NEWBERG GRAPHIC. a ■> v f . h r i N i v j u m NEWBERG GRAPHIC NEWBERG GRAPHIC. « : .Twenty Dollar* Ten Dollar« On* Dollar Ont Column........... Half Column — Profeuional Carda M I H M K I P T I O .^ S u b s cr ip tio n P r ic e P ay able ably la A d v a n ce . VOL. 5. Advertising Bills Collected Monthly* NEWBERG, YAMHILL CO., OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1893. TROU BLES CHURCH NOTICES. SAMUEL HOBSON, TilKlENlN»' C llU R C H .—SERVICES EVERY r Suu'Uv at 11 A. m . ami 7 P. h . ami Thursday at 10 a m sabbath achool every Sunday *t 0:45 a . m . M onthly m eeting at 2 p . m . the first Sat­ urday in each mouth. Quarterly m eetiug the second Saturday and Sunday In February, May, August aud November. I OF A TRAM P. H e Succeed* in G ettin g Even w ith Several F a rm er* am i a C onstable. Photographer, IV A N ' ¡ELK \ I. CIIUEI il PR*A< KING j service at the Evangelical church every Suuday at 10 a m . and 7 45 i*. M .,except the fourth Sunday of every monrh. Sabbath achool every Sunday at 11 a m . 1’ rayer meetiug Thursday at 7:45 p M All are cordially invited to attend these aervicea. “ There are some district* where the folks imagine they own the earth," said the tramp a* he stretched himself out on the bench and covered his fa ce with his old hat. “ I struck •uch a district a tew weeks ago. I got into a county where signs were as plenty as thistles, and every one of them read: “Tramps Beware* Six Months H Portrait and Landscape Artist. P C A EAST AND SOUTH M The Shasta Route SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. \ w. O. O. F.—SESSIONS HELD ON TH U RSDAY | • evening* in Bank buildiug. FROM F kb . 1, 1892 It Pays to R e Cautious. O ve r l a n d E x pr e ss . i 1 A R —SESSIONS HELD FIRST AN D THIRD Salem, Albany, Eug­ \T# Saturday evening in each mouth. ene, Roseb’g. Graut’s Pass, Medford. Ash R. C — MEETS FIRST AND TH IR D SA l land, Sacramento,Og­ *7:85 • urday afternoon in each month. den, San Francisco, Mojave, Los Angeles, El Paso,New Orleans, 3 OF V .— MEETS EVER Y SA TU R D A Y EVEN lau d East....................... j iug. *8:30 < Roseberg & way stations Via Woodburn for] O. U. W — MEETS E V E R Y TUESDAY EVEN- ' Mt. Angel, Silvertou, ( lug at 8 P. M. iu Armory Hall. ♦8:30 i West Scio, Browns j ♦4.30 . ville and Coburg ♦5:00 P. M. Albany and way stations ♦ 10:30 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. ♦7:30 A. M. Corvallis A way stations 15:80 M cM innville A w aysta's 18:20 ♦4:40 “ Y ou knew George Washington, didn’t o u f ’ he queried in a confidential way as he itched up to a man iu a W oodward avenue a . M. car. “ No, sir, I never did 1" was the somewhat emphatic reply. “ W ell, you have heard o f him, o f coursef" “ 1 may have.” “ Y ou don’t mean to say you never kid hear P. M of him ?” “ I refuse to com m it myself, sir, until I a . m p. M know your ob je ct." a . m “ Oh, that's it. Well, if a feller was hard up and went to Washington to borrow a dol­ C it y o f N e w b e r g . D in in g C ara on O g d e n R o u t e . lar till Saturday night he"----- Mayor................................................... G. W . McConnell | “ That’s enough, sir 1 I now declare that 1 R ecorder,..................................................F. H. Howard i Marshal........................................................................ ...F. C. M ills! never heard o f George Washington, and his Treasurer.....................................................Moses Vetaw PULLM AN B U FFE T 8L K E TE K 8. characteristics have no earthly interest to me. Street C om m issioner..................................Enos Ellis ; Good day, sir."— Detroit Free Press. Surveyor.........................................................M1 les Reece i W S. A. COCNCILMEN. S e c o n d -C la s s S le e p i n g C ara A t t a c h e d A l l T h r o u g h T r a in a . to Becont! W ard..................................... Third W ard............................................ 15 '$ £ ? PROFESSIONAL CARDS. w. M c C o n n e l l , m . d ., Physician and Surgeon, g . Through ticket office, 184 Firat street, where through tickets to all poiuts in the Eastern states, Canada and Europe can be obtained i lowest rates from J. B. K IR K L A N D , Ticket Agent. All above trains arrive and depart from (»rand Central station, Fifth and I streets. N A R R O W G A U G E - W . S. D I V I S I O N Q uite A n o th e r Profession. “ Let's see," said Mrs. B., “ she married a Thompson, didn't she?" “ Hey ?" exclaimed Mr. B., who is slightly deaf, pausing with a potato held in air on his fork. “ She married a Thompson, didn't she?" asked Mrs. B. in a louder tone. “ No,” said Mr. B. gravely, “ she married a minister."