NEWBERG GRAPHIC. ISSUED EVK'.IY FBI DA Y MOHNIXO. EDITORS AND r i’KUSIIERs: E. H . W oodward and O hm . 0 . E m ery . F R ID A Y , M A Y 19, 1303. Entered a . «coond olas» "ratter at the olticc » I Newberg, Oregon. post MOUNT HOOD. A bit o f »w ard outspread beneath the trees, A few bright flowcri bending to the breeze, OAT to the left a rock bound, babbling rill, In tiny cascade« letp la g dawn the hill. Th ere to the right a sketch o f water gleams, So quiet lu Its solitude, It seems A mammoth m irror on whose polished face Each blush of nature Dnds a resting place. Far to the east, (be ours the artist's mood.) W e catch the beauties o f far famed Mount H ood ; And many pleasing landscapes Intervene, A ll gaily decked iu russet, brown and green. Mouut Hood, enveloped in thy robe of snow, Do (Ires volcanic in thy bosom glow? What secrets do thy Inner depths conceal? Say, shall we soon thy sullen quaking feel? W ill streams of lava from thy summit. Hi>w, Consuming all w ithin their paths below? Or w ilt thou always In mute grandeur lie, To grace the landscape and delight the eye? Thou art so vast—impressive as the tea l— A silent index o f eternity. —L. IF. Canady, in Iron Worker. A nother Monmouth pajter lias sue- cnmbotl to tho inevitaplo. 1’eoplo will get the impression after a while that Monmouth isn’t a real good newspaper town. T ill! Chines« exclusion law has been declared constitutional by tho supremo court. Grover has a big job on bis bands now and no available cash to carry out the law. As A result of an excursion on which whiskey flowed freely, three Albany men fell into the Willamette at Corvallis one ■lay last week and on i of them was drowned. A n Albany man fell through a liolo in the sidewalk and broke one of bis legs, and for this ho asks tho city to pay him $75. It was a store leg or the price would have been higher. W h ilr inspector Lot an is refusing to land Chinamen at Portland, the Now York inspectors are engaged in a similar business, having returned a number of destitute Europeans during the week. C laus S freckelb is showing by his work recently that ho cuts a bigger (lgure In Hawaiian afT.iirs than many have mip- posed. Itut (Hans found Cleveland a harder man to work than tho unsophisti­ cated llawaiians. T he :access of the Perrydalo I'nlriot is assurod. I t is only seven weeks old, and yet it tells of a l ’orrydale lien that lays three eggs a day, and of another having a brood of chicks, having from ton to fif­ teen toes each. C. C. PoutniTY, senior editor of the Dallas eleven em newspaper, is a delegate to the National Editorial Association which meets in Chicago this month. For the good of the fraternity in Oregon it is to ho hoped that his trip may rosull in nn expansion of at least the columns of his paper. I t is to ho hoped that wherever the Soldiers’ Homo is eventually located n saloon will not ho considered one of the essentials in its equipment, as is done in a number of such institutions. After all. it is not so much where it is ns how it is conducted, that tho people of Oregon should bo interested in. C arlisle H arris will go down in his tory ns a man ol wonderful nerve.— Capi tal Journal. A brute who could as tlulih crutolly kill an unsuspecting woman ns ho did might ba expected to have nerve. The foot is Carlisle Harris ought not to go down to history, hut ho forgotten like any other “ nervy” animal. »■—' 1 1 ' — 3 T he good old times aro gone when the editor was asked *o advertise at otuvhall regular rales for sotno patent medicine man and take his pay in pills and plasters, l i e la non asked to take his pay in Florida swamp land at two or three dollars per front foot, hut with no appre­ ciable improvement in tho price of adver­ tising space. Tho Chicago Inter-Ocean says: You can always jiivlge a town by its news­ paper. Never buy town lots or land where a |>oor half-starved newspaper is: pnblished. Newspapers those days are a iioceosity, not