NEWBERG GRAPHIC. NEWBERG GRAPHIC NEWBERG GRAPHIC. A I M F .R T I ft l^ G .Taenty Dollars 1 - n Dollars .........une Dollar One Column Half Column Professional Cards K e a illn x X © tlr « n w ill I m * in a e i ted th e r a te o f T e n r e n t s |»rr M m * . at VOL. 4. FROM F KB. 1, 1H«1 Portrait» enlarg 'd to life size and tiui»hed in Crayon. India Ink or Water Colors. * Studio—Upstairs iu Hoskins building. Salem. Albany, Eug­ ene, Roseb'g (iraut's Pass. Meofo d Ash laud.Sa« ra nento.Og- *7:25 a . den, San Fraud* o, Mojave, Los Augel«>. I El Paso,New Orleans, l.and Easr..................... Rosebere £ way stations *1:30 p. m . Via Wood dirn for] Mt. Angel, Milverton, I „ a V I KHI A N CHI’ IB II -HR VP KS KV J _> liKSH er> second and fourth Lord s oay at 11 . . and 7:::0 . M. Sabtmth sehool every Sunday at a m p 10 A. M m ARRI VK. OVK.RLAND KX PRESS. lug ami evenine. Siindav school every Hi) dn> at 10 a m Prayer meet.tig every Weduesia) eveuiug at «;00 o clock. k r m k k i i nu Portrait and Landscape Artist. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland: ,s r i llt'K U l -K K til i AR >KllV1« K I >VPl i first and third -und >*• ot the mollili at 11 M. and « 00 p. M. ; also ou ti th 8uii:H0 p. McMinnville A way sta’ s t«:20 a . m . May be found at all times a full aasorraent of good marketable m m . m FRESH MEATS. ?Jiulng C a rs on O g d e n K o u t e . ITIIthE MKTH«)|)D l . - P K \YI.H MKKI'INU Jj every Thursday at 7::M) p. m Saubut.i seno », every Sunday hi 10 v. m . M , K r u n : . H 'I K\ i< EM FIRMI in every mouth at M l*. m . U N D .ll SOCIETY NOTICES. \ T M .r. a .—I)i:Vurnt.N \I,.-KKVICKS p.N KKV 1 , S inday at 4 t*. M. Yoitug meli eamestly r^quested to attend. PULLM AN a guaranteed. For accommodation of passengers ho ding sec­ One door west of Morris, Mi es A Co.'s caw store, ond-class ticket« attached to all trains. on First street. Through ticket olfl e, 134 First street, where through t ekets to all points in the Eastern •dates, Cana la and Europe can he obtained at lowest rates from J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. All above trains arrive and depart from Grand Central station, Fifth and I streets. .1. 9. B A K E I t A S O N S . SAY, YOU! N A R R O W G A U G E —\V. S. D I V I S I O N —AND — Y Do You Want a House Built? P o r t l a n d an d W i l l a m e t t e V a l l e y H a l l w a y 1 1 \ i: ME8SIONS III I I» I IRMT IND FHIMD \ T , Saltirday eveu iug in eaeh m outli. \ \ " R. C.-M EETS FIRST AND T1IIRD SAI t t , urday afieruoon in * aeh monta. ^ OF v. All orders promptly attended t>» and sat'afaetion MLF.KI’ KKM. « p r i m d - C l a s s S l e e p i n g Car s \ \ r r . T r . - m si.NKS4 MEETING IHK SEC \ \ , on iaud foarth Tuiirsday in eaeh uio.ith. o . K —SESSI UN 4 HKI.D UN TIIUKMD I • O. eveuiugs in Buia bii.ldiug. BUFFET REE 18 EYEKYMA1I RDAY EVEN »>. ii g. ll.ll. W -MKET8 EVEIiY TL'EMDAY EVEN . in{ ni 8 p M. in Ariuory Rati. A Passenger depot foot of Jefferson street. 17:20 »6:30 » 12:1 * »H:30 »1 :.»5 ♦1 30 Oswego A way st ti’s f i :15 »3:10 »6:30 ♦6:20 »«: ò 5 P. M L »7:40 [Oswego, Newberg,] I Dundee, Dayton, I.a ! I fay ette. Sheridan, i ♦3:20 Monmouth .V: Airlie »4:30 p. *j. Bheridan A way stations »9:30 a . A. P. P. P. P. M. M. M M. M. M. - I F YOU DO, CALL ON— J. S. REES, -T H E - P. M. a . m | •Dailv. »Daily, except Sun lay. Ferries connect with all ‘ rains for Sell wood I and Mitwaukie. R. K >EHI,KR. Manag *r. E. P. ROGERS, Asst. Geu. F. A P. Agt.. Po.t land, Or O F F IC IA L D IR E C T O R Y . Contractor and Builder, N E W 6 » BG, OB. Shop—One door we t of postoffice. ■■ City o f N e w b e r g . ...O. C. Emery Mayor............................. ..F H. JiOvNRlU R corder........................ . ...J. J. Wood Marshal.......................... . .M .»es Veta a Treasurer...................... .......A « . cox Street uomini»sio .er... .... Mile* Reece Surveyor........................ -$i NEWBERG v FLOURING v MILLS, (-^ COINCII.MEN. N EW BER C, O R E C O N . ) B. c. Mila* I Paul via«•> D F. Moore ‘ fG. L. stabler i F. II. Lash 1er • f J D. » an. r First Ward. ... Mecoud Ward. Third Ward ... 1 U o k k s - i o n a L CARDS. G. W . M cC O .IN ELL, M. D.. J. D. T A R R A N T & S O N , P r o p r ie t o r s . H aving recently equipped our m ill with new and im proved m a­ ch in ery, we are now prepared to m anufacture tl>e beet grade o f Hour bv the F U L L R O L L E R PROCESS. Cash paid for wheat. Feed ground Saturdays. Physician and Surgeon, P acific N K W B K R G , OK. Office on First str et. All < al s promptly at tend • 1 to day <© for and tr»‘at Hick or lame horn« h G ood notes discounted. Deposits received subject to check ft id cat 1 1**- calm prom ptly m i'w ere i «lay or and sold. night, office at Roger*' 11 very stable. Sheridan at sight, and a general hanking business transacted. C ollections made ■treet. on ail accessible points in the United States and Canada. Correspondents — Ladd f borne* ft specialty. temici with r«*inptn *§. D. M. Cal * at House 7 and 7 Sign 7 Painter. G M KWRKRO, OR. H e iie i ptlntel in th** lut-«t TINT- hangliii. ftruinin* ’ tain n f au4 w. 1 •( » c •t>i» n * i -f H t. ni n tt : n* .ir»-r . . t. t , i f ••rtaiW i" 1 ««.ft pr for bn to* t o i pnt- ?.a * ; o « t l . » m u t (wr font f Best Sewing Machine for Family and Manufact­ uring Purposes. *d Examine Them on Exhibition at A . C. COX', Newberg, Or. p ic if ic * * t a *« I r e « .* coast s t a i * orn er. tan rra n a lt«.«. Cal. Complete Election Returns of Oregon. The shadows of the lime trees fall Across the windows of your room; The jasmin clar ,c; Califor­ at Cairo, Egypt—a country which is not Teresa Urrea. C ut s for R o a s t in g . mentioned at all in the statistics—and nia, 38(840c per roll. Kuos—Oregon, 18c per dozen. It is sometimes * difficult matter for a has 11,000 students. P oultky —Old Chickens, quoted 5.00; small family to find an economic piece of The total school enrollment for the liroilerB, »2.60(84.00; young ducks, »4.00 beef for rousting. A rib nuist is not to l>e United States last year was 14,200,000. (if(1.00; geese, »11.00 per dozeu; turkeys, thought of, unless it weighs from ten to The Yuma militia ia to build an This included universities. Private amt 17c per pound. twelve pounds, or even more if it is cut armory. parochial schools have 1,500,000. Y koktabucs — Cabbage, quoted »1.50 front heavy prime beef. It is true one may The tur(|iioif>e beds in Arizona are at­ The teachers and Sehool Superintend- per cental; new Oregon, tide per dozen; purchase a single -il> and get a roast of tracting much attention. cuts of the United States receive »30,- ■aulitlower, »3.50 per crate; Onions, »1 smaller Mvi.irh i."r thi* G o - so large a A scaling expedition lias gone from 000.000 annually. This amount increases per cental; new potatoes, »1.25 per cut surface from which the juices of the »2,500,000 each year, or 3 la per cent. .cen ta l; asparagus, 8(8IOc per pound; meat will flow and so thin a roast in pro­ San Diego to the Cedros Islands. San Diego is to have a line of Bteamers Senator Stanford lias divided the »125,- lettuce, 30c; Oregon, 14c per dozen; portion to its size that it is impoHHible to 000 received for Arion into 125 equal squash, 2 (8 3 c ; green lie as, 4c per pound ; cook it pro|M*rly and save the juices