4 I M I 'K T I M I A<» R V U ' A : .Twenty Dollar« Ten Dollars — < »ne I »ollar One Column H a lf Column — Professional Cards Kundin* V o lle r » « » i l l be In serte«! at tlie rate o f T en eenta per M na. V O L . 5. A dvertising Bills Collected Monthly* O y ster S hu cker»* E ye Diaeaae. C H U R C H NOTICES. SAMUEL HOBSON, I 3 K IS N l»S’ r h l K C H . - S K K V K EVtKY r riunday at 11 a m ami 7 p m audThureday I at 10 a x Sabbath school every Sunday nt 9;4.r> a m Moutnlv meetliiK at «! r. * . the flr«t Sat­ urday In each mouth, ».¿uarterlv meeting the sc< on 1 Saturday and Sunday in February, May, August aud November. Photographer, rtV A K Q K L IC A L CHURCH. PREAC HIN G T j M*rvic* at the Kvangellcal church every Sundavat 10 a M.andT 4.*» v m . except the fourth Sunday oi every month. Sabbath school every Sunday at 11 a m . I’rayer meeting I hursday at 7:45 p m . A ll are cordially Invited to attend these services. H .N K W ItK K U , O K. U T I8 T A’ HURCH —R E iit’ I A K SKKVICE tirst and third Suudiya o f the month at 11 a M aud $ 00 p m ; also on ti th Suuuay, morn ing aud evening. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a . >i Frayer m eeting every Wednesday evoutug at S:00 o clock. Landscape Artist. O K E S B Y 1 E K IA N C H I KC H.-8EIIY1CKS KV 1 -r y ito o n .l ami fourtU .lay « H ». « . j T o ' a ' i t P M J ,Hl11 e\er> Sunday at j rortralt«enlaraec „ ..n * i . i „ i W a t«.'.,lo r ». g f j - Studio— Upstairs iu Hoskins building. f 1 H K IS 1 IAN < li n t « H — SERVICES EVERY second and fourth Sunday at 10 .». m . ami V :L»0 p. M. EAST AND SOUTH » DYENT 8T C H U R C H —P R A Y E R M KETIStj ! every VVedues 'ay evening. Sai ljatn school | every Saturday at 10 a . m , services following. -V IA - 1.1 It EE METHODIST. —f i t AY KK M E K IIN U l 1 every Thursday at 7 :;» p m sabhatu sctiool •very Uuuday at 10 a . m . ^ ^ K. CHURCH—SERVICES EVERY - Sabi at 10 a v. . M worth league at». «»• :4 :M p m . Ii.iy e r | m . Ep Epworth League at 0 ) P meeting every Thursday evening »it 7 ::«» o'clock, j II. N. ROUNI S, 1'astor. ' Southern Pacific Home. 11111 v 1 11 A llV lilV IIV U IV I S O C IE T Y NOTICES._________ i °:30 p. t7 ' : :30 a . C ity o f N’ e w b u r g . I t4:40 p. M. M cM innville & way sta » fS:20 a . C. Einerv Mayor........................ K. H. Howard Recordar................... D in in g Cars on O g d e n K o u te . J. J. Woods Marshal...................... Moses V«taw Trea-m rer............ . ......A t;, co x Street conimlMiouer. ... Miles Reece Surveyor ................... PULLM AN Ol'Nl II.MRN. First Ward 11 K. Moore )G. !.. stabler I F. H I Hehler iJ . I), i artcr Third War»! CARDS. w . M c C o n n e l l , m . d .. Physician and Surgeon, g . P A C IF IC R .R . m . gL H S T B Il*. S ero n d -C Ia »» S le e p in g C ar« For accommodation of passenger« holding sec­ ond class tickets attached to all trains. j Through ticket office, 134 First street, where ! through ticket* to all points iu the Eastern ! states, ( ’ana ¡a and Europe can be obtain* d at j lowest rates from J. B. K IR K L A N D , Ticket Agent. All above trains arrive and depart from Grand Central station, Fifth and I streets. NARROW GAUGE- W. S. D IVIS IO N N E W BERG, OK. — AND — Office on First street. All calls promptly at­ I*ortlnnd and W illam ette Valley Railway tended to day or night. Diseases of women and children a specialty. Passenger depot foot of Jefferson street. H. J . LITTLEFIELD, Physician and Surgeon, N