I THE OTHÉÔSIS OF WI with Honesty and Fair Dealing. C O M E When a merchunt tells you he is GIVING GOODS You can count to a moral certainty on the statement being false. profit or merchants cannot live, but AWAY! There must be Kay & Todd’s Stock Must Go, and they offer everything in their line at the very smallest possible margin consistent J^ISTJD Q - E T T O ID IX P R I C E S . A. I >. Frntow who bus for twenty year« ure not an health} an other#, should be earth could persuade the judge to a ban- the light of investigation. Ijeen connected with t ho woolen mills in j carefully cut out every year, and more- don the project lie already has under way Query: Do those who frequent the li- Oregon City lias iptired from liu»i» 08 K. 1 over whenever the branolies are likely to of settling in the country and bet-owing a brary most during study hours go in IHSUKD EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. lie commenced life u poor hoy, hut by in- 1 I hj thick and struggle witii each other for peaceful granger. The fact that the po; search of wisdom or something else? CARRIES A FI LI. LINE OF It seems to he a love feast ail the time dustry and careful management is now light, they should also he thinned. A ulists are already casting sidelong glances EDITORS A N D FU B L 181IE R 8: able to retire and enjoy the fruits of his perfectly healthy apple tree thould be so ami nodding approval of his rural aspira­ with a certain two of the college students. E. H. WoomvARi) & O hm . C. E mery . labors. managed with the pruning knife, that tions, indicates that he lias a lung lease Some of the Preparatory youngsters ; every branch should have a lair chance ol the office lie now dignifies, and w hich threaten to take more privileges. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1892. How. D. 1*. T hompson probably had to have its loaves fairly well exposed to is worth infinitely more than a four- A F . t r t l t W O R T H H A V IN G . A large <|iiantity of half { corners postoffice.—Reporter. E ntered •* eecond einen m etter et the pobt more Turke y for Thanksgiving than the j the light. u r e D rug s fo r P r e sc r ipt io n s . office at Newberg, Oregon. majority of us. lie has lately lieen ap-1 starved leaves on a tree is not nearly so Postmaster Cooper’s term does not ex­ The old saying that “ nothing succeeds pointed minister to tiiat far off land. On i beneficial as when the tree lias a chance pire until Dec. 20, 189U. The opinion of like success” is well illustrated by the Perfumes, Fancy anJ Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Varnish and Oil Color. Also* HILAH FKTKKS ON EDUCATIO N. Tuesday evening lie left for Washington ; for the full development of every leaf, many people is, however, that in view of fine line of the career of tho Rural Sort hunt, which was B eliev e in eddlcatlou, sir? W ell, I Jest guess city, where h e. will receive his commit,- ! and what is true oi the applo orchard is the triumphant proiiortions of the Cleve­ I do. sion and instructions, and will sail from ] true in the main of all other treo3 in the land majority, republican heads will go founded in Portland, Oregon, a little over LA TEST STY LES of W A LL P A P E R . I ’ve »een too much o ’ how It works to take the New York for Constantinople hi Decern- j hands of the cultivator. When we come into the basket after Marcli 4th without a year ago, and has already established other view . j to forestry culture it is impossible to do much regard to tenure of office rules. itseli as the leading agricultural paper of I've seeu how know ledge takes a spot that's tier. ii i ■ without pruning, if we would have first The democratic party is hungry from long sort o ’ cold Aud bare. the Pacific Northwest. It is hardly nec­ Blank Books, Stationery, School Books and School Supplies. ’Nd covers of it up with qu ite a nickel-plated T h . it “ I«ilen*s breeds mischief,’’ is ju s t! class limber, but tiiat is another question. waiting nnd fasting. It lias been aptly essary to say that the success of this pa­ air, as true of Newberg us uny other place in Our point was to refer chiefly to the man defined by some one as an organized ap­ I secs the difference every dAy ’tw een cddicat- per is simply the result of merit. It is no agement of fruit trees.