Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, June 24, 1892, Image 4

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    t h f ir
What the Faculty of the
University o f California
Has to Say.
F u n d a m e n ta l
W h o le
H ow
Our test shows that it has
greater leavening power
than any other of which
we have any knowledge.
J'rof. Chimi hy Uni; er ity o f California and State Analyst.
TV *.
Prof. Chemistry, College Pharmacy, of the University o f Califa in.
Y ou say that you h a v e n over been in
lo v e . H o w near h ave you e o m e to i f ’ H e -I
w as m arried on ce.
No aafer
r e m e d y can b e b a d for coughs
a n d c o l d « o r a n y t r o u b l e o f t h a ti r o u t th .i
“ Brown’ m Hronchial rT r o c h e n Pnce, 25
C en tn .
only in boxes.
T llfir
M e illr lim l
Y x lu n
m ill
Sum «- :>f
th e
T n »u h l«H W h i c h T h e y A h l.
( ‘hfimrally tin.* apple* is composed of
vegetable liber, albumen, sugar, gum,
The hu ni m er bids fa ir to ruu monti y to poli­ chlorophyll, malic acid, gallic acid,
lime and much water. Furthermore,
tics and grat-H
the (¿eriiiuii analysts sav that the ap
U mj Knameliue Btove 1’ollnh ; no dunt, no «mell. pie contains a larger percentage of
phosphorus than any other fruit or
T r y G krmka fo r breakfast.
vegetable. This phosphorus is admi-
fably adapted for renewing the essen­
tial nervous matter, letliicin, of the
brain and spinal cord. It is, perhaps,
for tin; same reason, rudely under
stood, that old Seandinuvian traditions
represent the apple as the food of the
g t m I s , who, when they felt themselves
to I ms growing feeble and infirm, re­
sorted to this food for renewing their
powers of mind and body. Also, the
acids of the apple are of signal use for
men of sedentary habits, whose livers
are sluggish in aetion ; these acids ser­
ving to eliminate from (lie body nox­
ious mailers which, if retained, would
make the brain heavy and dull, or
bring about juuudiee or skin eruptions
and other allied troubles.
Some such an experience must have
led to our custom of taking apple
sauce with roast pork, rich goose and
like dishes. The malic acid of ripe ap­
ples, either raw or cooked, will neu­
tralize any excess of chalky matter en­
Tobacco is man’s most uni­ gendered hy eating too much meat. It
is also the fact that such fresh fruits
versal luxury; the fragrant aroma as
the apple, the |M*ar and the plum,
of MASTIFF PLUG CUT starts when taken ripe and without sugar,
diminish acidity in the stomach rattier
people to pipe-smoking, even than provoke it. Their vegetable salts
and juices are converted into alkaline
those who never used tobacco carbonates,
which tend to counteract
A good, ripe, raw apple is one of the
J. B. 1’»iceTobáceo Uo., Richm ond, Virginia.
easiest of vegetable substances for the
stomach to deal with, the whole pro­
cess of its digestion being completed
in eighty live minutes. Uefrat'd found
that the “ pulps of roasted apples
mixed in a wine quart of faire water,
and labored together until it comes to
he as apples and ale which we call
lamhswool never faileth in certain
diseases of the ruiucs, which myself
hath often proved, and gained thereby
is G u a r a n t e e d
both crowns and credit.” “ The paring
L * ,
»Absolutely Water.
of an apple, cut somewhat thick, and
the inside whereof is laid to hot, burn­
^ V / / .
p ro o f.
ing or running eyesat night, when the
party goes to bed, and is tied, or hound
Slickers have
to the same, doth help the trouble very
beside the Fish Bra nd
speedily, and contrary to expectation
T rademark on every Coat i
an excellent secret.”
A poultice made of rotten apples is
| of very common use in Lincolnshire
for the euro of weak or rheumatic
eyes. Likew ise in the Hotel lies Inva
I tides at Paris, an apple poultice is used
mmmmmmmmmm ■— ——»
Send fo»
I commonly for intlamed eves, the ap
A J T o w n ? MFR BOSTON MASS CaUtofM I pie being roasted and its pulp applied
j over the eyes without any intervening
Ask your doctor what hap­ substance. Long ago it was said ap
pies are easily and speedily digested,
pens to cod-liver oil when it | and
a modern maxim teaches that
gets inside of yon.
“ If you eat ail apple going to bed, the
He will say it is shaken doctor then will beg his bread.” -
London | lospital.
T ower'y §s§
0Op / ee/
5 oft Woolep r,c/f
Watch Outl Collar.
and broken up into t i ny
W l.a t t o K m I at M g l it .
drops, becomes jin emulsion ;
The true course is to liegin with just
there are other changes, but one or two mouhtfuls tlic«iu t thing
before going to I hm I. Anil tins should
this is the first.
bo light food, easily digested. No cake
He will tell you also that or pastry should he tolerated. One
it is economy to take the oil mouthful of cold roast lieef, cold lamb,
chicken and a little crust of bread
broken up, as it is in Scott's cold
will ilo to begin with, or, what is bet
Emulsion, rather than bur­ tor vet, a spoonful or two of condensed
milk (not the sweetened that conies in
den yourself with this work.
cans) in three times as much warm wa
You skip the taste too.
ter. into tins cut half a pared |»oacli
Let us send you an inter­ and two or three little sipiaresof bread,
the whole b* la* one fourth or one sixth
esting book on CAREKIU i.iv- of what would he a light lunch.
