NEWBERG GRAPHIC. .41»% NEWBERG GRAPHIC NEWBERG GRAPHIC K A T I 'Ü : .Tw enty Dollars Ten Dollars One Dollar One Column H alf Column Professional Carda K r a d k n g X o t i r e s w i l l be I n s e r t e d the rate o f T en eeuta per M n «. EAST AND SOUTH 'k lE N U s ’ C hU R C H .—SERVICES EVERY Suuday ar 11 a . m . anRKSHVTKKIAN t'ftll’ KCH. -SERVICES EV J ery second aud fourth Lord’s day at 11 a . m . aud 7:::0 p. m . Sabbath sc hool every Sunday at 10 A. M. I I REE METHODIST.—PR AY E R MEETING X every Thursday at 7 ::J0 p. M. Sabbath school every Sunday a t 10 a . m . K CHURCH.— s e r v i c e s FI Rtf T eUNDAY in every month at :> t*. M. SOCIETY NOTICES. \ ' M.C. A.—DKVOrH>NAE>EKVlCKS EVERY X . Sunday at 4 p . m . Young men earnestly requested to attend. \ \ r C. T. t'.-M iM IN IS * MEETING TH E SEC- y }l . ond and fourth Tnursday iu each mouth. O F.—SESSIONS HELD ON THURSDAY in Bank budding. I O • evenings J. S. REES, R .C M IS T S FIRST 4ND T H IR D SAT- urday afternoon in each month. Q OF V .- M I R r S E V IR Y S A T U R D A Y EVEN k j* ing. Contractor and Builder, U. W.—MEETS EVERY TUESDAY EVEN A o • . ing Ht 8 p. . in Armory Hall. m OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. City of Newberg. .... O. C. Emery M ayor....... ...F. H. Howard R ecord er.. ..... J. J. Woods Marshal. ....Moses Vetaw Treasurer., .......A. C. Cox Street C om m issioner...... Surveyor.................................................Miles Reece ^HJtEW BERG v COUNCILS! KN. )B. C. Miles ................................. {Paul Macy JC. F. Moore .............................. |G. L. Stabler 1 F. H. Lasbier .............................. f j . I). Carter cards , m . d ., Physician and Surgeon, S. N. BURGEN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, C ollege , College Classes, Normal Course, Book-keeping, NEWItEHO, OH. All the Grammar School Studies, Music and Art. Office— First door west of postoffice. Resi­ d ence, corner of Second and R iver streets. H. J. LITTLEFIELD, Physician and Surgeon, Newberg, Or. Office in b uild in g occu p ied by the late Dr. Carman, ou Main street. DR. HAROLD CLARK, Dentist, N KW R ERG, OR. B an k of N ewberg Gold filling a specialty. Gas or vita’ iaed air given iu extracting teeth. All work warranted. Office—Near postofifice, on First street. JOHN FLOUHIfiG v M ILLS, P ac ific NEW HERO. OH. Office on First street. All (alia prom ptly at­ tended to day or night. Diseases of women and childreu a specialty. Dentist, Photographer, Do You Want a House Built? s i 4. R -SESSIONS HELD FIRST AND THIRD \JT. Saturday evening in each m onth. w. M c C o n n e l l , YOUNGER, NEW BERG, ORECON. N e w b e rg , O regon, - 1 8 PREPARED TO R E P A I R - — (W a tc h e s » and » C l o c k s » — 111 r workm anlike manner. Satisfaction guar­ anteed. In G. M. Bales’ shoe shop on First street. Thirty-five years’ expe;i* nee. DR. CORNELL, Veterinary • Physician * and • Surgeon. Newberg, Or., W ill prescribe for and treat »ick or lame horses and cattle. ra ils prom ptly answered day or night. Office at Rogers’ livery stable, Sheridan street. DR. E. J. YOUNG, I.ti in I nous Keyhole. An escutcheon for a luminous key hole has been designed which will fie especially convenient on closets, chests, etc., in dark places, and also to the jeunesse doree who have lingered at the club. The escutcheon carrying $ the keyhole is formed o f glass, anJ lias a concave or recessed back, to which ........ President is applied a coat o f phosphorescent . Vice-President paint.—New York Commercial Adver­ ............ Cashier tiser. 30,000 C a p ita l S to ck JESSE EDW ARDS B. C. M I L E S ........... MOSES VOTAW . Directors— Jesse Edwards, B. C. Miles, F. A. Morris, J. C. Colcord, E. H. Woodward. Certificates of deposit issued payable on demand. Exchange bought and sold. Good notes discounted. Deposits received subject to check at sight, and a general banking business transacted. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and Canada. Correspondents— Ladd & Tilton, Portland; National Park Bans, New York. V e t e r in a r y v S u r g e o n , Strangers visiting the city are invited to call at the bank for infor­ mation concerning the city . C* rrespondence invited. NEW II KKG, OH. The treatment of a specialty. tended with promptness. Cal s at D. M. R a m s e y , WHEELERS WILSON MANUFACTURING COMPANY r- _ y _WAV* 1 W 1 U liF fl TIIV DVI V . House 7 and 7 Sign 7 Painter, G r a n d P rize NEWBERG, OB. Houses p a in tei in the latest TINT.8. Paper- hanging, graining, btaining an-lnf and pnt- j t in f :u wal;. 30 cents per foot -T U P 'No < I*« n g <- of f ar» , SURVEYING. N EW BERG . OB. From Terminal or Interior Points -A T TH E - F E F - Shop on Main street. WELL-BORER, Dr. Brook» Say* Redheaded Men Should Not Marry Auburn Haired Girl». FRESH MEATS. D Y E N T i 8 T CH U R C H — P R A Y E R Ml I l IN*. \ every Wednes lay evening, sanbatn M'lmol every Saturday at 10 a m ., services follow in g g . • t « s . Central Meat Market i 11IRISTIAN ( HURt H —SERVICES EVERY \ second aud fourth Sunday at 10 v. m . and 7:30 p. M. p r o f e s s io n a l Southern Pacific Route. f o ; h Portrait and Landscape Artist. lug and eveuine. Suuday school every Sunday at 10 a . m . Prayer meeting every Wednesday even ing at 8:00 o clock. Third Ward... —V IA — MATrt::.:or;iAL Examine Them on Exhibition at A. C. COX’, Newberg, Or. PACIFIC COAST S® ISO M .rk.l Str.-t MAIS , l i m CLEOANT OAY COACHES. A eoritlnnow» line con necting with all Hue«, affording direct and uninterrupted »ervlce Pullman »leeper reservation can be mad» in Advance through any agent o f the road Through ticket» to and from oil point» in America. Kngland and Kurope can be purchased at any ticket office o f the Northern Pacific < om pany Full inform ation con cerning rate, tim e o f train», routes and other detail» furnished on ap pi Hat lot* to any ag«nt or to i t SaD c«l. A. D CHARLTON. A»»f»tant General Pa»*er,(fer Agent. No 121 FlrH • u*»t. coru»r o f v» »»hlugton, Por^aud 0% NO. 33. PACIFIC COAST. NATIONAL |1 . ¡tí 75 50 DIEGO’ S GRAND Addreea, G raphic . Newberg. Oregon. PORTLAND MARKET. P r o d u c e , F r u it , Etc. W heat — Nominal. Valley. 11.30(8 L321» ; Walla Walla, $1.25® 1.27*4 per cental. Coeur d’Alene. SAN CAPITAL. General Brooke Turns Oxer th: Wolcott Party to the State Authorities of Wyoming for Trial. No Federal Troops for the SHASTA L IN E .!» O S T tM U 'R rH .—RKGl’ I.AR SERVICE first aud third Sundnys of the month at 11 I M J . P and 8:00 p. M.; also ou fl'th Sunday, morn Second Ward.. SAMUEL HOBSON, “ Marriage" was the theme upon which Rev. Dr. John A. Brooks dia- ooursed ut the Prospect Avenue Christian church. His text was from \ K \\ Il KKG. OK. Ephesians xxii, 32. 33: "Wives sub­ mit yourselves unto your own hus­ bands as unto the Lord, for the hus Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland: band is the head o f the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church. ARRIVE. FROM F KB. 1, 1891. LEAVE. Portraits enlarged to life size aud finished in Nevertheless, let every one of you in Crayon. India Ink or Water Colors. ov e r la n d E xpress . {»articular so love his wife even as Salem, Alhauy, Eug­ Studio—Upstairs iu Hopkins building. ene, Rotseb’g Grant’s himself and the wife see that she l'as», Medford. Ash •7:.’«» %. M. reverences her husband.” •7:00 P. M land, 8«'*rameuto, Og­ den, San Francisco, “ Courtship is the most serious time Moja ve, Los Angeles, El Faso,New Orléans, for a man or woman, "said Dr Brooks. and East..................... | “ Many bad unions have resulted from *::U) a . m . Rose berg & way station-« *4:30 p. m . | Via Wood:>urn fo r] ( bad courtships. It is the time to be I Mt. Angel. Silvertou. ! . . . . ] West Scio. Browns- I M 1 * M May be found at all times a full astonnenf of earnest, honest and truthful, not a [ ville aud Coburg......J good marketable , time of smiling, sighing, pleasing and . m . Albany and way station^ 410:30 a . m . . m . Cor vail ia A way stations f5:80 r. n. j captivating. It is the time to study i*. M. M oll inn vide ,v way Ma’s f B: _‘0 a . m . happiness, concord aud congeniality. Dining Cara on Ogden Route. “ Marriage is either a blessing or a curse. Plutarch said, ‘A man must PULLMAN IHTFFKT SLKKI’ KKS. All orders prom ptly attended t<* and satisfaction eat a bushel o f salt Ix'foro I can take guaranteed. Second-Claaa Sleeping Cara j liim for my friend.’ How much For accom m odation o f passengers holding sec­ ond-class tickets attached to all trains. One door west o f Morris, Mi Vs A Co.’s new store, more important it is when be is to ou First street. be taken for life. There should lie Through ticket office, 134 First street, where through tickets to all points in the Eastern harmony in age between the parties States, Canada and Europe can tie obtained at J . 8. R A R E R A SONS. marrying. A young person should lowest rates from J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket A g e n t not marry an old one. The one will All above trains arrive and depart from Grand seek life and its active joys, the other Central station, Fifth and I streets. rest. There should be harmony in SAY, YOU I NARROW GALOE—W. S. DIVISION neatness and cleanliness. A clean —AND — man will not feel at home if be re­ Portland ami Willamette Valley Hallway turns to a dirty house, nor a neat Passenger depot foot o f Jefferson street. woman care to go out with a husband —IF YOU DO, CALL ON— ♦7:20 A. M. f6:510 a . M. slovenly and uncleanly. There should 112:15 P. M. a . m . bo harmony also in physical tempera­ t l :30 P. M ♦ 1:55 P. M. Oswego &. way st ti’s t5:15 P. M ♦3:10 P. M. ment. Both should be strong and t6:30 P. M. ♦6:20 P. M. vigorous, and ought to have a tem­ fH :35 P. M ♦7:40 p. M. -T IIK - Oswego, Newberg, Ì per as nearly equal ns possible. Dundee, Dayton, La- { ♦3:20 P. • M ) fayette, fay Sheridan, f “ A redheaded man should never l Moi onmouth A irlie. J marry a redheaded woman if he ridan «& way stations 19:30 a . m . ♦4:30 P. . u. .Sheri wants peace in the family. There ♦Daily. ♦Daily, excep t Suuday. NKWBKRO, OR. should be harmony iu social iK»sitiou. Kerries connect with all trains for Sell wood and Milvvaukie. R. KOEHLER. Manager. A man should never marry a woman K. P. ROGERS« Asst. Gen. F. A P. Agt., Port­ Shop—One door west o f postoffice. land, Or. whom ho would be ashamed to take to his family and the society in which ho moves. In intelligence there should also be harmony. A man does not want to marry a wom ­ an who cannot enter into his intel­ NEW BERC, O REC O N . lectual enjoyments. Above all, there should bo harmony in religion. There J. D. TARRANT & SON, Proprietors. can be no bappiuess in a family where a religious wife or husband has to Having recently equipped our mill with new and improved ma­ associate with an »religious wife or chinery, we are now- prepared to manufacture the best grade of Hour bv husband. “ Every young man should study the FULI ROLLER PROCESS. the woman ho is to marry with great Casli paid for wheat. Feed ground Saturdays. care. He should study himself to know the traits he wants to match in his wife. Never marry a woman for personal beauty alone. Her beauty will fade after awhile and you will cease to love her. Beauty of soul is the thing to love. This will survive N ew berg , O reg o n . the failure of personal beauty and live on until death. Do not marry a fretful woman. Her fretfulixws and peevishness before marriage will turn into quarrelsome and stormy in vectivo after marriage. “ Never marry a fashionable worn an. Instead of her home she will be ever thinking of fashionable society and of preparing for its enjoyment. She will burden you continually with Excellent opportunity for good work. expenses for her wardrobe, carriages Hoard and lodging, $2.50 per week. and extra servants, and leave you al All other expenses very low. ways iu your homo desolated. On If you want to teach; if you want to take a business course; if the other hand, select a woman who you want to review or take advanced work, we can suit you. is a good housekeeper. Your