Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, April 15, 1892, Image 3

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    Local Events.
'hcre i* our brass band?
Land plaster for sale by W .
Laundry goes Tuesday.
A. T. H ill .
Spraying machines at J. II. Townsend's.
Try W. P. Heaeoek for nails and build­
er’s hardware.
The Newborg gloo club is 6eeond to
! none in the county.
( k W
- 'V
Soda water again on tap at Moore and
All kinds of farm implements at J. H.
Co’s, drug store.
Boys and mens hats at three-fourths
It is tun to scuttle, but broken windows
value at Barries.
cal! for cold cash.
W. G. Madden of Portland, was in
Miss Florcnca Cook returned from
town over Sunday.
Portland last Wednesday.
Ab. Hoskins has been on the sick list
J. M. Boyce and family will move
for a week or two.
down to the farm this week.
John Holly moved up totho mountain
Work on Israel Osborn’s house on
the first of the week.
Fifth street, is progressing nicely.
Boys and mens unlaundred shirts, 00
O. V. Allen of LaFayette, came down
40 and 00 cents at Barries.
on the afternoon train Wednesday.
Charley Moore is breaking a eolt this
Before you go east it will be to your in­
week in the shape of a bicycle.
terest to call at the Gitariiic office.
Blank books and stationery, slate and
Beautiful new goods just received at
The state convention of tho W. C. T.
lead pencils at half price. Barrie.
U. will be held in Pendleton in next
Miss Laura Bales is visiting her sister,
who lives at Scott Mills, near Silverton.
Frank Hobson is happy. Cause why, a
Grant Wiley left yesterday for Astoria
new cushion for the scat of the delivery
Call early and lie thoroughly convinced that wo are headquarter« for all kinds of
where he expects to work this summer
Household burmturo. Our enliro stock is hought for cash, and will t>« sold at sur­
low figures.
No trouble to show goods. Morris, Miles A Co.’s old stand.
Jewelry In largo variety, at bed rock
The college boys are making prepara­
J. B akiuk , Bank Blk.
tions for a big time on “ field day” at tho
The tennis lovers at the collego have close of the term.
been busy this week preparing a tennis
Team f o r Sale.
A good heavy draft team.
D orraxcf . B ros .
Rev. FUhburntlie Methodist evangelist
closed ids meetings hero thu tirst of the
A. P. Oliver returned from bis trip to
Such as Chocolate. Turquoise, Slates, Lilac, Malta, Olive, Cleopatra, Tan, Satin Blue, Eto.
California last week. He thinks Oregon
There aro about three hundred happy is good enough for him.
youngsters about town since school
A large delegation went from here last
Saturday to attend the county Prohibition
Mens and womens jewelry, watches convention at McMinnville.
nnd tine gold pens and eases, cheap ut
Mitchell & Clark have been making
rugs for
preparations this week to commence
Come and see that new lot of pocket sawing at their mill on the mountaiu
Perfumes, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Varnish and Oil Color. A lso »
cutlery, the best ever brought to Newberg,
Rev. Powell of the Christian church is
fine line of the
at Mount's.
still continuing his meetings with success.
Henry’ Morris and Walter Mills have A number have been baptized during the W e have Trimm ings In A R M I R E , M O IR E , S U R A H and P L A I D S IL K S , V E L V E T S , B R A ID S , B R A ID SETS,
CORDS, “ B IG D O L L A R B U T T O N S,” (the latest' Etc.
been lathing a house over near Dundee week.
this week.
Joe Everest who has been in Wash­
Silver prune trees are loaded to the ington for some weeks past, ¡3 back in Also a beautiful line o f D RESS G IN G H A M S , P R IN T S , C H A M B R A Y S , S H IR T IN G S , Etc., all new.
muzzle with bloom. Other varieties are town again. He has bought back liis old
C H IN A S IL K S , “ S C R IM ,” N O T T IN G H A M LA C E S, P R E S S E D F A IL L E S , L L A D N E C K C A N TO N S, for Curtains
stand ot Lewis Jones.
not out yet.
