UUE« V H iiM mu cmiisr gm t w if e ? mïh North. Lv. New Ar. Porti Lv. New A r Porti Pausen can be 0 This question has puzzled all Bible Students forages. W e confess that we don’t know. H ow ever we do know that we can buy goods in the market as cheap as the C ity Stores, I.EAV Oregon ( • » : : » A. 4:30 P. and our expenses are so much lower than Portland Houses that we can and do undersell them from 8*2.00 to 85.00 on every Suit. 10:00 A. G - I Y E TT£> .A . T R I A L .A -H s T ID B E C O I T V I T T C E D . I Remember we have the exclusive right to sell the celebrated Brownsville W o o len Goods. Sz> TODD. NEWBER0 GRAPHIC. inches deep. When tho eartli foundation suspecting, however, that it is due to east­ has been well prepare 1, gravel nine or ern capitalists investing capital there. ton inches deep makes a good and dur­ Arriving at Tacoina at 2:30 p. m. gave us ISSUKD KVKRY F R ID A Y MOR.NINO. able road. But it is more economical to ample time to see some of the city, whose make tho gravel at least twelve inches beautiful residences and well kept lawns, E D IT O R S A N I> P U B L I S H E R S : deep. Not more than throe inches of overlook the Sound. E . H . W o o d w a r d & O h m . C. K m e k y . gravel should lie put on at a time, this W e retired early in tiie evening so that . 'S y j •>-- being rolled down thoroughly before an­ we might tie well rested and ready for tiie F R ID A Y , JU N E 24, m 2 . other layer is put on. When three strata scenes of tiie coining day. On going down to breakfast Wednesday morning, E n tered as second clast m atter at the post of gravel have been placed, making the office at N ew berg, Oregon. gravel nine inches deep, it is well to al­ we were pleased to meet tiie remainder of --------------a s a n ---------------- low the road to be traveled three rnontli9 our party viz. Mr and Mrs. Stabler anJ T H E B O Y F O R ME. PRINCIPAL OFFICES AT before tiie next layer of gravel is put on. two sons, who had gone by rail from I m ake no vain pretention When a good gravel road is once made Portland to Tacoma tiie previous night. T o wings pefore my time, it requires very little work to keep it in Our party numbered fifteen, including tiie Nor do I aeek perfection repair, provided that woik is b e sto w e d dear little hoy of three summers whose In this ideal o f mine. a n d s f y o u promptly whet) needed. I t is well to jolly face was the light of tiie crowd, and Ills years not over thirty, leave a dirt track at tiie side of tho gravel an example fur somo of us who were in­ %tto fossil dry or cold. Bought and Sold, and Sold on Com Wunt to buy either a large or small track where the widtii of tiie road will clined to get cross if discommodod in tho But oue who’ll Just rem em ber E H A V E ON T o love me w hen I ’m old. ? mission. permit, as it will in aitnost every caso in least. farm, you can save time and mon­ W Nowhere can human nature l>o so Just some o f this w o rld ’s lucre tho west, and in many cases in tiie east; For Low Prices and Future Advance­ To brighten the years as they go, ey by culling oil us. when dry and hard tiie eartli track will thoroughly studied as on a tour of this And enough of M urray and Webster ment in Values, kind, when tiie ugly phases of tho dispo­ bo prefered by most drivers, especially To hide what ho doesn’t know . those of tiie lighter vehicles; and it ¡ h just sition are more prone to make them ­ I want no tailor’s model A ll grades o f Realty, from an unfenced lot to the very Best Im ­ A n d wisli to obtain any information Nor a form to scare the cro w s— at this time that gravel roads are worn. selves manifest than at any other time, proved City Property, and perlia|>s, unless it bo in our own homes I ask not handsome features Long Time on Deferred Payments, W e find that tho chief wear of tho gravel ubout Iteul Estate, or tiie Country in N or an inexcusable nose. for in tiie words of Ella Wheeler Wilcox, is in dry weatiier when tiie dust is blown and Uberai Discounts to Cash Buyers. Lot his locks grow straight o r curly, General, or Newberg and vicinity, “ Wo grieve our own witli look and tone o ff the road. j X Though I much prefer the kink, We in particular, Write to us—W e will W e have for sale Romo o f tiie Finest The money expended for gravel roads that sorrow can never set right. 