— Lewiston Journal. — AND — Too W arm . P o r t la n d a n d W i l l a m e t t e V a ll e y R a ilw a y Passenger depot foot of Jefferson street. N EW BERG. OR. Office on First street. All calls promptly at­ tended to day or night. Diseases of women aud children a specialty. H. J. LITTLEFIELD, Physician and Surgeon, N ew b erg, O r. Oswego A way st tl’ s f Oswego, Newberg,' J Dundee, Dayton, La- I | fayette, Sheridan, f t Monmouth & Airlie. J ♦4:30 p. u. Sheridan & way stations ♦6:30 ♦8:30 ♦ 1:30 ♦3:10 ♦6:20 ♦7 :4U a . a . P. P. P. p. M M M M M M ♦3:20 P. M ♦9:30 a . m , •Daily. Office In buildiug occupied by the late Dr. Carman, ou Maiu street. NEWBERG V ♦Daily, except Sunday. R. KOEHLER . Manager. E. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. F. & P. Agt., Port land, Or. FLOURING 7 RIILLS, NEWBERC, OREGON. J . D. T A R R A N T A S O N , P ro p rie to rs . Having recently equipped our mill with new and improved ma­ chinery, we are now prepared to manufacture the best grade of flour by the FULL ROLLER PROCESS. Cash paid for wheat. Feed ground Saturdays. P acific C ollege , N ewberg , O regon . Old Gentleman — YTery.—Scribner’s M aga- dna College Classes, Normal Course, Book-keeping, G ood Sinkers. fill the Grammar School Studies, Music and Art. Excellent opportunity for good work. Board and lodging, I3.0C per week. All other expenses very low. If you want to teach; if you want to take a business course; ii you want to review or take advanced work, we can suit you. Send for catalogue or come and see for vourself. THuMAS NEWLIN, President. Husband—Nora, what are these? W ife—- Dumplings. Husband — Dumplings, dumplings, W ell, just put them on a plate for me, keep them till to-m orrow morning. going bass fishing, and I’ll use them ■inkers. —The Epoch-____________ B ank of N ewberg DR. HAROLD CLARK, Dentist, N KW RRRG , OR. Ga* or vitalize* Air All work warranted, office— Near postoifiee, on First street. Gold filling a specialty. given in extracting teeth. JO HN NEW BERG, OREGON. eh? and I'm for At th# Jew eler*«. ‘ Bnt, Max, don’t you think it extravagant to give $300 for a diamond to wear on my h a n d ." “ Not at all, my dear; you don’t consider how much I shall save on your gloves."—riipgend* Bluet ter_________________ Dentist, YOUNGER, N ew h erg, O regon , - I S PREPARED TO R E P A I R - C a p ita l S to c k JESSE EDWARDS B. C. MILES.............. B. C. M ILES........... $ 30,000 . President Vice-President ............Cashier Directors—Jesse Edwards, B. C. Miles, F. A. Morris, J. C. Colcord, E. H. Woodward. Certificates of deposit issued payable on demand. Exchange bought and sol’d. Good notes discounted. Deposits received subject to check at sight, and a general banking business transacted. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and Canada. Correspondents— Ladd A* Tilton, Portland; National Park Bank, New York. Strangers visiting the city are invited to call at the bank for infor­ mation concerning the city. C< rrespondence invited. — I Watches • and • Clocks l — In a workmanlike manner Satisfaction guar­ anteed. In G. M. Rale*’ «hoc »hop on First street Thirty fire years’ expert* m e -A T T H E - Central Meat Market May be found at all time« a full assorment of good marketable FRESH MEATS. All orden promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed One door wait of Morris, Ml’es A C o s new «tore, on First street 4. S. H A B E R * SONS. PACIFIC COAST. BUSINESS Charitable Purposes. THE CENSUS OF BQ1SE C ITY. The Arizona Press Association Pass Resolutions in Favor Statehood— Etc. of AND INDUSTRIAL. Germany is building paper houses. Japan has thousands of them. A