a luxury. They are so cheap (hat tho poorest man can have them unless ho is running a hill at a saloon. It matters not how many city paperi a man may take, ho should give uu honest support to his home paper. I f any one has an idea that those 400 or more Chinamen that failed to make a landing from tho Damilie in Portland, will go right back to tho flowery kingdom and give it-up os a had jnh, they uro away ufiT. There are tricks in nil trades, mid even now, in all probability, these orientals are luxuriating in filth and opium in sonio of tho Washington towns or even Portland itself. The landing of Chinese has como to be a trade, nn 1 ninny nre engaged in the business, and one would doubtless I k > safe in saying that 50(1 celestials are smuggled into Hie * oilntry for every ono detected and sent hack. From the present outlook the on­ ly way to get away from the Chinese in a few years will he to go to China. I t would tie hard to imagino any set of people more hoggish than those world's fair 1 -eople. Everybody has supposed that if they went to tho world's fair they would have to pay exorbitant rates for everything, hut no ono ever dreamed Hist a fellow would lie debarred from giving anything away if lie chose to do so. *nd vet this very thing lias been done California, Oregon and Washington have turu..should he high, or even normal, many lines of wort:, among which wero found out what merit there is in goose- all arranged to givo away samples o f , higher water may irotn Juno IT to July , “ Alaskan Affairs,” “ Sabbath Desecra­ l-.-rrics, how keen and appetizing the thoir fruit products n' tho, hut notico 10 than if the temperature should remain tion,” “ L'oiversai Suffrage,” “ State Fair” flavor when used as rliuhaib is, while was served at llio various headquarters it below In « norma). In any event it ii ami “ Portland Exposition,” “ Systematic green; and bow easily kept in jirs for N E W B E R G , O R E C r O lT . few days ago that nothing of tho kind jietfectly safe to say that the river at G iving,” and the following on the home frequent enjoyment all through the year. would he allowed. The roasott given is , l ’ortiand will lio by June 20 up to the application of our principles of peace: They have a special und most agreeable that dealers have paid for the privilege of 22 foot mark on tho river gauge at the “ Inasmuch as the familiar handling of flavor, t'ranberrie» have little than color firearms remove I from tho mind the evil anil acute acid.— .V. } ’. Tribune. selling fruit, and such action by lit« foot of Stark street, and may be higher. Rose» can ho successfully budded on Tho Columbia D rising rapidly, having resulting from their use und is incon.dst- states named would lie an infringement D I Î Ô E O 'Î O S . S : of their rights. Tito superintendents of gained nearly eight inches last night aud tent with teachings of our peace depart­ pencil tree», according to a .Santa Clara, a. w . M c C o n n e l l , g . c\ c h p j s t e n s o n , w . k . allen Cal., correspondent of I'l'c/.’s Month1 g. G. W . M I T C H E L L , A . 1?. M I L L S . tho states mentioned say they will pay no all the experienced river men here pre­ ment, therefore lie it He says; “ I have seen a three and lour- Resolved, that we discourage tho u»e of dict the highest water known for 20 attention to the order. weapons of any kind in our L. T. L. drills i year-old peach tree bioom as nature A m p io fa c ilitie s A i forded for the Transaction o f a General H an kin g Busiues^. years. 11. 