of the to run to Central American |>orts. meat. Torrents of rain have fallen on the portions, to lie given to that number of i ..cambers, 75e per dozen ; rhubarb, fto People very often purchase a porterhouse Nevada ranges, and ranchers and cattle­ destitute boys to educate them at his per pound, radishes, 12'sc per dozen; tomatoes, »2.25 per box; uregon turnips, new university. roast and pay the extra price now charged men are greatly benefited. for this cut in order to secure a roast of The munificent gifts of Mrs. Hotch­ 15c per dozen; young carrots, 15c per The owners of sealing vessels are proper thickness, which may be served alarmed, and have sent a courier vessel kiss, tlie widow of ¡he inventor of the dozen ; beets, 15c per dozen. F ruits —Strawberries,4c<< 5c per pound; rich and rare without perceptible loss of I to warn the tleet not to enter Behring machine gun, to Yale College include a the juices which are the stamina of the ! Sea. building fond of »150,000 and an endow­ gooseberries,4c per pound ; cuurrants.lOc per pound ; cherries, 8(n 10c per pound ; meat. There is no objection to the porter­ The new mineral discovery sixty miles ment of »600,000 for the establishment California apples, »1.25 per box; house roast, except that it is a very ex­ of a preparatory school. north of Kingman, A. T., is attracting California [teaches, »1.50 per box; pensive one. as it requires seven or eight Hulda Freidrichs, a young German Hicily lemons, »5.50(88.00; California, pounds to give proper thickness to this or great attention. The ore veins appear woman, lias been engaged by the Vnll »3.00(84.00 per box ; oranges, seedlings, to be permanent. almost any roasting piece. This leaves a The Arizona Sheep Company lias es­ H u ll (rn;flle to makea tourof the United »3.50; navels, »4.75(85.00; St. Michaels, large amount of meat which has cost too States for the purpose of writing up the much to he made over, as it must be, iuto tablished a big wool and meat head­ educational institutions of the country, »3.50; apples, 76c(•■, ■ I by public tax­ O. I’ . Miller is etiarged with forgery at ation. All three ol these colleges are | B r a n s —Small white, 3c; pink, 2.Vj@ cellent roasting pieces, which possess the ; butter, 3 '#c ; liiuas, San Diego. He deposited a false cliei k i n iw proposing to renew and extend their 3J4C; liavos, requisite thickness, are equally well fla­ 3\|0 per pound. vored and cost considerably less than a for $H75on the California National Bank | educational plant at sn enoimoiis ex­ S uuah —D, 4'.»c; Golden C, 47sc; extra and proceeded to draw money on it. He pense to eaeli. Columbia haspureliased porterhouse roast. —New York Tribune. victimized several merchants before he lor »2,000,000 the greater part of the C, 5c; Magnolia A, 6 )»o; granulated, 6 '4 c ; cube crushed and jiowdered, b ‘ »c ; | was ariested. priqierty of the Bloouiingdale Asylum. Soil)e Uses o f SawdiiMt. The uprising of the Mayo Indians in Recently the so-called University con­ confectioners’ A, 61Bc ; maple sugar, 15^8 There is a popular slang expression, It c per pound. “ Out for the sawdust,” which will apply Sonora, Mexico is attributed to the im­ tracted for the purchase of a site beyond I S yrup — Kastern, in barrels, 40(865c; to a peculiar business very little known prisonment and banishment of the Saint the Harlem, at Two Hundredth street, half-barrels, 62l#(it571...c; in cases, 3- mi » even in New York. It is sawdust, and the of Coborca, Teresa Urrea, now in exile at the price of »581,000. The free col­ 80c per gallon ; »2.25 per keg. Cau.oruia lege in Lexington avenue will go to the man who is