NEWBERG GRAPHIC NEWBERG GRAPHIC. A III K R T IM n ti GRAPHIC. R ATKÄ* .Twenty Dollars T m Dollars < >ns 1 »ollar On« Column *......... H alf Column — Professional Cards t r a d in g l e t t r e s w i l l hr lu a r r tr d th e r a te o f T e n r e n t « p ee L in «. NEWBERG. Y A M H I L L CO., OREGON. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1892. VOL. 5. N O T IC E S . .IKIES US’ C l i l ’ K rH .—SKKYICKS E V tK V i Huu-lav ar 11 A. m and 7 p. « an dlh arsd at 10 a « 3Abbatti school sv ry buuday t 9.45 a M Moutalv meeting at 2 r. U the first bat unlay lu each mouth Quarterly meeting the second Saturday and buuday 111 February, May, August aud November. 1 l V A l Q I L K AL C HI RCH F R I A< HING i servic • at the Kvangellcal church every t bauds) at 10 a n d : 45 i* n., «-xcept the fourth SAMUEL HOBSON, a m N K W R K ItG . OR. 7 ch urch - rkgui a r s k k y ic k first and third Sundays of the mouth at 11 and 8:00 r. M. ; also on fi th Sunday, morn- lag and evening. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a . M Prayer meeting every Weduesdaj evening at 8:00 o clock. a p t is t a . m . Portrait and Landscapa Artist. b H Y lK K lA N C H U R C H.-SE RVIC ES EV Portraits enls'-g -d to Ufe sise and finished in T J K K 1 ery cry second aud fourth Lord’s day at 11 a . m . Crayon, India Inx or Water Colors. and 7:30 P. M 10 A. M ( ^abballi ■« hool every Sunday at 1H RISTIA N CHURCH.—SERVICES EVERY second aud fourth Sunday at 10 a . m sud _ 30 r . D VESl' «T C H U K l li —R K A Y K K M I : I « N • ¿ J \ every Wteiue. . y evening Harltatii .ehool every S.tur.lay at 10 a s e r.lce . ful.owing gfigT* Studio—Upstairs lu ilosklus bulldisg. EAST AND SOUTH -V IA - METHODISI’.— p h a y k u m k k iis g every Thursday al 7 30 r * sabbatu erboul every Situitay at 10 a . » . F ree — . M. aulì 7 1 HO Y- . gabbati! School M a, iO . E. ni 1 . 1 hpworth l.eaau(' at ( HO r k. Ibayer church a s e r v ic e s e v e r y m in d a y a m Southern Pacific Route. meeting every Thursdsy eveuine st 7 :<>0 o clock. H. N. KO UN i 8 , Pastor. r o l ’ NG LADIES! A U X I D R Y I O Y M.C. \. L m its every Sunday at 4 r. m . in M. h. uurch L id ies cordially in vi leu loa ttei «1. S O C IE T Y N O T IC E S . «tSHflSTA LINE.I» V M.C. A.— DEVO I ION vl.sK itV ICK3 „ U . K , X . S unlay at * r a. You,,* men eatue.tly requested to attend. l i t r. T U,— HCSl N ESS MEETING 1 HE SEC M . ou i and fo ,rth Tnnraday 111 each nio.ith. Trains leave and are due to arrive st Portlaud t 1 A K —SESSIONS HEI.D FIRST AND THIRD \JT, Salurilay evening In each mouth. W R.<\—MEETS FIRST AND T H IR D . urday aflcriioou lit each mouth. SAI Ct OF V.— MEETS EVK KY S A IU R D A Y EVEN O . l"g A O. U. W -M E E I » EVERY TUESDAY EVEN *8:30 a . »8:30 A. »6.00 r. »7:30 a . » 4:40 p. O F F IC IA L D IR E C T O R Y . FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS —TH K— J O O. F —SKaSlnS.4 HE1.D QM THU USD AY evening, ill liault building. OVHRI.AMD KXi'RKSS. 1 baleni, Aibanv, Eum­ ene, K osebg G ra n fi Pass, Medio:d Ash [ ; land, Sacrameli to,Og I den, bau Francis* o, ' | Mwjave, Los Angeles, I ' m o ,New Orleans, I E1 Pa ............ [and East.................. j m Kosebera Si way station* f Via Wood »urn fo ri Mt. Angel, Milverton, W>at belo. Hrowi.a- , L ville and Coburg.....J M. Albau> ami way station» M. Corvallis di way »talion » si. M cM innville & way Ma’* *7:86 O R T K E R N a . m . P A c r r i c R .R . •4 :.10 - IS THE ♦4 30 f. ♦r0:.*40 a . m f.'