8. F a q u e . and the placing of toy guns and pistols in would have it on some branches early in CL W . M itch e ll , Prc-s. A. It. M il l 3, Vice Pres. M oses Y otaw , Cashier. I t has been heralded all over the coun­ A p ril; then from May to August hang NTATE \7. C. T. r . CONVENTION. the hands of our children at home.” try that at some time during the month As the rush of br.siness crowded out thick W'th branches of white, pink and F. E. HAD LEY. J. R. IIF N T . A. HODGSON The eleventh annual convention of the of June, some three hundred cow hoys the Mothers’ Meeting that was to he led yellow roses—a perfect wonder to pass­ ers-by.” Oregon W. C. T . U. was hold at Astoria, will start from Chadion, Nebraska, at by Lucy P. Haworth, we decided to have There is scarcely any better insecticide sunrise for a race of over seven hundred May 9 to 12 inclusive. To those who for one held on board tho boat during our re­ Ilian kerosene, made into an emulsion, Manufacturers cf miles to tho Nebraika building at tho tho first time now visited this city by tho turn, so after securing the consent of tho with either hard or soft soap. It dis­ World’s Fair grounds in Chicago. Each sea, much of it over the sea, it was a captain our meeting begin and as there solves iu hoping water, and is then 1 churned by pumping the mixture into Hie rider will only be allowed two horses for source of much interest. was a large number returning delegates 1 vessel containing it with an ordinary Tuesday was occupied with meetings of the entire distance. The one first arriv­ aud some other ladies on board wo did hand force pump until thorough union is ing is to receive a purse of $1,500. and the the executive committee. Helen 15. Har­ not lack for ail audience and after a i fleeted. This may, bo largely diluted We aio prepared to make a superior quality of drain tile in all sizes. Large orders promptly filled. Correspoudeuce solicited. Price list ou application. Corner Main Jc Dayton Streets. £ second $500. George T. Angell, presi­ ford, Elizabeth 15. Miles and llocia Macy thoroughly interesting racetin ; with the with soft water, and the churning re- dent of tho “ American Humane Educa­ of Newberg attended those meetings. women it was decided to ask the purser | (seated to complete thu mixture. Where- U N T E W IB lA J IR / C t- , : O I E , D E C O -O U S T . tion Society” is making a vigorous protest Wednesday morning at 8 :3d the llrst reg­ to bring the gentlemen in and have a lit­ ever this oily emulsion touches an insect i of any kind it is sure death to it, and it against such a race. Think of the in­ ular session of Ilia convention opened tle public temperance meeting, our pro­ is not injurious to vegetable life, as pure human treatment of the horses which the with half-hour of devotion alter which the gram being ra'her bunk'd was not very kerosene would be. Not ono half nor one-tenth of the toma­ merciless cow boys will ride under whip work begun with a full representation varied. First Mrs. Cox gave a recitation and spur, only two being allowed for the from most counties of the state where our which met with loud applause from the toes marketed yearly could he grown in gardens on rich soil. It is a common entire distance of seven hundred miles. work is organized. Tho greetings were gentlemen who I presume thought it a practice now to grow them I'}' the acre on Main Street, N E W B E R G , OREGON. Is such exhibitions as this tho kind that hearty and cordial as onu by one were duty. Then Mrs. Fnvder of McMinnville warm and only moderately rich land. ---------o ------- —, familiar Thus grown the plants can he set more aro to he brought out at tho World’s Fair recognized a i faces grown followed with a recitation, then another to show to tho world the pi ogress we are through tho work of our conventions. One by Mrs. Cox and finally as a change was closely, and it is claimed will produce earlier fruit, not running so much to leaf making along tho lino of Christian civili­ hundred and four voting delegates were thought agreeable, Mrs. Whitmore, Y am ­ as on richer soil. The price of tomatoes F A R M B U G G IE S , Every zation? Hut little Is:lter is to be expect­ present besides many visitors. hill county’s president introduced Mrs. varies and depends often on tho abun­ ed of cow hoys w ho are accustomed to day at noon lunch was nerved i:i the Cox as Rational organizer whereupon a dance or scarcity of fruit. The crop in W AGONS, CARTS, rough treatment of dumb animals, hut*of roonm of tho Y . M. C. A. hv tho ladies of speech was called for anil responded to field culture yields more than potatoes.