fr.APlfc NEWBERG GRAPHIC. % l> Y l i t I 1*1 X . I t % I I '. « : One Column ...... H a lf Column Professional Cania .Twenty Dollars T« n Dollars ....... One Dollar K e a iliiiK .Y o t ir c s v. i l l he ! n » e r t e « t t l i e r a t e o ! T e n een tM j»e r M i l « . at A d ve rti'in if Bills Collected Monthly* t ii r i c t 'i i \o * km . PRESBY I’ KRl AS C llP R C II- S e r v ic e « every «**fond Hi> 1 fourth Lord s «lay :it 11 a . m . and 7 <0 r. m . sabbath schiH)! everv Minday at 10 a . m . R kv w. A. WlU.taoN. Pastor. F R IE N D S ( 'I H ’ ltC II. Services every Sun day ut 11 a. m. and 7 t> in., and Thursday at 10 a. in >ahhuth school every Sunday at 10 a. III. Monthly meetinga> 10«. in. the ll'st Saturday in each month. Quart« rly meeting the t-ec-ond Saturday and Sunday in February, May. A n ­ gus? and November. E V A N G E L IC A L C H U R C H . Regular ser­ vice first ami third Sundays ot each month at lo a. m ; second and fourth Sundays at 7 p. ni. Sabbath school every Sunday at II a. m. BAPTIST CHURCH — Service». flr»tSablmtli iu the month at s i* m . third Sabbath at 11 a m . and s i*. m . sabbath School ©very sabbath at 3 o'clock._________________________________________ NEWBERG GRAPHIC NEWBERG GRAPHIC. VOL. :i. NEWBERG, YAMHILL CO., OREGON, FRIDAY. AEG 1ST 14. 1891. PACIFIC COAST. Highbinders Blackmail Chinese Merchants. THE NAI10NAL CAP,TA'- A Naval Lieutenant Is Found to H© Color Blind, and la Retired. EASTERN ITEMS. Louisiana Has Only 110 Paupers. The proceedings of the court-martial appointed to try Colonel Compton of the fou rth Cavalry at Walla Walla have liven received at the War l«epartiuent, and will be forwarded to the President as soon as they have been reviewed by the Judge Advocate General. J. Meigs of the navy, who N E W M EX IC O N E E D S T U T O R S . was Lieutenant A R E CONVERTED. recently found to be color blind by I N D I A N S the navy promotion bureau and ordered before the retiring bourdon this account, was found to have this defect by the re­ Explorers Find a Mighty Mass of tiring iward. HU case was sent to the A Cleveland Nationalist Club Makes a M M IE T Y \ O T H KS. President witli the recommendation that Moving loe in a Deep Canyon Y. M. C. A. Devotional services every Sun­ lie be retired. The President hasordered Peculiar Demand on Behalf day evening. Young men earnestly requested hint placed on the retired list. in California. to attend. of the Indigent, A statement prepared at the Treasury I O. <> F Sessions held Saturday evening in the rooms over Moore’s Drugstore. Department shows that the total circula­ Y. W C. T. IJ. Business m eeting the second tion August 1 was $1,500,033,812, being a Saturday in every month. net decrease since July 1 of ¿44,743. The BD'ngravs are mimerons in the surf at G. A. It. Sessions held tirst and third Thura-* Brooklyn Italians want an Italian in principal changes in circulation were a day evening in each month. Coronado. decrease of $5,134,1)10 in g for Saturday afternoon in each month. ain or a publie horse trough. OoO in currency certificates. The circu- drinking non-union beer. Bush tires have done considerable lation of gold coin decreased $443,794. I » * * 14'.* I, I H I I K t T O R Y . Tlie United States v. usu» reports only | The amount of money and bullion in damage near Victoria, B. C. 110 paupers in Louisiana. C it y o f Y r n l i r r a . j the treasury August 1 was $085.275,424, Tlie first shad ever found in Fraser Boston unions will test their right to a net increase of $900,717) since July 1. M a y or.........................................Sa.muel Hobson river was captured the other day. hold meetings in the park. IticErd© I H. Howard It has been decided to amend the ad­ Tlie travel to California this fall and .Marshal............................................. J. J. Woods Over $150,000 have lieen raised for the vertisements calling for bids for Pacific Tteasurcr............................. M »res Votaw winter promises to be very heavy. .................. Cox Street ComuiUsioner . Coast service so as to make San Diego a Grant monument in New York. A large bed of meerschaum of superior port of call going and returning on the .......... E. K. Hobson Surveyor..................... New York postoffice employes have uualitv lias been found on Ureas island. route from San Francisco to Panama, lieen ordered to seize all German lottery ALUKR.MKN. Wash. 1 1 . M. Parker