Prevailing diroetlqii of tv 1 u 1 Buy your Hay of Calkins’ . Xo. of cloudless day* Go to W. T. Maev’s for furniture. No. o f purtly cloudy days L v. N ew berg, 7:55 a. m | Lv. Portland, y-.lO a. hi Deputy sheriff Connor was in town A r. Portland, y-.30 a m. Ar. New berjr 12:1 > p.u*. No. o f cloudy days L v . N ew berg IJ-.U* p.m . i Lv. Portland. i:'SJ p.m. Now is the time to buy Carpets at last Saturday. Dates on which ¿¡now foil 15, Ar. Portlaud, U:2up.ra. | Ar. N ewberg, 0:05 p.ia. Try Wheat’ets for Breakfast, 25c. sack Passenger aud Freight Rules to ail points, Maey’s. 88,29, 80,31. ea a be obtained from C. B. FR1S3ELL, Go to C. F. Moore A Co., fur Dr. Win. at Calkins’. Dates o f light Dost b. •. 9, 19, 11, 12. 1 A gent Newberg. Ellis’ Liniment. Charley Moore is arranging to har­ 15, 11. 15, lb , 17, IS, 2 ,21, 22’, 2J Charley Maris returned yesterday vest a erop o f ice. 25, 29. I from California. Frank Storey sold a fine guitar to Char­ Dates o f Injurious or hilling frosts 19, 2 I, 27, 80, 31. W. F. Iiearock will sell good shingles ley 1'iissell la.-t week. 31 E. 11. Lon g took charge o f the Ar- ^>utcs o f lunar halos for $1.75 per thousand. College stationery at this office. J o h n II. I I i t c i n s c n ', The U haphic ami Rural Sorthuest for' Rough and dressed pickets of all kinds hngton hotel last lues lay Observer pro tern. The new charter for Newberg passed at the depot lumber yard. «1.75. For a first class shave or hair-cut go t o 1 The old laly Karmeln died last Mon- tl,e HoUde Tueaday and Is now in th e; rttlMlltA M unte. day at her home near Butfcville. J. L. Myers. 30 acres of fruit lan 1 two miles east of Of Newberg Quarterly Mooting o f O l l i o i l S o t s Alien S. Craven and Dorsey Reasoner, Thomas Welch moved to Oregon City ils L hurch to be helil at Newberg, Friends Newberg for sale. J. Bear M oore , of Middleton, were in town Tuesday. last Monday by boat. If your Oregon, Feb. 10, 11 and 12, 1593. Portland, Or. Try tlie Rural Xurthwest in connection The best cook stove for the price is Merchant does not handle our FK1IKUAKY 10. For wagons, buggies and vehicles of with tlie G kapiiic for tho next year. found at J. II. Townsend’s. TESTED SEEDS 2:00 p .m . Meeting o f M inistry and any kind, also plows, harrows, cultivators To loan £1,000, 3 to 5 years on farm 05c. 05c., Sheridan Hour’s the best, 05c. send us his name, and wo seeders, drills, etc., call at Christenson Oversight. property. M a r i s A C olcobd . sack at Calkins’ Feed Store. 7:30 j). m. Sabbath School Confer­ Bios. Implement House. They propose will see that Mr. Law son’s hoys are quite success \ j to sell as cheap as Portland dealers ence. Alva Macy was down from Payton in a you get your seeds cheap. fu! coon hunters. They killed a half FEHRUARY 11. tony sleigh last Saturday. List o f unclaimed letters lyin g in the dozen one day last week. 1:30 p. m. Meeting for Discipline. Enjoy life and Carpet your floor while ; post office at N ew berg,% t the end of Send l'or Catalogue (.English or German). Special prices to first buyers in new localities. Puper, W ork o f tho Friends Church on Miss T w ink Graham has been stay­ January. you can get it cheap at .Macy’s. the Northwest Paeitii Coast, by J. B. David says it is Iho best sledding ing with her mother and visiting Fred Bent, F. Comstock, \aron Bray. Further discussion by friends about town for the past week. , J. B. Clifford, t ’lias. Floid, he has ever seen in Oregon. N E W BROOM SW E E P S C L E A N , AND suranee that it will never be used any­ Thomas C. Brown aud Mallnda Cra­ Bell Ivitchlng, H ike Johnson. Mr. Ov. ings and family, w ho have where again. The first person who ever Cephas Maris and Joe Woods visited i ven. A . T. H i l l , P. M. been connected with the Arlington ho­ conceived tlie fancy was Turner tho once the state capital the first of the week. 7:30 p. m. Educational Meeting. tel for some m onths past, return to: Just now while a special effort is be­ millionaire Californian, lie had a bath 20 |s-r cent discount on Carpets at i in g made to lead people o f all classes to Address, The Development o f Charac­ tub