1, 1892-
New Furniture Store.
A Beautiful Line to Select From, Just Received.
Black Sateens, '«lack & W hite Sateens, and Sateens in all New Shades,
a cHoicB selection of
(jr0pe Organdies, Llama Cloths, Im. Bedfords, Crepe de Chines, Low­
ell Fancies, P. A. Stripes, True Bedford Cords (in all shades,)
Bedford Cords in Black and Brocade E f fe c t s ,--------------------------->
"W A Y
S. M. Calkins.
Newberg, Ore.
Popular Patent and Family Medicines.
Cashmeres in Shades, Black Cashmere, Henriettas etc.
L A T E S T S T Y L E S cf W A L L P A P E R .
Blank Books, Stationery, School Books aiiS ihool Supplies.
C. II. Powell lias purchased the east
So many county conventions this
spring is very trying on the roads leading side meat market of W. A. Lyon, and in­
vites you to call and see him when in
into McMinnville.
Mrs. Kdwards has been attending the need of anything in his line.
William Allen rigged a new plow of his
annual county W. C. T. U. convention at
own invention for cultivating nursery
Carlton this week.
If you think of going east you will find stock. A. K. Cooper A Co., are using it
it to your interest to call at tho G raphic and are highly pleased with tho work it
office for information.
Drapings and Portierros.
Also F L O O R O IL C L O T H S, C A R P E T S and C U R T A IN S.
Gauze and merino underwear and um­
J. M. Tice is ready for ali kinds of work brellas at Barries.
in his line, including painting, staining,
Savo money by buying seeds in bulk at
graining, paper hanging, etc. All work
J. II. Townsend's.
guaranteed first class or no pay. Prices
Misj Mattio Baldwin returned from
I)aytoD yesterday.
A largo consignment of Brackets, Crest-
Mrs. Harford wifi speak at the M. E.
ings, Balusters, etc,, just received at the
Depot Lumber Yard, which will he sold Church, next Sunday at eleven o ’cloak.
Mr?. T. B. Cummings and son Tommy
cheaper than ever.
W. P. I I e a c o c k .
came up from East Portland yesterday,
and will visit with friends here for a few
The best spring medicine is a dose cr
two of St .Patrick’s Pills. They not only
Rev. J. II. Douglas is now located here
physio but cleanse the whole system
and purify the blood. For sale by C. F, for the summer and will have charge of
the evangelistic work in Newberg Quar­
Moore & Co,. Druggists.
terly Meeting of Friends’ church.
Chebalem creek would make a fine
An eight room houso at LaFayette, be­
stream for catfish. Let’s have the stream
stocked with them. Then it will only be longing to tho Yamhill Land Co., was
a slioit timo until the Willamette will be burned last Wednesday. Tho company
loses about eight hundred dollars.
alive with these toothsome fish.
Z K Z in s n D X jY
¡P rescriptions C a r e fu lly C om -) -
pounded D a y or N ight .
TILE Pinripp-p
1 1U110U1 H A R D W A R E S T O R E
Is still here Willi a large atock o f
Mr. J. P. Blaize, an extensive real es­ nnd from the demonstration inailo last
I. K. Vantress has moved to Sherwood
tate dealer in Des Moines, Iowa, narrowly Friday evening they certainly do. Tho
for the summer, where ho and the boys
escaped one of the severest attacks of efficient corps of toaeliers who have so
will work in the brick factory’.
pneumonia while in the northern part of ably conducted tho school during the
the state during a recent blizzard, says past year, aro also deserving of much
Mrs. Graham is having the Vantress
the Saturday Reeiew. Mr. Blaize had oc­ praise. To those young peoplo who havo
bouse romodeled, making quite an im­
casion to drive several miles during tho just stopped “ Across tho Threshold,” wo
Bank Building.
— __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
provement in its ap|ioarance.
storm and was so thoroughly chilled that wish to offer a word of friendly advice.