home ought to l»e the most blessed and de Send for catalogue or come and see for yourself. lightful place during life, and if she THOMAS NEW LIN, President. does not know how to make it such she is not fit to l»o your w ife.” — Kan sas City Times. l / \ AKGELIt KL ( UURt H PRK M HISG IT* service at the Evangelical church every Sunda> at 10 a m . and 7 4.» p . m ., except the fourth Sunday of every month. Sabbath school every Sunday at 11 a m . Prayer meeting Thursday at 7 45 p m All are cordially iu v iu d to attend these services. H . NEWBERG, YAMHILL CO., OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1892. VOL. 4. CHURCH NOTICES. M , K A U M : •ubaerlpU on Frire Payable In v a ri­ ably In Ad vanee. at A dvertising Bills Collected Monthly4 a M l tt»4 I I I P U O * One Year Six Months Three Months. F lour —Standard, *4.30; Walla Walla, Senator Kyle has introduced a resolu­ *4.30; Graham, *3.75; Superfine, *3.00 tion providing for an investigation rela­ per barrel. tive to the slums of cities. This was O ats —New, 43@45c per bushel. adopted. H ay —*l l @12 per ton. JURY The conference report on the river and harbor bill bus oeeu agreed to, and a j concurrent resolution for a final adjourn- j me tit July 20 was offered by Senator Al- Chinese Highbinder Encased in a i drich and referred to the Committee ou Appropriations. M illstuffs — Bran, *.9 ; shorts, *22; I kr° unJ barley, *22.50(325; chop fe e d , *18 | *3. Pef ton i Iced barley, *24(¿25; mid- .J1"**« I28® 28 Per ton; brewing barley, i *U 10(81.16 per cental. Burr xb —Oregon fancy creamery, 22f{ Boiler-Plate Coat-of-Mail (J25c; fancydairy, 17@20c; fair to good, General Schofield has received a tele­ 15(itl7>gc; common, 10<â 12>»c; Califor­ at Sacramento. gram General Brooke, in which he states nia, 38(g40c per roll. he has turned over the Wolcott party to C iikk . sk —California, 12($13c; Young the State authorities of Wyoming for America, 13(û|15c per pound. trial. This puts an end, so far as the E oos—Oregon, 20c ; Eastern, 18c per The highbinders at Sacramento are military authorities are concerned, to the dozen. “ rustler” troubles. unusually quiet. 1’ oultry —Old Chickens, quoted at The work of coaling and repairing the The Senate bill to increase the pen­ *4,5'J(ji5; broilers, *2(<*3; young ducks, *3.50,ah; geese, old, *6.O0($7.UO , young, Boston at Mare Island is going on rap­ sions of those » ho lost, lirnbe in the serv­ idly. ice of the United Stales, and which will *t>.00(ii9.00 per dozen; turkeys, 12@13er crate; Onions, *1 country. per cental ; new potatoes, *1.25 percental; A Chinese highbinder arrested at Sac­ were considerably extended, recommit­ old, 80c per sack ; asparagus, 8(310c per ted to the Committee on Pensions. ramento was encased in a boiler-plate pound; lettuce, 10(itl5c Jper bunch; coat-of-mail. He carried two revolvers The conference on the naval bill has squash, 2@3c ; green |>eas, 3c |>er pound ; and three knives. finally lieen agreed to, the house accept­ cucumbers,76c per dozen; tomatoes, *1.50 Sail Bernardino is much excited over ing the Senate amendments appropriat­ («■2.00 per b ox; Oregon turnips, 16c per ing in the aggregate ab ut *ii(i,000 and dozen ; young carrots, 15c per dozen ; the discovery that its street bonds are illegal. About *100,000 of them have the Senate receding from all further beets, 15c per dozen ; California corn, 26c amen I ments except one providing for the per dozen. been expended eo far. F huith — Raspberries, 7@10c per Thirty-five miles of the new line bnilt construction of one sea-going coast bat­ by the Southern Pacific to avoid the tle ship of 9,000 tons, which, with an pound; strawberries, 5(u)fic per pound; flood districts in the Colorado River Val­ armored cruiser of 8,000 tons provided blackberries, 10c per pound; goose­ for iu the House hill, will constitute all berries, 5($tk- per pound ; currants, 5@8c ley have been completed. the new construction authorized. As no per pound; cherries, 5(nt8c per pound; The Deciduous Fruit (.