made that cost a mint of money and 1» the best place lu town to set your w ork d one. All kinds o f Tinw ork, such as Roofing, Spout­ Portland to live. A:act ’s during (lie month of February. ter, Pres. Thomas Nowlin. ing and General R epairing, ucatly aud prom ptly d on e, Prices reasonable J. L. Myers, the Main street tonso- a higher plane o f living, tlie follow ing all far the novelty of having it made out j FEBRUARY 12. Are you going to the World’s Fair? If rial artist, will take up his quarters in j lines by Ben Johnson are quite appro­ of a solid block of marble. Then another j Nearly opposite Dayton road* 9:4-5 a. ni. Sabbath School. so call and see me. J. II. T ownsend . the Arlington hotel as soon us a shop bate. millionaire proposed to have tho bath tub j 11:00 a. m. Meeting for worship. It i , not grow ing like a treo J. B. Mount furnishes the trade with and bath rooms can be fitted up in the in liis residence hewn out of a solid piece ' In bulk, d oth m ake man better be; 3:00 p. m. Public meeting o f the stoves ami hardware. Satisfaction guar­ new addition. Or standing lon g nn oak three hu ndred year. W om en ’s Foreign Missionary Society, of onyx, and lie actually went so far as anteed. To fall a log at last. d ry. bald and sere; institute a search for a suitable block Paul Macy has shown himself to be the w ith following program o f exercises: Is the place to buy A lilly o f a day II. A. Stowe, the Bellvue postmaster, firm friend of I'oofmen by bucking the that precious stone, which, wo hope not | Opening exercise by the President. Is fairer far in May, has been in town this week visiting his snow from our side walks on several to liis disconsolate grief, however, lienev- [ A lthough it fall and d ie that Highl­ Song. «ister Air-. W. T. Macy. er succeeded in finding. Well, when mornings during the past ten days, with it was the plant and flower o f Light. Declamation, LIbble Morris. Turner got liis tuarbie tub tie found i t , In small proportions we just beauty see; Wo failed to announco last week the horse and snow plow. Select reading, Malinda Craven. A nd la short m easures life m ay perfect bo. K Y E K Y T U I N O FKK H 1I A N D C L E A N . was a very pretty tiling to look ut, but be- | new boy born to Mr. and Mrs. Charley Mrs. Martin o f Dundee, w ho was Reading o f communication from Fan­ Joseph V. Dory, of Warsaw, 111., was yond that it was of very little value. It Jones. Standard weight. scut to a Portland hospital for treat­ nie Letter. was most too cold to bathe in, even in I Sea-moss and Oregon coast bouquets ment a short time ago, has been troubled with iheumatisin and tiied a Address, Rev. Thomas Brown. number of different remedies, but says the summer. Of course it could not be j made by Dolphin* Ellis tho invalid, for ajudged insane hy Judge Moreland and General remarks. none of them seemed to do bun any \ heated safely, anil appearances only go | sale at J .T . Smith’s store. committed to the asylum. j Question box, conducted by Mrs. F an ­ before comfort when there is some one to | good; but finally be got hold of one that nie Martin. • Mrs. Daily’s mind is said to be entirely Editor George Graves has so far re­ speedily cured him. He was much pleas­ look on. The result was that this hath | Is still here with a large stock o f 7:00 p .m . Quarterly meeting o f the , dear now and she will bo able to come covered from his sickness as to enable room about which r-o much was said and ed with it, and felt sure that others sitn- I Y oung People's Society o f Christian liome as soon us she gains a little more him to ride into town the first o f the i Marly ufllicted would like to know wlmt I written, soon went into disuse, uml Tur- Endeavor. st re rig’ ll. j week, li e is still very weak, but the remedy was that cared him. He j tier finally spent some $15,000 in erecting A aron M. B r a y , l Barrel! & Richard, of Woodburn, Or. | seems to be slowly im proving. | states for I be benefit of the public that it another apartment adjoing for hath room M a r y L. H o sk in s , ) * Clerks. have 120 acres improved land to sell or The sale o f the horse