— A mei ic:i u Farmer. World’s Fair commissioners who are sup­ tho different churches. Theso lunches in a fifteen minutes talk in which there S P R IN G HARNESS, posed to ho representative men, belter wero simply bountiful repasts with every seemed a deep interest, among tho gen­ SOME USES FUlt Ito li.'.X. things ought to bo expected and demand­ variety of fish, fruits and vegola- tlemen, ono besida’ tho purser responded, Sprinkle places infested by ants with W A G O N S , ed from them. What good can eotne b'os, served in many attractive ways. assuring us of their hearty sympathy in Etc., Etc. any way from such an exhibitioin of In- The first object that met our gazo on en­ our work and after the other gentlemen borax und you will soon lie » id of them. Blankets and furs put aw.iv well sprink­ humanity to dumb brutes? The decent tering tho rooms for our first, luneli was expressed their pleasure at our meeting le I with borax and done up air-tight will element of society in tho 1'nited .States an immenso salmon baked whole and we thanked them and adjourned, asking never be troubled with moths. A little borax put in water before wash­ ought to demand that the whole arrange­ garnished with pars)}’. Its wholesome in vain for a fuller expression from some . . . A t7 E L L SELECTED S T 0 0 K CT . . . ing red or red-bordered [able cloths and appeararieo was only equaled by its ment he dropped. gentleman in form of a speech. But we napkins will prevent their tailing. savory smell and taste as ono by ono we Ringworms will yield to borax treat­ sincerely hope our littlo meeting on the pissed our plates to bo served, and us HIGH W A TE R ritOSI-ECTS. boat was no failure hut an uplift to some ment. A pply a strong solution of borax wo left I noticed its svholesoincncss three times a day ; also dust on the firn- one needing help. dry powder very often. n. S. Paguo in discussing the pros|iects had I men marred, and only a splendid A L W A Y S 0 2 .T IT A T T D . Another year has now opened for the Silver spoons und forks in daily me for high wuler in Juno gives us a lengthy specimen of ribs and vertebrae remained. advance of ono whito ribbon army may he kept bright hy leaving them in letter from which we take tho following: The day sessions wero crowded with through its many doorways of reform and strong borax water several horns. The The above brief extracts from a few of business, the work was more fully report­ water M ould be boiling when they arc may wo go into the work, more closely C H R IS T E N SO N ERGS. put in. tho many reports received will he ed by tho state superintendent» than us­ united, more awake with earnestness and Put a teaspoonfiil of lror.ix in your rins­ sufficient to allow all to form their own ual although tho time was too limited to widi greater consecration to the -Master ing water; it will whiten l i e cloths and personal opinion relative to a probable admit of a thorough discussion of each ALLEN SMITH. slro remove the yellow cast on garments Ilian ever beforo. R eporter . flood in tho various rivers tributary to the department. Tho re|X>rt3 of the state that have been laid aside for two or three years. .Snake and Columbia, of a Hood in the' officers and organizers showed the field r¡t-y . o r v c iT ? ! One of tho host tilings to cleanse the u f Des Ma tues. 1 uva, writes under dale of latter two and consequent backwater in thoroughly canvassed and the work alive b l ‘ (;;ir n h b o c : o r n i l i ] , IIO K T I C C E T U t t H . scalp tuormigli!