NEWBERG GRAPHIC. t l»t I.IM l « » l > 4 # One C olu m n ............ H alf Column Pror'ea-nniai Cards NEWBERG GRAPHIC GRAPHIC. IK % I ■ * : « : . I wentj Dollars Ti n Dollars .......ime 1 »oliar M| U M I I I P T I O Ì It V I 'i :* : One Year Three Months. H u lisn Iption Heailiug \ulivrH » i l l l»r h is n I» m I at tin* rat«* »1 T«*»» m i t « per l.lii«, A d vert! tug Dill VOL. • h PACIFIC COAST. 4 I ll'll« II XO » KM, N EW BERG. YA M H ILL CO.. OREGON, FR ID A Y, .1 V LY 31, 18111. TH£ NATI0NAL CAP1TAL- S t a l l * I D p i » m n i t a t H n - y L p ;li i ) l i l » The Charleston Ordered to Go to Honolulu. A B R E W E R Y FOR SPOKANE. OoniMns'aioner Carter of the general laud oilive h is d reefed the Register and Receiver of public lands at Lewiston, M nt., to receive mineral applications to allow mineral entries in the abandoned V.nt McGinnis military reservation in Montana under f i e same conditions as when made for other public lands. The same rut" will applv to the abandoned Fort M Dermitt military reservation in Nevada. Advices received by the Bureau ol American U 'publics state that a specific duty of 11 cents a kilogramme (2.2 pounds) has been imposed on all lard imported in the Republic of Peru. It has been decided that all packages shipped, discharged ami re-eiub(rked at ports of the Republic shall be marked with tlie gross weight. Cases, barrels and crates must also ne marked with tlie measurement of their dimensions ac­ cording to the metric system, and fines are imposed for non-compliance with this law. The State Department is quite busy learning the details of the seizure of the Ea-tport fishermen, so as to be able to act intelligently when the time for ac­ tion arrives. The United States Consul at 11 to Canadian town next to East port is investigating things, and when lie makes Ins report it will i>e quite compe­ tent for the department to take some verv interesting steps towards obtaining an explanation of tlie ease from Great Britain. There is no danger of a repeti­ tion of the “ outrage,” as it is being called in lieu of a more definite term, and the department feels that haste in such an event would be unwise. Several lett'-rs have been received by Postmaster-General Wanamiker from Messrs, Brooks and Porter, delegates from tlie United States to the Fourth International Congress at Vienna. That bodv completed its laliors on June 15. Perhaps the most important of its re­ sults is the admission of the Australian colonies to the union, to take effect July 1, 18:12. The only civilized countries now remaining ontside the union are Cape Colony and the South African Re­ public, which will probably come in at the next congress, making the postal union “ universal ” in fact as well as in name. The other interesting changes noted are the proposed issue of postal cards with a paid reply for international service, in the reduction of the registry 4 centimes (5 cents), in an increase in tlie maximum-size package of a sample from 8x1x1 inches to 12x4x8, an indem­ nity for lost registered articles and inter- i alional co-operation in the prosecution of counterfeiters of (»stage stamps. Sends an Immense Body of V. M. c. A. l)e\i tionul st rvlc. s » very Sun day evening. Young men earnestly requested Water Into the Desert. to attend. 1.0.0 I Sessions held Saturday evening in the moni" mer Moore's Drug "tore. V. NY C. T. C. Husiness met ting the second Saturday in every montii. Tnooma will soon have its cable car« O. A. It. Sessions held drat and third Thurs­ day »¡veiling in ciudi monti). running. \X'. ('. T. U. Bush ess nn eting held Ilio third The I .os Angeles city directory has 23,- Saturday af-ernuon in cucii monti). 