locomotive that consumes its own smoke has made its appearance. The principle of the bicycle is applied to the propelling of small boats. The rice crop in the South this year is estimated to be 226,(.0J,U0J pounds. The forests of Germany pay an annual government revenue of $26,000,000. In Douglass county, Col., 48,000 fruit trees are irrigated by one company. France sent almost 20,0j0,000 bottles of champagne to this country last year. The anthracite coal fields produce more than 46,000,000 tone ol coal every year. In only thirty-eix of Oregon’s new or­ chards there are 9,000,000 young fruit trees. It ia said that the iron-pipe foundries of the country have formed a $ 20 , 1 ) 00,080 trust. It ie said that 1,000 rose trees are re­ quired to supply two ounces of attar of roses. Edison has 200 women in his employ, making the most delicate electrical in­ struments. Some 35,OOJ lambs are being fed and fattened in the Cache la Poudre Valley, Col., thiB winter. A single row of pearls as large aa peas and perfectly round were sold recently in Paris for $126,000. The real-estate brokers in New York city sold property worth in the aggre­ gate $46,000,000 last year. The time is not far distant when a iaper-bound book, well printed and il- ustrated, will be sold for 5 cents. Canada takes in proportion to her in­ habitants almost three times as much of British goods as the United States. Denmark, France and neighboring countries sell about $50,000,000 worth of dairy produce annually to England. The silver output of Aspen, Col,, the last year was 9,101,100 ounces, as against 8,00i*,0c0 ounces of the pieceding year. The number of persons carried by the railroads of the United Btates the last .year was in round numbers 600,000,000. Sixty-five thousand incandescent lamps are manufactured every day at an average eeiling price of about 75 cents apiece. The buttons of the wedding drese of a New York millionaire’s daughter recent­ ly married were made of jewels, and cost $100 each. Commercial travelers support two- thirds o f the country hotels, to Bay nothing of inetructing the proprietors how to manage them. An acre grows 600 mulberry treee; each tree hae twenty pounds of leaves; from twenty pounds of leaves one pound of cocoons is produced. Probably the heaviest rudder on record is that made for the torpedo-boat Vul­ can. It was forged in single pieces, and weighs twenty-two tons. The application of the factory laws re­ ducing the hours of labor in factories, mines, etc., has caused a reduction ai wages throughout France. The fleecee of ten goate and the work of eeveral men for half a year are re­ quired to make a genuine cashmere shawl a yard and a half wide. The exportation of American beef to England through all seasons of the year has, it is said, caused a reduction of 4)4 cents a pound to the British consumer. Colorado’s total mineral production during 1892 waa valued at $41,866,124, of which $28,161,111 were in silver. Her total mineral output In 1891 was $33,- 548,934. The value of the pig iron produced in this country is now greater than the value of gold, silver and copper com­ bined. The value of the coal product ia greater than that of pig iron. The cattle ran# a. in Arizona are re­ ported in fine cur_JitioL.- Rear-Admiral J. 8. Skerrett haa as­ sumed command at Mare Island. All the attractions of A1 Hay man and Charles Frohman are to be played at Loe Angeles hereafter. The Portland Ministerial Aseociation has adopted resolutions asking Congress to repeal the Geary Chineee act. The new coal find near Flagetalf, A. T., is creating much interest. The coal ia of a fine quality and the veins large. A party of conchologiets ie to visit Point Loma at an early date to seonre shells, which are Baid to be abundant in that section. Senator John P. Jones of Nevada and other capitalists have purchased a con­ trolling interest in the F u st National Bank of Santa Barbara. A considerable quantity of cabbage, cauliflower and celery is being shipjied from Ix>e Angeles East in carload lots, but the demand ¡ b greater than the eup- ply. A petition to the Oregon Legislature has been extensively signed throughout the Willamette Valley to