out for it makes a daily trip at Nogales, A. T. in barrels, 20cC40c per gallon; »1.75 per frow the sawmills somewhere across the The "Tuscarora Society” of Utah next Legislature asking for an appropri­ keg. ation of a great sum of the people’s Hudson or on the Brooklyn shore and semis lOl) ntem Iters to Chicago to accom­ | K ick —Japan, »5.00(85.25; Island, »5.20 brings it in barrels for consumption in the pany ttie Ucntile delegation from that money to buy for it a new site and put @5.50 per cental. metropolis. It retails for twenty-five cents a Territory. A drum corps of twenty up for it new and more commodious I D rikd F ruits — Petite prunes, 7@ oc; buildings. All told, something like »10,- barrel here. The most of this sawdust pieces was taken along with them. silver, 8 'j c ; Italian, 9(8 I l c ; German, 7 goes to the butcher shops, where it is County business at San Diego is repre­ 000,000 will he required to carry out (88c; plums, « '.» c ; apples 6*@ lU ^c; and emits a sweet, piney smell and ab­ absence of services of deputies needed bricks and mortar alone. pears, 8c per pound. sorbs the bad odors and droppings. Much in the various depirtments. This is the C a n n r u Goons—Table fruits, assorted of it goes to old fashioned ehophouses result of ttie recent decision of the Su- NATIONAL CAPITAL. quoted »1.00(8 1.80;p eaches, » 1.80@2.UU; »i...* » r e s tlvr v*— *-* floor, while the big fashionable hotels use (81.50; strawliemes, »2.26; cherries, The Bradstreet mercantile agency re­ considerable f«»r cleaning purposes, it be­ ports twenty-'.hree failures in the Pacific Action of the Naval Examining Board In »2.25(82.40; blackberries, » l.H6@1.90; ing moistened and sprinkled on the tiled the C ase of CommanJer Smith raspberries, »2.40; pineapples, »2.26(8 floors before they are swept, thus laying Coast States and Territories for the past 2.80; apricots,»1.60(81.70. I’iefruit: As­ W ill be Sustained. the dust without wetting the marble.— week, as compared w ith ten for the pre- sorted, »1.00(81.20; peaches, »1.25; vious week and fifteen for the corre­ New York Herald. sponding week of 1891. plums, »1.00(81.10; blacktierries, »1.25ns It is sairl the President has filer! nr>- 1.40 |ier dozen. Vegetables: Corn, »1.45 M inute Holes in Diamond». The litigation over the Sunset Irriga­ tice that he will veto the river and har­ @2-(H); tomatoes, 95c@»1.00; sugar [teas, The process of drilling the gems tion Company at Fresno has ended and bor hill should it exceed the sum appro­ 95c(8»1.00; string beans, 90c(8»1.00 per j tlie interest of the company has been priated by the House. dozen. Meats: Corned lieet, » 1.90@2.00; through which fine wire is drawn is surrendered to parties who have Becured chipped tieef, »2.10; lunch tongue, Is, Postmaster-General Wanamaker, Atn kept a secret. A lietter idea of the a right-of-way through the Laguna de »3.00 ; 2s, »6 5 ' ; deviled ham. »1 50(83 05 minuteness o f these Wirings may, Tache, and will organize the largest torney-General Miller anil Secrelary per down Fish: Sardines, 75c@1.65; Foster, acting as a commission, hare lolieters, »2.30(83.50; salmon, tin, 1-lb. however, lie learned from the fact Bingle irrigation district in the world. agreed upon the selection of the prop- ' »„ill *i ^ m ■ i '. i , it j * . 