NEWBERG GRAPHIC NEWBERG GRAPHIC. A I W F . R T I * ! '* « » One Column H alf Column — Frofessional Cards K llK S s .Twenty Dollars Trn Dollars ........une Dollar NEWBERG GRAPHIC M IH M R IP T IO .1 uno Year &ix Months Three Mouths................. N E W B E R G . Y A M H I L L C O. , O R E G O N , F R I D A Y . V O L . 4. He Kuew. C H U R C H N O TICES. V.1 K 1EN " - CHURCH. HERN H.Kh JkN A K I l 1 Smidav ar 11 \ m and 7 r * and l hur**da> Ht 10 a m . sabbath school t v t v .-umlay at a . m . Montnlv m eeting ar 2 i \ m . the first aat- nrdav In each mouth. «.quarterly m eeting the secoud Saturday and Sunday iu February, .'lay. August and Nor ember. SAMUEL HOBSON, Photographer, A teacher was tellin g her lirtle boys about tem ptation, and showing how it sometimes came in the most a ttra c tiv e attire. She used as an illustration the paw o f a cat. “ N o w ,” said she, “ you have all seen the paw o f a cat. It is a> soft as velvet, isn’t it/’’ “ Y esem ,” from the class. “ A n d you have seen the paw o f a dog/” “ Y esem .” “ W ell, although the cat’s paw seems like velvet, there is, nevertheless, concealed in it something that hurts. W h a t is it/” N o answer. “ The d«>g bites,” said the teacher, “ wheu he is in an ger; but what does the cat do/” “ Scratches,” replied the boy. “ C orrect,” said the teacher, nodding her head approvingly. “ Now , w hat has the cut g o t that the dog hasn't.” “ W hiskers,” said a boy on the hack seat; and the titter that ran around the class brought the lesson to an end. — Y ou n g Catho­ lic. PACIFIC COAST. Inexhaustible Opal Fields Found in* Oregon. NOVEMBER IS. 181)2. E D U C A T IO N A L . Total Revenues of the Public Schools of the United States—Value of All Public-School Property. The first kindergarten in Am erica was established in St. Louis in 1873. It is stated that 204 of the 305 colleges N K \Y It K. K G . O K . in the United States are coeducational. BITTEN BY A CRAZY MAN. Colored students of both sexes are to be admitted into theChloago University. In the University of Michigan there a p t is t c h u r c h — r k g t i a r > k r y i c k are five Chinese students— two girls and first and third Suudaya of the mouth at 11 The Assessed Valuation of Portland three young men. a . m . and 8.00 p. m .; also on fl'th Suuday. morn ing and eveuimr. Sunday school e\ery Sumlay The Ohio school teachers have peti­ at 10 a . m . Prayer m eeting every Wednesday for 1892—Montana Game tioned the Board of Education for the evening at 8:00 o clock. Portraits enlarged to life size and finished iu prompt payment of their salaries. Exterminated. T>KKSHY l'K KIAN CH URCH. — SKRYH KS KV t’ ravon, India Ink or W ater Colors. I ery second and fourth Lord’s day at 11 a . m . The slow progress of the thirty female studio— Upstairs iu Hoskins building. aud 7:80 p . m . Sabbath school every Sunday at students at Y ale is very discouraging. 10 a . M. ___ They have not learned the yell yet. W e i g h t o f t l i c M o on . / 1H R IS T IA N CHURCH.—SERY1PKS KVKRY The applications for admission to the Chinese have been arrested in Tucson P ro fes so r H a rk ness, o f W a sh in g to n , it is 1 second aud fourth Sunday at 10 a . m . ami for selling cigarette * boys under age. Baltimore W om an’ s College are nne- reported» has a rriv e d a t a va lu e fo r th e 7 .80 p. M. Loss Angeles ,'oted to issue $526,000 qualed in the history of tiiat institution. m o o n ’s mttss (w e ig h t ) w h ich d iffe rs c o il* t l H ' I D ’ H - I ’ H A Y F K MKKTISti Lincoln University, the colored college bonds for water works in the hill dis­ tduerabl.v fro m th a t g iv e n in the t e x t books. A DVENTtST every Wedues ay eveninga s»i; hath school | at Lincoln, Chester county, Pa., has re­ H e m ak e* the r a tio o f m oon to ea rth to be tricts. every Saturday