touching besides at Mazatlan, San Bias tickets. First Ward • N\ C. Marls Tlie Portland postoffice is now in tlie and other points. Steamers of the San l Henry Austin Two hundred vessels have already b-en Second Ward. classified postal serviee and under the Francisco and Valparaiso line will also engaged to trans|Hirt grain from Atlantic /J. M. Boyce. sH. Cooper workings of the civil-service law. stop at San Diego, touching besides at ports to Europe. Third Ward ... "" M. R. Hunt The Stockton (C al.) brewery owned by Panama, Buena Ventura, Gtiyaipiilla, A census bulletin gives tlie numlier of E. Schubert was totally destroyed by fire Callao and Iqnique. Revised copies of inmates in almshouses in New York at a EAST AND SOUTH tlie other night. Tlie I osb is $ 10,000 ; in­ tlie advertisement are now being sent little over 10,000. —V IA — out from the Postoffice Department. surance, $4,900. U is estimated that Philadelphia isde- Acting Secretary Chandler has ren­ There are said to be aliout forty-live populuted over one-half on Sundays desperate highbinders at I.os Angeles dered a decision in the case of Harnish during the summer. who, gambling being prohibited, black­ against Wallace on appeal from the find­ During tlie last fiscal year 5‘>5,4!Hi im ­ ing of tlie local land office at Sacainento, mail Chinese merchants. migrants arrived at our ports, an increase An outbreak of Indians in Alaska is which will materially change the prac­ of 104,277 over the preceding year. threatened, growing out of the différ­ tice of the department as to agricultural Tlie Illinois Central lias placed ordets ences between the na'ives and the man­ entries which are subsequently found to agers of tlie canneries as to tlie fishing be mineral in character. The acting for twenty-two locomotives in anticipa­ Secretary holds tliHt “ in order to defeat tion of increased W orld’s Fair traffic. grounds and prices of salmon. Trains leave and are due to arrive at I'ortlaud: ... . i u •. i , . , . i an agricultural entry on tlie ground of Tlie Supreme Court of Minnesota lias It has been definitely ascertained that the * ;lleral ctmracter of tl.e land it must decided that the Salvation Army lias a LK A V K ( for) F III) M FKH. 1. ISSI AKK1VK K M the Southern Pacific is about to build a l)e . ». Imo»,,, shown that that .„inrri.1 mineral w was known ,o to rigid to make all the noise it wants to. ------------wharf at a point just north of Santa | exiBt at the time of tlie entry. Hereto­ O v e r la n d E x press . Laboring men throughout Tennessee Monica Canyon anil about three and a fore tlie practice lias lieen to cancel agri­ Salem, Albany, Eug­ will join with the miners in an effort to half miles from Santa Monica. ene, Koseb g Grant’s cultural entries where mineral was dis­ Pass, Medford Ash The trouble l>etween the Oregon Pacific covered at anytim e prior to the issuance secure tlie repeal of tlie convict lease land,Saoramenfo.Og- )■ *9:8Ä a . M. law. Railroad Company and its employes on of a patent. den, San Francisco, ' Mojave, Los Angeles, ! Under a new law in Georgia when a account of tlie non-payment of the men ! El Paso,New Orleans, I doctor is convicted of drunkenness lie is assuming a serious aspect The amount , I and East.................. J CABLEGRAMS. can no longer practice medicine in that Rosebery ct way stations *4:00 p. M owing the men is about $75,000. I Via Wood unni fo ri State. The Pacific Mail steamers from San j Mt. Angel, 8 H verton Til© W hole Southern Part o f China Said t«:(H) A. M j West Sclo, Browns- I ♦4:00 P. M. Francisco to Panama ami Valparaiso are j T lie great Minnesota trust, formed in to He In Turmoil. i879 to issini that State, lias dissolved l ville and Coburg.....J hereafter to etop at San Diego according ♦5:00 l . Albany ami way stations ♦9:00 a . M. to instructions from the Postmaster-Gen­ alter selling 350,000 acres of land . Corvallis tte way stations t .:M0 P. M. ♦7:80 Mosquitoes have appeireii in Paris. and colonizing .5 ',000 people. ♦ 1:40 i . M cM innville & way sta’ s ♦ V.20 A. M. eral. So says a Sen Diego dispatch. Cholera is still spreading iti Abyssinia. Mrs. President Harrison insisted that The ( ’arson (N e w ) Tribune says: The Dining 1'ara on Ogdon Koute. Geneva is celebrating the tKH)th anni­ tlie new carpets, tapestries and refinings magnified statements being telegraphed of tlie W hite House should lie tlie work to the Coast papers by the Carson Asso­ versary of the Swiss confederation. PU LLM A N B U FFE T SLEEPERS. ciated Press correspondent about Pine Memorials are pouring into the French of American manufacturers. Tourist Sleeping Cara Nut will do the district more damage Senate against tlie proposed tariff on Reports from all tlie grain country For accommodation of second-class passengers than good. food supplies. show that there will shortly lie the most attached to all trains. The steamer Islander lias returned ti> Parnell warns Dillon and O'Brien that unprecedented demand for cars that has Through ticket office. 