FERRY MINSTRELSY. All Other Baking Powders 3UZER CHARACTERS WHO MAKE A LIVING DY THEIR WITS. Are shown by the latest United States Gov’t Report Huslciun* and Acrobats A m ong the !*er- to be Inferior to th e R oyal in both Purity and Strength. (See Bulletin 13, Chemical Division of U. S. Agricultural Dept.) K ierdite and lilond C irniIatlon. Tho circulation ia controlled mainly by the action of the heart. When the activity of this or^an is increased, there­ fore tho general circulation will be tin proved. Now, the heart is stimulated to action by the presence o f blood in its cavities, and muscular exercise, by has­ tening the How o f venous blood, will be instrumental in sending more fluid through them in a given period of time, and consequently in stimulating the or­ gan to increased activity.—Dr. J. M. iiice in Popular Science Monthly. AN EXCITING RIDE. A Bullet Riddled Cab Recall* an Inci­ dent of tho Terrible l>raft Riot*. While passing the Metropolitan hotel a few days ago my attention was attracted by an old and dilapidated looking cab that stood in the long line of carriages in frout of the hotel waiting for fares. It seemed so out of place among the twenty or more well kept vehicles that I was about to ask the driver, an old man, why be did not paint it up a little, when lie anticipated my question by saying: “ I suppose you are wondering how I manage to make a living with this old cab when I have to compete Not Thirsty. with such fine looking vehicles as one sees Lady—Have you given the goldfish on Broadway. I don’ t know just how I manage to do it myself, but I make a fair fresh water? New Servant—No. ma'am, they have living, and somehow or other I have al­ not finished the water 1 gave them the ways neglected to get it painted. “ There is a story connected with it, and other day.— Exchange if you come this way some time again I’ll tell it to you.’* NiVilo’s hatl not yat opened its doors, and offering the old man a cigar 1 pressed him to tell the yarn. / “ Do you see tboaa little holes in the back? Well, they were made by bullets, and the ride during which the old cab was riddled was the most exciting one J ever had in thirty years’ experience. It hap­ pened during the draft riots. One morn­ ing early I was down near the Battery. There had been rumors of trouble for sev­ eral «lays, and we expected it every mo­ ment. SCIATICA, “ A gentleman who came down town told mo that the rioters were out in force at SPRAINS, last, and thinking that my cab, which was then new, wa^ safer in the stable, I started BRUISES, up Broadway. Near Canal street I beard INJURIES, an awful shouting, and as I reached the corner 1 saw an army officer running to­ CUTS, ward Broadway followed by a mob of fully six hundred men and boys. 1 started to drive away, but as 1 saw the mob gaining on him 1 stopped and shouted to him to jump into the cab, ALL ACHES, ^ “ He just reached it in time. As ho pulled the door shut the leader of the mob BURNS, #/ reached the cab and tried to open the door. WOUNDS, 1 heard t he report of a pistol and saw the pursuer fall with a bullet iu his brain. SORENESS, Then we started. My horse was a spirited one, ami although lie went faster that day FROST-BITES. than ever tafore in his life the mob con tinned to keep pace with us. They soon began to fire at us and iu less than five Sold by Druggist» and Dialers Everywhere. minutes the rear end looked like a sieve. I N I CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Baltlmora. Mi. The army officer then took a hand in the pistol practice and the way he dropped the rioters was a caution. Before we reached The palate is almost tickled Grand street 1 believe he shot at least ten with Scott’s Emulsion of cod- men, and seeing t hat t hey were only tar gets they finally stopped and we got away. liver oil. The stomach knows “ The officer gave me #.'100 and the ride I nothing about it—-it does not had to take was worth every cent of the sum ." trouble you there. You The old cab driver stopped talking, a and lady left the hotel, and feel it first in the strength gentleman after looking at Hie well kept carriages, it brings ; it shows in the stepped into the bullet riddled cab, gave order, “ Grand Central depot,” and in a color of cheek and smoothing the moment the old time vehicle was rattling out of wrinkles. up Broadway. New York Telegram. N EU RALG IA. LUMBAGO. It was a beautiful thing to do, to cover the odious taste of cod-liver oil, evade the tax on the stomach, and take health by surprise. Let us send you a book on c a r e f u l l i v i n g ; free. l*oi 111* on Ftiqiiftto for Mon. There are observances needed to give grace and finish to a man’s demeanor. O 110 of these is the prompt removal of the Imt, not only when meeting an acquaintance on the street or on coming into the house, but at other times in a horse car, when ten dering a seat to a lady and when she a«' knowledges the kindness by bow or word, in an elevator or a hotel corridor when a woman is present, and when kissing a S tott & B ownr , Chemists, 13 s South 5th Avenue, woman, l>e she only one’s wife, sister or New York. daughter. Your druggist keeps Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver There are other things which every man oil—«11 druggist* everywhere do. $1 . ought to know trifle*, perhaps, but of 44 consequence in making or marring the ease of others. Among t hem are t he grace­ ful customs of rising when a lady enters the room amt remaining standing until she is seated; o l opening the door for a lady and then stepping aside while she on ters or leaves the room. Am ong the small but unpleasant man nerisms which vex the housewife’s soul is tho custom hosts have of urging their guests to take a second supply by the as surance, “ There is plenty more where this Tw o bottles of German Syrup came from ,” or “ There is a great quantity Kvery house keeper resents this re cured me of Hemorrhage of the here.” mark ns an implication that there has I.ungs when other remedies failed. sometimes been a scarcity of supplies I atn a married man and, thirty-six j Harper’s Bazar. “German Syrup" years of age, anti live with my wife Til«* I'orkct l»o«*U Steal. and two little girls at Durham, Mo. It was a neat trick. A man standing in I have stated this brief and plain so a wagon was selling two dollar bills in a that all may understand. My case new pocket book for $*'. tho pocketbook was a bad one, and I shall t>e glad thrown in. A few of them went to the as to tell anyone about it who will sistants and a few more to genuine buyers write me. P h i l i p I, S c h k n c k , P After three or four of tho latter sort had been sold a five dollar bill was put into an O. Box 45, April 25, 1890. No man I exceptionally tine wallet and offered for could ask a more houorable, busi­ sale for |»Y A man bought it. ness-like statement. • “ Now, you put that in your pocket and s.s.s. .(in . W in, ( (i:u Coins Iron» the Pocket* o f I'assciigcr* «»it New York Ferries. Tlielr Money Som etim e* F am ed . Of the many curious classes o f charities In tho vicinity of this city, the ferryboat fakirs come very near being the most in­ teresting. To the passengers and commu­ ters on the numerous lines o f ferries at both aides of the city they have been a source of amusement for many years. Probably the most interesting and wel come character on the boats is an old negro. He begins operations with the rush of traffic at 5 o ’clock in the afternoon. He takes a seat in the rear of the men’s cabin, und just after the boat starts he walks into the passageway between the two cabins and begins to whistle, very softly at first, “ The Mocking Bird.” With- out a single break he finishes the air, a marvel of sweetness and simplicity. Then he begins it nr'ain. This time a little louder and with variations. Old men put down their papers and lis­ ten intently; the conversation becomes subdued and then ceases; the boys leave their seats and stand at the entrance to the passageway, but the old darky never stops, and all the time his wonderful exertion is becoming more and more melodious. Finally be launches off into a aeries of sweet toned notes, and a look o f mingled interest and admiration steals over the faces of all within hearing distance. Then he drops back into the air again and the tune is finished very softly. APPEALS TO WOMEN. The old negro then walks to the end of the cabin and, holding his hat out, hows low and passes around the seats, all the time whistling some lively little tune, in terspersed with melodious variations. The nickels, dimes and pennies rattle an accom­ paniment to his music and his nightly col­ lections vary from $fi to $13. On Sunday nights lie can be seen on the boats running from Port landt street, and t hen he selects the ladies’ side of the boat. Standing under one of the chandeliers, with his hat in his hand, he whistles “ Nearer, My God, to Thee,” and repeats it with variations. All of his selections on Sunday nights are pop­ ular hymns, and for his sweet and soulful rendition o f them he is well repaid. Lately the attention o f tho passengers has been attracted by a deformed