B E A TIN G THE CUSTOM S. S o m e th in g T h a t F n l/ ly G ood C itizen « T i l l D o W h e n H o H u thn Chance. Do You W ish the Finest Bread and Cake? It is conceded that the Royal Baking Powder is the purest and strongest of all the baking powders. The purest baking powder makes the finest, sweet­ est, most delicious food. The strongest baking pow­ der makes the lightest food. That baking powder which is both purest and strongest makes the most digestible and wholesome food. Why should not every housekeeper avail herself of the baking powder which will give her the best food with the least trouble ? Avoid all baking powders sold with a gift or prize, or at a lower price than the Royal, as they invariably contain alum, lime or sul­ phuric acid, and render the food unwholesome. Certain protection from alum baking powders can be had by declining to accept any substitute for the Royal, which is absolutely pure. A A ffe c t io n A m o n g L ld c r ly Men. Elderly scholars are eccentric to a proverb; that order o f man isspecial ly liable to affections, which its stud­ ios foster o f necessity. The “ old buck," so common and so droll, is another sort o f instance. It is re­ ported o f your m illionaire— your fi­ nancier, that is—that ho hath over an abnormal gayety, an uncommon frankness o f address, such as become all hearty and simple fo lk ; but how long and with what assiduity must ho have cultivated his ideal to flour ish it w ith such ease 1—National Ob­ server. A H it o f C om m en t. G IFT DIVINE. This g ift Is given — * This g ift from Heaven— Unto a’ few. Through veins with human frailty filled A glow divine is found distilled. Th ere’s music rare Played in the air T o such a one. A n d measured by its mvstic flow Ilia breathing and his movements go. As through the sky Th e meteors fly, 8o darts his glance. Or it would seem as though soft hands Had waved before his face like fans. By man and beast. From great to least, lie w ill be loved; A child w ill sit upon his knee A n d 6eek his face confidingly. Tho best comment on grasshoppers H e cannot rest as a diet was made by an old fanner W ithout the best o f Kansas, who, when told by an en­ Th e world can give. Our truest thought to him we bring; tomologist that grasshopiK'rs could Our sweetest song to him we sing. be eaten—fo r John the Baptist lived And If wo find. on locusts and w ild h o n e y - replied: Like a ll mankind. “ W ell, John tho Baptist m ight have He, too, can sin. dono that, fo r those w ere days pf W o feel, although we sigh or weep. His part divine is hut asleep. miracles, and I reckon a man could —Eleanor B. C aldwell in Harper’s. eat almost anything then, but if ho lived nowadays ho have to 1 k > fitted iu nary am i C ook ery . out with a different kind o f a stomach Tho importance o f cooks in the to en joy these 'hoppers.—St. Louis political world is much greater than Globe- Democrat. jxiople suppose. An embassador's in ilucnco has often been in projiortion I t Sh ou ld I t « “ C lilcu w g u .M By all means let us say “ Chicaw- to the skill o f liis cook. On a celebrated occasion in Vienna, go ” A man should certainly know how to pronounce the name o f tho when there was much excitem ent in place he lives in, and it is the duty o f all the European courts over affairs every other inhabitant o f this great o f international moment, the French and glorious country to agree with embassador was suddenly recalled him and endeavor to im itate him.— by bis government. “ It is a ve ry gra ve affair, is it Cor. N ew York Tribune. not,” Prince Jdotternicli was asked by a lady at it court ball, “ this recall T h e A d v a n ta g e o f I l l s C om pany. Featherstouo— I wish you would o f tho embassador?” “ N o t so grave, I assure you, come and help mo select some trous- madamo,” tho prince responded, “ as ers. old tnun R in gw ay I don't believe m y taste it would liavo been if it had been the French embassador's cook who was ia any better than yours. Feathenstono I hopefully)—No, but recalled. Tho embassador can easily your credit is. Exchange. be replaced, it would bo difficult to replace his cook 1" -Y ou th 's Compan­ ion. T H E