7(i0 names. Spokane is to have a brewery, with t I« % I. IH IC I « T O H l . 110,000 capital. 4 fly oi \« w iiri'g. The Charleston has received orders to ..Samuel Hoi son go to Honolulu. M i t m I; «• r .« .... J it Howard J. J. Wood» A S|>okane ordinance forbids cigarette Marshal ............ M •* i - \ f»irt w Ttcuur r . ... ...... \ c I ox smoking by minors. St n e t « mo ni* sui A disease creating blindness is nmong Surveyor.............. ..... K. h. H«>b>ou the cattle along the Humboldt river in ALI» It UPS. \ ! M. Darker Nevada. First Ward » S. c. Mads The Southern California Lawn Tennii G l u r v \u»iiu Second Ward.. (J. '!. Boyce, Association meets at Santa Monica, Lot ill. cooper Angeles county, August 31. Th»r 1 Ward ... /J It. Hunt The contract for the construction ol the Chanrilier of Commerce building at EA S T AND SOUTH Cortland has been awarded. —VIA— The Itata has paid the $5iH) tine. It is said Iwnds will l>e g'ven and the vessel go to San Francisco for repairs. The Itra lstreet mercantile agency re­ ports sixteen failures in tlie PacificCon-t States and Territot ies for the past week. Tlie work of improving the entrance of Humboldt Bay by extending a pro­ tecting wall along the north spit has Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland: commenced. The Lone Pine group of mines in the LKAVK(for) FROM FKH. 1, 1S91 VURIVKF'M Vipond d striet. Beaverhead county, Mont., has t>een sold to an English syn­ | ovF.iu.ANi> E xpres s . dicate for 1725,100. ! Salem. Aihai v, Kug- enc, Koseb'g (»1 ant’ s There is trouble between white settlers Dass, Men find Ash *7:00 p m ; laml.Sa* r»i 'ciito ,o g A. M. and Indians along the Kootenai river in i den, San Franeis- o, I British Columbia. The Indians are driv­ I Mojave, J.os Angeles. I ing the settlers off. I Ki l'as.'.New Orleans. I i, and Hast..................... J The trouble with the miners at New­ *S:00 \. >i. !<••>• here A way stations *S:(X) p. M. castle, Wash., s ill wears a threatening Via XVood ■urn fo ri look. Both sides keep armed, and eager­ ♦ sail) a m ^ Xlf. Alltel, •"ilvertou. 1 t-COO p m a . m . | U , M Browi.s- i H p* M ly wctch each other. t ville and C oburg......J All hut one of the six Superior Judges f5:00 p. m . Albany and v\a; station* t‘*:00 a . m . f7:80 m . • orva *v waj stations ♦ :H0 p, m in I,os Angeles are on a vacation. This 11:40 p. m . .McMinnville A wnysta’s t v 20 a . m . involves an unwelcome delay in some D in in g Cars on O g d e n R o u te . important litigation. CABLEGRAMS. Reports from Frazer river and the : I F I i : t s j a k p f r s . T l.l.X I AN Northern canneries are that the salmon pack will * til fully 50 per cent, behind G e r m a n M i l i t a r y C i r c l e * I n t e r e s t e d In T o u r i s t SI«* y i in g ( a s th e N e w E x p l o s i v e C a lle d E craait. For aecomin dation of second ' lass passengers tnat of the two previous years. attached to ail train«. There is organized opposition in Kern 1 Prof. Rossander of Stockholm thinks Through tb k t »»• 1 i e. i::i First street, where county, Cal., to the water monopoly now thro ugh i : ki is to till points in the Kistern existing, and the settlers propose to dig lie has found a remedy for cancer. States, Cai-a ui and Kuropo can ob'.aimd at a canal and water their own lands. A new feature in Germany this year lowest rates I rein J. U. KlivKl.AND, Ticket Agent. A rond is to be built along the di\ Me will he the trotting meeting at Baden. A1 above trail s a rive and It »II Way •ending an immense bodv of water into France. Pure chloroform, something hitherto the Colorado Desert. The break, it is F’uB •i iure r tlepn1 ftii •t o f Jefferson st reet thought, can easily lie repaired or shut inattainabh*, will now be made