1 lbe., A decision by the United States Su­ erty at Seventh that the holes cannot lie discerned by th and Mission strceL is Ä ' & A ' i S W S L ’i, , 9'U7#i ¿ preme Court against tho Benson, A. T., the naked eye, and only by the aid the site for the e new public building at X Smelting and Reduction Company in o f a m agnifying glass can one lie favor o f the Alta Miniug Company of San Francisco. Mlicellftiiiioa«. convinced that they really exist. The President has approved the att llarsiiaw is considered a test case and N aiia — Base quotations: Iron, »3.00; When the wire gets very fine it is the granting of rights long claimed by making an appropriation to supply the steel, »3.00; wire, »3.50 per keg operated by hand and cut into suita­ miners. Tlie smelter was accused of the deficiencies in the appropriations for the I k o n — Bar, 3 ‘ 4c |>er pound ; pig iron, payment of pensions for the fiscal year »24(827 per ton. ble banks o f about fifteen ounces ! illegitimate rating of orea. 1892. Commissioner Ranm has made a H tkki .— 10 4 c per pound. each until the whole lias reached tho At a meeting of the creditors of Alfred requisition for »7,251,000 (or the pay­ T in — I. O. charcoal, 14x20, prime qual­ required thickness and attained prob­ . .ireenlmiiiii, the insolvent liquor mer- ment of pensions. ity, »8.00(88.50 per tiox ; for crosses, »2 ably a length of fully 400 uiifes — I |,' iant ° f Kan Francisco, it was ascer­ The President will Boon transmit to extra per tiox; roofing, 14x20, prime tained that his liabilities were »300,000 Mechanical News. and his assets only »37,000. The credit­ Congress a message on the forthcoming quality, »0.75 per tiox; I. O. coke plates, ors claim that (ireenbaiiin bought large international monetary conference, to­ 14x20, prime quality, »7.75 per box. L raii — 14<' P*r pound ; liar, 6 ,4«. It lias lM»c*n reckoned that if the whole quantities of goods out of his line of bus­ gether with the correspondence. With S hot — » 1.76 per sack. but one or two exceptions, all the Furo- ocean were tlriisl up, all the water passing iness and hypothecated them. H ormksiioks — »5. The Portland and Coast Steamship pean countries invited to the conference away as vapor, the amount of salt remain* N avai , S torks — Oakum, »4.50(85 per fng would l»e enough to cover 5,000,000 Company, which has lieen running have sent in favorable responses. bale ; rosin, »4.80(85 per 480 pounds ; tar, Mr. Fowler of New York has prepared Stockholm, »14.00; Carolina, »7.00 per Bteamers to < loos bay and other coast square miles with a layer one mile thick. ports, lias made an assignment in favor a re;iort recommending the passage of liarrel; pitch, »0.00 per barrel; turpen the hill introduced hy Mr. Geary of Cal­ tine, 05c per gallon in carload lota. Queen Victoria pays at the rate of $1.92 a of Fred Strong, its President and Man­ mile when she travels hy rail, in addition ager. Tlie assets are estimated at »74,- ifornia to encourage American ship­ to first class fares for all the party, serv­ 824, and the liabilities »(11,937. The building. The hill grants the same H id e «, W o o l and H o p «. ants included. She has a saloon carriage Co is hay trade has not proved profitable. privilege to the British-built shipChins. H iiirs — Dry iiides, selected prime, 7 4 owned by the Pacific Mail Steamship that cost fno,000. Work has lieen begun on a mining @ 8 c; 4 c leas for culls; green, selected, - tunnel near Wardner, Idaho, which will Company, as was recently granted to the over 55 pounds, 4 c; under 55 pounds, 3 c; I be over two miles long, anil will tup sev- Inman steamships City of Paris and sheep Iielts, snort wool, 30(850c; me­ City of New York. It is likely that a court of Inquiry will dium, 00(880c; long, 90c(8»l.25; shear­ d'Alene district. *The tunnel will take ings, 10(82l)c; tallow, good to choice, 3 the place of tramways and railroads in lie ordered to meet at Mare Island to @ 3 4 c per pound. transporting ore to concentrating