at 10 a . m ., services following. —V I A - as oue to ffS.b.’i, w h ile the m ost recent p r e ­ The section about Coquille City, Or., opened with 250 students enrolled. Til RE K METHODIST. PK A Y K R MEETING vious va lu e is one to SIR*', and the figu res o f is greatly excited over the smallpox The number of schoolhouses in the £ every Thursday at 7 ¡0 I*. M Sahbatu school H arkness are n o te w o rth y as a retu rn to | United States is 216,330. The estimated cases at Coquille. every Sunday at 10 a . m . w ard those used b y L aplace and other The assessed valuation of Portland for value of all public-school property is L CHURCH -8 ERV 1« EH E VE RY UNDA\ astronom ers in t he e a rly p a rt o f th is cen t­ 1892 is $45,4(15,732. more than $60,000 $323,505,532. , St 11 A. m . and 7:80 i\ >t Sabbath School u ry .— C h ica g o T rib u n e. at it) a . m . Kpworth League at »> 80 p. m . Piayer Electricity, theoretical aud applied, is less than for 1891. meeting every Thursday evening at , :8(i o clock. H. N. KOUNI S, Pastor. I t is reported the United States engi­ being taught in the evening classes at Ka ^ t I n d i a n s W a n t t h e N e w * . neers favor San Pedro as a harbor several scholastic and similar institu­ T h e p r in tin g press has becom e an esta b ­ tions in Boston. against Santa Monica. lished in s titu tio n a m o n g th e n a tiv es o f S O C IE T Y N O T IC E S . Returns show that about 40 per cent, The Indian Commission lias effected India. N e a r ly boo papers are pu blish ed of the alnmme of Vassar College, New v M.C. A .—DEVOTION a L& EK YiCEH f . \ h li 1 and th e ty p e fo r dailies, w e e k lie s and p a m ­ the purchase of 180,000 acres of land York, marry, moBt of the remainder be- 1 , Sunday at I p . m Young men earnestly from the Siletz Indians in Oregon. ph lets is now set in six te en d iffe r e n t 1 coming teachers. requested to attend. lan gu ages. T h e book t fa d e is a lso said to A t Santa Barbara, Cal., burglars are be prospering. There are now seventy schools for the I V C. T. U.—BUSINESS MEETING IH E 8E< doing a very good business. There have \\ , ond and fourth Tnutvlay in each mouth. been many daring aud successful rob­ deaf and dumb in the United States, and there is also a college for them lo- beries ttie past three months. O. O. F —SESSIONS H E LP ON THURSDAY Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portlaud: FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS j cated at Washington, 1). 0. , eveuings in Hank building. Attachments aggregating $8ti,792 were Of the 1,171 graduates of Harvard in tiled at Helena, Mont., against Russell 1891. FROM F KB. i t \ R SESSIONS HELD FIR8T AND T H IR D B. Harrison’s newspaper, the Helena the classes from 1885 to 1891 inclusive V T . Saturday evening in each month. who expressed their political preferences O v e r la n d E x press . Journal, by three Montana banks. Salem, Albany, Eug­ 712 were Republicans and 305 Demo­ \ \ - R. C.—MEETS FIRST AND T lllR l) SAI ene, Roseb’g. Grant's Turnkey Howard French of the peni­ \\ , urday afu-nioon til rarh mouth. crats. Pass, Medford. Ash­ tentiary at Boise, Idaho, was severely land, Sacramento,Og- The University of Pennsylvania has OF V.—M IE TO KVKRY SATU RD AY EVEN- bitten by a madman, and there are some I den, San Francisco, i lug. Mojave, Los Angeles. apprehensions as toth eeffectof the bite. this year 1,704 students, which makes it fourth in the list of great educational I El Paso,New Orleans, Steamboats ascending the Yam hill institutions. The three greater are Yale, n r. w. -M EETS EV ER Y H BSD A Y I V EN t and East.................. , ing at 8 p. m . iu Armory Hall. *8:80 A. M Roseberg Sc way stations *4:30 p. m . river is expected to be a welcome sigtit Harvard and Michigan Universities. (V ia Woodburn