*:30 p . m »V20 a . m . D in in g Cara on O g d e n R o u t « . To C ity o f N f l . l t e r , . J. J. Woods Treasurer ................................... .......Mtfftea Veta w Street uoniuils«lo:icr.............. ............. A r . Cox ......... Milei Ruece All Points East P R O FE S S IO N A L PU LLM AN BUFFET .HI. K B P E It 9. It is the dining car route. Through vestibule trains every day hi the year. 9 e r «n d - C la a s .S leep in g Cara COUNCILS* EM tB. C. M il«- First Ward.............................. ....... j Raul a i f j it: F. Moon .... ja. L. KtaDler * F. II. '..ashler ..... j j D. 1 arter CARDS. M c C o n n e l l , m . d ., For accomtn •datiou o f passengers ho ding sec­ ond* lass tickets attached to all train". W IIE R O . OH. ST. PAUL Through ticket offl e. 134 First »Deet, where through t * kets to all points in the Eastern tates, Cana a ami Europe can bo obtaund at lowest rates frem J. K. K IR K L A N D , T ick *! Agent. All al>ove trains arrive and depart from Grand 1 ’ontral ftatiou, Fifth and I streots. NARROW n and Surgeon, eh. L I N K TO T A K E - . 0. C. Emery Mayor G A U G E —Wr. S. D I V I S I O N — AMO — ' j P o r t l and and t T I lU n t e t t e V a l l e ) R a ilw a y CHICAGO (No change o f ea*s), composed of 'lin ing ears unsMipas ed Pullman d awing room sleeper» of iat^jt equipment; tourist sleeping ears, best that eaii be const ruoto t and in vvhien ae<*«»mtr,rv dations are both fkkk and furnished fo rb o ld ir* ot tirât or second e.aas ti kein, and elegant day coa< lies. Cumulilo is line ooiiceet ng with all lines a' fording d>ree a d uninterrupted servire. Pnllma'j su- ! '- bn • ■ ' e <* eure ] iu a *1 vatu ** vvrough any agent of tin- road. Passenger depo* foot o f Jefferson street. .street. All calls promptly st night. Diseases of women and tatty. rt. J. LIT T L EFIEL D , ♦6:30 a . M. »8:30 a . M. f7:20 a » 12:15 p. »I 65 r. 15:15 P »6 30 P »8:36 P. Oswego A way st ti's , ♦1:30 p. m ♦ I 10 P. M ♦6 20 P. M » 7 40 P. M. COAST. N A T IO N A L Considering the jtchx I st?rvu*i i lr* renders the farmer, it is rather hard that the “ inowdlewarps,” as moles are called iu tome countries— e i :. iprion of tiie oltl English nntne “ mold war ok ,’* r tl rower up of earth—should 1*«* looked upon as foes and hunted out so i.iercilessiy. True it is that he spoils the appearance of some of our fine lawns, hut then the uumher oi worms and insects that he caa dispose ot is simply incredible. Out iu the fields, in wet pasture lauds, having insuilicieiit A FEMININE HORSE THIEF. «Irninuge, be is mo>t useful; that, in fact, i « his legitimate doniaiu. The tunnels lie makes din. . the !and> perfectly, and those mom (Is cf fine earth that he throws up make the soil so fertile that the cattle in­ Irrigation Question Will Occupy variably thrive better on such than they Much of the Time of the will elsewhere. The u* ief objection of course to those Idaho Legislature. unremitting labors ¡ t h a t in mowing lauds the hillocks ho raises cause the liay cut­ ting machines to break down when they come in contact with them. But surely Yum a comp! siaa of tramps. even this need not lead to the wholesale Los Angele:’ s to have a glass factory. destruction in other places of one of the most industrious and UM-ful of our ht)i:i'r The pf.".'TTt^ce.q. iu N -vada is larqe. animals. Tmc. he will destroy and eat Much land is hsing taken up in Ari- the young of the privileged robin red­ sona by homesteaders. breast; the nestlings of the willow wren i he will not spare either—-in fact, no small | The C>eur d’Alene Indians predict an bird that builds its nest on the ground is extraordinarily hard winter. The irrigation question w ill occupy safe from our so called blind mole. He, too, however, has his enemies among much of the time of the Idaho Legisla­ the birds of prey; these will watch for him ture this winter. The problem is an all- as he throws up his hillocks of fine earth important one in the southern part of and secure hint when thev can. By the. the State. way, sheep thrive especially well on pas­ An attack was made on three horse- tures where the moles arc busiest. The I thieves near Santa Fe, N. M. Ona was grass that grows upon the hillocks suit» 1 killed and one wounded, and the other them perfectly. And the small farmer has I proved to be a woman dressed in male no better dressing for spreading ou his 1 attire and armed. fields than the soil that has been worked J The Tuscarora, Nev., Timtu-Review by the mole.