II m Ì OttEOONIVN R A IL W A Y TIM E TAB LE. North. A p r il 1, 1>.1. South. B u y Mnchlnn oil o f Townsend. Laundry goes Tuesday. \V i: Hard wood screen doors and window* at W P. Heucock’s. In efiect May 2, 1S02. I. F a y e Oregon Cltv. LEAVE •9;*) A M. Mission. •ft.DO A. -M. 10:00 A M. 8CNDAYP. ft:b0 A. M. 4 30 IV M. I. RAVE New berg, •ft 20 A. M. Dr. M in th orn and wite, o f Salem, ; w ere in tow n o v e r Sunday. F ift y loads o f grain were received 12; W IV M. i the warehouse, last Tuesday. 7 00 A. M. 2.10 P. M. L e av e P o r tl a n d , T a y lo r St. D ock , 7:30 A. M. for N ew berg Landing. 2:30 l*. M. for Mission Landing. t r im : a g e n t s . at O h A ^ B u t we sell r,cam Baking \i> -ä P o w d e r Used in Millions of Homes — 40 Years tlie Standard. 'V e Local Events. T R E K S by the li ridred ” ........ T I t E K S bv tho thoes-nd. T R E E S by fh e ten thonsm»' Or in any quantity you wish •208 a m i ‘210 S e co n d St-, f u i t l a m l , Or. Our cut.i! ig.ie, free .English or G.irman) will tell you varieties, prices, how to plant and trim trocs, etc., etc. Special prices to first buyers in new localities. For a first class shave or hair-cut go to J. L. Myers. I ’ ll L ì I d Sal»*. M i»» Ella Olds, o f M •Minuvllle, is Ed. Hobson will occupy the Mrs. Gra­ Paints, Oil and Lead at C. F. Moore By order o f tin* Board of Director«, the fol visitin g w ith Mrs. W alter Roliertson. 1 »win*: ham property on River street in the fu­ s vires in the Newberg u". yde.-d tie ! A Co. Hor«o C om pu iy w ill be sold et Public sal** ture. There is a big demand fur houses ! Mrs. M itch ell and Mrs. K ellev w ith >*ei»te.nb®r 17. l* -2 Shire* No. 1 \ II. 16 an 1 j W ilb e r Round, o f Portland, is in to rent and the outlook is that every her soil :,n l daughter, w o have been 17, ow ned by Owen Jm e*. for delinquent a* scs-iSHcnis o f r- per share levlo l Feb. 1. 18 72. ! tow n callin g on his friends. house in town will soon be taken. Our here froni In d ia n a , “ v is it in g ( h o . \V. and due April 1. 1 • 2 and assessment of flO.OO T h e best cook stove for the price is real estate men complain that property 1 and Clias. M itch ell, left for home this p r share ievie l M ueh 1, is$2, and due May 1. H.*2. Sh tres Nh>. 6, 7 and s, owned by Mrs. found at J. H . Townsends. .lu ll« A. B rvK i.nu boxes, to refund the as C. Brown, of Kokomo, Indiana, with Co. money if not cured. Send stamp for free been expected. The cool weather has jPKKSl'HtntON» CAHKFt'LLT COM-) Guarantee issued by Woodward, reference to his taking the place of pastor ) fu i's i,sc D a y un N io iit . t Newberg ought to have a “ field day” Sample. Clarke A Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, been extremely faiorable for ripening. of Friends church here. Ho was heard pretty soon with the program arranged Sole Agcu’ s, Portland, Oregon. A. C. Cox having just received a now by many of our pcoplo last winter wlien for a general procession of men und boys and complete embalming outfit and se­ he held a few meetings here. He is good j to be formed at some public place, say cured the services of a professional om- on a discourse and also lias the reputation i Whitmore’ s feed store, and after a leader balmer, is now prepared to do ail work of being one of the best pastors in the j is chosen a grand march should be taken L o c a l ttn d T r a v e l i n g , in that line. church in Indiana. It is to be hoped ' up along First street to Main, up Main to T o represent our w ell known house. Yon need j . no capital to represent a (inn that warrants Is still here with a large stock o f The latest report from O. C. Emery that lie may be secured for the place. [ tiro depot and after all the thistles and nursery stuck first «‘lass amt true to name « ’ » » U K A l . l . T i l t : V i: t i t . «100 per month was to tho effect that he was suffering Reports come that F. A . Morris has j other weeds along with all the lose to the right man. A pply quick, staling age, from sea