A TH I.K TK H OF TH F I’ l l K H K N T l>\Y. THE BELL NAPO LE O N STOLE. H O W F I F T Y E S C \ I 'L L ) ' AN AM ER|CAN s t e a m s h ip u n e . t i k i Am i R o m a tliin i %l>oul tl»* F a m o u * T h a t F lo o r I-died B efore t h « W a r . : io ik (H u id ; H i » t o r > . s e ld o m F ridili?. W ill «•«»I'd Y o u age or Savage. H t lK M S S C A N ’T It F T W HY! 4 I It F l> K e- J. E. Sullivan, Secretary ol‘ the Amateur A ftc i a V a r i f i l d a i »-*-f li f a l l s P a te rs o n By L't al application.*, « * tin*) cunnot retteti the 'liseuse«! portimi 01 iLe eur. There i> oiils one A th letic U n ion ,'Presiden t o f the Pastime C O N F E D E R A T E S WORKED A CLEVER C h ild re n to T h e ir M tid ie«. « Hi the one side you have the old schools way to » ure deafue**, und that is b> «•ouslitu- ! T h e most important Am erican riv a l The v i r t u e s or A th letic Club ami A th letic Editor ol The tionut remedies. Deain«*as i» « mum M by an in , S C H E M E A T CAMP BUTLER. W hen Xapolenn I in b eh alf o f Franco merits of a remedy which foreign corporations h ave en­ o f medicine, born in obscurity and reared rlumed eomlition o! the untemi* lining • »I the Sporting Times, writes: for p a i n do u u t in ignorance, with whom mediocrity ranks Ku»taeliian Tube. When this* tnl*e ip-ts iiolumt-d carried w ar to Sw itzerlan d he found countered in transatlantic steam n a v iga ­ as genius ami fossilized conservatism is the T \ n n consist in its being “ For yearn l have been actively connected in one o f the cantons there an ancient you huve u rumbling mhuk I • *r im pellevi heur , F V / lV lJ * good for relief a- D i*g u K e d a * C itiz e n * in Sinngglt-d C lo th »-« tion was tin* famous Collins line. Mr. E. acme o f wisdom. They are the pro«iuct o f ing, und when it is entirely el«»i»ed. l'eûmes.- is other remedies, but with athletic «ports. During my active convent. During the course o f the w ar a imrched im agination ami a >tunttd in tel­ the result, and unless the inflammation eun hr K. Collins ha«l grow n up in the fre ig h t am i A rm e il w ith F o r g e d I*a **p o rt* a participation in held «ports 1 always found this convent was destroyed. amF the In the fact that it is better, in being more taken out uud this tube restored to it* normal I prompt and sure, and therefore the best for and passenger business between N e w lect. They are the result o f the «lark ages condition, hearing w ill be destro)ed torever: it to my advantage to use A llco « k ’ s P orous t e w a t a T o n e l’ a«**ed the V ig ila n t and the thumbscrew o f myth and mystery. the specific nurpc*e. It is not an idle catch- P lahtkrh while in training, as they nuickly bell that bung in its to w er was carried nine «uses oui oi ten ure caused by catarrh, Y o rk and Liverp ool, and in 1847 he began *»l astrology and alchemy. Their great line that strikes the eye thus: C.narda on V isitin g D a y «. w hi« h is nothing hut an inflamed condition of remove «orene«« and stillness; and when o ff as a trophy b v the conqueror. The to interest N e w York merchants in a hoast is antiquity but the title is disputed the mueous surfaces. attacked with any kind of pains, the result I k *11 was at that tim e reputed to ho sev­ by Balaam’s ass. A man in prison is like a man w ith ou t plan to establish a new steamship line. We w ill gi\cUm* Hundred Dollars tor any rase o f slight colds, I always used A llco « k ’ s eral hundred years old. it was cast o f * >n the other si«le stands the Hist«»genetic of Deafness (caits«*d by catarrh) that we cannot hand«, whose brain is constantly c o n triv ­ T w o years later a company which he had with beneficial results. 1 have noticed that system o f ine«licine. It is the offspring o f cure by taking Halt’s < atarrii Line, x iu t for! t »pper and silver. T h e silver, according most athletes of the present day use noth­ ing to o vercom e physical deficiency. T h e organized launched four vessels— the A t ­ modern thought, <»f modern investigation, circulars, free. F. .1. CHKXKY w « «»., to the custom o f the tim es, was con trib ­ in gen u ity o f a brain unrelieved by dis­ Toledo, « ». ing else but A lm ock ' m P lanters .” o f modern exj»erience. It is the result o f lantic. Pacific, A rctic and Baltic. Sold by druggists; 7ô«*ents. uted by the peasants o f the canton, who traction o f em ploym ent is capable o f research, the triumph o f reason. Like M i­ T h ey w ere liberally subsidized, the It Is the best cure for all aches and pain*, Jagson hays he has found more grass widow» believed that th eir prayers and prospects schemes which rival fiction. M any govern m en t p ayin g the com pany $838,000 nerva. it sprang from the brain o f modern ! Every man ha.