e w b e r g , O r. Ottico in building occupied by the late Dr. Carman, on Main street. , M. p. M. r. m p. m r m p. M j Oswego A way st ti’s l ♦6:30 ♦8:30 ♦ 1 30 ♦3 10 a . a . M. M. p. M r M. Dentist, ToAII PointsEast ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO THROUGH TICKETS ♦6:20 P H ♦7:10 P. M r Oswego, Newberg, I Dundee, Dayton, I.a- •« 40 A. M j fayette, ♦3:20 P. m . Sheridan, [Monm outh «t A irlie t4:30 P. a. ShtTldftu A way »tatiou» ft>:30 a . m Full information concerning rates, time of trains, romes ami other d.tails furnished ou application toa n v agent, or A. Ü. CH ARLTO N, Assistant Cenerai Passenger Agent, Portland •Daily. tDaily, exi-ept Sunday. Kerries connect with all trains for Sellwood and M ilwaukie. K. KOKHI.KK. Manager. K. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. F. A P. Agt., Port­ land, Or. DR. HAROLD CLARK, Dentist, ! ♦7:20 *7 ♦ 12 15 ♦ 1:55 ♦5:15 ♦ô:30 ♦3:35 Navajo Indians*Opposed to Compulsory Education. O H T H E R H *B. c. Miles ♦ Paul Ma«y Becoud Ward P R O F E S S IO N A L IK J F F R T ‘•Tlie oyster shucker»' eye disease” is the title given by the professional stall of tiie Presbyterian Eye ami Ear Hos­ pital to a trouble affecting a large num­ ber of their patients at this season of the year. It is l>elieve. Homo,” the tramp who was in jail at Tombstone, A. To and from all points T., two years ago, and who refused to ________ in America, Buglaud wear any clothing. His conduct created mim Europe can be pur» based at any ticket o f­ much talk at the lim e. No one ever fice of this company. knew who O. Homo was. NEW HERD, OK. Gold ill line * specialty. Gas or vitalised air given in extracting teeth. All work wa ranted. office -N ear postoftiee, on First street. JOHN NEWBERG YOUNGER, '. ' FLOURING v |W lü L S ,|f- NEWBERC, ORECON. N snberg, Oregon, - I S PR EPAR ED TO R E P A IR - J . D. T A R R A N T & S O N , P r o p r i e t o r s . — »W a t c h e s * and • C l o c k s » — In a workmanlike manner. Satisfaction guar­ anteed. in G. M. Bales' shoe shop on First street. Thirty-five years’ expert* nee. DR. CORNELL, H avin g recently equipped our m ill with new and improved ma­ chinery, we are now prepared to manufacture the host grade of flour hv the F U L L R O L L E R PROCESS. Cash paid for wheat. Feed ground Saturdays. Veterinary • Physician • and • Surgeon, N e w t»e ’ g , O r.« W ill pre crD-e for and treat sick or lame horses Mod fHttle. ( alls promptly answered day or night. Office at Rogers' livery stable, Hherldan street. P acific N e w b e r g C ollege , , O r e g o n . DR. E. J . YOUNG. V e t e r in a r y S v u r g e o n , College Classes, Normal Course, Book-keeping, NEW ItK Rfi, OR. The treatment of horses a specialty. tended with t roinptuess. D. M. R a m s e y , House V a n d ‘.‘ Sign’.' Painter, N ♦. W B E R G , O K . Hntt«c* pk lntel in the banging, graining, staining All the Grammar School Studies, Music and Art. » at s at TINTS. Pa|*r> oil fintai au «1 hard Done by Day or Contract. Excellent opportunity for good work. Board and lodging. $3.00 per week. A ll other exiienne» very low. I f you want to teach; if you want to take a Iniginciw course you want to review or take advanced work, we ran unit you. Send for catalogue or enme and see for vouraelf. T H O M A S ' N E W L IN . President. -Shop on Main ■♦reef. D. W. C u m m in s , WELL-BORER, B ank of N ewberg N K W B K K 44. O K . NEWBERG, ORECON. « «1 on n« if von want a goo*1 well at a rea«” D ab!