NEWBERG GRAPHIC NEWBERG GRAPHIC. 4 l» V i:iM i« » n < > NEWBERG GRAPHIC. R A T I.» » : .Twenty 1 »ollar« Ten hollars ....... due 1 »ollar One Column H a lf Column Professional Cards H e a d in g X o t le e a w i l l be i n s e r t e d at t h e r a t e o f T e u r e n t s p e r I j I o o . EAST AND SO UTH C H U R C H NOTICES. T T R lE N n s’ r U l'R U H .—SEKYR>.s» h V tliV T Sunday at 11 a . m . and 7 v m and Thursday at 10 a . m Sit.bath school ev ry Sunday ;.t U; a m Moutnly meeting at 2 p. m . the first Sat­ urday in each month. Quarterly m eeting the ■ecoti l Saturday and Sunday in February, Ma - August and November. I^VANGELIt AI.CIIPRCH.—RE'il'I. VH >ERV- T j ice first and third Sundays of ea U month at 10 a m ; so« m 1 ami fourth Sundays at 7 P. M. Sabbath ■< liool every Sunday at 11 a m . lT i S m i U R C H —sKItVH ES FIRST SUN H A in the month at 7 0 p ; third sundry nt 11 M. ami 7:30 p. M. Prayer meeting Wedues* m a day evening» at 7:.'10 o clock. every Sunday at 10 a . m . 8uuda> school JR K SB Y TK K IA S CHPR CIL--SE RVIC ES EV ery second and fourth Lord's «lay at 11 a . m and 7:30 p . m . Sabbath school evert Sunday at J 10 a . m . p H R H TIA N CHURCH SERVICES KVER1 second and fourth Sunday at 10 a . m . ami L 4 M P M. d v e n t . s t c t iu r c ii A — p r a y e r m e eting every Wediies ay evening. Sabbath school every Satur«lay at 10 a m . s rvices following. lU EE M E T H O D IS 1 .-P R A Y E R MEETING every Thurmlay at 7 ::*0 l*. M. Sabbatti school every Sunday at IO. a . M. i 31 K CHURCH 8ER\ I- ES FIRST UND \ 4 , iu every mouth at 3 p . m . SO C IE TY NOTICES. A T M.C. A.—DEVO HON A L SERVICES EVERY Youug men earnestly X • Sunday at 3 p requested to attend. T U.—BUSINESS MEETING H IE SEC U T • C. onJ and fouith Tnuraday in each month. o. F.—SESSIONS HELD ON THURSDAY I O. • evenings in Hank budding. / 1 A. R —SESSIONS HELD FIRST AND TH IRD UT. Satur.lay evening in each mouth. YT7 R. C.—MEETS FIRST AND THIRD 8A1 TV • urday afieruoou in each month. Cl OF V.— MEETS EYE KY SATU RD AY EVEN- O . log. A O. U. W —MEETS E VE RY TUESDAY EYEN- • ing nt 8 p. m . in Armory Hail. C ity o f N e w b e r g . COUNCILM KN. Flr>t W* rd................................. IP.ÍT “ Ley’ Second Ward ............................ ¡7 T- ..¥ l A — S r R Y B Y IN G . Leave orders for work at the postoffire. or ad dress rne at Newberg. Or. M. REKC1 I Southern Pacific Route. Photographer or>___ u , . , , Walla Walla, $1.25(31.35 per cental. erU 0 A ld e r m e n F i - our —Standard, $4.60; W alla Walla, $4.50; Grabaui, $3.75; Superfine, $3.1X1 1 per barrel. More than 7,600 carloads of building N E W B E R G . OR. O ats — New, 38fit40c per bushel. material have lieen received at ttie ex­ H a y —$l l m l 2 per ton. position grounds. M i u . stukks — Bran, $ 8 ; shorts, $21; Two hundred and twenty-four wine Train* leave and are due to arrive at Portland: ground barley, $22.50(325; chop feed, growers from the Rhine region will e x ­ $18 per ton; leed barley, $30; mid­ T H I E V E S R O U T C A T T L E M E N . hibit at Chicago. A P E T R I F I E D M A N F O U N D . dlings, A KKt VK. FROM FI B. 1, 1891. $28 per ton; brewing barley, arged t<> life size nua finished In | The World's Fair appropriations by O vrrlani ) E xpress . $1.10(31.15 per cental. Crayon. India Ink or Water (’ olor*. Salem, Albany, Eug- foreign countries, as far as reported, ag­ • Studio— Upstairs iu HoikluB building. B utter —Oregon fancy creamery, 22 ene, Koaeb'g Grant's gregate more than $4,500,000. (326e; fancy dairy, 17 V*® 20 c ; iairtogoo«i, Pass, Medford Ash i News of Big Gold Disooveries Piling The Canadian Pacific railway will ex­ The Public Debt Reduction During 15(iil7l» o ; common, 10(gl2V.c; Califor­ land, Sacra»nent«>,( »g- ’ :00 P :35 den, Sail Francis« o, > ---- A T T H E ---- hibit at the fair a model passenger train nia, 4i Si ii 45c per roll; Eastern,25<§31)*e Mojave, Los Angeles, ! in st Pioohe, Nev , From the March— Largest