« his price, but bri«h*s are given j and it hold* in clover than in weeds. concerning w o rld ly and heavenly affairs th rillin g tales are told by prisoners o f - yearly fo r ca rry in g the mails; conditions Jupiter sciem e. Its eliallenge is investi­ aw a\. gation ; its passport is truth. W hich side For throat diseases, coughs, colds, etc., w ould be im proved in accordance w ith war about their privations and ad ven t­ M I L L I O N S O F M O N F V. imposed b ein g that the vessels should will win? effective relief is found in the use o f th eir sacrifices. To this specific fact A rch bish ops, B is h ­ ures w h ile under the espionage o f an m ake tw en ty-six voyages e ve ry year, and “ Brown a B r o n c h ia l T r o c h e s Hold only in There is millions of money in and around New S k a t t l k . Wash., June!», 1«!U. ops, C lergym en, la w y e r s . Doctors, G ov- Napoleon carried the bell w ith him to alert and relentless enemy. A n exp eri­ boxes; 25 cent«. York City seeking investment. It yon have a that the passage from port to port should o u r baby was very sick, amt we tri«d e rn o rs , G e n e r a ls , S e n a to rs , M e m b e r s o f France, and retained it as a prized cu ri­ ence w o rth y o f record was told an A m e r ­ farm, ranch, mine, we cun probabh sell it for ¡ Is- better in poin t o f time than that made several physicians in turn. None o f them you. If you have a mercantile business for sale, C o n g r e s s a n d L e g is la t u r e s , U . S. C o n su ls, One reason why some |>eoplc are not so wicked osity until his d o w n fa ll and banishment to ican reporter, the other night, by a n a n by the Cunarders. The Collins line met seemed to know w lmt the matter was. She ■T if you want a partner with capital for any an others is because they huven’t liad so good a Arm y a n d N a v y O ffic e rs M a y o rs a n d chance. St. H elena, when he g a ve it to his broth- w ^o now stands high in public life in the conditions successfully, its vessels couldn’ t stand; couldn’ t play, it was d iffi­ legitimate business, we can help you. Address o ffic ia ls , testify and unite in saying: “ We j:{*.* Broadway, New York. cult for her to get tier breath; she had J. A. PEAK« K W er, Joseph Bonaparte, who lik ew ise be­ A n F iiih a rra **iiig T on g u e slip . Tennessee m aking w estw ard trips that averaged choking spells from the tim e she was 4 suffered pain; He was once a con federate soldier. lie eleven days, ten hours and tw en ty-on e months o ld ; wouhl choke every live min­ Six* was a proud lady, and a rich one, too, in g banished brought the old relic to M e r c h a n t H o t e l . Third and D streets, O T H E R R E M E D IE S F A IL E D , as indicut <*«J by the fact that she own«*d a A im -fie a and hung it in a b e lfry at bis ha«l the m isfortune to be numbered with minutes, as com 1 »are«] with tw e lv e days, utes during the night, and was subject to Hortlami, «>r. First-class accommodations. and St. Jacobs Oi! cured promptly and per­ pew in one of Chicago’« most fashionable home in Bordentow n. the captured at F o rt Donelson, and with nineteen hours and tw enty-six m in u te» convulsions and muscular contraction. We Rates, $1 to $1.50 per day. Jacob Hass, prop. manently.” For the same reason had about given un hope o f her getting T h e re it rem ained s ervin g as a dinner hundreds o f his com rades was hurried churches. She wore large diamond earrings by the British steamships. well, when we took tier to Dr Jonlan, ami Use Euam eline Stove Polish : no dust, no smell. and a costume most elaborate, in fact, she bell on the farm , its history rem ain in g un­ across tin* O hio and incarcerated in Cam p T h e vessel» o f the C o llin » line cost tip- in a very short tim e she commenced to im­ carried with her un atmosphere of ultra re­ know n until Joseph's recall fro m exile. fiads what he seeks and needs, is not deceived Butler, a spot which w ill lon