toe noveity of the thing, to set luot on Canadian soil, the land to which default­ J. M. WEIGHT, President. C A P IT A L STO CK , #20,000.00. ing, visit relatives in Kentucky, irtm whom he has been long separated.—He- porter. It was 102 degrees in the shade hero Mr. If. E. Mosher, of this city showed last Thursday. We hope never to see it us a potato leaf lis t Monday morning uny warmer than that in tins or any oth­ that had two largo Colorado potato bugs er world. on. Ho informs us that these bugs do Clyde Fletcher, tho hoy who had his loot L ebanon , Oregon, had a f 10,000 fire on the night of the 23. T ue School Journal, under a new man­ agement, has been moved to Monmouth. R ev . G eorge W h itt a k e r , of M anhall, Tex., has been elected president of W illam ette University, vice ltev. Van Scoy, resigned. T he Irrigation Age r a y s : “ Utah has a history and a fame with which the world is familiar.” Yes, and that’s just what’s the matter with Utah. I t is said that a Ileppner wheat grower has contracted his crop to reliablo parties at 70 cents per bushel. This would seem to indicate a fair price for wheat this year. A n irrigation congress will be hehl in Salt Lake, Utah, in September commcne- ing on the 15th and lasting threo days. I t is exjiected tliat subjects relating to Irri­ gation in all its phases will be thorouglil; discusscd. T h ur sd ay , the 23d, is said to have been the hottest day exjierienced in Ore­ gon since 1871. It was a shriveloi, but a day or two afterwards with cool nights and vegetation showed no signs of its ravages. T here seems to have been a surplus of deputy marshals up in Washington, Bo much so that there were not contraband Chinamen enough to uilbrd a genteel liv ing for all. As a consequence they go' into a tight among themselves and made some vacancies. Supply and demand eelf-regulating up there. T he La CamuH Newt is authority for the statement that, there are many men ti| in the Hound country who are subsisting on clams rather than run a country news paper. In other sections of the stab where there is a shortage in thuclam crop they have to depend ulmost exclusive!) on suckere, we presume. Too mi uh cannot lie said to indtn fruit growers to persistently spray tlieii trees. The codlin moth is getting in hi work now. and what lias promised an abundant yield of fruit will turn out vast crop of worms if proper care is not exercised. Two or three sprnyings now will make your fruit crop secure. tipray your trees 1 L ieut . Alaskan explorer, has written to the Port Townsend tha lie lias succeeded in crossing with pack horses the mountainous barrier that hu­ so long shut o tr the interior of that terri tnry from the coast, lie reports the in tenor rich in minerals, fruits, tisli, garni and forage, and predicts great tilings foi the future of Alaska. Leader A t past we have fourni some foundation for an argument in favor of tobacco. An Oregon U*ty tough attempted to perforati a man named Neeley with a pocket knife, hut the knife struck a plug of tobacco in Neeley’s pocket and saved his bacon. It will lie noticed that Neeley wore his t bacco in a different place from some men, and that may have hud something to di with its ellieucy. A jesting of prominent historical soci­ eties has licei! called to determine whether a pile of Ismes at Havana, or a similar one at Han Domingo, shall lie called tin bones of Christopher Columbus. It is quite clear that Mr. C .’s bones cannot la at both places, and probably are at riel tlier place, but a morbid public demands that tliev Iw loca’cd somewhere, ami the sooner it is done the licttcr. T here are certain show enterprises in this country w hich have a reputation for being pretty shrewd, and they have work­ ed Oregon country newspapers awful hard to get some free advertising, but in only a few cases have they succeeded. This thing of giving something for nothing does not meet the approval Oregon ed­ itors, who have found that thanks don’t go far toward paying their bills. of cut his sevorly last week and was un­ able to preach Sunday, ami Prof. Kant- ner filled the pulpit on Sunday morning. Dr. Watts filled the Presbyterian pulpit in the absence of Kev. Eccleson. Henry Alderman and Miss I'.dith Ket- ly two of our most worthy venng people, have been united in uiatrlmoney since our last writing. County superintendent Raker, lias been engaged as