Increase tins very gradually, until
i n g ; free.
S cott A B ow n « , C hemists, 1 1 1 South tth Avenue.
New York.
Your druggist keeps Scott's Emulsion o f cod-liver
oil—all druggists everywhere do. f i,
I ham a I*wit iv » i rotund/ for the shore diMvtue; hy its
■MtliooMnds of c i n e of tb«* worst kind and of long
•t im ing havw bf*» n enrtvl. I-»drawl so strong is my faith
4a itsetfleaer. tU.»t I w .1 •••>! i \>.t hot li re t iicr , with
a V A 1.1 A lfl.K TRK.XTI <K on ttus di «•**••» t »anyauf-
»•rerw send niathair Ks.<maeau«l I*. O. ad In -«.
T . A . m rn mrn. N . C *. IM.1 P e a r l S t . . N . V
“G e r m a n
M y acquaintance with Boschee's
G erm an S yru p was made aliout four
teen years a go
I contracted a cold
which resulted in n hoarseness and
cou gh w hich disabled me from fill­
ing m y pulpit for a num ber o f Sab­
A fter trying a physician,
w ithout obtaining relief I saw the
advertisem ent o f your remedy and
obtained a bottle,
I received quick
and perm anent help
I never hesi­
tate to tell inv experience. R ev. W
H . H a g g e r ty , Martinsville, N . J . »’
at the end of a mouth or si\ weeks the
patient max indulge in a how l of milk,
two peaches, with a half liartl roll or
a crust of home made bread When
peaches are gone take baked apples
| with the milk till straw lorries come,
and eat the latter till |*eaehes return
u^ain. This is tin* secret of health and
We often work until after
midnight, hut eating tiie comfortable
meal is the last tiling we do every
(light of the year. This is not an tin
tried e\|H*riment or one dc|>ctiditig on
the testimony of a single witness
American Analyst
I t e t t r r T lin n I h f i n l v i l * .
Cousin Luev How funny, this thing
of a freezing mixture that will turn
water into ice in a fex\ minutes, isn't it
Cousin Tom Y e s . hut if 1 eould
mix the gi**d exening” 1 got from my
tlaneee and the ' go*x| night I got from
her father the day I failed in business
I d have a compound that would con
vert the Atlantic inti*.» glacier in four
seconds Pittsburg bulletin
X i lr t t llu n «
Ion fo r H r iO th in r « *
Th** T e a c h liiK « (
Your committee have made a very careful examina­
tion of the R O Y A L B A K I N G P O W D E R and are
satisfied that it fulfills all the requirements which the
public can make of a baking powder. For purity and
rare in preparation it equals any in the market, and
t 'p r m
W h ic h
.% K F.
PR O 4í H.
th e
Is B u i l t .
l<t O b t a i n e d .
A deep Buddhistical vein is now going
through th»* modern world of western na­
tions, having l*econ»e especially forceful
and penetrating since tiie period when
Schopenhauer erected his philosophical
system, more or less, or the very old teach
iitgs of Buddha Gautama.
'There is uo want of comprehensive sci­
entific works in reference to Buddhism,
ami poets also have been unable to resist
the great attraction of the doctrines of this
Indian sage, as is shown in the works of
Kichard Wagner, which are largely influ­
enced hy the ground thoughts of Bud­
dhism The Samsara and Xirxaiwt have
la-come current expressions of many of our
modern poets, not only in their descrip­
tions of scenes relating to the world in
which we live, but also in their pictures of
salvatiou from this world of error, guilt,
suffering, birth and death. 'The doctrine
of Buddhism, of rehirth, that is, the con­
tinued reincorporation of our real spiritual
being, forms tiie fundamental principle of
the great Asiatic religions.
The doctrine of the rebirth is alone suf­
ficient to explain to the Buddhists the
mystery of existence; it explains why the
righteous mau is often so poor and de­
spised, while the evildoer enjoys riches
and honor, it replies to the despairing
question, addressed constantly, but vainly,
to heaven by millions of souls, “ Why have
we to suffer and endure so much?’” It ex­
plains that indestructible as are the forces
of nature and matter, so likewise is the
innermost being of man. Death is no mini
filiation, but only the passing over from
one feeble form into another; whosoever
takes pleasures in this world, there is none
to gainsay him; neither a god nor a devil
can rob him of them, but lie must abide by
the consequences.