184 First street, where Victoria, B. C.. from the North, and re­ they are following a dangerous course in lieen experienced for a long time. through t ckets to all points in the Eastern Tlie Chicago and Grand Trunk rail­ Mates, Canada and Europe can bo obtained at port» tlie salmon pack on Naas river and trusting Gladstone. at Alert Bay a total failure. The Skeena lowest rates from J. B. K IR K L A N D , The French Minister at Washington way of Canada lias lifted tlie boycott Ticket Agent. shows tip well, but the Northern pack has lieen appointed Minister to Spain, to against the Chicago and Alton road. All above trains arrive and depart from Grand w ill only lie half its usual si/.e. This is lielieved by some to lie the begin­ Central station. Fifth and I streets. take the place of M. Gambon. A proposition lias been made that six Tlie Commander-in-chief has issued ning of the end. N A R R O W I1 A U O E W . S. D I V I S I O N Southern Cali'brnia counties purchase orders for the closing of all Orange A bill has passed the Legislature in — AND — the patent for the application of hydro lodges existing in the British »rm v. Georgia prohibiting the sale of spiritous Portland and W illam ette Valley Railway ■•vanir gas to trees afifected bv scale. The •r malt liquors within a radius of three Humors of battles and absence of any efficacy of the remedy lias been success­ Passenger depot foot o f Jefferson street. information from Fuiin Pasha have miles from any church or school outside fully demonstrated at Riverside. of an incorporated city. caused alarm and axiety for his safety. ♦6:30 a . M. ♦7- jo a . >!. It h stated now that nearly all of tlie The Continental Loan Company of ts::i0 a . M. ♦ PJ L'. I*. M Dr. Kinder, the famous Berlin special­ sixty-five men who were on tlie Itala ♦ 1 S O p. M t l :55 P. M Newhuryport, Mass., lias assigned. I lie ♦STO P. M. when she was brought back to San Diego ist on rheumatism, lias gone to Stam­ c'p ita l stock of tlie company is given at ♦ • 1 4 P. M ' Oswego it way st ti’s ♦6:20 p. M. are political refugees from C hili, who boul to relieve the Sultan of his ailments. ♦«•:w p . m . $1,000,e supplied with electric blowers for T lie Spanish reciprocity treaty and tlie E. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. F. P. Agt. txirders. California is entitled to thirty purposes of ventilation. diplomatic correspondence pertaining delegates. The whole southern portion of China thereto have iieen made public, tlie A Yuma Indian is said to have cured j is in turmoil, and armed hands of plun­ President issuing a proclamation an­ himself of a rattlesnake bite by apply derers make Imsine-s almost im|s,ssibte. nouncing tlie full text of the treaty. Only $37.50. Ore it Bargains in PIANOS. Writ« for Latest Illustrated Catalogue. LiTAddrass. to tlie wound s poultice made of the Foreign residents are apprehensive of l>*oUl L Beatty, Waahiiigton, M«w Jwr««j. Tlie Franklin Club, a Nationalist con­ common mock orange and by drinking * an attack on them. S1*-' c l “» S * £ 3i “» cern at Cleveland, demands that tlie city decoction made from tlie same plant. T- • . ? 58 y c •- There is a rumor in Europe that the shall assume control of all vacant lands Oolondrina is tlie scientific name of the C/.ar has already approved and the Min­ within its limits and cultivate CHhhagee mock orange. isters have signed tlie draft of the treaty and potatoes to tie given to the poor. I t is stated at Santa Fe, N. M., that brought to Russia by Admiral Gervais of Oklahoma Territory lias not prove«! to the numb -r of applicants for tlie posi­ the Frencli squadron. lie a land flowing w itli milk and honey. tion of teacher in that Territory falls far Tlie Russian government has deter­ Tiie wheat crop was a failure, and tlie s h o it o ft h e law's