Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, August 07, 1891, Image 1

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% a»t 1 1 : n % n < .
ic t i ■ > :
.Twenty Dollars
Tv n hollars
....... on e Hollar
One l ul h in it
H i If roiunin
Profeasnuial <'ttnìa
Ite H iliiitf N o lle «* a w i l t be ln w e r le « l
t h e r u te o f T e n c e n t » p e r l . i u « .
\ o • r.M.
M uh uerlptton
PRK.SBY TKKIAN r| | (TK<*ll. -Service* every
•eeoud and fourth I. ml a lay at 11 «. m . aud 7 ¡0
p. m . Sabbath-arhool everv Sunday at 10 a . m .
N E W B E R G . Y A M H I L L CO.. O R E G O N . F R I D A Y . A l ’ G r s T 7 , 181U.
Tl»t* X 'iv y D e p a r t m e n t A p p r o v e * t h e R e -
p « u l o f th e R o a rJ o f E x a m in e rs.
H i v W. A. Wti.i.isoN, Pastor.
K lt lK M M f i l l ' let’ll. Servieea every Sun
day al 11 a. h i . and 7 I» in., and Thursday at 10
a. in sabbath school every Sunduy til 10 n. in.
Muiitldy ineetin gal lü a. m .tbe li'f-t '•alm dny
in . licit month. Quart« il> meeting the -ecoml
Saturday and Sunday in February . May, A li­
gnât ami Noveiulier.
KV A N G E L IC A L r l l i m r i l .
R egular ser­
vice drat and third Sundays of each month at
10 a. iii . î sccoii I and fourth Suil«biy s at 7 p. ill.
Sahhath scho«d every Sunday at l i a . m.
H \ PTiST r l l l 'R i H —Services firat >ahbath in
the mouth at * i* m .; third >abl»a h at 11 v m .
ami s i*. m . s vb jath School every Sabbath at ::
o «dock.
W KM< A t
€ it
at Vancouver.
A water famine exists on the hills
within the city limits of I x > b Angeles.
The Southern California Editorial As­
sociation proposes to visit Flagstaff, A .
T., in August.
IM IIH I T o l C \ .
It -e rde
Tiea«urer .
Street CotnmUsio ter .
The Sacramento Typographical Union
lias indorsed the nine-hour system, toao
'Stnuel II »1 son into effect October 1.
J H llowH'd
J . J. Woous i The Pine Nut (N e v .) «o ld discovery is
\| .»es Yetaw
attracting men from all directions.
townsite has been laid out.
\. r Cox
K. K. HitbMiu
Sun; eyoi
Second Ward
Third W a rd .............................
The Hoards of Equalization in South­
First Ward
Steel Bridges Being Erected
o f N e u lie r a .
Ma vor
Saloonkeepers Refuse to
Pay High License.
One of the Longest and Most Costly
\ O T in c a .
Y . M. C. A. l»cv«itional aervic«-» every Sun
day evening. Young men earnestly requested
to attend.
I. U. O. F. Sesaions h« ld Satur.lay evening
in I lie r«x>ms over Moo e .s Drug »t;»r,-.
Y. W C- T. 1
Business meeting the second
Saturday in every month.
G. A. It. Sessions held tlrst and third Thurs­
day ev ening in each month.
\V. l\ T. U. Business meeting hehi the third
Saturday afternoon in each month
G- M. Parker ern California are making radical reduc­
• N. c Maris
tions on assessments of orange orchards.
t Henry Atistiu !
Tlie great tierds of cattle in Southern
(J. M. Boyce.
G l. Cooper! and Eastern Oregon are being bought up,
ÎJ. R. Hunt I
and there is likely to be an advance in
—V IA —
The disturbances at the mines in
Washington are believed to be at an end.
Many of the worst characters have gone
A projeet to plant 400 acres of lemon
orchards on some of the. best lemon land
in the State is materializing at San Ber­
nardino, Cal.
The British sealing schooner E . B.
Marvin has lieen seized by tlio Kush
at Portland : while entering Behring Sea and turned
ove ■ to the British war ship Nymphe.
There is some misunderstanding aliout
the stone to be used in the construction
of the public building at Sacramento,
and work in consequence lias been sus-
Southern Pacific límite.
Trains leave aud are due to arrive
FROM FF». 1. ls'.ll
LEA VK (for)
< )VKHL.\N1> K.X 1*11 ESS.
Salem, A Ihaï y, Kug-
eiie, Rose b'g Grant’s
Pass, .Me«H um ! Ash
land, Sa'-rrt'i'eiito.Og-
; «leu, San Frailéis« o, '
i Mojave, Los Angeles, I
I LI Paso,New Orleans. |
I ami Hast...................j
a . m . Roseberg A: wav stations
¡ Via
Wood urn for l
I Mt. Angel, Silverton, I
A. M j West Sein. Browt.s I
(. vili«* ami Coburg..... I
i*. M. Albany ami way station'«
a . m . < 'orvaíüs A: w ay «tâtions
p. M. .McMinnville A way sta’s
•7:00 i* M
*•.»::T> a . m .
* 1:00 i*. M.
»4 Ut) j*. M.
fi):00 a . M.
♦ :.:0 p. M.
fs:J0 a . M.