80 long as they cover his cranium , In any sized Tracts from One to One Thousand Acres. X Suburban Property to he found in the Not circle a skating rink. is kept at home. Material or labor is not have careful words (or the stranger, and gladly give the desired information. A man a ll men call m anly brought from a distance. A friend, a smiles for tiie sometime guest, hut we State, at very low prices. And women daro to trust, V farmer, was recently telling me that grievo our own with look and tone though W h o holds deceit dishonor we love our own tiie best.’ ’ Sullico it to when they began to gravel roads in his And life a sacred trust. neighborhood, this fact struck tho people say that our company was an exception­ With reverence for his Master as a pleasant surprise. Tho money paid ally congenial, good humored one. Now, A n d faith as Arm as the Ark, W h o prefers a Sunday sermon for hauling grave! was paid to teamsters wo havo heen told that the trip lip tiie To a baseball gam e at the park. in tho nearby villages, who paid it, either Hound was a fine one to tako, and know­ deck quite early to view the numerous A n d if it be so fated diroct or through merchants, to tiie farm­ ing that to “ go up on tic* Sound” is quite greon isles that dot tiie Sound so thickly. Th*t my Ideal remaiQ unkn ow n , ers for food for man or boast. Tho em­ tiie proper tiling to do, we gladly availed Mt. Baker arose in majestic splendor, her 3 Thank God, I still shall be happy ployment given tiie teamsters made bet­ ourselves of tho opportunity, now that it snow crowned summit glistening in tiie ; In solving life's riddle alone. OVER 70 EDITIONS MADE — Exchange. ter business in tiie towns and created a was afforded. Tho electric oars conveyed sunshine. Poems of Passion, 12 mo. cloth, Price $1.00 A t Hand Point, wo passed tiie wreck of I'ooms o f Measure, 12 mo. “ ** 1.00 brisker demand for farm products. Thus us to tiie steamer "C ity of Seattle” at 8 W o respectfully call the attention of onr friends, and the public in general, to the fact that w e 31 b urine and other Poems, 12 mo.“ “ 1.10 Hie “ Beaver,” tiie oldest vessel that ever o’clock Wednesday morning and we soon are now prepared to serve them with anything in the line of K m m o n h B i . a i . nk , non of James G. tho farmers got their road tax hack and Those books o f poems by America’s most Blaine, died euddeuly at Chicago on last better prices for their products. The were speeding away over the blue waters ploughed the Pacific—1835. They are at- | pifto«i poofc have met with greater success than any works of a similar nature published in a of tiie Hound. W e had very much hoped tempting to raise her to take to Chica- | c e n t u r y . ____________ Saturday. This is the third child, the money was all kept at home. go to place on exhibition at tiie Exposi- I to bo able to get a view of Mt. Rainer or untimely death of which the parents have It has heen found tiiat a good part of OVER 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 SOLD. been called upon to mourn in the pant tiie hauling will be done hy farmers and Tacoma, as tho iMiople of that city are tion, but we predict that she must be ta- j First and only Completo Edition. ken in pieces, for she certainly is too | pleased to style it, hut tiie clouds hung two years. at prices that materially reduce Hie cost W e have Just received a fu ll stock of w e l l - s e l e c t e d ................. moss grown and dilapidated to l>o taken of tiie roads. There ore certain seasons