requirements, and it mined to build a second Russian church people are tmrU,000 crop is looking well, and may help them could find positions by addressing the has been made, and tlie work w ill be out. S iperintendent of Education at Santa commenced at the end of this vear. Archbishop Ireland, who visited Com­ Fe. Tlie Hamburg patters declare that the The total valuation of all property in German steamer lines have nothing to missioner Morgan of Indian Affairs, re­ ceived ample and positive assurance of Los Angeles county, Cal., is $09,075,157; his disposition and intention to treat tlie total value of real estate and t , _____ I'-Vf!:,,?" which are considered altogether too cost- Catholic Indian schools witli eipiity and ments '.,2 5,3 920 monev, $208,940 w to liecome dangerous competitors, solvent credits, $ln >,,, -); other personal 6 1 . , generosity. property, *0.722,522. The a i» v e li. es i . Tt,e Arbiter /eitung, tlie Berlin Soctal- Tlie Secretary of the Treasury ileclines Cd Cd ist organ, contains an article advocating 111 do not include the railroads in and out i to make a ruling on tlie iui|>»rtation of a resort to perjury by Socialists in polit­ skilled workmen for tin plate mills, ami of the county, whicli amount to about ical trials and declaring that such a j refers a St. Louis querist to the fifth sec­ $2,(HK), 0J. • s * <*■' ¿ 3 - )* - course is praiseworthy when it tends to tion of the alien contract labor law as a Explorers have found a m ighty mass serve the interests of tlie people. l ï ? | I < S t ' ¡ j 'T . - - ’ | rule of guidance. of moving iee in a deep canyon on Gray- For presents to distribute in England back Mountain, Southern California. Assistant Secretary Nettleton has an- T o e formation is about twenty-five feet Emperor W illiam carried a large iron thorize«! the Collector of Customs at As­ aafe filled with snuff boxes, cigarette thick and sixty feet wide. Immense toria, Or., to ailiuit free of duty into ¡ i m m rocks have iieen p' shed from their lieds cases, pins and rings; but, large as his < irays llarlxir tlie steel rails recovered g. ’ -i - j • t S filk u s s by the moving of tlie great ice and lie stock was. lie had to buv several thou- from the British ship Aberrorn, which I sand pounds’ worth in addition in Lon­ | stranded January, 1888. upon top of it. Sun does not reach i l l i h i b don. ice more than one hour a day. About $13,00-1,000 of the 4«£ per rent. A dispatch from Rome says that France )>onds have lieen presented to the Treas­ The Yuma Sentinel says: There is no t » 2_ ; doubt hut Ilia’ tlie famous talked-of and tlie Vatican have entered into an ury Department for continuance at 2 |>ei “ L is t I’egleg ” gold mine can now be agreement bv which France undertakes cent., and about $8,000,0U) have alrea«ly found. There will he water for some to help the Vatican in its financial em­ been examined an«l the proper measure* tim e to come, and feed for animals will barrassment, and tlie Vatican binds it- taken to issue the new bonds. the Republic at home line the Iranks of the present lakes and . selr to support . Secretary Tracy has finally «lecided to streams in the Salton llesert,and parties ani? abroad , award tlie contract for building cruiser will thoroughly (irospect that section ly- Tlie British Con«n! at FooC how t^li No. 13 to Cramp A Sons of Philadelphia, graphs to the British foreign office that although the Batli Iron Works of M ine ing between Indian wells and Indio. Mrs. George Roberts, a Spiritualist of there is no truth in tlie report ttiat riots were the lowest buhlers. The Bath com­ San Jose, has converted tlie parlors of are imminent there. He says that Euro­ pany could not complete tlie contract in her residence into what she terms “ the peans in Koo Chow are ad •■•■■lately pro- time. temple of purity anil tro th .” The fur­ tec ted by the Chinese officials and for­ Tlie first account of Lawyer W illiam niture ami every article of the temple eign gunboats. M. Smith, assignee of the Bank o f Amer According to the “ Annual of the are pure white, and no one will lie al­ I ica of Philadelphia, has lieeii filed, an«l lowed to enter unless clad in robes of the French Arm y for 1891 ’ ’ the standing |K)ssess*'H the unhpie feature of showing same color. Tlie temple is for angels lo a rn v will contain next y ea r570,«¡03 men a yield of 10 per rent, to the m show that tlie l.iiierais have twelve mem­ disfavor into which from a singularly un­ case of R. M. King, the Seventh-Da\ Indif*>ti3n or Coniti pati««. Improve« • h« r-imii«ii«a bers of the Legislature one third of the fortunate train of circumstances it has Adventist, who was convicte«! years a go by Kurtfyin« th* B.oo4. whole), a large gain over anv previous fallen; that it liasthern|ieutieproperties of Hahhath-breaking by plowing on Sun­ • ran b* ni '-'y adju«t«d to id t f > cam m • pill ran n»*ar b« to>j lara* a done. Ea*y ta taka fyegislatnre. Tlie L'lierals elect three as valuable as they are unique, and that day. The Jmlge rules that, if a ms IO BDcb I'jfir 42 p:ila put up in a n emtiers of the Council and six of the it only requires to tie employed with due has set Knmlay apart in due form bv hi* lieb < an to-«-arriad n -mt roeket A « pmi '•»•••• «• Tr«*»l*r* a-d ■■«(•»*« Iru. Hon-e in Salt I.ake bv a plurality of caution und'-r certain easily ascertained law for rest, it must lie obeyed ss man’ HI “frlWPNl" Trié» lark. I*wry»kwr*. «4«. » lsuia lupi* !>*>-• »»1 9mm l*ok lar t» la »nap« I li'O. The l.ilierals elect the County conditions to receive the reerignition it law, if not as God's law. He a«*«l-«i tin O » . HAÄTCH 8 MION T O N IC . W Collector, two Selectmen and County de-erres as an invaluable and essential conviction was under a Tenne-s..«. In «, ( rra:« I Superintendent by pluralities of from part of the treatment of pulmonary tu­ and it was not the province of the pY.I berculosis.” H00 to 3,090. ih i a ir ■ eral Court to rnvien Die t« health äb I vi(,o«oi«toiak>oTHcrToemr TNE M. HARTEN MEDICINE CO. IT. lOUIt. N& Southern Pacific Honte. « 1 SHASTA LINE.!» BEATTY ORGANS < < < o < ID o < ID U cd O Cd tû O fflO c a O < < t i ||! ] LIVER PILLS. A n cie n t S |,» n |»li Cnnnun to K x lillilt n l » 1 ll ,c W o r ld 's I s i r . N O . . 17 . He Tlie oldest hanker in the world is a lady— Deborah Powers, aged 99, senior partner of D. Powers A Sons, hausen- tierg. John Sherman is tlie only remaining United States Senator who sat in that Iwdv during Hannibal Hamlin's term iu ita chair. Since he was ejected from the Jersey L ily ’s heart F'rederick Gebhard is saiil to have ejected her cattle from his Cali­ fornia ranch. Mrs. Amelia Rives Chattier does not figure in lie will of her late uncle, Fran­ cis K Rives, who left an estate valued at $3,000,000. Empress Frederick is fascinated by tlie genius of II. Rider Haggard, ami by wav of returning the compliment lie lias ded­ icated hi» last book to tier. Daniel Bandmann, an actor well known in Europe and America, is a familiar figure on tlie streets of Sacramento, sell­ ing milk from his locally famous Hol­ stein dairy. M. Claretie, the Director of tlie The­ atre F'raucaise. Paris, lias invited Mrs. McKee and Mrs. Russell Harrison to visit interesting parts of tlie playhouse not open to tlie general public. Gladstone’s best portrait is the one which Sir Fiverett Millais painted thirty years ago. It is now owned by Sir d ia ries Tennant, who bought it of tlie Duke of Westminster for $15,000. Since his return to Italy Signor Sal- vini lias tinned his attention to plav writing, and one of his productions w ill be given in this country next season by his gifted son, Alexander Salvini. Tlie accident which befell II-n ry M. Stanley in Sw itzerland was not as serious as reported. It was his left ankle joint that w as fractured. Tlie pain has ceased, and tlie patient is progressing favorably. K IP T IO Y K IT D N : ............ ........ M u h e e r lp tio n P r ic e P a y a b le a b ly In A d v a n c e . FOREIGN NEWS. PERSONAL MENTION. Souie « I U M One Y ear ............... Six Months Thics Months............... The Recall of Baron Fava Regretted by Italy. PR IN T E R S SENT TO SIBERIA. France Will Return Russian Flag's Captured by the French in the Crimean War. Vesuvius is again in eruption. Russia talks of running the drug stores. Tlie reports from the Iceland fishing fleet are favorable. About t>00 «lestitute Jews are arriving at Hamburg daily. The Italian government is said to re­ gret having recalled Baron F’ava Tlie Sultan of Turkey is suffering seri­ ously witli an abscess iu tiie thigh. Tlie German government is reconsid­ ering tiie m l net ion of duties on grain. F'orty-live rx)ni|a)sitors were sent to Siberia for working on a Nihilist paper. Patti says she will not accept less than $5,000 for each performance she appears in. Forgeries on the