D in i n g C a r a on O g «le n R o u t e .
F I 1.1. M A N
I I I T ’ F K T S I.E K F K H H .
T o u r is t S ie
p in g ( a a
For accoinm. dation o f second « lass passengers
ailaehed to all tiait»«.
Through tick t oIII* e. 1” 1 First street, where
through l ekets to all points in the K «stern
Mates, Canada and Kump«* « an in* obtain« d at
lowest rates fr< in
.1. M. KI RKL AND.
Ti«*ket Agent.
All above trains a rive and depa.t from Grand
Central -tation, Fifth aud I s'teels.
\V. S . D I V I S I O N
— AND —
* o rt la n «l a n d \> il la m e t te V a ll e y R a i l w a y
Paiscnger dep«> foot «*f Jefferson street.
f7 : JO
t l-f l .
t l . ’D
♦ >:1A
a .
•y:40 A.
♦4:30 1 *.
' » )*W«*|f«l 1 & way st ti’s ;
1 Oswegc
New beri;, i
•. Dayton, l.a- 1
M ) I) and«*
1 ÍH jette.
Sheridan, !
i. M in uniHillli ik Airi it*
M. Sin ri*iHii <Si way stations
Hi::U) a .
f.v >0 A.
tl : ::o i».
♦ :; 10 P.
tr»: JO p.
», to p.
JO P. M.
♦D ail . ♦ Dailv. ex«cei it Sun lav.
Ferries «■«niiiect witli ail trains for Sell wood
an i M ilwu uk le.
K. K' H- HI KK . Manager
t : . p. k o «iKKS, Am t <»♦*n. K. *V P. Agl.
Only 837.50. Ore it Bargains in P I A N O S . Write
for Latest II lust rut«*« I Catalogue- tTTAdilresN
Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, Mew Jersey.
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Second Comptroller (jilkeson has ap­
proved the re|iort of the Western Union
Telegraph tloHipany, amounting to $18*,-
OoO, for telegraph service for the United
States signal bureau at tlie rate estali-
i lUlied by the Postmaster-tieneral. Tlie
company lias notified the Secretary of the
Treasury that it will accept payments at
the rates named under protest until the
question of legality is judicially deter­
The Navy Uepartment has approved
the report of the Board of Examiners
for the foremen and master mechanics
at the Mare Island navy yard, and has
tilled all positions by appointmentof the
candidates whom the Board recommend­
ed. W ith reference to certain trades,
involving special training in building
hulls of modern steel war vessels, the
Board respectfully states that in its opin­
ion none of the candidates presenting
themselves possessed tlie special knowl­
edge desirable. Eight-five candidates in
all were examined.
H. V . Bell, Assistant Commissioner of
1 Indian Affairs, has returned to Washing-
i ton after a visit to the Pacific Coast, lie
went there six weeks ago to open bids
for tlie award of contracts for supplies
for the Indians of the Pacific Coast for
the present fiscal year. The supplies in­
cluded groceries, hardware ami agricult­
ural implements. The prices at which
the supplies were obtained were gener­
ally a little lower than those for the past
fiscal year
Bell visited some Indian
schools in Arizona and Mexico, includ­
ing those conducted by the government
and those known as the contract schools,
managed bv the various religious denom-
■ ¡nations. Bell speaks very highly of tlie
the general condition of the government
schools lioth in intellectual and indus­
trial features, lie says intellectually
tlit*y are in advance of the contract
schools, and with respect to industrial
training lie gives no comparison between
the two classes.
A T o ls t o i C o m m u n ity at K lia rk «»fT Sup-
p rp «s p (l l>y tlio (t o v e r iiin e n t .
««!*• Music«* Wllehetl of Or*s*>u Is Oue Of
the Belles ut t'ui-te.
The Boston Nationalists
Issue an Address.
Census Office Report Shows the United
States is the Lirgest Producer
of Copper iu the World.
Chicago will ere« 5 twenty-five story
Texas negroes will exhibit at the
W orld's Fair.
Denver capitalists have secured the
principal tin mines in Colorado.
The Customs Collector at New York
has lieen ordered to cut down expenses
There were 84,000 watermelons re­
ceived in Chicago from Georgia one day
last week.
Boston Nationalists have 1 lin ed an
address calling on the city to run the
street cars.
The President has nominated Henry
E. Nichols to be a Commander in the
United Suites navy.
Prominent Haytians at New York say
a revolution against liyppolite is lionnd
to come at an early day.
The official investigation at Ottawa is
bringing to light an astounding amount
of rascality in the public offices.
Chicago’s postal receipts last year were
$3,504,"SUiti and expenses $1,285,028.34,
leaving an income of *2,210,702.32.
Mrs. Samuel Mather of Cleveland lias
given $75,000 to the Woman's College of
Western Reserve University at that city.
Cleveland says lie lias not the slightest
intention to take tlie stump in Ohio this
fall, ami he has never intimated he
would do so.
Princeton College intends sending an
expedition this month to “ a region in
Montana never before exp lore d ” to
search for fossil reimiins.
By a deci-ioii in tlie United StatesCir-
cnit Court at New York the Brush Elec­
tric Company lias secured a monopoly of
the storage-battery industry.
The testimony before the Privileges
and Elections Committee at Ottawa con­
tinues to show fraud and briliery in se­
curing government contracts.
