your hs such, stating that a state historical so­ provement wiil l e of puhlic utility or om- and is carried over tlie highest hills, Vinaon, Annie Heater, W illie IIenter and vonìence, and that tire costa and expensos *hirt in the river. Go to Quong Lee if you want ciety ia being organized. We are glad to theroof and datn iges R icreili tv ili Ivi less through the deepest valleys, across rivers Cleveland Heater, Giciirm m: L aw *. your »hirt done up nice. He says he will wash Teacher. hear this latter piece of news. AI suit a , than tire benefit* of tire 1 and within threo and every other natural obstacle. Its and tended In giswl shape, one, tivo or N your dirty shirts and make them look “ ille© NEWBERG year ago we heard some stir in this di­ miles of aneli iniproveruents, thoy sbafi length is t.'JYt mile*. Including a para­ three year*. ?so to $1U) per acre. same© like »now on Mt. Hood.” White shtrt I have just received a full line of new good», O b ituary. washed and ironed. 10 cents. Collars and cuffs t/om -pondt lice -d ieited. Aildrees, rection since which time everything has tipnn Si tuai vicw of all landa within threo pet 5 feet, tlie total height of the wall is latest pattern« arad best qn *i;ty. and will | miles of thè Improvement, appution thè sell at a» low figure* a* the quality of