NEWBERQ GRAPHIC, NEWBERG GRAPHIC. K A lL lk One Column.......... ................ .Twenty Dollars Half Column .................. Ten Dollars Profesaional Cards..........................One Dollar ' Itt-a d in g X o t t c r s « « i l l be In s e r t e d th e r a t e o f T e a r e n t s fier L ia o . at VOL. 5. NEWBERG, YAMHILL CO., OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1893. CHURCH NOTICES. BESIDE SAMUEL HOBSON, r iK lt N u r i' I ’ U U R C H .-SER VIC K S EVU.KY X tviudav at 11 a a. and 7 r. M and Thursday at 10 a . M S it.batli school every Suuday at 9:hi a m . Mout tly meeting at 2 r. a. the first Sat­ urday in each month. Quarterly m eellug the secon 1 Saturday and Sunday In February, May, August and November. . IV A N G E L IC A L CHURCH. - PREACHING j servu* • at the Evangelical church every Sunday at 10 a m . and 7 4b v m ., except the fourth Sunday of very month. Sabbath school every Sunday at 11 a . m . Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:45 p" m A ll are cordially invited to attend i these services. I Portrait and Landscape Artist. 1>R KSU YTK RIAN CHURCH.—8E RVH E8EV- | X e. v second n and Lord's day at 11 . a . m L. fourth - _* i Portrait« enlarged to life slse and finished In and 7:30 p . M Sabbath school every buudaj at 1 c rHyoni India ink or Water Colors. 10 A. M £ 4 ^ * Studio—Upstairs iu Hoskins building. 1HRISTIAN CHURCH.—SERVICES EVERY / second and fourth Sunday at 10 a . m . and 7:30 p. si. A DYEN*T ST CHURCH —P R A Y E R MEETING A . every Wed ties lay evening. Sabbath school , every Saturday at 10 a . m , services following. EAST AND SOUTH r iK E E METHODIST.—PRAYF.R MEETING X every Thursday at 7:30 p. m . Sabbatu school ' ev- ry Snuday at 10 a . m . SERVICES EVE RY .- U N D A Y I at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. w. Sabbath School id a . m . Epworth League at 6 30 r. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o’clock. 11. N. ROUN1 S, Pastor. io r i h , hi 'OUNG LADIES' A U X IL IA R Y T O Y M. C. A. i meets every Sunday at 4 p . m . iu M. E. ; Church. Ladies cordially invited to attend. | V - S O C IE T Y The Shasta Route —OF T H E - ...... .................. ... | - N O T IC E S . V M.c. A.-DEVOTIONALSERVICES EVERY SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. \\T C. T U.—BUSIN ESS MEETING THE SEC- IV • ond ami fourth Tuursday in each mouth. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland T T f O j THE W.—NEVUJEK u CAMP, .No. 113, \ f , meets every Wednesday evening. X • Sunday at 4 p . requested to attend. m . Young meu earnestly O. O. F.—SESSIONS HELD ON THU RSDAY • evenings in Uauk building. J FROM P kb . 1, 1892 O v e r la n d E xpre ss . / 1 A. R -SESSIONS HELD FIRST AND TH IR D l_T* Saturday evening iu each mouth. W K. ( ’.-M E E TS FIRST AND TH IR D • urday afteruoou iu each month. SAT Cl OF V.—MEETS E V E R Y SATU RD AY EVEN D * lug. A O. U. W -M E E T S E V E R Y TUESDAY EVEN- • ing ut 8 p. M. iu Armory Hall. •7:00 P. M *8:30 t8:30 A. M City o f N e w b e r g . D in in g C ars on O gden H onte. .... ..F. H. Howard ......... H. ( . Mills Mese* V«taw COI NC1LMEN. j Paul Mary PULLM AN BUFFET 9LEKPKHS. Second-C lass Sleeping: C ars A ttac h ed to A l l T h ro u g h T ra in s. tJebse Kdwar is Second Ward t H. F. i.ashler .... 1 M. J. Joues Third Ward... . PROFESSIONAL CARDS. g . . M f5:00 P. M ♦7:30 a . M. ♦4:40 P. M. O FFIC IA L DIRECTORY. Trea>urer . a Salem. Albany, Eug­ ene, Itoseb’g, Graut’« Pass, Medford. Ash­ •7:8* A. M land, Sacramento,Og­ den, Sau Francisco, Mojave, Los Angeles. Paso,New Orleans, El Pi “ “ l and East ................. . Roseberg A way stations! *4:30 r. u CV'ia Wood tm rn f o r i ' | Mt. Angel, Silverton, 14:30 P. M i West Solo, Brown«- l v ille and Coburg..... J j Albany and w ay stations f 10:30 a . m Corvallis A w ay stations! ♦5:30 p. u M cM innville A way sta's, ♦8:20 a . m w. M c C o n n e l l , Through ticket office, 134 First street, where through tickets to all points in the Eastern .states, Canada and Europe cau be obtained at lowest rates from J. B. K IR K L A N D , Ticket Agent. All above trains arrive and depart from Grand Central station, Fifth and I streets. N A l t k O W G A U G E —W . 