about tho horizon all day, so that our whole. A guard is placed over her, so hopes were never realized. Home of tho Tint city election held in l ’ortland I ah I of each year when there is very little Dy C E O R C E W . P E C K that it is not possible to obtain relies. Monday resulted in favor of tiie work for farm horses on tho farm. At party, however, took a jaunt Wednesday With over 100 New Illustrations by Truo Williams L A T E S T S T Y L E S I 3 S T D R E S S G O O D S , Citizen’s Ticket. It is to I>e hoped Unit such times, rather than have them idle evening from Tacoma, and were repaid W e landed in Vancouver at 3:30 a. in. to­ . Thei _ .io greatest humorous book ever published. It w ill »hive away tho blues and make life the police forco of l'ortiand will I hi reor­ and bringing in no income, farmers will hy a splendid view of this snow cap. day, leave at 2:20 p. m. for Winnipeg, worth living. P n c e in handsome cloth bind­ ing $1.25, paper covers 50 cents. Tho above ganized and made such that it will ho a uso them on the roads at low prices. It The Cliautauquans of Newberg may he the eastern terminus of our journey on books arc for sale by booksellers and news­ credit instead oi a disgruco to the city. lias l>eun found that farmers will readily interested to know that we pass near | tho Canadian Bacille. Vancouver claims dealers, or w ill be mailed, post paid, on receipt a population of 20,000, hut we are inform­ o f price by Vashon Island where tho Puget Sound 1 Many of the force are said to bo looking haul gravel for roads in their neighbor­ ; At prices that w ill en able us to be of profitable service to our customers. Our constant aim ed Unit until May 1880, its site was cov­ M O illilL L , H IG G IN S A CO., Publishers, for a change of pasture soon. hoods, at certain seasons, for two dollars Assembly is field. They will not lie sur­ i shall he to deal fairly, m ik in g everv transaction « profit:»bio ouc to the buyer, aud to give strict CHICAGO. IT.T.S. ered witli a dense forest That its growth prised, either, to know that we took the | i \° lne Wrt,u' o f our »«iro n s . The buying public c m afford to stin d by those who thus per team, wagon and man per day, when HUltoo ..»«tr t iic a utii mint tu Ht;e u D lidUlflU- ( ’ was rapid trout May to July, but in July I stand by them. Do not lose sight of, but stick close to the “ G o o d a s G o ld ,» » Bargain House ol lorod ier work would ho tlirco Am. ~v, , ...u * v. AJ v/i \j i r tAAJ* quan, hut tiie suarcli was fruitless, they a tiro spreading from Hie surrounding iee have heen buried in Forest I lill coni- dollars, especially at other seasons. The not having arrived yet for Hie July As­ forest, swept away every building but one etry during tiie past eighteen months, farmer gets employment for his teams By T K O S . W . H A N D F O R D sembly. in tiie town, so that with tills one excep­ wtion otherwise they would bo idle, and and it is believed that every one of those tion, every building now seen has been W o readied Heat tie at f) :40 a. m., but A d American Book, for Am ericaa Boys, graves have been desecrated by grave lie gets gravel roads ill Ins neighborhood ; did not tarry long there. The straits of made since that time The situation is A rm ory Building-, Slain Street. N E W IS K U O , O R E G O N . yard ghouls. Last Friday an examina­ and at tint same time any reduction in By an American Author. tion madn of a newly rnudo grave disclos­ the cost of the roads lessens his road tax Juan Do Fuca were passed late in Hie af­ most fierfect as regards pieturesqueness, 27 FULL PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS, IN COLORS, ed the fact that it had been rolilied. The When farmers thus did the work, good ternoon. Several light houses and some natural drainage, harbor facilities and N E W BROOM SW E E PS C L E A N , AND commercial advantages. The buildings FROM DORE‘5 MASTERPIECES. examination