(rowers’ Associ­ appropriation is made for a battle ship, California apples, *2.00 per b ox; ation in Southern California, who entered the bill as it passed the House is only California peaches, *1.00 per b ox; into a compact not to sell their peach increased *Ud,(XH). Bicily lemons, *7.60; California, and apricot crops for less than *25 a ton, The Senate Committee on Appropria­ *4.50(1*5.60 per box ; oranges, seedlings, are more than pleased with the way their tions ties finished its consideration of the *4.00; Smyrna figs, Hie per pound; association is working. sundry civil lull and repurted it to the pluniB, $2.00 per box; apricots, *1.00@ Tiiere is a general strike among the Senate. The amount of the appropria­ 1.25 {Mr box; California pears, *1.00 per trainmen on the San Joaquin division of tions made by the bill is *38,757,3!(f, box. the Southern Pacific Company. They that being an increase over the bill as it Staple Oroo®fies. are dissatisfied with the saperintendent passed the House of *11,574,81(1. Tiiere H usky —ll)(j$18c per pound. of the division, J. If. Whited, who has is an appropriation of *5,103,0 HI in aid S alt —Liverpool, *15.00(318.00; stock, increased their work and not their wages. of the World’ s Fair, sed -%,» nquirement *ll(j*12 per ton. The grand jury at San Diego has made as reported to the -euate that the C offkk —Costa Rica, 2 B jc ; Rio, 20c; its final report. The county officers are World’s Fair shall not he kept open on Salvador, 20c; Mocha, 27^(1*300; Java, ■cored for alleged misconduct in appro­ Sunday. The requirement is that gov- priating certain fees to their own use, eminent exhibits shall not be kept on 25(i*27>yc; Arbuckle’a 100-pound cases, 20 17-20c per pound. and the removal from office of Clerk exhibition on that day. B kans —Small white, 8c; pink, 24*^ Cias“away, Auditor and Recorder Miller Secretary Noble has rendered an lm 3 j 4 c ; bayoa, 3 '4c ; butter, 3>$c; liwas, and Sheriff Folks is advised. TI ipso of­ 3!yC per pound. ficials demand a thorough investigatian. portant decision on the appeal of the H uoab —I), 4S|C; Golden C, 47,c ; extra Information was received at. Klamath State of California from the action of the G. 6c; Magnolia A, 6Sic; granulated, Falls recently that the Commiss'oner of Commissioner of the general land office 5-44 c ; cube crushed and powdered, 6 Lac ; Indian Affairs has ordered the survey of in respect to certain applications made eight townships on the reservation, by the State to select indemnity school confectioners’ A.fDgc; maple sugar, 16(c* lie per pound. which is preliminary to the allotment of lands in lieu of townships made frac­ Svauc— Eastern, in barrels, 40@55c; lands in severalty and the final opening tional by the existence of damp and over­ of the reservation. Work will l>egin at do wed lands. The Secretary holds that half-barrels, 42's (er dozen. Vegetables : Corn, *1.45 ire offered the producer, and it is money E D U C A T IO N A L . @2.00; tomatoes, 95c@*1.00; sugar peas, in their pockets to go to Baker City with 95c@*i.tM); string beans, 90c@*1.00 per their shipments. Another tiling that Meats : Corned beef, *1.90@2.00; tends to Baker City's advantage is that I lie Coining Season at Chautauqua Will dozen. chipped beef, *2.25; lunch tongue, le, the road to lieppi er is in such a had be the (ireatest in Its History— *3.15; 2s, *5.50; deviled ham, *1.50@3.66 condition that heavily-loaded wagons per dozen Fish: Sardines, 75c@1.66; Iowa State University. cannot travel over it. lobsters, *2.30@8.6<>; salmon, tin, 1-lb. A wonderful geological specimen was tails, *1.25@ 1.50; fig's, *1.75; 2 lbs., accidenta ly discovered by a lal orer in About. *3,(MIO,000 is appropriated each *2.25(1*2.50; bbl., 15.50. Astoria the oilier day. In digging his year to the New York city schools. pick struck a round stone imlieilded in The total school enrollment for the M laoellaneoti». the iiank, the blow splitting the stone N ails — Base quotations: Iron, *3.00; open. In the center was a perfect clam United States last year was 14,2>)0,000. The teachers and School Superintend­ steel, *3.00; wire, *3.50 per keg. shell, both sides being shown and meas­ I kon — Bar, 3 I 4 C per pound; pig iron, uring 3:,4 inches in length by J’ , inches ents in this country receive *8(1,000,000 in diameter. Considering where it was annually, and the money is well earned. *24@27 per ton. S teki .