principal of our public school for the ensuing year, which is a gu aran­ tee that we will have a good school. Harvest is in full blast hero now and every one that is on tho work is busy. Yet there are several loft on goods box duty in town. The weekly man of Portland, gives quite an elaborate writo up of our town in last weeks issue of his paper, particularly our saloon w hich he takes great pleasure in recommending to the public, but makes no special mention of any of the three or four church organiza­ tions of the town, but it is likely there is moru money in writing up the saloon than tho church, though we think tin- advertisement of the latter, would have more influence over tho better class of home seekers than tho booming of the saloon would. Though wo have nothing personally to say against Mr. Gildner, us a man he is a good citizen and a man strictly up to his word. Kimberlin & Ferguson have just start­ ed their new thresher which works splendidly. There was a game of h ill bore yester­ day between North Yam hill and La Fayette, which was won by La Fayette, the score being 13 to 31. Out of 11',7 cough nyrupA manufactured in the V. S., but one h is been found to be entirely free from opiates and that 1.-* the California Positive and N egative Electric Cough Cure, which is the best on earth for coughs, colds croup, etc. Sold by (J. F. Moore & Co. osey . B U Y A L O T I f you are a Non-resident, General, or N ew berg The weather is line. lV-a picking is about nt an end. But there remains acres of ungalhcred pens, 011 account of the cannery lieing unable to take cure of them. The | h - iis yielded from I to 2 tons |ier aero, and the nimiury claimed that they would yield I tons per lore. But even at one and two tons | h * i acre they had to throw out 1500 bushels of pens. Joseph Cook's now house is about finished. Aimer George is working at Ids house. Last month Martin Cook mid wife visi­ ted our monthly meeting. Brother Mar­ tin fed the Uoek with just the food needed. Como again brother Cook. Tlie Presbyterians have organized a Christian Endeavor society and it is pret­ ty well attended. Prof. Hartley and wife, of Newlierg, and Mr. Towusand and wife, of Albany, visited our meeting on Habbatli the twelfth. Brother Hartley preached an able and instruetivo sermon wlilch was highly appreciated by all— llop o he will 'omo again. The saw mill is doing a steady busi­ ness now. Arthur George and wife s|H-nt two days at his father's last week, visiting. * ru t N T« M ils . 400 acres uudei cultiva­ tion. Lies sightly and rolling, 1, mi'e from R. R. station. 3 miles from Newberg. G.OOO C o rd s o f W o o d J. I. K N IG H T , WELL 1 > OHE ItS, OREGON. If you want a good well at a reasonable* figure, I Give us a H aving the bust o f new ma­ chinery, we guarantee first class work. - Pacific © College ! P O R T L A N D F IN IS H IN G L U M B E R , SARD WOOD LUMBER, CEDAR POSTS, SHINGLES W ood C heap . DORRANCE BROS. A R T I S T . Is prepared torio h II kind» of work in h i» Hue In a workmanlike manner. M ik in g of Roots ami Hhoes to nrriej .1 Specialty. Repair­ in': neatly and promptly «lone. Restaurant building on Center Street j ) OREGON. TH E N E W CATALO G UE Giving full information regarding the opening o f Pacific College is now out and ready for distribution. T H O S . X F .W U X , v .fà ) D E PO T L U M B E R Y A R D . IIEACOCK,- Something New. Something New .AkA - HOME P . D e a l e r in Tho Best for Outside Finish—Softer to work, does not swell and shrink like common hard fir, and takes pabit better. WELL DOR EDS- ( T u e E. II. W Call on us if you want a gnntl w ell at a rea­ sonable figure. Having inni long experience we Rita, untoe gn od w rik. Price for boriili? «uri putting in wall, :wcents per foot. 4-2ltf a sh . " D oors . T V /T p u l p in g s A.:NX> KKI IaDING H A R D W A R E Newberg, Or. Dit. YO U N G , SUUGEON. —0 -+ -C ♦ ------ J. 2 . oodw ard F a r s i .) The Best on the Market. SE E .' IA IÎIS & EDEEDED. Shingles, Lath, Hair, Lime, Plaster, NEWBERG. OREGON. • 7s Something New. Something N e w . ç ^ YARD AT THE DEPOT, The treatment of horses a ppeeialtv. Culls attended with promptness. N k w iu h o , President. % fRTJRAL YE LLO W F IR LUMBER. IN T o. — W Send for one. Newberg, Oregon. W. «V: JAM ES U PALMI NS, V E T I.K IN A U Y i Have in stock and for sale R ough and Dressed Lu m ber Portrait & Landscape Shoem aker. G B A N K OF NEW BERG. N E 4 VBEEG, OREGON. C . J. E d w a r d s . L. S t a b l e r . ko . O regon . Carila! Siaci, $39.050 N e w b e rg P a c k in g C om pany 5 , il m Will buv in season Egg Plums Silver Prunes. Peaches and SAY YOU! Hurt let t Pears. j Correspondents j T1 L T0% ‘ Portland. I (N ational P a rk Bank, New Fork- Will also J. *.