g be rem em ­ war« 1 o f *7 00,000 each. This was a great prove, until all these symptoms have ew It gives me great pleasure to make this seekers ru m m aging about in one o f the A ft e r p in in g for several w eary months I1»*«*t was considerably smaller than the statement, so that others who have ehil- was already occupied, and by strangers. subterranean passages th a t honeycom bed Walking down the aisle, with h* r nose in tiie for an exch an ge that was n ever effected smallest o f the steamships that n ow ply «lren that are ill may know w here to take For Female Irregular air us ii pointing lln* North star, she stopjted the place cam e from a ll sections to visit these southern patriots s«*t about to ac­ lietweeii N e w York and European ports, them for treatment. * Mas. < '11 ar l ks It. B u yk m a n , lties: nothin*likethera at her pew and, turning haughtily to the the so called catacom bs and see the complish their ow n deliverance. Vari- there was naturally a good p ercentage Third street, between Bell and Blanchard. on the market. Never usher, w ho had followed at a res|>ectful dis­ historic bell. A t th a t tim e the C a m ­ ohm pTNn.s w ere concocted, but were all f ail. Successfully used o f cost in the appointments fo r the com ­ tance, iii'piired in a tone of concentrated but den and A m b o y railroad had ju st been by prominent ladle* successfully th w arted by the vigilan ce fort o f the passengers. M an y features Dr. Jordan's office is at the residence o f monthly. Guaranteed suppressed contempt: built, and the old bell was sold to the to relieve s apprised F in a lly the inspira­ that have since com e to be regard ed as ex- M ayor Y eider, Third and Janies. “ Who are these |s*rsons ocenpewing my com pany, who placed it in th eir depot o f th eir custodians. menstruation. Consultations and prescriptions absolute- tion o f this story hit upon a scheme indispensable on board ship w ere in tro­ pie?” at B ordentow n to tell the arriva l and which fo r au dacity and cleverness is un­ SURE! SAFE! CERTAINl duced by th«* Collins vessels. And the minister wondered what made the 'y£ ml ' for free hook explaining the Histo- departure o f trains. It hung there for Don’ t be humbugged. precedented, and won fo r its o rigin ato r congregation laugh.—Chicago Tribune. A m o n g them none attra cted m ore genetic system. Save Time, Health, years, but finally, through som e channel a titk-’ and distinction am on g his c o m ­ C a u t io n .— The Histog« netic Medicines com m ent when the A tla n tic a rrive d at and money ;take no oth­ are sold in but one agency in each town. or other, it fe ll in to the hands o f the panions w hich tim e has not yet o b lite r­ She (jo t the D o ll. er. Liverpool, at the end o f her first voyage, The label around the bottle hears tiie fol­ Sent to anv address, Senator Stewart, of Neva«la, has a long Paterson and Hudson R iv e r R ailroad ated. M ay 10, 1849, than the barber shop. E n ­ lowing inscription: “ Dr. J. Eugene Jor­ secure by mail on re­ white beard und a kindly face. Just before com pany, and was destined to another A m o n g the prisoners at Cam p B u tler glish visitors to the vessel, as she la y at dan, Histogenetic Medicine.” E very other ceipt o f price, fJ.00. Christmas, us ho wus walking up the avenue period o f obscurity. A t that tim e the were a number o f boys w h o served the Address anchor in tin* Mersey, saw fo r the first device is a fraud. from the Capitol, a little girl saw him and com pany operated its road by horses, IMF «PHR MEDICINE COMPANY, Confederacy in the cap acity o f * powd< r tim e th** com fortab le chair, w ith its sleeping curs there is generally room at the rushed after him. and the lad I was liiin g in the Jersey C ity Western Branch, B u i £ !, i'O U T L A N U , O K “ Oh, Santa Claus!” she said, as she caught station at the foot o f Bergen H ill to an­ m onkeys,” a function w ell known to m ovable head rest and fo o t rest, in which 8 o ld by WiMOOM D a n « H o P o r tla n d Or heavy artillerists Am ericans are accustomed to recline him by the coat tails, “ won’t you tiring ini K Ü F T U R K A N D P IL E S C U R E D . sw er the same pupose that it did a t B or­ IT WAS A CLEVER FLAN. doll for Christmas?” w h ile undergoing shaving. A n oth ei j I K I O K I . V N I I O T I . I . . Hush 8t„ bet. Mont- We positively cure rupture and all rectal dls- The duties o f these youngsters w ere n o velty was a sm oking room in a house ;aaes without paiu or detention from business. Both the nietliod and results when The dolt was forthcoming, and the kid dentow n. gi iinery & Sausonie, 8. F. ; conducted on both the W hen the great railroad revolu tion to con vey pow der charges from the European and American plan. ! his H otel is under doesn’t know unv heller. — Washington Star Syrup o f Figs is taken; it is pleasant the on the afterp art o f the d eck.