}' is to dissolve one-hull Marco J-l, iso:’ : tho Willamette. The cool, cloudy eeason and prosperous h it a misunderstanding Protect your trees by the use of woven teaspoonful of borax in a quart of water has been very favorable to high water, as to reports last year causing a large and apply it, rubbing it in wall. THE NEW BERG .8. B. M ud . M fo . C o ., wire. For washing line nice flannels nothing but no serious flood, the enow iu the foot number of members who had never paid Untilr, Oregon. An open-headed tree prows tho fairest will cause them to look as nice as borax hills has commonccd to melt and it is dues to he reported to tho state, making in the water, a teuspooniul of borax to a (m arriving home last week, ! found all : j! fi » ■' * f (| ? t) $ j! | i fi fi S 8 flowing to the sea gradually, though al­ an apparant falling off of members which fruit. I« u sí i i B 0 I $ 9 A low tree gives les3 purchaso to the puil of water being the right proportion. well ami anxiously awaiting. Our filila Si » a Ï ! (¡ i i í i ii ready filling the smaller streams hank might liuvo seemed discouraging hut for Always wash baby's Utile flannel skirts, g ir l, e ig h t and o n o -h a lf yea rs ol-l, w h o shirts, etc., in this way. full. A continuation of teinikiraturo be­ tho explanation given. There has, how­ wind. had w asted a iva y to 38 pounds, is now , . , , Plant trees anywhere that they will bo Borax water is excellont for sponging w ell, fctrony and M ic r o n - , and low tho normal to Juno loth, which is ever. been a gain in actual member-hip— - m ji; ifimis and -pi-nficnth'iis furahdied on np- cither silk or wool goods that aro nut fle d ie d up. useful. p. b. o. lì. J*. C V-Uii;.'ii v uro uiH lia 11 u- »»•. mi «.' ¡ i plication. jijicaium. Muir .-inir building r.-uiiiiiag oml o:m miw haw fi nilsur ou gh C s dono l l » * a spe- hardly possible will, to a great extent, a gain in Y . work under the leadership of In lls w ork w e ll. B oth uf th e c h ild re n li!,i> , eialiy. lb. ideuce, corner 8d cud Meridian Sts. Never pile ashes around the stem of soiled enough to need washing. lessen tho height of thu water. Should a Roso Trunbiill our efficient and poetic w ashing cashmere or wool goods put a t. Y o u r 8. B . C ou gh C u re lia s cured little borax in tho water. Tins will and kept a w a y a ll hoarseness from ine. ! warm period occur, tho snow will be superintendent of that department while the tree. Chance seedlings often produce very cleanse them much more oarily and bet­ So give it to every one, with greetings for (r > Ó melted more rapidly, and in that event a In tho juvenilo department Mrs. Unruli ter, without injury to tho colors. Do not all. Wishing you prosperity, wo am ; ^ J- w ^ JL JL - J U . more severo flood would occur. There is came up with a cool two thousand. The fine fruit. rub them on a board, hut use the hands Yours, M r . & Mas. J . F F o r d , j -------- Low-headed trees aro less liable lo yet an immenso amount of snow in the new departments i f Morey, Peace and an 1 throw them on a line without ring q i , Rheumatism, Pits (epilepsy), If von wish to f--el fresh pm i cheerful, and . . - — ScroluTe, . Cascade and Coast ranges of mountains, Arbitration and Purity of Literature urn! sun-scald. ing. Press them on the wrong side and ready for the Spring’s work, eloan.-'C y> r sy>- l iquor, d io i jdu n o o r ioG u ceo H a b it, Don’t lot your tomatoes grow too much they will look like new.— Ex. and this is liable to melt when the Col­ Art wero given equal places w ith the old­ tern with the Headache m d l iver Cure, by j quR-kiv a n d p e rm a n e n tly <*ured hv tho taking two nr three dosvs c.ic .1 « i-, a. ! wonderful B I-C U LO IU D E of GOLD umbia rises, iu which ovent tho probable er work, while that of Narcotics was hon­ vine. 50cents per bottle hy all druggists. ¡ irea ttiieh t The roots of a mature orchard cover the N o t ic e to C r e d ito r * . flood condition in tho Willamette, at ored by being given a place on an even­ Sold under a positive guarantee by C. F. II iviuj* been Appointed by