—liutai Northwetl. existence. Barents who move to New­ petite, and expect it to be in power a cd folks C. F. MOORE & CO. ’Nd them as thinks i t ’s uothiu’ but a fraud 'nd berg for the purpose of getting their chil­ year without looting every office in the cheap concern made up of stereotype H IG H F /IH M IM t. sort o ’ hoax. dren tinder good influences are commit­ country worth a thousand a year, is re­ plates and stale clippings, hut is bright, F. E. HADLEY. J. It. HUNT. A. HODGSON Why, right to home I see« it. T here’s my w ife, ting little short of a crime against them­ There is one point that keeps floating quiring too much of tiiat kind of human crisp und clear, filled with original mat­ s h e ’s studied w ell selves and the public, when they turn in my mind, anil that is to farm I chh ami nature.—lieporter. Not only how to read ’u write, to cipher ’nd to ter which hits the conditions that exist in their children loose on the streets to go farm better. I may say here tiiat I came A couple of men moving from the south spell. M anufacturers of Northwest. Among fruit But s h e ’s an artis’ lik ew ise in a most uncom ­ und come us they please, both in daylight from England and my father was a prac­ side of the Yamhill river, while trying to tho Pacific mon way, and long into the dark hours of the night. tical farmer, if I may uso that term, al­ ford at the crossing between J. J. Hen­ growers it is an es[>ecial favorite, as it •Nd I b elieve to find her lik e y o u ’d travel many though he hired it all done after middle derson’s and D. S. Holman’s yesterday makes horticulture a leading feature, and a day. A dispatch from Topeka, Kali., says: life, hut managed it himself. He had drove into swimming water. The wagon, gives tlie best and fullest reports publish­ For instance, she c m knock u tunc from our The opinion exists hero that stranger two farms, one lie owned of about thirty team and men all floated down tho river m elodlau ed of the meetings of tho state horticultu­ We a ie prepared to make a superior q uality o f drain tile In nil «ties. I.arge order, promptly As easy as a h u u tsm in pulls the trigger of his tilings might happen than the election of or forty acres and another he rented, some distance. The box came off, wagon ral societies of Oregon and Washington, tilted. C orrespondence solicited. 1’rtce list ou application. Corner Main A HivTpm Street.. gun. Mrs. Mary 10. I.ease us United States sen­ which was worth £:>, or $15, |ier acre uncoupled, and the fore wheels caught on ami includes among its regular conlribn I ’ve seen that woman play a song with one ator from Kansas. Mrs. Louse's candidacy N E W B E R G , : O R E G O IS T . rent. He bought a great deal of manure a snag and held the team until they were note up in O, for the senate has become a serious reali­ out. of the town close by and paid from drowned. The team had just been tors in tliis department sueli as Prof. ’Nd then the next ouc cam e ’way dow n—as far ty. Her popularity with the rank and $1.50 to $2 per load for it, and they could liougbt for $.'¡(10. The men, whose names Bake, of the Washington Agricultural I s’pose, as Z— ’Nd not a bit a difference did it ever seem to tile of the party will give tier an equal and I have known them to liavo three we did not learn, are new comers. They College, Prof. Washburn, of the Oregon make chance with the other aspirants, espec­ tons on when it was wet. Ho also floated farther than the team, und name ..