Belgium has joined tlie triple alliance.
England declines to appoint women
factory inspectors.
Bains in Northwest India are partially
averting the famine that was feared.
The Hoods continue in Prussian Sile­
sia, and the damage to life and property
is great.
A great battle is looked for at Coquim­
bo between the Chilian government and
insurgent forces.
Germany and Austria have become
alarmed by the vast increase recently of
applications for naturalization.
It is gravely declared at Buzzard’s Bay,
Two million francs more have lieen Mass., where Edw in Booth has been
added to the fortune of the Comte de lately, that the great actor is dying from
The foundation of the big Tenth-street Paris through the will of the M arquisde the effects of too much smoking.
hotel at I-os Angeles, which cost $80,000, St. Astier.
Kentucky whiskymen are again wor­
ami to complete which many futiie ef­
The harvest prospects in tlie southern ried over the big surplus of their com­
forts have lieen made, is to be utilized as provinces of Persia are so bad that the
modity now on hand, on which $3,000,-
a fruit-drying establishment.
government has prohibited the ex|*>rla
000 taxes will come due next fall.
The tire on Mount Hamilton has lieen tion of corn.
The striking plush weavers at Dob­
checked, and no further danger is appre­
A Tolstoi community at Kharkoff, con­ son’s mills in Philadelphia after ten
hended at the observatory. Aliout 2,500
taining a num ber of educated men who weekH of idleness have agreed to return
acres have been burned over, and much
have left society, has lieen suppressed by to work. There are about 400 of them.
valuable tiinlier and cord wood lost.
The Board of Trustees of the W illa m ­
ette Un.versitv at Salem has elected
Rev. i leorge W hittaker of Marshall,
j 'IVx , President to succeed Thomas Van-
b c o v , res;gned.
Ixx-al prophets in Southern California
are predicting violent disturbances on
the surface of the earth in tlie near fu­
ture, owing to the extensive evaporation
of Salton Lake.
W arrants have lieen issued at Sacra­
mento for the arrest of tift v-seven saloon­
keepers who refused to pay the new high
license. Tw o hundred and sixty-tive
more arrests are to lie made.
the government.
Sir Henry Wood, Secretary of the
Royal Commission for the W o rld ’s Fair,
savs that British merchants will make
a $1,003,000 exhibit.
Izird Salisbury proposes to reduce the
Irish representation in the House of
Commons because of tlie decrease of
Ireland’s population.
Mrs. Frank Leslie according to reports
from Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, where
she is at present, is about to marry a
brother of Oscar Wilde.
A semi-official journal at Berlin says
Germany can rest easily and leave the
French and Russi ms to gush over their
theatrical fraternizations.
The Scottish Mission, which has its
headquarters at Jerusalem, reports the
conversion of six Jews to Presbyterian­
ism at a cost of $5,000 apiece.
The Chilian cruiser Presidente l-'.rra-
zuris has had to h ave Lisbon w ithont a
crew, the government and foreign C on­
suls preventing an enlistment of men.
W ilberger, W ern er and other promi­
nent young Socialists propose to get the
International Congress at its meeting ill
Brussels on August lti to pass a vote of
censure against Vollm ar for his recent
German patriotic utterance.
Vienna is soon to have a music and
dramatic exhibition, where will lie seen
the products of every industry connected
w ith music and dramatic instruments,
stage properties, mechanical appliances
and decorations, with the highest art de­
The excessive attentions paid to the
Prince of Naples liv the Queen and Prince
of W ales during his visit at London have
convinced the public that the reports of
the probable matrimonial alliance be­
tween the Italian and British royal fam­
ilies have some foundation.
Tlie Natural History Museum at Ken­
sington, England, has received a novel
addition to its shelves in the shape of
10,00!) spiders. The insects were be­
queathed to the institution by the late
Count Keyserburg, who spent a good
A supposed wild man has been cap­ part of his life in collecting them.
tured near Tomlistone, A . T. He wore
The G am ut, the leading military news­
no clothing, and his skin has liecome paper at London, announces that Dr.
tanned to a very black. He talks ra­ Godfrey Hambleton has discovered a
ti. inallv, says tie is a Californian and first method by which consumption is enrol,
tiegan to discard clothing when lie had and the editor from his personal knowl­
a sk in disease. He is aliout ¡45 years old, edge confidently asserts that the “ ru ie
six feet tall, and has blue eyes, high of eonsumption is now an accomplished
foreilead and high cheek bones. He fact."
seemed to be very intelligent, and usea
An attempt has just lieen made upon
good language.
the life of Mine. Constant, wife of the
The Isis Angeles Ife ra W publishes a French Minister of the Interior. Ful­
story Ui the effect that C. P. Huntington minate of mercury, a high explosive
has concluded arrangements to purchase compound, was put into what appeared
Jones A Baker’s great San Vincente to be a religious ritual hook, hut which
ranch of 30,1X10 acres, upon which the had been hollowed out to hold the ex­
town of Santa Monica is located; that plosive.
the Southern Pacific railroad would 1«
The French squadron celebrations in
extended three miles to Santa Monica
R issia have lieen ma I th » occasion for
Canyon, where a great wharf would lie
resident French member* belong­
bnilt and that point 1« made the termi- |
ing to the yacht club i :. St. Petersburg
nils of the road. This story is not given
to insult and ouarrel with the German
much credence.