Arrival of per poll ml. and also models of the tine ocean steam­ El Paso,New Orleans, ers in that company’s service. C heese — California, 16c per pound. Lami East ................. J Ferguson DistrioL Immigrants. •8:30 a . m . Roseberg A way stations Eons— Oregon, 18c per ilozen. Ireland feels insulted at a proposed fV ia Woodnurn fo r] P oultry —Old Chickens $5.00(35.50; scheme of England to make whisky the Mt. Angel, Silvertou, I 14:30 P. M. ♦8 .30 a . M. West broilers, $0; ducks, $0(ii)y; geeue, $11 per Solo, Browns- I May be found at all times a full assorment of chief Irish display at the World's Pair l.vllle and Coburg..... J good marketable dozen; turkeys, 1 tic per pound. as indicating Ireland’s industries. f.VOO p. M. Albany ami way stations 110:30 a . m Winnemucca has organized a silver Kansas City has fifty-one condemned V iu i kt A hi . ks —Cabhago, quoted $1.50 ♦7:30 a . v. Corvallis A way stations t >:30 p. m . Thieviug is to he made extra hazard­ per cental; cauliflower, $2.50 per crate; club. ♦ 1:40 l*. m . McMinnville A way sta’s tS:20 a . m . ous by tbe police department of the murderers in her jail. Work on the Santa Fe Prescott a n d W orld’ s Wholesale grocers in the East are or­ Onions, fancy, $1(41 75 per cental; ott' I> ln ln g C ara on O ger box; bananas, $3.60(u!4.00 a It is thought the electric companies wolves. Portl and and W i l l a m e t t e V a l l e y H a l l w a y bunch; Smyrna tigs, 16c per pound; have formed a combination against the-’ A Brooklyn inventor proposes to tap citrons, 20c per pound. Passenger depot foot of Jefferson street. W orld’s P’air. Only two bids were re­ the earth's interior for heat and thus | calves on the ranges. Stock generally ceive«! for lighting the grounds, and the —IF VOIT DO, C AM . UN— ♦6:30 a . M. f7:20 a M Htaple Groceries. | is in good condition. ♦ U Ift p. N ♦ 8:30 A. M. lowest was about three times the figure : save fuel. The Salt and Gila rivers in Arizona expe«-te«i. ♦1:55 p. m . Oswego A way st t i’s ♦1 30 P. M Tiresome tarilf talk in the House is H onky — lOtollfi'sC per pournl ♦5:15 p . m ♦ 3:10 P. M. are rising rapidly. This is caused by H a i . t —L iverpool,$L5.60g$$17.0 0 ;stock, ♦6:30 P. M. ♦6:20 p. g. A herd of live elk will be taken from what tiie country may anticipate for the j the melting of the unusually heavy next two months. $il(i$12 per ton. ♦7:40 P. M ♦8:35 P. g l Idaho to the exposition. In the Mon- , snows in the mountains. —THK— Oswego, Newberg, The litigation fees in connection with C ofkkk — Costa Rica, 21 '.¿c; Rio, 2le; tana exhibit will be shown aiiout 100 Dundee, Dayton, La­ •9 :40 a . M ♦3:20 p . M. The Los Angeles Time« has raised the specimens of wild animals and birds na­ the settlement of ttie Tilden estate in Salvador, 20e; Mocha, 27' 2<330c; Java, fayette, Sheridan, price of composition to 4ti cents per 1,000 tive to that State and set up by a skilled New York amounted to $360,000. -6c; Arbuckle’s 100-pouud cases, 21 7-20c CMoumouth A A irlie. j ♦4:30 p . u. Sheridan A way stations t9:30 a . m . em i. This is one cent higher than the taxidermist. I’bvsicians in New Y ork and Brooklyn l>v pound, regular rate for morning papers. •Daily. tDaily, except Sunday. N K W H K ItG , O K . Australia will send to ttie W orld’s Pair are using electric street currents in giv- , BxANH-Sma l white 8c; pink, 2$,c; Ferries connect with all trains for Sell wood The Governor of California intimates probably tbe biggeHt astronomical clock mg galvanic treatment to patients. buUwr- 3* ° i 3 '* ° aud Milwaukie. K. KOEHLER. Manager. that he w ill not now call an election for ever made. It will be forty feet high j K. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. F. A P. Agt., Port­ Shop—Oils door west o f postorttce. Quebec wants to lie nude a free port I Ru x— -Japan, $6.00; Islam!, $5.50@ a successor to McKenna, and will wait and twenty-five feet square, and is to be | land, Or. in order to secure from the United j 6.76 per centa’ . until the November elections. built of colonial cedar. States a remission of t iiiuage dues. B uoar — D, 4‘ 5 c ; Golden 0, 4A8e; The notorious stage robber, K ing Us- C, 434e ; granulated, 6J4e; The Arkansas building at the Coluni- j The Senate has passed the bill appro- extra eery, has been captured in the Torto cube crushed and |sj«dered, 67se; con­ Basin, A. T. Portions of the gold and bian Fair is to he built by a woman. priating $100,006 toward paving for the fectioner»’ A , 6 'ac; maple sugar, 16iiJ silver bullion he secured «e r e recovered. Miss Jean Longborough has been noti­ G. A. R. encampment at Washington. 1 c |>er pouu.1. fied that her plan of the building lias The next conference of the Reformed The contract for grading eighty-tive been accepted, and that she will 1«* made S yrup — Eastern, in Imrrels, 42;?55c; NEW BERC, ORECON. Latter-day Saints will be held at La- half-barrels, 44(rt finding myriads of grass 1.80, 2 'as; peaches, $1.80(32.00; Bart­ General Hart. hoppers just below the surface, and all Cash paid for wheat. Feed ground Saturdays. for a building. lett pears, $1.80(31.90; plums, $1.37'a($ The Butte and Boston Mining Com- 1.50; strawberries, $2.26; cherries, $2.26 Idaho will show some splendid speci­ predict a scourge. any’s new smelter at East Butte, The overflow of the Red river of the (i(2.40; blaeklierrii's, $L86(rt of the Illinois The Secretary of the Treasury has in­ Thieves have taken the assessment structed Collectors of Customs at all wheat crop gives conditions good in 46 $2.10; lunch tongue, $3.00 Is, $5 5 > 2s; roll for 1891 and 1892 of the city of Paso | United States ports that tlie transporta- per cent, of counties, fair in 56 per cent, deviled ham. $1.50(33.65 per dozen Fish: Sardines, 75c® 1.65; lobsters $2.30 Robles, and also the ordinance book. | tion of articles intended for exhibit at •id poor in 10 per cent. (33.50; salmon, tin, 1-lb., $1.25(31.30; These thefts have stirred tip the peopls | the exposition must be facilitated in The losses bv the floods in the Ton j 2 lbs., $ .40; s bid., $5.50. Condensed somewhat, who are at a loss as to the preference to all other importations. Ex­ higliee river, in Mississippi and Ala­ milk : Eagle brand, $8.10; Crown, $7.00; hibits from foreign ports are already be­ bama, arc very great. At least 100 ne \ Highland, $6.50; Champion, $5.20; Mon­ A special to the Phwnix ( A . T . ) Repub­ ginning to arrive at New York in con­ groes have been drowned. roe, $6.75 per case. siderable numbers. lican from Nogales announces the find­ The citizens of Terre Haute, Iu iL.iiavc ing of a 14'„-pound gold nugget in the Several additions have recently been instituted a social boycott agiinst th e) Al I nc «*I litn**oii•«. ITanchas Places, Sonora, Mexico. This made to the appropriations made by the suspected Aldermen of that city by re­ N a ii . s — Rase quotations: Iron, $8.00; Excellent opportunity for good work. is the largest nugget of gold on record. | States and Territories, which aggregate fusing to shake hands with them. steel, $3.00; wire, $3.60 per keg. The percentage of pure gold is reported I $3,180,000. Maryland and New York re- Board and lodging, $2.50 per week. The present high priees of codfish will I r o n — Bar, 3'«jc per pound; pig iron, j spectively have voted $6 1,000 and $300,- to be .87. A ll other expenses very low. encourage New England Ashing firms to ; $24«r27 per ton, 000; New Jersey has increased its appro- semi a fleet larger than usual to tin) The cattlemen in the Wind river coun- S tkki .