T iie startling announcem ent is now made that the hones of an entire finger of s t. Anne, whoever that m ay have !>een, have been secured for a »brine up in Can-1 ad». T h i s it in thought, w ill h« potent to cure all sort» of m aladies, ami no doubt w ill if sufficient Imagination is brought into active operation “ before and after ta kin g,"w ith the exception , perhaps, ol a peculiar mental m alady w hich attacks some people before their hiith. OKKUOKI VN BAILWAY TIME TABLE. North. April I, 1 * 91 . Bouth. I.v. Newberg, UVSs. m | I.v. PortUnd, 'J:IO n n Ar. Portland, 9,'U a 111. I Ar. Newberg I t r> p.m. 1 ». Newberg 12 B p m I Lv.I'.irllttmL I ;:n p in. Ar. P.iitUud, 3:90 p.m. | Ar. K > « V i;, 0:05 p in. Passenger and Freight Katas to all poinia. can be obtained from C. B. KKISSEI.L. Agent Newberg. tfEWBERG GRAPHIC. ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. EDITORS AND PUIILMHEH 8 : K . H . W o o d w a r d & O hm . F R ID A Y , AU GU ST E m ery . 7 , 1801 . E n tered aa second eia«« m a tte r at th e o ilice at N ew berg, Oregon. post G . A . S a n f o r d , of the Jefforpon /let¡fir, m akes his bow mid steps down from the m anagem ent of that pa[*‘ r, and J . 1 . Stew art assum es control. Mr. Sanford has made a spicy paper of the JUvieiv, and we hope the new man will succeed as w ell with it. I t has recently become know'n that there are a large number of foreigners in this country who are subject to recall to their native land in case of war. We have no desire to see our neighbors get into trouble, hut we wouldn’t mind seeing them bad enough scared to do the recall .Mrs. Rallington Booth, wile ol C om ­ mander Booth of tiie salvation arm v, mar­ ried a couple of Salvationists in New Y ork tiie other day. T h e wedding is notable from the fact that it is tlie first tim e a marriage knot has been tied by a woman. W hence cam e Mrs. B ooth’s au­ thority rumor does not sav, but it proba­ bly em anated from heaven .— A lbin a Courier. T he Courirr man in the above state­ ment ex|>o: cs bis ignorance in a w ay that m akes us blush forlo rn . Quito a num ber of couples have been married in and around N ewberg by women of th is place, and this is quite a common occurrence w here chiin lies ordain women to preach. A s for the a u th o iity , tho law fixes that. The Co 111 in- man had better read up. TAKOU. corrective in fluence? Now that the bal- anee h a i been disturbed, w h y not intru­ duce a counterpoise? C ast out the great quantity of dross in th e system and ie* place it by m atter of real value. W hat subject of more im portance to our rural population than horticulture, e»|»*ciaily in ttiis N orthw est? It can ha made a part of the school work in these lower grades at a very sm all outlay for seeds, plants and tools. E v e ry school in our rural procincts, where this change would he most beneficial, lias sufficient land ut its dis|s>»al; every district is am ply aid e to incur t lie ex pence of starting a garden sufficiently equipped for tho instruction of all its pupils. Is it necessary to indi­ cate (lie benefits to be derived from such w ork? W ould it not tend to check the "gra vitatin g toward centers of popula­ tion ? M any a bright intellect would have preferred the larrn to the city if a foretaste of tiie beauties of plant and ani­ mal life and tho intricacies of soft tillage had been given it at tiie proper tim e— tiie prim ary grades of school life. Teach­ ers? M ake a know ledge of elem entary horticulture a requirem ent for a teacher's diplom a and note how speedily we arc supplied with qualified teachers. No true teacher fails to qualify him self in those subjects which add efficiency to his work. This subject would be such an one, be­ cause it appeals to a part of the pupil’s nature that is now entirely overlooked in the average prim ary school. M ay the day be not far distant when our school laws, like those of F rance, shall require tins subject taught in every district school iu tho land.— Fruit* and Flu ire re. ~ j r JD 1 l 7 IN C O R P O R A T E D . O. C. W R IG H T , Secretary, J. M. W ltlG H T , President. C A P I T A L * 20 , 000 . 