O Ü E 'ioN I VN R AILW A Y TIME TABLE. N orth. A p ril 1, i v jl. Go to W. T. Macy'i for carpet. ¿ouch. Lv. N ewborg. 7 ' • a. m ; Lv. Rortland, 9:40 a. m Ar. PortU nü, -0 a m. Ar. New 12:1'» p.ia. Lv. Nc v ber*,* 1J -T» p ut. Lv. i'urtiaud, 4 :■o •,* in. Ar. PortU ud, J:2op.ia. , Ar. Newberg, 0:05 p.m . Passenger aud Freight Kates to all poiuts. ca n bo obtaiued from l . B. FHISSELL, Agent New berg. Go to Storey for Pumps. Save money by buying Flour an j Feed of Calkins'. Buy youi May of Calkins’. Our Stock of Diy C-oods We keep a complete line o f Pictures! Pictures! at Macy'e. limn Is up to the demands. For a tirst claas t-have or bair*cut go to and see 'em. J. L. Mvers. \Yo keep a Dice line of Sheridan tionr, host in tho uiar ket at New winter suits arriv ing d illy at Kay Calkins' feed store. M E N ’S» F U R N IS H IN G GOODS, tx Todd’s. For all tinning, plumbing and repair­ Mis. Votaw lias returned from her visit ing go to F. II. Storey. NO TIO N S, ETC. Local Events. to Willowa county. A. C. Cox wants vonr liuttor and eggs A new hue of Coats and Mackentoshss in exchange for grocori's. ! at Kay & Todd’s. Go to W. T. Macy's (or furniture. J. T. Smith lias just stocked up fur the Storey handles Jlio largest assortment fail and winter trade. Better see him. Call at Hill’s barber shop aiul take a of l’uiups in the city. hath. J. B. Mount furnisher! the trade with Largest RELIABLE G R O C E R IE S , Woodenwure, Qtieenaware, Etc. T E A S A S P E C IA L T Y . Highest price for Produce. Stock.; Goods. The bo.»t cook stove for the price is stoves and hardware. Satisfaction guar­ Try VVheat'ets for Breakfast, 25c. sack found at J. if. Townsend’s. anteed. at Calkins’. W a s t e d : —A few Oregon maple trees, Piano for silc at a bargain and Millinery and uusMiiuking in the suitable for street planting, at this otlice. must lie sold. Call and see it. bank building. W a n t e d : —Some dry oak wood iu ex Du 8 . N. Be e g e x . I’ipe fittings, threading anti cutting Found two keys. Owner can have from quarter inch up at Frank Storey's. j change for Milliner goods. Mrs. M. F.. i Baldwin, in the bank building. sanio by calling ami paying for this A good tive-roora house and four lots All kinds of dressed lumber of No. 1, notice. for sale at a bargain. Call at this office. | No. 2 and No. 3 grades, direct from l ’ort- Boys and young men are cordially in­ Have you been to see .Mrs. M. la. Bald­ land at the Depot Lumber Yard. vited to the Y. M. C. A. rooms, which win’s nice stock of Fail Millinery iu the 40 acres good fruit land, 10 acres in cul- will ho lighted ami warmed every even­ bank building? I tbatiun. 2 miles east of Newberg. ing after this week. A very nice and select line o f Say! You had better see J. T. Smith’s The most complete stock o f Price *2,300 on easy terms. 1*. G a u d . Martin Cook, Mrs. 15. C. Miles and Mrs. new stock of goods before you make j our We will compare prices, quality of J. J. Jessup drove overland to Salem last fall purchases. goods considered, with any house in the Tuesday, in a big wagon, taking a load of Ying Kce has leased Sam ICee’s wash household goods for Mrs. E. 1!. Miles. valley. Couio and bo convinced. For Men, W om en and Children, ---- »UiJiV** house, and is prepared to do laundry Has just arrived. They are in K ay & T odd . Dr. P. A. Sk inner, of Texarkana, Ark., tvoik in first class style. t4 is to lie found in our store, During tlie mouth of October there is an enthusiast in the praise of Chamber- tlie Latest Styles o f This Year. •> . - and we take pleasure in calling your Sea-moss and Oregon coast bouquets were shipped from Newberg, 19 cars of lain’« Pain Balm. He used it for rheu­ especial attention to lliis.fuut. W o invite your inspection. made by Dolphins Ellis the invalid, fur! wood, 30 cars of wheat and 1 of tile. The matism, and says: “ I found it to be a sale at J. T. Smith's store. sale of tickets fur the month amounted to most excellent local remedy.” For sale Mr. Staubrough’s house on Mill street j *548.02. Bor the same month of last by C. I'. Moore & Co. F o r Hale. the hearts o f nil present. The singing is now enclosed. It shows up in good j year *433.51, being a gain of *04.51. Y NEW BBOOM SWEEPS CLEAN, AND Mrs. I,. Daniel, who lias kept tlie 4ti acres of choice fruit land, 15 acres and vocal prayers made were very ap­ ehapo and will be a credit to Newberg. j W e ftre ploMe<1 to announeo that we mountain house on tiie Tillamook road propriate to the occasion—and tlicclos- cleared. 