\gricuUural Col)ege , A. T. Hawley and A . L,, A V A L L IN O , P r o p r i e t o r , If she had tw enty-seven notes, or only one to ially as there seems to he no constitution­ bought a groat dcul of guano and lime. vory near drowning. Ono of them i . . ..... . . take; O S W E G O . - O IR IE Q -O Isr. , . . . . .. . , . . . others of eminent ubilitv. The dairy de- - J Her fingers they would hop about, ’nd all the al disqualification.” It has been further The neighboring farmers said ho would could't swim, nners at much less cost the fruit drop« before ripening; it never to ourselves, but realize tbe fact that for Wish to rail the attention of the ladies to G ivk us th e umbrella trade of the Wil­ friend. Born into the home of a Presby­ prematures its fruit as do the yellows. state and territory of the Union. From this section tho cheap class of eastern ag­ their new and w ell assorted stock of la m ette valley and we will go out of tiie terian minister, she early became a Chris­ lifteen to twenty-live tons of print paper tian and sincerely strove lo Inidd her life . Commonly tlie treo dies within a yeur|. is consumed in each week's edition, and ricultural pajiers are scarcely worth hav­ H A T S , T O Q U E S A N D B O N N E T S new spuper bu sin ess. ........ > 1 ... principles . !.. ¡' i ,, after the first symptons aro observed. ing, ami not to lie compared in value in latest styles at Lowest Prices. Don't fail to upon tlm of Christ s golden ,r call ami cx a m ln e/m r goods before buying, Trees attacked during tho summer and it is regularly mailed to more than half with the Rural Sorthueit. rule. Her husband's record ns general the post offices of the United States. It Dressm aking in all its departm ents. First St Iron Fence & Stone Coping J i ' imik K . 1’. B o ise h a s gone to Con­ fall show the symptoms by the pushing 1 door east of Morris. Miles A Go. ami senatoi ami president kept her al- j is edited with special reference to the cord, New Ilumpshinc, to uttend the of winter lulls that should remain dor­ ways in the uluro of public life, it is no wants of all people in all sections. It is F in a l S e tt le m e n t. For Cemetery Lots a Specialty. national Grange, ns Oregon's delegate. small indication of the hidings of her mant. Tlie native plums, iVunua .lwn-r- also made to interest every member of Notice is hereby given thut the underaigtieil, N A T IO N A L U K M i:i)Y CO. icdMii and 1‘runut Chienta and the intro­ executors ttf the last will ami testament of Geo. David \V. Martin, iron oral agent for t lie N a -] S. l l A W O I t T I I , M a n u K c r, I lower, that sho was at last, as at first, a | tbe family. Besides all the news of the Christenson, deceased, has (tied m the County O bkuon C ity ir extending her borders. pure, unassuming, helpful bunded wo duced Chinese plums such as Kelsey, ! R em edy Co. wifdie.s to announce that he i Newberg, Oregon. W orM .it has Serial Short Stories, Wit Court of Yamhill County. State of Oregon, tier tional has- two audits in Newberu for the sale j A store lia s lately is-un put in on the west ' , j show a similar disease, and experiments . . . ,, final account ttf her «tbninfstmthm ttf said cs- now man. She Inni remarkable urtistie lal- of his m edieiue*. Mrs. Mary H o - j . s oii , on south . . . amt 1 tumor, I octry, t amptire, rarm , late, and that, Ity virtue of order of safil Court. Meridian street, near the fair «rounds, aud sid e of th e river to accommodate the in­ ..... mnde. ....................................... lint objections thereto Mrs, Cox, on Fir.