— John 11 •iooure, no pay ; and no pay until cured, management o f Charles Montgomery and Is the iress for pamphlet Drs. Porterfield & Losey, 838 took place and steam cars w ere substi­ m agazines to gunners m trenches o r to b *st Family and Business Men's H otel in 8an Fran­ G ould in Scribner's. and refreshing to the taste, and rets Market street. San Francisco. cisco. Home comforts, cuisine unexcelled, first-class tuted fo r the old horse cars the bell was assist in lik e manner on tIn* floatin g b at­ gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, service, highest standard d of respectability guaranteed. FxpeiiMive P o rtr a its . brought to this city. In those days the teries which annoyed tin,* federal gu n ­ d room i Board und per «lay, 81.25 t-o 82.00; single room, 50 I Ml 1111 - Y o u ’ll Uo to the devil. H all lie ’ll Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys­ een»« to £1 00 per night. Free conch to and from the term inus o f the road was w here St. boat» in the Mississippi river. T h e ladies o f G oth am are v ery goo«l to (■nun* after you. Hot I. tem effectually, dispels colds, head- John's church now stands. T w o trains SI H E CLICK FOIC 1*11.KS. T w o o f these little fellow s, w h o had th e gentlem en o f this place. T h e y are iches and fevers and cures habitu.’ '. w ere run each w a y d aily. A small fallen in to the hands o f tin* enem y, w ere presenting them w ith m iniatures o f Sure cure for blind, ble^cLug and itching Piles. For sale branch m anipulated by horse pow er, treated w ith the d ig n ity due prisoners o f them selves exq u isitely painted on ivory. One box has cured the worst case* o f ten years’ constipation permanently. h ow ever, ran fro m the main depot on war, and consequently found themselves T im e was when a sim ple photo, card size, standing. No one need suffei ten minutes after in c and bottles by all druggists. using K irk’s Germau Pile Ointment. It absorbs M arket street at its con ju n ction w ith hundreds o f miles a w ay from home and was good enough fo r an ybody's best fel- tumors, allays the itching, acts as a poultice, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. M ain street. H ere the old bell w as hung m am m a and subject to all the heartless ! low . Then a cabinet must be bought rives relief. Dr. K irk ’s Germau Pile Ointment SAN HU.NCISCO. CAL. prepared only for Pikes and itching of the on a post, ami its d u ty was to rin g fo r discipline o f m ilita ry prison. T h e m anly fo r him, o r a panel n ea rly as large as life is private parts, and nothing else. Every box is LOUISVILLE, KV. NEW YORK. N.Y. h alf an hour b efore the departure o f fortitu de o f these tw o ju v e n ile w arriors and as natural as the cam era could make warranted. Sold by Druggists and sent by mail on receipt each train. Passengers could board the attracted the m artial soul o f Colonel it. N o w it costs tw en ty-fiv e dollars to »f price, 11.00 per box. J. J. Mack A Co., Whole- horse cars w ith ou t e x tra expense and M orrison, who com m anded the ¡H>st. g iv e oin*’s liken« ss to one's d iv in ity , fo r «ale Agents. San Francisco. ride to the main depot, whence they T o make their imprisonm<*nt less aidu it must be upon th«.* finest o f polished could take the train fo r N e w York. A s ous he m ade them his office orderlies, iv o ry and so lieau tifu lly tin ted that none Our plan of doing IniHiuesK is to sell t*\ erylxuty tim e w ent on, h ow ever, im provem ents and sent them on the hundreds o f e r­ but a real artist can d o the work. I on the same basis; if one |a*rson buys carloads and another single items, of course, tin* large r*t3i developed in the ra ilw a y service. T h e rands which a com m an ding officer finds T h e most approved iv o r y likenesses are buyer saves in the cost of handling, hut we make lon g w ill the d ain ty, sm ilin g uggle in a suit o f citizen*» clothes now unnatural discharges and _ r Cures in A s a L iver Pill, they’ve been both cunning autl audacious. On.