% NEWBERG GRAPHIC. NEWBERG GRAPHIC BAXESi .Twenty Dollar« Ten Dollar« ........One Dollar One Column H a lf Column — Frofeaaloual Carda H e a d i n g S o l t e r a w i l l be I n s e r t e d ( h e r a t e a » T e a e e a t a p e r Lima. NEWBERG, YAMHILL CO., OREGON. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY VOL. 5. SAYS C H U R C H NOTICES. SAMUEL HOBSON, T ^ K ItN U V i llU R C H .—SERVICES KYUKY J: riuuday i t 11 a . m . ami 7 r * amlThur*da> at 10 a . m . Sabbath school every Sunday at 9:45 a . m . Mouttilv m eeting at 2 r. m . the first Sat unlay In each mouth, quarterly ineellu* the gecmi I Saturday aud Sunday in February, May, August aud November. t N K H U K K Ü , OK. .— r e g u l a r s e r v i c e first aud third Sund*ys of the mouth at 11 a m . and 3:00 r. m . ; also on fl'th Suuday, morn­ ing and evening. Sunday school every Suuday at 10 a . m . Prayer meeting every Wednesday eveuiug at H:00 o clock. HE SAW A SPOOK. ▲ P h il a d e l p h ia M edical M an T h r il l in g Tale. Photographer, lV A N G E LIC A I. CHURCH. - PREACHING i scrvic- at the Kvangelical church every Suuday at 10 a m aud 7 4> 1* M, except the fourth Sunday o f every month. Sabbath school every Sunday at 11 a m . Prayer meettng l'hursday at 7 45 p m A ll arc cordially Invited to attend these services. B church Portrait and Landscape Artist. T ell« a The last man to swear to a set-to with a ghost is a leading physician of Philadel­ phia, aud the main points of his story run as follows: It was a rainy Septeml>er night, and I was alone in the large building when I heard the street door violently slammed and some one hastening lip the stairs. I opened the door, but no one was there. I sat down after closing the door and heard the steps again. I then searched the hall carefully and felt the cold chills ran up •nd done my spine, but l reasoned with myself that the sound was only a curious echo, and turned back to my room and PACIFIC COAST. Denver Capitalists Purchase a Copper Mine. THE G O VER N O R OF ARIZONA Proposition to Drain the Flooded Levels of the Comstock )K E 8 B Y T K R IA N CHURCH. S1RVH BE I V ery second and fourth I.ord’s day at 11 a . m Portrait« enlarged _____ aud 7: i0 p . m . Sabbath school every Suuday at Crayon, India Ink or Water Colors. 10 a . m . M T * Studio—Upstairs in Hoskins building. 1 / ^ H R IS IIA N CHURCH.—SERVICES E VE RY V/ secoud aud fourth Sunday at 10 a . m . aud 7:30 P. M. ' ' DVENT STCH U RC H - P R A Y E R MEETING every Wedues iay evening. Sabbath school every Saturday at 10 a . m ., services following. EAST AND SOUTH r iltE E METHODIST.—P R A Y E R MEETING JU every Thursday at 7:30 r. M. Sabbath school every Suuday at 10 a . m . -V IA - \ e . church 8ERVICE8 E VE RY eU NOAY a . m . aud 7:30 p. m . Sabbath School i a . m . Epworth League at 6:30 p. M. i’rayer M at , at U 11 meeting eveiy Thursday evening at 7:30 o’clock. II. N. ROU Nl S, Pastor. L^OUNG LADIES’ A U X IL IA R Y T O Y M. C. A. 1. meets every Suuday at 4 p . m . in M. E. uureh. Ladies cordially invited to attend. , The Shasta Route -O P T H E — 8O 01KF y NOTICES. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. W O f THE W -N K r tB K K u I ’ AJlP, NO. 113, , meets every Wednesday evening. A —DEVOTIONALSERVICES EVERY \ r , M.C. Sunday at 4 r. . Youug men earnestly m requested to attend. w 7 I C. T. U.—BUSINESS MEETINO THE SEC- | oud and fourth Tnuraday In each mouth. * Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland O. O. F —SESSIONS HELD ON THURSDAY • evenings in Rank building. FROM F KB . 1, 1892 1 A. R —SESSIONS HELD FIRST AND TH IR D (.T , • Satuniay Saturday evening in each mouth. mouth J R . C.—MEETS FIRST AND TH IR D A Y • urday afieruoou in each montn, SA 1 Cl OF V.—MEETS E VE RY SATU RD AY EVEN- O . iig . A •8:30 O. U. W.—MEETS E VE RY TUESDAY EVEN- ¡ • iug »•! 8 P. M. in Armory Hall. 18:30 C ity o f N e w b e r g . Mayor........................................ G. W. McConnell Recorder........................................ F. H. Howard | Marshal................... *...........................K. C. Mills | Treasurer.........................................Moses Vetaw ....Enos Kills 1 Streut uommlasiotier.......... ......Miles Reece ¡ Surveyor.............................. COUNCILMEN. Secoud Ward. Third Ward.. iPaul Mary ) J 0 8 . WÜ 80 I 1 jJesse Edwards |s. M. Calkins 1 H. F. 1-ashler " j M. J. Jones 1'ROFESsIO.NAL CARDS. g . a . a . M M ♦5:00 T. M. f7:30 a . M. ♦ 4'.40 P. M. O F F IC IA L D IR E C TO R Y '. First Ward.... O ve r lan d E x press . Salem, Albany, Eug­ ene, Roseb’g. Grant's Pass, Medford. Ash laud, Sacramento,Og­ den, San Francisco, Mojave, Ix>s Angeles. El Paso,New Orleans, l aud East.................. Roseberg A way stations [V ia Woodburn fo r' Mt. Angel, Sil verton, | West 8cio, Browns- C ville and Coburg.....„ Albany and way stations Corvallis & way stations McM innville it way sta's J *4:30 r. M. ♦4 :30 P. M fl0:30 a . tr»-30 p. f8:20 a . m m m . D in i n g Cars on O g d e n Konto. PULLMAN BUFFET SLKKPBK9. Se cond-Cla ft« Sl e ep in g C ar s At ta c h ed to A l l T h r o u g h Tra ins. Through ticket office, 134 First street, where through tickets to all points in the Eastern .States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at i lowest rates from J. B. K IR K L A N D , Ticket Agent. All above trains arrive aud depart from Grand Central station, Fifth and I streets. N A R R O W O A l ' O E - W . 9. D I V I S I O N w. M c C o n n e l l , m . d ., Physician and Surgeon, —AND — P o r t la n d and W i l l a m e t t e V a lle y R a ilw a y Passenger depot foot o f Jefferson street. N E W K E R O , OR . ♦7:20 Office on First street. A ll calls promptly at­ ♦ 12:15 tended to day or night. Diseases of women aud ♦ 1:55 children a specialty. ♦5:15 ♦6:30 ♦8:35 H. J . LITTLEFIELD, Physician .and Surgeon, N e w b e r g , Or. A . M. P. M. P. M. Oswego A way st tl's I Oswego, New berg, Daudee, Dayton, La- i ) layette, % Sheridan, j I (.Monmouth A A irlie ♦ 1:30 P. u ¡Sheridan A way stations »...« a » u fJ"w p M ♦9 :3 0 A . M ♦ Daily, except Sunday. R. KOEHLER. Manager. E. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. F. A P. Agt.. Port land, Or. •Dally. Office in building occupied by the late Dr. Carman, on Main street. - > j NEWBERG V FLOURING 7 MILLS, NEW BERC, OREGON. J . D . T A R R A N T A S O N , P ro p rie to rs . Having recently equipped our mill with new and improved ma­ chinery, we are now’ prepared to manufacture the best grade of flour by the F Ü L L R O LLE R PROCESS. Cash paid for wheat. Feed ground Saturdays.____________________ P acific C ollege , N ew berg , O regon . College Classes, flormal Course, Book-keeping, All the Grammar School Studies, Music and Art. Excellent opportunity for good work. Board and lodging, $3.0C per week. All other expenses very low. I f you want to teach; if you want to take a business course; ii you want to review or take advanced work, we can suit you. Send for catalogue or come and see for yourself. TH uM AS N E W L IN , President. Mines in Nevada. ________ of N ewberg NEW BERC, OREGON. C a p ita l S to c k $30,000 JESSE EDW ARDS B. C. M ILE S ........... B C. M IL E S ......... .......President Vice-President ...........Cashier Directors— Jesse Edwards, B. C. Miles, F. A. Morris, J. C. Colcord, E. H. Woodward. , .. Certificates of deposit issued payable on demand. Exchange bought ind sold. Good notes discounted. Deposits received subject to check it sight, and a general hanking business transacted. Collections made m all accessible points in the United States and Canada. Correspondents— Ladd Jc Tilton, Portland; National Park Dana, New York. . . . ,, , . , * , . Strangers visiting the city are invited to call at the bank for infor­ mation concerning the city. C rrespondence invited. n a t io n a l 1803. c a p it a l . Much Interest Hangs About the Bill Intro­ duced to Increase the Tax on W hisky—Group Picture. The President and all the members of the Cabinet had gronp photographs taken the other day, preparatory to their othcial separation. Senator Squire has introduced a bill appropriating $100,000 for