Zero took place is called Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. For purposes. Nothing lias been heard of trade for farm, or town property near last Saturday, according to advertise-1 sale bv C. F. Moore A Co. that batli tub lately, and until this time F R O M O C R K X C H A N C .K S . Newberg. t2 ment. The weather was unfavorable I supposed that tho idea of using that D r e s s m a k in g . Tho world can’t beat Chehalem valley and there were on ly few bidders. J. ; Once upon a tiino a certain man got kind of tubs had been forever aban­ Agent for Garland and Oregon 8toves. for the variety of designs in sleds. Every D. Carter was tlie purchaser at a very ! Mrs. Ella Ilolly will do dressmaking at ' mad ut the editor and stopped his paper. doned.” —Pacific Ruilder. the residence oi G. W, Mitchell, dcelfi fellow is his own carpenter and draws on low figure. The next week lie sold his corn at 20 his imagination for a pattern. Oran K. Edwards pulls the strings over ! j cents below market price. Then his For some reason tho nurserymen of the B a n k r u p t S a le . property for taxes liecanse he didn’t read Pacific Coast spend far less money in ad­ Mrs. Abbis -Miles lias been home on a a four horse team when he fakes a crowd $109.00 Slock in the Newberg Fair tlie sheriff's sale. Ho was arrested and visit for tlie past ten days. Miss Maggie of young people out sleighriding. lie is vertising than is paid out therefor in ! Association for $80.00. Address fined $8 for hunting on Sunday, and he otiier portions ot the United-States. It Inglis has been filling her place in the a eHpital driver ami the other boys seem F rank W ood , Newber , Or. paid $300 for a lot of forged notes that perfectly willing to let him handle the school room during tier absence. had been advertised for two weeks, and ^ n i n n T l r t o head ! A M ^ 0 0 * M H fflj, itJC U O U lO B P M . Two young men named Ridgway and horses. For Sale. U K I* A IK 1 N G F I N E W A T C H E S A N D C L O C K S A S P E C I A L T Y . the public cautioned not to negotiate for Mr. Western, the export burner for Hazletine respectively, arrived here last 30 acres of good land, small orchard In them. lie then paid a big Irishman with in this respect, hut ns a matter of fact | ! NEWBERG, OREGON. week from the Big Bend oountry in the pressed brick factory, arrived here foil bearing and new house, about a mile there are nino states which lead it. The _______ ___ Washington. Mr. Ridgeway comes with from Chicago last week. The weather north of Newberg. Owner leaving for a foot on him like a foigo hammer, to California nurserymen expand for nows- j kick him all the way down to a newspa­ paper aevertising annually the sum of has not been so he could anything the intention of attending college. New Zealand. For particulars apply ut per office, where ho paid four years sub­ $15,000 while tlioso of New \ork pay out. much but put the m achinery in shape, Rev. Brown is different in one respect G raphic ollice, Newberg, Or. scription in advance and made tlie editor for tlie same purpose $113,000 annually but work w ill begin in earnest as soon at least from tlie average revivalist, lie sign an agreement to knock him down F o r S a lo . 1 and even in Nebraska tlie nurserymen remembers tho bodies, as well as the ¡is the weather settles. and rob him if lie ever ordered his paper expend about $23,090 for advertising or . A gentleman from Champoeg, w ho souls of his hearers, anil closes the meet­ 4C> acres of choice fruit land, 15 acres stopped again. Such iu life without a one half more than the California has tho agency for several books, cleared. ings before they are all worn out. 1,0.90 fruit trees and small newspaper.—Ex. struck town last week, but the weather nurserymen. Tlie Oregon nurseryman fruit. Good house and barn, 2 miles from Mrs. Thomas Warner was examined Mr. Sullivan says the report that sal­ pay for advertising $2,708 which is loss last Saturday by Judge Galloway and the was so unfavorable that he returned Newberg. For particulars call ut New­ attending physicians, and committed to home Tuesday. H e was favorably im ­ berg Nursery or address A. B. Cooper, mon in ascending a stream always turn than then mount paid hy the nursorymen to the left, arises from the fact that these of South Dakota.