sickness occasioned by rolling been spending his vacation harvesting in trumpery on these streets is collected and L . L . M A Y A C O ., Nurserymen, Florists fit Seedsmen, down the sand hills at Yaquina bay, with Indiana, but whether tie will permanent­ burned, every side street in town should (This house is responsible ) S t . P a u l , M i n n the hoys and girls. ly enlist in the army of Iloosier hayseed- he vi-fited iu a like manner and a general T F * Except on Mondays. ]R M S CASH O R IT S E Q U IV A L E N T , Go to W . T. Muey’a for furniture. Call at Hill'ii barber shop and take a bath. Go to W . T. Many’s for carpet. Mrs. Mount spent last Sunday at the beach below Astoria. John K . W right is rustling fire ance for several good companies. N i» A . T. H im ,. L v . Newberg, 7 ' • a. m Lv. Portland, y-.iOa. n Machine Oil of ull kinds at C. F. Moore A r. Portland. !» ■*») a m. Ar. New berg 12:»*» p.m Lv. Ne'vborg 12 4*> i> ¡n. Lv. Portland. 1 ,l p.m. , ik C’ o. A r. Portland, 5:20 p.m. ! Ar. Newberg, 0:0ô p.m. Passenger and Freight Hatea to all points, Jesse E dw ards visited the county ta n be obtained troia C. 13. FRI5SELL. seat yesterday on business. Agent Newberg. STEAMER M A N ZAN ILLO . HAVE i insur­ Some fine Light Brahma chickens for sale cheap. C. F. M o o r e . Jacob Wrage, of Portland, visited with bis family in Newberg last Sunday. J. M. Tice aDd J. II. Townsend were in the city a day or two during the week on business. Come and see that new lot of pocket cutlery, the best ever brought to Newberg. at Mouut’s. D. M. Itainsey lias the contract for painting the new work about the college buildiugs. C. F . Moore and J. C. Colcord are coasting with their families at Vaquina bay this week. Mrs. Paulsen will start on a visit to Iow a the first of next week in company with friends from Eugene. .20,000 fruit trees of our own rai-ing for sale. Prunes and Peaches. Call on or address C. F. Moore or John Iladley. Mrs. A . H u n t and ch ildren , w h o Ivuvc been hero v is itin g for the past ten »lays, left yesterday for th eir hom e at Portlan d. The basement walls of the now church are now finished and the sills are in place. Tho building will soon begin to assume proportions. Jesse H o I «o n am i fa m ily cam e from P ortlan d last F rid ay, and m ained in tow n several days. lip re­ G. W . Duke, of Sherwood, was in town Tuesday. l ie spoke very highly of the lecture at Sherwood Aug. 10. by Mrs. Un- And did you ever see finer weather in ruh, cf McMinnville, which was arranged August? Just like the latier part of Sep­ tor by Key. Varner. tember. A jolly good time tor harvesters. Y o u n g Peoples Christian E ndeavor Doors and window’s, all sizes and thick­ m eeting a t the Presbyterian church nesses, either sugar pine or cedar. e v e ry Sunday e v en in g at 0:1-*. A ll D epot L um ber Y a r d . you n g people cord ially in v ite d to com e Jarrett Todd has been roaming the w h eth er church members or not. wilds of Chehalem mountains o’er, dur­ Don’ t forget to notify all your young ing tilie week gunning for jay birds. friends that Pacific college opens Septem­ The Dayton News speaks highly of the ber 21st, and that it is very important tern peranco loot ure delivered in I »avion that they enter the first week in order to on .Sunday, Aug. 12, by Mrs. Harford. get the best results from the years work M iss E lla M. Dorrance announces in Miss Ethel Townsend, of Portland, who th is issue, that she is prepared to g iv e attended the college last year, in com­ m usic lessons at her hom e on R iv e r pany with her brother drove up last Sat­ street. urday and remained over Sunday, visit­ o LD R E L IA B L AFTER MARCH á H r ía ± »h í!p 0 8 T O F F IC E 1, 1892- STORE« Popular Patent and Family Medicines. D I P D P . L A T E S T S T Y L E S of W A L L Ä ’S i l - v S ®lank ßooks» Stationery, School Books and School Supplies. C. F. MOORE & CO. AN TE D . SALESM EN. ™ Pioneer H A R D W A R E STORE Builders’ and Shelf Hardware, ers or return to