-» fir ira Having ha*1 L u g e s fw rt*ii'* we K’ i*ra:itee g ' 1 work Price for boring a n i put­ ting *.n wall. 30 canta pwr foot. ---- AT T H E ---- lenirai Meat Market May bw fo a n i at «11 t1m<« * full âMornatnt " f g»x>d marketable FRESH MEATS. All order* promptly attended to and sat ;afa« tion guaranteed U t * door w ««t ” f No-*1«. M U « à Co • new tt< r*. on First street j . s n u r t t a in t o . C a p ita l Stock JESSE E D W A R D S ............................................. B. C. MI L E S . MOSES V O T A W ......................................................... $ 30,000 President Vice-President . . . ( 'a-hier Directors— Jesse Edwards, B. C. Miles. F. A. Morris. J. C. Coh-ord. Woodward. Certificates <>f depo«it issued payable on demand Exchange 1 »night and sold. Good notes discounted. Deposits received subject to cheek at «ight. and a general hanking business transacted. Collection! made Ion all accessible points in the United States and Canada. Correspondents— Ladd »V Tilton. Portland; National Park Baux. New York. Strangers visiting the city are invited to rail at the bank for infor­ mation concerning the city. C rresj»>ndenee invited. E. II . P r o d a c e . F r n lt. Rte. Krupp’a Kasen works employ 17,000 people. Tw o New York female doctors make $400 a year. Washington (D .C .) unions kick against prison labor. W h e a t — Valley, »1.20(81.22«; Wall* Walla, $ 1 . 1 2 13 ® 1.15 P «r cental. F lour — Standard, $3.65; Walla Walla, $3.85; Graham, $3.15; Superfine, $2.60 per barrel. O ats — 14®45c par bushel; rolled, in hags, »8.25 u6.50; barrels »6.60(86.75; cases, »3.75. H a y — $11(813 per ton. M jllstuffs — Bran, $.6; shorts, »19; ground barley, $22.50(825; chop feed, »21 (822 per ton; whole feed barley, $18(819; midd ings, $ 26 - 1(28 per ton; brewing barley, $1.10(81.15 per cental; chicken wheat, $1.20 per cental. B utter — Oregon fancy creamery, 321» ®35c; fancy dairy, 30c; fair to good, 25(827.l» c ; common, 15@17>sc per pound. C heese — Oregon, 11(813«; Young America, 14@14'ac per pound. Euus — Oregon, 30(832'o c ; Eastern, 25c per dozen. F oui / i s t —Old Ohickeua, quoted at »3.00(83.75; young, $2.50(83.50; ducks, geese, ---------- nominal, , $10.00® , $4.00(86.00; . ----„ ----- , ------- H-’.OO; turkeys, 13® 15c per pound. V egetables — Oabbage, $1.0. ®1.60 per cen tal; onions, 75®¡»0c per cen tal; pota­ toes, 75®90c per cen tal; tomatoes, 40® 6Jc per box ; Oregon turnips, 75c®$l 00 per cental; young carrots, 75c®$l per cental; sweet potatoes, $1.75 per cental; Oregou cauliflower, 76c®$1.00 per dozeu; celery, 90c ~~ per dozeu. F huits — Sicily lemons, $7.50®8.00; California grapes, 75c®$l per box; Ore­ gon grapes, 60c®$l per b o x ; Oregon pears, $1.25(81.50 per b ox; banana*, $2.50(83.50 per bunch; quinces, $1.50 per box ; oranges, $4.50 per box ; crantier- ries, $8.75 per barrel; apples, 50c®$1.50. There are twenty-seven American mer­ chants in China. Great Britain and Ireland have about Ajigreoate of the Public Debt of the 20.000 miles of railways. United States— Emigrants Waupun iW is .) convicts make »00,000 worth of shoes annually. From Sicily. Brotherhood of Carponters’ »lues amount to »40,000 a year. The mileage of the United States amounts to 171,000 miles. The new government of Kansas may Brussels kid-glove makers have called make war on freight rates. an international convention. In Kansas they are using tiie empty Palermo, Sicily, has adopted the eight- jails for the