one ten-inch and one twelve-inch rifle high-power steel Gatling gun for coaat defense. The legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bills for the fiscal year 1894 reported to the House make an ag­ gregate appropriations of $21,677,995, or $222,134 less than that of the enrrent 1 fiscal year. Addreee, FOREIGN LANDS. G r a p h ic . la r a r i* Newberg. Oregon. PORTLAND MARKET. P r o d n o «. F ruits Eta. English Cabinet to Create a Department of Labor. KRU PP AND C A IL CANNON. • China Reported on the Brink of a Revolution— Death Captain Hall. of W h r a t — Nom inal: Valley, $1.20(3 1.224; Walla WaUa, $1.110(31.124 per cental. F l o u r — Standard, $3.50; Walla Walla, $3.60; Graham, $3; Superfine, $2.50 per barrel. O ats — 124043c per bnshel; rolled, in bags, $6.26(46.50; barrels, $6.5006.76; cases, $3.75. H a v — Best, $11013.50 per to n ; com­ mon, $9.00010.00. MnajsTurrs— Bran, $18; ahorts, $20; ground barley, $23024; chop feed, $20 per ton; whole feed barley, $18019; middlings, $23024 per ton; brewing barley, $1.0001.15 per cental; chicken wheat, $1.10® 1.20 per cental. B utt « ~ 374c; good, . _ . M. Develle Is Minister of Foreign A f­ pound; pickle roll batter, 40055c per I roll. fairs in the new French Cabinet. C hkxsx — Oregon, 11013c; Eastern The Marquis of Queensberry has made Twins, 1 4 4c; Young America, 15c per his appearance on the lecture platform i pound. in England. „ „ , . . . . , , , . K ao*— Oregon, 30c; Eastern, 30c per New Zealand has set apart two islands dosen. for the preservation of wild birds and P oultry — Chickens, mixed coops, other animals. $3.6004.00; old hens, $4.0u@4.50; old China is declared by the Worth China roosters, $4.00; ducks, $5.0J@f>.5J; geese, H a il to be on the brink of revolution $9.00010.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 124c; dressed, 1 3 0 15c per pound. through all its southern provincee. v aoKTABLXs— » Cabbage, — $1.0 ■ (gL.50 — per THE GHOST AND THE DOCTOR, The North German Lloyd w ill pay $60,- bad reached it, when almost within touch 000 salvage to the steamer Lake Huron, cen tal; onions, 90c(4$L per cental; pota­ toes, 80(olted the door, but soon felt ashamed of my terror, tion of the three bandit leaders arrested a Chinese leper as a measure of safety. lings, $3.00(43.25 per box ; navels, $4.00 bv United 8tatea troops on the charge of took another lighted lamp and searched The London Unify Chroniclr announces (44.60; cranberries, $12.60 per barrel; again. This time I saw it, but vaguely, violating the nentralitv lawa. The dis­ that the Cabinet has decided to create a applee, $ 1 . 00 ( 42.00 per box. between me and the hall window. The patch waa sent to the Secretary of State, Department of Labor in connection with Staple Oroeeries. next instant arms of supernatural strength who will co-operate with the Mexican the Board of Trails. seized me in a deadly embrace, which government in securing speedy action in H onxt — Choice comb, 15efore. When I dian Affrira, setting forth his conclusions honor. 24 86-100c. could get up I went to my mirror, and of the strained relations between J. I,e- B bans — Small white, 3 4 c ; pink, 3c; The Saltan has ordered a competitive there, about my throat, were the cruel roy Brown, acting United States Indian trial ol Krupp and Call connon. The bayoa, 3 4 c ; butter, 8 4 c ; lirnas, 3 4 (44c marks of clawlike murderous fingers. ajrent at Pine R idge and Dr. Charles A. latter are aseid by the French army, and | per pound. Still distrustful of my own imagination, Eastman of the 8ionx Indian agency. the Ottoman army has been using the S y r u p — Eastern, in barrels, 40(456c; for I was as complete a skeptic by nature The Secretary’s conclusion Is that good former. half-barrels, 424 @ 5 7 4 c ; m cases, 36(4 in regard to supernatural matters as could service reqnires that Dr. Eastman shall 80c per gallon ; $2.26 per keg. California Several German papers demand that In barrels, 20(440c per gallon; $1.76 per be found, indeed I leaned strongly toward Denver capitalists have purchased the