wm 1 G ET This is the question that every mail and woman in t he A CH RISTM AS NICE country are asking themselves. Ladies, don’t let this question bother you longer, but go to Kay & Todd’s and get your Husband, Hoy or Best Fellow a nice pair of Suspenders or Em broidered Slippers, or a Tie, Muffler, Silk Handkerchief, O r some of the many other beautiful presents that men admire. A kieu all tlio twaildlo about editor I Boyd, of Olympia, it huoiiih that th e only | ditfornnee between him and his aliened ISHUKU UVKKY VIUDA V MORBINO. wife who killed him, was that she commit­ ted murder first. A man who will pay k d it o im a n d r i'n u s iiK its : his attentions to a woman of ttiat class, K . I I . W o o d w a rd look like he cxp ecte.l »crlous trouble e v ery w h ere; A to rt o' fixed expression of su spicion in his g lan ce; Ills bare feet alw ays scratch ed with briars and ’ green spots on bis p an ts: MoleiKCH murks «long till rlcev cs. his c«p rim turueil behind— Aud «o it la ‘'The Preach er'« Boy ’ 1» brotisht again D> mind And did nobody like the boy?—W ell »11 the pet« in town Would c» t out of hla Auger», nod can aries would com e down And leave their sw ingin' perches and their fish bones ju st to pick The little warty knuckle* that the dog would leap to lick— No little sn arlin', snappin' fiste but what would leave his bone T o fuller him 11 whistled at In th at tantallr.iii to n e ; T hat m ade the goods box w hittler blasphem ­ ously protest lie could n't tell, tw ist dog and boy, w hich one was o rn rlcst. •Twos such e little cu r as this, o n ce, when the cro w d was thick Along the streeta a drunken co rn er loafer tried to kfek, W hen a sudden foot behind him tripped him up, and. falling so, He "m arked hla m an.” ami Jerked Ills gun— draweil up aud let 'er go! And the crow d »w arm ed ’round the victim , holding close «gainst Ids breast The little dog, u n h arm ed , In arm s th a t still as they caressed Q tw rigid In th eir last em braco, ns, with a sm ile of Joy lie recognised the dug was saved. Ho died ••The P reach er's B oy." T u a Tillamook lltadliglit reports sever- nf «-Ntnin \jt t j jriioW #<»»*r ••■««■ *!•*•«» Come early and get your choice. I nut liow this malady ever found that country- will ever remain u mystery to outsiders. P ortland now has an ordinance p r o ­ hibiting the salo of cigarettes to m in o rs , und making it a misdemeanor for a m in o r to smoke or have cigarette» in b is p o ss e s­ sion. T he Portland city council should pass an ordinance requiring all public carriers on Mori ¡son street to keep a supply of life preservers handy. Homebody will tie drowned there yet. J i ' ixik B urnett don't stand uny fool- ¡»tineHK in bis court. The other day while holding court in Polk county lie lined six attorneys $5 IK) each for bcii g absent when case» were called. F ni . es » the talked o( fish ladder at the fulls should lai better than the attempt made in tiiat way in ’H(i the money hud better bo kept In the treasury. Better still to H|H>nd it for improving our pub­ lic highways. Is som e o f tlio s o -c a lle d r e p r e s e n ta tiv e jo u rn a l« of t h e c o u n t r y w e re a s in th e i r d e c la ra tio n » tio n s t e a l s a s t h e y a r e « g a in s t p e r siste n t a p p r o p r ia ­ in t h e i r a b u s e of o u r p e n sio n la w s , th e y w ould bo a d v o c a t ­ in g a m easu re th a t w ould lie c o m m e n d - ub le a u d n o t s a v o r s o s tr o n g ly ol tlio un­ p a tr io tic . W hile the amount of nursery stock raised during tlio past two seasons in Or­ egon lias iieen very largo and seemingly beyond what the trade would demand, nniserymen report large sales up to the lircsent time with tlio winter and spring yet to go on. That Oregon is to he a fruit raising country is a foregone conclusion. Tim detective business ¡ r not all a bed of roses. A deputy sberiir bunting for Clias. Wilson, the Milwaukee murderer, left a horse with a man at Amity. Now tlio aforesaid deputy is notified that the j horse lias tiecn sold for $2.i>0 less than enough to pay his feed bill, and the Amity fellow is clamoring for tlio diffor- enco. Meanwhile another man caught tlio fugitive ami got tlio reward. «Mmwoinunw. W as in tro d u c e d tw e n ty m in u te s . He wittily remarked at the beginning that seeing Judge Wayland of Connect!