— 10 V per pound. I f you want to teach; i f you want to take a business course; if I try, Montana, who organized bands to j priation of $20,000 by $50,000; Iowa its Grand Banks, ami vessels are fitting out. T in — I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qual­ you want to review or take advanced work, we can suit you. run down horse thieves, have had a con- ! $50,000 by $125,000, and Massachusetts Tiie section of the new code putting a ity, $8.00(38.50 per Ixix; for crosses, $2 t*«t with the latter, aud the former were I ha# doubled the $75,000 which it had al- Send for catalogue or come and see for vourself. tax of $50 on each person selling cigar­ extra per Ix ix ; rooting, 14x20, prime | routed, having eight killed and many j ready appropriated. T H u M A S ' N E W L I N , P re s id e n t. ettes or cigarette papers lias gone into quality, $0.75 per Ixix ; I. C. coke plates, ; wounded. The robbers are supposed to The corporation of the rifle manufaet- full force and efleet throughout Missis­ 14x20, prime quality, $7.75 per box. | have lost heavily. urere at Liege, Belgium, has addreafled a I. kaii — 4$$c per pound; liar, 6 'ac. sippi. I The Banta Cruz Water Storage Com- petition to the government unking for a Sot. iikr — 13le(31ti1,c per pound, ac­ The village of Towanda, recently swept pany at Tucson, A. T., has closed a con- subsidy to enable it to make a worthy cording to grade. tract with 8. 8. Watson of Los Angeles exhibit of its branch of industry at. the away by a Kansas twister, will lie rebuilt S hot — $1.86 per sack. immediately largely hy ttie donations to construct an irrigating canal and res- ! Chicago Kxposition. At Liege al>out 40,- H o r s e s h o e s — $3. ervoirs in Santa Cruz Valley. This is 000 persons are employed in the manu- made in tier helialf by tier generous sister N aval S torks — Oakum, $ 4 . 5 0 ( 3 5 per the largest irrigation project vet inaug- facture of arms, hut during recent years towns. bale; rosin, $4.80(35 per 586 pounds; tar, John A. Morris of the Ixniisiana State Stockholm, $14.0«); Carolina, $7.00 per urated in Arizona * it is said that productions of Liege have The Nelson and Fort Sheppard railway «Hmlntatad "• prestige. The manufau.t- Lottery Company says tin t the lottery barrel; pitch, $9.00 per barrel; turpen­ NEW BERG, ORECON. trying Iami subsidy hill passed its third reelin g j " rer" ar« now »n r* "« to re-establish their company would dissolve and go out of tine, 65c per gallon in carload lots. to business at the expiration of its charter I by a unanimous vote of the British Co- ) arms in favor, and to this end want in 1895. make a tine exhibit at Chicago. H id e «, W o o l and f lo p « . 9 3 0 , 0 0 0 liimbia Legislature, ami was assented to C a p ita l S to c k The Minnesota Supreme Court has de­ H i k e s — Dry hides, selected prime, 7 I by the Lieutenant-Governor. Ttie bill i cided that municipal corixirations can­ (38c; ‘ 2c less for culls; green, selected, gives tiie railroad company a land grant P E R S O N A L M E N T IO N . not legally grant exclusive franchises. over 65 pounds. 4c; under 55 pounds, 3c; JESSE E D W A R D S ................................................................. President of about 730,000 acres. This afl'ects water and street-railway sheep pelts, short wool, 30(360c; me­ A suit has been entered at Los Angeles B. C. M IL E S ....... ............................................................. Vice-Preeideut franchises. dium, 60(380«:; long, 90c(<£$1.25; Bhear- MOSES V O T A W ........................................................................ Cashier against the Eairmount Land and Water General Longstreet Engaged in Writing At Creode, Col., a prospector has found I lings, 10(320c; tallow, gixxl to choice, 3 Company to prevent it from distributing a Volume o f War S tories—«Jay a petrified man. The head lias the ap- ' @ 3 '2c pound, - per - P“ 48,000 peach, plum and apricot trees W o o l — W illam ette Valley, 1812(319c; Gould in T exas. pi-arance of being scalped. Ttie toes are which are now deposited on their land Directors— Jesse Edwards, B. C. Miles, F. A. Morris. J. C. Colcord, Eastern Oregon, 10(317c per pound, gone, hut otherwise the txxly is said to near lamcaster. The*a trees are alleged acconling to condition and age. E. H. Woodward. be perfect. to be