the government at once prepare an em i­ materialism in those days, I resolved to let f ^ E li gration bill to meet the emergency cre- keg. some of iny companions see the marks on great San Fernando copper mine in i S ug ar — Net prices: D, 4c; Golden O, ated by the United States quarantine 4.4c; extra C, 4 4 c ; Magnolia A, 4 4 c ; Low er California for $250,000. The mine ®“ nothe“ p “ a w h ? b T illin g my throat and judge for themselves, is situated about one hundred miles „ ithT n Vhe , P regulations. though I kept the cause of them a secret, granulated, 6 4 c ; cube crushed and pow­ The Canadian government haa been dered. 6Jt c ; confectioners’ A, 5.4c per but every one that t»eheld them recognized them for what they were, and I stood a miles from the ocean notified that Germany and Sweden have tary finds there is no reasonable ground pound; maple sugar, 15(4 B>c per pound. good deal of chaff regarding the fight I The Bradstreet Mercantile Ageny re­ to find fault with the conduct of acting prohibited Canadian Emigration Com­ C a n n e d G o o d s —Table fruits, assorted missioners from carrying on active work qnoted $1.76(42.00; peaches, $1.86(42.10; was supposed to have had, and in which I ports thirteen failures in the Pacific Agent Brown in this connection. got the worst of it. Coast States and Territories for the past In those countries. Bartlett pears,$1.75(42.00; plums,$1.374 Commander H enry L. Johnson has W ell, there’s the story. If you are wise week, as compared with fifteen for the 1.60; strawberries, $2.26(42.45; cher- Captain John Vine H all, who com­ enough to find a natural explanation of it previous week and tw elve for the cor­ been dismissed from the navy. H e was manded the Great Eastern steamship on £ ee, $2.2502.40; blackberries, $1.86(4 tried before a general coart-m artial at please pass it on to me, for the thing has responding period of 1892. 2; rasp berries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.250 Mare Island navy yard in December last her first voyage to N ew Y ork, died been a nightmare to me ever since, though Seven months ago the Sonth Ogden on three charges, the principal one of Christmas d ty at Hampstead, England, 2.80; apricots, $1.65(42.00. Fie frnits: I never saw the phantom afterward, as I Assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1.25; plume, Company at which is in official language “ through in his eightieth year. _ , c . incorporated .. moved the very next day from the hAunted Mercantile $1.10(41.20; blackberries, $1.25(41.40 per The French Royalists at Madrid are Ogden, Utah, with a capital ol $1,600,000. negligence, suffering a vessel of the navy house. dosen. Pie fruits, gallons — Assorted, In a roundabout manner that I could To-day it is on the verge of ruin as the to be run upon a rock and hazarded.’ ’ intrigning, but their efforts seem to be $3.16(43.50; peaches, $3.50(44.00; apri­ never decide to wholly trust to, I learned result of dissension among the stock- The vessel was the Mohican, which John­ without vigor or directness. Their party cot«, $3.6004.00; plums, $2.75(43.00; when the place was a residence that the holders, who are all capitalists of high son commanded, and the grounding took has no head, no strong figure for the blackberries, $4.0004.50. Vegetables: place off the Alaska coaat. Such is the Bourbon adherents to rally around. owner, a wealthy merchant, kept a lunatic rating. corn, $1.4001.86; tomatoes, $1.0001.10; brother in the upper story for some years. Russia will send three war ships to sugar peas, 96c0 $ L00; string beans, 900 Judge Dougherty at Santa Rosa, CaL, vessel to which he was assigned after a This madman, w ho ended his crazed life on a w rit of habeas corpus rules that suspension for several years for the same New York to take part in the nayal dem­ 95c J5c per dosen. Meats: Corned beef. Is, by hanging himself, had been a notorious magistrates may receive complaints, is­ offense for which he was dismissed. The onstration in connection with the Colum­ P-.60; 2a, $2.40; chipped