boy, who works upon the different lines from early morning until late at night. His entire leftside is paralyzed, shortening his leg and drawing up his arm. The side of his face is also affected. His clothing is poor and sepnty. When the boat is well out in the river the boy enters the forward door of tho lady’s cabin and stands for a moment at t he threshold, apparently uncertain what to do. Then he takes from an inside pocket of his coat two lead ¡»encils, sharpened and provided with rubbers. H olding these in iiis perfect hand he limps slowly aronnd in front of the seats, pausing a moment be­ fore each passenger, mutely asking them to buy. His face is a picture of despair, and many a dime and nickel aredropped into his hand. Nino out o f every ten passengers refuse a pencil after they have given him alms, but if one is taken he continues his journey holding the remaining one out for sale. If that too happens to he taken the little fellow dives down and brings out two more from his inside pocket. The little scheme succeeds admirably, and he does not dispose o f more than four or five pen­ cils a day. The boy is a professional beggar and under tin* eyes and training o f his father. ATHLETIC FEATS. Among the most interesting characters are two brothers between the ages of I I and 17 years. As soon as the boat is well on its trip they appear at one end of the cabin and one of th en , taking off his hut, says: “ Gentlemen, if you have not got any ob­ jections wo would like to entertain you for a few moments. Although we make our living this way, we only ask for what you think we are \\orth.” Both bow, and with a quick movement the younger lad puts his foot in hi* broth­ er’s hand and is thrown high iuto the air. Turning a back somersault he lauds on his feet on the floor. Picking himself quickly up he mounts on his brother’s shoulders and again turns backward to the floor. Throe or four more combination feats of this nature are i,e'*omplished, when the two boys stop for a moment’s rest and then go at it again. They turn forward and backward somersaults, leap to one anoth er’s shoulders, and finally walk around the cabin on t heir hands. During trips where the cabin is filled they are roundly applauded for their work, and both live nicely from the collections they make. They have at different times fillet! small engagements, but they say there is more money in the ferry boats for them, and besides they are their own mas tors. Another o f the desert ingcharacters isan Irish boy, \\ ho generally makes his appear an coin th e cabin with tin* following re marks: “ Ladies and gentlemen, if it will not bother you too much I’d like to give you a little exhibition of dancing I will first dance you an Irish reel anti jig, next a dog. next a shuffle und the last a wing dance. I Mease notice the different steps.’ ’ He takes a small harmonica from hi-« pocket and, after tapping the floor with nis foot, begin* his Irish jig. As he changes the music his steps and the style of dance change, and, true to lus word, he ends with the wing data • It is a clever piece of work, for pin ing quick jigs is not easy, especially wh 1 one dances to his own mu­ sic. The bo ’s steps an* accurate and light, and ho 1 frequently applauded and well repaid for his work New York World walk across the street before you o|*eti it," said the vender. The buyer, a stupid fellow, did nothing of the sort lie op«* ms I it at once and of course found it empty Then he raised t hue and cry. “ Oh, lien* your money is’ ” explained the fakir, with a mirthless laugh. “ I must have made a mistake. Give me the pocket book and I’ ll put it in The Imok was returned. Mm. E. J. Rowell. Medford, M a m ., m j * her “ N ow ," he continued, sitting down and mother ha* I teen cured of HttuluU toy the u%o , taking tin» bill lii his hand, "d o you wit of four tattle* of r a r r | after having hail this* ’ ntut-hother treat- K e k S S i mo®t, and tving “ Yes.” replied the deceived W hen a W om an W ill. mlucvtl to quite a low condition of health, a* It “ Well, you’ ll ne\er see it again. Get up, A young wile who is just mastering the was thought nhe could not live. Roxie.” And the horse almost ran over a mysteries of housekeeping used more kin of he redi- 1 fat banker who had stopped to see the fun, dling wckh I for her kitchen fire than her I Cured mjr little l»ojr and the rig disappeared around the corucr , whichap» ____________1 S . S . S . tary armful* husband liked to split, and he decided to New York Telegram. fare. For j for the da j prepare only a certain