Oregon deponent saycth not. Tbe probabilities are, however, tb it tbe charms of rural life with tho miircurv at !):) at ton o’clock at night, will soon melt away, anil he will return to tho land where the slumbers of tho weary arc so peaceful that sleep is termed “ deaths twin brother.” WOOD YARD. Stoves and Tinware, Pumps, overhauling of tho town bo made. It is all very well to sit back in the shade and mourn over tho fact that wo havo no Hank Building. Q M O U N T . I am prepared fo furnish wood in any quanti­ water works and speculate on wlmt great ty, cither stove wood or cord wood. A g o n t for C a r l a n d a n d O r e g o n Stoves. revolutions water would bring about it we tV O O !) O IC I.IV I K K D I 'l t O M P T L Y oti/y hail it, but bow easy it is to continue to any part o f town. Leave orders at W ilson’s Grocery. to sit in tlie shade and neglect these little W A L T E R ST R A T T O N . attentions in tbe way of cleaning up streets and vacant lots and sotting shade trees, which may bo done without any I J A W O R T II A 8 T A N B U O U G II, outlay of money. Wo will have a big j crowd hero during the fair and Newberg ought to be found with a i lenn gown on. If j N ew derq , : O regon . wc fail in this, strangers will look upon it 1 | I mould respectfully announce that I havo purchased the interest of J. O. Biermaun in the as a lazy neglect of such decencies as are We arc now prepared to put down wells on black.smithing business. I wish to express my thanks for past favors, and hopo to in our reach. W ill some of tho city short notice. Corresponecuce invited. m erit a eontiuance o f the same. A ll work warranted first class. fathers take the lead and soo that the matter is attended too at once? Some j l.l A M. D O R R AN C E one lead and the flock will follow. Shop on Meridian Street. J ". E . H E S T O N . F o r Sale. ------------------------------------------------------ A large brown horse—a good worker, i i r Call at the G u a p h i c office for further iu- . Graduate in Vocal Music, from W il­ lamette University, June IH<)2, formation. which includes two year’s cotirtu in Theory of Music. F o r Sa le. W ill givo Piano and Vocal lessons, at One-half block with good I ioufc on R iv­ iny room, Organ lessons at Pupils er street, fo r sale or trade, cheap. Ad­ home. dress Emma Lane, Dayton, Or. For particulars inquire at my home W c lake thin plan to inform thn public that we nro better than evfir prepared to snp- on River Street. ply the trade this Full in the line of a >•* llrlrk l B rick! ! lir lr k ti! NEW BERG L u m b erm en 's Supplies, E tc. I’]. H esto n , Dr. McConnell will move to his elegant new residence near his office on First siroet this week. Dock declares this is the last house he will ever build, as be is not only tired of building, but Mrs. Mc­ Connell is entirely satisfied with her home in Newberg and they are here to stay. A good sized barn on a back lot is being built whicli with liis now rcsi lence w ill save about $24.00 per month in rents. Tho doctors friends will bo glad to see See Frank I*. B aum ’s call under the ing the family of their uncle J. I I . Town­ him and bis estimable wife and healthy head o f “ w an ted” in this issue. Frank send. hoys permanently settled in a good home know s where to go when temperance Charley Spaulding arrived here the la t­ in Newberg. m en are wanted. ter part of ludl week with bis big drive o1 Reports from tho Christian Endeavor A l f Moore and w ife and A lv a M acy logs which is the largest ever taken down social of Friends church, held in Prof. and fam ily, o f D ayton, arc arranging the river. He let tho contract for taking Hartley’s park Tuesday evening, indicate for a trip to the coast in a few days.. them on to Oregon City to three of his that this was one of the most pleasant T h e y go by wagon. men and broke camp. and enjoyable occasions of the kind held Miss May Barton and I>r. Burgen’s L. \V. (larger und A. I I. Pape, of West this season. About a hundred and fifty fam ily who were piloted to little Nestucca Chehalem, were in town last Tuesday on were present to assist in disposing of the by Marcus Blair and son Clint, are home business connected with the Newberg icecream , cake and other good things I First-class foundation brick for sale at again and report a glorious lime. Clydesdale Horse company. A notice of that had hePii prepared by the hands of i Newberg brick yard. J as . H am nett . I t is so seldom that Joseph Wilson the public sale of several shares of stock tho young Endeavors, The evening was V !. 