REASON. Let us look into the force, mean­ ing, reason o r the oft-repeated line: Cures Promptly and Permanently. Puintt Endured fur 30 Years, 2fi Years, 20 Years, 10 Years, Have been promptly Cured by r*T. JACOBS O il-. By the use of: A F E W A P P L IC A T IO N S A H ALF BO TTLE ONE B O T T LE TW O BO TTLES. Correspondence with Sufferers shows «ntlre permanenoe o f oure up to this time, In some cases covering ft 7 N 10 Years, Years, Years, Years, • -id so on, ta d this proof wc hold. A copy o f the Portfolio o f the World'* Colu .uhlan ExiH.hition,” docrintive o f Iliii'.dingM ftu(X Ground*, beautifully Illus­ trated, in wh»*r cpler effect*, will Ui sent to any address u|x>a rnielpt o f I«*«• in post*«« stamps » y T hk C harles A. Y ouhler C o * i* * f tt v o n ic . Mu. Mature should be assisted to throw offimpuritlesofthe b lood . Nothing does It so well, so promptly, o r so safely as S w i f t ’ * Specific. L I F E H A D NO C H A R M S. For three years I was troubled with mala­ rial poison, which caused my appetite to fail, and I was greatly reduced in flesh, and life lost all its charms. I tried mercurial and potash remedies, but to no effect. I could getnorelief. I then decided to try- s .s s A few bottles of this w on derful___________ medicine made a complete and permanent cure, and I now enjoy better health than ever, J. A. RlCB, Ottawa, Kan. O u r b o o k o n B lo o d a n d S k ill I Uscasoo mailed free. S w i r r S p e c if ic C o ., A t la n t a , G o . The Best Waterproof Coat In the ftS H W ORLD I SLICKER Tl.. r is ii III! V S I* SUCKER L w.PT.ttU-l wstrr proof, «n«i w ill ht>*>p y»»u dry In ifio Th«- nrw l-UMMM. M.l hkK \* B perfect riding ca t, Bn.1 envrra the« mire »eddie. Hrwureof lnütetk>ne. Doni. t»u> a font If the ** » »ah Brami ’ Is not on It. Illustra-! fric A U k n rtje ^ ïc f^ A ^ J ^ P »W E K . J “ BuendS dios, eenor.” You raise you r eyes from your work. A little, lean, chocolate col­ ored man, w ho looks as though he had a life engagem ent w ith an indo­ lent liv e r stands before you, hat in hand. It passes through your mind vaguely that the salutation is Span Ish fo r “ Good day, sir," or some­ thing o f the kind. "D oes the senor spik Spanish?” No, the sejaor does not speak Span ish ; ho has only walked that w a y oc­ casionally. “ Parlez vous Français, monsieur ?" asks the partner o f the torpid liver. No, mounseer does not parlez any­ thing but English. “ Pardon, but I spik the Inglees ver' bad. I hof some fine Spanish cigar to show the senor, and he ees v e r’ chip." It's the same racket, tho v e ry sumo that took you in tw o years ago. You don’t want any. “ Pardon, senor, but he ees v e r’ fine and ver’ chip. Ah, senor, oblige m e; try him .” Then tho mauve, suave Cuban looks all around v e ry cautiously, v e ry sus­ piciously, and suddenly takes you into his confidence. H e intimates in invertebrate English tlnit tho cigars, o f which he has but 200 or 300, have in some w a y dodged the revenue, and so he, humble benefactor that he is, can sell them at about h alf what they would cost if the customs had not been defrauded. “ Ah, senor, ho ees a beeg, what you call, eh? bar gain? But’’—and here he lifts his shoulders to a level w ith his ears. “ I must ra-tum to m y dear Cuba. Come, sonor, it ees bargain." The tem pter holds a bunch o f fifty before you —long, slender, shapely. Th ere is a delightful fragrance in tho room. Tho Cuban pushes a cigar through from the center o f tho bunch. You take it. You seem to be m aking the selection yourself, for you are under a strango hypnotic spell. Delicious 1 Tho smoke wreaths curl about you as you puff away, filling the air w ith a ravishing aro­ ma. Tho Cuban continues to talk —a low, soothing monotono that dulls you r conscience and puts sus­ picion asleep. Yes, you w ill assist him to rob the governm ent. There are somo things about tho tariff you don’t like very w e ll anyw ay. Besides you w ill do a w orth y act in assisting a Cuban ex ­ ile to return to his fa m ily and native land. So you buy a bunch o f fifty, and with profound thanks the poor fo r­ eigner leaves. B y this tim o tho first cigar has bunted out. In a d eligh