Man’s real fate depeuds solely on his in
ward being, on his own will, and he has
the prospect of countless rebirths, in which
lie will earn the fruits of both his good
and his evil deeds. But to him who is
weary of this unceasingly renewed exist
ence, and will earnestly strive for freedom
and release, is opened a way of redemp­
tion. The cause of suffering, death and
rebirth is the will to live, which fills us
all. the desire of individual existence in
lilis or in some other world
The will to live in Buddhistical sense is
not only tin* conscious will, but that un
conscious life force which dwells in all
creatures and organisms, in animals ami
plants, as well as in man. Only by aban
doning this xvill, and hy totally suppress
ing the desire for an individual existence
in this or in some future world, can man
ever lx* freed and redeemed and reach
eternal peace.
The road to this release, to Nirvana, w’e
can find through the recognition of four
healing truths, viz., the truth of suffering,
the truth of the cause of suffering, the
truth of the cessation of suffering and the
truth of the way which will lend to cessa­
tion from suffering.
Buddha teaches that it is because of our
nourecoguition of these four cardinal
truths that we have to travel so long the
mournful and dreary road of rebirths. But
when t he truths are mice fully recognized
and acted upon the xvill to live disappears,
the longing which leads to renewed exist­
ence ceases, and tiie Samsara is a thing of
the past. There are two roads of error,
brethren, xvhich he who is striving for
freedom from earth-* loin in ion may not
The one, tiie longing to satisfy our pas
sions and sense desires of w hatever kind,
is low, mean, dishonorable and destructive;
it is the road on which travel the children
*f this world. The other, tlie asceticism
and self torture, is somls-r, painful and
utterly useless.
The middle road alone, which has been
found by the one who lias attained perfec­
tion, avoids these two error roads, opens
the eyes, imparts self knowledg»* and leads
to peace, to truth, to enlightenment, to
The Nirvana, according to the explana
tion of th»* Buddhist scholar, is a condition
*f holy peace, accompanied by tiie inde­
structible certainty of obtained freedom
and release. Nirvana means, literally, to
• h * extinguished
'The xvill to live, tiie
longing for earthly joys, here or somewhere
else, is extinguished. The false idea that
material goods can have any value or l*e
lasting has evapon^jted. Gone is the ti ame
of sensuality and selfishness.
Although it is possible t«» reach Nirvana
already in this life, an extremely small
number are able to accomplish it. Our
mental and moral condition, through the
effect of deeds in former births, is gener­
ally so deficient that man\ rebirths are
limit'll l*efore we can arrive at this haven
of |H*ace But to «¿Main a rebirth under
favorable condition» is w ithin tin* power of
every one who earnestly strives for it. It
solely de|H'ntis on the wish to live which
dwells in all of ns ami forms tiie kernel of
our existence.
'The nature of our rebirth depends en­
tirely 011 our deeds, and is regulated by
merit and guilt as exhibited in our former
lives If our merit is greatest, we shall be
l*orn again in a higher state or world and
under favorable conditions. If, however,
we have subjected ourselves to heavy guilt
through evil deeds, a rebirth in a lower
place, and rich in sorrow and suffering, is
the necessary and inevitable result. The
consequences depend on our Karma, the
moral law of the world, of which the phys
ical law. as seen hy us, is only the sensual
and temporal appearance. Karma is that
which other religions designate as divine
purpose, providence or fate.— Arena.
I n te r v ie w W ith S o m e W e ll K n o w n
C itiz e n « B r in g s O u t C e r ta in F a c ts
o f th e
I t e b lr t li E x p l a i n e r !— T h e
U t ile *
R e lig io n
R e b ir t h
som e
i I*-« 11 ic U ii l il » iii B e r lin .
« I IM iH IS T H O C T R T X E .I
O r e a te o t
In te r e st
Im p o rta n ce .
The interviews which follow are from
¡people well known in Oaklaml and the
reailer can lie assured that every word
th ey say is true. They are certainly
m ost rem arkable assertion», and com ing
an they do just at the present time, they
can he read with the -greatest interest
and profit l>y all.
George If. Fogg, the well known
notary pu blic o f 14*1 Broadway in the
course of ¡1 conversation stated these
fa c ts : “ A b ou t live or six years ago I wa»
Buffering from u disease of the kidneys
w hich troubled me for a year or so be­
fore I discovered what the real cause ol
m y discom fort was. I pou the recom ­
m endation of a friend I begun taking
W arner’ s Safe Cure and took three or
four bottles. It helped me im m ediately.
I spoke of it to friends of mine at the
tim e and many of them have used it
with benefit. X “-till recom mend it at
every opp ortu nity.
Since using the
m edicine I have had no return of the
trouble thought that was some three or
four years a go.”
‘ ‘ Can you give me the name of any of
you r friends w ho have Is-en helped by
this rem ed y?”
‘‘ Yes, if you will see Mr. Geo. S.
Naismith, the insurance man of
Ninth street tie will tell you moreabout
it. He took it because he saw my name
indorsing it.”
Mr. Naismith is well known to the
business and social circles of Oakland.