1,000 fruit trees and small Alien S. Craven of Middleton, was in , have |mve received an elegant line of o f Jack- for tlie past two or three years, is con­ fruit. Good house and barn, 2 miles from i ing scene with so m any crow ding around to hid them “ G oodby,” or town last Monday, lie was up after | eta cts in t h is ye th s Y E a A r R ’ s S style. These Jack- templating renting a house in Newberg Newberg. For particulars call at New­ | “ God bo with y ou ,’ ’ reminded tlie! some tine sheep he was getting of Lon j cts are made up with cure and skill and moving here in order to give her berg Nursery or address A. B. Cooper, writer o f a stanza from one o f E n g­ Is the best J'I hco in town to cot vou r work (Tone. All kinds of T inw ork, such ns Roofing, Spout* in;; and Ueueritl R epairing, neatly aiul prom ptly (lone. Price* reasonable. Hadley. land's greatest poets, as being in the and will please the most artistic taste. children tho advantages of tlie schools. Newlierg, Oregon. Ft it NT S tkkkt , hearts o f all present. Nearly opposite Dayton road* War is still on regarding tha road be­ M ounts, M inus & Co. Probably (he Choicest line of Ladies’ "F a re w e ll! if ever fondest prayer Notice» t o T a x p a y e r « . tween the Lafe Hall ami Hess places and Don't forget to attend the entertain- Suitings, Broadcloths, etc., can be found For others weal availed on liigli, Notice is hereby given that all taxes of tlie matter will probably not be settled j incut at Armory hall on next Wednesday with the undersigned. Also Hie most Ours, shall not all be lost iu air FEKNSWA RE. OLASSW ARK. But waft your nam es b eyon d the sk y ," before next term of court. j evening to be given by the members of complete assortment of Dress Goods, from the city of Newlierg for the j-ear 1892, Miss Lu'.a Trtieblood, daughter of Ed. i the Young People's Union Society of tho cheapest Alpaca to brocaded Bedfords. | will be delinquent after Nov. 10, 1892, tail'll * K O( ì II A .11 lit IIS nio ns Trueblood, who lias been with ltusscll & I Christian Endeavor. These young [>eo Examination kindly asked. M. M. & Co. i and all taxes unpaid at that time will he >1CK a t MEAL \O LLK D OATS of tlie ’ cullectc4 “ s provided for by law. O f the Quarterly M eeting o f Friends Co., of Portland, for four or live years, j pie are engaged in a noble work an 1 they At the regular business meeting J. J. W o o d s . Church to he held at Newberg, Or., will enter the college next week. j deserve a full house. Y. M. C. A. la*t Tuesday evening it was E\V RKIUt. OK KO ON. N ov. 11, 12 and 13, 1892. W e a th e r Report. Vantross has been rounding up the odd | The ladies o f Newberg and country decided to furnish a new supply of read­ FRIDAY, ocr. 11. jobs of wood sawing this week. Fin runs are cordially invited to examine o « r ing material for tlie reading rooms, also W h i n f e m ., N k w b k h o , Or., October 1892. the engine while Harvey Haworth, Leo stock o f Jackets just received direct a number of games for pastime in the Elevation above sea level............. 490 it. 2 p .m . Meeting o f Ministry and O v­ ersight. and Carl .Stanley have been handling the from Chicago, and we assure them that room adjoining, and keep tho rooms Mean temperature..............................54 7° 7 p. ill. Bible School Conference. Maximum temperature...................... 79.7° lighted and warmed every evening except wood. the styles arc the latest and o f good Devotional Exercises by the Presi­ date.................................................. • > Sunday evening hereafter. Ail are invit­ dent. M ourns, M i i . e s & Co. Wo are informed that Miss Sanders, quality. Minimum temperature...................... 35.1° 7:10 The Bible and the Home, Rev. Is «till here with a large stock of who went back to Illinois a short time date.............................................. . 22nd. Although everybody thought tho grain ed to drop in and pass a pleasant hour. James Price, Newlierg. List of uncalled tor letters lying in tlie Mean of maximum temperature. .04 1° 7:25 Discussion opened by Ella Muey. ago, was married on her arrival there, to crop would be far short of tlie usual yield , .. 