tfu l stato o f exhilaration you tako a second. Hello, what's this? N ot at all like tho first. A villainous weed ; there's a piece o f repo in it. You try a third, a fourth, u fifth ; not one o f them but would suffer in comparison with a W h eelin g stogy. —Indianapolis Journal. I l e a t l i i g , C oolin g' am i V e n tila tin g . F or m ore titan tw en ty years tho inventor o f a new system fo r cool­ ing, heating and ven tilatin g has Iteen developing the methods which have Iteen embodied in his invention. Ilis system consists o f circulating fresh air through interior zigzag par­ titioned heating drums and coils ar­ ranged in a return zigzag fluo ex­ tending fo r u suitable distance up V ir g in ia 's n i* m a l .Swamp. Tho Dismal swamp in Virginia, tho chimney, around which the es­ ono o f tho largest swampy tracts in caping gases and smoko are mado to Am erica, is also ono o f the most pass. The heat that usually passes promising areas o f reclamation. It to wasto outside tho chim ney is tlius contains fu lly 1,000 sipiuro miles, and absorbed. Tltis heat is then turned into a is at present o f littlo value except for a supply o f timber. It is an old stream o f fresh, clean air, driven sea bottom, and tho western boun­ through heating apparatus and con­ dary o f tho swam p is u sen cliff and veyed with great velocity through a beach. The ch ief animal imputation circulating pipe into as m any d iffer­ o f tho higher classes consists o f water ent buildings and apartments as may be desired. In this w ay a saving of birds and snakes. O f tho larger nn imals bears arc abundant, and there from 70 to 00 per cent, in the cost o f is u peculiar and very ferocious spe­ fuel is effected, and pure, wholesome cies o f wild horned cattle. The air, which can Ito cooled if desired, fights o f the bears are said to be very can be obtained all over tlie house. exciting.—Goldtliwnito's Geograph­ —Pittsburg Dispatch. ical Magazine. C ondensed M ilk L a c k » W a te r . D e r iv a tio n s o f Som e C om m on W ord s. Ono remembers how on the 15th o f June, 1215, K ing John signed tho great charter o f tlio constitutional freedom o f Britain, and how, after ho had signed it, lie flung himself in n burst o f fu ry on tho floor and gnawed the straw and rushes with which the floors o f those days wore strewn. N ow what was “ chart«?" O riginally nothing more or loss than a sheet o f papyrus strips glued to­ gether ns w ritin g paper. So it is to tho Egyptian reed that wo owe our “ chu'ters," “ charts," “ cards," "cartes" (blanche and do visite), our “ cartoons" and our “ cartridges."— Good Words. Ilrn ugh ft lla v k to L ife . M r Pnssavnnt records an instance o f a peasant boy w ho revived after being supposed to lie dead for several days. T lie lx.y bitterly resent id bis tieing calltd back to life, and in formed those that gathered about him that lie bad Ixvti in a Ivautiful plate, and bail associated and con verstd with Iris deceased relatives. Before his insensibility his faculties w ere not even ordinarily brilliant, but afterw ard he conversed and prayed with surprising eloquence. Yankee Blade C h ild r e n o f M i ll « L a b o r e r * . A m on g the mine laborers o f Penn ■ylvania, except in rare instances, the Slavs and Italians never send their children to the public schools. The Isiys nre curly set to work among their own |ieople, and the girls can seldom m ake acquaintance with those o f other nationalities. Tins clannish habit prohibits the acquisition o f the English language and prevents the j fostering o f Am erican patriotism in the coming generation. —Henry Rood in Forum. HATS OFF TO A TENDERFOOT. T h e W o .t M . k e . D a . A c k n '.w le d g m .u l to a M r. P a y n e from th e East* FO R PURE FO OD AN l b . ban F r a n c l.o o B »* r < l o f H .a l r h Mo­ t i f * C o o . u i i i . r . W h ic h I . t h . B ea t B a k in g f o . d e r , ENKMT A FOOT HOLD BAFFLED . There i* an enemy with whom thousand» »re fam iliar «1! their live », because they »re born with a tendency to biliouane«». With this enemy they a r c r.siantly battling with ineffectual weapon«. Hoststters Stomach Bitters w ill batfle it. Mere