25c. 50c T a k e N o t ic e . Pai ties desiring to set orchards this Fall will mako money by calling on or cones leaves the corner grocery that we note in this company will be found in this spent pleasantly in games of different 75c. kinds and everybody went homo happy. All parties owing mo will please call |«)nding with us before placing their orders. ‘ the fact that he donned his Sunday best issue. SI.00 $1.25 and visited the city yesterday. $ 1 .5 0 A letter from Prof. Hartley states that Credit is dufl the social committee on I lie and settle their accounts lioforo Septum her I. Alter that date 1 will sell meat (or T h e Free M ethodists have pitched a M. M. W hile, president of the Fourth evening’s entertainment. cash on'y. C. H . P owkli .. te n t back o f the public school grounds National Bank of Cincinnati, Ohio, will Ah. H ill, our genial young P. M. ar­ »»n the north side o f the railroad, where bn in the northwest soon ami that he will rived home from his trip to Indiana last W anted visit Nowlierg. A letter directed to Prof. week ami is again behind 111 * pigeon hole th ey are h old in g cam p m eeting. A general store, at the now temperance Miss L izzie Trueblood whose home Hartley at 70 Rock street, Fall R iver, smiling as sweetly as of yore on tho rosy town of Port Stanley, Wash. S|s*cial in­ F E A T H l i R B O N r , Is made fren O U ÏT T.L, cheeked damsels who call at the office is at M illw uukie, and w h o has been Mass., will find him at present. own touchant mato»i*l. h»^t willpn modo for ducements. For particulars, address, It K I’ A l l l I N G F I N K W A T C H KS A N I » C L O C K S A S P E C I A L T Y . U m » f.rim. Cheap. UnrahK A l . I. S T Y I.K * . ail v is itin g here for the past few weeks, re­ L. J. Miles, of Pawhtiska, Indian T e rri­ four times a day to inquire for letters from &r»ce*. ask y«>ur dealer for a - P f ? U B Ü / t W U r »K K (i, F kank P. R a i ’ m , OREGON. turned home the first o f the week. tory, who lias been taking a vacation see­ “ Paw.” Ah's friends, who are legion, jroxiz c a l e 13 zr rfiAlrtfilÜSUfl’V Sec’y T. I ’. S. T. A I). Co., are glad to seo him back again looking W . O . Z E C R / U G r lE IR ,. H we don’ t get up a little political e x ­ ing tho northwest, was here Saturday and 12. Port Stanley, Wash, citement in Newberg soon we are liable Sunday visiting with his brother 15. C. j better for liis vacation. He says lie had C;ity V i j w N u r s e r y . to forget who the candidates for presi- [ Miles. Mr. Miles lias been in tho Indian i a glorious time but thinks there is no On liis return he deutial honors are before the election service in the Territory for a number of place like Newberg. Rest stock. A ll varieties. Visit to Nur­ years. His stay was short as he opens i stopped o ff and chased jack rabbits for sery invited. comes otf. Correspondence solicited. a day or I wo with bis brother over the his school the first of September. Italian prunes 3 to 4 ft. |ier 1000 . $115.00 J. M. Tice is ready for all kinds of work O V E R 7 0 E D IT IO N S M A D E 4 to 6 ft......................................... $80 “ 'i Difficulties have continued to arise in breezy plains of western Kansas. in his line, including painting, staining, Petite prunes I! lo 4 ft. per 1000. . jtiO.OO Pouma o f Paaalon, 12 mo. cloth, Prion $1.00 W hile at Big Island, Va., last April, I graining, paper hanging, etc. A ll work connection with the transportation of Forms o f riuiiNun*, 12 mo. “ ** 1.00 4 to 0 ft................................. . $75 00 Naurlnr and other P orihs , 12mo.