He greeted the reporter cordially and
“ Five years ago I was confined to my
bed and the doctors gave me up to die
but I am now up and able to attend to
my business. W arner’ s Safe Cure is a
great rem edy and in m y case acted upon
m y system at once and com pletely
restored me to h ealth.”
Mr. It. F. Arm strong senior partner
in the well known paint house of
Arm strong A Merchant, 4ii Third street,
San Francisco and w hose Oakland home
is at 1520 Broadway, said:
“ W arner’ s Safe ¿'lire saved mv life
and m y w ife's. I had kidney trouble
so had that I d id ’ nt know a m om ent’s
peace while my wife was a m artyr to
those special troubles peculiar to wom en.
W e were induced hy our friends to try
the Safe Cure and it has com pletely
restored us to health. Now we always
keep it in the house and use it as a
family m edicine and would not lie w ith­
out it for any consideration.”
Mrs. Arm strong was also seen at her
Oakland hom e and fully liore out her
hugband's statements as to her recovery
being remarkably strong and healthful
in appearance.
George W . Baker is a painter hy trade
and lives in a neat little cottage at Itar-
rynian Station just beyond Berkeley. I 11
answer to our reporter he said :
“ Five years ago I had dyspepsia so
bad that I did not know what it w as to
en joy a inejil. I got in such a condition
that everything distressed me fearfully
and at times I would he seized with
pains in my chest and abdom en so
severe that I fell to the ground asthough
my baekbone were suddenly severed
with un axe. Well do I know what it is
to lie stricken down in the street and
have to be carried home in agony. This
went on for over a year and all the
while I was trying to find some doctor
who could help me but without success.
I spent hundreds of dollars and was no
iietter than at first when one day I saw
an advertisem ent of W arner’ s Safe
Cure. It was a big poster on a fence
and I tell you sir, I thank G od to-day
for the man that put ii there. Alm ost
in despair I bought a liottle but hy the
time that was gone I was eating heartily
of anything I desired.
The second
bottle cured me and I don ’ t think I
finished it eith er.”
Frederick A. Wilder, the genial pro­
prietor of the Windsor House was seen
at the corner of Washingtan
streets. Mr. Wilder has
spent considerable time in Arizona and
the southern country and spoke of his
experience :is follows:
, at his hotel
* and Ninth
“ In 1HSII I was iii Arizona on business
and while there I contracted a severe
cold which settled in m y kidneys. The
had water of that part of the country
aggravated m y trouble till I bail a well
developed ease of Bright's disease. I
tried different remedies w ith hut slightly
lieneficial results until last Decem ber.
At that tim e I was attacked with the
G rip which left me with mv kidneys in
a very weak condition and also brought
on inflam m ation of the bladder. I be­
gan using W arner's Safe Cure and am
now on the fourth liottle. It is a fine
thing and lias don e me a world of good.
The pain has disappeared from my
Madder and the weak feeling froiii
across m y hips. I heartily indorse the
remedy and ain still using it ."
Albert Row e of the Pacific Borax
Works, Oakland, in a recent conversa­
tion said: “ I have had kidney trouble
with nervousness and loss of sleep for
years. Nothing seemed to help me in
the least till I tried W arner's Safe Cuie.
1 have taken a lw it a dozen ami a half of
the rem edy and now m y nerves are
steady and I sleep like a top .”
Judge K. O. Crosby, the well known
attorney of 1<>22 Park street, Alameda
sa id:
“ Continual office 'w o r k and
sedentary habits brought on me a severe
attack o f kidney trouble w ith sleepless­
ness and weakness across the small of
my back. I Ivgan taking W arner’s
Safe Cure and found im mediate im ­
provement. 1 took about fifty Kittles
»ml at tiie end of that time was perfectly
w ell.”
The al>ove statements are not from
M en W h o C arry M on ey.
obscure people living in the Eastern
The rich never carry much money
States, but from well know n persons re­
There are millionaires who never carry siding l ight here in Oakland where the
more than one dollar to five dollars habit u
truth of their assertions can K> easily
ally. They have a theory that they art* aerified. Such testim ony ought to lie
moro likely to lx* “ held up” than anybody 'convincing. —Oakland Tribune.
else and are always afraid of being robbed
Norw**Rii»n II or««*».
It is one of the penalties of wealth. The
robin*r would In* more apt to find money in
A traveler in N orway says that the
greater quantity on the lush of one of their horses in that country have a very
clerks. The clerk has no bank account
ami carries his little surplus in bin trousers I sensible way o f taking their food,
The pocket check lamk is the which might lie beneficially followed
safeguard of the millionaire New York hen« A bucket o f water is put down
beside their allowance o f hay. It is
interesting to see with what relish
A W i l y Str«*et F a k i r .