8. D I V I S I O N m . d ., Physician and Surgeon, — AND — P o rtlan d and W illa m e tte V a lle y H a llw a y Passenger d ep ot fo o t o f Jefferson street. N K W U E R O , OK. ♦6:30 Office on First street. A ll calls promptly at­ ! f7:20 a . M ♦8:30 tended to day or night. Diseases of women and i f 12:15 p. M. fl:5 5 p. m ♦ 1:30 children a specialty. Oswego A way at tl's ♦5:15 p. M ♦ 3:10 ♦6:30 P. M. ♦6:20 ♦8:35 p. M ♦7:40 H. J. LITTLEFIELD, Oswego, Newberg, Dundee, Dayton, La­ •9:40 A. M ♦3 20 Sheridan, I fayette, f,t A A irlle. _ , Monmouth M ridan A way stations She: ♦4:30 p. u. ♦9:30 N ew berg:, O r. Physician and Surgeon, a . M. A M P. M P. M. P. M p. M. P. M. A.M •Daily, Office in building occupied by the late Dr. Carman, ou Main street. fD aily, except Sunday. K. KOEHLER. Manager. E. P. ROGKR8, Asst. Gen. F. A P. Agt., Port land, Or. -^ J lE W B E R G 7 FLOURING v MILLS, ^ NEW BERC, OREGON. Having recently equipped our m ill with new and improved ma­ chinery, we are now prepared to manufacture the best grade of flour by the F Ü L L R O LLE R PROCESS. Cash paid for wheat. Feed ground Saturdays. N ew berg C , O o llege , reg o n N ow the maiden is l>ing low ly In a mound beside the stream, W h ile angels visit that spot so holy W hen on it the moon doth beam; N ow her spirit has flown forever, • But her soul I deem is blest By the dreams she dream t by tbe gleam ing river W hen she wandered an earthly guest. -R . II. Kenniugton in Good housekeeping. PACIFIC COAST. Arrest of Mrs. Yesler Said to be a Conspiracy. THE BEE HIVE AT SA LT LAKE. Wholesale Thieving Unearthed on the Southern Division of the Santa Fe. N A T IO N A L C A P IT A L . The Committee to Ascertain W hat Action Congress Should Take to Protect the Kaweah Colonists. Senator Dolph has the Siletz Indian reservation bill in proper shape and ready to pass as soon as an opportunity occurs for calling it up. Senator Cnllom has introduced a joint resolution requesting the city authori­ ties of Philadelphia to lend the United States tho Liberty bell for exhibition at the World’s Fair. By direction of the President Secre­ tary Foste of tho Treasury Department has directed the Collectors of Customs at New York, Philadelphia and Boston to suspend the refund of duties upon hat material until further advised. It is understood that M. E. Bell, su­ perintendent of the Chicago public building, against whom a report of raal- 1 feasance in office was made by Assistant Secretary Lambertson, has tendered his resignation to Secretary Foster. It will probably be accepted. NO. 11. . College Classes, Normal Course, Book-keeping, All the Grammar School Studies, Music and Art. AGRICULTURAL. PORTLAND MARKET. P ro d u c e . F r u it, flte. Give Animals All They Can Digest Properly. G R O W IN G LITTLE THINGS. Smutty Cornstalks Not a Whole­ some Food— Other Farm Notes— Etc. W h * at — Nominal: Valiev. $1.20: Walla Walla, $1.10(31.121% per cental. Fi.oca—Standard, 43.50, Walla Walla, $3.50; Graham, $3; Superfine, $2.50 per barrel. O ats — 4 2 43c per bushel; rolled, in bags, $6.26(£6.60; barrels, $6.50®6.75; cases. $3.75. H at — Best, $I1®13.50 per ton; com­ mon, $9.00® 10.00. MmLSTCrvs— Bran, $18; ahorta, »20; ground barley, $23®24; chop feed, $20 per ton; whole leed barley, $18® 19; midd ings, $23®24 per ton; brewing barley, $1.00® 1.16 per cental; chicken wheat, $l.loe)1.20 per cental. B ottib —Oregon fancy creamery, 35® 37^c; fancy dairy, 30®32t%c; fair to . good, 26®27>to; common, 15®17l4c per pound; pickle roll butter, 40®o5c per roll. Cuxcsi — Oregon, ll®13c; Eastern Twins, 14)%c; Young America, 16c per ; pound. Koot— Oregon, 