amount ami to limit pea rod nil over hi* her to wliat lie thought a proper quantity venu]»all ho|*o a year I had 11 Imt I m orr< %rr l or. The first time she ran short sh»* promptly o f hia reeovery, when finally One of Mr. Gould’s attorneys went t<> dumped in the family stock of > lothespins 1 w a* Induced to u*e j him not longagotocxplam that some act of to make the muffins bake and sent out to A few I h » ^ ttle* cured hint, and no |__________ himself and his Missouri Pacific hoard was the grocer’s for a fresh supply A woman symptom* of tho dlMMP remain. illegal and had got the company into trou can circumvent the |»oor worm, man, al M rs . T. L. M a t h m *, MathervlUe, Mis*. hie. “ Mr Gould," said he, “ it seems to most any day in the week, anti not half Ouvtwok ua Wool m l Skin I>iv »'<•* m.« e.l free. me you should have consulted your legal try Springfield Homestead. Atlanta, < SWIFT bi le Ok I Advisers tafore doing this. Any lawxrr would have told you that it was illegal ' A Fit Subject. Mr Gould hung his head a minute and The Mesmerist Will some one who is then raised it and said: “ Yes, l know you acquainted here kindly select a good sub would have advised against it. and that’ s ject and ask him to step up? the reason I didn’ t consult you. But the Voice (nun the a ♦lienee You don't thing is done and it can’t Is* undone, and ! . , _ want a man of strong will power, do you? in the uow it’s for you lawyera to get us out of Mesmerist No. sir. Just the opposite. the scrajs» the I test way yon can. That's W ORI 0 ! Voice Here he is. tin only man iu the what we keep lawyers for ” St Istuis crowd w In* allows his wife to select his Globe Democrat. nt-ckfes for hint.—-(’ lothicr and Furnisher. C U R E S SCROFULA S .S .S . Tbc Best Waterproof Coat I SLICKER T.u Fisll ItK \NII SLICKER I* warranted water * ih 1 w ill keep v«>uilt jr lii the hardest aform. The •ew IDMMU, SI II KEJt is a perfect rid «>« «>*1, an.! ia!i Brand ” I« md on It. Iilii-t-a- A. .1 TOWER It »I «n. »U«. Too <*,»••«1. it*» 1*1 It mt 1 »tit A11. Miooting, as a sport, has a ridiculous as well as a cruel side A man entering a country railroad station saw another man standing with a gun under his arm, exi detitly relating a hunting experience to two ot her hunters "I tired,” saitl the man with the gun. ‘ anti the animal fell plump to the ground, but he was only wounded, ami started up I pursued him with the relent less ness of a The largest building in the world 1* un­ rod Indian, and with the clubbed butt of doubtedly the Freibans, situated in the my gun I finished him: ’ Buburt«* of Vienna. Within its wall* a "W hat sort ot 1 taaa? waathls?’ t*»kcd whole t ity of human Isnng* live and wrork. the newcomer It coutain* aUtui l. s011 spoke aWnit giving those old clothes of Tommy's to the p»*»r. On second thought, hadn't we bet­ ter send th en over to the minister’s chil­ dren! ltingo ('npital But iu that cam* 1 gue.*s you bail better let Tommy wear them \ few weeks longer Clothier ami Fur­ nisher. A b out Gloves at Night- V IL E A N D U N W O R T H Y Some odd notions creep into print about A Devotee D ilate* Cpon the Dean tie* and toilet treatment. One lately says that Of eonaideration are nostrum* of which It Is as­ wearing gloves at night wrinkles the serted—and there are many such—that they cure Intricacies o f the U u iin eu . hands and makes them yellow. That de­ immediately bodilv al.meats of long standing There* is no class of artist», said a re- pends entirely on the care taken in the 1 here are i one such that can. Chronic disorders be instantaneously removed. Conti uity * Downed thief, who in their calling are as matter. Worn as sleeping gloves usually cannot iu the use oi a genuine medicine, such as Hpe I dexterous as pickpockets. This is due to a are, as long as they will hold together, tetter’s »stomach Bitters, will eradicate chronic double incentive. Not only does your soiled to begin, soaked with repeated dress­ physical evil-. Not the least of these last iu the force of ta opposition to medicine is const pa pickpocket find a bait for effort and exer- ings of cold cream, not too good at the tion. U» the removal of which, if persisted in, the tion in success, but has the added spur of start, anti rancid with the heat of wearing Bitters is particularly adapted. Constriction of ! a fear of failure. Success means as much them for hours longer than a woman ever the bowel* ih a complaint which s ould be dealt with • arlv • nd systematically. So are its usual to a pickpocket as to any man, and failure wears gloves for