fo r] - I S TH E LINK TO TA K E again during the winter. Obstructions j Mt. Angel, Sil verton, l ♦ 4:80 p. M. Queen Margaret’s College is the only ♦8:30 A. M I West Scio. Browns I in the river in Oregon are being rapidly O F F IC IA L D IR E C T O R Y . college for women in Scotland that fits removed. L ville and Coburg..... J them for university degrees. It was ♦5:00 P. M Albany and way stations U0:80 a . m . I t is claimed that the Cree Indians founded about fifteen years ago, and lias ♦7:80 a . M Corvallis »fc way stations ♦ 5:80 p . m . City o f N e w berg. have during the past summer completely 200 students in art, science and medi­ ♦4:40 P. M M cM innville <& way sta’ s 48:20 a . m . ..O. C. Emery exterminated the game in Big Hole cine. Mayor ..................... D in in g Cara on O g d e n K n u te . K. H. Howard Ricordar ' River V aliev in Montana, a region which J. J. Woods Marshal .......... Kansas has a permanent State school ! form erly abounded with game of ail Moles \ «ta w Treasu rer............ fund of $5,900,090, which draws interest .......A. C. fo x kinds. Street Commissioner.. at an average rate of 0 per cent. The ....Miles Reece It is the dining car route. Through vestibule Surveyor ................... P U L I.M A N B U F F E T S I.F K P K K S . R. C. Brown and George \V. Brown, semi-annual dividend from this school trains every day in the year. C'Ol'Nt II.MKN. newspaper men at Tucson, have been fond for the past two years is $1,000,- » B. C. Miles fined and imprisoned for making an at­ 514.04. First W ard • i « u l Mai > Second-Class Sleeping Cars •O ' K. Moore tack on the court and jury, which had Second Ward The total revenues of ttie public schools |(i. !.. Stabler For accommodation o f passengers holding sec­ found indictments against them for ond-class tickets attached to all train«. \ K. II. U ib le r of the United States are: From perma­ crim inal libel. Th ird Ward . ÌJ. 1) Carter nent endowments, $9,825,127; from The Bradstreet mercantile agency re­ taxes. State, $25,177,007; local, $88,328,- ports fourteen failures in the Pacific 385— $113,506,412; from other sources, Through ticket office, 134 First street, where P R O F E S S IO N A L C AR D S. through tickets to all points in the Eastern (N o change o f cars), com pose« 1 « f dining cars Coast States and Territories for the past States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at unsHrpas«ed Pullman drawing room sleepers week, as compared with nineteen for the $8,794,431. Total revenue, $135,125,010. lowest rates from J. B. K IR K L A N D , of latest equipment; tourist sleeping cars, best The Board of Education of Detroit, Ticket Agent. that can be constructed and in which accommo­ previous week and thirteen for the cor­ Mich., has decided tiiat hereafter teach­ g . M c C o n n e l l , m . d .. All above trains arrive and depart from Grand dations are both free and furnished for holders responding week of 1891. \ ers iu its public schools must have re­ Central station, Fifth and I streets. of first or second-class tickets, and elegant day The Northern Pacific’s steamer Zam­ ceived their entire education within the coaches. N A R R O W G A U O F .- I V . S. D I V I S I O N w ill probably Lave to take public and high schools of Detroit. Not Comkiiuous line connecting with all lines af- besi fording(direct and uuintcrruuted service. hack to Ch’ na ihirt < ( i'hineae who only this, but their right to teach there — AND — N K W B K R G . OK. Pullman sleeper reservations can be secured were refused pi At Port Town- is forfeited if they attend a university P o r t la n d and W i l l a m e t t e V a lle y R a ilw a y in advance through any agent «»f the road. Office on First *tr«*et. A ll calls promptly at send because their certificates did not afterward. tended to