00 . STOCK, P R IN C I P A L O F F IC E S A T OREGON. NEW BERG, I f y o L ands * u R o u g lit a n d .Sold, a n d S o ld on C o m ­ W a n t to b u y e ith e r a largo o r sm all AY 1: farm , y o u can save Ixitli tim e f m l m o n ­ H A V E ON e y b y c a llin g on us. -sC-i•?» If you. are a Non-resident, N ev.'»e;g and v ic in ity , in p a rtic u la r, W rite to u s— W e w ill g la d ly g iv e th e desired in fo rm a tio n . OÜB LIST * m e n t in V a lu e s, p ro ve d C it y P r o p e rty , a n d abou t R e al E sta te , or th e C o u n tr y in or F o r L o w P rice s a n d F u tu r e A d v a n c e ­ W e Defy Competition. A l l g ra d e s o f R e a lty , from an u n fen c ed lot to th e v e r y R est Im ­ A n d w is h to ob tain a n y in fo rm a tio n G en e ral, m ission. A C i ? D L o n g T im e on D eferred P a y m e n ts , V ISL " E a n d L ib e ra l D isc o u n ts to C ush B u y e rs. ( 3 ZE lì In a n y si zed T ru ets from O n e to O n e T h o u s a n d A eres. X W e h a v e for sale so m e o f th e F in e s t i S u b u rb a n P io p e r ty to be fou n d in th e S ta te , a t v e r y lo w p rices. Office on Main Street, Near Depot. T h is inlet, about thirty-five m iles long, rcn ?r-n *t t\:wnaMr, » opens into tiastine.au C h an n el about ten act. miles below Douglas C ity . A t the mouth it is about four m iles wide, narrowing W h atev er else m ay he said of the cm- toward the teim in u s to tw o m iles, where yxiror of G erm any it cannot be denied DEALER IN it receives the water of Takou river and that he lias taken a wonderful stride for­ one or two sm aller glacial stream s. Thu ward in the m atter of im proving the inor- shores of the in let are very precipitous. TH U A HI’ I jil ami intellectual condition of his people*, A t high tide them is scarcely a point H is recent expressions on the liijuor ques­ A C lean, W ell-Selected Stock of Staple and Fan cy Groceries and Confectionery, A l- where a safe landing can be effected. OREGON. T he apple is the most com panionable N E W B E R G , n a y s on Hand. Queensware, G lassw are, W oodenw are tion do not m eet with the approval of Two large glaciers aro situated at the up­ and Best Brands of Flour. of fruits. It is a part of the old home. m any of the G erm an leaders, hut they per e xtrem ity, one reaching to the w ater’» T he tie rs leaned over fence? and grew on chow that he is aw ay ahead of im perialism edge where it is constantly breaking off tho hillsides when wo first chased over as it has been m anifested in that country and floating away in tho form' of beign the fields in the red October d a y s; they in the nasi. and ice cukes ; th e other ut th e upper end shook their petals of pink and white over of m oraines, a inilo in length, is slowly NEWBERG, - OREGON, tlu* honeysuckles in the old garden like I t hekms that there was som ething un­ m elting aw ay iih it m oves seaward. Still belated drift* of snow ; in th eir gnarled savory about the retirem ent of Dr. Lane ano'hor glacier m ay lie seen at tho origin branches tho robin gave th e first news of at the expiration of his term . IViinwyer of a glacial deposit, five m iles in length, spring, and from the crotches a young is accused of cutting oil’ his official head riiis glacier is the main fe e le r of Takou brood flow in tlio early d ays of Juno. for spite, w hile his excellen cy's friends river. W e cannot rem em ber the tim e that wo protest that there is no truth in the st- ry. T h e m ountains on eith er siioro of the first knew the apple tree. E v e ry return­ S ylvester, no doubt rem em bering a recent inlet are about three thousand feet high. ing year it has w hitened the landscape short but profane interview published in Forests of spruce and hem lock cover their with its w ealth of bloom , and every th e relegrmtt, says n othing, w hile I)r. slopes w herever soil enough lias lodged Septem ber the fruits have reddened in H arry him self seem s quite as well satis- on tiie bare rocks to afford subsistence. the sun. A nd the m em ories of tho long tUl to leave the m atter in the hands of his A lders take th eir place nearer the glacier, winter evenings at hom e aro fragrant friends. and the belt narrows to one or two hun­ with tho crisp and spicy fruits. So much dred feet in h eigh t. T iie iiusty breath of Ip th r