beef, $2.650 rascal and heartless villain, whose excesses sue warrants, conduct preliminary ex­ court found him gnilty of the three bus fetes. These vessels will bs under 4.00: lunch tongue, is, $4.00; 2s, $6.76; alone had ruined his mind. Perhaps it aminations and admit persons to bail, charges preferred, and sentenced him to the command of Admiral Kaxnakoff. deviled ham, $1.7602.75 per dozer. was his unresting spirit I saw, but who but cannot bold trials and pronounce dismissal. Secretary Tracy has approved Leopold de Rothschild has remitted Fish: Nardines, 4 « , 76c<4$2.25; 4 s , knows? the findings, and this action has been to his Buckinghamshire tenants 20 per $2.1604.50; lobsters, $2.3003.50; salm- judgments on legal holidays. confirmed by President Harrison. cent, off the rent dneat Michaelmas last, on.tin 1-Ib.tails,$1.26(41.60; flats, $1.76; E li Walker, who gained some notori­ in addition to a redaction of 30 per cent, Sloe., $2.2602.60; 4 bbl., $5.50. ▲ Changeable Climate. ety two years ago because of smuggling Secretary Noble haa transmitted in re-1 made every half year since March, 1886. A man in order to meet the exigencies Chinamen from Low er California into sponse to a resolution of the llonse his M I c m I U o m o i . Abont 11 per cent of the pauperism in of the present winter should have about this country, has tieen arrested below report concerning the executive order of I Scotland is attributable to the charge- N atl « — Bate quotations: Iron, 12 76; five overcoats, all o f different weight. the line for smuggling boots, shoes, November 19, by which that part of ability of natives of England and Ire­ clothing, etc., concealed under boxes of Utah lying west of the 110th meridian ateel, $2.75; wire, $2.50 per keg He needs a buffalo robe for early morn­ butter and eggs purchased at San Diego was restored to the pnblic domain, with land, the total of that class in the past I bon — Bar, 2 4 « per pound; pig Iron, ing, and then as the day rolls on he for sale at Ensenada. ear being 9,711, ot whom 8,532 were $23025 per ton. all the correspondence on the subject. should be able each hour to don a lighter rish. The documents show this land waa c * t * * l — 1 0 4 c per pound. The Tucson Star says: A miner in garment until midday, when he could T in — I. C. charcoal. 14x20, prime qual­ thrown open to settlement for the pur-1 A new luminous fungus has been for­ this city from the Ilarqna Hala mines go without any, and then gradually in­ pose of allowing the people of the United warded from Tahiti to Europe. It Is ity, $8.5009.00 per b ox; for crosses, $2 says that two men stopped at the mine crease the weight until he would get last week answering tne description of States an opportunity of exploring the said to em it at night a light reaembiing extra per box; roofing, 14x20, prime back his buffalo robe at night. There is Sontag and Evans, the Visalia train-iob- placer fields in search of gold and other that of the glow-worm, which it retaine quality, $6.7607.00 per b o x ; I. O. coke lots of climate this winter.—Texas S ift­ bers. They were on horseback, and valuable minerals. A ll the facts con-1 lor a period of twenty-four hoars after plates, 14x20, prime quality, $7.6008.00 nected with the restoration were pub­ having been gathered. per box. ings. were heavily armed. They appeared L ead — *4 c per pound; bar, « 4 c . lished generally throughout the West at | A ship haa just left Melbourne with a very nervons, and did not stop to talk S h o t — $1.80 per sack. • the time the President’s message was is -1 cargo of 13,000 cases of butter, valued at profound Ignorance. ▼ery long to any one. sued. A telegram has been received 135,000, and on every pound sold the H orseshoes — $6. Mistress (to up stairs g irli—Jan.