purgatives w ill not reform adisord« red condition of ihe liver indicated, hot by consti- pat . on a on .but alto by sick beau aches, yellow­ ness of the skin » nd eyeball*, nausea, furred tong e and uneasiness, more particularly upon p.essure on the right side, upon ami below the short ribs. Avoid drastic purgative» which gripe aud weaken the intestines, and .substitute thi world-famous anti-blliouB cordial, which like­ wise removes malarial, stomachic and kidney comp aints. rheumatism and nervousness. As a laxative of the bowels, painless but effectual, it improves appetite, sleep and the a bility to di­ gest, and possesses the additional advantage of a standard t *nic. for Consumption is That you ere offering, if your blood.ia impure. Consumption is ulidp- ]y Lung Scrofula. A scrofu­ lous condition, with a slight cough or cold, is ail that it needs to develop it. But just as it depends upon th . blood for its origin, so it depends upon the blood for its cure. The surest remedy fo r Scrofula in every form, the moot effective blood-cleans­ er, flesh-builder, and strength- restorer that's known to me.li- cal science, is Doctor Pierce’s G o l d e n Medical Discovery. F or Consumption in all ^ its earlier stages, and for W eak Lungs, Asthma,Severe Coughs, and all Bronchial, Throat, and Lung uffec- tions, that is the only remedy so unfailing that it can be guaranteed. I f it doesn’t benefit or cure, you have your money back. One by one the roses fade. The gentle tenderfoot from the distant The Board of Health can engage in no east, whose doings in our western more laudaDle occupation than the ex­ country have been a subject fo r ridi­ amination of curiood supply and the in­ struction of the public as to those arti­ cule, exaggeration and entertain­ cles it finds to be pure and wholesome, ment, suddenly turns the tables on and which, therefore, consumers should his calumniators. W e have all heard uee. There are quantities of baking pow­ o f his listening wide mouthed to the startling stories concocted by the ders in the market to use which is cer­ wild w estern er; o f his being made to tain detriment to the health of the con­ sumer. They are made from alum, or dance to the music o f the fretfu l improperly compounded from other six shooter; o f the innumerable jokes chemicals, to that they leave a strong A genius is a person who finds out things for o f which he has l>een made the butt; alkaline residuum in the food. Many of other peup.e. o f the joshing and jokin g he has ever these powders, having proved unsalable K U F T t R I A N D P IL E S C U B E D . been s u b je c t«! t o ; o f the ridiculous in the East, have been collected by their manufacturers from the dealers with We positively care rupture, pile» and all rec­ appearance he lias made in the pres­ who n they were left on commission, and N o matter how long you’ve had Catarrh, tal diseases without pain or detention from bust ence o f the cowboys, the brawny snipped to the Pacific Coaet. In the et- ness No cure, no pay. A l»o all Private dls- , or how severe, Dr. Sage's Remedy will effect case». Address for pamphlet Dr*. Porterfield A a permanent cure. $500 reward is effered miner and the breezy denizens o f the fort to gain a foothold in this market Losey, 838 Market street dan Francisco. by the proprietors of this medicine, for an boundless prairie. A lw ays a guy, their unscrupulous manufacturers have incurable case of Catarrh. Properly speaking, a drinking song should be usually a coward and generally a indulged in extravagant statements both with reference to their own and other gurgled. nerveless dude, the tenderfoot from brands, c aiming the most improbable T i t G u m k a fo r breakfast. east o f the Mississippi has been the udorsements for theirs and defaming plaything and the shuttlecock o f our the brands best known and loniest used upon the Pacific Coa«t. Thie in Use Enameline Stove Polish ; no dust, no smell. worthy and self reliant citizens. —AND— But suddenly all this is changed, ormation from this high authority, therefore, is most opportune. and tho tenderfoot blossoms out to The strength in leaveniug gas indi­ be “ as mild a