day or night. Diseases of women and Passenger depot foot of Jefferson street. have photographs attached as required children a specialty. Three hundred and fifty-two thousand by law. Most of them w ire bound for »7 20 i M I t6:30 a . M. two hundred and thirty-one teachers are Portland. ♦8:80 a . M. ♦ 12:15 p. m . H. J . LITTLEFIELD, employed in the public schools of the H 80 i*. M ♦ 1:55 p. m Oswego A; way st ti’s D n ilP U T IP lfC T Q T<> and from all points A prospector in Eastei u Oregon re- United States. This would give an av­ » 10 P. M. T I U ♦5:15 p. M. nnUUun I I u IV l IO in \> m i ♦6:20 p. m . ami Europe can be purchased at any ticket o f­ ntly found an opal field which appears ♦6:30 p. M. erage of nearly thirty-five pupils to each ♦7 40 p. M ♦8:35 p. M to i e inexhaustable. Among the speci­ fice o f this company. teacher. Deducting for county and city [ Oswego, Newberg, 1 N e w b e r g , Or. mens which he brought to Pendleton J Dundee, Dayton, La- I ♦3:20 p . M. superintendents, say 60,000, would give *9:40 a . M 1 fayette, were some beautiful black fire opals. Sheridan, 1 an average of forty pupils for each l Monmouth 61 A irlie. J Am ethyst and agate have alBO been Office In building occupied by the late Dr. teacher. Of these teachers 227,200 are ♦4:80 p. ii . Sheridan 61 way stations ♦9 :80 a . m foun 1 there, and the mine promises to Carman, on Main street. Full information concerning rites», time of females, and 125,000 are males. The ♦Daily. ♦Daily, except Sunday. become an important one. trains, routes« and other details furnished on average wages are for males $42.43; for Ferries connect with all trains for Sellwoo»l application to am a?ent, or DR. HAROLD CLARK, One of tiie cases that will come up be- femaleB, $34.27 per month. and Milwaukie. R. KOEHLER. Manager. A. I). CH ARLTO N, E. P. ROGERS, Asst. Geu. F. A P. Agt., Polt Assistant General Passcuger Agent, Portland fo e the present session of the United land, Or. States Supreme Court from Oregon will i>e that of the Eastern Oregon Gold Min­ P E R S O N A L M EN TIO N . N K W B K K G , OK. ing Company, plaintiffs, represented by John Mullen and F. V . Drake, attorneys, Gobi fillin g a specialty. Gas or vitalized air given in extracting teeth. All work warranted, vs. C. 8. M iller. This suit involves some A Bug That Will Probably Destroy the office—Near postoffice, on First street. }f the best m ining property in Eastern Pine Tree Beetle in W est Vir­ Jregon, located in the famous Green- g in ia -O th e r Items. NEW BERC, ORECON. JOHN YOUNGER, uorn Mountains. Mr. M iller has thus far been victorious. N e w b erg , O regon, Hudyard K ipling has reconsiderd, and J. D. T A R R A N T & S O N , P r o p rie to rs . Recently the Oregon Board of Rail- - 1 8 PR EPAR ED TO R E P A I R - -oad Commissioners heard the case of will not settle down in this country. — i W a t c h e s « a n d » C l o c k s $— W. E. Louglim iller & Co. of Silverton Emanuel Lasker, the chess expert, the Having recently equipped our mill with new and improved ma­ vs. the Southern Pacific Company for other In a workmanlike manner. Satisfaction guar­ day played five simultaneous anteed. In M. Hales’ shoe shop on First street. chinery, we are now prepared to manufacture the liont grade of Hour hv )verchargeand shortage, and found them games of chess, blindfolded, and won Thirty-five years’ expert« nee. sntitled to a rebate of $28.30. The rail­ them in an hour and a half. ¡the Fl i t. RO LLER PROCESS. road company was given notice of this, John L. Davenport was appointed su­ Cash paid for wheat. Feed ground Saturdays. hut lias as yet failed to pay complainants perintendent of elections in New York DR. CORNELL, the amount found to he due them. twenty years ago, Horace Greeley hav­ Louglim iller A (Jo. now ask the commis­ Veterinary • Physician * and • Surgeon. ing recommended his appointment. sion to bring suit against the railroad The Scotch Earl of Crawford and Bal- Newbei k • Dr., company to recover the over charge. rarres is visiting New York incog. He W ill prescribe for and treat sick or lame horse* 1 The State Board of Railroad Commis­ is a tall, stout, fine-looking man, with a ami cattle, ( alls promptly answered day or i sioners is now engaged in the compila­ brogue nearly as broad as himself. He night. Office at Rogers' livery stable, Sheridan j tion of tables showing the average as­ is coining West to hunt. street. N ew berg , O rego n . sessed valuation of ail railroads in Ore­ Most men whose name is McLeod pro­ gon and other States, which will include DR. E. J . YOUNG. all personal and real property belonging nounce it “ Mac-cloud ;” but the ener­ to said roads. The average assessed val­ getic President of the Heading road, ac­ uation of all railroads in Oregon for 1391 cording to ttie Boston Advertiter, prefers V e t e r in a r y v S u r g e o n , is $16,050.84 per mile, including swamp " Mac-Teed ” for himself. Drs. Kubners and Vernicke of Ham­ lands, city and town lots and all per­ sonal and real property lielonging to the burg, who have been experim enting to N E W HERO, OK. roads. There are 1,328.84 miles of rail­ see if cholera germs can De transmitted roads in Oregon, and the aggregate val­ to tobacco, claim to have demonstrated The treatment of horses a specialty, ( al « «t , that tobacco smoke is sure death to the uation is $210,320,169. tenda i w Ith t rompine*« ] C. K. Brinkley, a well-known capital­ bacilli. ist of Los Angeles, who caused the ar­ Prof. A. D. Hopkins of the W est V ir­ R am sey , rest of his quondam bosom triend, ginia experim ent station has arrived Excellent opportunity for good work. Claude H ill, has tiled a second complaint from Europe with a hug, which, he Board and lodging. #3 ' ' per week. against H ill charging him with embez thinks, w ill destroy the pine-tree beetle All other expenses very low. House YandY Sign 7 Painter, clement of $300 w h idi Brinkley had sent that has so greatly damaged the West If you want to teach; if you want to take a business course; ii him to pay for some furniture. Hill 1 Virginia forests. NR W H EK O , OK. was picked up some months ago by vou want to review or take advanced work, we can suit you. Adjutant-General Douglas of M ary­ Brinkley, who took pity on him, as ho Houses painted in the latest TINT:- Paper­ Send for catalogue or come and see for vourself. land has received from Dr. H. Seaman hanging. graining, staining and bard oil finis'! was poverty-stricken, and has since csred of Philadelphia the map used by Gen­ THuMAS NEWLIN. President. for him. The result was H ill spent all D o n e by D a y n r C o n tra c t. eral Stonewall Jackson in the civil war of Brinkley’s money tl at he could get from the time of the battles with Pope Shop on Main street. hold of, and is accused of being the to the battle of Fredericksburg. means of breaking up his home. Senator Gorman, who has usually en­ ! J. C. H ill, a well-known mining man C u m m in s , of VVeiser, accompanied by a party of tertained a good deal at his home on Khode Island avenue in Washington in several gentlemen, Colorado capitalists, is now engaged in prospecting the bars the winter time, w ill not reopen the on Snake river, be ow Huntington, for house this coming season, but occupy apartments in s hotel—the Portland. tine gold placers. Mr. H ill has alread N K1TH KR G , DR. V located his party on 320 acres of gold The list of musical prodigies in Boston d NEWBERG, ORECON. tiearing lands, and it is the intention of at present includes s young Cherokee /’all on its if von want a good well st a reason the company to employ in the working fan girl, who is said to be remarkably P * able figure Having had long experience, we She expects to return to $ 30.000 of their mines a new machine, particu­ accomplished. guarantee good work. Price for boring and put­ C a p i t a l Stock larly constructed for the saving of fine the Indian Territory when her education ting in wall. 30 cent* per foot. gold. Mr. H ill says the new device will is completed as s teacher of her tribe. President handle and save the gold from ninety- .JESSE EDWARDS ...................... ............................ It is said that the weeping willows of ---- A T THF.---- Vice-President sight cubic yards of dirt and gravel per America all sprang from a slip sent over B. C. M ILES.................................................. .................... by Alexander Pope from England. The . < .'ashier boor. MOSES VOTAW ............................................................. It is poeeihle that the seven-mile ditch statement has the same proof as hai the ip at Fort Klamath w 11 not only irrigate claim that all the cherry wood is pro­ vast grain fields, hut also grind the corn. duced by grafts from the original Wash­ Directors—Jesse Edward», B. C. Miles, F. A. Morris, J . (.'. Colcord, It is now about six miles long, and will ington cherry tree. May be found at ail time* * full a*sorment of g-H>l m arketable E. II. Woodward. •a-ry 6,000 inches of water when com ­ the composer, has set his heart Certificates of deposit issued payable on demand. Exchange 1 » night pleted. As all the grading and scraping on Verdi, having the great French baritone, will be completed this fall and early in and sold. Good notes discounted. Dejtoxits received subject to check Manrel, for the leading role in his new the spring, nothing will be left by next at »ight. and a general hanking business transacted. Collections made May but to clean it out. The fall of opera, “ Falstaff.” But it is reported in Home that Signor Ricordi, the publisher, o n all accessible points in the t'nited States and Canada. water is about ten feet to the mile, and All orders promptly attended to and sat!»/« who was delegated to conduct the nec- Correspondents—Ladd & Tilton. Portland; National Park Bans, at about a m ile from the head of the eessry guaranteed negotiations, finds that the ditch is a very convenient millaite, with v - ___ V . . L Frenchman will charge a fabulous price N»*w Y'>rk. plenty of fine timber cloee at ’hand. Oue door west of Monis. Mi'es A < • new sto Strangers visiting the city are invited to eall at the hank for infor­ There is but little doubt that a flouring for hie services, and it does not seem on First street. 1 practicable to agree to the terms de- mation concerning the city. mill will rise up at that point in the I mended. In consequence Verdi is said , near future. C rrespondenco invited to be much depressed in epirits. J. «. K i K L K * «D N * i n iV G R LB \! • < HUR< H. PKE M KING f j service at the Kvangelical rhur-h every Sunday at 10 a . m . and 7 4 > r. M.,**x«-».*pt the fourth Sunday of everv month. Sabbath school e\ery Sunday at 11 a .’ m . Prayer meeting Thursday at 7 45 p* M AH are cordially invited to attend these services. Portrait and Landscape Artist. B EAST AND SOUTH Southern Pacific Route. M °^(89>4C; eva;iorated apricots, The droulii in Maryland compels farm ­ 15(816« 1 peaches, 12(816c; pears, 7(86u ers in many sections to haul water from per pound. a distance tor their stock. C ovkks —Costa Rica, 21 t*c; Rio, 20Sjc; Dun’s Review notes more active bus!' Salvador, 20c; Mocha, 2 7 (830c; Java, ness conditions than for any previous 27>k(830c; Arbuckle’a 100-pound cases, 23 17-20o per pound. ante-presidential election. B ia n s — Small white, 34^c; pink, 3c; The Supreme Court of Missouri has decided that oliicial notices published in bayos. 