—Rural Northwest, the state insane asylum. She was taken pressed w ith Newberg and our people Newberg, Oregon. fish seek cold water ill w hich to spawn to Salem on Sunday by Mr. Warner aud will probably receive a visit from him later, M a r r ie d . and that all of tho cold streams come Joe Woods on the steamer El wood. Di a paper recently read by Alexander On Sunday, January 29, 1S93, at the from the east. If this be true, and our Craw, state horticultural quarantine offi­ Mr. C. F. Davis, editor of the Bloom­ A remonstrance is out protesting home o f the bride's parents in N ew ­ legislature should provide for a fish wheel cer for California, before u meeting of the against a license being granted for a sa­ field, Iowa, Fanner, says: “ 1 can rec­ berg, Air. Edw ard Rogers and Miss at Oregon City, our Yamhill river would California State Horticultural Society, lie loon at Dundee and we understand the ommend Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy A lina Thomas; Rev. Thomas C. Brown still contain only chubs, suckers and cat­ calls attention to a new peach pest of tlie to all sufferers with colds and croup. I prospect is favorable for success. As is fish —Reporter. officiating. most disastrous character. This is the usual in such cases tlioso who are inter­ have used for tlie past two years and iiave found it the best 1 ever used for the A njono who attempts an argument black aphis, technically culled the Aphis ested in the saloon have misrepresented Oil Tuesday evening, Jan. 3, at the with Judge Galloway on fruit culture now persica niger. It attacks the roots, which the facts and have obtained tho signa­ purpose for which it was intended.” 50 home o f tho bride in this city, Mr. ! must know whereof he speaks. He is makes it a very difficult pest to light. Tlie tures of persons who have eince signed cent bottles for sale by C. F. Moore & Co Jarrett Todd, A b and Lon H ill, John j Clms. Leavitt and Miss Dollle Hard­ reading tip, and is going into the busi­ half-grown inserts are a very dark green, the remonstrance. wick, G. T. Burnett, .1. P., officiating. I and w hen full-grown they are a shiny ness.—Reporter. A. M. Bruy who was over from Dundee Brown, John Wetherell, Dr. Clark and The G r a p h ic congratulates and | black. Nunc ries of 100,000 trees have Mr. Western went up the river yea ter . on Wednesday, informed us that there The delegation from this county to con ­ been destroyed in three weeks’ time by " ;l8he^ ' ^ " p,es 11 lon" hap­ was a good prospect of changing the lines day by steamer, taking two boats with j py fer with one from Washington concerning Wo h sve »elected fnrnur trade the very b e lt quality o f H oniehnld Furniture to b e foun d, and and prosperous life. this pest. Two large consignments of them. Their intention was to go as we are prepared to ..(Ter som e rare bargains. We buy for cash, aud are thui euabled to of the school district west of town and en­ tlie disputed boundary near Wupato lake bfcll at very low prices. Call aud see our goods and get our prices. peach trees from tlie East were found far ns Salem and stay over night, then Teachers* Meeting. larging the territory so that there will be will make tlie proposition to trade certain Calkin«’ Old Stand, rirst A Center Street. The local teachers’ institute for Yam- sections of land, which will prove of to lie infested wit li this terrible aphis and a hundred children of school age in the float dow n today and slay every duck have been destroyed. Mr. Craw says and goose on the river. A n yone no­ bill county will convene at LaFayelte on district. A new school house will be mutual benefit.