* S. •« REES, C o rr e s p o n d e n c e In v ite d . The Coutractor & Builder. Furnish boxes for handling fruit. HEWHElifi fLOURING |\||lLLS. Grand A u ction Sale. J. D. TARRANT & SON, P r o p r ie to r s . JESSE F.D'Y A R D S ,...................................................................................... President. ¡5. C. M IL E S ,........................................................................................ Vice-President. liorsp.nnil SION' I'AINTl:!!. MOSES V O TA W ,............................................................................ Ill'll«!', palliteli III the latest TINTS. I'nper Hanning, .¡raining, Sluicing alni II,in i oll finitili, done by D A Y D or 00NTBA0T. I R E C T O JESSE E D W AR D S, J. C. COLCORD Shop en Main Street, Newberg, Oregon. Cashier. R S : B. C. M IL E S , F. A. M O R R IS . E. II. W O O D W AR D . I Certificates of Deposit issued payable on demand.- ----- Exchange bought and sold.---------- Good notes discounted.-----------Deposits received subject to cheek at sight, and a general banking business transacted.---------- Collections made on all accessable points in the United States and Canada. I»o Y o u W ant a House It 11 i11V I f you rio, call ou , G KO C K U li:* FU F l.O lU F I : F. D H A Y GRAIN. fo r . F ro» : A Jt*iTor*ot» Sts. Strangers visiting the City are invited to call at the Bank for information concern ing the City. TfV have remodeled our M I L L and can, now m an­ ufacture FLO U R o f the host drade, bn the F U L L ROL ER PROCESS. I will sell at Public Auction in the town of Newberg, Oregon, on CASH PAID FOR WHEAT. Saturday, August 1,1891, Newberg, « v i m . AU,1 he tiu orsD every - vturday -^ p WV OVAR VNTEE SATISFACTION TO OCR CUSTOMERS. -------- CALL AND «EE CS 1*0H 11 V.ND. OREGON. My «.ntire stock of valuable tools, consisting of S o lo «ill li. 'g in a t 2 o V Io rk M a n u fa c t u r e r s o f ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER, i*. in ., s ln ir p , a t v o m e r o f F i r s t a n d >I;»in Streets. \ KH :;i I Oregon. Vincent Brothers, Cnrpcntcr Tools, bridge Builders’ Tools, Rope, Tackle and sundry other articles. IL I l AWOUTII, .MIDDLETON, T, KMs oc S ali — A e m lit of tk> days wili lie given, purchaser g ii ing bankable *n cv» r t ' supply not»'. Kl , « ‘r vent, discount for casti. OHEOON*. line, at |*riws fl at I I 'T IN I A M MAN. U c i n c i i i l x 'r , tiijs c u t ir e s tu c k o f g u ild « w i l l I»«- c I iis ih I » n t « v i t l i o n t r« s e r v a l io n . W e g t i a r a u t e e i i l a i r « le a l t o a l l a n d n o liy - b iiliH n ^ . OU Auctionoor L. M. P A R K E R , F o r •*>.* t o *• IO at «I l p u ; t n l v l ' W ,1K1 , O R EG O N . P h oto grap he r W indow F rames and M ouldings . S lab ( ' M. B ALE S, ' I • I State, at v e ry low prices. V ^*ean» »» f “ beleetei Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Confectionery, A l­ ways on Hand. Queensware, Glassware, Wooden ware and Rest Brands of Flour. Doors, Windows, Portraits enlarged to life size and finished in Crayon India Ink or Water Colors, R oom o v k k Moniti: lïitos., D r u g S t o r e NEW BERG. OREGON. Î Groceries, Provisions. O B FG O N N E W B E R G -, J T E S T O N & B IE R M A N N , NEWBERG, W e have for sale some o f the Finest Suburban P io p e rty to 1«? found In the DEALER IN Watch maker and Jeweler. OREGON. L o n g T im e on Deferred Paym ents, JOSEPH WILSON, THE N E W B E R G S A W M IL L , To ho cut to apply on pavnient. : U N D E R TAK E R J. U. iYoper will leave aUmt next Tn«*«d.»v for iV 'roit, Mut» , to Attend it.o «'nuampinent II is f W e Defy Competition. À and Liberal Discounts to Cash Buyers. In an y sized Tructs from One to One Thousand Acres. NEW BERG, Prices range from 125 to $40 per acre. Term «, ' 4 cash, balance 3 years time. Hr,aid. OKI wttlcr* predict that tho coming w in lor w ill ho a tight out* for Orokjon. Predict im * are bused on pant oxporion It I imm boon the rule that foil-wing a rain Himnu»r the col*I wind* Hill |>nll down from the north