mannered man as ever cates both the ecouom cal value end the scuttled ship or cut a throat.” Short­ purity of a baking powder. The tests ** I was very weak and run down and did not ly after the witching hour o f mid­ made by Messrs. Thomas Price <5c Hon«, rain strength, lik e so many after that prostrat­ —WILL FIND A 'F U L L LINE OF— night a train was held up on the the well known analytical chemists or ing disease. S e e in g Union Pacific, between this c ity and San Francisco, show tlie Royal to con­ H ood’s S a r s a p a r i l l a tain 191 cubic inches of leavening gas Cheyenne. Three masked robbers, per ounce of powder, which was fifty highly recommended, I began to take it, and looking like the heavy villains in the one inches more than tlie next highest . was more than pleased fourth act o f the average melodrama, in strength. This shows the Royal about w ith the way it built me suddenly entered tho coaches with 30 per cent, stronger than the best of up. I think it has made glitterin g pistols cocked, and hoarsely the other powders and its use that much me better than before 1 more economical. demanded that e very passenger hold was sick. I have also The opinion of the Board of Health is been d e l i g h t e d with up his hands. T lie train was filled as follows; H O O D ’ S P IL L S , VVe, the members of the Board of .vire. L m e r i p u . with cowboys, Indians, typical west­ , .. ' , ^ and always prefer them erners and blooded men from Mon­ Health of the city and county ot San to any other kind now. They do not gripe or tana. T h ey glanced at the murder­ Francisco, cordially approve and recom­ weaken. I am glad to recommend two such mend the Royal Baking Powder. It is ous guns o f tho robbers, listened to abro utely pu e and healthful, composed .Sarsa­ the fierce demand and sullenly of the liest inure ients, of the highest parilla For sale at lowest prices and most advantageous obeyed. A ll but one poor, lone ten­ strength and cl a-acter. terms at fine preparations as Hood’s Sarsaparilla and In our judgment it is impossib’ e to derfoot, from aw ay back east, who Hood’ s Pills.” M rs . I s a ia h E merson , Man make a purer or stronger baking powder instead o f heeding the call o f the Get H ood’s. ’ ban the Royal.—San Francisco Chron­ cheater, N. H. thugs and thieves sim ply pulled his HOOD’S PILLS are purely vegetable, carefull) icle. prepared from the best ingredients. pistol and began, alone and single Think o f paying $250,000 fo r a handed, such a murderous, steady VniM-imü and lively fire on the three masked single meal I That is what a wealthy holdups tliat one o f them fe ll before Roman once did when lie wished to P O R T L A N D , O R. the volley o f cold lead, w hile his impress a dozen guests with liis dis­ regard for riches. comiMinions, amazed and mortified, Write for pri es and terms before buying else­ picked him up and hastened from where. -COUGH CURtf, The total acreage o f Scotland is the scene. [?5elo «I»rg > _ _ ________________________ 18,940,694. O f this com paratively Im m ediately follow in g their de­ Cures Consum ption, Coughs, C rou p, 8ore small landed area one nobleman owns T h roat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. parture the valiant cowboys, In ­ 1,326,000 acres and liis w ife 149,879 For a Lame Srfie, Back or Chest Shiloh’s Porous dians and “ bad men” from Butte Plaster will give g T c a t satisfaction.— cents. acres more. became intensely brave, grabbed ____I ■■ w 11 v S « VITALIZE!?. EE mm m mm mm ■ « ■ SHILOH’ their pistols and talked loudly fo r an ChattanoograiTenn., says! r s . T. T . S. 8 . Hawkins, r • ' -------- ------------- The needy, incapable poor should Mrs. “ V » Vitalize* • S A V K D M Y L IF E .' 1 “ ShUoh't hour or so about follow in g the be w ell taken care of, but let us as a ............ • ------------ "twtem Jdne, scoundrels and hanging them to the people beware o f enfeebling our­ nearest tree. Meanwhile o f course selves by indiscriminate charity. the holdups escaped into tho moun­ tains. doubtless very w roth at the Otto III, the Red, was poisoned white faced youth from the east shortly after ascending the throne. H a ve you Catarrh? Trythia Remedy. ItwlU who had wounded unto death one o f Philip o f G erm any was assassinated relieve and Cure you. Price 60 eta. This In their fellow s and prevented ono o f by his courtiers. lector for lta suct-essful treatment isfurnIshe*. free. Shiloh'» Kemedle» are »old by ua on u tho neatest and richest roblieries o f guarantee to give satisfaction. the age, it being understood, that S E T H IM K I 41 II r . several o f the passengers had with PO R TLAN D , • OREGON. George Augustus Sala, the well-known them at tho time large amounts o f English writer, on his last Australian trip what is known as “ the stuff.” W e rather regret that the action wrote as follows to The London Daily Tele­ qf Mr. Payne crushes to earth an graph: “ I especially have a pleasant remem­ idol we long have cherished. That (G A S O R G A S O L I N E ) he alone and single handed should brance o f the ship’s doctor—a very experi­ enced m aritime medico indeed, who tended Made for Power or Pumping Purposes. scatter the wild western robbers, me most kindly during a horrible spell o f The Cheapest Reliable Gas Eugtne whilo bis terrified fellow passengers bronchitis and "spasmodic asthma, provoked on the Market. M iss C. G. M c C l a v h , School­ got under tho seats and dodged out by the sea fog which had swooped down on us just after we »eft San Francisco. But teacher, 753 Park Place, Elm ira, N . o f sight o f murderous muzzles, sets the doctor’s prescriptions and the increas­ Y. ‘ * T h is S prin g w h ile a w ay from at defiance our preconceived notion ing warmth o f the temperature as we C ut o f E ngine an d neared tlie Tropics, and in particular a hom e teaching m y first term in a o f the genus tenderfoot. H e is clear­ couple o f A l l c o c k ’s P orous P l a ste r s P ump . country school I was perfectly ly an iconoclast. H e violates all clapped on—-one on the chest and another wretched w ith that human agony western tradition. I f bo or liis kind between the shoulder blades—soon set me called dyspepsia. A fte r dietin g for repeats tho instance related many righ t.’ ’ tw o w eeks and gettin g no better, a A young lady does not exactly have an option more times, w o shall begin to cherish ou h young man; but, i f he pro poses, she has friend w rote me, suggesting that I a sneaking regard fo r the hopeful tbe refusal o f him. __________ take A u gu st Flow er. T h e v e ry n ext and brainy young fellow w ho comes “ Brown's Bronchial Troches” w ill relieve day I purchased a bottle. I am de­ out to our Rocky mountain region in Bronchitis, Asthm a and Throat Diseases, ligh ted to say that A u g u st F lo w er search o f fam e and fortune, and Did you enjoy hearing Hobson’s new comic helped me so that I have quite re­ glance som ewhat askance at the loud opera ? “ No; biit I enjoyed seeing it.” covered from m y in d isp osition ." e voiced, leather breeched and jau n ty C H B B B a w a a H B B M E E H a B E a B B B B E B H B E B E H a * 1 0 0 R E W A R D ftlO O . native w ho alleges that lie keeps his F o r Sim plicity It B e a ts tha W o r ld . own private graveyard, but w ho is The r. aders of thi* paper w ill be pleased to I t o ils Its e lf fro m a R eserv o ir, frequ en tly behind a tree when the learn that there is at least one dreaded disease N o C a rb u re to r to get ont o f order. that scie. re has been able to cure in all its bullets are thickest.—Colorado Sun. staves, and that is Catarrh. H all’s Catarrh Cure PRINTERS K - After the Grip PUBLISHERS TYPE, Presses, Hood’s Cures Printing Material and Machinery Palmer &ReyType foundry, Cor. Front and Alder Streets, "SHILOH’SI CURE. “ IKE NEWSPAPER I K , ” _ HJLOH'SyikCATARRH _______ 'REMEDY. A monthly journal of spe­ cial interest to Printers, Reporters, Editors and Publishers. If you don’t receive it and want it, write Palmer & ReyType Foundry, “August Hercules Gas Engine Flower” PUBLISHERS, Signs of Health. C h ild r e n in th e Caucasus M o u n ta in s. is the ouly positive cure known to the medical raiernity. Catarrh, being a constitutional dis­ ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous suifaces o f the S’ s- tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and givin g the patient strength by build­ ing up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so mueh faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure, ttend for list o f testimonials. Address f . .i r iiK N K Y A CO .,Toledo, O. Sold by druggist*; 75 cents. A m on g the w ilder tribes o f the Caucasus e v e ry child is taught to use the d agger almost as soon ns he can walk. T h ey first learn to stab water without m aking a splash, and by practice acquire an extraordinary command o v e r the weapon. T h eir pistols nro flintlocks, with long, x’ery thin barrels, aud must have been Bad taste in the mouth or an unpleasant handed dow n for generations. T h ey breath, when resulting from catarrh, are overcome, and the nasal passages which do not look very formidable. The have been closed for years are made free by rows o f little pouches worn across the use o f E ly ’s Cream Balm. I suffered tho breast do not contain cartridges, from catarrh for tw elve years, experiencing the nauseating dropping in tlie throat pe­ Steam emanating from boiling milk but small wooden cases tipi>ed w ith culiar to that disease, and nose bleed al­ most daily. I tried various remedies w ith ­ bone or metal, nnd form erly used fo r if condensed would become water. out benefit until last A p ril, when I saw This m ay bo seen in the manufacture carrying loose charges o f powder E ly ’s Cream Balm advertised. I procured o f condensed milk, which is only or­ nnd shot; now they are only worn a bottle, and since the first d a y’s use have dinary milk lioiled down until the fo r ornament. A ll the men speak a had no more bleeding—the soreness is en­ tirely gone.—D .G . Davidson, with the Bos­ w ater is out o f it. I f a liquid w hi«h little Russian, hut their own lan­ ton Hndgtt, form erly with the Boston Jour­ contains solid bodies in solution lie guage is m ore allied to Armenian. nal. A p p ly Balm in to each nostril. I t is evaporated, tho solids are left be­ T h ey belong to the orthodox church. quickly absorbed. Gives relief at once. hind. That this is so m ay bo shown — London Saturday R eview Price, .50 cents at druggists’ or by mail. E l y B ro th er s , by udding to w ater that is to bo dis W h e n B ir d » F a c e th e W in d . 66 W arren street, New York. tilled a trace o f m agenta and a little The a boreal sparrows, vireos and salt. The distilled w ater Las no m any other smaller birds usually sit taste and is colorless. Tito magenta upon nests built on horizontal limbs, is generally deposited upon the sides with the head from the trunk, and o f tlie boiling vessel. — Brooklyn when the nest is much elevated the Eagle. position is usually chosen so that the sitter w ill face the prevailin g wind. A n O d d W a y to M a k e a C a ll. W hat could be m ore ridiculous Birds w ill nearly always, when on than the case o f the young man. ar­ or off the nest, face the wind, and if rested by n vigilan t constable w hile observations are taken nearly all craw lin g on hands and knees over birds on the nest w ill he found in one the roof o f an outhouse, nnd who position if a strong wind is blow ing when placed in the doek explained —Science to one o f our best known and most M. K e n a n ’ » P a rro t. deservedly popular magistrates, M Renan has a high opinion of whose legal experiences have l>een binls, and likes parrots. He was be put into ltook form , that so fa r from iiueathcd Coco, the paroquet o f Mile. having any burglarious m otive for Desclee, the at-trees. It was a bird his peculiar conduct he was simply with an astonishingly fine ear. Mine. i > \ R K .X J O Y N going to pay a visit to his young Viardot used to sing w ales to Coco, Both the iiisteeJ s t»i results vrfc» lady em ployed in nn adjacent public am! he would repent them just 4vrnp ,f F 114 S t« taken ; it is pleasai. house Am id much h ila rity this hu they issued from her mouth — Lon od refreshing to the taste, and acv man tomcat was dismissed, the ma don Truth. ¿emit »et promptly on the Kidney» gistrate rem arking: Look here; you (.ire i and Bowel», cleanses the ay» can’t go craw lin g over the tiles. You M. Forol has calculated that the 'em effectually, dtspela o ld*, hear are discharged."