members liecause they refused to jiartic-
Controller Colgan. who has received ipate in the rei-eplioii to the French
the warrant for the payment of the rent naval offi ers.
due for the occupancy of rooms bv the
The President of the Wesleyan Con­
W o rld's Fair Commission at San £ ran-
cisco, say s: ” There exj“ts a very grave ference at I- mdon has made an authori­
tative statement of the views of the
donbt in my mind as to the constitution­
ality of this act approved M arch6, ] 8wl j, church on the recent social scandals. He
and in view of this I deem it the wisest condemned the doctrine that while
cheating was wrong gam bling was right
and safest course for me to pursue to
submit the m at'sr to the Supreme O iu rt The Wesleyan*, he said, held that the
fo r a decision before drawing the war­ wrong tiegan with gambling, whether in
aristocratic houses or on the stock ex­
rant for aoy portion of this appropria­
changes of commercial circlet.
Mrs. McDonald, tlie mother of Joseph
Brown, t lie Charleston sailor killed by
Deputy Marshals, is now at San Diego,
ami will push ti j presecution of her
son's slayers. He was her only support.
The coyote-bounty law has already had
tlie effect of increasing the number of
jack rabbits in some sections of South­
ern California, and fruit-growers there
are open in their expressions of indigna­
Two Mormon Elders are proselyting
near Pomona, Cal. S. M. Putney, one
of those who have lieen converted, seems
glad to think his wife is favorable to a
man having more than one wife, and
pro pises to move toward l'tali as soon as
The Southern Pacific Company having
given a reduced rate of transportation to
everybody connected with the State U n i­
versity at Eugene, O r , the Railroad
Commissioners have decided that the
same privileges are due and must lie
granted to all chartered collegiate insti­
The Oregon and California Railroad
Company has commenced suit ill tlie
United States Circuit Court at Portland
against fifty-three landlords, w ho have
taken up claims within the limits of the
old Oregon Central grant, for compelling
them to quiet title to the landsthey have
tiled on.
The Coin in bia River Railway and Nav­
igation Company has submitted to the
people of Portland a proposal for open­
ing the Colum bia river to transportation
by completing the portage railway,
whicli lias been liegnn by the State at
The Dallas, and by putting barges and
steamlsjats on the river.
One of tlie longest and most costly
steel railroad bridges in the country is
now being erected liv the Union Pacific
across lhe Colum bia river at Vancouver,
W ash. The length from the W ashing­
ton to the Oregon shore will tie ti,IKK) feet,
and the draw pier will lie over 4t)o feet
long. The cost of the structure will be
over $4,(100,000.
Prince and Princess Bismarck have
left Friedrichsruhe for Schonhausen.
Secretary Foster grows so enthusiastic
when lie sees good baseball play that ho
throws up his hat like any boy.
it is said that the Princess Clemen­
tine, the youngest daughter of the King
of the Belgians, w ill enter a nunnery.
Mrs. Dr. J. S. Holloway of Springlleld,
O., has fallen heir to $1,'(< 00,000 left by
her uncle, Sir James Baxcndale, an E ng­
lish Knight.
Jay Gould turns tlie scales at 107
p >tmds, biit he I i often turned the
! scales on Wall street men of more than
, tw ice his weight.
President Lyon G . Tyler of W illiam
and Mary Cbllege is en^uged upon a po­
litical history of Virginia, for which he
has aivumulated a vast amount of ma­
terial. '
M. Cahinei, the French portrait paint­
er, says that Miss Maggie M teliell, the
daughter of tlie Oregon Senator, is one
of the most I k .utiful women ever seen
in Paris.
Andrew laing is tall, thin and dark,
and has a laugh without music, lie has
also a Mark Twain draw l, is near 47 years
of age and is one of the hardest workers
in England.
Miss Virginia Knox of Pittsburg, who
married the Inigus Count di Montercole,
is going to try her matrimonial luck
again— this time with John I*. McKen­
zie, a Baltimore newspa|>er man.
General Greely lias lieen invited to at­
tend a meeting of tlie International Po­
lar Conference in Munich Septemlier 7.
The other eleven nations represented in
the co-operative observations of 1881-3
will tie represented.
laird Stanley, the Governor-General of
Canada, is a jolly good fellow and a pop­
ular and easy-going nobleman, enjoying
life to tlie utmost. He enters into Ca­
nadian sports and pastimes witli great
vigor and heartiness.
Ex-Senator Ingalls has solved the ques­
tion which everybody is asking by con­
senting to become one of a party which
is to make a tour through Southern Eu­
rope and the Holy Land. The party is
to consist of twenty-live persons.
The W o rld ’s Fair Commissioners are
meeting with splendid welcome in I-on-
d ui. Sir Cunliffe <)wen, who has repre­
sented England at every world’s fair for
the last quarter of a century, tells them
his countrymen intend to make a great
James Gordon Bennett’s w e n t gift of
$4,000 to the omnibus or stage drivers
during their late strike lias made him
extremely popular with the French
working classes and led them to regard
him as a benefactor to w hom they can
appeal iu an emergency.