— Pall Mall Budget. TJOnilPU TIP^CTO To and fro n Ml points I nrouun I I u R l I u ill Aim*rl« a Englaml «n e Ktirope rail be pttrehasod at ail) tir ket of five of this company. Ex G ivernor Geary of Iowa has form ­ ally assumed the duties of Assistant The Presi­ dent de cgites to him the power to sign troa-mrv warrants and set as Secretary of the Treasury in certain contingencies. Superintendent of Census Porter in his annual report strongly urges that the census office lie made a permanent bureau of the Interior Department, lt'gardin g the cost of taking the elev­ enth census, he savs that the disburse­ ments up to June 3), 1892, amounted to $3,208 tin t, and of the thirteen volumea iu which results have lieen etuiiodied there are now in the hands of the print­ er eight quarto volumes, but the infinite tletail of the office work mskes it impos­ sible to foretell the date of the comple­ tion of the whole work. The animal report of Fourth Assistant Postmaster-General Rathbone shows 4,105 new postoffices were established daring the year, a greater number than any previous year except 189 ', when it was 4 427. The year closed with 87,119 postoflices in the United States. The largest increase in number of new post- offices is in tlie Southern States. R«th- bone suggests an amendment to tiie law, making the mailing of green goods cir­ culars a continuing offense from the time of mailing to the place of destination, so that tiie prosecution ran take place at either point. A similar enactment in regard to lotteries lias about swept them out of existence in two years, an i he be­ lieves the same effect would follow in the cases of green goods swindles. The Navy Deptrtment will soon send a special communication to Congress in cm n*ction with tiie transportation of enlisted man from New York to San Fraucisco. The naval * ff i 'e , s a re said to be mad all over at the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, owing to their in­ ab ility to get tiie company to transport their bailors. As the Treasury Depart­ ment has rule I against sending men across the continent by rail, the Navy Department is grea’ ly embarrassed iu its tffo ts to supply men for the vessels on the P acifij Coast. Recently the de­ partment dWired to send 109 m »n to Fan Francisco for the new coast de ense vessel Monterey. The company in formed the depirttuent that thev could not tik e tiie men for several weeks vet. The department has determined to a-k Congress for authority to transport its men across the continent hy rail. Tiie monthly v a ither-erop bulletin shows that November was slightly c filer than usual in tiie greater portion of the country east of tiie It cky Moun­ tains, with a deficiency in tempera tire generally throughout the Northern States and as far sooth as North G ir o lina. Tliore was in >re th in the usual am milt of rain in the Middle Atlantic States. S ni h ,rn New Eng an I, the northern port on of the Gulf 8 a ’ es, Tennessee. Eastern Texts, Illinois, tn- di 6 a. M chigao and O altiirria. 'The u '•' < ,V,ly*h-.»