—Reporter. that whenever trees are found to be in­ built and the school graded. The loca­ ticing any discoloration in the water o f Saturday Feb. 4, 1893, at 10 a. in., for U nde Dan Holman says there lias been fested with tills pest no timo should be tion of the house will probably be near the Willamette today need not give the following program has been arranged. the least rain in Oregon this year of any themselves any uneasiness. M O RN IN G SE S S IO N . Dundee. lost in destoying them. Disinfection or January of liis recollection for 49 years. An unprecedented amount of enow has Music. A short tiino ago a committee com­ fumigation should not bo relied upon.— An eastern man would construe the say­ Prayer. posed of C. E. Iloskins, Dr. Mills and J. fallen during the past ten days. The Music Rural Forth west. ing ns complimentary to tho behavior of CARMES A FULL LINK OK II. Rees was appointed by the liurlicnl- beautiful has fallen at intervals almost Reading Minutes of Previous Meeting. tlie elements, but the reverse is true. every day and night during tlie time. It Recess. tural society to make out a list of fruits Frogs and frosts, and dismal skies, that Mnsic. and berries suitable for planting in flue comes thick and fast for a little while JA P A N E S E How to Teach Reading, opened hy Prof. have been ours for tlie past few days, are then the sun shines with «luzzling bright­ locality, both for market and home use. j •S S. Duncan. dispelled hy tlie gcntlo rain in which a ness for a corresponding length cf time. Their report as adopted by the society on j A F T E R N O O N SE SSIO N . true Oregonian loves to slush about.—Re­ last Saturday will be found in this issue, j Tho nights are clear and tlie moon shines Music. porter. ure rugs fo r r e s c r ip t io n s over tlie white covering of earth in all This article alone is worth double the | Recitation. liis splendor, milch to the gratification of A new and C om plete Treatment, consisting M u s ic . price of the G raphic for a year. Suppositories, oin tin eu t In Capsules, also In Perfumes, Fancy ami Toilet Article«, Taint«, Oils, Varniah and Oil Color. Also* tlie young people who improve eaeli How to Conduct Ciphering Contests, led SCAHltY MUTTON FOK PORTLAND. o B f ox aud Hills; a P ositive Cure for E xternal, The regular church services being held fine line of the by Prof. A. N. Lowe. Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, “ snining moment” gliding over hill and in tiie Case neighborhood beyond C’ ham- Lars Gregerson of Carlton was brought R ecent or H ereditary Piles, and m any other Mn>ie. dale. Tlie continuous fall of snow has disease« ami fem ale w eaknesses: it Is always Methods of Teaching Spelling, openc 1 by before Justice Rhodes on Tuesday charg poeg, by Martin Cook and Mrs. Votuw, *rB* I a great benefit to the general health. The first made as line sleighing as could lie asked l’rof G. A Peebles, d iscovery of a m edical cu re ren derin g nn op are not held in a school house now as we ed with moving diseased sheep on *» 1 pw oration with a knife unnecessary hereafter. for. It is unusual anywhere to see so! Spelling Contest by tlie teachers and stated a snort time ago. The jieoplo over ! public highway contrary to law. Tlie This R em edy has n ever been know n to fail. other« present. much snow with so little cold weather. $1 per box, f> for $-*>; sent by m all. Why suffer there have joined together and have built i How to Teach Composition, J. A. Bu­ complaint was filed hy Dr. Minty, tho from this terrible disease when a written Tlie coldest we have had was on Tuesday Is given with <> b oxes, to refund the chanan a neat union church for their accummo i county inspector, who represent*, that tie J guarantee m oney if not cured. Send stam p for free night when the thetuoineb-r registered 15 Closing Song. dation which will stand a monument to I had previously inspected tlie hand and »Sample. Guarantee issued by W oodw ard, P rescriptions C arefully C om - | above zero Wednesday morning was Benediction. ) Clarke A Co., W holesale and Retail Druggists, hounded D ay or N ight . & their efforts for the bettering of Immani found them in exceedingly had condition, gole Agent*, Portland, Oregon. 1 tliejnost blustering time of the winter. J. B. S tilwell , 1 c . 