John Goodrich ami wife wore down
Agent for Carland and Drogon Stovos.
he was unable to get warm, and inside of If you intend to strive for a higher edu­
from Dayton Monday and Tuesday of this
an hour alter liis return he was threaten­ cation, as most of yon surely do, preparo
week looking after their interest hero.
ed with a severe case of pneumonia or at once to enter collego before you lose
Doors and windows, all sizes and thick­
lung fever. Mr. Blaize sent to tho near­ your interest in these mutters. Thero is
nesses, either sugar, pine or cedar.
est drug storo and got a bottle of Cham­ always a time for all things, and no time
D epot L im b e r Y ard .
berlain’s Cough Remedy, of which lie is so propitious as now. You have done
F o r Sale, Land.
had often hoard, and took a number of well in beginning, aliali tlm samo ho said
5 acre tracts. One mile north of Bank.
large doses. He says the effect was won­ of you at tho nnd ?
G. A. P rentiss .
derful and that in a short timo ho was
c o l l e g e
it k m h .
J. J. Woods has traded his town prop­
breathing quito easily. IIo kept on tak­
I m ou l'l reepeettuUy uuuuuiiue m u i lm ve im m e im erpsi ni j . u. m rn u n m i m me
erty here to Charley Spaulding for a
ing the medicine and tho next day was
Five or six new s tu d e n ts this weok.
blnckioiiitliing bitaluera. I w ish to exp ress m y (hanks for pest favors, amt hope to
bouse and lot in Winlock, Wash.
able to come to Des Moines. Mr. Blaize
A committee of three, Harry Allen,
merit a con tin en ce o f the sam e. A ll work warr inted flrsl class.
« H e l d B r i c k ! ! B r i c k ! 11
regards his cure as simply wonderful. 51» Charley Wilson and Frank Hobson, havo
First-class foundation brick for salo at
Dunbar Bros, have an ad. in this issue cent bottles for sulo by C. F. Moore A Co. been appointed to arrango the program
Rev. J. II. Douglass and wife arrived
Newberg brick yard.
J as . H amnett .
At ttie meeting of the school board on for field day. All jiersons who have been
the G raphic . When in need of any
Shop on Moridian Street.
J - 37 ] H E J S T 'O l S r
hero last Friday from their home at Des
Miss Leota Reece of New Providence, Moines, Iowa. They have rooms at the thing in the line of agricultural imple­ Wednesday evening of last week, a tax of in any department of the college this
Iowa, a niece.of Milos and William Reeeo residence of Daniel Ilaslings, and will ments, wagons, harness, etc. give them C.'i mills was levied and the clerk ordered year aro invited to tuko part in the
to collect tho same. This is considerable sports.
arrived hero last week. She will remain take their meals at Jas. Vestal’s.
a call.
Tho following is the list of candidates
lighter than had been expeeteil by some,
here during the summer.
Geo. Stabler, Elmer Armstrong, C. E.
Spencer Haworth has purchased the
for graduation from tho Preparatory De­
Rev. Beauchamp, who has been preach­ George Christenson property on Wynooa- Hoskins and Mr. Schmeltxer, left Mon­ and we are glad to announce this three-
partment of tho collego, nt tho closo of
ing for the Evangelical church here for ki street, and taken possession. He went day for Grants Pass to attend the quarter­ fourths mill reduction. The report of tho
this school year:
Edith Ellis, Lola
some time past, has been stationed at down to Portland yesterday to meet his ly meeting of the State Horticultural clerk showed $274,000 of taxable proper­
Hunt, Rosa Hampton, Ethel Townsend,
Hillsboro, for the coming year.
family and bring them up to occupy their society.
over thirty thousand in the past year. George Tolson, Oran Kdwards, Willie We tako this plan to inform the public that wo are better than ever prepared to sup.
The following are the officers elected at new home.
Quito a crowd left here Wednesday for Flans for the contemplated improve­ Allen, Cragin Haworth, Mary Cook and
plv the trade this Fall in tho line of a
the county W. C. T. U. convention: M.
Thomas Duncan was in town Saturday the east. N. C. Maris with his family ments in the school building were con­ Mattio Stratton.