* de- sm M c C R A K E N & C O . j . private diseases bf men. A features look «»ut from the iusid«* o f the FI TO5 D A YS, certain cure for the debili­ KcrilM»d by Sir Samuel Baker, which bo­ ami then —D E A L E R S TN— w Guaranteed te-t to golden cover N oth in g can erase it and tating weakness peculiar imitated, but never equaled. eaute Striotur*. A FEW OO AT A TIME, nne tin* victim o f a practical joke, was Roche Harbor Lime, Portland Cement, Gol­ __ to women. noth in g can c o ver it up save auother den Gate and Utah Plaster. Hair. Fire Brick Xf doni; by I prescribe It and feel sai# not tin* typical old and m angy anim al, j On visitin g «lays hundreds o f people and Fire Clay. LAND PLASTER T he E v AHSC he MICUC o , In recommending it to picture painted «»ver it. And shame 1»«* from the cou n try around w ould throng but a pow erfu l beast o f alm ost unexam ­ Ci*ciNNiTi,0.HKa -U Buffer.rs. 6 0 N o r t h F r o n t S tr e e t , C o r . D , upon the artist w h o could l»»* prevailed v . t . a . JB A 4. J. STONER, M D ,D ec » t i «.I i l pled ferocity. It was a merciless h igh ­ to the post t«> look at tin* fiery rebels. l‘ ruthless a f a '•¡«me courses of study, same rates of tuition. Y o rk W orld. road, and freq u en tly carried o ff the d r iv ­ guard, thropgh every part o f the prison, It u s i i i c s s , S h o r t l i a m l , and on sev« ral occasions th«*se parti«*», in ers o f bullock carts to feast upon them Typewriting, l\’nwtinshi/>, ami Bullish Pefa rtments | In T w o C o u n trica . At*« ion lliiougbout the year. Studenti» ufi mit- j I some unaccountable w ay. w ould number fcn the jungle. Iii A m eric a m y n«*i^iiln)r can ow n a teil ¡it any time. CutHlogue from eitlier 9 chool, free. ! T h e natives feared to travel w ith a sin­ ; one or tw o m ore on com in g out than l>it*c<* t»f land adjoining? m y lions«*, and they «lid o n co m in g in. Bach im iividu al, N os . 6 a n d 8 N o r t h F r o n t St reet, P o r t l a n d , gle cart. and it. became the custom to can, a fte r lon g years, !>uil«l on liis land P O R T L A N D a.a U N I V E R S I T Y O F F N S N E T T E M II F IC 1 4 . pass the dreaihal spot w ith several teams however, displayed Ins passport t«» th«* in such a wav as t«» take th«* ligh t aw ay T liis is the query per- I(«‘ittitit'»»I and heultliful site near 111 «* city. Kx¡ muimos together. This, how ever, proved a vain guard at tin* gate, and retired unques­ .«^ rous4 »nabli> um any other institution <»i' learning on W h a t Is petually on your little precaution, fo r the tig er seized th e d rive r tioned from tin* portals«»!' the fort into from every w in d ow in m y house which tli«- Classical, Literary, Scientific, Theohtg o v e rlo o k » his lot. I ii England, a fte r a toil. «'oust. W R IT E F O R P R IC E S . 1 ’iopanitory, Normal ami Business Courses, boy’s lips. A nd he is o f the hindmost cart and made aw ay the loyal prairies o f Illinois. m in has had the uninterrupted use o f stiiilonts of ¡«II grafi«'s r«a*eiv«Ml. Careful oversight It F o r ? Had the guards counted th«*ir gu est» no worse than the big­ w ith him in spite o f the cries o f those direction given to all stmients. I aid Íes boarding lig h t ami a ir fo r sixty years In* acquires and liuti «linier experiein’isi supervision. í*rofessors oi p I S O ’S R E M E D Y l O K C A I A K K U — it m . ta n * j nj>on their a rriva l ami departure some ger, older, I »abler head­ left itehind. an easement, w h ich is one o f Judge excellent s«‘liolarsliip and niucii ex|M>rieii«‘i* ein -*■ est to use. Cheapest. R elie neap« st. elief f is immedia immediate. À cloyed. For Information address«’, e s ’l’lt,\TT«».\ ed boys. Life is an interrogation A t length Mr. Duff, the 8U|x*rintend- startlin g surprise» w ould have resulted. Blackst«m«*'s ” incori»or«*al heredita- I » . I » .. I’resident, «»r I’ ll« »S. V A N'si '« > V . I». I».. Dean cure is certain. For Cold in the Head it has no equal. point. “ What is it for?” we con­ ent o f polio«*, provided tw o covered carts, | On one occasion tw o confcderutc officers m«*nts," am i this has to he respected by of College. 