— London T it Bits quantity o f heat accumulated in the tclies and fè v e s and cures habitue lake o f Genova during the summer ,*onsti|>«rfk>Q permanently. For ssì L o c a t in g a D ro w n ed B od y . is equivalent to that which would be in .VX? and 11 bottle, by all druggist» N o t m any months ago a man w a * given out by tho burning o f 51,000. drowned at Ht Louts. A fte r search C A LIFO R N IA F IG S Y R U P CO 000 tons o f coiti. had been made fo r the body, hut .«>s , »«*1 JA.0. cut, If tf «> » rr«f • r without suivess, the man's shirt, A n K asy W a y O u t. which he had laid aside when he Pino s Remedy for 1 'aterrh Is the i ■ TV*wt. Knete« to Tse. and I'heapee*. "Charles is too tim id to propose, went in to Imthe, was spread out on ■ the w ater nnd allowed to float away. and she is too tnnid to help hint on.” C A T A R R M “ I should think such a tim id pair For aw hile it flo a t«! and then sank Sold by druggist* or sent by mail near tho very spot, it w a s reported, Otntld easily shrink to one."— lia r «V\ 1 T HareUtne W v w e Wt the man's body was found. ' *— pet 's Bazar L - S You don’t have to look twice to detect them—bright eyes, bright color, bright smiles, bright in every ac­ ' H H n tion. S c o t t s " Disease is e m u l s io n overcome only when r r r m weak tissue is replaced by the healthy kind. Scott’s Emulsion of cod liver oil effects cure by building up sound flesh. It is agreeable to taste and easy of assimilation. Prepared by Scott A Bowne, N. Y . N o B atteries o r E lectric S p ark . It runs with a Cheaper Grade o f Gasoline than any other Engine. SKND FOR CATALOGUE TO PALM ER & REY, M an u fac tu r er s , 405 Sansome Stmt San Francisco, Cal. ------A N D ------- PO R TLAN D . OREGON. R ONE G UTTER w ill cut Dry or Greos Bone«, Meat, Uriitle aud all Green Cut BONES will double th© nnmber o i c m — w ill make them more fer tile—w ill carry the hens safely through the molting period aud put thorn in condition to laV when eggi command the highest pnee and w ill dovelope youi chicks faster than anv Other food. Feed Green Bones and use C 'r e o s o z o n e to kill the lice, and you w ill make I M l/ per cent more profit Send for Catalogue and prices. A ll druggist*. . 'H a t quality can ever PEHLUIA BCUBATOK COIP Y, PETlLtriA. CAL _______________ sent by mail. May- nap y»u anow it. By freight, prepaid if preerred, we ship safely 4,3 or 6 ft. tree»; 2 yr Rose» of rare excellence, everything! Yon actually pay lees than tor the pnny staff. 1,0.0 acre» Nurseries. 21,00) acres Orchards. Kxact information abont trees and fruits. Stark Bros , Louisiana, Mo. FRAZER AXLE Prune Trees. Italian and Petite, one year old: 3 to 4 feet high W0 per 1.000 I to 6 feet high, |3& r r l.oun. Packing done at eo»t, A ll trees warranted true to name and free from lusect* or scale. Send orders toTHOS. J. DAVId, attorney in fa« t for O. K. Watkins; address, Portland. Or. Best in the W orldlfl n r A f t r Get the G e n u in e lM K r f l \ r Sold Everywhere! W 11 L n O L OPIUM M o r p h i n e H a b i t C o r e d In IO t o 30 d a y « . N n nay t i l l co r e d . DR» J. STEPHENS, Lebanon,Ohio* ASTHMA CURED Î E Î S Æ COLLINS BR(W. MEDICINE CO., Öt. Louis. Mo! B !g G 1sths»rknowl*df m leading remedy *or all it * Qnnatnral dtorharge» m private diseases of m»o a certain cure for th« tf»wti» tatlng weakness pacaliaj to women. I prescribe it and fee’ safe in recommending 1 ft * _ all enfPerere. T a li » t i ma Y O U N C M ENI T h e S p e c if ic A No. I. ryrm, «Ithoul Ull. «II •>«.., ind « 1 e r » , n., m «u »r i f ' „ ■tiuidin*. FrfV.nl* .trV t.ir., It h*|nc Jnrnal r-m et, (*ur*. wh*n » v.ryuijn* .la* h>a d im . DoM nr *11 im«nri«>*. ^ M.l l~-tnr»r« fh * l HrK,,*, M . V - I H m Th. very remarkable anil certain rel ef given wenmn hv MOOKE’S ... K K \ EAI.KI» R E M E D Y haa e ven t the name of Woman’» Friend. It 1« « _ _ uniformlv m l ! ! «nlinreliev-ngthe beck ache«, heedachee A I „ n ,i which burden and aforten a woman’» “ T of women teetify for ft. It will give health and rtrwngth and make life a pleagnre. FOR PALE BY A L L D R c e e ir r s .