storing of surplus wheat. hour day on government work. W h ittlin g contests have been inaugu- I Barbers who work on Sunday are be­ rated at church festivals in Sedalia, S o . ing prosecuted by Indianapolis unions. On March 4, 1803, twenty-five seats in Philadelphians are looking to Central the United States Semite become vacant. America for their future mahoganv sup­ The Democrats w ill have a m ajority of ply. ninety in the next House of Representa­ New Y ork city produces »700,000,000 tives. worth of manufactured articles per an- j Tammany is already making prepara- num. Ions to attend Cleveland’s inauguration lions New Y ork has several women who are in large numliers. making success iu the real-estate busi­ The strike at Homestead, l’enn., has ness. been declared off' by the leaders of the Amalgamated Association. Gainesville, Fla., boasts of a fully de­ veloped ear of corn which contains 780 Several l’ennsylvania manufacturing grains. establishments have closed down on ac­ Canada sent 107,000 head of cattle to count of tiie scarcity of water. Great Britain last vear, valued at »8,- The men who are taken hack at the Staple Grooerien. 600,000. Carnegie works are confronted with a H oney — Choice comb, 15®17c per The outout of the cigar factories at heavy reduction in their wages. pound ; new Oregon, 18®20c. Reading, Pa., so far this year has been Tiie division of Kansas into two olaies S a l t — Liverpool, $14.50® 17.00; stock, over 100,000,000. is iieing agitated with more or less ve­ $10.!>0® 11.50 |>er ton. The seal catch fell off. T iie season of hemence by the newspapers of that State. R u e — I sland, »5.00®5.50; Japan, $4.85 1802 shows a decrease over the previous Judge King at San Antonio, Texas, per cental. year of 10,000 skins. D kieo F huits — P etite prunes, 10® 11c; lias decided the Aransas Bass road must In Germany last year 30 per cent, of pay its debts, and the receivers were dis­ s ilver,ll® 1 4 c; Italian, 12® 14c; German, 1 0 ® llc ; plums, old, 6® 6c; new, 7@9c; the strikes were successful and 40 per charged. cent, partly successful. The City Council of Columbia, .Mo., apples, 4,q®U.ttfc ; eva|>orated apricots, Schuyler county, N. Y ., w ill market has granted a twenty-year electric light 16®lllc; peaches, 12®16c; pears, 7@8c 100.000 barrels of apples, which will and water works franchise to a St. Louis per pound. C offee — Costa Rica, 21 lgC; Rio, 20'ac; make the farmers richer by »105,000. company. Salvador, 20c; Mocha, 27l* ® 3 0 c ; Java, The first ostiinate of the amount lost 27' u®30c; Arbuckie’s 100-pound cases, Russia is stated to make the beet isin- glaas. It is obtained from the giant stur­ by Chicago through tiie irregularities in 24 85-100c per pound. the water office is $500,000 for the year geon which inhabits the Caspian Sea. B eans — Small white, 3J^c; pink, 3c; Cabbage is a scarce and high-priced 1892 alone. bayos.atgc; butter, 84$o; Innas, 34,c per article in Chicago this season ; scarcer Secretary Foster of the Treasury does I pound, and higher in price than for twenty-live not think that a new issue of bonds to 1 K ykuf — Eastern, In barrels, 40®55c; years. meet the financial complications will be half-barrels, 421g ® 6 7 ‘iiC; in cases, 36® 80c per gallon ; $2.26 per keg. California A mystic hand of German Commu­ authorized. nists, who hold all property in common, The aggregate of the public debt of in laurels, 20®40c per gallon; $1.75 per thrive on 7,000 acres o f'lan