32>%c; Eastern, 32%e pei dosen. P o u l t r y —Chickens, mixed coops, $4; old hens, $4.5U®6 00; old roosters, *4; ducks, $5; gesso, $11 per dozen; tur­ key«, live, 12>%@l8.l%c; dressed, 15®16c per pound. VaosTABLas—Cabbage, $1.0' ®1.60 per cental; unions, 90c®$l per cental; pota­ toes, 90c®$l per cental; tomatoes, 40® buc per box; Oregon tnrnips, 76c®$l.U0 per cental; young carrots, 75c®» 1 per cental; sweet potatoes, $1.50®l.i5 per cental; Oregon camifiower, 76c®$1.00 per dozen; celery, 60c per dozen. Faurrs— Sicily lemons, »6.00 per box; Caiuornia, new crop, $4.50®5.00; Ore­ gon pears, $1.25® 1.60 per box; bananas, $2.50®3.50 per bnnch; oranges, seed­ lings, $3.00®3.25 per box ; navels, $4.00 ®4.50; cranberries, $12.50 per barrel; apples, $1.00® 2.uO per box. Riverside packers and growers are I f yon look to the milk side of your holding the orange crop back until the dairy cows, the beef side will take care Florida fruit is well out of market. oi itself. The eontrac* for the construe) ion of the T he " K i n g o f Sw itzerlan d.•• Growing crops by electricity is an South Gila canal has just been let to amusement for the amateur. Electricity A gentleman stylishly dressed called Loe Angeles parties. The work wheu as a motive power for the farm is capable the other day at 10 o'clock in the morn­ completed will cost $¿,000,000. The experiments in the treatment of of much development. ing at tho office of M. Dnranton, the The wife of R. T. Earle, late superin­ lumpy jaw under the direction of the Before you ehoot the blnejays that are police magistrate, and on being shown tendent of the Stockton combined har­ Department of Agriculture are com­ making your premises their winto.- home in said to that official: vester works, believes he has gone to pleted. Results show that of elghtv-tive figure out how many grubs and worms “ 1 am the king of Switzerland in per­ Mexico with a married woman. cattle treated sixty-eight were comp'ete- they will kill next spring. son. Come, now, prostrate yourself be­ O. \V. Hollenbeck, the Auburn (Oal.) ly cured. Secretary ltusk is highly de­ There is more profit in growing little fore Panl I, the king of all the Helve- banker, has been acquitted on an em­ lighted with the showing. things and in fine products in proportion tias.” bezzlement charge, owing to a variance The Oregon delegation has been in re­ than in the great staples. But it re­ Finding that his interviewer was between the indictment and the proof. ceipt of numerous letters recommending quires a different sort ol talent. wrong in bis head, the commissaire The Gage canal, which furnishes the H. L Reel of Oregon for appointment Have a pit for the reception of all the made a bow, saying: water supply for the n«w cable settle­ as paymaster in the array, and have in­ garbage and waste. Then add from time “ I w ill see that your majesty is con­ ments of Riverside, is being cquaented for dorsed him for the place, but the Presi­ to time some loam ae an absorbent, and ducted to his palace. Your suite will a distance of six miles, and the work is dent is very likely to name some of his it becomes an excellent fertilizer. nearly completed. I personal friends for these places. be here shortly to accompany you." Smutty cornstalks are not a whole­ Pheenix, A. T., is apparently in earn­ Tukiug from his pocket an old shoe Senator Mitchell has introduced a some food, and by ieeding them yon est iu an endeavor t ) ito its share toward lace, to which was suspended the lid of joint resolution providing that where an prepare for another crop of smntty corn, a sardine box, tbe lunatic proceeded to building the proposed San Diego and officer of the United States has been pre­ as the spores go back to the land in the Phtenix railway. San Diego offers to affix it to the neck of the magistrate. sented with a medal and the medal has manure. build to the Colorado river. ■ been lost or