45.3° ■* minimum “ a brother of Frank Elliott. Frank’s fath­ this year, George Christenson informs us post office at Newberg, Or., at tlie end of No. tiroes maximum temperature 90° or 7:35 Mission Schools and How to Con­ duct Them , Lizzie W hite, Portland. er is alllicted with a cancer and will only that lie has received at tho warehouse ! tho month of October: aliove............................................ ..........0 7:50 Discussion opened by Prof. T. DeBoer, No. times minimum temperature 32° or live a slioit time, if lie is yet alive. 40.000 bushels of wheat, 8,000 of oats utul I 1 izzie I. Brown, Vance, Newlierg. Eva Christenson M. K. Cady, ..........0 below............................................. 8 p. in. Reports o f Sunday Schools, A big kiln has baen put up at the 2.000 of barley, making 50,000 bushels in j Andrew Groff, \V. Grover, Lumbermen’s Supplies, 2£tc. .2.59 in. Total precipitation ......... — G. W . M itchell, Newberg. J. \V. Moon, S Mann, pressed brick works this week, tlie walls all. Not a bad showing for an off year. ........... n Prevailing direction of wind......... 8:15 Remarks. Bank B uilding. J B N. I. Neenly, Mrs Bose Miller, of which contain 60,000 brick. Tlie Ladies of tlie W. C. T. U. will please ; No. of cloudless days...................... ..........18 8:25 Deserters and How to Capture Maud Smith, Otta Bobertson, A g e n t for C nrlnnd a n d O r o g o n S to v e s . Welch hoys and another fellow, (three note tlie change in tlie time of meeting to Them, John Bees. ........... 1 No. of partly cloudy days............... C. F. Smith, Geo Schmitt, ......... 18 8:35 Discussion, Mrs. Dr. Mills, D un­ No. of cloudy days ............... ........ men,) laid them in the wall in five days. Wednesday’s at 2 o ’clock p. m. The next J. H. Stewart, C’ tara Speaks, dee. No. of davs oil which .01 of rain or snow W II. Taft. Anotiier kiln of brick is being burned meeting will lie held iu the Y. M. C. A. A. T. H i m ., P. M. fell.................................................. .. .13 8:50 Declamation, Abide Miles, this week. rooms Wednesday, Nov. 9th, at 2 o ’clock it p. in. Adjournment. E d m i n d R o b in s o n , Music from Gospel H ym ns No. 5. A reported outbreak of cholera at Hel- I. K. Vantress is rejoicing over the rap p. m. Be ports from tho delegates to tlie Volunteer Observer. S A T U R D A Y , NOV. 12. id healing of his hand that was so badly national convention will be made. J.et rnetla, N. J., created much excitement in 10 a. ui. Meeting for Worship. that vicinity. Investigation showed that lacerated by the saw some lime ago. He all the members turn out. A . 1C. C O O P E R & CO. T o C h v lia lc in V a lle y F r u it K ä tn er«. 1:30 p. in. Meeting for Business. thinks lie will have good use of his thumb Prof. Charles E. Tibbetts of Pasadena, tlie disease was not cholera hut a violent During this session we will have If tho Chelialem valley horticultural and two lingers that arc left. His friends California, who has been oast attending j dysentery which is almost as severe and some account o f the Alaska Mission, by E. W . Weesner, I ho report o f our Wo take this plan to inform tlie public that wo are better than ever prepared to sup­ are very glad to hear tiiat it is no worse several of tlie yearly gatherings o ( . dangerous as cholera. Jlr. Walter Wil- soc‘e,y *u,s ,iet‘n a benefit to " the ‘ fruit he James- i growers in the past, why may it not delegates to the Yearly M eeting, and with him. Friends church, stopped off hero on Ids i lard, a prominent merchant of ply tlie trado this Fall in tiro line of a now? Have all means and measures for the General Conference o f Friends Mrs. Elizabeth Miles arrived home way home and visited with his cousin B. burg, two miles from Helmetta, says j tho cultivation of ali kinds of fruits and at Indianapolis. from her visit to Indiana and California C. Miles last Saturday an 1 Sunday. He Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar- ! the extermination of all kinds of pests 7 p. in. Public meeting on tlie subject o f Education. last week, after having been gone for preached a most excellent sermon nn Sun­ rliic a Kemedy lias given great satisfaction been sufficiently discussed and