was quietly proceeded witli gravel roads liavo been made for £800 snug litttlo residences were passed. Tiie are mostly of brick and granite, some of j until more than a dozen gruvos were to £1,000 per mile, the gravel being haul­ day was lino, anil most of our party wore A Book that should be in every home. ont on deck all day except at lunch time, thorn would do credit to cities of a cen­ opened and in every instance it was ed two to five miles. Frances E. W illa rd says: “ Your book en­ It is remarkable how mueli gravel, ami viewing the scenery, somo of us being tury’s growth. The city is supplied witli found that the body had been stolon ar.d titled “ Hoys o f the B ib le ” is one that seems Is the b e »' r l«T 0 In town to tri-t your work dm ,e All kinds of Tinw ork. such as Homing, Spou l- pure water by moans of pipes laid under ; to me so helpful that l am going to send it to quite demonstrative, to the amnsomert of lug and G eutral Repairing, neady and promptly done, Prices reasonable * only an empty coflin remained to show good gravel, will lie found in a neighbor a couple o f admirable little fellows, one of F i r s t S t r e e t . - t -, TT r c n A n T iT r tho inlet from a mountain stream oppo­ some who had made the trip before. whom is my namesake. I am sure they will that a body hud been buried. A lynch­ hood supposed to tie devoid of it until a N early opposite Dayton road* J? . X±. b i O R E Y , Pl*0T) be butter men for the reading and study of site. The scenery all around is magnif­ Reaching Victoria at 4 :1ft p. in. we went search is made. I have in mind one ing will probably follow if any of the gang this unique and helpful book. county in Illinois that it was snp|>osed UHliore, and soon were exploring the capi­ icent, tho Cascade mountains near at are caught. Largo octavo, handsomely bound in cloth, hand at the north, tho mountains of Van- j throe years ago had no gravel wiiliin its tal city, quito a novelty to those who lmd Price, $1.75. borders, except a little along some not set fiHit on British soil before. Wo couver Island across the water at the i y “Extra inducements offered to energetic M A R I N O O ltA V K I. IIIIA IIS . salesmen. Address streams; today at least a dozen good could see readily that wo were in a west, the Olympics at the southwest and The coet of good gravel roads is less hanks have I h icii discovered and aro being strange land, especially when they dis­ Mt. Baker looming up at the southeast. F . C . 8 M L D L E Y * CO., Wo are told that opportunities for sport counted our money. than is generally supposed. It is fre­ drawn upon for road-making. 109 Wabash Ave., C h ic a g o , I l l s * H undreds of yards of fine Imported aud Domestic Cloths of the latest styles. Tho tiling Hist most attracted tis here, are unlimited, the hills abounding in quently stated in print yet that the cost of The gravel must l>e selected intelligent­ gravel roads, when the gravel must lie ly an I carefully. W e find that prac­ was a large castle, owned and occupied mountain goats, bear and doer, trout n hauled five miles, is from £2,ftlk) to £1,000 tically all of our pit gravel is excellent for by one Lord Dunsmnir, a wealthy Eng­ fishing in the mountain streams, and lint nice tailor made clothing adds m aterially ton m an's appearance at home, and p a rticu larly flea fishing in endless variety. o u , ____, ____, _ am ong strangers. * | «r mile. I have seen the cost put ns road making, t'snnlly it is covered with lishman. The castle is surrounded by , . ww Lo ca l a n d Tra ve lin g , 1 hough we greatly enjoyed our trip on To represent onr w ell known house. You need high as £">,000 |ier mile when tho gravel a clayey soil about a foot deep, anil in several acres of land, not all kept in |>er- snT t £ ? m ™ must lie hauled an average distance of cutting down the gravel throe or four feet foct trim, yet the grounds immediately in .lie water, we