- out at his side lie bad been reminded of his boyhood days when he use ! to see a wise old lawyer walk the streets and wish ho could catch him and squeeze his head, that he might extract two or three per cent of his learning, to start for him­ self In the law business; and that it might he a good idea to try tho Judge who slj^ td follow him in a speech etc., after which he gave some telling advice to the prisoners to cause them to asjiire to better lives. Judge Wayland, the ex- lieutenant governor of Connecticut, then sjioke of the object of prisons, tiiat they were not so much intended to be a place of punishment as of reform, and set forth in a few words the necessary elements of reform. This congress closes tomorrow, after which we shall go in a few days we think to Washington City and vicinity. b. E lla H a rtley . FKIIM OITt EXCHANGES. A syndicate lias obtuinod un option on the Jas. Green place near LaFayetto and will prospect for coal. Experts claim that there are good indications of coal on the property. It would be no surprise if a ten foot vein of tho finest coal was found, as this country is undoubtedly full of both coal and iron and all that is need­ ed is the prospecting —Telephone- Register. D O S T O F F IC E D R U G S T O R E The old saying that “ nothing succeeds like success is well illustrated by the | career of the R ural Xorthwett, which was founded in Portland, Oregon, a little over a year ayo, and has already established itself as the leading agricultural paper oil the Pacific Northwest. It is hardly nec­ essary to say that the ¡success of this jia-1 CARRIES A FI LL LINE OF Popular Paient and Family Medicines .»P uke D rugs P ueschpitions . for per i* simply the result of merit. It is no I Perfumes, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Vurnish and Oil Color. cheap concern made up of stereotype | fine lino of the plates and stale clippings, but is bright, L crisp and clear, filled with original mat- j ter which hits the conditions tiiat exist in i A T E S T S T Y L E S of W A L L P A P E R . the Pacific Northwest Among fruit B l a n k £ o o k S ) growers It is an especial favorite, as i t ! makes horticulture a leading feature, and gives the best and fullest reports publish ed of the meetings of the state horticultu- j rul societies of Oregon and Washington, ; Lake, of tho Washington II u C. F. MOORE & CO. E. IIA D LEV . J . It. HUNT. The dairy de­ partment is maintained with no less vig­ or, as indicated by the fact that its editor, H. M. Williamson, holds tlie jiositlon of secretary of the Oregon State Dairy Asso­ ciation. Live stock and poultry are not A. HODGSON H A D LEY , HUNT & C O . Prof. Agricultural College, Prof. Washburn, of the Oregon Agricultural College, A. T. Hawley and others of eminent ability. Stationery, School Books and School Supplies. )PnE.«cRiiTloK3 C arxfclly C om -) i founded D ay ou X iuht . Ì and includes among its regular contiilm tors in this department sueli as Also a M anufacturers of First rv Drain Class Tile. arc prepared to m ake a su perior quality of drain tile fn all nixes. Larcre order? promptly filled. C orrespondence solicited. P rice list on application. C orner Main A Dayton Streets. N E W B E R G , : r V \ la l a t i n O IR G E O -O U S T . LX t i r s e r ' v Last Saturday, as the Tillamook un 1 A. V / A I .L I N G , P r o p r i e t o r . Nortli Yamhill stage was going west- . ! | neglected, and progressive agriculture is - O IE R T E G -O U S T . ward, an attempt to rob it was foiled hv the spirit which animates tho genera! O S W E G O . All kinds of homo grown uu rsery stock for sale. We m ake a sp ecialty of the driver. There was only ono passen- ; management of the paper, -A-IST TD I T^A . L I N I N ' T P P x b T JIS rT U S . ger, II. E. Nelson of Nel.alem, who dls-1 Among special features are Its depart- P E T I T E covered tho would-be highwaymen dodg­ F o r p r l c - term s and o ther Inform ation, upply at N ursery o r to M .V1IIS & C I I L C U I I I ), ments devoted to tlio “ Home Circle” and our iigeuto al New berg, Oregon. ing and crouching behind trees. Mr. K d "it was not armed, ro lie remained in j Among the tu r n e rs . **"' e is new. following item from tlio C apital J o u r n a l, ai.bievoments of the age. Others, it fiom a practical standpoint of the produ­ ing tlio drop, the man fled into the i ho room - in* niry and well furnished. The Mule always applied w ith the best in tho m ark et, .'l a i n S t r e e t , w e a r th e U e b o t. .NhW K i .U l i , O K K tiO N . would indicate that times were I seems liuvo similtkr faitlt in its greatness woods.— Telephone-Register. cer. This handsome, l(J-page paper, pub­ closo up that way now. and unqualified etflcacy, for all over the Cigarette smoking sec-nts to be on tlio lished twice a month, is a paper well they do not, exactly steal the eop|iors j L.olmirv m-,. springing up institutions Raid increase, and a gaeat many of our young worth Its subscription price of one dollar from off the dead, but tliov do stout tho , , ,, grave-digging tools out of Cottage «drove tobo J',st lls B « *1- " ,0 ,K;!it cv,denco men have become, as it were, perfect per your, and one that every farmer, fruit cumotcry. imaginable of the genuineness of any- slaves to the practice. Wo consider tho grower and dairyman should have and :-----------------------------thing. Possibly some of these instilu- habit n o t only u bad one, but calculated keen. I t iiah Iieen suggested by jiersons in ltons are able to effect as radical cures as A . K\ C O O P E D A C O . to materially injure the health of those It gives in pleasure to announce that authority tiiat foreign immigration be the Keetoy system, but doubtless many addicted to excessive use of cigarettes. we have made arrangements by which Htoppcd during tlio year ISlld, feats be- j '*! them are frauds, do all who can uc- We have often seen quite small lioys we are able to offer it as a premium to all ing entortainod that the cholera would j « omplish what they claim , all possible smoking them, and no doubt they are new subscribers paying us f l 75 in ad­ We take this plan to inform the public '.bat we are lietter than ever prepared to sup again break out when warm weather i eucouragemont should be given, but the jily tlio trade this Fall in the line of a both dangerous and hurtful, and it is vance, as well as to all old subscribers comes. But there lias Iieen too much put latter class merits the just indignation of quite possible that many buildings aro who will pay up all arrearages and fl.7 5 into the Columbian exposition to admit «11. A man who for a few paltry dollars burned on account of their careless use in advance. Wo could secure some of of a imssibility of suc h a suggestion being would wilfully deceive one of his follows hy the young folks. Wo only wish our the eastern farm papers at much less cost Patties desiring to set orchards this Fall will make money by calling on or corret carried out, and hundreds of thousands in "hose feet press the very boundaries of a young friends could see it as wo do, and to ourselves, but realize the fact that for ponding witli us before placing their orders. excess of ordinary years, will doubtless hopeless eternity, is as great a criminal conclude tiiat it would under no circum­ this section the cheap class of eastern ag­ come to us during tlio next twelve j "» the man who robs him in any other stances be of any benefit to them, hut on­ ricultural papers are scarcely worth hav­ months. j manner, ami his punishment should he ly the reverse.— LaFayetto Ledger. ing, and not to ho compared in value ■ ■ | as great. This is not a paid notice of any with tlie Rural Xorthirest. Im p orters and m a n u fa ctu rers of Tin: Oregonian, in speaking of tlio haw- institution, hut un honest recognition of Notice. dy house nuisance says, " I t is not to the j whut has proven and is proving a God- A ll Kinds of Marble and Granite All persons knowing themselves in­ n a t io n \i. i : t co . eredit of our motrojiolis certainly wlic’ii j «0«'I to thousands o! helpless, hopeless debted to mo are requested to rail and a few days, and you will be startled at the unex­ Davi»l \V. M artin, g eneral agent for the No- M f l ff !?J tlio wives and daughters of our citizens men in this country, there is only one pected success tiiat will reward your efforts. We settle by Jan . 