effectively Opening Exercises. nearly a year. She has gone to Salem day night to a large audience at Friends m tlie most severe cases of dysentery. It tried? If not, why this lack of interest? Denom inational Schools, their Plan l’at tios desiring to set orchards this Fall will make money by calling on or cartes is certainly one of the best things ever ponding witii ua before placing their orders. where she will live for a short lime in tlip church. and Function, Dr. Elias Jessup. We do not believe there is a man in »lie The Value o f Higher Schools to the family of tier son-in-law, I’rof. Edwin A short article will be found ill this is- | made. For sale liv C. F. Moore & Co. vicinity of Newberg, if ho has any fruit, Com m unity, Rev. Tho.a. C. Brown. Morrison. sue of the G r a p h i c that ought, to lie care- i from a square rod of strawberries to a Closing. ! t ■ t r ic k ! I l r l c k l t I t ile Mrs. E A. Trueblood of Milwaukee, 1 fully perused by every man in tho com­ bearing orchard, but might be benefited S U N D A Y , N O V . 13. First-class foundation brick for sale at and her friend Miss Moore, who is on her munity who has an orchard. If there is Newberg brick yard. by attending the meetings of tho associa- 9:45 a. m . Bible School. J ar . H a m n e tt . way to California from Indiana, w as here not enough interest in fruit growing _______„ ______ lion. Then why not do it? If it pays to 11 a. m. Meeting for W orship. over Sunday visitirg v.ith Mr. and Mrs. among those of tlie community, who are For Sale. ! do anything it pays to do it in tho best 7 p. m. Y. P. 8. C. E. By Direction o f the Quarterly M eet­ C. F. Moore. Miss Moore is a sister of setting orchards and encouraging others One-half block with good house on Biv -1 possible manner. Now that winter is U K P A I R I N G F I N K W A T C H KM A N D C L O C K S A S T K C I A L T Y . A a ro n B r a y , \ clerks Prof. Mcore, of Earlham college, ar.d a to do tlie same, to keep up n successful er street, for sale or trade, cheap, Ad- I here it is tho time to tiegin discussing ing. NEWBEBG, OREGON, • M a r y L. H oskins . / ' horticultural society, wo had better say cousin of tiie Moo.-e boys hero. ! plans for planting, draining, pruning and dress Emma Lane, Dayton, Or. nothing more about tlie fruit industry in j other winter and spring work, and every Shfill ou r H o rticu ltu re Society C ontinue. H. W Uenne who owns a part of the B a n k r u p t Hate. man lias some theory to advance relative James Holston place east of town, raised Cbelialcra valley. Newberg has gained a very good name, On Saturday evening of last week a $100.00 Stock in the Newberg Fair to these matters, many of which are elsewhere, as a fruit growing center, but enough corn this season to fatten Iris hogs j worthy to be discussed and tried. Why very pleasant birthday social was given at Association for $80.00. Address and furnisli feed for several other head of unless tho horticulturists of this neighbor­ not give your neighbors tiie benefits of Fa ank W ood , Newberg, Or. stock. He says lie finds it is a very the Newberg House, in honor of the 18th hood wake up and take moro interest in your experience and in turn seek to he profitable feed to raise even in Oregon, anniversary of tho birth of Miss Victoria tho business, wo shall find ourselves, us L a n d F o r »»ale. benefited by tiie cx|ierienco of others? drughter of A. M. Hadley, proprietor of and will plant a much larger crop next we shall deserve, left in the lurch. the Newberg House. Nice cake, popcorn 40 to 700 acres o f land for sale at very Ono tiling is certain, tho organization year. It is not enough, that wo plant trees, A gentleman and his wife whose names and interesting games were enjoyed by all reasonable figures, on 5 to 10 years time. cannot long exist unless you take more cultivate thorn and wait for tho profits. interest in it. Don’t negiect tlie Novem­ Inquire at this oilice. sepSOlmp we failed to get, arrived at Newberg last present. A number of very handsome There are too many orchards already that ber meeting. Tuesday, coming all the way from Eng­ presents were found on the center table get no more attention than this. Horti­ Stock N otice. by Miss Hadley, much to her surprise, af’ land. They brought two fine blue blood­ culture is a progressive