are somewhat happy in ll'its. 1 O der« ear Hosiery. Suspenders, Ties, Collars, ( ntr-. Kie. A Till flvo miles. This last figure is ulamt three deep this clayey soil should lie mixed front are quite pretty with pebble wulks the thought of railway travel now. It '*<>niv \i,i, T in ; \ k \ k . lion per month full line of , to the right man. ’ * ’ times too much, when the work is prop- witli it. It and tho gravel will pack sol­ leading from tho gates totheeastle. Iron will ho a change, and it is characteristic1 l m a y a s t a t io X 1 n „ e « r l y l e n d g e i i r - s r>— jo u r m n i a -t l -n s d a y -. a ~ n d p a s s boo k s t a b l e t s * Nurserynieu, Florists A Seedsmen. orly managed. A good gravel road can idly together and tiie clay liecomes hard, gates guard tho entrance, but finding of Americans to enjoy variety. If this (T h i* house is respon.-ihle.) St. P a u l , M i n n Scarf I •m«. Kings. Charms Kmhlems. Fancy Bazar Goods. A lbum s, Accord,•■ n- ele all bn lie built for from 11,910 to £l,ft()0 |ier mile making a smooth, solid surface. Much them unlocked, and seeing not so much letter ic< not consigned It) tho waste bas­ bought for pelle co to to the w i ll ’ ' SroT l A" " - ,rom 'aan ufaetu rcr- and Jobbers loM pelledto' sac: sacrifie» or go the wall. hauling tiie gravel five miles. This in­ of our creek, or “ wash” gravel is worth- as a watch dog what danger could we ket, we hope to say somethin!» next week IS an k Itl oc k, N e w b e r g , Or. CT. B A R . R I E . cludes crowning up the earth foundation loss for toad-making. Its quality for this see? Tho ladies of Hie party pushed of the latter part of the journey. and cutting pro|s*r ditches at (lie sides. purpose cun Is1 determined only by trial. right in as if members of Hie Royal fami­ Break vonr Imck sawing wool by hand, In our level prairie country, and where but yet ns to saw it with our ( food gravel roads would put every year ly, determined to invade the grounds, 1 tho subsoil Is not favorahlo to drainage, £500,00it,000 into the pockets of the farm­ much to the discomfiture of tho sterner 1 a I ■ »> I 25c. 5c. this is of much importance. Tho eartli ers of tliis country. When properly con­ sex wlio stood without, Hinazed at o u r1 I 'Good work at living prices»,* is our motto. A t the hotel whither wo ' ? *?vfc 73c. roadbed should ho crowned up eighteen structed and managed they are among temerity. RE l'B K N S. FRANK. Prop rie tors of the inches in the center, nicely rounded off, tiie most profitable investments that can wended our way for dinner at 7 o’clock p. I $1.50 and rolled down smooth and solid. lie made. -John .U. Slalh, in M tropolitim m., we were greeted in tiie parlor by M IK P K O l’ l.K AT ■ . I most an amiable English la d y , who in Twelve feet is wide enough for tho earth nini lim a i Home. ■ qnired how many wanted “ tea,” smiling roadtsid, and It should not I mi wider than the while as if to call us by name. It iourteen foot. It is a common error to L E T T E R I S O M M H S . F. A . M O R R I S . Have on han and for sale all kinds of Hough aud Hrossed Lum ber, was rather a late hour for so largo a com­ make tiie road tied wider than this—a W ill d e live r the same to uy pari o f the city at reasonable rates. W e are thankful fo needless expense for construction and a V ascoi vkh , It. l\ , June!*, IS'J2.—Since pany to drop in, but wo found tiie land­ pv.-t patronage, and F E A T H E R B O N F m male Troni o r i ! T H waste of ground. solicit a cou-.lnnanee of the same. the kind adieu given us on leaving New- lady equal to the emergency, and tea was Mture1 tu-.jgoest material, l"»-r whips whit.-T • ,«le n r ur*’* * own ^toughest mtttrtel, h-'-o With us tiie crowning up of tho road- lierg for our little ea-tern tour, wo con­ soon on our tables. On taking onr leave tfte price ('heap. Durable. .