-t street,on e door west of l’res- ents, as all her frp-mls know, and only irò now iti progress to determino positive- I Sunday School Bessons, Young Folks, I 'h'b said account nud oh. w llf tie hear.) by s «1.1 Court at the u-ual place byteri.iu crea sin g population on tiiat side. | Iv whether tho diseases are identieal. Il E A S T S ID E eliureh, are his only authorized | tin* praclii-ul duties of suoli home life as of holding sab) court in the court house st Mc­ agents, Poultry, Puzzles, Hottsehol, Answers to who have nnd w ill hereafter keep on j is it seriotis monaco to thè southern |s>aeh M innville. in snhl county, on the :»nl day of hand a full hors prevented the neqin.-ition of artistic supply of the above-named reme- j Correspondents, Fite., Etc. As a special J »unary, A, l>. at w hich tim e and place sep4pdto4ml T here ought to lio an ordinance in fame. Mrs. Harrison's daughter, Mrs ; growers only Iosa dungerotis tItali vellows, feature in IStKt. Mr. Kohinson Locke, ed­ any person Interested In said estate may ap­ dies. pear amt file objeetlnns thereto. Invali ,e of lite faet thut thè frnit docs not force in Newberg, prohibiting lioys under McKee, is the best und loveliest result of lilted Nov. Jo. l.yri. ANSA CtlRtsTKNSON. itor and proprietor of the Blade, has just K xccutrlx. sixteen years of age, from 1 icing on the her mother's character and training—a reach tho market and so docs not dumagc saileil for Japan, and will contribute a Ramsey A Kenton, Attorney» ter ad d Estate. Htreets after a reasonable hour in the lovely woman, universally admired und tho salo o( bealihy frnit as was tho caso series of illustrated letters on the man­ Ibis year in tho market» of ottr castoni evening. lielovetl ; licr father’s delight and solace cilies. Tilt) cause ia not je t determino«!, ners amt customs of that peculiar country Elia Wheeler Wilcox’s Poems G. H. POWELL, Proprietor in the cares of state' It is to ini greatly A C. COX, hot thore is overy reaaon to helievo tliat uml its people. These articles will he - V • CVER 70 EDITIONS MADE A rkancii of Ilio Korest Urovo Kecly wondered at tiiat the press reports have commenced some time in February or Poems of Passion, 12 mo. cloth. Price $1.00 Institute lias been established in Port­ Ii Ail so little uplift, in them for tho tho continued und well dirneted Work of March, an,I will lie worth to the rentiers rooms o f Pleasure. 12 mo. “ " l.oo tho divlsion will eventuali,- discover it, Maurim* and other rooms, 12 mo.** “ l.iO land. Tho patronage ccrtainlv ought to thoughtful reader. If there were no im- of die Ulnde many times the suhserip You w ill alw ays fimi at this market the very Theeo books o f poems by America's most and after that a remedv or preventatlvo. he>t Fresh Meat> of all kinds. be excellent, with tho gin nti'ls on every mortality, if pagans had penned the final don price Every rentier of this pu|>er is pifted poet have met with creator success than Give m e a trial ami be eon vin ceil that I can NEW UK KG, any works of a sim ilar nature published in a OREGON. corner turning out candidate«. j linen they could not have been moro ma I ntil thon thè ax an i Uro aro tho only invited to send for n sjH'cimen copy. The do you good. ^ century. ______________ knowti saio guarda. — Fanuern' Reiieir. just received a full lin e of new goods, “ ' ■ ■ tcrialistic. A bright and bountiful spirit i C e n te r S t r e e t, X e w h fr jf, O r e g o n . publishers of the IV. \ l would be gla 1 to I have latest pU terus ami host qu ality, nnd w ill OVER 1 .0 0 0 ,0 0 0 SOLD. T ux owner« of the lock» »t Oregon City that loved and trusted Go l has winged semi a specimen copy to every reader in sell at as low figures a«i the quality of our sroods FK O M im i : K X t 'll \ N tlK 4 . F irst anti only Complete Edition. w ill justify. ha»e announced that tlm rates on straw boly lligiit to heaven, and not by word this country. Subscription price of the .V com plete em balm ing outfit just