K. K, Edwards, President; Miss Maggio selling out a load of cat fish he and his
and mother go to Indiana, while Mr. Jar- sidered and adopted. Tho applications
C O U N T V W . C. T . II. C O N V E N T IO N .
Inglis, Secretary, Mrs. Lillian Fox, Treas­ brothers eaught down below Portland.
rett and Miss Dell Hampton and Mr. of tho following teachers for the coming
They went off like hot cakes. Tom says Grames and his mother of Dundee, go to year were favorably considered:
Yamhill county convention of tho W.
Paitios desiring to sot orchards this Fall will make money by calling on or correi
Wm. Morris has purchased the Hol­ there ars millions of them along the points in Iowa. They went over the pop­ Grammar grade, J. C. Ilodson.
1st C. T. U. met in Carlton, Tuesday, April
ponding with us Indore placing their orders.
loway property on Wynooski street, and Columbia sloughs.
ular Northern Pacific of course.
Grammar grade, Mrs. Vannie Martin, !2th and 13th, at 10 a. in. The officers
has taken posession. Mrs. Holloway
The Womens Foreign Missionary Board
A. T. Haworth was lip from Portland
now occupies her house in Hobson's ad­ of Newberg Quarterly Meeting of Friends
for a few days tho first of tho week, re­ and Miss Ella Macy, of Indiana, wrro al­ Mary E. K. Edwards, presiding from tho
Church, will bold an all days Missionary turning yesterday morning. He has so selected, hut no definite action taken opening, led tho women out to a stronger
We have had considerable frost two or Conference at Middleton, April 33th. All liten having quite a siege, having been in assigning grades. Thi-' 1 eaves but one Christian plane, anil a better financial
basis. The entire session of two days
three mornings during the week, but are cordially invited to come and spend ; ' on the shelf for several weeks from blood room unoccupied.
and evenings, was one of most perfect
without apparent damage to the fruit. the day with us. Bring a lunch basket p i zoning, ami is now nursing a mashed
Doubles l.ereptlon.
harmony and the adjournment finds
Tho prospect is very promising for a large ! well filled, Programs w ill appear later. ; tliumj, wi,jch may yet have to lie taken
K K r A I U I N O F I N K W A T C H KS A M I C L O C K S A KI’ K C I A L T Y .
Mr. and Mrs. Edwards opened their ti,0se present like a well drilled soldiery,
fruit crop.
A nnie I). S tabler , Supt.
: off A couple 0; HarVey Haworth’s girls
doors laat Saturday evening for a recep­ equipped for another year’s battle against NEWBERG,
Parties wanting stock bills printed in
W e have just finished a neat sixteen j returned home with him for a few weeks
tion in honor of Rev. J. II. Douglas and tho liquor trafiic.
the spring will do well to call at this office page pamphlet, descriptive of Newberg : visit,
wife. Their parlors were well filled at an
Each of the twenty-two departments
and see wliat a large display of cuts we and Chehalem valley for Maris A Col-
List of letters remaining in the post early hour, nnd a very pleasant time was adoptait by the State Union were taken
have to selcet from. We will bo glad to cord. N. C. Maris took several hundred
One of the up. Tho report from superintendents
office for the month of March, at Newberg. passed in a social way.
copies east with him and wifi instruct the
show samples of our work.
special features of the evening was the gave evidence of somo work in all and in
Chas Barrett
C M Baker
Nathan Morris and family arrived here Hoosiers regarding the land of the set­
J Barnes
Alex S Beggs
serenade by the glee eiuh, which was ex­ many, a vast amount had been accom­
D II Deardoff
Chas Christenson
this week from Charlottesville, Indiana, ting sun.
cellent. A short address of welcome was plished. Notably among these was the
G W Kergason
Two gentlemen named Batty and one
intending to make Oregon their borne.
by Pres. Newiin, und responded to literature department, Mrs. Jennie Groff
I) W Holton
Of course Joe is happy now that his named Updegraph. cousins of Mrs. Bu­
by Rev. Douglas in that hearty, happy superintendent, who reported 36,000
G N Leitner
L A Logn
jieople have arrived in this land of chanan arrived here a few days ago from
.1 It Powell 2
J M I.vnn
vein so characteristic of tho man. Some pages distributed. The relation of Capi­
James II Reed
Flora Peterson
Hooper, Iowa.