1, or their accounts will be po itively have the best business to oiler an agent aro obliged every day to pass by such i thing better, and that is total and abso- that can be found on the* face of this earth. placed in tho hands of a collector. of his m edicines. Mrs. Mary Hobson, on south j _ 9 1 3 .0 0 p ro fit on 8 7 5 .0 0 w o rth o f b u sin ess is places.” We are candidly of the opinion 1 Into prohibition of tlio liquor business, M eridian street, n ear the fair grounds, and "~ J“ J . I). C a r t e r . being easily and honorably made by and paid to Mrs. C ox, on F irst street, one door west of i'res- T _ o n n • that such contact would not injure the j I his, wliilo w e believe it to be surely hundreds of men, women, boys, and ghIs in our employ. You can make money faster at work for agents, who have aud will hereafter keep wives and daughters of Portland near as coming, is not yet, and until it is re­ F o r S a to . usthniivou have any idea of. The business is so hand a full supply of the above-nam ed rem e­ o:i\v to (earn, and instructions so simple and plain, nt uc-b as the husbands and sons, flet ulized, it is the part of all men to en- Choice fruit lands, all cleared, near dies. pcp-lpdtoiml For Cemetery Lots a Specialty. i that all succeed from the start. Those who take sm-h place* out of tlio city if you want j courage any and all measures honestly Dayton, Or. ?70 per acre. 8 acre tracts. hold of the business reap the advantage that arises from tlie sound reputation of one of the S. H A W O R T H , M a n a g er, to do something that would reflect credit calculated to iiiiiiiini/.e this great evil, W. T. I ’ ll.LMAN. ! oldest, most successful, am! largest publishing F in a l S e ttle m e n t. houses in America. Secure for yourself tlie profits and hy so doing alleviate tho suffering Newberg, Oregon. to l'orliand. té Dayton, Or. N otice is hereby given that the undersigned, that the business so readily and handsomely yields. which it brings. All beginners succeed grandlv. and more’ than e x e cu to rs of the last will aud testam ent of Geo. G TON HOTEL. urser^ y ? N ew b e rg GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FRU IT TREES. E. W. ACHISON & CO. FOB US HiUaUiWtiflid ft Iron Fence & Stone Coping A S alem school professor has set n good exam ple for tho teachers of the I daho is bidding for recognition in the state, whether they are in college or pub way of a diamond producing state, a lie schools, by inaugurating a series of old i Mr. VauDorn, of Boise City, having dis­ fashioned spoiling matches. Owing to a covered what lie claims to he genuine j lack of thorough drill in (hit lino of diamonds in the region of the lava fields, school work of today there is being turn- W e’ll all wear diamonds soon. ed loose a class of educated men ami __________________ women who are able to use German and K d . H ir s h o f Salem ami C. W. Fulton < ¡reek, but w ho arc imuldo to spell some of Astoria, sre prominently mentioned uh of the most com mon words in the Eng candidates for president of the senate, j language, while the probabilities are (but the tall sycamore of tlio Waldo hills, T . T. Geer, Jr s T now It seems as if a train wreck- will again be speaker of the house. I ing craze had struck the country. So I numerous bave these attempts become on T d . i . amook lias a new pajsvr. It js I the Northern t'acific that in places the j-aholletl to gnard guard called the Adeoeate, and starts out by ad track is regularly )>atlolled Vis-ating tlie u|H-niiig of the world's (air against wrecks. Twice within a week a on Snn.lav. \Ve presume that there is calamity has been averted on the South- equally as great need of this second paper ern Pacific |iy the accidental discovery ol Nothing hut revenge ill Tillamook