A street fakir m Boston deliberately they take a sip of one and a mouth
broke some gin»» bottles of perfume upon ful of the other alternately, some­
t lie sidewalk, ami t he odor arising attracted times only moistening their months
the passing crowds to his wares, which he
talked up earnestly and long with the in * ! ns a rational K-itig would while eat-
•olt **( satisfactory sales. For way» that: m g lus dinner of such dry final
are vain and tricks that are \ Jirlou» the 1 broken winded horse, it is said, is
Chinee does not greatly »arpa-*» the Vmeri soaivrli ever stvti m N orw ay, and
can sidewaK merchant
Pharmaceutical the qui'stion that Brim's is whether
the mode o f ftvdm g has not som e­
thing to do with the preservation of
I ‘r a t o f N r « Y o r k B u r g la r * .
The feat of the man who stole a ho», the animal * respiratory organs
utoxe has been eclipsed by New York bu r­ Rider and Driver
glars, xvho stole a safe weighing l.tfOO
pounds from a barge that had sunk te. I
T h r j .%|| |>o f t .
the l*otfom of the Hudson river — t’ h»e.igo
Tailor You ha«l your -nit i lvutuxl
I!. raid.
an»l ptv-v n*l the other »lay
Du* hill
It is an Irishman who define» a hch was L'i j nini I would like to cx>1
man as a man who bites off more than he leet it
can chew, ami a poor man ns a man who
StubW>r But 1 haven't |vti<! for the
chews more than he can bite off
I /union alw i \ * figure* in Hi,-
i \
re I*>rt* of llir rvifi.tnar ireneral a* .1
very »■ nullity rit}
Freeman, however, teem« t. < think
that 1 /ondon ha* nht.inn il 11 tiotiti >1.
reputation for healthiness h\ reason of
the l*r,jr proportion MT p a cent -o’
l ’
the population which iecoimtr) I ,-n
Six o f the machines an* m use In Teheran
■ mil hv tiie constant removal* t th
country of p-rami w liue healtli hat - t * , . by uol- 1 « , ib* other» by
hroken down unuer tiie *tn-«, of met­
N. P. .N. U. No. 44 * - 8 , F. N. U. No. RM ropolitan life lamdv'i Tit Pit*
suit yet
____ but the
Tailor That's __
all _ right,
d o n n in g is d o n e ou ts u le a n d w e h a v e
to l o y , o*h fo r it
C lo t h ie r « n .l Fur
- iA -
In Berlin the ?. in * have been car
ried underground from the start, and
no difficulty has U-en experienced.
Instead of adding new ugliness to the
streets, tiie arc lights of Berlin are
thing* of beauty, an artistic embellish­
ment to the city. Cuter den Linden
is probably the most brilliantly and
beautifully illuminated street in the
world. Along each side and down the
center the arc lights are set even more
closely together than ordinary gas
lamps, and the effect at night is that
of great strings of white, gleaming
pearls. The posts consist of great iron
standards, with tasteful ornamenta­
tion anil curving over at the top. Here
the globe is »uspeuded, inclosed in a
coarse net work, so that, in case it
breaks, the pieces of glass may not fall
011 passers. From ¡^ie globe there
hangs a light chain, with a ring in the
end, and there are counterbalancing
weights inside the post, so that the
lamp is quickly and easily attended to
by pulling it down with a light stick,
with a hook in the end; a great im­
provement, in the economy of time
and trouble, over our clumsy methods
of either climbing the post or lower­
ing the light hy an unwieldly and
uglv crane.—Cor. Mexican Financier.
Itlrrla T h a t A p p ea r to R eason.
Frank Buchlaud gives several curi­
ous instances of the special habits of
j some birds in procuring their food.
I The blackbirds, thrushes, etc., carry
snails considerable distances for the
I puri>ose of breaking their shells
] against some rock or stone. Thomas
Edward, the Scottish naturalist, de
scribes gulls and ravens flying to a
great height with crab or other shell
; fish, and letting them fall on stones
in order to smash the shells; and, if
they do not break on the first attempt,
lie says they pick them up again and
; carry them yet higher, repeating the
i operation again und again till the
shell is broken. Ravens often resort
to this contrivance. Darwin tells of a
bird having Irceii repeatedly seen to
hop on u p o p p y stem, and shake the
head with his hill till many seeds were
scattered, when it sprang to the ground
and ate up tlie seeds,—Mouth.
T h e i r R u lin g Fits*ion *.
ilurtly, when a hoy, wi&hed to write
: a book on tlx* nature of man; Bacon,
a work on philosophy; and Milton, an
| epic poem. Smeaton, the engineer, is
reputed to have manufactured a toy
! windmill when only 6 years old.—
: T/melon Telegraph.
To keep tools from rusting, take one
j half ounce camphor, dissolve one pound
melted lard; take off the scum and mix
in as much Hue black lead (graphite) as
xvill give it an iron color. Clean the
I tools and smear with this mixture.