\l I. s|'V| * s ail Y a r d , C o r . S e c o n d &. M e r i d i a n S t s . hed and the cutting of a ditch at each sider it duo onr friends tlicto that we tho landlady said: “ W ell, come hack side is done with a large road grader, op­ write them a short letter, descriptive of this way if you are aeomiu’ ” and hasten­ 1'. E. 11 A P I.E V . C . K Z T L L T G -IE IE L . J. R. H l ’N’ T. erated hy a dozen horses or steam power. our trip up lite Sound hy steamer from ed away to make ready to attend a wed­ W . A. IIO D G gO N W e greatly This rood grader is (sought by a county, Tacoma to Vancouver which was a do ding iater in the evening. and with it ail the roads in tin* county lightful excursion to say the least. Ae- admired tho rosy complexion and fine M a Manufacturers of w * gfrflod up whether they are to I « 1 eordingly an informai meeting oI fi ve of physique of this lady, but when on seeing gnveled or not ; or Ilio grader is bought tho party who loft Newberg on thè after- so many of this type, one of tiie party F o r a ll A gen t* w h o .well Sy a township and hired ont lo others. noon of Ilio filli inst , was callcd, as we laughingly twitted us about being stunt­ In quite stony ground it would not lie aere abont leasing thè hotel at l ’ortland ed, expressing Ins admiration of tho Eng­ Hai» been mi busy r o m n g i r . g their e* possilile to use this grader, bnt in aneli lo board tlie 8 o’clock a. in. traili for Ta- lish woman, our ardor cooled and nothing C O I l M B ! ** \ M » C O I .I M It 1 \ , nient thi* week that they ha\e u had time to write an ad. T U K M W W D m i : N \ r i O N . are prepared to make a superior quality of drain tile In all ground ditches anil high crow ing of thè coma, and by reason of much wire more escaped our lips concerning her ca­ I.rrpe order* prom ptly fllled. Correspondence solicited. Brice list on a application. Corner Main A 1 hi y ton Street«. Tbo climate is roadtied would not he necessary. working and some atrategv on tiie part of pability or her beauty. Wo do not longer use a substratum of tiie capable writer of the party, it de­ that of the south of England, and the 3 S T E W B E E . G , B v II un. .In *. « ; . B la in e . an-. >.>!icUor General of necessary when the eaitli roadbed is scribe in plain phraseology the granduer acteristics. the World'* Fair The great thoroughly drained, and that it is cheap­ of tho scenes that met the view on every olfiivs, the city has many tine public and (¿uadriCentenUi Hi« V ".uiatio:i «tory of ou r country. 4 After purchasing complete lumk* in , ne immense volume, a er to drain the earth roadbed than to use hand. This ie not altogether an iiksotne private buildings. quartette o f world famou* »mhors. nearly the layer of rock. I havo found that Hie task, yet we feel an apology is due ns for souvenirs we wont aboard the steamer uiierto p iee*. ho *p¡pmlid Historical Illustra k tii'ii* Mu 1 Coh.rod l'aiming* constituting a ( Yosemite at 8 :!d p. in , just in time to advantage of the broken rock layer lias seeming presumption an I cannot explain grand pletorial pin« r im i of ,»q. country * hi* been overestimated. It ia not so impor­ tiie cause of this dear friend's behavior see tho “ City of Seattle" beautifully t *ry Al*o a compiete pi. ; - , description of H ave Just ree • largest aud finest stock the great World * Fair a- < m with majv*. tant or so advantageous as tho IsHiks unless it I k * to show deference to her trav­ lighted witli eieclriiity, leave for Tacoma. chart*. A*' lb «» g ra to tf*t bo n k «»f g r r a ir s * r o n t u r ,. n creation o f . We watched tho "m oon rise o ’er the would lead one to think. Its only ad­ eling companion. W e noted nothing e x ­ anther, but the r.-rj! ine I geuln. ,.f four master vantage worth speaking of, is to secure traordinary com-erning the first day's city,” ami then went to our state rooms " ‘."»»I , v '-'m p lrv . (v .'tm : » n.