1 ‘ortland t’ niversity, I’ortland. Or. tinually cry from the cradle to the each d raw n as usual by tw o bullocks. | escape«! by tin* guard w ith forged pass«*« the ow n er o f adjacent laud, who, ac­ grave. So with this little introduc­ T h e lead in g one was fitted w ith strong 1 and had taken scats in a carria ge which c ord in g t«» B u llish , and. for the m atter P o rtla n d , O re g o n . tory sermon we turn and a sk ; “ What bars o f bamboo, which form ed an im- j was w a itin g t«> serve visitors at the gate o f that, Rom an law . must s<» en jo y his ; o f the fort when Colonel M orrison him 1 % H o a r d i n g an d D a y S c h o o l f o r G ir in : It is an Ointment, o f which a small particle is applied is A u g u s t F l o w e r f o r ?” A s easily |M*netral»l«* cage. In this the «lriv«»r was j self cam e out and, addressing them. «nvn rights and property as not t«> inter- F o u n d e d IHIill; t h e h l g h t H e x . H. U ¡s ta r M o r r is , D . I».. H e c to r. to the nostrils. P rice 50c. Sold by druggists or sent by answered as asked : It is for D ys­ seat «‘«L an d Mr. D uff h im self sat w ith his asked i f they had seen all they want«*d f« re w ith tin* establish«*.! righ t ami pr«»p- Thorough instruction; a large and carefully se mail. Address: E. T . H a z k l t i n k , W arren. Pa. erti«*s o f others. pepsia. It is a s|»ccial remedy for face tow ard the rear, prepared to lire J to see. leeoni corps ot t«*achers; students prepared torcol- tin* bars at tin» monumt o f a t­ hi Ktiglaud i f m y neighbor sees me lege; new and elegant building in th«* most com­ the Stomach and Liver. Nothing through Y«‘s, sir,’’ replied one o f tin* fu gitives manding ami iM-antilnl part of the « ity. For «-ata tack. building a house w ith w in dow s o v e r­ logues address tiie MINSKS K 'fi'N K Y . more than th is; but this brimful. “ T h e y are a hard lookin g set, This w ould have lieeti an e x c itin g tim e , suavely lookin g his p roperty, ami in such a m an ­ B IS H O P S C O T T A C A D E M Y . We believe A ugust Flower cures for the d river, but that in divid u al was ain't th«*y. colonel?” A t the same tim e F o u n d e d I »7 0 . ner as to tend t«x preclude him from Dyspepsia. We know it will. We IN*r*otinted by a dum m y stuffed w ith he was so alarm ed that his tongue al tm ildin g h im self at s«»im* futiir«* tim e, lie Academic. Preparatory and Primary Departments. Five regular courses, in­ have reasons for knowing it. Tw enty straw, which m ight prove tem p tin g t«* most refused to articulate. cluding the commercial in the Arudeuiie at «»tic«» sets t«> w o rk t«» put u p an o b stru c­ department. Discipline not harsh, but years ago it started in a small country th«* tiger's eye but would hard ly satisfy | By tins process h alf a hundred Con tion against m y windows, w hich forces strict No bad boys admitted, defer with j feilerates w ere released from custody and confidemv to patrons and pupils through­ town. To-day it has an honored his palate. me t<* «'nine t«* terms with him. This out tin* Northwest Coast. 2! teachers, 234 _ . .. _____ _ S lo w ly tin* carts m«»ve«i alon g the I returned to th eir com m ainls in the field place in every city and country store, cadets, 17 graduates last-year. F«»urt**enth may U* arranged by payment o f a small, year'muter present management w ill be­ possesses one of the hugest manu­ drea«le«l path. Suddenly there was a i T h e reader must not im agin e that these in fact, en tirely nominal, annual rent o f gin Sept. 1 -*. 1 *;*!. For catalogue and other Information address J. \v. H IL L . M. I».. facturing plants in the country and roar and crash in the ju n gle. A large 1 men were not missed by th eir /pianliatis. a few cents in rtvognitinn o f his rights, l*nm*ipal, I*. «». Drawer 17. i*ortland. Or. fo r a fte r every muster the guards were j tigi-r bounded forth, seized tin* «lum m y and this w ill prevent my acqu irin g an sells everywhere. W hy is this? T h e | doubled and m any com m issioned and ! d rive r ami «lragged him aw ay. N«»thing easement o ver his land. W h ich o f the reason is as simple as a child’s non-commissioned officers re lie v e d .it b«* thought. It is honest, does one could have lteen bott«»r planned, but on«* ing suspocte«l that they w ere responsible tw o systems is th«‘ inoro equitable 1 w ill thing, and does it right along—it chance, m*ce»sary t«» success, hail 1**011 for the m ysterious «lisappeurance o f tin* not venture an «»pinion, but leave the j forgotten. N o sooner had the tig«*r iva«ler to jm lge. D etroit News. « ('llresali Unnatur»! dischargesof men cures Dyspepsia. 