have railroads fence their lines where they run through pastures and meadow lands. The orange crop in the south will not begin to move much for two or three weeks, when heavy shipments may be looked for. The quality and quantity are both ahead of any previous season. An apportionment bill, based on the vote cast at the recent election, haB been introduced in the Idaho Senate. The bill provides that each county shall have at least one Senator and Representative. There are valuable slate beds four miles from Merlin in Josephine county, Or. This ie the only slate quarry known in the State, and Portland contractors have been obliged to obtain their elate as far away as Maine. The Bradstreet mercantile agency re­ ports fifteen failnrea in the Pacific CoaBt States and Territories for the past week, as compared with fourteen for the pre­ vious week and fifteen for the corre­ sponding week of 1892. Captain Anderson, ji pilot at San Pe­ dro, while ernising in hie yacht off Santa Monica had as adventure with a whale, which passed nnder and raised his ves­ sel three feet. A shot in a vital part of the animal drove it away. The appeal in the case of the People of the State of California vs. Ah Lee Doon, a Chinaman who was convicted of murder in the first degree at San Rafael and sentenced to death in March, 1891, has been affirmed by the Supreme Court. The Arizona Press Association has passed resolutions favoring the admis­ sion of the Territory aB a State and rec­ ommending the appointment of L. C. Hughes, editor of the Tucson Star, to the office of Governor under the Cleve­ land administration. Jean Baptiste Trauvico, a survivor of the famous Conner party, and who claims to have been the only one in George Donner’ e camp who for many days was able to keep up the fires and wait on the others, is living in Santa Rosa, Cal., in destitute circumstances. A novel house ia to be built on the ocean front at Coronado by N. 0 . Jones of Manitou. Col., for a winter home for himself ana wife. It will be two etoriee PERSONAL MENTION. in height, and the front, facing the eea, will be oi glass. The roof will be flat and covered with cement for a roof gar­ The Avoirdupois of the Governor of the den. Lone Star State— President Diaz The Roman Catholic institution of the of Mexico Decorated. Sisters of the Holy Name hae decided to erect at Astoria in the near future a sanitarium for the use of the Siatere in Governor Hogi of Texaa is 39 years Oregon, Washington and California. The man, weighing 375 building, which will be on a tract over­ old aDd a looking the river, will be the handaom- pounds. eet of the kind on the continent. King Humbert has conferred high dec­ orations upon President Diaz of Mexico The will of W. 8. Ladd of Portland haa been filed for probate. Hie widow and the Mexican Minister in Rome. Mrs. Robert G. Ingersoll receives al­ ie given an annuity of $24,000. Hie sons are left all banking interests. The sum most as many letters as her hosband, of $460,000 for educational and charita­ and most of the letters inclose religious ble purposes has been left in trust, and tracts. a number of relatives in Massachusetts Pope Leo has declined to receive Senor have been bequeathed annuities. Am­ Vsloria, the Spanish Envoy recently ap­ ple provision was made for all the fam­ pointed, on the ground that he has writ­ ily. ten immoral novels. An error in the census taken in Boise Mrs. George Hear it, widow of Banator in 1890 has been the means of depriving Hearst of California, is the most heavily the residents of the suburban districts insured woman in the world. Her pol­ of the enjoyment of the same postal fa­ icies aggregate $60 >,000. cilities extended to those in the heart of The New York State Senate haa con­ the city. An attempt haa been made to firmed the nomination of M>se Susan B. have the matter righted, and a statement Anthony as the bead of the State Indus­ recently forwarded to the department at trial School at Rochester, N. Y. Washington, which shows that the pop­ Eddie Gould is a member of a New ulation is 6,980 instead of 2,800. as erro­ neously supposed, will probably help York canoe club, and until a very few greatly