George A. Pillslm ry of Minneapolis
lias endowed the Pillslmry Academy of
Minneapolis with $5,000 for live tree
scholarships at the new University of
Chicago, to lie awarded to tive students
of the academy who have attained the
highest grade in scholarship. ('h n rl»s
L. Colby ha endowed the Beaver Dam
A ademv of Wisconsin with five similar
echolii i,- hips.
W illiam Henry Smith, First Ixird of
tlie Treasury, w ill soon be elevated to
Bank Examiner Drew is endeavoring tlie peerage. Mr. Smith is the leading
to convince the Secretary of the Treas­ news agent in England, and the firm «if
ury that lie did not neglect his duty in W illiam II. Smith A Sons controls every
tlie case of the Keystone bank at Phila­ hook and news stand on all the princi­
pal railway lines in tlie country. An
Senator Chandler of New Hampshire appropriate title for his peerage would
in a six-column article in a Concord lie Isird Newsstands.
journal makes a hitter attHck U| hiii Sen­
Holstein Ilolsteinliurg, Chief
ator Gallinger, whom he charges with Court Marshal of the King of Denmark,
having sold himself to the railroads.
whose recent marriage with a singer of
Dr. Henry T. Hemhold, the famous a dancing hall created such a sensation
liuchti man, who was credited with hav­ in Ciqienliagen, has lieen placed under
ing piled up a fortune of $10.000,000 by guardianship. The sportive Count, who
the sale of his patent medicines, is once was successful in the spirited contest
more in a madhouse, chained at the among the jf u iitm t dorr* of Denmark for
w rists and with shackles on his ankles. the young wom an’s hand, enjoys .he re­
spectable age of 80 years.
There has just lieen cast at the armor-
II is lielieved tlmt Alexander Dumas
plate mill of Carnegie, Phillips A Co at
Homestead, I’a., an armor ingot eighty will portray some gam bling scenes fiom
Carlo in bis new comedy, ar he
inches wide and twenty-three inches
thick, weighing 32,000 pounds— the larg­ spent several weeks lust winter at that
est armor-plate ingot rolled in this resort, closely olieerving the play, lint
never staking even a sou. Dumas has
persuaded M. Felivre «if the Comedie
According to a new law in Texas for­
Franeaise to withdraw his resignation
eigners are not permitted to own land in
anil remain another year in order to cre­
fee sim ple; but it lias been estimated
ate the principal role for this comedy.
that tiie Texas farmers have borrowed
---------- »
in foreign countries not less than $15,- |
000,(XX), which is represented in mort­
gages upon their lands.
The Bureau of American Republics is
informed that an association called the
American Colored M en’s Mexican Co'o-
nization Com|winv is preparing to estab­
lished a colony of negro farmers, coming
chietiy from Mississippi and Tennessee,
in tlie Stale of Sonora, Mexico.
During a trial at Findlay, ()., it was
brought out in evidence that Peter S.
W illiam s, widely known throughout
Northwestern tlliio as a big iuiuls-r
dealer, was leading a dual life, and that
lie was keeping up two establishments—
one in Findlay and the other in Fostoria,
only fbtee.i miles away.
The Forest heavy ordnance twelve-
inch r'lle gun, designed fur coast defense
and made in New York, was fired for the
first time the other day at Bandy Hook
with satisfactory results.
W ith 250
pounds of powder it hurled a 2.0t>o-
pntind shut live miles. The gun will ii-e
440 pounds of powder anil throw' a 2,000-
pound shot twelve miles.
In New York cit the expert female
shoplifte* wears a trek skirt under her
gown, and ran d-aw it up by means of a
siring so as to make a sack large enough
to hold a half bushel of small articles.
If fearful of hei ig eaught in the act or
apprehensive of a search, she can step
into a dark corner, drop the string and
unload her plunder safely.
The East street reaper workaat Spring-
field, O., the largest agricultural imple­
ment works in the world, covering forty,
six ac es ra iking next in size to the
Krupp gu i works in Prussia, has been
sol 1 to a syndicate of prominent capital­
ists of Cleveland, Chicago and New York
to lie used for the manufacture of rail-
r a y csrs and supplies of all kinds. The
works I'ost $1,5011,000, and were pur­
chased by the syndicate for I3U0.Q00.
The census-office report shows the
United Stat«*s to lie the largest pnslueer
of copper in the world, its product for
the vear 1881) being 22'i,u55,i*i2 pounds,
or 113 028 short tons. The total expend­
itures involve«! in this production were
$12.082, 180: total capital invested, $«;2,-
«¡23 228, and employes. 8,721. Tlie five
leading Stab s iu the production of cop­
per are:- Montana, 98,222.444 pounds;
Michigan, i , 455,67$ pound«; Arizona,
31.586,18$ pounds; New Mexico, 3,>>*«,-
137 fo u n d s; Colorado, 1,170,063 pounds.
C on vi « *t N W o r k i n g : «»•• 1 1$•* Y u m a
A t t e m p t t o K N r ii p n .
John Eppest. manager for the Western
Union at .Suffolk, V a., lias lieen assassi­
nated. The 'atal shot was tired from a
cluster of hushes.
Convicts working on the Yum a (A . T .)
levee attempted to escape, and one of
them, Francisco l/ipez, a Mexican, was
sliot in the hack by a guard.