Deutsche bank at Berlin to a large amount Iiave Iieen dis­ covered. Sarah Bernhardt lias again changed tlie color of her hair. She is now a pro­ nounced brunette, Tlie Turkish authorities are throwing every possible difficulty in the way of j Hebrew immigration to Palestine. Tlie worsted spinners of Germany have combined in view of tlie dullness of | tlie market to reduce their output. Tlie final budget of the German Fhn- pire for the years 1890-1 shows a surplus of 15,143,‘2'll marks over (lie estimates. tj In v a r i­ Address, G r a p h ic . Newberg. Oregon. ' po rtland m arket . A It e. time of the <‘«iii,l It ion o f Ita l>lf. tVrent Departiuent». A goo«l demand was felt in tiie fruit line, and produce was also in demand. Watermelons are very plentiful. Re­ ceipts of peaches were light. Blackber­ ries are ttill in g od demand, and are arriving in somew hat better condition. Tlie market for vegetables is well sup­ plied, and prices remain firm under a good demand. I’ ltHlup«, Fruit, Ktc. W iik at — Valiev, $1.424? ; Walla Walla, $1.32«? per cental. F lo i k — Standard, $4.85; Walla Walla, $4.00 per barrel. Oars—Old, 50(«.')2'se ; new, 42'sc per bushel. 11 ay —$15 u lt> per ton. Kgs— Bran, $22(§23; shorts, nominal, $25er ton; liarley, $1.29(0 1 25 |>er cental. B i ttkk — Oregon fancy creamery, 30(«i 32 , c ; 'ancy daily, 39c; fair to good, 25 (er pound. C iikksk —Oregon, 12(§124?c; Califor­ nia, 12c per pound. Finns—Oregon, 20(«$224?c per dozen. I’oii.TBV— Did fhiekeiiH, $t>.00«it>.50; young chickens, $2.60i«i4.00; ducks, $ 4i«o ti; geese, nominal, $8 per dozen ; turkeys, 16c per |> o iiik I. V kuktables — Cabbage, $1.00 per cen tal; cauliflower, $lm 1 25 per dozen; Onions, I ' 4c per ism tul; fleets, $1.27) per sack ; turnips, $1.00 per sack ; new pota­ toes, 50(«tti0c per cen tal; tomatoes, 76c«$ $1 per b ox; lettuce, 12'jC |>er dozen; green pens, 3(u4c |>er pound; string lieaiis, 2(If 3c (s r pound ; rhubarb, :!c per pound; artichokes, 40c per «lozen; cit- ctimliers, 10c per d '/.eii; carrots, $l(u 1.25 l>er sa«-k ; corn, 20c per dozen ; sweet |>ota- loes, 3*..,«<«4'..c per |tound. Fat rrs— Riverside oranges,$2.50((f 3.50; Sicily lemons, $7c«8; California, $6(6 li per I njx ; apples, 7oc(« $1.25 per box ; t>a- uniia«, $3.,)0,6)4 a hunch pineapples, $7> («« 7 per d o z; cherries, $1.10«« 1.27) per box ; currants, tk‘ per pound ; apricots, $1 per b o x ; rasplierries, $7(«9r per pouml; peaches, Alexander, 75i?)Klc per box; California Crawfords, $ l«i 1.25; hlncklier- i-ies. Od« 7c p«‘r iiouinl; plums, 25(u liOc p«T box ; w aterinelons, $3.n0in 4.00 per dozen ; cantaloupes, $1.76««'2.27> per dozen, $2.5(1 (ii3.l)0 per crate; grapes, Sweetwater, 90c (<«$l |)erls)x.$l 10(11 1.25 per crate; black, $2 50 | er ciate; pears, $1.25; Bartlett, $1.75 per Itox. N o r — CuMfornia walnuts,11 >.j(«i I2 't c ; hickory, ti1.,.«'; Brazils, io o r llc ; al­ monds. lti«>18c; lillierts, 13«« 14c; pine nuts, 17(«t|8c; pecans, I7t00 there is any misunderstanding between Assistant Secretary Nettleton and Com­ Russian explorers are at work extending missioner Owen or himself is absolutely Russian influence among the inhabitants untrue. There is talk of Mr. Nettleton of tlie Pamir plateau. resigning for business reasons. The Queen of Fingland and tlie Queen Rev. Phillips Brooks is said to lie tlie of Italy have exchanged telegrams of Grocerie*. fastest speaker in the world. Verbatim congratulation on the visit of the Prince reporters, who timed him, found that lie of Naples to Fiuglaiid. C okkkk —Costa liica, 2 1 ; Rio, 23c; speaks on an average 212 words a min­ British army authorities are seriously Mocha, 30c; Java, 2D,3c ; Arbuckle's, ute. Stammering in his youth is mi -- alarmed by the information that Social­ 100-pound cases, 2tl'4C per ixiuiid. eountahle for his remarkable haste in istic literature is being widely >liatril>- St «1 ik —Golden C, 45Bc ; extra C, 47„ c ; apeeeh. granulated, 57#c: cube crushed and |siw- uted among the enlisted men. Tlie Prince of Roumania is anxious to It is announced that tlie Pope is dered, t)t4c ; confectioners’ A, 5«4c per let married, and wants a royal w ife. He strongly in favor of tlie present form of pound. B kans — Small white, 33,e ; pink, 3*4 las no heart to give, for that already be­ government in France, and that he op­ longs to Mile. Yacaresto. The Duke of poses a ll schemes tending to monarch­ (it t 'j c ; havos, 4 ', r ; butter, 4'._,c; limas, 4 '|('«.)