% the down N a v a l S to res — Oakum, $4.5005 per An attem pt to play a practical joke on from Oolonel Hunt of the army, report­ Victorian government grants a bonne of stairs girl is sick. You know bow to cook, one of the Indians encamped near Uma­ ing that no prospectors had nor were in- 3 pence or so, more or less, according to bale; resin, $4.8006 per 480 pounds ; tar, don’t you I | Stockholm, $13.00: Carolina, $9.00 per tilla, Or., came near causing an oat- trading on the Navajo reservation. the price the batter fetches. Jane— No, mum, I don’t know anything barrel; pitch, $6.00 per barrel; turpen­ break the other day. The trouble arose about cooking. The Appropriation Com mittee haa A forecast of the Indian budget has over a pair of gloves belonging to the In­ tine, 66c per gallon in carload lota. ‘ ‘ But you told me you'd been a cook for agreed on a pension appropriation bill. been published by a Calcutta journal. dian, which were hidden by a young ten years." man. The brave called to his assistance It carries an appropriation of $166,400,- In place of the estimated surplus of four- i H ides, W o o l s o d H op«. “ Yee, mum: but It was In a railroad r e » a dozen of his fellows, who succeeded in 000, an increaae of $20,662,650 over the teen lace of rnpeea it is stated thet there | H idbs — Dry hides, selected prime, 6 0 aurant out west.” —Philadelphia Record. terrifying the joker, and the gloves were appropriation for the enrrent year. The will be a deficit of 160 lacs, brought 8e; 4 c lea* lor culls: green, selected, recommendation of the subcommittee about entirely by the fall in exchange. returned. over M pounds. 4c; under 66 pounds, 3c; that no pension shall be paid any per- j A Giant N ear ly Twenty Feet H ig h . The Qneen’* conain, the Prince of sheep pelts, short wool, 30060c; me­ An effort w ill be made within a few sons under the dependent pension law A giant exhibited in Europe—particu­ days to secure a meeting of the Native nnless they can show that they are Leiningen, who holds the rank of Ad­ dium, 60( 4 80c; long, 0OcO$l.26; shear­ larly in Rouen, where he was before the Sons of Oregon who are among the leg­ wholly disabled for mannal labor and miral in the British navy, ia ahont to ings, 10 Lend Purchase Commission to compul­ receive two-thirds of their suffrages. anteetl In <>. M. Bale«' aboe ahop ou First street with the bill waa that his committee waa sorily purchase portions of estates from Thirty five years' expe 1 nee. iro, In tins, 1&4O170; Oregon, 1 1 4 0 Dr. W . Brengle, who is known in all awaiting an accurate statement of the obstinate landlords, with enoogh to 4 « per pound. _____ of the principal towns of the Northwest condition of the Treasury before peasing make loans to evicted tenants to enable ---- AT THE as the husband of Lillian Mason, the npon i t The effect of the bill npon the them to start farms anew. In ! “ 80 12.52 per cent, of the whole variety actress, and who created a sensa­ revenne has been already apecnlated nnmlier o f foreign born persons were There have been abont two hundred tion in Spokane a few days ago on his npon. Commissioner of Internal Reve­ engaged in agriculture, while 18 88 per and seventy-five tramp ateamera rnnnlng arrival from Denver by fal ing in a fit nue Mason estimates that ths bill, if en­ cent, o f the foreign born were engaged when b it wife informed him that she acted into law, would make about $35,- between th * Black Hea and th * Danube May be found at all tim e« a fu ll aaaorment of daring the pest season, end with the In manufactures. would more to do W with him - * W XA I'S have ax m v w no XX J XAX /t V • 1 WXX XX X UJ p V 000,000 u t / f t / v v t difference l 11A V I v U C v 1 in U v the t l v I revenues V V V I I IS c n m llt x and good marketable has filed a suit in the Superior Court increese them to that extent. Theeffect close of navigation there they ere mostly The stability of electric locomotives at for $100,000 damages against “ Big Ber­ that such a bill woold have upon the torned loose on the North Atlantic to high speed is much greater than that of th a ," the confidence qneen, and Rudolph whisky trust cannot be given, and it Is pick op freights wherever they caa. Gorkow, a wealthy brewer of Spokane, not known whether or not the whisky IV a g a te « have been Invited from the