industry, and to N e w P a s t o r f o r F r i e n d « C h u rc h . Persons desiring tho brooding services ter the guests had departed. ed hull dogs w ith them, presumably to insure success, it is absolutely necessary R ev. Thomas C. Brown, the new Thanks are due Mrs. S. F. Hoskins fo r 1 of * thoroughbred Jersey, can lie a. com- defend themselves from the ravenous tliat we constantly study it, as it is for pastor o f Friends church in Newlierg, ,ny place. lerms 11.50 in- l«easts of our forests. They arc stopping a beautiful bouquet of flowers from h e r! wodated success in any otiier art or business. with his estimable wife, arrived here­ A n d r e w 1 ickktt . w itii J. 1>. Tarrant, tlie gentleman tieing garden. It consists of nine varieties of variably in advance. Tills wo can do at homo from I looks and on last Saturday. During the after­ dahlias and a number of fuchsia-, and ^ and papers, and hy observation, hut also a nephew of Mr. Tarrant. M arried noon and evening the members o f the F U R N IT U R E STO R E. would grace a much more pretentious very largely by meeting witii others and Tlie college beys arc learning to play At tlie residence of tlie brides parents church w ho could get away from busi­ room than a dingy printers’ den. Mrs. exchanging ideas, otc. It may lie true I foot bail according to tlie association Hoskins is quite extensively engaged in in Yamhill county, Or., Oct. 27, 1892, ness, called at the residence o f Jesse that tlie society meetings have sometimes rules. There may tie “ scienco” connect­ floriculture, ami from tlie way her flowers Mr. Christ Hanson and Miss Stenie Nel­ Edwards to get acquainted with the been flat, but if each fruit grower would J ed with tlie game under tlie new rules, begin to encroach on Ah’s potato ground son, of Yamhill county, Or. L. H. Little new workers and welcome them in our come and do liis part, they would not is- j hut if the boys have any shirts or suspen- i we predict that lie will soon have to find officiating. ) midst. Botli the pastor ami Mrs. so. I-et no one stay away because he can ders left at the end of the week, it will be a “ truck patch” elsewhere. ---------- —---------- | Brown have a happy faculty of mak- learn nothing, hut let him come and en­ C n rd o f T h a n k » . ing those who are strangers to them lighten those who are there and ready to a wonder. Tho old way may not be bru- ! tal enough bu* it is certainly fully as in- | Mrs. Vanoose had a runaway last week We desire to thank our kind physician feel at ease on first meeting, ul"* * ' * There aro many acres of orchard plant­ in which her oldest daughter was injured. and friends for tlie aid and comfort given | conversational powers are excellent, ed each year that will ho a detriment to We have «elected for our trade the very bent quality o f H ousehold Furniture to be foun d, and teresting and sufficiently invigorating. They had hitched a team to a spring us during tin* illness and death of my On Sunday m orning at the usual hour this neighborhood, and tlie fruit interests we are prepared to offer som e rare bargain«. We buy for cash, and are thus enabled to Tltere will lie an entertainment at wagon to start for Portland an 1 as one of hill at very low prices. Call and sec on r goods and get our prices, husband, our son-in-law and brother. Kev. Brown preached an excellent ser­ generally, unless more interest is taken Armory hall on Wednesday evening of tlie horses refused to start, Mrs. Vanoose in looking after thrm, and learning how­ M rs . L. B. O wen , mon to u very large utul attentive au­ C a l k i n s ' O l d S t a n d , F i r s t & C e n t e r St re e t. to do so pro|ierly. Fruit pests are here next week at 7 :39 p. in., by tho Young got out and went to tho horse’s head S. Ih »Hows and F a m il y . dience. N o mistake lias Ijcen made ill i and are spreading, and unless we take Peoples Union Society of Christian En­ When the team made a start they went Newberg, Orogon. the selection o f a pastor, as we believe some conceited action in regard to them, deavor, consisting of vocal and instru­ off witii a rusli down tlie hil! and ran F a r m f o r S a le . Ills work during tlie com ing year will it is little nse fighting them. Other im- mental music, recitations, dialogues and for about a quarter of a