infected with fruit pests. Representative Belknap of Michigan H oes— Nominal ; 18(320c per pound. Certificates of deposit issued payable on demand. Exchange bought Rotiert J. Walker, grandson of ex-Sec- The people of San Diego propose tz is fonder of his literary work than of and sold. Good notes discounted. Deposits received subject to check | eecure a return of property granted the any oratorical or Congressional triumph. retarv Walker, who was recently re The M«i»t Murket. from bis position in tiie Treasury at sight, and a general banking business transacted, C o lle c tio n s m ad e | Atchison, Topeka and Santa Ke if thf j Balmaceila’s mother has crossed the moved Department tty Secretary Foster, lias B eef — L ive, 2 'a(34c; dressed, 6'37c. road does not restore communication | on all accessible points in the United States and Canada. , . . . _________, . ,.. ,1 i_ • . i Andes on her way to Mendoza, where been reinstated. M u t t o n — Live, sheare«!, 4 '.j(3 4 ^ c ; wa [> • y i ljq .. j she will visit her other sons, who are in Correspondents— Ladd «tr Tilton, Portland; National Park Banff, which Washington is desirous of making the dressed, 9c. mectila Canyon in ttie winter of 1890-1. ,, ., ’ Hoos— Live, fli'iflt^c; dressed, 8 c. approaching Grand Army encampment j New York. The sulieidy of ttie people was very lib- . „ , . . V eal —6(38c per pound. Carnegie has given $100,000 tiie most enjoyable, as it certainly will Strangers visiting the city arc invited to call at the bank for infor* eral, and they declare thev have submit- I . (or Andrew a library and gymnasium at Home­ lie tiie largest, in which the veterans H mokkii M eats — Eastern ham, 11(3 ted to this neglect long enough. j mation concerning the eitv. 12c; other varieties, 13c; breakfast Superintendent G ilfillin of the Hum- stead, Pa., to be used mainly hy his own have participated. workingmen. Correspondence invited. Tiie public debt was reduced $1,18)3,041 bacon, lU {@ 1 2 c ; sides, 9 \ ( « l ( ) ' 5 c ; boidt Land Company, who is sinking the j . , I Pioneer oil well near ( .arlierville, Hum ! The Queen Regent of Spain refuses to luring March, and now stands at $838,- smoked bacon, II « 4 (3 l l 34c per pound. L akh — Compound,8(31 0 'jc ; pure,IO1-, I boldt county, Cal., announces that a flow touch a penny of tiie $100,000 a year 127,644 without including the balance of I of oil and gas was struck at a depth o f 1 jointure, to which as widow of the late $32.894,881 and the $100,000,000 gold re­ (312‘ ac; Oregon, 10>4@12li c per pound. D. W. C u m m in s , NEWBERG. PACIFIC COAST. SAMUEL HOBSON, n Contractor and Builder, O F F IC IA L D IR E C T O R Y . Third Ward............................ NEW BERG. YAMHILL CO., OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 2!, 18112. VOL. 4. A dvertising Bills Collected Monthly* *1 U M I One Year I Six Months Three Months. V *» MAS Market COAST M A I!» O FFICE A « d F f»n «li«q, 0*1. ! 4 to feet, and that when a match was ap- King she is entitled, plied to the gas an explosion followed, It was Emerson who said that there which greatly startled the workmen in was no fig leaf among Walt W hitman’s the shaft, but caused no injury. I "L eaves of Grass,’ ’ but there is a tig leaf Items for the survey of trie Golden of charity now to veil the lew faults of j 'la te, of the San Joaquin river from j the good poet. Mill’s Ferry to Firebangh’s te rry and . Senator George F. Hoar is going to | the closure of tiie soughs above Stock- Europe within a month, to tie gone until j ton, a survey of the old river branch of after the Presidential election. He will i tbe San Joaquin river and a survey of q0 this by tiie advice of his physician in toe navigable portions of ttie Stanislaus, or,j„r , , Ve his evesight. Merced and Tuolumne rivers will be in- . (ionld wri,es from Texas that he serted in the river and harfior bill. ! wj|[ ill he home in May, and hopes to T* Samuel J. Fleming a preacher