44 I lo an s! And Inmnded upon the cart than prisoners. • C O *. N il^ i t i no matterò! how long statullng I : vent» stricture, it brin f • i Interna So c lev erly «lid the plan ojm rate titulei G. G. C.RKEN, Sole Man’fr.Woodbury.X.J. j th«* bullock*. terrified beyond control, S ervin g F a rly W r its . ¡rennslv « urwi when everything eiw cautious restrictions that the leak through U f > j « bastaii«'d. P rir«*,8 . 1 , * 0 . 'circularon j went full g a llop across th«» c«»u ntry, fol It was not tin* easiest th in g in the jrj K ni f applu-ntion »«*1«1 by I>ruggists orsoul Constrain, many people to hide the dirt of their kitchen. They make I lowed by the other team , all in the w ild ­ which the human contents o f that noto­ w orld to brin g m alefactors t«» ju stice in ipt <*f pries* by Th«* A. Sohoon rious pen eseajxxl was not discovered the early adm inistration of tin* law in h«*it Mtslldnc IM . »an J«»s«*. c«l. est panic. the kiti-hen a s. cret chamber, into which it is forbidden to enter- but half SK.LI It was im possible to fire, and a fte r a until the man w ho created it had U r n the trouble which they take to h id . the dirt and the disgrace which it en- \ irgin ia. as the fo llo w in g returns. ma«le fe w s«von«is a »f des|x*rat«‘ chariot racing duly exchanged and was figh tin g under to ex« cutioiis, w ill illustrate. T h e ex- his ow n flag on tin* fields o f G eorgia, tract i> from the ’ ’ H istory «»f \ugusta d e “ - * n j *“ h * p° “ “ j p*“ ' • " * > » . . Dover than am house I * .-1 <>r W« *1 W lit«* foi I U»th carts capsized, and lay. w ith the lltMMHIht* Vii ìat«‘*t stylen of |’\ | m a ii « 1 Printer* animals, in a heap «>11 the ground. T h e ] where he was know n to the arm y as(V»lo t'**unty.” Novelli»*« In stork. tie I Morrison*» adjutant. N a sh ville Am j victorious man eater, v ictim o f what In “ In the « as«* «>f ,?«)hnson vs. Brow n T IC K C o r . A l il e r mul F ro n t M * . . t’o r l l a n d . O r. g r k a t f . p t must have considered a practical j«»kt*. 1 erican v l N o t executtnl by reason there is NEW 41) W H E R E - One Colun H a lf Colui Professioni K c h ì I I i i » ll» e r S T - JA C O B S OIL A d ver TH E GREAT REMEDY FOR PAIN, is t h e : b e s t . P KKS B Y I second h ml y. m . Sabba T H E T R U E PROOF. KHI K N Di day al 11 a. saldi Monthly nit iu each moi saturduy an ^ guai ^ ■ ami 1 1 No a. ni KVANUK vice first am lu a. in.; see« Sabhuth sell B A P T IS T « the mouth a Mild H I*. M. oYhwk. T H E POOR MAN Y . M. C. A •lay evening to attend. 1 .0 .0 ¥ in the rooms Faber's Golden Female Pills. Y . \Y C. T Saturday iu (». A. It. ^ day evening \V. C T. U Saturday ufr DM* M a y or......... It •<* -rde Marshal....... Treasurer... . Street Gommi Surveyor....... 0 OXG 50 E iV JO Y a First Ward.. Second Ward. B Third W ard . EAS1 Soute 81 AMERICAN PLAN, > < ü < LU ft h h < LL fÚ O t e W A a h o u l d t n a .h e I t i e / • ^ ir w ib h 8 A P T r y a c & k e in y h o u s e -c le d a . I b*.1 l Me ♦4:30 P. M. Sher Woodworking, Saw Mill, Flour Mill Machinery and Supplies. ST. Os ♦«•:io p. m . " i l l i c t m s & , G r l* 0 £ t t , ■ li t»:00 a . M D R O P SY " W Trains leave ; T -» 5 i S i- ir .S ; f f i - 'I I M f i “ ¿-<1 i i ir h o u s e s lo o k O L I O = o u rn e x b - k n in d A SENSE OF DECENCY P A L M E R & REY TYPE, PRESSES INO MATERIAL : was l«'ft t a * a dry iu«*al o f a straw stuffed carter, instead «if the ju ic y n ative he the H km T P ia m o M a o s , amt the farorlt ch««ejwr Piar i sii*«. «II Muatcal I nati únante. Itami* Hii|- J had expected t«> g«'t. S T E IN W A Y , Gibier md Peas« Pl*ou¡ •UK-k of Hheet M uni «’ S t e in s o H * li P-8t street. M »1Tllt«N G a « Y (\*. I V and »ee owe new rooms s*>d new « c L r ti 1 A(vt»i*ding t«» H err B la ttncr the optical effect o f iiii’ainlescetit lam ps un rease* U A y F E V E R CUKE0 ,0 STAY cured I w ith the t«*miM>ratun* <»f the tilaiucnt, H U I I L f L i t W » want the name and a 1 I which can be raised s.. as to make 10 per l T s ,»n«1 . .