editor of th e Oregonian was n the ice liv e r is too severe lor vegetation, a part of us has tho apple becom e, that TH E NEW CATALOGUE full-fledged railroad attorney ho could and bare rock only appears in U10 im m e­ wo have ceased to think of it. L ik e old friends and old places it is inseparable W in d o w ' F r a m e s a n d M o u l d i n g s . S lab not pi >ad their cause any bett«»r than in diate vicin ity. On tiie eastern shore, ( liv in g fu ll in fo rm a tio n re g a rd in g th e o p e n in g o f P a c ific C o lle g e 1 s n o w ou t a n d the article which appeared in tin» issue of about m idw ay between the mouth and from th at compound of experiences which we call ourself. re a d y for d istrib u tio n . S e n d for on e. J u ly 2 4 . W hen any man tries to fool the term inus, is a very steep mountain, bar­ W ood C h e a p . A nd j e t people are askin g if apples l>eople into thinking that th e railroads ren of tim ber, covered only with moss. T R O S . N L W L IN , are not as a general rule taking the lion’s This ledge lias been chosen on account of pay! Duos if pay to live, to eat, to th in k ? N e w b e r g , O reg o n . P resid en t. Does it ever fail to pay to raise what share of the wealt h produced in this great its in accessibility to man or beast, as a everyone w ants? Y e s , there are some west, it ought to he taken as evidence nesting place for sea gulls. During the that s iid railroa Is have managed to save m onths of dune, du ly anil ugust millions |K*oplo which nothing pays. In these .. . C . J. E d w a r d s . G e o . L. S t a b l e r . enough to induee the editor to ignore of these birds congregate iieio for the pur­ tim es it never pays to raise comm on things Something New. Something New. the truth ur.d lend his influence in sup­ pose of rearing th eir young. T ho passing in com m on ways. It does not pay to port of a m easure that has no foundation traveler will see the w hile bieasts of tho raise apples if apples receive no part of the farm er’s care or th ou gh t. W here are in fact. setting b o d s dotting tho gieon, mo?‘.y the or« hards that do not p a y? You will shelves, wliilo thousands of scream ing, know them hy tho thick-topped and y el­ O regon ¡ h the thriftiest state on the Pa­ startled bird.-i wing the cliff, warning tho low trees, tho tall grass and woods, the cific coast, and in growing right along. A adventurer not to approach. Indians of­ broken fences. If they receive any atten ­ steady tide of desirable im m igration un- ten clim b in search of Iho largo, olive- tion beyond the knocking off of tho wormy cheeged by the sum m er weather, is doing colored, tu rkey speckled eggs, which in fruits in tho f i ll, it is only such spasm »d lunch toward keeping up the life and en ­ edible iju.ilities resem ble duck eggs. Vust S<’ o " 'v ic effoit as th e farm er now and then terprise of the slate. Im provem ents gen­ num bers of salm on ascend Takou inlet finds tim e to devote to them , w hen ail erally are being made wit 1 1 home capital. luring the sum m er months, for the pur­ other work is done. Neglected orchards, (T he E . II. W oodw ard F ar m .) T h e ‘ ‘foreign capital’ ' so desirable in the pose of depositing th eir eggs ¡11 fresh wil­ like neglected children, aro rarely a pleas­ opinion of some people, I iuh gone to build ier. It is during this spaw ning season ant hoi Rage; and it i.s well that it is so. up booms in W ashington which have that tiie I»duga or white w hale, the hair Hut oven our best orchards fail now and bursted now, and which instead of work­ seat and the porpoise frequent the teem ­ then. Y e s ; so do wheat, and cotton, and ing to the good of that state are proving a ing waters to feed 11, hhi (lie incom ing fish. stocks. It is all a question of how often very |HJsi!ive injury. T he kind of foreign \s you ascend tho inlet you will veiy the failures occur ami how great tho capi­ capital welcomed in Oregon is the kind likely see a eolnm n of water blown high tal invested. Perhaps, on an average, brought here hy those who com e to make in the air, and tiie back of a tin hack j every alternate year brings no profit from th is slate their hom e. Such capital is a l­ w hale as ho com es laxity