3«8c; butter, 8**c; Innas, J ^ c per pound. Sunday papers are not legal. S ybup — Eastern, in barrels, 40(855c; There is a severe drouth in some sec­ half-barrels, 42> v C8671 iic ; in cases, 36(8 tions of New York State. W ater is very 80c per gallon ; $2.25 per keg. California scarce in a half dozen counties. in barrels, 20(840c per gallon ; $1.75 per The postmaster of a Georgia town lias keg. resigned because t here was so much S ugar — Net prices: D. a HJ c ; Golden O, blackmail connected with the business. 4A*c; extra O, 4?«c; Magnolia A, 4 jt c; A bridge that spans Cattaraugus creek granulated, 6«-4c ; cube crushed and pow­ near Springvilie, Western New Y ork, dered. 67,c ; couiectioners’ A, 6Jxc per touches (our different towns and two pound ; maple sugar, 15(3 l,:c per pound. C anned G oods — T able fruits, assorted counties. A negro digging op his farm in Jdberty quoted $1.76(82.00; peaches, $1.85(82.10; Bartlett pears,$t;75ti52.00; phnns,$1.3744 county, Ga., recently fonnd an iron pot (81.60; strawberries, $2.25(82.40; cher­ containing $4,000 in old French and ries, $2.25(82.40; black berries, $1.85® Spanish stiver coins. 2; raspberries, $2.40-, pineapples, $2.25(8 Sang Kee, a Chinese government of­ 2.80; apricots, $1.65(82.00. Pie fru its: ficial, has arrived in Ottawa to make an Assorted. $1.20; peaches, $1.25; plums, investigation into the character and $1.10(81.20; blackberries, $1.25(81.40 per scope of the Dominion laws regarding doxen. Pie fruits, gallons — Assorted, the Chinese. $3 25(83.50; peaches, $3.50®4.00; apri­ l> uplete statistics of the great fire at cots, $3.50(84.00; plums, $2.75®3.00; St. Johns. N. F , Iiave just been issued. black berries, $4.00® 4.50. Vegetables: Tli number of houses destroyed was corn, $1.40(81.85; tomatoes, 95c(8$1.00; 1,‘ 74 anil the total ntimliers of persons sugar peas, 95c(8$L0O; string beans, 90® 95c per dozen. Meats: Corned beef, Is, b trued out 10,234. A company lias been incorporated in $1.25; 2s, $1.86®2.00; chipped beef, Chicago with $6,000,000 capital to manu­ $2.10; lunch tongue, is, $3.10; 2s, $5.50; facture a new long-distance telephone, deviled ham, $1.50®2.76 per doxen. which, it is claimed, w ill be effective on Fish: Sardines, !^s, 76c®$2.25; *^8, $2.15(84 00; lobsters, $2.30®3.50; salm­ 3,000-rnile circuits. on, tin 1-lb.tails,$1.26(81.50; flats, $1.75; Although the total insurance on M il­ 2 lbs., $2.25®2.50; % bbl., $5.50. waukee property lately destroyed by fire w s h over $2,(XX),000, only two companies, M lH «lU n «o a i. so far as reported, will have to Dear a N aur — Base quotations: Iron, >2 75; loss of over $100,000. steel, $2.85; wire, $3.00 per keg During the past rainy spell at Ann I bon — Bar, 2Jic per pound; pig iron, Arbor, Mich., the girls appeared on the $24(827 per ton. street in Jenness M iller’s “ rainy-day ” S teel — 10J4c per pound. dress. The skirt reaches half-way from T in — I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qual­ the knee to the ankle. ity, $8.26®8.76 per box ; for crosses, $2 The executors of John Roach, the extra per b o x ; roofing, 14x20, prime ship builder, will receive from his as­ quality, $6.024*@6.75 per box ; l.C . coke signees, George W. Quintsrd and George plates, 14x20, prime quality, $7.50®8.00 K. Weed, about $2,000,000, the surplus per box. N av al S tores — Oakum, $4.50®5 per of his assigned estate. The IMant Improvement Company at bale; roein, $4.80@5 per480pounds ; tar, Port Tampa, Fla., lias commenced the Stockholm, $13.00; Carolina, $9.00 per gigantic undertaking of dredging a large barrel; pitch, $6.00 per barrel; turpen­ basin where twenty large shipe can be tine, 65c per gallon in carload lots. L ead — 4$%c per pound; bar, 6)4c. loaded at once from elevated tracks. S hot — $1.80 per sack. New York will have to raise by taxa­ H ohskbhoeb — $5. tion for the expenses of the coming year $33,771,008. The various departments Hides, Wool and Hops. asked for a total of $.