The sum of $75,000 is missing from
the express office at Kounxe, Tex., a big
taw -mill center. Officials are making an
investigation, but are very reticent.
Thom as Burke, a San Francisco ex­
pressman, formerly a fireman on one ol
the Nanaimo colliers, lias is-en eaught
smuggling. Opium vRlued at $3,50 I was
found in his possession.
An attempt was made at Hazelton. I’a.,
to lynch Guiseppe de Cornaii, accused oi
the murder of Katie Gorgano. An Ital­
ian society a«k«*l the Sheriff to deliver
the murderer over to it.
(ieorge Crofts, a well-known hnsinesr
man of Defiance, O., was shot dead by
Harry W illey, a real-estate agent. It is
said the murder was the outcome of a
trial over a lawsuit.
Captain Joseph A. Thompson of the
ship K. F. Chapm an, which left San
Francisco in January for Llver|«iol, was
arrest«*! in New York for cruelty t«i his
crew on the high seas.
K lT E N i
«1 50
a b ly
Advertí mg Hills t ’olleeied Monthly*
« n i itt
M l U*>4 H I P ■ 1 0 8
One Y ear
Six Months
Three Months.
:\ .
F r ie e
p u t uhle
In v a r i­
In A d v a n c e .
Address, G r a p h ic . Newbert?. Oregon.
A lie s nine o t t h e C o h d lt lo n
itf Its li lt -
fe re u t D e p a r t m e n t * .
Prof. Koch Resigns All
Public Offices.
Trade has been unusually brisk. In
the line of fruits large receipts and
equally large shipments were the Mile.
Ill the produce market receipts were
only fairly litieral. Tlie grocers c’.id a
heavy trade, ami jobbers in other lines
I report business good. The market ia
1 well supplied with e' ery variety <lf sum­
mer fruit, ami the quantity ol tropical
fruit on hand is large enough to supply
the demand. Melons are plentiful anil
cheap. The quality is good, and the de­
Cannibalism in the Free Congo State mand ia consequently heavy. A largo
stock of plums is being carried, and the
fruit ia a drug on the market. Peaches
Leads to an Expedition Against
are not so plentiful aa they have lieen,
the Offenders.
Black berries are in good supply, and tiie
demand is strong. Vegetables are iu
sufficient quantity to satiafy the demand.
Sweet potatoes are becoming more plen­
The Imperial Bank of Melbourne has tiful. Receipts of eggs do not increase.
Poultry receipts arc fair, and the same
may lie said of butter. There is but lit­
Fhnperor W illiam will return to Iierlin
tle doing in oats. The staple grocery
August 17.
trade is generally steady. Coffee is firm.
Duties on petroleum and ice in Argen­ Rice is tinner, and an advance is looked
tina have lieen reduced.
The French squadron w as enthusiastic­
rro«tuc«4( Fruit. Etc.
ally welcomed at Cronstadt.
W hkvt — V alley, $1.42‘ j ; W alla W alla,
The educational hill has passed the
$1.32is per cental.
third reading in the British House of
F lour — Standard, $4.85; W a lla W alla,
$4.tit) per barrel.
The proposal to construct a canal from
O ats — O ld, 50(652V,je; new, 43<<?45 per
the Tyne to the Solway, with a depth of bushel.
fifteen feet, is again revived.
H a y — $15'<flti per ton.
The Czar of Russia will celebrate his
M ii . lstu k k s — Bran, $22(323; shorts,
silver wedding next November in a mod­ nominal, $26(326; ground barley, $ 0
est fashion near Copenhagen.
32; chop feed, $25(§26 per ton ;’ barley,
There is talk in I’aris of an elevated $1.20(31 26 per cental.
B uttkb — Oregon
fancy creamery,
railway, hut the project due* not find
30c; fancy dairy, 27 «ye; fair to good, 22 Q
favor with the press of the city.
(a 2$ c; common, 15(320c; California, 22'
By the will of tlie late l ’eter Carm i­
(a24c per pound.
chael the Established Church of Scot­
C iisesk — Oregon, 12(312l, c ; Califor­
land is to receive no less than tltHl.iHHI.
nia, 12c per pound.
Models of the Lloyd steamships are
Enos—-Oregon, 18(»20e per dozen.
feature* of the nautical part of tlie tier-
P oult a y — O ld chickens, $6.00 hi 6.50;
man Exhibition now open in Ixmdon.
young chickens, $2.50(34.00; ducks, $4(3
A lively agitation is going on at Co­ 6 ; geese, nominal, $8 per dozen ; turkeys,
logne for the purpose of making tlie 15c per pound.
Rhine below the city navigable for ships
V kobtarlks — Calilmge,
of the largest size.
cental; cauliflower, $1 25 per dozen;
A ship canal is proposed to connect
Venice with the G u lf of Kpezza. It sack; turnips, $1.00 per sack; new pota­
would he 170 miles long, 240 feet broad toes, 70 i 375 c per cental; tomatoes, !i0c(d|
$1 per b o x ; lettuce, 12<ac per dozen;
and cost £52,000,000.
reen peas, 3««:4c per pound; string
Tlie area Hooded in Moravia and Si­
mans, 3(34c per pound; rhubarb, 4c per
lesia has increased. In tlie Tyrolese
jiound; artichokes, 40c per d o zen ; cu­
Alps avalanches have fallen into tlie val­
cumbers, $1 per b o x ; carrots, $1 [air
leys and caused great damage.
sack; corn, 25c per dozen; sweet (Hitu-
The gas companies of Baris have in toes, 4m 4'..e per pound.
the last ten years paid over $40,(SKI,000
F r u it s — Riverside oranges,$2.50(3.3 50;
into the city treasury for the privilege of Hicily lemons,$7(37.50; California,$4.50(3)
supplying gas to the city at cost.