to tho surface the orchard, but w hat is th e outlay when w ays well invested, and proves a benefit f A N D S P L I T S i l l N O LICS, L \ T ! I , LI Mi:, P L A S T K K , T he sombre shag soars o'er the surging along w atching for his picv asleep upon from now, if it lms a good orchard. And C E M E N T A N D H A IR . Hood and chants melodious rhapsodies to tiie ice cakes, or, in tho more open sea. the cost of the im provem ent is nothing, D IR E C T O R S : for li is head as lie m ines up, shooting him the evening star. KAILS, L0CI3, SASH WEIGHTS, PULLEYS AND COED, AND for the im m ediate use of the land in the B. C . M IL E S , •IF.SSE E D W A R D S , F. A . M O R R IS . The rippling waters ripple to the reso­ with an old Hudson Bay Trading Co. gun. C »iMu»r:tl 1 iiiiltlei's* I l a i ’th v n re. m eantim e should at least return all out­ J. C. CO LCO RD E . II. W O O D W A R D . nant roar of the restless deep, and will m il securing bin» as qu i.U 'y as pos.ablo Y a r d a t D e p o t. NEW 3 E R C . OREGON. lay. continue to ripple till tim e is no more. before he sinks. Every man w ho cares for his orchard Certificate» of Deposit issued payable on dem and, --------Exchange, Ixm ght nnd Taken tides are very rapid, hearing tho L e t ’em rip ." as he would care for other crops from sold.----- ----- (food notes discounted.— ---------Deposits received subject to cheek at boa! sw iftly onward if in your fivo.-, but J J ESTON A BI I. UM ANN , which he expects to reap a profit knows -iglit and a general ban king business transacted.----------- C ollections m ade on all T iik (hegoiiian'e ideai state of society strenuously opposing you if flowing in tin» that apples pay. And they must alw ays !>(» Y o u W i i n t :i H o u s e I t i l i I t ? uive.-sable points in tiie U nited S tates and C an ada. opposite directio n . Boatm en reverse tin» | in which wotnen a ie dependent upon meli ! pay. Demand is keeping pace with sup- ' for everythin g, wuuld bave applied a Inni m axim fieri", and all wait lor tim e and j [ ply, perhaps outstripping it. Good fruit i Correspondents - L-I D D 4* T IL T O N , P ortland. Ni'WBKKO, «IKEUON. It you do. call oil dreil years ago, fiat like iniiiiv other ideai» tide. T iie m eeting of tiie tides in G.i-ti- I in the right m irket p a y s ; poor fruit bus- 1 I ^ (N ational P a r k B an k, J\'eiv York- nemi channel with those nom the inlet of hurharisin it is obsolete nuw. W’nmen I tied off to the handiest m arket doe* not If you 'Flint n Rood we1! nt « rensotnh’.e Apure. Strangers v isitin g the C ity are in vited to call at the B ank for information concern do not nearlv alw uys enter foto thè rotigli forms very troublesom e tide tips for th e, I pay, and we are glad that it does not. | Ulve us s trial, liavlnu tlu* best of new m a-j E E i< > chinery, we guarnii ee fiiat eins* work. ing the C ity . and tum ide si rugale of lite liecauso of 110- sm aller crafts, f o l d winds fioin the far Intelligent ctl’o rt i.s needed for the im- cessity, tali rather troni cimice. \Yoratiti north conic sw eeping down the glacier j provement of apples. C o r r e s p o n d e n c e I n v ite d . is beginiiing to reali/.e that »lm is tho canon and w hip Hie inlet into turbulent I Hut difficulties are increasing. Worm«, storms. These are much dreaded because ' Shop one dc » r west of post office, e ip u l of man, and it is lim itigli , irido in j apple scab, glutted m arkets, all contribute ber |Kiwer» so long stunted bv su d i ali there are no sa 'e harbors or b in d in g j ! to th e ri>ks of the busin ess: but what NKW UEUG, OREGON. e w b e r g il l s ' ideal state" tliat »ho ontors trito com i » * -1 place“ , and they often take the unwary I th en ? Shall one soldier put ns to fligh t? boat m in bv siirpri-e. f r a u d Island, i lilion witli man in n eailv all thè avellilo» Tho difficulties do not com e every year: Is p r e m i m i to do nil k in d s of work hi hi« litio ! in I w o rk m a n lik e man»u r. M-ikìimof 01 a. live life. Wero it not »0 »he rotili! ,u,“ r »’cntor of Ilio in le fs m onti., ■ or if the worms com e, rout them ! There Iloo's mid Snot'* to o n i c i i Snc.'intiv. Kopnir liot b eve attained to Ilio pmtlcicii. v in ' atchoif tho di ili fr inì