steam locomotives, and therefore there A ll erden promptly stten<1e4 to and u tl.fa ctton for alienating his w ife'« affections. “ Big trust la behind the bill, and trying to get sanitary com m ittee« of all the porta of is leea chance o f derailment. guarantied Bertha’ ’ is Lillie's partner in the variety it through, bat the general Impression the United Kingdom to a conference In show there,and Gorkow is alleged to have seems to be thet it is really a whisky London to dtacnes the cholera question The Hindoos and Ceylonese all believe Ouedoor »ant of Morrta. t fl'e » A Co.'» naw »lor-, conspired with Bertha to indace L illie trust bill, and the design is to drive out and to promota unity of action in regard that Adam was bnried in a cave In the on P in t atreet to discard her hnsbaod. Gorkow char- the small manufacturers by the increased to measures for preventing the introduc­ side o f the mountain known as “ Adam ’s k -tenses the n i t ea a bold attem pt a t , ooet, which the tax will necessarily com­ tion or spread of the plagwe le the spring. peek," Island * f Ceylea. pel them to pay. M a tk a A * . e. B i l l s A SONS. _ . _ „ , , , . Cohn Bros, at 8alt Lake kave failed, with liabilities of $110,000. The Ogden Conncil has voted $15,000 bonus (or a smelter and rod^-’ ion works. The old-eetabliehed house of Parker A Hanson of Astoria, Or., haa been closed by San Francisco creditors. The eteamer San Pedro is to be lifted from the rocks in front of Victoria, B, C., by means of coder dams. Governor Murphy of Arizona has gone to Washington to use his efforts to se­ cure Statehood for the Territory. “ Banjo-eyed Kid ” has been arrested at Sacramento aud charged with obtain­ ing money under false pretenses. Andrew Peterman, who has a ranch along the Klamath river, has set out 300 cranberry plants as an experiment. The Cudahy Packing Company’s buildings at Los Angeles, when com­ pleted, w ill cover an acre of ground. A bill has been introduced in the Ne- vaUa Legislature providing for a conven­ tion to revise the constitution of the State. There is trouble in Shoshone county, Idaho, as to who owns the jail at Burke. The defeated officials at Burke claim it for debt. San the . . . . . Diego has „ , begun - and shipment of lobsters, fish, etc., to Eastern markets in carload lots. A can* nery i . to be established at San Diego, T h e British Colombia government of- fers $609 for information leading to the conviction of the parties who kidnaped the sailors o ff the ship Bownmore at Nanaimo. A Victoria, B. 0., dispatch says it has been determined by the Giant Powder Com pany’ s branch of the Berkeley works California to perfect new and improved works at Cad boro Bay. The Washington Senate has passed over the G overnor’s veto the famous anti-Pinkerton bill of last session to pre­ vent any person or corporation from em- loying, organizing or keeping up armed -'•1iea of men. Th® Secretary of the Interior in re- sponee to the requeat of Senator Mitch- j ell has transmitted to the Senate all the papers relating to the claim of Oregon Indians for money in payment of ceded *JF1“ ®rjn ^'*le .P a P?r® 8° the In- nian Committee of the Senate, who w ill try and find out whether there ia any­ thing in the claim made by the Indiana. , Monnt Tacoma and eereral thonaand acrea of land in ita vicinity are to be withdrawn from settlement and made a timber reservation, with the ultimate hope that it will be created aa a national park. Senator Squire haa been working on thia for aome time, and Represents* tive Wilaon eaw Secretary Noble about it recently. An agreement waa reached to have the withdrawal made. BE S & ^ L 'S .S S r .““ ■"d f Dentist, B ank B A T S » • a b a e r l p t l o a P r i c e P a y a b le a b ly l a A d v e n e * . at Advertising B ill» Collected Monthly* a p t is t H I M C 'R I P I 'I U S One Year .................................. . |i 81» Month* ........................................... Three Monihe. ..................................... 838 A D V C R T IS n « NEWBERG GRAPHIC Dentist, G FRESH MEATS.