in straightening the matter out. years ago used to participate in “ upset races ” and other aquatic high jinks. Thomas Mann, Treasurer of Berkeley, Rev. J. W. M. Williams, D. D., has Cal., is short in his accounts to a con­ now been pastor of the First Baptist siderable amount. He gave a check on Church in Baltimore for forty-two years, the Berkeley Bank for $6,600 to the Ger­ and is still serving that congregation act­ man Savings and Loan Bank of Ban ively. Francisco in payment for electric-light Mr. Swinburne bas written a long bonds. The Berkeley Bank refneed the check, as Hann had no money on de­ poem on Grace Darling. Hit early life posit. Hann eays he haa need the town’s was passed in the locality which was the money in his own business, and he has scene of her heroism, and ha knew her no idea how hie affairs stand. He has father. Allen W. Thurman ie regarded as a turned his property, valued at about $25,' 00, over to hie bondsmen, and an likely candidate for Governor of Ohio in the near future. He appears to be a expert is examining hie books. sort of Old Roman Junior with his party I d the Idaho mineral exhibit at the in Ohio. World’s Fair ie a piece of ore that looks The widow of Dr. Elisha Kent King, like an ordinary ebank of lead. It is a specimen of almost pure galena, ground the famous Arctic explorer, is said to be down into two rectangular blocks, like tick and destitute. The Chicago Inttr- tws boxes, one on tep of the other. The Ocean appeals to the public lor aid in top cube is engraved with miners’ tools, her behalf. picks, sboyel and hammer. On the aide A letter from Monte Carlo says that of the larger solid is cut in gold letter Sir Arthur Sullivan divides hia time the name of the donor, L. A. Lusk, su­ equally between work at his villa, where perintendent of the Queen of the Hills he ia composing a new opera, and play mine at Bellevue, from which th# ore is at the gaming table. mined. It is hsrd for one whoexamines Mark Twain haa written something the specimen to think it is not lead bull­ ion. Rut it is native galena, containing about the experience of a stranger in about 76 per cent, sulphnr. The ore car­ London with a £1,000,000 bank note. It ia probably the wildcat bit of imagina- ries 130 ounces of silver to the ton. tiaa that Mark f NO. 9. EASTERN ITEMS. Value of Pig Iron Produced in the Union Greater Than That of Gold, Sil­ ver and Copper. Ladd’s Handsome Bequest for in Jail for N K W B E R G , OR. TrampingL _ . C* • Those signs’ are often put up for a bluff, and 1 determined to hoof it right u n s r CHURCH.—REGULAR SERVICE along. I hadn’t gone five miles after first and third Sunday* of the mouth at 11 a . M and 8:00 P. M.; also on fl th Suuday, morn seeing the first sign when 1 was lug and evening. Suuday school every Suuday overhauled by a constable and several at 10 a . m Prayer meeting every Wednesday farmers and rushed to jail in the nearest vil­ evening at »:00 o clock. lage. They left me there over night to be RESBYTER IAN C H U R C H .—SERVICES KV examined uext day. There were two other ery second and fourth lo rd 's »lay at 11 a . m . Portraits enlarged to life size and finished in prisoners—one for stealing and the other for aud 7:: m ) p . m . Sabbath achool every Sunday at Crayon, India Ink or Water Colora. assault and battery. They were down on 10 A. M. £ Î W * Studio—Upstairs in Hoskins building. the law, of course, and we had time to fix up tH K H T IA N C H U R C H .—SERVICES EVER Y a little plan. By trading clothes around I ) second aud fourth Suuday at 10 a . m . and got to look quite respectable, and as both 7:30 P. M. men had money they chipped in and made d v e n t s t c h u r c h — p r a y e r m e e t in g me up six dollars. Next morning, when every Wednesday evening. Sabbath school takeu before the magistrate, 1 claimed to be every Saturday at 10 a . m ., service* following. ou my way home to Indianapolis, and as 1 I.TKEE M ETHODIST.— P R A Y E R MEETING had money to pay my way he discharged me. -V IA - P every Thursday at 7:30 P. M. SabbatU school “ Then 1 went for the parties who had ar­ every Sunday at 10 a . m . rested me. The constable was scared into e . C H U R C H —SERVICES EV ER Y .