d they own the United States, including certificates keg. S uoak — Net prices: D ,4)^c; GoldenC, at /oar, (>. and Treasury notes, was *1,564,337,610 4*gc; extra C, 4 '4c; Magnolia A, 47»c ; In 1800 we produced 00,000 tons of pa­ on October 31. granulated, 5 ^ 0 ; cutie crushed and pow­ per ; in 1890,1,200,000tons,or 150,000tons An appeal for aid has lieen issued by more than the total product of European the United Hebrew Charities. The sum dered, 67(,c; confectioners’ A, 6 1* « per paper mills. of $80,000 is needed for the year ending pound ; maple sugar, 15® h'c per pound. C a n n u i i G oodh — Table frnits, assorted Houghton countv, Mich., contains 30,- with next October. quoted $1.7602.00; peaches, $1.85m 2.10; 000 inhabitants. More than two-thirds During tiie ten months ended with Oc­ Bartlett pears, $1.75® 2.00: pluins,$1.37‘ « of the male portion thereof are engaged tober tiie gross earnings of 126 railroads (81.50; strawberries, $2.25®2.40; cher­ in copper-mining. in tiie Unites States were $122,812,810, ries, $2.26(82.40; blackberries, *1.85(8 The union bakers of Manchester work an increase of $23,822,415. 2; raspberries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.26® fifty hours a week, while tiie unorgan­ **»• Irn it»: In 1890 the production of wool in the 2.60; apricots, *1.0A(»S8.OO. ized mein Imre of tiie craft of London United States amounted to 205,000,000 Assorted. $1.20; peaches, $1.25; plums, work eighty hours. pounds, and the imports of wool (or the $1.10®1.20; blackberries, $1.25(81.40 per dozen. Pie fruits, gallons — Assorted, A colored woman, Mrs. Georgiana same year readied 105,431,281 pounds. Whetsel of St. John, N. B., controls the j An investigation of the Miantonomah’s »3 25®3.50; peaches, $3.50(8 4.00; apri­ ice trade of that city, em ploying fifty or machinery develops the fact that much cots, $ .50(84.00; plums, $2.75(93.00; sixty men and ten horses. faulty material is in the heavier parte blackberries, *4.00®4.60. Vegetables: corn, $1.40(81.85; tomatoes, 95c®$1.00; The cultivation of the pineapple in the and a collapse may occur at any time. sugar peas, 95c®$l.lH); string beans, 90® Bahamas is a very profitable undertak­ L ieu ten m t I’eary has obtained three 95c per dozen. Meats: Corned lieef, Is, The Navajos. who are reported to have ing. At twopence each an acre of pine­ years’ leave of absence, and will attempt $1.25; 2s, $1.85(82.00; chipped beef, laced Nortneastern Arizona in alarm, apples returns *200 to $225. a journey to Greenland and over the $2.10; lunch tongue, Is. $3.10; 2s, $5.50; P: tave had a peaceful record for many h i One bundled and nine thousand loco­ frozen Polar Sea with but one compan­ deviled ham, $1.60®2.75 per dozen. >ear», and are quite thrifty, owning motives ere at present running on the ion. nearly 2,001,000 eheep, and the wool clip earth. Europe has < 13 , 000 , America 40,- | A conspiracy to cheat the city of Phila­ Fish: Harilines, q s , 76c(8$2.26; q s , is worth *500,000 a year. The trouble 000, Asia 3,300, Australia 2,000 and Africa delphia by the use of Imgiis coke checks $2.16®4 60; lob*ters, $2.30®3.50; salm­ on, tin l-lb.talls,$1.26® 1.50; fiats, $1.76; originated in an attem pt to force Indian 700. at the Ninth Ward gas works lias lieen 2 lbe., $2.25(82.60; q bbl., $5.50. children to attend school. It is said that the most precious col­ unearthed and six jieople are under ar- The Marslt field Sun reports work pro­ lection of German