?y ratifs in trie N irtit P.t- cifi)i S ales reeiite i in grpa 1 in s to the r f rotd ar> I arric.u tura 1 intorests The weather ha# been favorab e throughout the winter w h eit reg on, and tiie recent rains doubtless l>eiiafit*d gr 'at y the late aiwn w iea*, but the ground con­ tinues very hard thr nirhout th • » - i " • wli -at States. Cotton picking is about completed. Some slight damage was done to the late cotton Cen ral 8 ates by heavy rains. The weather in Southern California was favorable, and the re­ ports show that the orange crop is ripen­ ing as well as could be desired, the fruit coloring last. says that, in consequence of the closing down of the mines, many peop e are taking advantage of the pleasant weather to Beak “ greener tields aud pas­ tures new.” The total production of raisins in Cal­ ifornia this year is I, 8 iX) carloads. The crop will tie found, when all is sliinpvd, says the Secretary of the State Raisin Association, to be three-fourths of last year’s shipment. The Bradstreet commercial agency re­ ports thirteen failures in the Pacific Coast States and Territories for the past week, as compared with eleven for the previous week and thirteen for the cor­ responding week of 1891. The Governor of California has au­ thorized an election at Cerro Gordo, Inyo county, to vote for all officers who were voted for on November 8 . This is owing to the destruction of the ballots at that precinct on election day. Considerable excitem ent has lieen ere- a’ ed in Vancouver, K O., over the fa- t that the two local firm-,, who control the entire coal supp y, have issued circulars stating that all c >al must he paid for in advance or no delivery w ill he made; Tfie Coos Bay, Or., New» Bpeaksof tlie following is “ a peculiar coincidence” : Captain .Marshall’s little daughter Jen­ nie died last Tuesday. She was horn the day Cleveland was elected in 18H4 and died the day he was again elected in 1892. The City Council of EHLKK. Manager. A. D. CH ARLTO N, E. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. F. Si P. Agt., Po t Assistant Leu« i al Passenger Agent, Portland sides in Sau Diego. land, Or DR. HAROLD CLARK, A move is now on foot to brin g into I W O R L D ’ S FAIR N O TE S . Boise C ity the hot water from the arte- s;an weds about two miles above town and utilize it for heating purposes. Pipes Great Demand for Space In the Mining N E W B IR fl, OR. are already laid, and the experim ent i Building—Sp tin to Ask the Cortes Gold filin g a specialty. Gas or vita'isa 1 sii will be tried in the new city hall and in | for an Appropriation. given lu extracting teeth. All work wa ran ed the public-school building. If it is a NEWBERG, ORECON. office—Near postofflee, on First street. success there, it will be generally used I The Spanish Cabinet will ask the Cor­ throughout the city. J . D. T A R R A N T A S O N , P r o p r ie t o r s . By far the largest water-storage proj- j tes for $150,000 for the W orld’s Fair and N sw b erg , O regon, ect ever undertaken in the United States to semi all archives (lertaining to Co- —13 PR EP A RED TO R E P A IR — that on the Arizona canal, nine miles , Iambus. Having recently equipped our mill with new and improved ma­ is from Phoenix. Work w ill begin at once j Among the exhibits at the W orld’s chinery, we are now prepared to manufacture ti e best grade of flour bv to put an embankment on the west side , Fair will he two swords Irom Spain, one In a workmanlike manner. Satisfaction guar of the canal at the distance of three of which bslonged to Isabdla, Columbus’ the F U L L R O LLE R PROCESS. anteed, in G. M. Kales' shoe »hup on First street miles, which will form a lake of that patron, and the other to Cortez, the con­ Cash paid for wheat. Feed ground Saturdays. Thirty-five years* expo 1 nee. length and twenty feet deep. Water will queror of Mexico. be let in from the Arizona canal daring Emperor W illiam has at last consented the rainy season. to let a German military hand visit Chi­ cago during the W orld’s Fair. The best Donald McRae, Commissioner of Um a­ Yalerinarj • Phy_dcian • and • Surgeon, tilla county, Or., ¡ b the inventor of a men will lie selected for the parpose cultivator, which promises to revolu­ from tiie bands of different regiments. N e w l i f g, Or., tionize the farming industry. It is es­ By request of the W orld’ s Fair Com­ W 11 pre. crD*e for and treat sick or lame horses pecially designed for killing weeds, and mission tiie W illapa llarlior Tannin E x­ a ui cattle Calls prom pt!