«nada i cent, «»f the w hole el«*cirn* etu rgy o f the P. Itrcld IU?M, 1 D , Bttfftlo, I T . lam p take tin* form o f ligh t. O n liu a rily, h«»wev»*r, iu a lam p o f sixteen «a m ile * tin* optical e fftv t d«H** Uot exi*«*tvl 5 U» COMMENCES SEPTEMBER 14 1091. Near Salem. Mon* an«l larger pn nii |a*r i*t‘lit. this year f«*r extditits of st«»« k, agri«* urta, fruii*, flower*, miti« raU, mec h nt«* T h ere is one applicant f«*r a p»*n*i«»n of art ami fancy w«»rk »¡>U>mM>t nu üh \. The Pavilion, lighted by ele«*tr 1 w lm deserve» to have h«*r claim push**«l la- o|s n four nights ami a hand «-on to the front. I'his is Mary K. l>ewey, o f night Pettine I r tes on nil tran*i>ortu Goshen, 1ml.. who serve«! through the Rend t«« J. T. t*lîK«i»i, serretNry, l‘> rii* premium Hat. ¡c iv il war disguised as a man in the , l w «m y sixth Ohio regim en t under the O h i G o ld »nt! Hi-v»*r H-nmht, a nd r«»ur old and Hllvrr l.f mail it tbr <>Wi and reliai'! - boue» .f A She now ap- UulMnan. 41 Thtni »tnwt. H*n Fituu'iwwt I will tend bf alias o f ( ’ liarlt s D ewey. rctui ii m»tl th» o aeh 4ca rding I» m m ) if tb** aun.iuit i plies f«»r a pt*ustou umler h«*r r«>al name. & ASTHMA O R E G O N S T A T E F A IR I m mot aatisf.ctory »ill rvtnru (tfid i«, Iu tnanv places where ■Uvtrii- rail w a rs art* in «»iteration the ti'iii|K-rHtur>' falls so l«»w in w in ter a » t rvrub'r th»- cars qu ite uncom fortable, W in n. I. tinder this c«»Tnlitt«'U «*f affairs, d evote i |H*rti«»n »»f the curren t us»*d t«» pr«qb*l tin cars to In atiiigc them as w« 11* Pin* «»rdi nary car st»*v«* is ,*jH*n t<* s,» m any o b j»v tiona that i ns is practically preclmled n »a «Is. frv>m the majt h«*aters. h«»w«*v» I*1 ncath th«* >« ats |»eratnr«* eau N» Kl«H*tric heater have met w ith * \ V ! they w oiiM pr«e pur]H«se ts a qm They certainly tag«*» over anv yet em ployed F le e t rie t a r Ile a « m* r«»ad to the place w h ere he (B ro w n ) liv es .’ ” A g a in : “ Not e\«*cuted by reason o f e x ­ ce ss o f w eath er." I : Nut c x .v iite d t.y V i the ax Ix-inK >n the laut. ii|.lifteil. ne iluiil.t. • tu.- .th, er’s skull »eeause the I c f e m la n t * hoi han m in e.” by riNveon «»f a gu n.” Nil er K ept «*ff from i i « Iub. « t«’.; M ille r not f«um«l r* \ Marshal!.* ” s iite«l, b'caiiM* the defend.'gnt * p water «»nt «'f m y reach.” • r. I7*»4 Exei^itetl «»n the u W a rw ick .a u «! he is n«*t the Tàà Forty-nine * d N ‘t executexl, by re; k>t the Im itan». 4 * F h tc k e n i n e t iiU n Ade your «K*a1 «*r for it, or »end f *r Five Circular t Petaluma Incubator Co., Petalum.i, Ca! CENDRON SAFETY BICYCLE THE BEST IN AM ERICA. B e s t a n d C h e a p e s t In t h e W o r ld . Carts, S15 Up. Ila n«N"HU'>i \\ h«*»*! in the uiNrkct Siri«*tl\ Hig • trade iu every (»articulNr. i'u «hlon Tires. T« n- Wagons, S50 Up. fi 71- s* y. ir»M W «5 t. M l 15. * n * h .| trgitsl ratal« KELLOCC A g ts . é. HALL. I . F i r^t *»t s in FraiM'i'H*«*. « SELMEN ONLY! FbadaMraa baci« •n- *411 r«n nevar b •• * 0 ranch w i » r «h ie b can b « 1 a rri* 5P r LOST or FAILING M A>B Di Itìrarr»! and NIR^OUS T tB IL IT F k*r« •• Tf»»*l*ri •>*< | W * Ü 3« N o f Body «ad Miad. ïfr r t » ---- — lo f I r r ? - » or E tc -»»* « ib Oidor T r a í a Recasi, N,«Mp ■ iin o o D M I» M ntsm l. H«w fe »al»rM .Z i i n »««iu iF M M »!ii « n i par ts u » S o d i . J **••’ i - r t « “'ti «t HO«* TRKiì «k >T - Reaelis l» r - * - it* «aa«inr fi-*« I« Ma tee a « Mitrlrs. ~ «ru n a «, “ 4 ***** •ti «.»f the 1 Buy Tour Own Goods if Tour Dealer Does Not Carry Them. PARRY CARTS AID ROAD WAGORS, ADVANCE THRESHERS. F«»K I VDIK» \M* t f i M I K M O - , U* mlH ffW • KRIK M E D IC A L C O .» B U F F A L O , N . V. N. P. N. V . X o. +1V— S. F. b . No. 477 hi a —h ï i î î l p,n * ,*rY1 **U n ril»b rr» R r» n ,n.1 r^n n .nt Snpplt™ . , m tjm ivlrf « IV U*J^nri»nt^!pr i-,. ^ -w.m * ? "*" rif » ■ *,ld rilttn o. h .iw w , I- T - ' « * w 1 ,ri ,»d rttdnç., H.itox-k t ,pintore sturi-,, 1S S « - : ' '» - ’IT w ■ «*nrl>rs. Lu brio« liti, > O -na. llk V Chim-h. * h.V, .tiü FirmBr f .r m B. .” « — ’ *_*L “ v ,Mus h ureo. s» -, *nu bugine« an«l Rni K Ä - s a ' Ä r T&’AsosBsasa.'S io* kimith Drlìl* and F-'iyç», B uggl««. »urri« - e « , l I. WRIGHT, Foot if Marris** Street, POGTLANI. 01 ( • fu n a i" Tr« a. a«»»-* O wm ««-i DR. MARI rr*:»it* --« si »»« BTDXKYS »t t« B I 4LTH ì a 1 » TNI M . KANTEN