| th rilling Kver b: ught to tho city Mr*. Hal ::i ha* tveord of .' It ,• Miitr) , h l.v rv from the esr’. had ove t ' years experience, and can lit the an.l slept until S.I.S when the whistle (letter drainage. With ns it ia mote eco­ travel hut observed that no tillable land >• - me s e llin e idioti*. Cai! aud *ec onr steH'k before b» tho th..u*ftndward w ill continue ’liable rate? and iu a w. ■rkminlik * manner, means. This might not be tiie cam* city of Tacoma, the soil being stony and a last gltrn|*sc of this weirdly facinating Hor*o snceiaj: 1 s¡ ecialty. Call and g iv# ’ , - - , - -- n o .-s p i. the P r»'«-m ak ii»g department Everything in a trial, and be convinci •d. Shop u Main st " V - to S « lab*-: « :v V Agent* for the “ IV N arte Health 1 door w e q , f Storey s tin «hop. we could but wonder in what her founda- place. The scenery was too prettv to ad full Murticn « where ruck is very abundant. free the W ii%* r»i>n* y r ’ <• ! d r e i< t f î l ’rri«, M . o . t " I’ m II: n .'HN. I*' Ci Xb Wl vrg. Orvgo«' W e make the gravel twelve to fifteen tion lor permanent prosperity contisi*, ' mit of a morning nap, 50 we were on N E W E E R G ! I VU O R E G O N . IN C O R P O B A T E D . O. C. W R I G H T , Secretary, J. M . W R I G H T , President. C A P IT A L ST O C K , N E W B E R G , 0 2 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 . OR EG OX. L I OUR LIST * w I f y o u a re a N o n -r e sid e n t, .A . C W e D efy C om p etition . E ^ IE A . G K E i V Office on M ain Street, N e a r Depot. " S Eli f V/ f ncc i Ier S Wilco S x's P Ä oems 11 H E W F IR M ! P EC K ’S B AD H E W GOODS! BOY • LADIES’ AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. Boys’ and Men’s Ready-made Suits, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, BOYS OF THE BIBLE CARTER V File jNTew Tin Sliop N e w b e rg T ailoring House. SALESMEN. /ANTED. W C L O T H E S D O N 'T M A K E A. AIAT T, Dro33 and Work Shirts, Fine Custom Made Fancy Shirts in Silk Stripes and Checks, Sewed with Silk Thread that will not Rip. C O ./ ! , , , , , Envelopes, Pencils, Pens, Gold Pens and Cases, Watches, Chains, . L. ID O IIÑ P T 2?"OI3L N ow Steam S;nv. MITCHELL & CLARK, oo $i.:r E U T E S P B iS E S A W M IL L . T ’T R Ä K L S r Ä ' FEATHER» H. F. ONG, Salesman. TES u p E 1 M J STORE 1 H ADLEY Free Excnrsions to the World’s Fair H U N T .V C O - First Class Drain Tile. TH E NEW M ILLINERS. LAMB A BALDWIN LAMB WOODWARD, N e w w. B lack sm ith Shop, 31. M i l l H E L L , Proprietor, M I T . I . I N 1 : i ï V I Ain F i opa rod to do General Elacksnnthing on short notice, L ea 7::t0 A. 1 2:30 P. 3 * Excep K ay & Call at bath. J. H. 1 ware. For a f J. L. M y For fin Townsen Have y of furnitn Screen lleacock Try \V. e r ’s hard Miss K Austin’s I Look 01 fair in a s Lin Pat ment of ft L. ftV. 1 lom atten ftV. T. 5 you get tli ftV. T. i tore that t Chatnpi H . Towns A good /or sale at Dorranc street shin paint. J. H. Ti Harrow, ti ration. Don’t wt back, whe £10.00 at J Sea-mos made by l sale at J. 1 Dr. Jesst ftVednesdaj Armstrong furnia. Miss Bet started for they will v live in that The parti putting the are getting ore doing a Miss Hin Monday wt .luring the few weeks I Some ch grounds for Scosta. It K. E. Wash Dr. and J: last Saturdn east. They anywhere i sas. Since las Estep walks smiles at ev 1 itile one is ing well. Go to Dr. traction of t< safe and reli from an t ed on roy on Children’s Presbyterian Schools, Sun at three o’eli A ll are cordi Austin, tt the capacity day’s visitor! fell far short demand for I J. L. Hosk rieties of cite them last Tt good. W e g been able L mainder. John Marii construct his have it done & Clark will berg will be < across the r fare in a few Paul Mary at work dui up odd jobs c west of town that the road they got the have been cl long time out blame them few years m community w Prof. J. J. J day for eoutbt tie gone about turns in the f: Jessup home the far west, fore hand on I arrived at af Hammer is lady we nn iet happiness ath |tfe of ueefuin.