wines in the world is red . M laoellftneoaii. gressing rapidly along the line of the that stored in the cellars of the Grand All the cotton manufacturers in Rhode N aur — Base quotations: Iron, »3 75; Coos Bay ami itoseburg railroad. The Duke of Luxemburg. Some of the vin t­ Island are increasing the wages of the steel, »2.75; wire, $3.00 per keg. company’s force of men is being en­ ages date hack to 1700. m ill hsnds. Tne latest is tiie Manville I hon — Bar, 2Jgc per pound; pig iron, larged at ever opportunity. The big Company of Providence, which employs $23®26 per ton. bridge, 2,000 feet long, at C liisa Camp 1,500 hands. H teei .— lo q c per pound. PERSONAL MENTION. creek baB l»een completed ami the track T in — I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qual­ Tiie tunnel at Niagara Falls is finished, laid one m ile beyond that point to Mc- ity, $8.26®8.76 per b o s ; for crosses, $2 Miss Ella L. Knowles Elected Attorney- and tiie falls are to be harnessed by next Adam ’e place. March. Forty-five thousand horse­ extra per b o x ; roofing, 14x20, prime (Jeneral of Montana O ver T w o power ol electric current w ill be trans­ quality, $6.62q®6.75 per box ; 1.0 . coke The San Diego Union has a sensational Male Opponents. mitted from there to Buffalo and 30,0,0 plates, 14x20, prime quality, $7.50(88.00 s tory tellin g how Chinamen were round­ per box. to other points. ed np in Lower California, taken across N aval B tores — Oakum, $4.50®5 per Lord Coleridge has declined an Earl­ the line and delivered to United States A gas well near Montpelier, Ind., officers charged with being interested in dom, which would remove him from the which for some tim e past lias lieen sup­ hale; resin,$4.80(85 p e r480pounds; tar, (Stockholm, $13.00; Carolina, »9.00 per a scheme to defraud the government. j bench. plying that community, suddenly began barrel; pitch, $6.00 per barrel; turpen­ The Chineee were even robbed of the Mrs. Morton contradicts the rumor blowing oil, which percolated throni tine, 65c per gallon in carload lots. money found on their persons. Mexican that the Vice- ’ resident’s Washington the pipes and made its appearance L ead — 4 q c per pound ; bar, 6 q & officiale are said to have been in the con­ residence is on the market. the houses of patrons. H iiot — $1.80 per sack. spiracy. “ Old P e te ” Turney, who has been Owing to tiie almost total failure of H oknkhhoks — $6. In Caldwell, Idaho, some families have elected Governor of Tennessee, stands fi the crop \Ve»t, cabbage is higher ami scarcer in Chicago than it has lieen for been experim enting with some negro ] feet 4 inches in his stockings. W ool and Hop*. aervants, and tiie euccessful results bave Thomas A. Edison, who sleeps hat few twenty-five years. Dealers predict that H ides — Dry hides,selected p rim e ,6 q ® far exceeded their expectations. The hours himself, says that the man of tiie there will lie a rise of 500 per cent, in tne 7 q c ; 1 q c less for calls; green, selected, price of the vegetable. negroes went to Idaho from one of the future may do without sleep entirely. over 55 pounds. 