They came seeking
eighty persons were present, nnd all en­ tal and Labor, Mrs. Mira Emery; Peace,
joyed themselves to thu utmost. Wo are Mrs. Elizabeth Miles; Kindergarten,
Rev. E. Curran, the new pastor ap­ homes in this Oregon of ours. Wo are
K A Thomas
N M He well
Headquarters for Farm and Garden
pointed by the Oregon Conference of the glad to sco the good people coming in
O Vo’ kner.
glad to see our j«op!e working a little Miss Maggie Ingalls ; Scientific Temper­ A nd n full line o f Undertaking Goods.
A M Vestergaard
A. T. H im , P. M.
more on this line than formerly. It is a ance Instruction, Mrs. Evangeline Mar­
Evangelical Associaton, will preach Sun- from the east and hope there's still more
In the store building lately vneated by J. T. Smith.
day morning in the Evangelical church of t0 follow,
very pleasant cm. torn, ar.d well worth fol­ tin; Flower Mission, Miss May Cottle.
this place. Services will commence at j We understand that C. B. Frissell has
lowing for some timo yet.
After the report for each department was
ten o ’clock. Sunday School at eleven, j 9nld his projierty west of the depot, tn-
Family washing 20 cents per dozen,
given, under school of methods plan, a
I ’ u b lle S c h o o l Cl rail ual in g JC xerclae«.
riervices also in the evening conducted by j duding his resilience, to James Price of washing and ironing 3o cents, fino shirts
drill was given.
Rev. F. Powell. To all these means ot Illinois, who was here a short time ago 10 cents, single garments 5 cents.
The first graduating exorcises of the
Tho address of welcome on the first eve­
grace the public are cordially invited.
looking the country over.
After a Thanking you for past favors we ask a Newberg Public School were held last ning was given by Mrs. Shelton, Pres, of
One day last week while Bud Mills was thorough canvass through California ar.d continence of your patronage.
Friday evening at Friends’ church. The Carlton Union, was as hearty as it was
the p lace to s o w hen you w ant anythin g In the Grocery lin e.
A large a.i-1 com p lete «lock o f
M a r y J, IIonsoN.
working with I. K. Vantress' wood saw, Oregon Mr. Price settled on Nowlierg as j
house was beautifully decorated, and a i ¡n(,,)iring.
n .ritrin /
.m .in w i
v îv .n
he was so unfortunate as to get his arm the most satisfactory point. The- best o f '
large and interested audience greeted the |r0l,.n Harford. Mrs. Ada Unrnli gave S T A P L E
- A .I T 'D F A N C Y
G R O C E R I E S ,
N o tic e .
broken. He was assisting in putting on evidence of his good business sense.
candidates for school honors. Following an inter,.9tin(t address ,|ie first evening on
C r o u k r r y , W o o d r n w a r k , O l a n b w a r k , L a mps a n d S t o r b w a r i ,
a belt while tbe engine was going and in
At tbe last meeting of the city council ; To my honest patrons and to whom it is the program ai rendered :
Juvenile work, for which she lias a decid­
Alwajm on himd. Alwnyn the Best Hud alw.iy* the Lowe*t Price.
Rev. Jesse Edwards. ed talent, and greatly pleased her hearers.
some way got bis left arm caught and 1 it was ordered to improve Church street, I may concern: You will please call and Invocation,
C orner Flr«t nud M eridian Street«.
Class Song.
both bones broken between tbe elbow I ¡n Hobfon’s addition and Sheridan street, settle all old accounts which aro due. and
The second evening the address was given
Our Public Schools,—Salutatory,
and wrist. Dr. Burgen was called and from Main to Meridian streets, also that Iiast due, as I must have money imme­
Ethel Cults. by Mrs Harford. A call for pledges and
set the broken bone.s anti Bud is already a crossing bo built across Third street at diately.