plant. ascertain why the Ranger w as permitted W ool — Umpqua Valley, lfl@18c: Wil­ — THE — j It will cut the Sullivan, Bunker Hill, to start for Behring Sea with her lamette Valley, 15(818c, according to machinery in such had shape as to ne­ ! Stemwinder, Last Chance, Tyler and quality; Eastern Oregon, 10(818c per Sierra Nevada mines over 2,000 feet fie- cessitate her putting into Port Towns­ pound, arc-nrding to condition. end in violation of tier orders to proceed l o w thwir p r o n o n t w o r k i n g « . H ors—Nominal; 10@18c per pound, direct. Tlie Secretary of the Navy has Complete return* have lieen received received a report of the court of inquiry according to condition. from all bat four counties in Oregon, appointed to examine tier machinery at T h e M eat M arket. which give the following pluralities of Port Townsend, and the report says her Congresmen: First district, Herman Captain was justified under the circum­ B u r — Live, 2 4 " t 4 c ; dressed, 6 ( 8 0 4 « . M u t t o n — Live, 3 4 9 3 4 c ; dressed, 8c . ¡ ( R e p ) , 5.242; Second district, Ellis stances in putting into Port Townsend. Hoos— Live, 5(8.^ . j c ; dressed, 8c. | 'R ep .), 3.048. Chamberlain (Dem.) has A cramb of comfort to the Mare Island V ral —69 7c per pound. 337 majority for Attorney-General, and folks is the fact that the blame for the the legislature now stand*: Senate— Ranger’s condition may lie fixed on the S moked M eats — Ham, 109144c; Republicans, 15; Democrats, 14; Peo­ Navy Department, a* jieremptory orders breakfast tiacon, 1 2 9 1 4 4 c : sides, 1 0 9 m THE LINE TO IA K E TO ALI POINT* ple’ s party, I. Ilon.e—Republicans, 32; were received to sail on a certain day, 11c; smoked bacon, 1 1 , 4 9 1 1 ^ 0 per Democrats, 20; People’s party, 2. and It was impossible to get her ready pound. L ard — C o m p o n n d ,8 9 1 0 4 c ; p n re ,1 04 Governor Toole has isened a proclama­ in that short time. a st an d o u t h tion forbidding the bringing of sheep 9 1 2 4 c ; Oregon, 1 0 4 9 1 2 4 c per ponnd. It is understood that Secretary Tracy into Montana from Oregon, Nevada, Cal- has finally decided, after a review of all Ha«a and K ft ft ln f . i'ornia, Washington, Idaho or Utah. the testimony, to sustain the action of It '■ the dining ear route. 11 run" tbroagh vee Burlaps, 8-ox., 40-inch, net cash, 0 4 « ; tlbuied train* every day In the year to Tne proclamation was made on a show­ i he Naval Kxamining Board in finding ing made hy Veterinary Surgeon Hollo- Commander Frederick It. Smith morally burlaps, 10-ox., 40-inch, net cash, 7 4 c ; wav that sheep from the H'ates named unfit for promotion. The action of the burlaps, 50-os., 00-inch, net cash, 8c; P a u l a n d C h i c a g o were infected with scab. From 4,000 to President is still necessary to finally burlaps, 15-ot., HO-inch, 12c; burlaps, 20- 5,' (HI sheep from outside points are held complete this long-pending case, hut ox., 70-inch, 144c. Wheat bags,Calcutta, hy Hollowav at Butte. Montana sheep with the approval of the board’s finding 23x30, spot, 8 c; three-bushel oat hags, _______ have not been nffected with scab or hy the heart of the Navy Department, 7 4 c . "In ( l i a n t e o f I a r e ) , other di-ease, and it is the intention of there ran lie hardly any uouht as to the the authorities to keep up a goal record. result. The President has no alterna­ An Apt {¿notation. nmj o f d !n ln f *'ftr* i n i 'i r p i H « l Pallatftn rAvring room •lw*t^fl «*f Iftteftt The Captain of the Norwegian hark tive hut to drop Commander Vmith from Hihlomaninc What I want now Is a flllora, which has jost arrived at Port the rolls of the navy If he approves the ■..