*1 " 1.C0 gravel by barge from the island, until we was taken with a very severe attack of guaranteed first class or no pay. Prices Call on or address C. I*. Strain, Wood- Then« hooka o f poems hy America’« rnont understand Mr. Calkins has abandoned j diarrhoea. I never had it wor*o in my reasonable. gifted poet have met with greateraneceae than burn, Or. any works o f a similar nature published in a Clark, the house mover, is buying a lot i the barge business. The present program life. I tried several old-timed remedies, A n d u full line o f I'liilortikkiiig Good*. Headquarter, for Fnrm and Garden century. ________ _____ _ is to make the road to tho gravel bank such as blackberry wine, paregoric and C a rd o f T h a n k s. of wood along the line of tbe railroad and HooiU. OVER 1, 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 SOLD. In the «tore building lately vacated by J. T . Sm ith. on tbe north side of tho river good and laudanum without getting any relief. My I wtah to expre** n»y heartfelt thank* says he intends keeping it up. A good First anil only Completo M i Hon. haul direct by wagon. This is certainlv attention was then called to Chamber­ to the A. (>. IJ. W . l&Jgo for their kind­ thing for woodmen to have another bujer the most feasible plan. lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhiea Rem ­ ness in fulfilling their promise hy paying beside Poppleton. A t a m eetin g o f tho C ollege Isianl edy by Mr. R. C. Tinsley who had been iny prentoat humorous book ever published. fit w orth $100, on condition th at the entirely relieved.—O. G. Burford, Harris ers is that von will pro*|ier in tlie #d It. will drive aw.-iy the blu**e and make life best cattle horse that ever handled an u n -‘ worth living. Price in handsome cloth bind­ lioard w ould appropriate *100, for ad­ Creek, Amherst Co., Va. For sale by C. work you are doing and think your lodiw ing $1.25, paper covers 50 cents. The above s tho place t o go when you want anything In tho Grocery line. A large and complete stock o f ruly steer in this part of the country. Ixsiks are for snle bv bookseller* and news- d in g to the library. T h e proposition F. Moore & Co. ! worthy of patronage. It is hard to part deal« s, or w ill be mailed, post puid,on receipt Moses \ otaw has been at his old stand was accepted, and the board decided to o f price by Tho quarterly meeting of Friends with friends t-o dear to us but he is only at the cashier's desk io the Bank oi N ew­ add a n oth er $100, m ak in g $200 for the C r o t k r r t . W oodenw .\ rr ,G l a m w a r r , L ark * a n d S t o k r w a h r , M O R IU L L , H 1 G O IN 8 A C O .f P u b lis h «* * ctiiireh held last Saturday and Sunday trone a little ways ahead, and we must berg, the past week, looking bettor for purchase o f reference books. CHICAGO, ILT.fl. Always on hand. Always the Best and always the L o w ed Price. was well attended, especially the Sunday submit to the Lord's will. The rest of his vacation. He and Mrs. Votaw en­ Corner First and Meridian Streets. JOS. W ILSO S, Prop. The prudent man filleth his wood morning meeting and the meeting of the tho family join with mo in sending a vote joyed their trip to Tacoma very much. house with dry wood in August while the Christian Endeavorers at night. An un­ of thank* to the member* of the lodge for A couple of ladies in company with gentle “ scizzle, scozzle,” cometh not, usual amount of important business was the kind service they rendered during By T H 0 8 . W. HANDFORD gentlemen escorts, rode out from Port­ but the foolish go on and are punished transacted on Saturday afternoon. Rev liis sickness, and hope von may not be land last Saturday afternoon on bicycles, by having to carry in soggy wood in w in­ J. II. Douglas and Dr. Jessup will attend called tifion soon again. An Am erican Book, for Am erican Boys, Trusting hy to visit with Mr. Wheeler and family who ter and blow their brains out trying to some of the eastern Yearly meetings and fjods help you will ever prove faithful. By an Am erican Autbor. D e a l e r iu live out northwest of town a couple of start a tire. The alsove text is respectful* look after the interests of our Yearly W e as a family also wish to extend our miles. 