} answered day o e w b e r g r e g o n will also thoroughly pulverize the soil. tract Works will prepare an exh ibit of night. Office at Rogers’ livery stable, Sheridan The shovels are Hat, heart-shaped pieces Washington hemlock or, as it is now street. of steel, and by an ingenious mechan­ called, Alaska pine. Tiie exhibit will ical contrivance they have a reversible consist of a <■ >rd of hark, tiie hemlock DR. E. J. YOUNG, motion, the intention of which is to clea, extract and leather liinnwl with it, liein them of rubbish, so that they w ill ent lock lumber, flooring ami cross sections; e t e r in a r y v urgeo n clear and smooth at all times. also photographs of tiie works, «bowing N K W ItK ltG , OR. Never Bince the settlement of Idaho the process of manufacture of tiie ex­ have there been such immense crops all tract. over the State as during the post season. The i-ea*ment of horses a rpeclalty. Cal s st The'*ror of Germany has con­ tended with minptneas. Scientific research attributes a benelicia sented to send to the W orld’s Fair what change in the climate to the m ultiplica­ will be one of the most rematkahle and tion of irrigation canals, which moist n attractive features to he seen at Chicago am sey Excellent opportunity for good work. a great extent of country and create a next year. It will consist of a collection Board and lodging. $M.OO per week hnmid atOK»»ph“ re. It has been oh of presents received by his grandfather, Served that frequent rains n >w fall dur the Emperor W illiam ; ids father, tim All other expenses very low. I f you want to teach; if you want to take a business course; it Ing the months of July and Angnst Emperor Frederick, and himself from Nature is closing np th » gar, lietweeu their fellow sovereigns in Europe, a« N M V IIK R O , O R . you want to review or take advanced work, we can suit you. wet and dry seas >na and equalizing the well as Irom the people of Germany. Houses pxlnte 1 In the 1st st TIN TS Paper- Send for catalogue or come and see for yourself. rainfall. The collection will he intrusted to the hanging, ^raining »tain ng an 1 ha d *»il finis TH u M A S NEW L IN , President. For some weeks the affairs of the pro ca'e of the Latin-Amencan department, D on e b y D ay o r C o n tr a c t. posed San Francisco and Great Salt but the conditions tinder which it will be Lake railroad have been very quiet, arid exhibited have not lieen announced. The -ihop on Main street there is now no doubt that the pr j ct presents consist of jewels and other per­ w II fall through. The sole cause of its sonal ornaments, silver plate, decora­ non-success has been the lack of interes, tions ami an infinite varie e 0f other ar u m m in s taken in it. Many people who wer- tides. The collection is v. ad beram- of dollars. shy when it came to raising snb«cri|- There is great demand for space in th- tions.arid it has been im.oossihle to raise min ng building at the W orld’s Fair,an I M W R K K fi. OR. enough money to push the road to con, most of the States awarded «pace are NEWBERG, ORECON. pletion. As a consequence the whole fast completmg their arrangements for scheme is on the verge of di«solntion an exhibit. California, however, is the f el on us if v .n want s good we:l st s rear d Much preliminary work in the wav of one State which is showing a decidedly sbl- figure Having na-l long experien«e. we 930,000 surveys, $ isrsntee so d work Price for bo.