¡table motto please don't that To*n*end, reports calling at m it »1 _ jlana to marked on the chart« as uninhaloled. liefore Commamler Smith could be pro­ would you suggest 1 s ars horb^fraa aad faralsas* Sara of tirar or a«con>t > aa. Urlata aa4 He says when he stopped there fifteen moted, arid inasmii h at all of his s-rnors, Cynicu* Why not adapt Coleridge— natives came off to the ship in small with but few exceptions, have already “ Books, Isaiks everywhere, hut n o t e CLEoaNT o a r o o a o h i * . canoes. They were of a Malay tyne, not officially a'ated that they do not consider thing to read f" — Harper's Bazar. A ront! "i""« lln . •onnertln* « 'th all liana leas than flve'feet e ghl inches in height, him fit for promotion, it would he a stlbrHIn* 'llre-t an i an in.rr«,,t«,, aer.l-a ra rna [r-r r.asrtstlon -an ha maria robust and very 'a:r c unplexlon. One rather difficult matter to get a hoard •Iu«t Yt'iintf'l th** (hMitn>. native gr eted t i e visitors with "g ood that wonld make a report favorable to li a t a r-ethr. as ani a*.at of tha rosU Tl.- nr tl » - a ■ i ant from all ,^>lnis In morning." and ano'her asked for tq- the candidate. The Judge Advocate- Tram p That was a good dinner. t a . n i V. » a u l a 4 V a-of» -an he nor. ba.e* ha'-ou, which was the extent of their General who first reviewed the report Any little thing I kin do for you now I at any tl. tat odi » of the Nnrthera parl*e t orn knowledge of the Engli-h laugnage. approved it, and both Secretary Trarr Farmer Do yon know how to burn »•or Two or th-ee wore siua'l mats as and Assistant Secretary Seeley have stumps? C otha. ar d the others were attired in done likewl-e, after a most exhaustive Tall Informer ran earn In* rttss. lima or b and new smiles. They had no imple­ review of all the testimony and of the Tramp- What! Am I goln' to have train. - . . '« a l a rara ar.-i ,,ti ap ments of warfare and seemed very peace­ papers filed in behalf of the candidate an after dinner ch eroot! Thunder! I t a,a l or to ; plication to * o cha it able. The Island is abont one mil* since th* board made ita report. ain't picked up n stump since I left the Aia star I Osnsr*. fa.a»n*er A»«r.t, 8 „ 1 2 ; square and w*U wooded. city -Detroit Free Prese rúas, tomar of Wsahln*u>a. PortlssS Ofc I From Terminal or Interior Points Northern Pacific RAILWAY E R amsey , PACIFIC COAST. W e ’re singing h) the moonlight Hear, Singing the old familiar tune: Open your eaaeinent, love, and hear The harp, the viol and bassoon; We’re singing in the garden, dear. Beneath the Lght of full orbed moon. Photographer Southern Pacific Route. pVANGELP \l. » IIFID II - PltK.Vt BIND every I j m tv it- at the Kvangi heal ehureh chare eept the fourth Suudayat 10 a > i . and 7:4i) p . m ,exee. Suuda. of every in »udi. .-at.' »«itu m -I ioo I every Minday at 11 a m P ayer meet lug Lnarsday at 7:4.“» p ' m All are coidially iuvit.d to allend tbe«e servlees. serenade . SAMUEL HOBSON, —VIA— 11 its 1 - • lil K< 11 'I KVU ■ - EV r i : » r 8uuda\ ar II a . m and 7 r m and Tliurada« at li) a m . S ihbatli M.*honl ev ry Sun lav t '.';l » a m . Mout .lv m etlug at 2 m the fl rat gat- u da.v in »a h mouth. Q ia'r«TU meeting the seen 11 i s»turda> and diiinlay iu February, Ma.*, Auxu.'t ami Noveiulivr. pica NEWBERG, YAMIIILL CO.. OREGON, FRIDAY. JENE :>4. 1892. EAST AND SOUTH C H U K C II NOTICES. 1 1H RI411 \ n • HUM •! HKR\ ICI - I VERY \ se-orni a id loiirih Sunday at 10 a . m ano . : d0 P M 1C t i t.* : Multar r tp tln n P r ie r P a y a b le a b ly in A d v a n e e . Advertising Bills Collected Monthly4 dven *1 U M I M N I O > One Year -ix Months Three Mouths. S .