dress, unless at a ball, it attendants, liver complaint and dyspepsia. For , means a grout deal more. A vocation in is no wonder they turn the skin yellow and these, f y I have applied A lij o c k ’ s P orous P lastkbs , nobility of thieves, and are reverenced by letter. ______ the burglar, the footpad, the sneak and and in every instance I have been quickly parents who see their children sintering Mailed III* I'ipe. the “ con” man as of a higher class than relieved by applying one across my chest from diseases caused hy im pure blood, they. The practice of a pickpocket while That the groom of one of last week’s cad one on my buck. My friends, through and for w hich there seems no cure. This not really at work is as constant ¿is that oi weddings was so deeply enamored of my advice, have tried the experiment and is turned to joy when H ood's Sarsaparilla . some famed professor of the viol or harp. his fair bride as to foreshadow the also found it most successful. I feel that I is resorted to, for it expels the foul hu­ He keeps pace with the procession. No future hitppiness o f the couple is per- can recommend them most highly to any mors from the blood, and restores the dis­ eased skin to fresh, healthy brightness. \ sooner does some jeweler invent a new fas­ haps augured by a little incident which one who may see fit to try them. C yrus W. F ie l d , J r . Head the follow ing from grateful parents: tening for diamond pins or studs than he does not mind telling himself. It “ To C. I. Hood »fc Co., Lowell, Mass.: these men o f finest touch devise the mo- was in the early days of their acquaint­ In his moments of abstraction even the pick “ We think Hood’s Sarsaparilla is tho most I tion which evades its purpose. ance, aud he was about mailing his pocket think' time is money. valuable medicine on the market for bl«»od and The chief object of a pickpocket, after first note to her. Although the missive skin diseases, our two children suffered terri­ RUPTURE AND PILES CURED. certainty, is speed. He cannot dally with was a comparatively unimportant one, re­ bly w ith the j his victim by the hour. What he does is lating to some intended courtesy, its writ­ We positively'cure rupture, piles and all rec W o rs t Fo rm of E cze m a ; to be over in a flash. Speaking of pius ing had been mingled with much absorb­ Ul diseases without pain or detention from busi­ for two years. We had three physicians iu that and studs, there has never been a fasten­ ing thought of what future notes to her ness. No cure, no pay. Also all Private dis­ time, but neither of them succeeded in curing Address for pamphlet Drs. Porterfield & them or even in giving them a little relief. At ing so complex but the expert thieves might breathe, aud he walked down the eases. Losey, DM Market street, San Francisco. last we tried Hood’s Sarsaparilla and in a month could defeat it in a motion. They do in street to mail it. puffing some very pleas­ both children were p e r fe c t ly cu re d * We their busines ¿is line work as any Houdin, ant pictures from his meerschaum. At The cucumber does its best fighting after it is recommend I and the thief himself could not analyze or the box, still absorbed, he dropped, as he down. explain its detail. His powers o f execution thought, the letter into the receptacle and For bronchial, asthmatic and pulmonary as a standard family medicine, and would not have gone far beyond his power of percep­ retraced his steps to his apartments. As complaints “ Brown's Bronchial Troches ■’ be without it.” Mu. and M rs . M. M. S oi . lkk , tion or relation. the door was reached he found the note manifest remarkable curative properties. U12 2d Avenue, Altoona, Pa. A pickpocket consults his own nervous still in his hand. What, then, had he put 25 cents a box. HOOD'S PILLS cure liver Ills, constipation, bil- I condition constantly. No line lady ever into the box? His pipe, of course, and usuess. jaundice, sick headache,Indigestion. A clock is very different from a man. When it lousuess | has such a time with her nerves as this there he found it a few minutes later, bowl strikes it keeps on working. I aristocrat of the outlaws. If he does not out, the long stem deep among Uncle A N N ’S 3 O N E G U T T E R feel right he won’ t “ work.” When he does, Sam’s mail.