-lng an1 put C a p it a l S tock etc , had been done, and ahon’ lagging spirit, thong i it was a-si ned tm g iu wsl . rente per foot $ 1 XF» had been spent in this manner one of the most des rah e parts of the The work of obtaining sn 'ecrip tion ■< wss mine« and mining building, in the main JESSE E D W A R D S ......................................... President ---- AT T H E ---- then tak n np. and though urgent eflorfe aisle and directly opposite the Mexican B C. M ILE S . ........................... Vice-President were ma le, only one-third of thearnoun display. The California W orld’» Fair MOSES V O T A W ........................................... ...........Ca-hier of money agreed noon before the bind- Board has not yet accepte I this space could be floated has been obtained. I, Moreover, in a n cent letter to the was agre d at the b°g nning that s ii W orld’s Fair management the Hec-etsrv Mav be found st all timrs a fa ll assorrnent <*f Directors— Jesse Edwards, B. C. Miles. F. A Morris, J. C. Colcord. months should 1 » allowed in which to of the California Association said they g *od msraetsble collect the subscriptions, and if at the were not yet in a position to state E H. Woodward. Certitieates " <> f f deposit issued payable on demand. E Exchange x c h a n g e bought Is,light end of that tim e the neceesary amoti’ t whether they des-red the spare allotted of money was not forthcoming,' all won d or not. Every inch of the spao- »nd sold. Good notes discounted. Deposits received subject to cheek be reVased from their pledges to take them in the mining hmlding is wanted, an I tt «ijrht. and a general banking business transacted. Collections made stock. There »re still over two months several States, who do not know whether of these s ii left, r> 0 * the general lack o thev want to place an exhibit in the All orders prowpH? tttrn4*4 10 an4MtitfaetiM on all accessible points in the I nited States and Canada guaranteed. is eurh that the promoters of building or not, are clamoring for in Correspondents— Ladd A Tilton, Portland; National Park Ban«, Interest the scheme have become discouraged creased allotment. The W orld’s Fab 1 New Y'ork. and see no :se In attem pting to carry management is ron»iderao!y wrought np Ona dnor waat o f Vorri«. Ml aa à Co ■ n«w «• re, Strangers visiting the city are invited to call at the hank for infor­ matters anv further. This road wae to over the lassitude shown hv the Califo-- on Fir«t street be ths competitor of the Southern Pa ti’ a Commission, and is angionaly awa t- mation concerning the city. eifle and the new transcontinental line. ing a reply one way or the other. C rre«i>ond*nc« invited. j Oswego, New’berg, Ì I Dundee, Dayton, La 1 ♦3:20 P. M j fayette, Sneridan, j Monmouth A Airlie »4:30 p. 'A. Sheridan Si w sy stations »9:30 a . m NO.. 2. EASTERN ITEMS. C A P IT A L . Annin! Report of the Fourth Assistant Pos inaster-Gcnrral for the Year Ending June ¡o. Immense Crips Raised All Over Idaho. Photographer, buuday of every inoirh. Sab »ath school every buuday at 11 a m Prayer meeting Thursday at 46 p m A ll are cordially luvit d to attend these services. B PAC If A G ood W o r d fo r th e M ole. U M S u b s c r ip t io n P r i e r P a y a b le a b ly in A d v a n e e . al A dvertising Bills Collected Monthly4 CHURCH » I One Y ea r r i i Months Three Months................. PO M PADOUR JIM ’ S Excitem ent Tennessee in W h ites B eing SC H E M E . O ver W h ip p e d b y Negroes. W h ia t - V alley, $1.20; Walla Walla, $1.12S,@1.15 per cental. Ki oua— Standard, »3.85; Walla Walla, $3.86; Graham, $3; Superfine, $2.50 per barrel. O ats — 44(g45c per bnshel; rolled, in hags, $8.26(g8.60; barrels $6.o0(U8 75; •asea, $3.75. H a y —$11(313 60 per ton. MnxsTurrs— Bran, $.7; aborts, $19; ground barley, $22.50(325; chop feed, $21 i»-2 per ton; whole feed barley, $18iai9; midd ings, $28(ii28 per ton; brewing barley, tl.00@1.16 per cental; chicken wheat, $ 1.20 per cental. BuTTxa— Oregon