5 per b o x ; apples, $1.26 per b o x ; ba­
Agents of Mr. Purnell, so it is ru­ nanas, $3.50(u4 a bunch ; pineapples, $5
mored, have ts'cn buying lip Mrs. (30 per dozen ; cherries, $1.2i per Imx ;
O ’Shea’s picture ns exposed for sale in currants, tie per pound; apricots, $1 per
Loudon simps and endeavoring to ar­ b o x ; raspberries, $7w9c per pound;
range to stop it.
peaches, Alexander, O6iu05c tier Imx;
The Labor Kx|<os’*,ion soon to open to California Crawfords, $1.25; blackber­
the public at I’aris will lie very interest­ ries, 6c per pound; plums, 26(370c per
ing to visitors. The history o( trades b o x ; watermelons, $2.50(35 per dozen;
slid manufacturers from the fourteenth cantaloupes, $1.76(3 2.25 per dozen, $2.50
(«3.00 per crate; grapes, 50c |ier b o x ;
century will tie a feature.
pears, $2 per iiox.
The total population of France is 38,-
N u t s — California walnuts,11 «„(« 121 c ;
0115,15;). This is an increase since the
hickory, 8 '._.c; Brazils, 10(3 l i e ;
last census of 208,584, and this is entire­
monds, 16«i 18c; tillierts, 13(314c ; pine
ly in the urban population, Hie rural
nuts, 17(« 18c; pecans, 17(«l8c; cocoa
population having decreased.
nuts, So; hazel, 8c ; peanuts, 8c per
Queen Viet >ria has conferred upon pound.
Karl Cadoguii the title of K'i" *'i) C
ma ic ler ol m e ( )rder of the Garter, thna
Staple Oroeerle*.
filling the va an y in the order caused
C okkkk — C osta Rica, 21 *ac ; Rio, 23c;
by the death of Earl Granville.
Mocha, 30c; Java, 25'ac; Arlm ckle’s,
A boy delivering bread at Berlin en­ 100-pound cases, 20«4C per pound.
B uoar — G olden C ,4 58c ; extra C, 47„c;
tered a yard w here there w eretw o tiloisl-
lioumls loose, and before the peoiile of granulatisl, 5,7, c ; cube crushed ami pow-
the house could reach the Isiy the lieastH dered, 0J 4C; confectioners’ A, 5*4c |ier
had literally torn him to pieces.
B rans — Small white, 334c; pink, 3«4
Russia has made large purchases of
corn, and the government is storing (3>:U,,c; liayos, 4'Lo; butter, 4 ^ o ; Innas,
in 5c |ier pound.
large quantities of grain supplies. The
H u n k y — 18(320c per pound.
rise in the price of cereals in Germany
H alt — L iverpool, $16, $16.50(317; Btock,
is partly due lo Russian buyings.
$11(312 per ton in carload lots.
Prof. Koch lias resigned all public of­
C annk ii Goons— Table fruits, $1.05,
fices held liv him in Germany. This 2 'j s ; |ieaches, $2.00; Bartlett pears,
step is associated with his supposed dis­
$1.86: plum s,$1.37‘y ; straw berries,$2.25;
appointment over the unsatisfactory re­ cherries, $2.50(32.00; blaeklierries, $1.00;
sults of his discovery of “ tuberculin." raspberries, $2.40; pineapples. $2.50i«3;
Visitors in sufficient immliers to make apricots, 76c. Vegetables: Corn, $1.36(«'
th«‘ Eiffel tower in I’aris pay once more 1.06, according to quality; tomatoes,
are reported. The greatest crowds are $1.10(33.25; sugar peas, $1.25; string
on Sunday, when all the elevators are beans, $1.10 per dozen. Pie fru it: As­
run, w hiocas only one is oiicral«*! on sort««], $1.50; [leaches, $1.05; plums,
week days.
$1.25; black berries, $1 05 |«*r dozen.
English shipping papers are agitating Fish : Sardines, 86c(31.65; lobsters, $2 ¡¡0
for the formation of a volunteer naval (33.60; oysters, $1.60(33.25 | mt dozen.
ca let corps to Is* recruited chietiy from ! Salmon, standard No. 1, $1.25(31.50 per
fishermen and lisherlsiys as a volunteer case; No. 2, $2.55. Condens««! m ilk:
nawil reaerve and a fe«*der to the active Eagle brand, $8.10; Crown, $7; High­
land, $6.75; Cham pion, $6 ; Monroe,
naval forces.
The Berlin .VofiVnia/Z n lu it g announces $6.75 |ier case.