<• per |M>iiml. Fidinlmrgli will not consent that li is ical ascendency. iloNKY— 1 Hoi20c per pound. daughter Marie, aged 10, should wed The Paris Municipal (Council lias voted S alt — L iverpool, $ll),$ltl.50(<( 17 ; stock, this princeling. in favor of the cons'ruction of under- $ llf'«12 per toil in carload lots. General Aycardi, Governor of Panama, grotin I railways ill preference to elevated C annku G o o d s — Table fruifs, $).(*>, has given permission to the W orld’s Co­ or viaduct structures as a means of rauid 2'.,s: |>eacties. $2.00; Bartle'tt iiears, lumbian Exposition to remove from the transit in that city. $1.85 ; plums,$1 37'« ; straw berries,$2.25; old fortress at Puerto Bello on tlie Isth­ The Munich court photographer, I.eit- cherries, $2.50(«$2.00; black Iwrries, $1.90; mus of Panama some old Spanish can­ mar, famous for his likenesses of ac­ raspberries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.60(63; non, which date back very nearly to the tresses, has Iieen drowned in one of the apricots, 76c. Vegetables: Corn, $1.35«» time of Columbus. Bavarian lakes, together with two fisher­ l.t>5, according to «inality; tomatoes, Prof. Koch has not resigned liisofficial men who were witli him. $1.10(a3.27>; sugar peas, $1.25; string positions on account of tlie failure of tu- Until recently the phylloxera has lieans, $1.10 per dozen. 1’ie fru it: As­ bercnline or Kochism, lmt 1«) anse lie is spared the Champagne country, lmt at sorted, $1.50; (teaches, $1.65; plums, on the point of accepting a new office— lust it has appeared, and the 27,000 land $1.27>; blackberries, $11)5 |>er dozen. that of Director of tlie Institute of In­ proprietors in that district are now in a Fish : Sardines,85e(«; lolisters, $2.30 fectious Diseases, which lias iieen organ­ syndicate for mutual protection. (a.3.60; oysters, $1.50( per dozen. ized by the German government. The Wesleyan Conference held nt I/in- Salmon, stamlard No. 1, $l.27«(d1.60 tier Miss Phodie Couzlns wishes it under- don, alluding to the Dilkc ease, has ruse; No. 2, $2.55. Con«lerise.75; Champion, $(>; Monroe, stie is in St. Louis for rest and recrea­ convicted of flagrant immorality. $0.77) per case. tion ; that she has not given up the fight, H y r i 'P— FT astern, in barrels, 47(S56c; The Holy Bee has just appointe«l an ami that when she speaks again tlie half-barrels, 50(6 58c; in cases, 65(680c W orld ’s F'air management will think extraordinary commission of Cardinals ■>er gallon; $2.25«<2.50 per keg. Cali­ that a Kan-as cyclone lias blown over to reorganize Catholic missions. Tlie in­ fornia, in liarrels, 30c per gallon; $1.75 from the wide and windy expanses of quiry of this commission will, it is said, per keg. extend over 'lie whole apostolic world. tlie West. D kiko F' kiuts — I talian prunes, 104^(§ A prize of $4,0»H) lias iieen offered by 12c; I’etite ami German, 10c (>er pound ; I>r. Harry Crookshank, Director-Gen­ tlie government of tlie Dutch Fiast In ­ raisins, $1.76(»2.25 per b o z ; pluininer eral of Egyptian prisons, will marry Miss dies for tlie Is'st ami most economical driisl pears, 1 Iff« l i e ; sun-dr its I and fac­ Emma Walraven Comfort, tlie only met hod of packing salt in sma'I I kixch so tory plums, l l ( « t l 2c ; eva|H>rate«l iieaclies, child of .Ytajor Samuel Comfort of the 18««2.jc; Smyrna tigs, 2t)c; California, Standard Oil Company. Crookshank | as lo keep it dry lor at least two years. There will 1st held in Genoa in 1892 an figs, 9c per pouml. brings witli him a marvelous neeklace as Italian-Ameriean exposition, to which R ick — $5.26 |>er cental. a wedding present from tlie Khedive, | composed of amethysts, cornelian and tlie King of Italy lias eonsenteil to give T Ii* lH*Mt Market. other stones taken from tlie tomb of an , ilia patronage, and for which lie allowa Egyptian Princess and made into the | the use of hia name as honorary Presi­— Live, 3c; dressed, 6(86c. im itation of a necklace worn by Queen 1 dent. M o tion — Live, sheareil, 3@34£c; Aah llorep, 1700 B. C. Tlie F’.nglish Parliament is alsuit to dressed, 7c. pass a hill authorizing any one Magis­ llo o s — Live, 0c ; dressed, 8(iin«ls, 4 c ; under 65 pounds, 3 c; Henry Fh Barlow, aChieago letter car­ for this world. M. de Lessepx is a very sheep p«dts, short wool, 30(650c; me­ rier ami a G. A. R. man, has confessed sick and feeble old inun, anti his physi­ dium, tk)(«80c; long, 90c««$l.26; shear­ to systemat’ callv stealing money from cians are doubtful if he has tiie vitality lings, 10(620c; tallow, good to choice, 3 letter* on his route. He has a wife and I netsle«! to enable him to pull through. (tf.i'of pei pound. five children. H e is 87 years old. Wool«— Willamette Valley, 17@19c; Tlie tim ely arrival of the pnlii'e pre­ It is reported that France as a mark oi Fixstern Oregon, 10(6 I l i V ' (ter pound, vented the lynching of fourteen year-old friendship for Russia will largely re«tucn according to romlitions and shrinkage. George Itippstein at New York city. He tlie tariff on Russian products hii «I will H ors— N om inal; 20c per pound. hail been tormenting Poles by pulling inifsise a prohibitory «lilty on Indian their whiskers. Challeng. to Cigarette Hmoksrs. corn in order to encourage tiie impoita- C. W . Breedlove and Charles N. W il­ tion of Russian corn. A prominent business man of Bath has son, indicted for tlie murder of Sailor Tiie Thcosophicsl constitution as re- declared war against the cigarette, and is Brown of tlie I'liarleston, have plea«te«l viseil amalgamates tlie American, Eng­ i Industrious in cutting items out o f th « not guilty. They iiave given hinds, ami lish and Fiurnpcaii sections. I.ady ( 's illi­ newspapers giving frightful examples o f will apply for a change of venue. These ness, in virtue of tier millions as well as the use of this pernicious article Tlie amount taken by Sylverter Young, her enthusiasm, sui'ceeils Mine. Blavst- he shows to cigarette smokers, and has succeeded In making a number o f con­ defaulting cashier of the Newport News sky as High Priestess. verts. He challenges any one to name a mid Mississippi Valley railroail, is esti- President Carnot has intimated that single thoroughly good business man who inateil by his Isimlsnieii to lie $I27>,H00 F'rance will return the Hags «'aptured by A reward of $1,010 is oHcre«l for Ids ar­ French troop* «luring the Crimean war smokes cigarettes— Bath Courier. rest. from the Russian church at Fiupatoria, Walt Whitman'« Plum In the trial of Mrs. Gilmer at Ahing- which have sim e lieen «le|s)site«l in the A writer says o f W alt Whitman's place ton, Va., for the k illin g »! her paramour’s church of Notre Dame in Paris. among the world's poeta “ A sturdy rebel wife ami plotting the death of her h'ts- lnst conventions, a representative of Some of the small sltopkeiqiers of Paris band, tlie prisoner told in «letail how the masses, he encamped before the cita­ work was done, and «luring the exami­ have appealeil to the Pone f«ir protection del o f tradition and proclaimed the war from the big coneerns that are driving nation buist into tears several times. that was to bring about the democracy ot them out ol the triule. They ask h's lease Sawtelle, who was convi«-te«l of ll'iliness to formulate some plan for a^e song Hia cause will perish with him, ent'eing his brother into New llauin- plying the law of justii-e ami charity to and hia name atan«l like a pillar in a waste siiire by representing thist his little the free«lom of tra«le and competition so place— lonely, but Imperishable."— New daughter was ill ami intercepting ami that the little dealers can live in the York World. murdering him on the way to inh«-rit Ins presence of the great. property must hang, the Supreme Comt Contactnn«n*«« o f I)i$FM«fk President llypiw ilite of Haytl ha# au- refusing a new trial. Scarlet fever is a specific poison which thorixed the publication of the corre­ Henry Guenther, a pros|>erons gar­ spondence la-tween lla y ti an«l Secretary emanates from the person o f the patient, dener of Dayton, I) , is iim'er arn-st, Blaine, Minister Itouglass and Ailmiral and ran be caused by no other means. charge«! witli munlering his thiid wife Diphtheria (a contagious, but may arise Gherarili upon the subject of the Mole from fom enting filth, etc. TyphoUl A rhemical analysis of her stoma«li Ht. Nicholas. This correspondence if fever and Asiatic cholera are not directly allows strong traces of arsenic. Guen­ now in press in New York, an«l is to lie communicable from person to person, but ther marrie«! the woman to avoi I pay­ issue«! in pamphlet form sn«l «listributed are spread by the dejectaof their victim#, ment of $6.000, which a jury ba«l award­ bruwlcaat in tins country and in Europa widen contaminate the water «apply. — ed her for seduction. r