destroyed a duplicate should When the weather becomes very cold “ I hereby appoint you," he said, “ com­ Tbe Los Angeles Board of Supervisors be issued. This is meant to secure a du­ it will require more corn to produce a mander of the National Order of the Btapls OroaariM. favor the passage of a State law provid­ plicate medal for General H. B. Comp- pound of gain. This eeems to be a pret­ Star of Lucerne." H o n e y — Choice comb, 15®17o per ing that new counties cannot be formed son of Lakeview, whose medal for dis­ ty good reason for trying to get the hoga pound ; new Oregon, 18®20c. The magistrate patiently submitted without the consent of a majority of tinguished services was stolen by the off early. B alt — Liverpool, 200s, $15.50; 100s, to the operation, and afterward had voters residing within the area of tbe | Indians. Profitable feeding cousiets in givtngan $16.60; 60s, $17.50; stock, $10.60®11.50. the poor man conveyed to the infirmary original county. D iubd F hoits — Petite prunes, 10® 12c; The House Committee on Interstate animal all that it will eat and digest of the qnarter.—Temps. The Bradstreet mercantile agency re­ properly. Some large eaters do not di­ silver,ll®14a; Italian, 12® 14c; German, ports fourteen failures in the Pacific and Foreign Commerce has ordered a gest their food well, and so are not fed 10@llc; plums, old, 5®6c; new, 7®9c; M oth er at Prayer. Coast States and Territories for the past favorable report on the Senate bill ap­ with profit. apples, 6® He; evaporated apricots, propriating $250,000 for the construction Once, says a writer, 1 suddenly opened week, as compared with thirteen for the of a ship canal to connect Lakes Union A warm honse is a great saving of 15®16c; peaches, 12®16c; peart, 7®lle the door of my mother's room and saw previous week and sixteen for the cor­ and Washington with Puget Bound. The food, aud heat solves the problem of per pound. her on her knee3 l)eside her chair and responding week of 1892. Rica— Island, $4.75®5.0J; Japan, $4.86 bill was reported with an amendment egge. A few degrees of temperature The case of the [llirois Trust and Sav­ striking out the proposed route by mark the line between the formation of per cental. heard her speak my name in prayer. I Corral—Coats Rica, 21 t^c; Rio, 20){o; quickly and quietly withdrew with a ings Bank of Chicago against the L >s Smith’s Cove, leaving the route to lie egge and no eggs. Angeles cable road has been opened in feeling of awe and reverence in my the Superior Court at Lot Angeles. This decided upon by the Secretary of War. 1 Roots may form a portion of the food Salvador, 20c; Mocha, 27>%®30c; Java, of milch cows, but must not be fed too 27>4®30c; Arbuckle’a, Midland, Mo- heart. Soon I went away from home to is an effort to forclose $1,614,000 worth The rumor is in circulation that. If the largely if the best quality of product ia kaska and Lion, 100-ponnd cases, school, then to college, then into life's of outstanding mortgages. resent C ingress does not repeal the expected. Use them mainly as a laxa­ 26 86-100c per pound; Colombia, same, sterner duties. But 1 never forgot that 26 35-100c. The Governor of Washington has par­ herman act, Cleveland has said that he one glimpse of my mother at prayer, doned Lucius Gonzales of San Francisco, will convene the Fifty-third Congress in | tive and appetizer. B banb — Small white, 8Wc; pink, 8c; nor the one word—my own name—which a marine engineer. Gonzales has Berved special session within thirty days after i Thoee buried potatoes may be secure bayoe, SWc; batter, 8^c; limae, 3J a @4 o enough from freezing, bnt how abont per poun id. I beard her utter. W ell did 1 know that two years in the penitentiary, butrecen. March 4. Representative McMillin, a ventilation? Wewonld just aa lief have B ybof - -Eastern, In barrels, 40®55c; what I had seen that day was but a circumstances prove iiim innocent of