— lOjfcc per pound. found and the heavy formation of stone, President Angell of Ann Arbor has T i n —I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qual­ the elain must have lain in its stony written that graduates of the Leaven­ home thousands o ' years. worth High School will lie admitted to ity, *8.00@8.50 per b ox; lor crosses, *2 A water velocipede has lieen invented : the Michigan University without further extra per box; roofing, 14x20, prime by Will Raymond of Clatsop county, examination, which is no mean compli­ quality, *6.76 per b o x ; 1. C. coke platee, 14x20, prime quality, *7.75 per box. Or.. It is made of xinc. It has double ment. L kad —44£c per pound ; bar, 6,^(5. wheels on each side with a seat b st ween. President Gilman conferred degrees S h o t —*1.75 per sack. It is propelled with a crank like a land upon sevt nty-four students of the grad­ H obhkhhoes — *6 . velocipede. Mr Raymond lias his model, uating class at Johns Hopkins Univer­ N aval S t o r e s —Oakum, |4.50@5 per and has apphed for a patent. K R. sity week before last. He appeared in a Ilawes has just cinipleted one of the gown and hood, and graduates all v/ors hale; roein,*4.80«(6 per480pounds ; tar, Stockholm, *14.00; Carolina, *7.00 per velocipedes for Mr. Kaymond.and it will j caps and gowns. barrel; pitch, *0.00 per barrel; turpen­ lie tested in Young’s Bay in a few days. There is every reason to believe that tine, 65c per gallon in carload lots. It is believed a speed of twelve miles an the coming season at Chautauqua will lie hour can be obtained. It cannot lie up­ TVlilea, W o o l and H o p ». set, and its occupant is absolutely safe the greatest in its history, not only in tiie number of visitors, hut in the extent H idkb — Dry hides, selected prime, 1% on the water. of its courses of study and the variety @Hc; l)kc lesa for culls; green, selected, There is much interest at Boise, Idaho, over 55 pounds. 4 c ; under 55 pounds, 3 c; over the prospective building of a line and ability of its lecturers. The Women’s College of Ba'timore re­ sheep pelts, short wool, 30@50c; me­ of railr ad from Nampa to Silver City, by which that city will lie afforded rail ceived last month a gift of $250,000, ol dium, 60@80c; long, 90c@*1.25; shear­ connection with the rich mining dis­ which *100,000 is to pay for one of the ings, 10@20c; tallow, good to choice, 3 tricts of Owyhee county. Major Wick- new buildings in process of erection, the @3Wc per pound. W o o l — Umpqua Valley, 16@18c; Wil­ ershain of l'ittshnrg h»a been examining remainder of the sum to be used to ad­ the scheme on behalf of capitalists of vance the general interest of the college. lamette Valley, 16@l8c, according to quality; Eastern Oregon, 10@18c per that city, and it is positively asserted The Iowa State University is located that the line will be c instructed if his st the old “ has-been" town of fowa pound, according to condition. H ops —Nominal; 10@18c per pound, report is favorable. While he has noth­ City, amt is not commonly spoken ol ing to eay that would indicate what the with Harvard and Yale, but it has 900 according to condition. tenor of his report is to lie, the idea students, and ita late commencement T h « M eat M a rk et. seems to prevail that he will recommend was the greatesteat it ever had. Univer­ the scheme. If the road is built, the sities can grow west of the Mississippi I B is f — Live. 2@ 3c; dressed, 44k@6c. M oiton —Live, 3t4@3W c; dressed, 7c; proposed new mills of the Delarnar Com­ river. pany will tie located near that city. The James Richarl Cocke, who was grad­ lambs, live, 3 ^ c ; dressed, 8c. project for building a road