—Exchange._______ I’ ve known one on the impulse to take ¿i Will cut Dry or Green A S O V E R E IG N R E M E D Y . Bones, Meat, Gristle and all. car on some well dressed and wealthy Green Cut BONES wdl 1 street, and, seating himself side to the win­ double the number of eggs Dr. Parker’s Sure Cough Cure. One dow, survey the shirt front of every would —w ill make tuem more fer­ tile-w ill carry tho hens 1 be passenger as the car came up. The mo- doee will stop a cough. It never fails. safely through the molting I ment one showed a diamond in his linen or Try it. Price, 25 cents a bottle. For period aud put them In ! cravat the thief would hurry to the plat­ condition to lay when eggs Pacific Coast form to get off. He would time his ma­ sale by all druggists. command the highest price and will dovelope your Agent, Geo. Dahl bender & Co., Drug­ neuvers so as to meet his man on the step chicks faster than any of the car. They would collide. gists, 214 Kearny street, San Francisco. other food. The thief’s hat—a stiff silk or Derby—is Feed Green Bones and Great Provocation.—Mamma-Johnny, did you in his left hand and covers his dexterous use ( ’ r e o n o x o u e to kill ke Wiilie? Johnny—Yes, ’em: but he hit me the lice, and you will make right, which is put forward to protect its str back. i fifty per cent more profit. owner in the collision. It touches the new’ Bend for Catalogue and H o lid a y P re se n ts. comer l ight where the diamond sparkles, prices. and it is still covered by the hat in the Holiday presents in Jewelry for every­ PETALUMA UICDBATOH COIP’T. PETALUMA. CAL O ther hand. With an apology the thief body. Send to A. Feldenheimer, leading steps out of the way. The whole affair is Jeweler, First and Morrison, Portland, Or. —The uice;*t, *o»*est, pret­ the tenth part of a second, hut as he bows tiest. finest, Tenui> Goods restaurant keeper can make both ends meat you ever saw -wide, light ! his regrets he has the diamond in that by A serving calf’s head and ox-tail soup. ami medium stripes —for mysterious hand of his, and, as I have said, Wrappers. Shirts, Blouses, O N R K X J O Y » he could not detail the moves by which he hildren’sWear, reduced from J e w e lr y , W a tc h e s :m d D iam ond s. 15 cents to 10 cents, to close. 1 attained it, even if he should try. — Kansas For a first-class article in Jewelry, Both the method and results whe; • CNO ron »AMflCS TO I City Star. — Watches, Diamonds, etc., send to A. Fel- Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleas&u' denheimer, leading Jeweler, First and Mor­ ind refreshing to the taste, aud act' S M I T H S9 CASH STORE Tlie W oodpecker*« Store Ilonas. rison, Portland, Ur. 414 , 414 . 4 IH F ront HI.. A. F .. « » I . »entlv yet promptly on the Kiduey* While walking through the Museum of Livei and Bowels, cleanses the syr C A T A R R H C A N ’ T IIE C U R E D Natural History at Central park recently Rig O Is thB arfcnowieda «4 leading remedy for all tbs I saw in one of the glass cases part of a With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they can’t reach tern effectually, dispels colds, heat: unnatural dtorharfe* * » « | cedar telegraph pole thickly perforated the seat of the «iisea.se. Catarrh is a blood or iches and feve-s and cures habitus j private diseases of men. m I certain cure for the debilh | with holes. On inquiry I learned that constitutional disease, ami in or er to cure it ’ tat Inf weakness peculiar For sal­ have to take internal remedic'. Hall’s Ca­ constipation permanently. these holes had been dug in the pole by the you to women. tarrh Cur is taken int rnally, aud acts directly in 50 c and $1 bottles by all druggists i «aiy y> y I prescri be It and fee! safe j California woodpecker, for the purpose of outlie blood aud mucous sm faces. Hall’s Ca­ C h EIUCII Co in recommending It | storing acorns for its winter food. Some tarrh Cure is no quack medicine. It was pre­ I all sufferer*, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO i. J 8 T 0 NER, M 0 ,DfO«Tu«,:u. j of tlie acorns may still be seen in the pole, scribed t y one of the best physicians in this country for yeans, an i i- a regular prescri tion. NoM by D r .f((a w SAN HlANCISUi). SAL although most of them had been extracted It is composed of the l>est tonics know n, com i ’ u c i a a LOU'SVtUE Kf. NEW IONA. • f. before it was cut down. blued with the b- st blood purifiers, acting di­ It has long been known that these busy rectly «*n the mucous surfues. The p rfect combination of the two ingredients is what ro- workers store acorns in the bark of stand­ duces mch wondeiful results in curing catarrh. I — E L Y ’ S C R E A M B A L M — Cleanse* tlie N iisull ing trees, but the use of a telegraph pole Semi for testimonials free. ■ P a s s t e * , Allays Pain ami Inflam m ation, H culsl R i m i r o * " - K. J. CHKNKY & CO., Props., Toledo, 0. Ith e Sores, Restores Taste and Sm ell, ami ( tiros I | for this purpose is an entirely new selec­ i Æ a t a r ç V oi .Sold by druggists; price, 75 cents. JfO(.o,N nE>°] tion, and while perhaps the feathered gen ­ try find it a very c^iQV’enient storehouse, A . Ftddenlieim er. their method of taking possession is de­ Most reliable and largest Jewelry House cidedly damaging to the telegraph pole. in Portland is A. Feldenheimer’ », leading I There is a cousin of this same bird in Jeweler, First and Morrison, Portland, Or. | G ives B e lie f at o n ce fo r C old in H ead. Mexico who Inis discovered that the stalk Apply itit" the Soett It it ' kly Abeorbed. *0c. Druggist.*» or by mail. KLY BROS., 5t* Warren St., N. Y. | of the aloe makes a much better storehouse Use Euameline Stove Polish; no dust, no smell , thiin trees or telegraph poles, besides sav­ ing him a great deal of labor. The aloe I after flowering dies, but the hollow stiilk remains standing. The flinty texture of Have been Imitated, but Never Equalled—they are Beyond Comparison! the stalk is easily pierced through to the W e Make central cavity by the woodpecker, who then Wh y ? | thrusts in an acorn, then another and an­ 90 per cent, Because other, until the hollow space is filled to the level o f the hole. O t the They are He then makes a second opening higher Wire Mats Odorless, up and thrusts in more acorns until the level o f that hole is read. So he proceeds Sold in Everlasting all the way up the stalk uutil it is com­ America. And “ B est.’ pletely filled with acorns. Often aloes Ré" See that your mai tia* brass tat; attached stamped “ H artman .’* thirty miles distant from the nearest oak H A R TM A N M F C . C O M P A N Y . W ork s. B E A V ER F A LLS, PA . tree have been found stored in this way, T. II. I. I S S K . ( l.» i’ l U eHtern Sal,*. A|ct., VOS Stole St.. Chinate«». involving a journey for the birds of sixty DIVIO N. CURKSOR, JR.. Portland. Or MOLLY. »SOR. MARKS t CO.. Sjjtant falls. Wash. iniles for each acorn stored. All this good work is turned to use in The shadows times of famine, when not only the wood peckers but other birds and even animals that fill your life, if you’re a feeble, suffering woman, can be taken out live on this preserved food.—St. Nicholas THE PICKPOCKET'S ART. Both Had Eczema Hood’s Sarsaparilla SWAN’S DOWN Comfort in Shoe*. A "retired shoe dealer, whom mercenary considerations no longer deter from giving adviee as to the proper care of shoes,” says: A pair of shoes matle of good leather will last much longer if properly cared for than when neglected. When shoes are only blacked the leather soon becomes hard and dry, the best fitting pair will be uncomfort able, anti here ami there little cracks will appear, which will soon become chasms. Kvery week or two the blacking should In? wipetl off with n damp cloth, the shoe should be allowed to dry, ami then be rubln'tl with the tast hiirncss oil. Kvery part, including the sole and the seams, should I k * oiled, anti the oil given ¿1 chance to soak in. The toughest le.ither can l>e made soft in this way, and good leather will, after this treatment, feel like kill. The shoe will wear three times as long ami I k * miieh more comfortable. New York Commercial Advertiser. Neutralizing Lightning l*i»in*. A singular phenomenon of the lightniug flash is that its chief effects are observable only at the points of its entrance and exit. Thus a flash which entered a school room injured only the first anti last child on the form, those tat ween escaping unhurt. The most effective treatment of lameness and other ailments due to lightning is the ap­ plication alternately to the head, trunk aiul limits of a large horseshoe magnet. In case of a quite recent stroke the cloth ing should I k * unfastened, the patient laid with the hei l high ami quietness ami fresh air should I k * secured. If conscious ness does not return the head should be exposed to a stream of cold water.—New York Journal. of it. The chronic weaknesses, functional derangements, and pain­ ful disorders peculiar to vour sex, can be taken away. The one unfailing remedy for them is Dr. l ’ieree’s Favorite Prescription. It corrects, cures, and builds you up. It improves digestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep and restores health and strength. For periodical pains, internal inflammation and ulcera­ tion, weak back, leucorrhea, and all kindred ailments, it’s a positive spe­ cific— one that is guaranteed. If it fails to give satisfaction, in any ease, the money paid for it is re­ turned. ______ '« wa wvwiwm Simonds Crescent Ground Cross Cuts, A n d A ll K i n d s of M I L L S A W S . A l s o S a w R e p a i r i n g . S I M O N D S S A W C O .. 