received. Come and see me. nnd logs goming through tho loeks lias or intimation are wo h»lped to follow the John M Crnwford of Portland, nini Mr Blade, one dollar n year. Five dollars in I nni . i n-dueed. Tho now ratoon straw is vanished soul in its tran-,vn I mt journey. Vlcxutidor of D.ivton, leavo Ibis week (or cash wiil I h ' paid to any jK’rson sending By C E O R C E W. P E C K 25 cant* per ton and on logs 5) cents |>er *h the earth, oarthv, nre ail the eom.nen- Scodami, where Mr. Alexander lias n-la- in a small club oi subscribers. Wiite for « JA P A N E S E With over IOC New Illustrations by True William# 1,000. Tho old rato wus 50 cents on turi,•» we have soon in lite current daily lives. Tliev will protmMy extend their agents’ terms, giving puiticulars. Ad­ The irrentest humorous book ever published. each. press. Some day It will not Is* so. Some visit to Germ.it.y, England ami Swlizer- dress "The Blade, Toledo, Ohio.” 12 It w ill drive nwny the bines and make life Evans < S c Clemenson worth living. Price ia handsome cloth bind­ - ! ility the parting soul in its high corona- lami, and expeet to ho ahsonl alsjiit threo ing il.2«\ paper eov**rs :»0 cents. The above books are for m I o by booksellers ant! news­ tlon will ho more thought about than tho months.— Reporter. IV-irp to nn ron nrr to th c ptlMIc tiiat H ist h .v * F rom occasional rem arks wo hoar C O I.I.M 1 I: I I’i: >1S. dealers. or w ill be mailed, -x>st paid, on receipt V now an l Complete Treatment, consisting oih ' uc 'I n meat in trket in Newberx. au*l are dropped by our cltiwiM, III) question as 1 hrjsalis that it hit lroptH-d; tho clothes e f Supnositories. o in tm en t in i ’ap>nle>. also iii ' of price by .1. W. Ilobbs and f.imilv redime I Mon- now prefared to supply auything in th e lin e o riv a Oshurn is on the sick li^l for ;v few Box and P ills, a P ositive Cure for E xternal, MORRILL, niGQINS & CO.. Publishers, to whether tho town cow shall ristai at from which it lias «topped free; the dust day mornitig freni their visit of nearlv Internal, Blind or Rleediuu, Itching. Chronic, ohoaoo , il l s . llrtVK. Recent or Hereditary Pile*, and m in y other will on our streets or not, will ln> up for it lia s escaped. Journalism has a great finir months in tho cast. Tho groater di'fHMG : ttd fem ale \veaknc««cs. it is'a lw a y s Two n«>w students» this week—Waller winged ho|s> with which to till the peo­ a ure ¡: benefit t «> t ne general health. The fir^t Mittleinent at no distant day. Much can purt of their sojonrn was mudo in Indi­ discovery of a m edieal cure rendering an op- lie said on both sides of the vexed ques­ ple's heart ; a beai ell to help bring near. ana, but relatìvos in Tennessee aud North and Herbert Stratton. At all time«. You are respectfully in vited t^ e r ith m w ith a knife u n nccess »ry hereafter. Scverai of tho student* who live at a I his Remedy hi« never been known to fail, call and *ee them . First St., one door west tion, as will Is) seen when the time I ess prim tight reporting, fewer details Parolina nero «No visito,I. .1 W. ri-porta By T H O S . W . H A N R F O tx D i i per box, f, f. r ♦ •; sent by mail. W by suffer • of murder, more "sw utness and light" that overything in ilio sondi while ho distance will oat Thanksgiving turkey from this terrible d isease when a "written of T ow nsend's hardware ¡»tore. comes. NEWIIERG, - - OREGON. are what a Christi iti chili/..itimi has the was tliero promise,! to go soliti for Ulovo- with th**ir homo folk#, while moro of the gmranbu» is e von with <• boxes, to refund the A d American Bock, for American Boys, m««ney if not cured. Send stam p for free right to hop,) (or, in s uno belter dav that laud, ami ho saw lots of country fortv homo Mndontw will eat beef and i^otatot*# Sam ple G m rautee issu ed by Wo«>«|war*1. By an American Author. O ne of the many things that our |ss>p!c Clarke A C*»., Wh-desale and Retail Druggist*. we must help h stun C lin , S y n a l veara bchiml tho resi of thè l ’nitel u* usual. S *e Agon's. Portland Orv«t n. ^ P I M N t i «R A N C H are s|ieeially thankful for, this annual C. F. MDOHK CO . \ isilor* hnve Ivon more numerous of 27 f U l l PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS. IN COLORS, States.