mile, almost 80 acres l 1., miles north of Newberg. prove. A memlier o f the church at I portant matters need moro concerted work for tlie general welfare of fruit grow- tableaux. The admission will he ten completely demolishing tho wagon. Miss 50 acrei in cultivation. New house, new K okom o, Ind., writing to the ClirUtian [ ers and for tlu-ir own pecuniary interest, cents. Tlie young people ought to have Vanoose was thrown out end bruised up barn, 2 acres in orchard, trees II years Worker says: it is of great importance that some organ­ a full house. , co »¡durably. Dr. Rurgen was called to old, good variety of fruit. Price $100 per D e a l e r in Brother Brown for three years past ization bo maintained. Fruit growers of attend her. Mr. Charles Preston has the inoiel of a f acre. $3,000 cash, haian me on time' to has p roven h im self to be an able min-1 ‘ ¡hehaiem. will yon come out to tlie meet- ^ _ J novel invention on exhibition at tlie Ar­ It is not unusual for cold* contracted in suit purchaser. W. J. S tater . | IsU-r o f the Goepel, a worthy pastor o f lnt:H an' ( '* o l , r ---------- D u O T S , W lIK lO W S 3110 IV i 0 U I U I lington. It is a machine for winding up tlie fall to hang on all winter. In such the Hock, a first-class Kahliutli school j W O M A N ’ S C O L U M N . N o t lr e . harbed »ire i:i moving fences, making it cases catarrh or chronic bronchitis are al­ teacher, and a noble loader in Un­ an easy matter to spool barbed wire and most sure to result. A fitly cent bottle of I bave so!d out my Feed Store and am christian Endeavor work, in faet a nzNZiti. orriczR. or murami w. c. t . r. M r. J. II. T o w n ».»«!. Chamberlain's Cottgli Remedy w ill cure keep it in pro|K?r shape, a thine which is anxious to d-s-e np all accounts. My strong man in any capacity in w hich Prculdent O r Hc«-r*-tary Mrs. A. M. Won.lwnr«! j S A W G I ) A N D S I ' L I T Mil I N G L E S , L A T H , L I M E , P L A S T E R , almost im|>os.ilile to do without machin­ any cold. Can you afford to ri»k so much i-ook» wiit ls» found with Mr. Ualkins at the Lord called him to lalsir, and Iris Herretarj- Mr- M h Allori C E M E N T A N D IIAIK. Mr». Geo. Christenson. | ery. ft wouldn’ t rnt much of a figure in for so small amount? This remedy is in­ tlie oid stand whore yon can cali and set kind, moilest, faithful, loving and de­ Treasurer NAILS, LOCKS, SASH WEIGHT8, PULLEYS AND CORD, AND moving a rail fence, hut in a country tended especially for bad colds and croup tle. Do su promptly by cash or note, so voted wife: both will tie sudly missed - Mrs. M. E. Edwards, President of For as to fave expense. where wire is used for fencing, it would and can always lie dejiendcri upon. hy all o f our congregation. A t the Yamhill county W. C. T. U , loft last sale hy C. F. Moore & Co. surely prove a Mes-ing. t4 W ilson W hitmom . iii'irrring service» aliove alluded to tlie week for Denver, Colorado, to a’ tend the Y a r d at Depot. NEW BERG, ORECON. 1 house whs full witii a deeply Intere-stcd National Convention which opened Fri­ Dr Elias Jessup arri ved home last Sat­ audience. The text was the last verse day, Out. 28th. Mrs. Edwards goes as n urday after having tieen gon«* east since o f tlie last chapter o f 2nd Corinthians, delegate from the State Union. Slate tli— mi I t‘e o' August. He looks hale where I'uul wrote “ The grace o f the President, Mrs. Anna It. Biggs, is also in and hearty as ever, bnt ¡« glad to be v ith attendani-e end nierslsnies (.’ox and liar Isirel Jesus Christ, and tho love o f God, liis familv again. While awav he attend­ ford of Newberg, tlie former a national Corner First A (.’ enter 8(». and the communion o f the H oly Ghost ed tii■ annuil gitberings of Iowa, West­ worker, the latter a state worker. This j □ - P R I C E ' S be w itli you all. A m en.” Ho spoke '] city of tlie plain» is a beautiful one, and Keeps constantly on hand a large supply o f ern and I idi nia yearly mreting« of in beautiful words o f a saving grace, a no dolili! tlie delsgates are taring io\alivi Krien 1« chnr. li, a- well a* a r-nnf»r*n«~* of preserving grace, an alsiumiing grace, entertained. f.'e to gi t about as much out of such live red t> 1 pirts o f tue city free e ahie to tell hit friends all is well informed ou the leading question* 1 Christian, ma