tbe member both of the Ways and Means them freeze as rot. And they will do ami the Rule» Committees, nays he has half-barrels, 42'%®67>%c; in cases, 36® glimpse of what was going on every day crime for which he was committed. that nnlese they have air. 80c per gallon ; $2.26 per keg. California Traces of Btrychnine have been found been over the ground carefully, and can in that sacred closet of prayer, and the Good partures and heavy grass crops in barrels, 20®40c per gallon; $1.76 per see no possible chance of the repeal of consciousness strengthened me a thou­ in the stomach of the wife of Henry the silver act. are important factors toward a profitable keg. sand times in duty, in danger and in Bentley at Los Angeles. Bentley mar­ agriculture. Give some attention to B ooab — Net prices: D, 4c; Golden O, The Treasury Department at present these instead of spending all your care 4,1-4c; extra C, 4}%c; Magnolia A, 44%c; struggle. When death came at last and ried the woman, wh > was quite wealthy, and it iB charged that he had boasted holds less gold than at anytim e since and labor npon the grain fields. sealed those lips the sorest sense of loss ehe would be dead at about the time she granulated, 6)%c; cube crushed and pow­ the resumption act of January 1, 1879, I This ie a good time for the farmer to dered, ; confectioners’ A, 6j%c per I felt was the knowledge that no more died. ami in the language ot a Treasury offi­ get some reliable person to do his chorea pound -, maple sugar, 16® 10c per pound. would my mother be praying for me. A small bird inhabitants tbe valleys cial the gold obligations are greater, with and take a week visiting farmers who C a n n k o G o o d « — Table frails, assorted and canyonB putting into D atn Vail y, less than $8,0,H),i0) free gold to meet are following the same tiranch of farm­ quoted $1.75®2.00; peaches, $1.86®2.10; T h e T e rrib le Punater. One man at least in Detroit is seriously making his home in the mesquit groves them, and $2,600,000 gold engaged for ! ing as himself. An exchange of ideas Bart lett pears, $1.75® 2.00; pin ma, $1.37X afflicted w ith punsteria. The other day abounding there. Hie principal occupa­ shipment from New York for Europe. is helpful. ®1.60; strawberries, $2.25@2.46; cher­ the train he wanted to catch went ou t of tion seems to be a war of extermination Treasury officials do not venture a pre­ ries, $2.26®2.40; blackberries, $1.86® against scorpions, which he is very skill­ The increasing valne of farm lands diction when the outflow will stop, but the station as he went into it. 2; raspberries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.26® state that they see nothing serious in will be a factor In the profits of the farm 2.80; apricots, $1.65®2.00. Pie frnitat There it goes in a cloud of d o s t,” re­ ful in killing. in the near inture. And this profit ie marked a friend, pointing dow n the track. Assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1.25; plume, The Bee Hive, the old residence of the situation. now quite as likely to come in the older |1.10®1.20; blackuerriee, $1.25® 1.40 per “ I thought it w as missed,” he said sol­ Brigham Young at Lake and recently Postmaster-General John Wanamaker anil settled regions, where lands have dozen. Pie fruits, gallons — Assorted, emnly and s t a r t «! back home. owned and occupied by his eon, John W. The same m an— he is unm arried— had an Yonng, has been sold out on judgment created something of an innovation in already a good value, as elsewhere. »3.15®3.50; peaches, $3.50®4.00; apri­ appointm ent with a young lady to meet for $67,413.44. The Bee Hive brought official life recently by giving a reception W ith good roads the farmer will have cot«, $3.50®4.00; plums, $2.75®3.00; at his residence to the employes and at­ him dow n town and join a boating party, $52,567.73 and the other property enough blackberries, $4.00® 