S yr u p — Eastern, in barrels, 47(«5Sc;
that a genuine brotherhiMsl of French­
half-barrels, 50(«58c; in cases, 56(<<80e
men and Russians is uiialtaiiiahie, hold-
ing that Russia is uncivili/.«*l and France per gallon; $2.26««2.50 [ier keg. Cali­
has “ few points of sympathy with bar­ fornia, in liarrels, 30c per gallon; $1.75
per keg.
baric Russia.”
Damn F ruit *— Italian prunes, lO'.jiii
The Vatican is absolutely decideii in 12c; Petite and Germ an, 10c per pound ;
spite of tiie threats and perauasiona of raisins, $1.75(32.25 per b o x ; plninnier
the monarchists to continue in France dried pears, 10(3 11c; sun-dried and fac­
tiie policy of adhesion to tlie Republic tory plums, ll(3 l2 c ; evaporated peaches,
in order to restore that country to union I8(«20c; Smyrna figs, 20c; California,
and to religious and political pacifica­ figs, !)c per pound.
R ich — $5.26 per cental.
Cannibalism among the natives in the
Free Congo State has led to an expedi­
T h « M «»t Miirkfit.
tion against tlie offenders in which num­— Live, 3c; dressed, 5(30e.
bers of tiie natives were killed. The
M utton —
3(3 3,4 'o ;
Bitkiinias at Stanley Falls are re|»irt«*i dress«!«!, 7c.
to he returnhig to human sacrifices and
H oos— Live, 6c ; dressed, 8(3t)c.
S m oksii M l at *— Eastern ham, 12*4 '!$
In the Itritish lions«- of Commons Sir 13c; Oregon, 10‘y(312t%c; breakfast Tia-
Jam s Ferguson said that tiie govern­ ctm, I2(3 l 3c ; other varieties, 8«« lie per
ment had reason to bel eve that satis­ pound.
L aku — d \ < 9 iH ^ c per pound.
factory arrangements would shortly tie
made with the Unit«*l States in the mat­
ter of arbitration in tlie Behring Sea
H id «*, W o ol and Vlopa.
H idks — Dry hi«les, selected prime, 8ty
Mrs M aybrick’s solicitor says that he <89c; y i lees lo r culls; green, seleeted,
has lieen a<lvis««l by Charles Russell that over 65 pounds, 4c; under 60 pounds, 3c;
her case ran Is- reofiened and a new trial sheep pelts, short wool, 30(«50c; me­
had, grounded on the refusal of the in- dium, «¡Or« 80c; long, IMVfii $1,25; shear­
siiranee company to pay the policy. The lings, I0f»2i>c; tallow, good to choice, 3
soliritor intends toearry out this ta-heme. (gS'ye per pound.
Much new evidence has lieen collected
W ool — W illamette Valley, 17(319c;
in America. Mrs. Mavlirick, who is still Eastern Oregon, 10(316tyc |>er pound,
in prison, suffers much from ill health. according to conditions and shrinkage.
flo r a — N o m in al; 20c per pound.
Tlie London C hron icle takes HirG«*orge
A s«-nsation has ls*-n caused in Berlin,
Germ any, by the «liseovery of forgeries
Baden Powell, one of the English Behr­
on the Detiwlie hank to a large amount.
ing S«-a Commissioners, to task for ut-
The forger, w ho is one of the clerks of
terances not in the line of his ilnties.
the bank, lias «scaped. The loss is $2«»5,-
Sir George asserted at Victoria, B. C.,
that the McKinley law is a final effort of
O f the Ik! negroes lyncii«*l in the Sooth the United States to romp«*l Canada to
thus far this year 2U were killed for rape, yield her independence, and the I ’hron-
18 for murder, It) for stealing, 8 for be­ trle suggest* that Loni Salisbury give
ing troublesome, 3 for incendiarism, 2 him a timely hint.
for all«*g«*l murder and 2 as accessories
It is officially announced at Kt. Peters­
in murder cases. The last four were
burg that Captain Schmidt of the Rus­
lynched upon suspicion.
sian navy, who was reported as having
John W inder (colored) is under srm it I mpii executed *-e. retly last April for sell­
at Atlantic City, N. J „ for committing a ing the plans of the Croiistadt fortifica­
murderous assault upon Joseph McRea. tions, has just Is-en sentenced to hanish-
Mi Rea was talking with W inder’s wife ishinent to Siberia. It was proved in
in tlie mansion alley, when Winder sud­ hia examination that he fell into the
denly appeareii and struck him on the hands of usurers and was induce«l by
lo ad with a blunt instrument, knocking them to sell his plans to a man who be­
hiiu senseless.
trayed him.
Not After th** Hole.
She (iHiiKhiiixlv) Why nre you aonkhig §c
Intently into my eye*# An* you looking (oil
H e (Mel lowly)— No; f«*r the beam.
Then she I • »nie«l. — ld i* m n * e A m erican .
I sit ph von — I jin! met llamiftll, and he Mid I
didn't b»nk like myself nt all.
0mllev Well, old man. yon ought to con*
•ider that a very deln*at« compliment.—Jour*
■al of KdiM-atmn
U H I T a k e lm iiiri»«*e r a p it a * .
Izar k in -H e re ’* the biggest Rnglian ftymtt
cate yet.
What doe* It prop *ae to buy I
Larkin—The Niagara backmcu.