fancy creamery, 3214 (235c; fancy dairy, 30c; fair to good, 25@27)te; common, 15(2ll7.)fcC per pound. C hkkhe — Oregon, 11013c; Young America, 14(ension estimates for 1894 are $185,000,000. The deficiency for 1893 is estimated at $10,688,821. During October tiie elopements from S ta p le n r o o e r le a , Chicago to Milwaukee are eaid to have H onky — Choice comb, 15(317c per averaged eleven per week. The New York Iferald't Washington pound ; new Oregon, 18(2200, S a l t — L iverpool, »14.50yil7.00; stock, correspondent wants “ the President’s »10.50(<$11.50 ¡wr ton. salary increased to $ 100 , 000 .” K ick— Island, $6.UUyi6.50; Japan, $4.85 One of the largest natural-gas wells cental. ever disrovered in the Indiana belt baa D ried F buit #— I ’etite prunes, 10(311c; been drilled near Muncie, Ind. silver, 11 < 3 14c; Italian, 12M 14c; German, Tiie trained m ines of New Y ork are 10(u!llc; plums, old, 5tgJ8c; new, 7(<$9c; planning a home where they can have a appiee, d V u O fije; evaporated apricots, place to go when not employed. i 15(318u ; peacliee, 12(<$10u; pears, 7(2!Ho The Louisiana law providing separate per itouud. C okvkk —C osta Rica, 21 'y . e . ; Rio, compartments for hlm-gj and whites on . . 20 . t$c; . railroad cars is heU u> ueconstitutional. Salvador, 20c; Mocha, 27‘g(230c; Java, Hungarian laborers on an Ohio rail- 27j4®10c; Lion ami ArbucXie’s brands, road locked their boas in a tool chest, 100 -pound cases, .5 J5-10<)c per pound, B e a n s — Small white, 31$« ¡ 1“ “ *. 3c; ami were burning him when he wae res­ L¿yoe. 3,4c; butter, 8 >g 0 ; Urnas, 3;l4c per cued. pound. Sixty thousand more pupils are en­ S y b u p — Eastern, in barrels, 405i56c; rolled in the public school# of Kansas half-barrels, 42'a(267 1 -ac; in cases, 36(J than there were voters at the last elec­ 8 Uc per gallon ; $2.26 per keg. California tion in that State. in bárrele, 20(tJ40c per gallon; $1.76 per The Prohibitionist« carried South Car­ keg. olina on the popular vote at the recent S u o a h — Net prices: D ,4' 9 c; Golden 0 , election, anil expect to make it a dry 4 4 c ; extra C, 4) 4 c; Magnolia A, 4 ', c ; State in the near future. granulated, 6 ‘ 4 c ; cube crushed amt pow­ 5'gC per ACiTOriiiii^ According to uj a n nu Homestead iu esvetiu u di-patch r p n iu i dered, 5J 4 c ; ' confectioners’ A , ^ the Carnegie Company has contracted pound; maple sugar, l&(i| me per pound. C a n n e d G o o d s — Table frails, assorted for improvements aud extensions to tiie quoted $1.75@2.00; peaches, $1.86(22.10; milie to the amount of $175,000. The sixteen Belgian glassblowers, who Bartlett pears,$1.75(^2.00; plums,$1.374 cere held since November 18 at New 01.50; •♦rnwberries, $2.25(i02.4O; cher­ ries, $2.2fi(*2.40; hfaiVJwrriee. *1 York on suspicion that thev were con­ -, a w-pKernes, » 2 . 1 0 , p...ers.’ naVo been released) 2.80; apricots, $1.05(22.00. Fie fruits: The Ohicagoi Yacht Club, it is an­ Assorted, $1.20; peachA, $1.26; plums, nounced, is arranging for the establish­ $1.10«1.2O; blackberries, $1.26(21.40 per ment of a Western naval academy on dozen. Pie fruits, gallons — Assorted, the city lake front near Eifty-firgt street. $3.26(23.60; peaches, $3.60(21.00; apri­ The most conservative estimate MIs- cots, $3.50(24.00; plums, $2.76(23.00; sissippi’s co'lon crop at half that of last blackberries, $4.00(24.50. Vegetables: v“ 2 e. nr two-thirds of an average crop, 3orn, $1.40(21.86; tomatoes, H6c(2$l.f'fi; which would place it under 700,000 bales. sugar peas, 96c(2$1.00; string beans, 90(2 Aleuts: Corned beet, Is, B. J. Martin, cashier of the Webster One t>er dozen. Bank at Emlora, Miss., is missing with $1 25; 2s, $1.85(22.00; chipped beef, all tiie cash in the hank. The eum taken $2.i((; lunch tongue, Is. $3.10; 2s, $5.5'; is variously estimated at from $25,800 to deviled ham, $1.5(1(22 75 per dozen. Fish: Sardines, tqs, 75c(2$2.25; 4#. $50,000. V T iie New York merchants want one of $2.15(24 50; loliet.ers, $2.30(23.60; salm­ their townsmen chosen for the Senator- on, tin 1-lh.talls,$1.25(21.50; flats, $1.75; ship. They make the claim on the 21b«., $.’