1*. MOOKK A CO., ty. We are glad to correct the mistake so much so that the expense of treatment - Com. L H. B aker , Hole Agents for Newberg. Mr. Albert Favorhe, of Arkansas City, we made in tho announcement. would exceed their value, and the de- M is s O r il l a P e t e r s > ICan., wi-lies to give onr readers tlie ben- fendent chose the privilege of killing tho The revival services under the leader­ Weather Deport. N A T IO N A L R R M K D Y CO. ! efit of his experience with colds. He animals and burning their carcasses. In­ ship of Rev. Thomas Brown are still con­ David \V. Martin, general agent for the Na­ W iiin f k l l , N kw bkimi , Jan., 1893. ;sa\s: “ X contracted a cold early last stead of doing so he moved them to the tional R em edy Co. wishes to announce that he tinued at Friends cliurch, both in the 40) ft. now’ lias two agents in Newberg for tho sale 1 spring that settled on my lungs, ami hail Elevation above sea level field of a neighbor, wli -re they were sold to o f his m edicines. Mrs. Mary H obson, on south afternoon and evening. The afternoon 34.9° hardly recovered from it when I caught Mean temperature a Portland butcher and hy him butchered M eridian street, near the fa ir grounds, and meetings are very well attended and the Mrs. C ox, on First street, one d oor west o f Pres 55.4° M aximum temperature and shipped to tlie metropolis to supply byterlan ch urch , arc his only authorized services are proving a great blessing to i another that hang on all summer and date 7th. agents, who have and will hereafter keep on We take tliia plan to inform the public that we aro better than ever prepared to «ap­ j left me with a hacking cough which I the craving demand for spring lamb. hand :i full supply o f the above nam ed reme- the church, l'owerfut sermons hy the 15-4° 1 thought I never would get rid of. I had Minimum temperature Mcptpdtolrol ply the trade tliin Fall in tho line of a Gregerson’ s only infraction of tlie law dies. pastor are listened to by crowded bouses date 31st. n~e I Cham!s rIain’s Cough Remedy some was in moving them upon the public every night and the interest is increas­ fourteen years ago with much success, Mean o f maxim um temperature 41.1° highway, but it may provo a pretiv serious ing. A large number of conversions are “ 28.8° and concluded to try it again. When I Mean o f m inim um and expensive one before lie gets through Pa’ ties rtlan-1 The only Fare Cream o f Tartar Towder.—No Ammonia; No Alum. Bird» from the leading yard«. Cal! or write for anything Later—Mrs Avery die! Tuesday even­ DON’T CRIPE. in reality. In fact, I < ink Ihe histoiy of D O N ’ T SIOKE.’ I. needed In my line. A ing. Used in Millions of Homes— 40 Years the Standard. ) cesti per bjttlo, by your Druggist. dcc231y the hollowed out hath tub is ioflkient as- OilEGON lAN R AILW A Y TIME North. A p ril 1, I ' j JI. Fresh corn meal a! Calkins’ . RLE. Curley Gi’ -oif went to Oregon City yesterday. South. GRASS SEED GRASS SEED Local Events. PORTLAND, OREGON. PACIFIC COAST AGENTS FOR D. M. FERRY & GO. Seed Drills Spring W h eat Bee Supplies Field Peas Spring Vetches Seed Oats Fertilizers Seed Potatoes Spring Rye Tlie New Tin ©hop. F. H. STOREY, Prop. ..I - T O - I L S O N ’S G R O C E R Y Anything 1»™° Grocery Line. L 1115 Pjnnnpr T 1U 11C 0I H A R D W A R E S T O R E Builders’ tmd Shelf Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Pumps, Lumbermen's Supplies, Etc. Bank Building. J. g MOUNT. r r . l i . W ATCHM AKER BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY Howard, & JEW ELER. Hardware of J. H. TOWNSEND. Stoves of J. H. TOWNSEND. Plows of J. H. TOWNSEND, of J. H. TOWNSEND. Furniture of Seeds J. H. TOWNSEND. ]S fE W F U R N IT U R E STORE. Everything New, Atjled-rock Prices. Newberg, Oregon. W. T. MACY. pos T OFFICE DRUG STO R ED IP H I jL J S C U R E Popular Patent and FamilyMedicines P D P . L A T E ST STY LES of W A LL RA RER. Blank Books, Stationery, School Books and School Supplies. C. F. MOORE J CO. Newberg Nursery, A. IC. COORER & CO. BILIOUSNESS GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FRUIT TREES. D EPO T LUM BER YAR D . D-PRICE’S osstsaat Rough and Dressed Lumber, Doors and Windows, Brackets, THE S. B. HEADACHE & LIVER CURE (P H Y S I O IfMkl Oak Grove Poultry Yards,