-UNDAY fits, and he gave me a silver watch and 915 . at 11 a m . aud 7:30 p. M. Sabbath School to settle. I got $20 each out o f three of the at io a . m . Epworth league at fi:30 i*. M. Player farmers, and 915 apiece from the two others, m eeting every Thursday evening at 7 :30 o’clock. making more money than I had ever hail at 11. N. ROUNDS, Pastor. any one time before in my life. 1 ought to V O U N G LADIES' A U X IL IA R Y TO Y M. C. A. have had sense euougb to leave with my 1 meet* every Suuday at 4 p . m . in M. E. boodle, but 1 hadn’t. I got drunk, was Cuurch. Ladies cordially invited to attend. -O F T H E - locked up again, and I’ll be hanged if the two prisoners who had helped me out of the SO CIETY NOTICES._________ \ first scrape didn't steal and divide my \ \ r Or T H E W -N K v\B E K <» C a a i P, N o . 113, money, change all the old duds back and n * meets every Wednesday evening. chuckle with satisfaction when 1 got thirty days for my offense 1 Can’t depend r M .C . A .— D EV O TIO N ALSER V IC E8 E V ER Y on human nature nohow. I've hail a far­ • Sunday at 4 p. M. Young meu earnestly requested to attend. mer invite me in to eat ice cream and blackberry pie, and then set three dogs on . T. U.— BUSINESS MEETING TH E SEC- Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portlaud: me as I thanked him and backed out.’’—New ond aud fourth Thursday iu each mouth. York S u n . _________ _ ................................... I K W ft S 91 » 75 Three Months. Heading Notices will be Inserted at the rate o f Ten cents per Idne. J H ATKSt On® Year riix Months In v ari­ Address, G r a p h ic . New berg, Oregon. PORTLAND MARKET. Prod no«. Fruit. Ete. Ice Bridge at Niagara Falls Draws Visitors. LAST YEAR’S IMMIGRATION. Beer War Raging in St. Louis— The Flow of American Capital to Canada. A corner in tin is being manipulated in the East. The Mississippi river ie shallower than it hae been before since 1866. There is only one Columbian coin for every thirteen inhabitants of this coun­ try. Thousands of crows starving near Har- rodsbnrg, Ky., are killing sheep and hogs. The Santa Fe road ie requiring its em­ ployes to separate from labor organiza­ tions. During the year 1892 937 ships brought 479,477 passengers from Europe to New York. Philadelphia’s Mavor recently vetoed an appropriation of $1,200,00) lor com­ pleting ttie city hall. Out of a population of over 1,500,000 there are only 593 persons sustained in almhouses in Kansas. Philadelphia has already spent $10,- 000,000 toward building her city hall in the past twenty years. A threatened clash between the white and .black races ha* put Jeffersonville, Ind., in a state of terror. A five-mile ride in a three-horse sleigh for 25 cents is one of the attraction» in Central Park, New York. Secretary Foster s " - i 'here will be an available balance i 1 $20,000,000 in the Treasury on July 1 next. NegroeB have been driven out of Mark»- ville, La., by the whites, beciuse they wanted to educate their children. Philadelphia society is in a ferment over the attempt of the Health Board to prohibit the sale of skimmed milk. St. Lome merchants favor the opening of the Cherokee Strip, became they think it will increase their business. The Slaven Bros, of New York and San Francisco are said to have made $16,- 000,000 out of the Panama canal scheme. By a compromise ex-Preeident Beers of the New York Life Insurance Com­ pany gets $16,000 a year instead of $37,- 500. Petitioning for $24,500,OX) to build a railroad from Mexico to Canada, Farm­ ers’ Alliance men wiii seek 1,000,00.) sig­ natures. The flow of American capital in $10,- 000,000 lump) to Cape Breton and Nova Scotia coal mines greatly cheers the Ca nadians. According to a New York paper body- snatching ia i profitable calling at the national capital, where there are two medical colleges. Ttie Bull';, ing at Homestead among the families of those who were in the strike is said to tie very great, 300 being on the verge of starvation. Joe Goddard and “ Denver ’ ’ Ed Smith have been matched to fight to a finish at catch weights for $2.600 and the best purse offered at Chicago. The