and at able to get to work with his old-time en­ one time a Chautauqua leader at Re­ ergy. Then the other fellows had iietter dondo. Cal., who was ronvicted last tall take to the woods in April. of an assault on his servant girl and sen- Harriet flosmer, the sculptor, leads a enred to tiires years in prison, will ob­ very retired life in Rome, and is not eas­ tain iiis freedom through tiie decision of ily approa. liable to visitors; hut some­ the Supreme C' urt, to which his case times she I -ts down the bars of her re­ was appea ed. Tiie court held tiie testi­ serve to an American compatriot. mony of the woman, upon which he was Tiie F.arl of Rosebery, doubtless (treat convicted, was not /< nn-farir evidence. N ew » of big gold discoveries is piling Britain's moat eligible widower, wears in at l*i che. Nev., from Ferguson dis­ his lace smooth, and looks more like a trict, forty-nine miles south. It is decorous young .-urste than the political claimed that immense Ixtdies of gold ore and social personage he undoubtedly is. have been and are beingdaily discovered General Longstreet is writing a volume I there. The quartz a*“avs from $75 to j f war stories, which will sptiear under i $1 000 per ton. and pe p'e are flocking the title o f “ A Soldier Under Two Flags." W hile they will embalm many incidents In which the General was an active par­ available conveyance at Pioche lias either ticipant, it ia feared that they won’t gone or is engaged to convey people to throw much light on matters that are the se»ne of action oot already worn threadbare. ^ fiin/i ^ nraa,m '^im T, evTei? serve in the treasury. H h « n nn«l I t u r r i n * . A Lumberman’s Trust, embracing all the saw mills in the state, has been Burlaps, 8-os., 40-inch, net cash, fi'^c; formed in Georgia, under the name of burlaps, 10*3-nz., 10-inch, net cash, 7’ j c ; the Lumbermen's Exchange, with a burlaps, 12-os., 45-inch, net cash, capital of $20,000,000. I burlaps, Ifl-oz., 60-inch, 12c; burlaps, 2U- The colored people of Prince William os., 76-inch, lU ^c. Wheat bags,Calcutta, county, Va., have undertaken to estab­ 32x36, spot, 8c; three-bushel oat bags, lish what is said to lie the first indita- 7 J 4 C. 1 (rial school in the land for colored A ll;»n«lv In ven tion . ■ outha under colored auspices. Few o f those who fafiten their glove* It is lielieved at Santa Fe that Jay ( ionld is contemplating the purchase o( with the ingenious little snap button I die Pecos Valley railroad and the Texas in use for a few years past know the Pacific and the extension of that prop­ history o f the contrivance. It was in­ erty north throughout New Mexico. vented by an American, who tried in A resolution wa* presented in the vain to enlist in Iiis invention the in­ 1 meeting of the ex-Uonfederates at New terest o f American capitalist«. N obody - irb-.ios, declaring it was the sen»e of -,a' body that the late Confederate could see any promise in the tiny bit o f fates should grant an annual pension mechanism, and tho inventor finally Mrs. Jefferson Davis. betook hiuiK-lf to France. T here he Tbe past week lias showr the largest fonnd capital, and tiie invention speed­ irrival of immigrants at New York for ily became popular Now the inventor vear*. Twenty-one steamships arrived, and the capitalists interested are get­ rliirh catried 1.bsi cabin and 15,014 -feerage passengers. Of ttieae tatter ting rich out o f the contrivance, and even the American agency is proving a [ 1.213 are detained at quarantine. The Congregational ministers of R is ­ mint o f money. T h e fastener, at first ton and vicinity adopted resolutions con applied chiefly to gloves, is now affixed ilemning tbe Ciunese ei'-lnainn set snd to umbrellas arid to a dozen other ar­ req-ieeting Massachusetts Senators to ticles o f daily use. Made o f silver, It ia I use all lawful means to prevent ita put upon ornamental pooketbooka, adoption hy the United States Senate. portfolios and the I