After twenty-four hours rub clean with
a soft linen cloth. The tools will keep
clean for months under ordinary circum­
l» K S T
Senator Henry
Nelson o f New York
“ On the 27th o f February, 1883, I was
taken with a violent pain in the region o f
the kidneys. I suffered su h agony that 1
could hardly stand up. As soon as possible
l applied two A l l c o c k ’ h P o r o u s P l a s t e r s ,
one over each kidney, and lay down. In
an hour, to mv surprise and delight, the
pain had vanished and I was well. I wore
the plasters for a day or two as a precau­
tion, and then removed them. I have been
using A i . i .< ot k ’ s P o r o u s P l a s t e r s in mv
family for tiie last ten years, and have al­
ways found them the quickest and best ex­
ternal remedy for colds, strains and rheu­
matic affections. From my experience I
believe they are the best plasters in the
A Meat Summing Up. In the Dr. Briggs «'»Be it
n o w lo o k s as th o u g h they h ad a creed to disagree.
Now is the* time to treat catarrh o f long
standing. Fly’s Cream lhilm reaches old
ail i obstinate cases, where all other reme­
dies fail. I)o not neglect procuring a bot­
tle, as in it lies the relief you seek.
Rev. II. II. Fairall, I). I)., editor o f the
Inmt Mrfhnt/i.t, says editorially: “ We have
tested the merits o f Fly’s ('ream llalm, and
believe that by a thorough course of treat­
ment it will cure almost every case o f ca-
ta**rh. Ministers as a class are afflicted
with head and throat iroubles, and catanh
seems more prevalent than ever. We can­
not recommend Fly's (’ ream Balm too
Apply Balm i»*to »‘ach nostril. It is
quickly absorbed. G'ves relief at once.
Price, ‘*0 cents at druggists’ or by mail.
E ly B roth ers ,
s; Warren Street. New York.
ilo itt’s School, near Millbrae, San Mateo
county, Cal., in charge of ex-State Super­
intendent Ira G. Hoitt and wife, is un­
doubted lv »me o f the best schools for Boys
on the Pacific Coast.
D E E P . TO
Oa steam boat*. c » r * a n d staxe coa ch ea fb .s ttt
ter's v .o in a cb B itter, la carried &i> th e m ost 1m
p ortau l Item In the m ateria m ed lca o f the trav-
elluK p u b lic
l i deprive# r lt la t e J , brackish
w ater o l Us h u rtfu l properties *ud e x e c r a b le
d a v er. c o u n te r a c ts the p er n ic io u s effects upon
tha to m a ch of t s d
r fu d is v a ttb l» f o o d , rem e­
dies ersm pa. hea thuru an d w in d u p ou th e s to m - 1
ach. It is a due d efen se aaa in sl m a la r ia l-ila o r -
d o ia , n u llities the e llects o f e x c e s s iv e b eat, c o ld
and d a m p , re-let s sir k h ead aches, and 1 an in ­
c om p a ra b le c u r e fo r costlveu esa and hi lousnees.
th e fa tig u e cf travel o fte n fella m ost disastrou s
ly u p on in v a lid s and con v a lescen ts, or c a s lo u a L y
to such an e x ten t as 10 jeo p a r d ize life . IVrs ms
in fe* b e health , app atten tiv e' f ' ad effects from
travel, w ill, If p ro v ld d w ith the B itters, b far
' ~ I
ess lik e ly to h a ve th eir fears realized.
A Sm all M istak e.—“ T h 't'f* an A 1 d o g o f ;
y o u r s ," said a bystander. " I th o u g h t h e was a
said the ow n er.
T h ere is m ore catarrh in th is s e c tio n o f the
cou n try than all o th e r diseases put to g eth er, and
u n til the lust few years was supposed to be i n ­
cu rable. F o r a great m any years d o c to r s p r o -j
uou u f ed it a lo ca l d isease, and p rescrib ed loca l {
rem edies, and by e o i sta n t'y fa ilin g to c u e w i h 1
loca l treatm en t p r o n o u n ce d it in c u r * b le 8 e i-i
e n ce has p rov en ca ta rrh to be a co n s titu tio n a l
• iisease, and th erefore re ju ire« c o n s titu tio n a l
treatm ent. H a il’ s C atarrh Cure, m a n u fa ctu red
b y F. J C h eney A C o., T o le d o , O h io, is th e o n ly
c o n s t it u t io n a l c u r e o n the m arket
It is taken
in tern ally in dO‘ t*s from ten drops to a teasp >on-
ful. It acts d ir e ctly u p on the bl<»od an d m u c o u s
s u rfa ce« o f th e system . T h e y o ffe r 9100 for auv
case it fails to cu re. Send for c i cu la rs an d testi­
m on ia ls. A d dress
T o le d o , 0 .
Sold b y d r u g g is ts ; 73c.
It m akes n o d ifferen ce how m ean a b oy is to i
hi* m otn er. Bhe th in k s n o g rl is g o o d e n o u g h 1
to be his w ife.
Ward off
S4/V FRANCltSie). CAL,
* f * *:)«-•
Season far Treut Opens Apr 111 .
Best Tea in the World for the Price.