and free/o everythin;* tip tight, then veering around to tho booth they Hill Dow tip warmer and hi ¡eg snow . Snow l».i* hwn seen in thi* valley to tho dl'plll of tWO foot. Hr I »’. i For L ow Prices and Future A d v a n c e ­ m ent ill Values, ACEEAGB x w ill REPAIRING FINE WATCHES & CLOCKS A SPECIALTY. |,ri CHOICE F R U IT L A N D S O MERCHANTS tent ion to make the fair a grand su civ s, and Newlierg people when they become fully awake, do not do things half-wav. vic in ity , F.H. Howard, 575 acres ill all. Practical I Bought and Sold, and Sold on Com­ mission. V Office on Main Street, Near Depot. S A M U E L H O B SO N Wedding in town Wednesday. K. F. Thomas, of Newberg, moved into Titos. C ox’s house Monday. F. C. Varner preached at Pleasant Hill last Sabbath afternoon. Professor Hartley preached at Friends’ church Sabbath morning. Joseph Moreback and Rosa Smock were united in holy matrimony lust Wednesday at 11:30 a. in. They havi the best wishes of the community. Mrs. F.lla Hartley gave a very interest­ ing anil instinctive lecture on th o“ Buried Cities of tho Holy Laud” last Subbath evening. Dr. Rickard lias located here and Sherwood is no longer without medical aid. Tho doctor comes well recommend­ ed. Sherwood has two shoe shops so Un­ people neod not go with their tocs oui any longer. Mr. Job nson of the Portland Press llrick Co. has been out for soum days looking the brick works over. Tho Sherwood hall is having a new roof put on this woek, tho boys having cotne to the conclusion that paper makes a poor roof. * and in particular, W rite to us— W e L ands * i j A ll grades o f R ealty, from an unfenced lot to the very Best Im - proved C ity Property, and about Iteal Estate, or the Country’ In ORCHARD HOM E NEWBERG, OREGON. ■ * OUR LIST IX : - farm, you can save both tim e am i m on­ I t Contains 10, 20 and 40 Acre Lots, Nicely Flattod with Streets. : NEWBERG. ey by calling on us. Q HEHALEM NEW BERG, PR IN C IP A L OFFICES AT E H A V E ON glad ly g iv e the desired inform ation. Nil Kit WOOD ITK.HN. MARION I t KM*. - W an t to buy either a large or small A n d wish to obtain any Inform ation Kuna high at C. V. Moore & Co'« drug »tore o v­ er System Builder, us everybody is using it for catarrh o f the stomach, dyspepsia, constlpatiou and impure blood and to build up the system. It certainly possesses wonderful m erit when all speak so w ell o f it. * S tani . ky , tho great explorer, after trav­ Several owners of threshing machines eling all over the known world discovered ill this and adjoining counties are fitting Shop one rioor west of po*t office, something in England that was new to up Isiarding ears in connection with their him. lie found that a woman lias a will machines, and in which their workmen NKWBFKG, OREGON of her own, and one woman in particular will lie boarded. This will lighten tho who would not submit to his domination. burden of the wives of farmers at thresh­ «V S Pi'S KIT. J. J, S m m r . Ho lie has cut liswe from ins bride of a ing time, and will lie hailed with delight I r o w 1 1 .1, Ä S H I P L E Y , few months and will go back to shooting by the women.— Herald. loam y lieiiighted Africans, a diversion for whh h The fair at Newberg will be held Sep-j lie seems to Is- more |avnliarly suited. j leinla-r 23d, 21th and 25th. It is the in- 1 and Dealer*« in r O i r patent law* work an ¡njuntlcp to iniKxvtit P»*rtiV* many time*. Tim Kdi* Fon Ifeh* 1*0111 lainy having won a «•a*e in the court* airainnt tho United Hates Electric Light ( V , for infringe­ ment of patent, will now tH- privileged to charge a royalty from every innocent pur­ chaser using lights made by this concern. A similar instan.-w may bo cited wherein the National Cash Register Company on similar grounds is exacting s royalty from those who have hewn using a register tnsde by another company An Inventor should heaffoided -o ne proto, to Is sure, but not to the extent tbu purchasers may 1». made t > ►, — onv it,.; ■ : . YOU**— KXCITK.H KNT World P J I* \v ’nave on hand a foil supply of rough and dressed lumber, and a good supply of logs, enabling us to Kit all orders on short notice. Parties who contemplate building will find it to their interest to call and inspect our FRANK WOOD. lumber before placing their order. P r o p r ie t o r . rRM j t R t.e NABLL. Itf.''» C lass \\ oejs G i aranteed . CORKCsroXDUC£ S lo u c ito