7B F r o n t Street. P o r tla n d . O r . W l RUPTURE P E R cB »L i " V THE0.E. MILLER COMPANY, C o r k » sroxoKNCE S o l ic it e d . ICCLGM CJ»r Tutts Tiny Pills; vip th** w« «k «tom o h Dull.I up th. u.*k" . 1 • ' «'• * ) l ht % I rmi «' and f R,wmVII kt I a N nuoR k A on 81'^ S k > d for C ir c u l a r . * # -T A K « l ELEVATOR that is, g ood inks— play an important part in tlie appearance o f your Job, Book and Newspaper work. W e have received a large stock o f Jaenecke ^ V liman’s ce l­ ebrated Bronzes and Inks in tubes, cans, kegs and barrels. A ll the largest consumers in the States use these Inks, and w h y ? B e c a u s e they are the best and cheapest. A t r i a l will convince vou more than all the advertising we can do. Send orders to PALMER i REY, T s h il o h s I f ton have no it«*, 1 mine*’«tion. I ûettU'tH *'. ’«i« W »I* ul** h«, »1*11 run j ► «low «" or luainn H»*ah. fakt* OR NO PAY. I nks — I Have you Catarrh ? Try this Remedy. It wil Twlfcr* and Cure you. P rve •**) i ts. This In w t o r for its »utveMftol treatment is furnish«* fit**. Shiloh's Kerned tee an? s* id by us on .» Ruamotee to give satisfautiou. 1 1 PRINTERS: The great, griping, old-fashioned »ills make trouble. Dr. Pierce’s ’ leasant Pellets prevent it. Their’s is the natural way. Sick Headache, Biliousness, Constipation, Indiges­ tion, and all derangements of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels are pre­ vented, relieved and cured. Small­ est, cheapest, easiest to take. Q H IL 0 H S<% CATARRH E M E DY. *------- -— — No detention from business. We refer you to over 1000 patients, and six national banks. Investigate our method. * Written guarantee to absolutely Cure all kinds of RUPTURE of both sexes, without the use of KNIFE OR SYRINGE, no matter of how long standing. EXAMINATION FREE. 5C: » ’ «j3» I _____ ___________________ C u m C onsum ption. Cough*, Croup, Sore A long Sentence o f SI* Fetter*. Thru:»!. > d hv ail D t - cckd on a Guarantee. Here is a sentence o f thirty tw o words, K r Jk \ ame Side, Back or Ch-st Shiloh’s Poroua which some ingenious person has con Plaster »til give great -at - .m. as cents. struct« l of the six letters found in the word S H I L O H ’ S V I T A L IZ E R . "maiden;” Mrs !‘ .S Hawkins. « Tonn.. sar»: l ! i .1 maid» n a mean man named Nod j " S h V i f . n ’uer * $A YEP }(Y LIFE. I Dean and Media, a mad dame, made me cwi'-nffr itthebtft remedy fur a ilcbWtated tuetem mend a die and dime, anti mind a mine in / f . r 1. " l ’ For Dy*po^**»ia. IJver or Kidney a dun den in Maine St Louis Republic. I troutue it oxer!*. Price .IS 1 ts. An A«t venturous lto»h. There*.a® noticed one summer In Con cord N VI . an odd appearance in the top most branch« - of a tree believed to he 19$ years old. and the olwcnerw could hardly talieve thc.r eyes But when an adveu ! turou* marine . rais'd up the old giant t>e foutill that the s ght hat! not been devriv : «•d. acurrxut ‘"¡«h v* t* grow ing content« d '.y up there, ami clusters of rip* fruit were hang; ig from the stems aa if It were the natural thing for currant bushes to grow in the topa of century old tree«. It is sup 1 **cd that earth collected by the wind* of >».»r* m the little clefts, and that the seeds **• 1 v* currant bad been brought b) tarns, j bud their Lome in the gathered soil W W W XW I Sole Agents. Printers’ Warehouse. Portland, Or. m US YOUR NAME ; ANP AD» drew on __ POBI* . ANY we will forward vou o ir il'.n«trated catalogue and price Hat of Silve warv. tamps. Urocxery. •’.a»**are and House F irnishing Good*. F r e e . Olds & Summers, 189-191 FIRST ST . PORT LARO. OR 1 1*1*. a R e m e d y fb e C a ta r r h i « th e > A «i«*«t t o U « e , a n d t'h e a r «* «L a 1 | C A T A R R M !1 S o M h v d n i g y i » « * o r w a it b y m a il. 1 1 > . ML T. ll a x e l U i w , W a r r e n , l ’a J j m WEAK MAN ho i* suffering, f :th*T ia b is m inJ o f body fr>m th e in jurious o r vr«-»keuin« cani, and l I . r *;.t t » > > - lently cured. Papers fr* <- '» » .« 1 DR. COLE I CO.. œ . • Æ T hese o k l I> - t- n have had 30 year«' experience i* e u rin f Private, B1.X-I. N. r T*n« and Skin W rite t- -la j. Rebâtie Remedies sent private** to any add'tts. OPIUM M o r p h i n « * H a b i t C u r e d In !»> t o I O d a i * , 'v o j v a y t i l l c u r e « ! . O R . J . S T E P H C N f . L « h « «vow,Oh a. P. N. O. So. 4e»~s. r. s. 0 . No. M 5