“ The Challenge,”
Elmer C. Hall. collection resulted in $14.00 for a county
Self Relience,
Mvrtie Davis. fund. The music was of a superior char­
a b l e to be on tbe streets again.
He will its intersection with River street. Tbe
J. B. M o u n t .
“ Two Orphan?,”
Vina Boyce.
not play ball for several days however.
committee on streets and public property
acter and showed much preparation.
D e a le r in
Vocal Duett—“ Whispering Hope.”
W fintpd>
The following ticket was nominated at were instructed to order the street com-
The Misses Younger. Carlton may well he prond of the inimical
A drain tile factory wanted. Thriving “ Whistling in Heaven,”
McMinnville by the Prohibition party missioner to replace the crossings torn
talent of its young |ieo|>le. To find space
Minnie Hamnett for the description of the bounties and
last Saturday. Representatives, C. K. out by the road makers along Main town. Farmers anxious and will assist.
A Leak in the Dyke,”
For j-articulars inquire at home of L. A. Small Beginning.,
Hoskins, B. F. Ilartnan. Joint ltep. street.
s " A?\Vithee! hoapitality of tira citizens, would tax the
Irennick, one mile southeast of Cor­ Ride of Jenni • McNnal,”
Yamhill and Tillamook, G. \V. Mitchell.
C*r<l <>r Thank*.
Roso I.von, space of the G r a p h i c . Tho luncheon at
Changes— Valedictory,
Geo. Larkin, nooil unii evening at tho church partici­
Commissioner, W. Hemstock.
We wish to extend oor sincere thanks vallis, Oregon.
’res. Thomas Newiin. pated in by guests and citizens, was a
Geo Flesber. Sheriff, E. J. Ksson. Re- to tbe G. A. R ., Woman's Relief Corps,
Confenng Diplomas
H A W E D A N D S P L IT S H IN G L E S , L A T H , L I M E , P L A S T E R ,
corder, O. C. Emery. Treasurer, J. W. Sons oi Veterans and tbo many friends
Don t forget that Delphins K. Ellis still Song—“ Though We Part,’ ’
Class. charming feature.
Assessor. J.
L. Harford. who rendered snch efficient service dur- keeps Stationery and Notions for sale, al-
F « i r Nul#*.
All the exercises by the students wore
School Superintendent, G. N Hartly. ing 'lie late illness and death of our hus­ *0 pretty sea-moss and shell Bouquets and very g oo I, some of them
46 acres of land, two miles from New
Coroner, W . T. Pillman. Surveyer. A. band and fattier, and to assure them that Oregon coast foliage bouquets, fifteen va­ so. The people of Newberg have occa­ tierg. (eesl house anil Barn and good
C. Chadler. There were cne hundred their kind an 1 loving sympathy will not rieties in each box. Cal! ar.d «ce them sion to ft—1 proud of the superior tulent water. 15 acre« in orchard of prune?. |
at one of the cottages near Friends' 1 p ,*. -sed |,7 her young peopi, ¡n the leaches and apple«. Splendid soil. Dr :
and twenty-seven delegates present at lie forgotten.
w ill rent to a reliable party.
Boarding hall, Newberg, Oregon.
tbe convention'
Ma?. F, P. L eavitt a s .> F am ily .
Yard at Oopot.
public bclioj', as Well a? in tho college, j
A. K. C eortk 4 Co, j
Builders’ and Slielf Hardware,
Stoves and Tinware, Pumps,
Lum berm en's Supplies, E tc .
J. E. Heston, —
Carriage W ork & Horse Shoeing a Specialty.
Newberg Nursery,
A . K . C O O P E R & CO.
1 h .
A Full Line of Clocks And W
atches Always on Hand, al Rmsomtla Prices.
Agricultural Implements,
W i Ison’ s C
Doors, Windows and Mouldings,
Brackets, Turnings, Fine Finishing
Cxenoral Builder*" 1 lardw are.