the County Court Moore «Si Co. ground. (T *io urJp acid en tirely ex- Portland, would ho intensiflod. Itehould ing program. for Yam hill Comity ond State of Oregon, A d ­ i l i l j j U l l i / l l IDiil polled from the blood). A Bleached fruit is not so ivhoiosome as ministrator of tho Estate of Orplia A. Ifagey de­ Cured Iti from live to thirty days. lie borne in mind by all tho-:o liable to be Tho election resulted in the electing of ceased. ■p|?f!G (Epilepsy) Permanently cured; no re­ «fleeted that Ilia snow conditions now in tho same state officers that served us last unbleached. A ll persons having claim s against said Estate f i l l ) turn oi the disease fron horn two to four Tho ideal red raspberry lias not yet aro hereby notified and required to pro. out the weeks treatment. thu mountains make a flood possible and year. They are, Pres. Anna 1!. Higgs, of same with the proper vouchers within six been found. I D n r n r A And the worst or>os o f inherited months from the date of this notice at the ollice that a flood will probably occur. Portland; Cor. Secretary, Susie E. Fos­ î :\ blood taint quickly aud perraa- Tho garden pays the bast of any patch of !.. F. H all in Newberg, Vam liill County, Ore­ noutly cured. Tho following Rtatoraent of tho height ter, of Portland; Roc. Secretary, Helen gon. Mrs- M. E. Baldwin & Dated at Newberg the 10th day o? Mav. 1803. ?'M1?$Q Fared in from 20 to 30 davs. of tho Willamette at Portland in feet anti 15. Harford, of Newberg. Among super­ mi the farm. Miss L iilian Haworth, RPTÎVÏÏ’K E. G IJ agey . U i l U l i A u i . LG t) o i * H I. A io U P J U N K or Remove ail old wood from your rasp­ Administrator o f the Estate o f Orplia A. IDigey T O 15A C i 187!) generally enough. 27.4 J u ly 1 2 by the convention during tho afternoon Jan. !) 15.8 isso Lamb & H o lle y , The family always apprecates a supply 18 7 J u n e 10 with prolonged and tearful applause, and 23 H Fob. 7 1881 I I . D . F O X , P r o p r ie to r , MK S. M. J. NASH, Trop. v u who could scarce frame a reply because of of small fruits. 14 8 M treli 4 20 2 1882 NEWBERG, ; OREGON. 11 17 8 1883 Iti.7 F eb . 2 3 A tree had better be without limbs The clicapest place to buy KKWBEItO, : OUEQOS. We have just received from New Y ork alargo “ 15 her emotion ut again greeting her sisters 20 2 1881 12.0 F ell. 25 (1 »)•» in convention alter an nbsenco of five than without roots. stock of Notions, H oà ery, Handkcrchiefs, Lace: 14 5 Jan. 1) 1885 15 !) W ith berries, as with everything else, A good supply of “ lit years from her native land, was now in­ Lace Curtaias, Itibbons, Towels Etc. 20.0 ISSI! 17.1 F ob . 4 S S A S O ^ T A I B I j E “ 21 troduced and although the audience had try to grow the best. 15 8 “ 1 25 7 1887 Maiii Street, • • Newberg, Oro. s t : b : r / y \ “ 21 “ 11 1888 13.2 1(¡ (1 Moore’s Early and Worden are two been sitting for an hour or more she held Beef, P o rk & Mutton r f superior quality and latest styles. We are 10.0 M a y 21 4 8 M a r. Ill 188!) |>opiilar early grapes. also prepared to do % 20.1 “ 21 it in rapt attention for nn hour longer F ob. 5 fSlK) x'28.7 A O. C O X , Some claim that orchards should al­ 111 J m io 7 and many wero heard to wish she had 181)1 (1 0 M ar. 28 F A S I1 IO N A R I . i: I ) R E M M A K I N G , Usually on hand. Our endeavor is to supply _ o 10.3 “ 24 continued another hour. Among tho ways be cultivated. 181)2 12.1 Jan. 5 o u r patrons with the best o f everything in our j mid invite the 1 »dies of Newberg and vicinity line. Mala street, one door north o f Hard- b» cell and see in. First street, 2 doors east of Rest from bearing is good, hut general­ a I li^ fietit k n o w n w .ilo r nt l 1’»r t la n d . many facts of interest she y ive us the w ick’s photo gallery. (Data before April l i t is given solely for following: She had organized 218 unions, ly manure is I Hitter. Trees well lliined out at the top aro not OREGON. NEWBERG, general information.) tied tho white ribbon on over eight thou From the foregoing it is seen that three sand women, taken pledges from nine so liable to mildew. I have just received a full line of new goods, latest ji'itten s and best quality, and w ill In transplanting plants, have tho rooks limes in the past 15 years during the thousand men, traveled ',»2,000 miles and soil at iif low figures a.