.26(22.50; % bbl., $6.50. grounds of political right and business M lnoellaneon«. propriety. Matthew Laflin has subscribed $76,000 I N aha — Base quotations: Iron, 2 75; steel, $2.76; wire, $3.00 per keg toward a permanent home for the Chi­ I ron — Bar, 2$4c per pound; pig iron, cago Academy of Sciences. The only $23 ry hides,selected prime,8 4 (2 transaction was not acting as agent for 7 4 c ; 1 4 c less for culls; green, selected, the city. W hile innch remains to be done and over 65 pounds. 4c; under 56 pounds, 3c; further improvement is still needed in sheep pelts, «[tort wool, 30(250c; me­ many lines, the tone of the report on dium, 80(2H0c; long, 90c(2$1.25; shear­ tiie Indian school service in general and ings, 10(220c; tallow, good to choice, 3 in detail shows improvements that are (2 3 4c per pound. W ood — U mpqua Valley, 18(219c; fall gratifying. clip, 13(2154c; W illam ette Valley, 15(2 Thom is G. Hodgkins of Setauket, L. 18c, according to quality ; Eastern Ore­ I., has i ist given $59,000 to the Society gon, 10(218c per pound, according to for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals condition. of New York and Brooklyn, and the H o r «— 16(220c, according to condition same amount to the Society for the Pre­ vention of Cruelty to Children. T h . M ..C M a rk s». Tiie Island County Savings Bank of Galve-t in, T ex., received a package from New York supposed to contain $10,000. When opened it was found to contain brown paper cut in slips about the size of a hank note. Nothing is known as to where the robbery took place or by whom effected. Mr. Freyvogl < will bring suit against Frick at Hom e».-ad. Pa., for conspiracy under a State lav tiiat protects jurors from the spite of those woo do not like the verd ct they bring in. The penalty is a heavy line and 1 >ng imprisonment. Frey vogle was a juror in the Critchlow case, and Frick demanded his discharge from the Electric Light Company, i d which Fuck is a large stockholder. B ees — L ive, 14<22) 4 t , dresss»), * S (25c. M utton — Live, $3.60(23.80 per 10(1 pounds; dressed, $ 8 , lamb«, live, *34(8. 34<- per pound; dre»sed, a*-. H ook — Live, $4.50(9 4.80 per 100 pounds; dressed, $ 1 , V«Air—-4(2'»' per pound. He 'K ed M eats — I-srge ham, 134(2 144c; medium ham, I4i215c; breakiast bacon, 15(3'8c; short clear sides, 11 4 (2 13c; dry salt sides, ll(2 1 1 4 c per pound. L a « d — Compound, in tins, 1 0 4 (2 U c ; pnre, in tins, 1 4 4 (2 17c; Oregon, 114(2 134c per pound. R » ( i «n d H A «v tn ff. Burlaps, 8 - 0 1 ., 40-inch, net ca»h, fle; burlaps, 10-o*., 4. Wash., can­ the gigantic enterprise which Is being fathered by the Rothschilds of England. not nnd. rstand wl -it pi- ’hie see about llis si op to ItM'ito them Inn,fh Its sign The most prominent and influential men in the ship-hnilding and shipping Is "T in L ivb m il L et L iv e Batcher interests of the United States have com­ Bhop,” end the butcher « » ’(» what is pleted the preliminary organisation of a there about that to laugh at?— Boston rofessional society of high standing, to Transcript. e called the “ Society of Naval Archi­ In c o n tr o v e r tib le . tects and Marine Engineers,” whose ob- Customer I. *ok here, 1 i ked you ter iect shall he to promote the art of (hip- budding in all its branches, both com­ something in gold, nnd yon sold me mercial and naval. The first meeting these iiiircral-le pi tted i wdl tak -p lace at the naval review in C lerk —W ell, they were in gold wh«n the spring. you t 8 them Clothier ami Fi:rmsh«g. C ►