series of world’s congresses to be held in Chicago this year will be opened by a world’s congress of representative women, the call for which haa juat been issued. A Chicago paper has been testing the honesty of the citizens by sending its reporters round to drop pocket-books. Vaav few of the pocket-books were re­ turned. The people of North Carolina, like the people of Maryland, will discuss in State convention thie month plane for sys­ tematically improving their country highways. The Tennessee Board of Health has passed resolutions favoring a permanent international commission to prevent the iassage of contagions diseases from one and to another. The trusteesof the University of Penn­ sylvania hospital are contemplating the erection of an extensive addition to the hospital building to coat in the neigh­ borhood of $180,000. St Lonie ia hoping that her beer war may last until the summer torridity comes along. Fonr glasses for a nickel make ttie city on the muddy Mississippi a paradise for topers. The experiment* of the Agricultural Department on cattle diseases at Chicago have resulted in the rec immendation of iodide of potass mm for lumpy Jaw. The disease is not contagious. Visitors are enjoying the spectacle of the ice bridge at Niagara Falls, and sa­ loonkeepers have set np booths on the dividing line between Canada and the United States and sell liquor without a license. The Treasury Department has compro­ mised for $26,OK) the civil suitagainstS. Block A Hons of New York, charged with nndervalnation of imported Nottingham laces. Criminal proceedings are atill pending. f Valley. $ 1.200 1.22t*; Walla Walla, $1.1124401.15 per cental. F lour —Standard, $8.50; Walla Walla, $3.60; Graham, $3; Superfine, $2.50 per barrel. O atb —424.043c per buehel; rolled, in bags, $6.25(g6.50; barrels, $6.600«.75; cases, $3.76. H ay —Best, $11013.60 per ton ; com­ mon, $9.00010.00. M illstuffb — Bran, $ 18 ; ahorts, $20; ground barley, $23034; chop feed, $20 per ton ; whole feed barley, $18019; midddngs, $23024 per tou; brewing barley, $1.0001.15 per cental; chicken wheat, $ 1 . 10 @ 1.20 per cental. B u r n s —Oregon fancy creamery, 350 37H c; fancy dairy, 3003244c; fair to good, 26027>4 c ; common, 16017)4c per pound; pickle roll butter, 40055c per roll. o ..w « u vsiovi eastern Twine, 1444c; Young America, 16c per pound. Eaoa—Oregon, 32). 035 c ; Eastern, 30c per dozen. P o u l t r y —Chickens, mixed coops, $5; old hens, $6.60; old roosters, $4; ducks, $707.5i); geese, $9010 per dozen; tur­ keys, live, 12)413c per pound ; dressed, 15c. V e g e t a b l e s — Cabbage, $1.O;'01.6O per cental; onions, 90cO$l per cental; pota­ toes, 80090 c per cental; tomatoes, 400 60c per box; Oregon turnips, 75c0$l.UO per cental; young carrots, 75c0$l per cental; sweet potatoes, $1.6001.75 per cental; Oregon cauliflower, 75c0$l.OO per dozen; celery, 50c per dozen. F ruits — Sicily lemons, $ 6.00 per box; Caliiornia new crop, $4.5005.00; Ore­ gon pears, $1.2601.60 per box; bananas, $2.6003.50 per bunch; oranges, seed­ lings, $3.0003.25 per box ; navels, $4.00 04 .50; cranberries, $12.50 per barrel; applee, $1.0003.00 per box. W h ea t — Nominal: Btapl* Orooerie«. 15017c per pound ; new Oregon, 18020c. S a l t —Liverpool, 200s, $15.50; 100s, $16.50; 50*, $17.50; stock, $10.50011.50. D ried F ruits —Petite prunes, 10012 c ; silver, 11014c; Italian, 12014c; German, 10011c; plums, old, 6 0 6 c ; new, 7 0 9 c; apples, 6 0 11 c; evaporated apricots, 16016c; peacliee, 12018c; pears, 70 8c per pound. R ick — Island, $4.7505.00 ; Japan, $4.86 per cental. C offer —C osta Rica, 2144 c ; Rio, 2044c; Salvador, 20c; Mocha, 27)4O30c; Java, 27)40 8 0 c; Arbuckle’a, Midland, Mo- kaska and Lion, 100-pound cases, 24 85-lOOc per pound ; Columbia, same, 24 35-100c. B eans —Small white, SWc; pink, 8c; bayoe, 3W c; butter, 8 % c ; lirnaa, 3% 0 4 c per pound. S yrup — Eastern, in barrels, 40O55c; half-barrels, 42.4 r 05 7)4 c ; in cases, 350 80c per gallon; $2.25 per keg. California in barrels, 20040c per gallon; $1.75 per keg. S u g a r —Net prices: D, 4c; Golden 0, 414 c ; extra O, 4)$c; Magnolia A, 4)gc; granulated, 6 . 