27 FULl PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS, IN COLORS, ly “ dedicated” to those who havo in the meeting house building fund. The mem hearty thanks to the members of tbe FROM D O R K S MASTERPIECES. When a young man makes purchases past sai 1 they wanted to furnish us wood bership of tho quarterly meeting only- Baptist church for so freely openii g falls about a half dozen short of 8T0. their church for the funeral service* of on subscription. of kid gloves and other toggery to corre­ A Book that should be in every home. Delegate« appointed to attend Iowa our dear brother. 1 remain your friend. spond. outtiJe of tegular business hour», R ev. J. H. Douglas left for Salem yes­ Franc** F.. W illard p*a>*: *‘Yoor book en­ E lla M. D o rrance . titled “ Boys o f the Bibb-’’ i- one tha* seems it begins to look like he was contemplat­ terday to attend Friends quarterly meet­ Yearly meeting to commence September to me so helpful Hint I am K«>in*r to send it to Gth, I>r. E. Je«sn|>, Jesse and Mary Ed­ « ing assuming the responsibilities of a ing at that place. Early n e x t week Mrs a couple o f admirable liitle follows, one o f ward», Jane R. Votaw, Jesse Edwards whom is my namesake. I am sure they will M A W K D A N D S P L IT S H IN G L E S , L A T H , LIM E , P L A S T E K , N A T IO N A L IH 'I L D V f o . benedict very soon. IXmglas will join him at Portland when 1 h * b«tter inrn for the rending and study o f and E. H . Wood'.vat I 1: . I l[ D m * - !>svi«l W. Martin, grripral agent for the Na this unique und helpful book.' CEMENT AND H AUL XV. P. Sarnm«. of F.nterprise, W iliowa they will (tart for their home at l>es laa proa, lied a big sermon Sunday morn­ llon.U Rem edy <’o. win he* to nniiorinrc that he now ha* two a jeu t« In N ew berg h>r the *«!»- Large octavo, handsomely bound in cloth. Their labors for the county, catre down last week to attend Moines, Iowa. o f hi* m udlrine«. Mr" Mary II .-.. jj , on south ing that was well received by the large Price, $1.75. Meri 1i*n «trp»*t near the fa ir grounds, an 1 A N D 00BD, A I D Friend» quarterly meeting and visit his church here have been greatly b!ex«ed audience presen'. \n unusually interest­ Mr«. Cox. on Ftr«t «treet, one door west ofVrcn- g'fPmE x tn inducements offered tocuergetic hyterfaii rhurch, are hi* oi,|y authorized half brother Jonathan Votaw. He re­ and they w ill always be kindly remem­ salesmen. Address a ire ut*. who have and w ill hereafter k#*«*p on turned home the first of tbe week much bered by our people, and gladly welcomed ing meeting of the Endeavor society was hand a fu ll m p fd y of the above-named rVmc- F. r . 8 M L D L L Y A r o . . Y a r d at Depot. N L W d L K O , OHKCON- . »i| »Vd .HajI hcM ' ' ’Hit.iv night. pleased v. ith his visit, 1 nhcu th »v uij- return agaiu. J W E L L RORERS, L A C K S M I T Carriage W ork & Horse Shoeing a Specialty. E M U S IC T E A C H E R . ¡Newberg Nursery, A . K . C O O P E R «fc C O . F O B W . E M I P ’S GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FRUIT TJtEES, F. H. H ow ard, W ATCHM AKER & JEW ELER. A Fnll Lins of Clocks And Watches Always on Haul al Reasonable Prie». JJE W STORE. fl FEW SUCCESSFUL BOOKS. Ella Wheeler W ilcox’s Poems Hardware, Furniture, Agricultural Implements, J. II. T O W N S E N D . PECK’S BAD BOY W i l s o n ’s G rro o ery . S T A P L E -A.2STTD F A N C Y G R O O B R I B 3 , BOYS OF THE BIBLE W. P. HEACOCK, Doors, Windows and Mouldings, Brackets, Turnings, Fine Finishing Lumber. NAILS, LOCKS, SASH WEIQHT8, PULLEYS Ctcmeral HiiiM ors’ H a rd w a r e . 109 W tbaik Arc., L n ic w o , I t t » *