4.50. Vegetables: taches of every department of the Post- a better choice of markets. Instead of oorn, $1.40® 1.85; tomato»«, $1.00®1.10; but she failed to m aterialize, and he went and more to satisfy the jn lgment. being compelled to buy and sell at the office Department, as well as of the local j to the boat w ithout her. point that can tie reached moet easily he sngar peas, 96c®$1.00; string beans, 90® Along the course of the Ainargoea “ H e llo ,” exclaim ed one of the party, river, which flows into Death Valley, in postoflice. The event was preceded by a will he able to go where he can do test. 95c per dosen. Meats: Corned beef. Is, dinner, to which quite a number of the “ w h ere’s M iss Blank?” many places the depression is below that friends of the Postmaster-General and Impassable roads sometimes prohibit $1.50; 2s, $2.40; chipped beef, $2.56® “ C ould n 't find her,” be replied. 4.(0; lunch tongne, Is. $4.00; 2s, »6.75; of the sea level; as ninch as 129 feet his wife were invited. This is the first . such selection. '•W h y not?” deviled ham, $1.75®2.76 per dozen. was found at a point opposite Bonnet's “ I t ’s a missed-her-y I don’t try to ex­ Holes. Large beds of extinct bones, reception of the kind that has ever been 1 The time to begin the colt’s edneation Fish: Sardines, tfs, 76c®$2.26; He, given by a member of the Cabinet, and is immedia'ely alter weaning. Teach plain.” he said, and then had to spell it oat rich in borax, soda and other mineral $2.15®4 50; lobsters, $2.30®8.60; salm­ it ia expected to form an interesting him to lead and obey tbe word. The on,tin 1-1 h.tails,$1.26® 1.60; flats, $1.75; IW show where the joke came in .- “** “ *’ salts, lie in the valley. irecedent that will be extensively iol- future usefulness of the horse depends 2 lbs., $2.25®2.60; % bbl., $6.50. Not for the Old Man. Sergeant Levin of Victoria, B. 0., who owed in yeare to come. largely upon tbe kindness and thorough­ was suspended owing to his investigation Any arsenic I” softly asked the little «ro­ ness of these first lessons. Don’t confine The Interstate and Foreign Commerce M Is e s lla a s o iis . into the manner of the death of A. J. man as the druggist came forward with his him on a plank floor, l nt give him a ran Committee has appointed the following N a i l s — Base quotations: Iron, » t 7 8 ; Davis, the Montana millionaire, has been usual retail smile. in a yard every fine day. steel, $2.75; wire, $2 60 per keg reinstated. The Sergeant (relieved that subcommittee to consider the Nicara- “ Y es’m.” Let the small farmer become a dairy­ I ron — Bar, 2 \ e per pound; pig Iron, the daughter-in-law of Davis pushed him gnan canal b ill: Patterson of Tennes­ “ I ’d like a quarter’s worth, please.” see, Raynor of Maryland, Price of Lou­ man out and ont. Keep dairy cows, and $23®25 per ton. while he was drunk, and he fell down­ “ Y es’in. How are vou going to adminis­ isiana, Geary of California, O’Neill of let the raising of steers alone. Dairying B tbbl — 1014c per pound. ter i t r stairs and was kiIleal. No criminal in­ Pennsylvania, Storer of Ohio and Honk ! ie dairying, and beef-making ia heel­ T in — I. O. charcoal. 14x20, prime qual­ tention was discovered. W h y — why, on cheese or bread, I suppose. of Ohio. At least one member of tho making. Mixing them ia too expensive ity, $8.60(49.00 per b ox; lor crosses, $2 Isn’t that the general wav/” A tray of diamonds was stolen from H. committee ie strongly opposed to the work for the small farmer. Feed what extra per box; roofing, 14x20, prime “ Some give it in coffee.” Wachhorst’s jewelry store at Sacramento canal bill. This is Raynor of Maryland. yon raise to good cows, and then yon quality, $6.76®7.00 per box; I. C. coke “ W hy, rats don’t drink coffee, do they?” the other evening. One man broke the Somoothers are believed to be lnkewarm, have good pay lor your labor besides. plates, 14x20, prime quality, $7.60®3.00 “Oh I it’s for rata, eh/ Then cheese is the plate-glass windows and another covered I and Geary cannot be relied upon with The small farmer is tire natural dairy­ per box. proper thing.”