10 inches wide: we sel» it rJ >ards
for II: you would call it l > .. cent
go«»is anywhere. We are alwa ys
able to give good value on bleached
and brown eo tons. Send for full list and see
The catarrh that isn’ t cured costa
$500. N o t to you, but to the pro­
prietors of D r. Sage’s Catarrh R em ­
edy. T h ey promise to pay you the
money, if you have an incurable
They don’ t believe that you have
4 14) 4 I S I r u n t
S ai» F r a n c i s c o .
P ia n o s and O g a n s .
M o rris o n
F o rt and
B ox
O r.
ll r i» V Asriityer ami Analytic«, chem ist,
. 11. I lv |Vf
VVashfmrton ■»*.. Portimid. Or.
• ^ jgh cure
This GREAT COUGH CURE, this success
1 CONSUMPTION CURE is sold l y drug
;s‘ s on a positive guarantee, a test that no otliei
ure can stand successfully. If you have d
.’ ill ^u-e you promptly. If your child has the
p rick ly and relief is sure. If you fear CON-
*UM PTION, don’ t wait until your case is hope-
ss, but take this Cure at once aud receive im­
mediate help. Large bottles, 50 c. and $ 1 . 00 .
traveler? convenient pocket size 25 c. Ask
our druggist for S i IILOH’ S CURE. If youi
mgs a*e sore or back lame, use Shiloh’s Por
us Plasters. Price, 25 c.
I C U R E F IT S !!
When I say cure I do not mean merelv to stop them
for a time and then have them return again. I m em a
radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, F.FI
LK.l’SY <>r FALLING 8ICKNKS8 a life-long study. I
warrant n»y remedy to cure the worst cases. Because
others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a
cure. Rend at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of
my infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Office.
KI. t i . H O O T . M . « . , 1 8 3 P earl H i., N . Y .
N ext session w ill b » g in Aug us t 1, 1«'.)’ ; s i x ­
teen th y ea r; e ig h te e n Teacher«. F* r il u n r a te d
c a ta lo g u e mid re s R e v . E. B. C h u r c h . A. M ,
P riu c pal, 1U36 V a len cia St., Sail F » a iu is e o , Cai.
W ho is Fullering, either in his m ind or
body, from the injuiious or wt akei in^
i effects ot his o*rn ignore t i lliea, abuse
I and excess» h can Le quickly and M m »
* nently cured. Papers free (sealed).
DR. COLE & C0„ F«r ti it! d * o *;
• *7*
These old Doctors hpve had 30 years’
exnerience i 1 curing Private, Blood, Ner-
vmn and Pkin D’ sen cs. W rite to-day.
Reliable Remedies sent privately to any address.
Best in the World!!
Get the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere!'
H O M E S T f-A D
F r a n c is c o
E x a m in e r .
W F lit * K B HI' B N . M a n a g e r ,
W a s h i n g t o n . D . C.
A group o f mechanics was seated l
in the engine-room when one said;
How was it T o m ?’
I was
aught up. slapped 'gainst the
'viling ami whirled down to the
floor. I lay there like one death
aud cTtry muscle was sprained I
was cured fn one day.” What
cured him?
P ^ p o d A n y w h e r e o n T r ia l C a t a lo g u e F ree.
QEO. E I T E L A Co., 6 K y St. Q U IN C Y , ILIz.,U.S.A.
Pic? O is th e ack n ow ledge*
leading rem edy fo r all th?
unnatural disch arges and
p riv a te diseases of m en A
certa in cu re fo r the deb:l**
tatln g w eakn ess p e c u /a *
to w om en .
T r rescr b e it a n d feel s a '«
[ T he E vans C hem "“tipT in recom m en d in g .t w
R all sufferers.
h l STONER, ¥0. Of c*Tc», 'I
H o ld h y D r a g g i t U .
P R I C E 9 1 .00
For Ladles and Cants. Six styles
^ J n P neum atic Cushion and Solid Tires.
I Diamond Frame, Steel DroD Forgings, Steel
» 1
! Tuhinf,Adjustsblts^Ball Qesrmgt to a I running psrts,
1 including Pedals. Suspension Saddle.
Birytir rstainru* >KHR.
t l y HIGH GRADE in £7v e ry Pn.rt1r.nlar>
*enil 8 cert1» in staiaps for oor 100-pace 11lostrate i e i U - 1
j logue of (»ans. Rifles. Revolver», p o r tin g tiood*, etc.
JOH N P . LOVELL ARM S CO., Mfr«., 147 Washington St, BOSTON, NASS-
C . W . B O Y N T O N S A W C O M P A N Y , 4 0 F IR S T S T R E E T , P O R T L A N D , O R .
They a ll Testify
To th . Elltcac,
•1 th .