‘<9,062,517, but this H ides — Dry hides, selected prime, 7)4 was cut down by the Board of Estimate. (8He ; 14*c lees lor culls; green, selected, W h ittier’s homestead is now owned by over 56 pounds. 4c; under 65 pounds, 3c; a retired merchant of H averhill, who is sheep pelts, aliort wool, 30@50c; me­ willing to sell the estate on condition dium, 60®H0c; long, 90c®$1.25; shear­ that it shall be properly and perma­ ings, 10@20c; tallow, good to choice, 3 nently cared for as a memorial of the @34*c per pound. W ool — Umpqua Valley, 16®10c; fall poet. The Pennsylvania road will experi­ clip, 13®16)4c; W illam ette Valley, 15® ment with lighting its tracks by elec­ 18c, according to q u a lity; Eastern Ore­ tricity from Philadelphia to Bryn Mawr. gon, 10® 16c per pound, according to If a success, the tracks w ill be lighted to condition. H ors— 19@21c, according to condition. New York and locomotive headlights dispensed with. The suits for $20,(XX) each against Gov­ ernor Francis snd others, filed by three of the men arrested at Forsythe, Mo., for participation in the murder of Deputy Sheriff W illiams in Taney county, have been dismissed. The United States Supreme Court has advanced to the second Monday in Jan- nary the date for hearing the case of Prosser vs. the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, involving the title to a large tract o f water front in the State of Wash­ ington. The “ trust” distilleries of Peoria, III., have lieeu buying corn in enormous quantities lately, snd many of them have largely increased their output. Ttie trust has also started up some of its Cincinnati distilleries which have long been idle. It is reported at San Antonio, Tex., tiiat O. P. Huntington, President of the Southern Pacific, has completed the pur­ chase of an iron mine and extensive s'eel works at Durango, Mexico. This wilt he the lar/est Iron works on the American continent, controlling not only the output of New Mexioo, but of the entire Southwest. There will be a change in the Rear Adm iral’s station at San Francisco Jan- ir»rv 1 next. Rear Admiral Brown will )"- detached from command of the Pa- c station, lie will probably take command at the Mare Island yard. Rear Admiral Irw in, who is commandant at M *re Island, will he ordered to the com- maad of the Pacific station. The Meal Market. Bsxr— l i v e , l«-«@ 2 U c ; dressed, 4)4 •5 c. M u t to r — Live, 3«4@3)4®; dressed, 6c; lam be, live, 314 @ 3 1* c ; dressed, 8c. H ogs — Live, 4)4c; dressed, 5)4c. V sal — 4®6c per pound. S m o ked M kats — Large ham, 1 3 )4 ® 14«4c; mediumham,1481444c; breakfast bacon. 14® 16c; short clear sides, 11 )4® 13c; ary salt sides, l l ( 8 U '* c p«r pound. L a r d — Corn pound, in tins, 9 '*c ; pare. In tins, 13® 13)ic; Oregon, 114.4(8 1314 0 per pound. B if f * B s fc ln v . Burlaps, 8-os., 40-inch, net cash, 6c; burlaps, 10-os., 40-inch, not cash, 7c; burlaps, 12-oi., 45-inch, 7)4c; burlaps, 15-os., 60-inch, l i k e ; burlaps, 20-os., 76- inch, 14c. Wheat bags, Calcutta, 23x36, spot, 6c; «ro-bushel oat bags, 6%c. f a h i »* O v e r w it h t h r C o n q n « r o r . Mr*. Michigan A v p iim (of Chicago>—I would like yon to engrave my coat of arm« on the hph I of this ring. .Jeweler — Ye*, madam. What doe* II consist of* Mrs. Michigan Avenue— Ah! I leave the selection entirely to you; only put a lot of lions in it and a charming dragon or two. —Jewelers' Circular. It* Wsxtwiinl ProgroftA. An enthusiasm in Boston heconiee a style In New York, the proper thin < in Phila­ delphia, an nathetic delight in Oinclnnatl, the go in Chi* ago, a fad in St. I>ouU, and dies away as a erase In San Frands«*.— Munwj* i