as there is sense ill support­ misplaced rails against the rail road conipaniea could act- ing sueli a measure. nato sueli work hy any person, and when we consider their litter disregard for in Tni: Klgin llreoidrr is tip and nt it n.ieent human lives, vve are led to con- agaiu in spile of thè lenii out a couple of clude that nothing short of Imprisonment weoka ago. A live colutili) hall «licei for life should l>o the punishment for le-ats no pa|ng mar thè Ree der w ave. **ai»l through tho pros** in Ilio pnrl soil'd make ju«t as mii.di money a« they meni convention held at t ’hillioothe. Mo , ■In now ami have a days rest without mo­ \«i£U»t 1<> to lib w e take the follokvinp V level s t r i p of p rem iti w a s se le c te d lestation the same as ether people. and m ade A PoKTLANi» man advert!*«* * I low to Start a Creamery.” I: Un't *o much tho lack of knowing how to start a creamery ns in knowing how- to rtin it profitably, I fiat alauda in the wav of lu o c n i oft* a- lirnee. It it» a ip*>d business where proper condition* exult, to bo supple mented hy *oun.l jtid¿e.m-nt and . que l*rai ti* al knowledge of the buMiies*. tlio o jicn iiig , th e n H a y e s a n d sp o k e for fifteen o r mellow* w ith a d i-o h a r t »w. v,uj«»ns e q u a lly v iti» Then loading the packed grain to attout .*>.'» ♦) pound* un i attaching a d y n a m o m e t e r , test w a s m a d e with the following results Wi Ith of T ire I S Inch S inch « Eofl E a rth . * *S m ilts 17» units This fihow* near [\ unit or ittaut one-third in favor «• tir«. It is fivith i t . th e r e f o r heavy teaming t*i.• w .le tir.s GM .« S *| .r r S e n !» - u »»t.« Tilt- L a s t D ite ti. I l i I t a I'ltlH I Mttx. H A U TI.KY. No, I am not in the last ditch. I want several more to dig. Satisfaction guar­ anteed. E nos F i l i s . B ai u m o r k , Md , Dee. 0 . lS'.l'J. Finirons iiai hic . :—Since writing my ....... .. G —... - - - .... - "■“ ■"fs "V ; |M„t |0t tcr to tho G rai - iiu -, we have spent F o r Suh*. a week in Philadelphia. We went by in­ One-half block with good house on Riv- vitation el l- rii-nds to take part in a pub-j er street, for sale or trade, cheap, Ad- lii* mis»ionarv meeting. \S e also attend- dress Emma Lune, Payton, Or. ed some other meetings in und about B a n k r u p t S a le . Philadelphia. We availed ourselves of $105.00 Stock in the Newberg Fair the opportunity of visiting a few historic places. The old Independence Hall, the j Association for fSd 00. Address g tavo of Franklin, ote. I F h a n k W o o d , Newberg, Or. The new mammoth statue of Wui. V.nixl F o r Wale. Penn is quite « work of art, and so large •Id to 7.KI at res of land 5 r tt miles that four men ca.i stand on the rim of tiis northwest of Ncwherg, for sale at very liât. His life-lik ptatvful eves, look ri.;t,tin:vhlc figures, on 5 to 10 years time, a calmly^as if that broth- i n,,„ire , t this office. down upon one as scpflOlmp orly me.e-.aga to the Indians had scarce i — . ----------- escaped bia lips. Alter looking at his Wantnl. magnificently rutiled shirt bosom and the Agents to sell our choice anti hardy rutiles about his wrist, I remarked to a Nursery Stock. We have main in-vv friend that 1 knew where the identical spcci.il varieties, Imth in fruits and <-rn:i- copper kettle was, that was used for the mentals to offer, which are control«..! on­ purpose of making Ih * starch, to staicli ly hy ns. W e pay i-oinmi ion or salary, those rutiles. I feared l lia I gotten tny- W r i t e i d :U o rn i fo r t o r m a , a n d s e c u r e self into business, for it war insisted that c h o ic e t e r r i t o r y . M a y P r o t i ik u s , I should sit right down ami write out the X ornery men, no account for the Philadelphia p.i|>crs, and Roeheater, N. Y. that the l'enn Asso, ¡.it,on would give « For S.tlp. handsome sum for it. m is kettle was A r.r.st class essex male pitf. left or given hv Wm. Penn to a distant grandmother of one of our Carolina stu­ dents and vv hen visiting that student a few years ago it was shown to ns. One peculiarity that impressed us nos that on the long handle of the kettle was the text in