— Detroit Free Press. the clerk with a pistol, while the first certainty to favor the bill according to man. He has the advantage over tbe L ead — t$4c per pound; bar, 6J4«- grabbed the tray, when both men some men who are familiar with the sit­ large farmer in this respect, bnt he ie at Not Posted. S h o t — $1.80 per sack. dashed np the street and disappeared in uation. a disadvantage at a beefmaker. HoRsasHoaa— $6. ▲ M innesota g irl shot at a fox up a tree Chinatown. They had false whiskers N a v a l S to b is —O akum, $4.S0®5 per w ith her bow and arrow , and d ow n came a The report of the Silets Indian Com­ Look ont for scratches. Many a fine and conld not be identified. bale; rosin,$4.80®6 p er480pounds; tar, w ild cat and tore her clothes into ribbons mission, with the draft of a hill for the horse is rained by allowing the legs to The prospects for an early resumption Stockholm, $13.00: Carolina, $9.00 per and inflicted such bites and scratches that adoption of the agreement which has get dirty. It takes only a few minntet of operations at the Temeecal tin mines barrel; pitch, $6.00 per barrel; turpen­ she was in bed for tw o weeks. N o one had in San Bernardino county, Cal., are not been reached with those Indians for the to wa>-h them clean and rub them dry. tine, 66c per gallon in carload lota. tver told her that the festive fox d id n ’t cession of a portion of their lands, has If the akin begins toersek, it mutt not he very encouraging. Duringthe past week lu rk in the um brageous tree tops.— Detroit the Sheriff has sold at auction a quantity been received in the Senate, and npnn left, or it will become almost incnrable. Free Press. H ld s s . W o o l s a d f l o p « . of the movable property of the company the request of Senator Dolph, immedi­ The skin mnst be kept clean and soft. H ides — Dry bides, selected prime, 0® Nothing Queer About It. to satisfy the accounts of parties to whom ately sent to the printer, so that it may Cat the hair ofl short, and pan First street. •alnte on Inauguration day. The Gov­ to appoint a commission of three per­ upper part of the soil had been turned )%« par pound. Thirty five years’ experi nee. ernor sent the following reply: ‘ ‘No per­ sons, one to be named by the Secretary over, by which tbe direct connection be­ mission will be g ven to nse State con- of the Kaweah colonists, who shall ex­ tween the air and the water on earth -A T T H E ---- C * T h « P rep rr r * n n n . non for fl ing a eainte over the inaugura­ amine into the rights end equities, in­ wae broken and the moisture conld not tion of a WaM-street plutocrat as Presi­ cluding the lends and Improvement* ercape so rapidly ae in the other case. " B a b , how fa r is It So tbe d s y p o f be asked dent of the United States.” held by each resident settler, landowner The ezperlmente were contlnned over a f t a lad on JsITerm n avenue yesterday. peiiod < ( sixty-four days, and the results “ Daypo Is French, Isn't i t r qasrted tbe boy It Is reported that a gold bar valued and lawful filer upon lands within the shown at the end of that time were very fo reply. at about $900 wa- gi ven to the skipper bounds of the reservation, and ascertain “ Yea" nearly the same. This amount of water May ba foand at all time« « full a*«nrm«nt of of the wrecked Queen of tl.e Bav by a what consideration and damages may be ssv ed in the soil properly represents good marketable “ Then you’d better ssk some Frenchm an. mine owner down on the Lower Califor­ due the settlers and to appraise the more thin the corresponding emonnt ot nia coast, to be smngg'ed ont of Mexico same. The report will be made to the rainfall for the reason that part of the T o n couldn't find It In E n glish ."