eastward uated at the Boston University school ol i Hoos— Live, 5@6,h,c; dressed, 8c. V s a l —5@7c per pound. through tiie mining and timber regions medicine at the head of his class last S m o k e d M k a t s — Medium ham, 14>^«t of Central Idaho to Butte City is also in weik, is the first person totally blind 14‘y c ; large ham, 1314@ !4 c ; breakfast a promising slispe, a more detailed snr- from infancy to receive the degree of M. vey having been ordered by tlie capital­ D. He has iieen a diligent student and bacon, 13)4@ 16c; dry salt sides, 10J4c ; ists who have been investigating the reader of anatomy for eight years past, smoked sides ll'-g tit ll^ c ; smoked ne- matter. snd obtained 98 per cent, on his exami­ con, l l * i « l l i 4c per pound. L a « o —Compound, 9@ 9l^c; pure, 11@ Search bv customs officers at San Di- nation. 12V4 c ; Oregon, lU fk^ ^ tgc per pound. e g io f the Britisli steam schooner Kliza Helen A. Keller, who is ■ pupil in the Kdwards has failed to unearth evidence school for the tilind where Laura Bridg­ Hag:» »»»«* H a g g ln g . that she is being used for illicit purposes. man was taught, is according to all ac­ Tiiere were no Chinese on hoard nor any counts a most remarkable child. She Burlaps, 8 - 01 ., 40-inch, net cash, 6 Vgc ; evidence of opium. Captain Van Bremer lost sight and hearing when a mere babe, burlaps, 10-ox., 40-inch, net c«sh, 7A»c; threitens that, if his vessel is not re­ and was sent to the school to he Ustght burlaps, 50-os., (iO-inch, ns cash, 8 c ; leased at once, lie will apply to the Brit­ finger speech. Although only 11 years burlaps, 15-os., 60-inch, 12c; burlaps, 20- ish Consul for protection. No one is al­ old, she is an intellectual wonder. She ox., 76-inch, I4t£c. Wheat bags,Calcutta, lowed to visit tne schooner nor sailors to isarn s'w ith 'w ood^ n r'rap idir^ h aa «P01- three-bushel oat bags, come ashore. A suspicions rrctiinstance quired oral speech and manifests a men- ____________________ in the case is the fai t that the Captain lal power and grasp that would he phe­ at first claimed he had chartered the nomenal in a child in full possession of Two of Mr. Hamn m*» Starif«. craft for a crui*e to Mexico and Central her senses. Mr. Barnum't breaiy <'omrer«»tion waa in- Am'-rics. while afterward tie to’d an en­ tar*pen*ed at fmquont interval» with witty The news of the determination of Yale anecdote and quaint laying* tirely different story. He now says that He »poke by the advice of hia physicians he pur­ University to enlarge the educational of an old lady who w u so deaf that, when chased the vessel for a cruise to tfie Ha­ opportunities for feminine students came some playful chape fired a »mail cannon near waiian Islands for his health. For two almost simultaneously with the news the old lady’» door, »he merely said, “ Coma years past he has tieen considering the that the ancient University of St. An­ In." “ That » m a pretty fair story when I voyage, and cleared at Vancouver 'or drews in Scotland had decided to admit heard il tome time ag o /' said the veteran, San Diego to enable hie physician, Dr. women to the departments of theology, '‘ but I heard a good one a «lay or two tine« Winchester of Santa Bartiara, to tsiar I the sciences snd the arts. All of the four that beat» it. Two gentlemen were walking without going North. A special dispatch universities of Scotland have within a along a highway near a railroad. One of the from the la'ter place to the San Diego few years past adopted a very broad pol­ pedestrians waa somewhat hard of hearing. flnior. says Winchester’ s wife says he has icy in regard to the admiseion of women Along cam« a train, and the engin« emitted g ne Fast. Officials eiy they believe t* students. In this respect they are 1« a frightful ahriek H m /m i d th e d c a fo o * Winchester is iritercste«' with Captain Advance ef like institutions ia any other 'that • th« fir«t robin Tv« heard this «pring.’ 4 »en try of Europe. Van titemer in smuggling upeialions. J -B o sto n Harold.