« the quality o f our goods ™ - — --------- - ■ w ill justify. month of June the river at Portland has raided $9,009 for the work; had visited lie straight und natural. A complete embalming outfit just received. When yon cat oil' black knot, paint the lieon above 25 feet, ut which height water ; .Masks, the South Sea Islands, New 7.\\- Come and see me. ïiuiu Street, NEWBERG, OREGON. flows on Front street from Washington to | land, Tasmania, Australia, Japan. China, wound with kerosene. Commercial fertilizer*, judiciously used lluruside streets; it also shows tin t about The Straits Settlements, Siam, lturmah, Having opened a stock of M illin ery at Mrs. O a k C r c v c P o u l t r y Y a r d is the place to June 13 tho highest water occurs, though i India, to the borders of Afghaniston, and work well in the garden. Davis’s old stand on Main Street. I respectfully buy eggs of tho leading breeds of poultry at invite the ladies of Newberg to call and . cc me. Pr‘ «*es. u. Everest. Newberg. Ore. Strawberry plants should not he al­ in tho extreme height, 27.4 feet, it did ' into Cashmir and Ceylon. not oeour until July 1 aud 2. In She Spoke feelingly of her going out lowed to bear the first season. Cut off and burn all the hlack knots on this flood the river was atiovo 25 feet j through the Golden G ite ut San Francis­ c t î in i? ::«3 a m 3sss e r r a from June 27 to July I I, and the lower co four years ago. M i le a strong plea your cherry and plum trees. Low-growing vegetables may he culti­ docks were not free from water until for brotherly love toward all human kind; ---------------* My endeavor w ill be to please, by selling August 10, when the river »to o l at 15 j related many amusing im-i tents cf her vated between raspberry rows. I f you want gore! und elienp home*, ] *w a. »« * mw.-ii. -fl If you want your berry bushes to he iu a healthy locality on the Southern j feet. May 10, lS'Kl, tho Willamette at travels. She met a minister abroad who f.irîS. C. P . lin t .YO N. Pertlaud stood at 18 feet, having risen declined to receive any “ wandering fe­ productive, keep them out hack. crrllfleJ Offer by an l'netfle Railroad, ‘ nJ Heit« Fruit trees along Hie roadside are an of a foot during the past 24 hours male star, no matter of what magnitude.” I V E E R IN G B R A N C H invitation to all to help themselves. This rise is due to the warm weather on She found some of tho grandest helpers Always set out a few of the best varie­ I I I* 5th inst. In years of extreme high' among the ministers of the gospel, and ~ I r> « rieiDrmioD, fcou^ke») mg, water on May 11 the height of tho river some of the greatest old fo.-o.ils who ties of early an I late sweet apples. fs «l'ion». lijrgWM, jarcail« reading, etiquette, etc. To introduce thn In starting an orchard, it is better to at Portland was as follows; Slay It, should, she said, have been made before tkn/ming lJune*' paper Into lOO.OuO ___ "h-o- It re rot mirrati r taken, re* noi* 1880, 14.1 feet; May 11, 1 482, 11.3 f e e t ; 1 Adam and buried away out o ' sight forev­ trust to old varieties than to experiment malie the f iiorelrg f-V.rei/ offer: Cpvn r*. O regon . X ewbeko , Cl •’ : .’vir V ttifl rr :rtly 12 < ent* •« *t/r*T or Harris, »• May 11, 1887, 11 8 feet; M a v 11, 18s»:’.. er ns a failure. She sp ike earnestly re­ witli new. ^ V v - A N i / U n j Th e Jodie«* W orld fo r Tlireo ABOVE TH E AVE R AG E . N M o n th «, «m i l i each «ulremtrer we will cito *»* J The earlier varieties of fruit« and vege­ 13.0 feet. In 1880 tho river fell from