— D etroit __ without paying the export duty. Tha Secretary of the Interior, who shall in­ water of every rain storm is returned Free P ress skipper and crew in d u g«] in a costly clude the amount due these settlers in immediately to the air. Estimating spree, being drnnk when the echooner his next annnal estimate of appropria­ Why destroy present happiness by e that 301.49 poiinil« of water are required All orders promptly attended to and «ati»fa<*tion wee wrecked, end it is hollered that tions for the department. The report guaranteed. for one pnand of dry matter in oorn, the they pawned or »old the her. Tbe crew farther recommends that all lands pat­ saving of water in tbi* experiment distant misery, which may never come stall, or yon may never live to see It, Oat door weot of Morris, Mt'es A Co.’s new store, is still held at Eusen via, while the au­ ented to individnele in the reservation, would in e dry season increase tha yield for every substantial grief ha* twenty thorities are investigating this report to which Ingress or egress it denied, on First street. of dry matter per acre 1,277 pounds, os shadows, and moat of them shadows of and also the facta regarding the wreck. shall ha appraised and purchased by tbe «boat 14 ear seat, of a good stop. fevers meat. year ewe making. —Sydney Smith. 4 S J Excellent opportunity for good work. Board and lodging, $3.0C per week. A ll other expenses very low. I f you want to teach; if you want to take a business course; n you want to review or take advanced work, we can suit you. Send for catalogue or come and see for vourself. THOM AS N E W L IN , President. L Dentist, B ank of SQ Address, G r a p h ic , Newberg, Oregon. { J. D. T A R R A N T & S O N , P r o p r ie to rs . P a c if ic STREAM. There she wandered, from dewy morning— W ith the thoughts that love instills— T ill the sun, with w reaths her brow adorn ing, Sauk behind the western hill*. Th ere she loitered iu dream ful rapture. A lon e on the sandy shore; Oh, poet-artist, here might ye capture A picture o f lost Lenorel N S W H E R O . OR. C THE Long 1 watched her, beside the river. B reathing tbe bpringtime air: Buiiliug up to tbe H oly G iver O f & world so bright and fair. Th ere she stood, where the sw irling weder» Kissed her feet with its hoary spray. She, the darling o f nature’s daughters A nd the peer o f the fairest fay. Photographer JJ A ______ P 1TB r C H U R C H -R E G U L A R SEKVICK __ first and third Sundays of the mouth at 11 a m . ami 8:00 p. m .; also ou fl:th Sunday, morn lug and eveuimr. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a . m . Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 8:00 o clock. _____ - .............. ................. ..................... a b ly l a A d v a u e s . Advertising Bills Collected Monthly* M B C V M C K IP T IO l B A T E ilt One Year 91« Months Three Month«. N ew b er g NEW BERG, OREGON. C apital Stock.......................................... $ 30,000 JESSE E D W AR D S.................................................... B. C. M IL E S ................................................................ B C. M IL E S ............................................................. President Vice-President ...........Cashier Directors— Jesse Edwards, B. C. Miles, F. A. Morris, J. C. Colcord, E. H. Woodward. Certificates of deposit issued payable on demand. Exchange bought and sold. Good notes discounted. Deposits received subject to check at sight, and a general banking business transacted. Collections made on a ll accessible points in the United States and Canada. Correspondents— Ladd A Tilton, Portland; National Park Bant, N ew Y ork . Strangers visiting the city are invited to call at the bank for infor­ mation concerning the city. C. rreepondence invited. Dentist, G Central Meat Market FRESH MEATS. *. a. B i l i s * e o a ». ltlfjPW .11 : " A D U :H li!(n ti NEWBERG GRAPHIC