— Reporter. Agents for Newberg. thanksgiving week, is the fact that wo are I ate than formerly. Wo are Always glad F R I M M . A m i TU I l s. FROM DORE'S MASTERPIECES. Henry Geo a u t h o r iz e s us to staio tliat to see them. not threatened with the blighting Influ­ A Book that should be in every home. ences of a saloon in our midst as we were There an1 two echo i *ols of op|iosite OX- ho doosn't w an t Ilio (test,tifico to gel litu i. A mattress h i» boon added to the hoys* M ILLINERY We ilfti’t think Henry w as i< «ny tlunger, last year. Wo an* really thankful for tho tremes in regard In pruning, s.iys M. Frances E. Willard say*: “Yoor book en­ gymnasium. This will give some of the titled " Buys of the B ib le” i* one tiiat w m s great "inconvenience" to which Franklin ban’s Monthly, one IH! t t,« litu i,'. t to but Ib is timo.'y a n n o u n c c m c n t fh.it he is timid ones more courage— hence the dan­ to me helpful that 1 am going to scad it to and ltciitly have I mh - ii put since their ct eilt ami slosh on iv TV Ol ix a -io n ; t.> U V not a enti lid a te will ho a great reli.if lo ger h all tin* more. a conple of admirable little fellow*, one of M R S . M . E. 3 A L O W I N Nt'VUEKO, O regon . whom i* my nnmerake. I am an re they will forts to establish a ‘'business” in our their own motto, "whenever the pruning h I hmi I a hundred other fellows n ini bave S rue of the trash has been removed it secured a r«»om iu the b'.uk building and he better men for the iwulinp and »tody o f w ili have a sl.vk of thi» unique and helpful Ixn k. ' midst have been thwarted Board at tho knii'o is sharp." and tin* other w. il l cut n ot g e n e h o u le to tlin n e r sin ,-e l'ie v e !a m i from the ampo*. There i* still room for i Al l M lld .I M KY expense of the county may he welcome not at all. I nit leave everything to Datore, was elet teti, for fear tlia t thè ) ' ’pi ­ the i p w | \% >rk. Large t'ctavo, handsomely boned in cloth. Next w , ek 1 he Pressm.ikin«’ lb part me at w 111 Price, $1.75. n o n e ! leso s ig h t e f tliein.— Rep. iter. for a short tim e to a follow who wants to In the management nf tu apple orci tard Wyandottes a Specialty. be c o n d u c e d by What has k v une of the f*»ot hell ? Extra inducement* offered to energetic live without work, hut a long drawn out pruning is essential : all the w. k s h o o ts , Wo aro an'ht'r ' l e v Jtidge «ì t l hwi v t*men. Addrem M S S . M A T T IE M c D A N IS L , ^ une very interesting meetings h ive T in - U - t a t i.l m . v t ( v i t u l a r h r r t il experience ol this kind must bo lasping tilos,, w Iti ir tu i towiihtlraw bis ram e fioin thè lisi et h.vn he'd ir' one t f th e class rooms up • Ka is.« city. M >. Y u .ire rc-p -etfully F. C. 8MEDLF.Y CO., ' r *-»«• -it -2 ¡» r si ttiitg o f 15. on the nerves. icu ia Qvi of auyiti h arin el fo use, wl posb'flitV a- pirants. X » inducetneu! o:i P O S T O FFIC E D R U G STORE NEWBERG GRAPHIC. Popular Patent and Family Medicines H A D L E Y , H U N T & CO. First Class Drain T u a la tin Tile. TST u r se r y , MITCHELL & CLARK, NTERPRISE SAWMILL. H, F. ONG, Salesman. ARLINGTON HOTEL. & 0 FEW SUCCESSFUL BOOKS. "’¡Li & Meat Market, i A PECÆ i BAD B0Y New Meat Market. C U R S BOYS OF THE BIBLE '“ ifi shiir# of ate. s«>uic thing? w*ll not boar œf;Porkor Poultry Yard § c DGESSMAKIHC I "0 Wabnsk Are., C kicaoo , I l l T '« " « U D r M S d r w , s. Hobson. I