riiscd letters, “ Praise ve the laird " We returned to Baltimore a few days ago an I t -und the National I'ris m lie- I K. Y Christenson, deceased, has filed in the County realize their greatest expectations. Those who : try ii find exactly us we tell them. There ¡»plenty Court of Y am hill County, State of Oregon, her T ]5 t W A R N E R j of room for a few more workers, and we urge filial accou nt of her A dm inistration of said es- r j . them to begin at once. If you are already vni- tate, and that, hy v irtu e of ord er of *ai . A S - e e t W tndratll nnd S te a l MEAT MARRE C. H. POWELL, Proprietor I l will alw ays find at this m ark et the very I Dost F resh Meats of all kinds. | , , . that I can j G l v e m e a t r i .i l and be convin you pood. c « do you Center Street. ^ P lilN G Newherjj, Oregon Osnoos. Wyandottcs a Specialty. » • ’! e a t r » t s * K»1 f r t ír . « .a u ü F o ■ r i n « v » ,th w F oh i» • p u n t .l i t ts t i. » I ’. tir» ! la r g r s t íoU' iiüvV ib col ftlClilCl .-ni» «li'rrJ.r I by tov« vf lh» ;- .‘ « « lili Evaris ¿z C 1er.:enson 1 B 1 b f - Y P . t tsry l h*s »«-vn . • g v . • . . i O* Jfh ( Olí 4'»n*l- »•*• N on» K.s ■«»<• tt-« i I vm moht.- o« !. » t n y c M l s » u s i * » ,r y bshita’ > r* >n «f th« ( ■ (■+% »»»n lo x>.« rcac-t» i»la«ús of i« y t : y W . PECK Ti ■ rr^ntest! r.moron«!>ookever pnbli'ih«*'!. ft will tiriv* away the bluets and mako life bind- in»c W 1.23. i aper cover;* £0 cent*. Tlio above boek.-* are f«^r aal*» by bookseller* and netrg- «1 u .f -. «>r will be mailed. rx;*t t>aid, on receipt of price by BOYS OF THE BIBLE By T H O S . W . H A N D FO R O fin fiaerican E:ok, far Aiiricaa Boys, By an American Author. PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS. IN COLORS, FROM DOSE'S MASTERPIECES. France!» E . W illard - : “ Your book en- tiih d ** of th Fibh> ” L o n * that is f n u to i i* «o h» lpf * 1 th o 1 am co in * to r- nd it t-> a couple of :. i:nirahle little fellow-». t>n»» «rf v ir* luynaiu ^«ke. i am «ure they will !«e b ■V.f'T r . rx f- r t! - on; iin« and etudy of tht# cuique and helpful book. L»«r^e octavo, handsomely L u n d ia cloth. Iftai t P r i c e , f 1.73k L o that • v m tll pr> Ö« on S IK Í m . PECK’ S BAD BOY A Book th?.t should be in crcry home. Ih j SBt . bas r.toiat « »'¿t cf i m ü n f f «'n t • tpv o í tb » a/t:cl* atakvYj • w n 'l of l i M « • »- • OVER 1 .0 0 0 ,0 0 0 SOLD. F irst and only Complete E d it'o a. 27 r u n «* st tsUwttn!»«Wrt < o* Ws-a*v íS. OVER 73 EDITIONS HIDE Fooms r.f Pa ;sfon, 12 mo. cloth. P rice $1.00 P apmis c f Pleasure. 12 mo. “ “ i.i«o Mao;Lae and other Potu<*, 12 mo.** ** l.iu Thf- * bks of poems by Am erica’s moat riri.tl poet hare mot with greaterFureessMum or.y wurka of u sim ilar nature publiahcU in a century. _______________ M O R RILL, n iG G IX S A CO.. Publishers, CHICAGO, ILL.*». '.'evrer e « - , 3 minutes. T h o r s tl.-u re s ttt l th o ........................................................................................ T h e tv *t and most populnr breed • to fjo ftîio e w -e ro w tn g » ^ ... ^ . fi-, < ve ria atina 1 ' • ! L_ L:‘ - _ Steel Aenncior» Ifhew 1 .»It o» « t add.n Q cna wo?a otujr» flotto*» ***LUUDVAA# H end wa•*Tn:¿a tho Countnr.*» ■ , .. ^ , «• * s - y (« - r 1 l P o t n s r y H- '*x F " • t i . C f * u s k i- N t.v t * r '* - lu g g f- t s »r.v* : in y s s t ’ h> » < V »r. 1 p 'J . 1 - • * * ' k o .'- c » s .t- f r » r J 1 y fr- m y-'A» 1 u T h « .««••«1 . f tt Al * ; •--•«-S i « | r I t < m 1 » n»s ! • s u . Eila Wheeler Wilcox’s Poems With cvc-r ICO New (¡¡ustraticr.s by True Williams Poultry Yard Si.vv in. mi, B FEW 8 SCGESSFUL BOOKS. By C EO R C E BRAN CH • * rr. “ JA P A N E R C U F t EM M I have just receive«! a full Hue of new poods, latest pittcriiH and best q u ality , a.id will sell at as L»w fl-jurc* the quality of our goods will justify. A com plete em balm ing outfit just receiv ed Come and see me. a n t r ::.-* T 2 f T i * 1 ^ UT ■ E A S T SID E c. c o x , W M BORER. • ““ Extm . - • n. - l l ndvrcd to cn erg etia •alee men. Avkireea F . C. S U E D L E Y A CO„ X F W1 Y. ] lv«W aLs4» ivth* C L jca^ o , h j j f