tlioso storni». Nat- ! is no longer any exons«» for th e lo*s of a int: neat!v :«tnl p rom pt ly done. UV hare rrmndrled our ,M ILL and, can now m a n ­ K v d an ra n t bu il d in g on C en ter Street niany tliinga tliat slie ha», lim i »he iioen h-re.l and bm hen boat» tuo often roveni | crop from insects. And the scab is com ­ OKlh.ON NKW I K Uli. ufacture F L O U R o f the hest ¿rude, hu the F U L L I I « H Ni a m i S H i N I ' A I N T K R l'ouiprlled to d e iv s for Imr duilv |,r,.a,|, : tlie »ad intelligence that native limiti 1» ing tinder «»nr dom inion. Y e*, apples Houses painted in the latest TIN I S. Paper thè attainm ent of th at aleno woùld bave *r « »maggi or» bave foiind a w ste n pay ; we must matte them pay ! — J ,;«■ vVenn ROL ER PROCESS. Hünüiug. Jraiaiuc, Stainiug and Hard oil ( 11 t t 5 _ F K r i " WII.L UK iiKOl'NIi KVEItY s i r i i m i v Iieen her am bition. But it is the woman ^ravo. (iarde^. fiaish, Douglas r i t v . Ma Ua who has ticfii able to til herself for these J O S E P H W IL S O N , Ê*. H. Howard, Watch maker and Jeweler. SPECIALTY. P r o v is io n s . REPAIÎIÜJB FINE WATCHES a CLOCKS A THE NEWBERG SAW MILL, X3;xciiie © C o lle g e ! Have in stock and for sale Rough and Dressed Lumber P O R T L A N D F IN IS H IN G L U M B E R , HARDWOOD LUMBER, CEDAR POSTS, SHINGLE? D oor^, ’W in d o w s , D O R RA N CE BROS. Newberg Packing Company V U M O N IT W ill buy in season Plums Silver Prunes. The Best on the Market. Peaches and Hartlett Pears. D OX C O R I ), SEE W ill also F in n ish boxes for h an d lin g fru it. W . BANK OF NEWBERG. EEACO CK, N EW BERG , OREGON. Capital Stock. $30.000 ind Mouldings, 0! Brackets, Turnings, Fine Finishing? Lumber. 'A Y j W ELL YOU! I H ) K E l l 8 , J. S. The Contractor & Builder. G . M ,; v, KS- P ractical Shoem aker. N Ü, M. M S I conditions in life tli.it lias hern -tueivxsful. bhe has done this tiocailae of a eonsrion,-;- tiess of tier equality, and a feeling of in de|*nifenee inborn in every inlelligcnt lieing, male or fem ale, in th e civilised world. Io tie sure thou lands ol women w >rk for a living ts-cause they arc com ­ pelled to 1I0 so, tall it will hardly do to general.*» as some do, when m any other thousands of women hold tiie opinion that to I»" absolutely iir|ie.ident is to be half a slav e. Hence it would seem that the liu e ideal state would Is* that which should enconrye woman it. the knowledge of her «•quality un«l in»> acre* under cu ltiva ­ a people we are rapidly gravitating toward r\ I a m I a V n fa u n T u a f c a x c u tu re r rs Of of ers tion, «•enter* of |M»pulation : our cities are he- N i:w ¡1 k o , Out «. 'N. | i,»* an | r«-r»injr. ’’ j m i’e from R comin# densely populated, while our ittml K station. m iles from Newivrs*. «listiit t?» are bee« niing dejtopulatrd. This W » !" « XI i J I. SHI!’I y X . is not Mranne. Our wind«» *>stem of MII>I»LKTON% I ’ O W I I I, .V 'M 1 ! : * ; : : > OREGON, l ‘r » raugi» fr >m I?"» to O"! ai-n». ^ prim ary « «iu«ali>n lias for year* U en in Term«. 11 ca-h, Imlance o years tim e. fltiotn ini? tlu* minds «*f cur votith in this A R T IS T . din vtion, und this I.r«*«’t i* mi alono. We W 1 . 0 0 0 C ' o u . l s ATI \ \ t > O l I .ee on hand a Í l'.i supply of rough and dre«»ed luml-or. and a good snpply of PKKD HAY and I'ortrait» enlarged ro life «i/e and tin I »bed life 1 not enter into pan ;%-u!:ir* i ’» n**ult Ik ¿ 4 , enal'hnK us to till all ortler* on p I i a t notice. r.< -ut t.i a p p i , o n p a v n i . n t , iu Crayon India Ink or W ater Color». the book« us«»«I in n ari v all of v»ur pri in a . t?«»r. Frn :it A Jeff* i j » , o contem plate buiM ing tvifi find i* to th eir interest to c a ll and inspect our K e e n over M ih 'BK B ros ., I» k , i ; ^ vi - rk r\ f « h«»*d*. Then wl ix not infr«>du«-e into l*OUI lum ber before plat ing their order. ;■ ¡, O R E G t> X . N E W B E R G , O R E G O N . I s te m s an . thi n bat wdl have it , 1 ... L- K c a « onai ; l e . l IBfT C l a ss W o a s G i a * a s t * xh . C oki ; i » ix >. n d e m s S fcu cJisn V incent Brothers, Photographer ROUGH ..............- AND u u m DRESSED LUMBER. u i.il, CHOICE F R U IT L A N D S P o r t r a it & L anctscapo COMMISSION HEHCH&NTS J. I. K N IG H T.