4c; nnder 55 pounds, 3c; Southern States. In response to a de­ Joseph L. Montieu, coin clerk in the sheep pelts, short wool, 30®50c; me­ Rev. W alter S. Rudolph, pastor of the mand for their services, a large number Westminster Presbyterian Church in United States Hub-Treasury at New Or­ dium, 60® 80c; long, 90c(8$t.25; shear- of negroeB, both men and women, will Denver, has severed his church relation» leans, lias lieen arrested, having been ings, 10®30c; tallow, good to choice, 3 go to Idaho from the South in the course because lie cannot consistently preach discovered in petty peculations. He was ® 3 q c per pound. of a few weeks. in the habit of taking $1 from each $1,000 W o o l — Umpqua Valley, 16®19c; fall the doctrine of endless punishment. package of silver tied np by him. clip, 13® I 5 q c ; Willamette Valley, 16® W illiam Smith on a farm near Mish­ Solicitor Hepburn of the Treasury De­ awaka, Or., has produced an excellent partment has returned from Iowa Sinclair, cashier of the Armour Pack- j U*. ■c* » rlJinK quality; Eastern Ore- lit article of tobacco, the leaves and flavor, will retain his present place until March ing Company at New York, has been Ron,,1 0 ® 18c per pound, according to when pfoperiy cured, being in every way 4, when he will step into Congress, hav­ missing i since last week. It is estimated condition. H ors— 17® 20c. equal to that grown in the Southern ing in the recent election been chosen n (hat the company’s losses w ill he not Slates. He supplies the home market Representative from the Eighth lows lea« than $50,000, while some believe the T h e M eat M arkat. in the Nehalem Valley, both for chewing District. amount will run up to $80,000 or $86,000. and smoking, at a reasonable cost, and B kkf — Live, iq ® 2 .qc; dressed, ♦ q There is scarcely another woman in The Illinois Steel Company’s immense says that the soil of Nehalem has all the Am erica who has lieen so long before the ®6c. plant at South Chicago, employing M utton — Live, $3.60® 3.60 per 100 elements accessary for the production of ublic and who is so little known as Mrs. 5,000 hands, is expected to xhut down the plant. ,ncy Stone, the champion of equality on December 15 for two or th-ee months. pounds; dressed, $6; lambs, live, 3 q ® 3 q < : per pound; dressed, 8c. Mayor Hazard of Los Angeles proposes for women. She is now 80 years of age, Uncertaintyaa to the possible changes - , , Hoos — Live. $4.60(84.80 per 100 to veto the contract with the smelting and is younger in appearance than many in the U r iff is said to be the primary W. and refining works to build a smelter in­ women of 60. r * ll8e- I V eal —4®6c per pound. side the city's limits. Los Angeles is a Knute Nelson, the Governor-elect ol Eleven hundred Sicilian immigrants H moeed M eats — Large ham, IS1« ® city of homes, and he does not intend to Minnesota, was born in Norway, and wa» were landed at New Orleans recently. 1 4 qc; medium ham, 14® 1 4 qc; breaklast permit without protest the destruction 6 years old when he came to this coun­ Tiie Custom House inspectors sickened bacon, 14® 16c; short clear sides, l i q ® to animal and vegetable life such as try. But he is a thorough American in »chile milking examination of their ef­ 13c; dry salt sides, l l ® l i q c per pound. wonld follow from the fumes ami smoke his ideas. Mr. Nelson made seventy fects. Most of them were placed aboard L axd — Compound, in tins, 9 q c ; pnre, of the smelter, beside thé poieoning of speeches in his own State during the re­ trains or boats and sent to the interior in tins, 13® 13,7* c ; Oregon, 11 q « 1 3 q c the water of the river, which is used in cent campaign. to work on sugar plantations. per ponnd. some cases for domestic purposes. James Stephens, the former Fenian Mrs. Mary E. Lease, speaking of her R a g s an