44 c ; cnbe crushed and pow­ dered, 674c; confectioners’ A, 6 , 14 c per pound; maple sugar, 150i'>c per pound. C an n e d G oods —Table fruits, assorted quoted $1.7502.00; peaches, $1.8502.10: Bartlett pears,$1.7502.00; plums,$1.374$ 0 1 .6 0 ; strawberries, $2.2602.45; cher­ ries, $2.2602.40; blackberries, $1.860 2; raspberries, $2.40;,$2.250 2.80; apricots, $1.8502.00. Pie fruite: Assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1.25; plums, $1.1001.20; blackberries, $1.2501.40 per dozen. Pie fruits, gallons — Assorted, $3.1503.60; peaches, $3.5004.00; apri­ cots, $3.6004.00; plums, $2.7503.00; blackberries, $4.0004.50. Vegetables: corn, $1.4001.86; tomatoes, 96c0$l.OO; sugar peas, 96c0$I.OO; string beans, 9 00 95c per dozen. Meats: Corned beef. Is, $1.26; 2s, $2.25; chipped beef, $2.550 4.C0: lnnch tongue, la, $4.00; 2a, $6.76i deviled ham, $1.7502.76 per dozen. Fish: Sardines, hi», 75cO$2.25; 44 a, $2.1504.50; lobsters, $2.3003.50; salm­ on,tin 1-lb.tails,$1.2601.60; flats, $1.75; 2 I ds ., $2.2502.60; % bbl., $6.50. H oney — Choice comb, Mlaa«llan«oa.. quotations: Iron, »2 76; steel, $2.75; wire, $3.00 per keg N ails — Base I ron — Bar, 2%c per pound; pig iron, $23025 per ton. S t e e l — 10 ) 4 c per ponnd. T in —I. C. charcoal. 14x20, prime qual­ ity, $8.5009.00 per box; for crosses, $2 extra per box; roofing, 14x20, prime quality, $6.7507.00 per dox ; I. C. coke plates, 14x20, prime quality, $7.5008.00 per box. L ead —4)4C per pound; bar, 6)4o. S hot —$1.80 per sack. H orseshobb — $5. N a v a l S tobeb — Oakum, $4.5005 per bale; resin, $4.8005 per480 pounds; tar, Stockholm, $13.00; Carolina, $9.00 per barrel; pitch, $ 6.00 per barrel; turpen­ tine, 65c per gallon in carload lota. H id e », W o o l and Hope* H ides — Dry hides, selected prime, 1 8 c ; ) 4 c leas for rails: green, select*», over 66 pounds. 4 c ; nnder 55 pounds, 3c; sheep pelts, snort wool, 30050c; me- dfnm, ■, Km», MhRfft.E; elUPET* lngs, 10O20c; tallow, good to choice, 3 0344c per pound. W ool — Umpqua Valley, 160170; fall clip, 13015>4c; Willamette Valley, 160 18c, according to quality; Eastern Ore­ gon, 10016c per ponnd, according to condition. H ops —12013c, according to quality. T h * M e*t M a r k * .. — Live, 2)403340 per pound; dreeaed, 44407c. M utton —Live, 404)4e per pound; dreaeed, 8c; lambs, live, 4 0 4 )4 c; The Toronto Empirr, the organ of the dressed, 8c. B eef Canadian government, announces that H oos— Live, 6 0 6 c per pound; dressed, the canal tariff adopted for the year 1893 7c. puts an end to all discrimination against V i a l — 4 0 7 c per pound. the vessels, merchandise and citizens of B moebd M eat »—Large ham, 164^0 the United State*. 16)4c ; medium ham, 16)4c; break­ Twelve of the nineteen Chinamen who fast bacon, 16017c; short dear sides, 14 were arre*ted at. Rouse’s Point, N. Y.. 0 1 4 )4 c ; dry salt sides, 13c per ponnd. L a e d — Compound, in tins, U*4c; while being smuggled into the United . States have been sen’ enced to the Al­ purs, in tins, 16)4013«! Oregon, 11)40 bany penitentiary for thirty days. They 12)4e per ponnd. will be deported to China when their A n Eyo to R a d n m ; term expires. A couple of burglari bad just ransacked a At a meeting at New York of the frieod* of rapid transit Dr. McGlynn ad­ lawyer’s house. The legal light was aroused vocated the underground railroads free by the midnight m arauders, and just a* they of charge, on the same principle that el- were about to leave his room he handed them | evators are run free in large buildings. a pasteboard. “ My card," be said. “ If you are caught by Henry George also spoke, advocating the the police you may want counseL”—Judges same theories. The miners in the King coal mine at Como, Col., where the explosion recent- I ly occurred, killing twenty-seven men, ! are on a strike. The men say that the chambers are overcrowded, and that they cannot watch each other and avoid premature shots and work at the same i time. O ugh t To. **Wbo Is that man you were Just talking t o r asked a young lady of her eecort at a •ocial gathering f,He la a retired gentleman." “ A retired gentlemauf Well, considering his ill breeding, I don’t wonder be retired."— Washington Capital. »