Sw ift's
' m The old-tim e simple
rem edy from the Georgia
fivam p « and flel.U has
> u of r t h fo t h # antipode*.
touis»hlngthe*keptKal and
m fotradlnf the theories of
i m v L. o depend solely cn th«
physician's skUL There Is no M ood
taint w hich Itd oea n o! Immediately
eradicate. Pol*, ns out w an tly ab- rbed o r the
rv*utr o f vllo d!«ea«cs f-ora w ithin all yield t * this
piMent but *im ple rem edy. 1» ts an nne«pialed
fi'nle. builds up th « old and feeble, cures all diseases
art «ing from Im pure W ood c r w eakened Tltality.
•eud for a treatise. Exam ine tbe proof.
«18 F street, N W
Ä m itug
Y »
H u d s o n ’s G u n S to re ,
disease by removing the cause o f it.
It’s with the liver or the blood, nine
times out o f ten. A sluggish liver
Send for illustrated catalogue.
makes bad blood — and bad blood
makes trouble.
D r. Pierce’ s G old­
en Medical Discovery makes pure
blood. It invigorates the liver and
kidneys, rouses every organ into
% pnwnFR nn
healthful action, and cleanses and
renews the whole system. Through
If you want P O W D E R for M ining,
the blood it cures. For Dyspepsia, Railroad W ork, Stump Blasting or Tree
Indigestion, Biliousness, Scrofulous, Plantine. send for Price List.
Skin and Scalp Diseases — even
Consumption (o r Lung-scrofula) in
its earlier stages, it’s a certain
j A b le n d from the fo rm u la ot an o ld E n g lish
j T ea M erchant.
N oth in g else is “ just as good.”
Anything “ just as g o o d ” could be
50 cen ts per tb. at y o u r d e a le r ’ s or postpaid
sold just as this is.
It’s the only
from the sole im p o rté is ,
blood-purifier that’s guaranteed to C L O S S E T & D E V E R S , P o r t l a n d . O r .
benefit or cure, in every case, or the
l A /in C
F in e »wen nn-
money is refunded.
V v I U l . blew bed muslin,
for rimeting o. genera family ti&e.
you have a claim o f any description w hatsoever
against the United states G overnm ent and
wish it speedily adjudicated, address
w it h e q u a l f a c ilit y an«I c e r ta in t y
" h a s curt'«I p r o m p t ly a n d f^ r m a -
I 1
t l y 9 rse < km s . H i re to o n e
i a fte r ¿u iT c r iu g half a life tim e .
| 1 1 - inr * 1 « r St .U U 'vclan d.O ., Aug 11.*88.
In I n I sp ra in ed iny R 'ni c lu b b in g
e o u ld not lift m y i f h ;
voustant pa in u n til 1880, w h en St.
| Jar- i s »Ml cu red m e.
Standard quality. 4 to 8 hooks, per do/............... .$0.25
Oregon Trout F l'es, 4 to 8 hooks, per d o z ............... 50
Fine Reversed XX'mg Flies. 4 to *> hooks, per doz 1.00
A n y o f a o v e qualities s e ‘ t b y mail on receipt (4
price. A lao a fu ll line o f RODS, U K E L S, LIN K S,
etc., at
C o p y r i g h t ib s i
X i :
I f Y o u A r e ; In N e e d o f T r o u t F i l e » . Get
t h e B eat.
'he ” E X A M I N K K " B U R E A U o f C L A I M S
Soth the method and results when
■Syrup o f Figs is taken; it is pleasant
ud refreshing to the taste, aud avis
,-ently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
ziver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
em effectually, dispels colds., head
■ cites and fevers ami cures hahitn.v
■obstipation permanently.
For «ale
n 50c ami 81 bottles by all druggist.-»
bat , aav.cç M4,
M ail th is <Ji u v lo-e<ige P ran er,
• ny a dd ress, I i o0; w.*o e\ • -*
D ex ter D ia m o n d C h a m p ion xx on-
flor R a i T Steel Crosscu t Paws, f 1.00
ft.— fastest c u tte r in th e w. »rid.
# * /* » V* A p A 4
I* the
D A I ■ P* U
C o rn e r of F
o u rth
:ilv • ! per
A M ^ /» B a
n d C S t r e e t s . n P o . r . t ’ ■ a . n _ d . O r e g o n ,
* y l * U ‘ l In th e c ity w ith a ’ ’» " 'o d e n i Im p rov em en t». x\ E I*EFY C M RE TITI
Do y ou f»*el h ad?
D o you have a headache
-- --------------------you r hack ache?
Y o u c a n t . 1 » « a
Ion t feel like work.
trouble is vour liver is tor
Y o u a r e f a ll o f bile,
f V U
Get r: i
i w u ii'M ii u cta v
Three d. set o f Moor* » R im lfd Remedy will do it and make
you feel like a new person.
For sale b y all d ru a p sts.
em " Blood and Skin IMaease* ” mailed free.
P r w jy is t s S e ll I t ,
D ra w er
A tla n ta , Oa.
S im o n d s C re s c e n t G ro u n d C ro s s C u ts
K in d # o f M I L L S A W S . A ls o S a w R e p a ir in g
S A W C O ., 7 5 F r o n t S t r ##T
P o ^ a n J , Or