garding the opium trade of Chin i with its " 'I Free ui-/ I «tj-o’ i- a /«’■i'* and maçni‘ct%t Cel- Ir e G o n o f C h o ic e F l o w e r ^ e c r i«. two A-- ' -» P ’r aero. «1. r- 1 W v a i l d c t t C S a S p C C ia ltJ . - métta d th is rntir* rnttr* ei&cnlflcnat ir.afniflewt CoUrctten Coll rettoti of C mm iy :h * sa sad thi; of Ch<3c* One of tho best of gar,’ . on frui’ s >s the oil i n « » toJO acre lot:», *10 to Gk) * r J ’«. put ap t-y * tirrt-elarei «ceri Ilota* mnri «« m a t e d and 2, of 27.4 feet. In 1884 the river rose would send some power to convert the ilia'.l*. No' fr-*h an-l r*Iia ‘d*. N o Im-ly taffy can afford to mtM this «er,*, erf ml currant, and it is easy to raise with the |v*r acre. po»tar.:tv. W • guarani*« *v to 12.5 teit on May 18, and then fell to heathen in high places. The K\M nnt aattaded. Onra ta an 11 5 on the 22nd, from which date it rose After llio services were over she stood use of a little htflebore. i bl .«Haff tona*, er.docreri by all the U L a u d Sot to F r u i t Cull on or address, g H o b S Q U . w r f rd hnnffreffa of testimonial* 1 pap-m. We (tac* » r iMh--------- It was once thought that soda was not steadily, leaching its maximum, 28 2 lor half an hour giving warm hand clasp«, rabón da :• rinx nal fire yea r * i. * «-1 2 th * e * p r*M ‘ * y earn : “ I / »------ jUwm / Lit ferii IÌ4 fe rii m mm m te reni n» -t -ir * tw »«re» o » prc-i yú - i J>r, « m a rtd « ffm m rrrenemce erpmentt k knot Ike* feet, on Jure 15. It remained a’.iovo 23 earnest, tender words to ail ami now and necessary to the growth of a plant. 8 inet- iituf (.'mieti iu >;.«>.l shnpe, one, tw o or **# erteil y a» #drc-?t»oí.f’—Mr*. N. C. Bann, itann, Win. - i.x en / rer * U 'a. Do %?* crm- A garden once laid ent and piarted, it 14 8, and then it fell to 12 2 feet on the to all the magnet i-m of her matchless tbta. ffer • i?h thè care *?£«nnj a-berner JO S E P H COOX, U í i o í l U i ö u l H l t t l K ü l fo«sd or na*crup*jloj* per* c 'm s easy and natural to keep it up year 18th, when it rose steadily to June 21. presence. God bless Jessie Ackerman, Jflo’t pat il off! S.* . f.fA ^ IO N . O S -C Q ft. 8-rei Coli-et* rre «c*»t 25 7 feet. Fell Inflow 25 feet June 27 and as in a few short months she again g'K>s ;iftcr tear, and it pays SPECIAL OFFER'S'-^ Celery is now grown by planting it so below 15 feet on July 24. There are no with her life and love into po or, desolate for nbo»e offer. *«*d I*IMW ( **o —, w «e • «rill will a ra .| d fett, ta thick on rich ground it shades ami records of the river in this otli -o previous Africa. W F s k i i. For. f ' i ». O T T **: ■ ta t the«?, »m* racket of tb* enta- braUU E*î,r»rd fiwmi r r « S erohmdne m: lu y r j :. C . V e ' I I . to 1878, hence floods previous to 1878 th' nc«**t r v * tt«n . lac nffhu B-«re*«i-i». I n The other ever ings were fill i'd wilh the tfle.ichcs itself much better than throwing ll<»hi on títere. Mr Min? Step washing your O k fs r i, SptaBior, lb * cannot bo discussed. The temperatures annual address id the pres idont Mrs. soil around it. a~ Y ! . fa-i' anbta bouquet ttowtm r^w oil tirai, Carefully saw off broken branches of t . Leaf ri Var e'.]#* wt»..h »• offer, nr* th* » i" ^ d u 'A 'ir’r!^!. FS CÜAEAHTES SATISrACTIO II. in the years having high water were cool Riggs, ami the varied pregtmn rendered Cars* a r i -<:*«t .«•*br*t*4 known. Tbrr ui « %-i pr -' m f.-r tbr-e .-»«cth* a in March and April and rather high dur­ by the Y'n an-l lVmore«t medal contest fruit trees, sharpknife the woun 1 smooth your tllrtv «hirt> ami make thoin bmfc ‘ alice to »*t «4 frerv t b!«— « « of th* brilliant r>l«t—■ ing tho latter |iart c4 May. which was given iei I'rcLtv righ t after as possible, then paint over with any A N O T H ER SR EÀT • : «r OFFER ! lnffW V» «r!J f^* On* g o o d » . i Tic common paiut. This preserves Hie woo 1 . The public can gauge flieir opinion rel­ the NewlK-rg .1. ed on A .l Y*ar. t.^- ?b*r with