by M. Pictet, a chemist of Geneva. M . : j() : : .0 a . A . M. t: otr. :•;<) a . M. 11- :l j 1*. M. The Chilian cruiser Errazuriz, which The art museum and picture gallery at 1‘ . M ! O b w eg» & way "t ti’s I n : IO P. a H 1 r. 10 l*. M the Leland Stanford University is rapid­ recently left llavie, is lying at Penzance, t >: 1» P. M. t*i :3j P. M ♦fi :‘J)> P. M. ly approaching completion, A part of ■¡he is unable to procure firemen. ffl ;;i5 P. M 1 ♦. :4U p. M. The Rome Tiih,a,t announces that the roof is already on, and many of the ; Oswcen', Newberpr. Cardinal Camutelli is to replace Cardinal iron girders are already in place. *tl :40 A. M j I Kinder . Dayton, I.H- Hheri'lrtii, \ " :20 P. M. I fu •• ette, The court-martial to try Colonel C. E. Ratnpolia a- Papal Secretary of State. i M*.limn uth cY A irlie. , H ::*0 P. M. ."h< ri* In ii A- way station s t'l :::o a . M Compton of the Fourth Cavalry for neg­ A Lucerne (Switzerland) cablegram ligence in permitting his men to leave rays: Stanley and his wife have sep­ ♦Hail . t Daily, except Sunday. Ferries » ouiieet with all ‘ rains for Sei ¡wood camp the night A. J. Hunt was lynched arated. Their natures are too positive. an 1 Milwauki'1. It. K »Kill KR. Manager. has been convened at Walla Walla. 1’he failure of the English Bank of the K. 1* R(hiKltS. Asst. lien. F. A P. Agt. There is a rumor at Victoria, B. C., River Plate will cause widespread loss to that tlie Wellington collieries have been small and comparatively poor investors. sold to an English syndicate, and that Energc io measures are devised by the experts are now an the ground taking an government for the development of cot­ O n ly Ore it Bargain s in P I A N O S - W rite fo r Latest M u st r a t»» ( ¡ii ilotfue- i f f " A<1 dress, inventory of the stock, seams of coal, ton culture and industries in Central Daniel F. itr.itty, Washiugtou, New Jersey. wharves’ blinkers and other property. Asia. The Alaska travel is at its heigtit. It Director Canet of the artillery at Paris ¿T is greater than tlie accommodations. A is lielieved to have lieen selling the ■ *71 ► 1* -7 J tills * ¿ if gentleman who forgot to engage a pas­ smokeless-powder secret of the govern­ - « 'l i s - g Ì ì ì - % H s - S " i f sage Indore he reached Tacoma offered a ment. The Prince of Wales will go to Carls­ bonus of |173, but it would not command anvthi g more thr.n standing room in bad instead of Homhiirg this season. the steamer. His health is said to he somewhat im­ The Southern Pacific alone has earned paired. English Hebrew authorities in London on freight on potatoes going East this season from Los Angeles over $200,000. have taken steps to relieve the great dis­ This business has all been built up tress among the Russian refugees in within three years, previous to which Palestine. time potatoes were received from Kansas The Medical Board of the Province of and Missouri by the trainload. Hanover has prohibited tlie use of the Governor l’ennoyer of Oregon has re­ Kocli lyn.pli in hospitals under their ju­ fused to issue a warrant of arrest asked risdiction. for by the Governor of Washington in Domestic service and servi e in agri­ the ease of a man who was tried and ac­ cultural fields In Brazil lire much demor­ quitted in Oregon for the same crime alized The former slaves will work for the warrant is issued for. Governor neither love nor money. ... ¿'§15'-' ; t ! « B - S t }**!-•, Pennoyer says the man is free to leave Edward Derobain, member ol Parlia­ r - = ” * - ' “ = - ■* - ~ * . § m c t . the State at his will, since he was tried ment for Belfast, accused of gross im­ ami acquitted in Oregon. morality, will face his accusers ae soon The internal-revenue officers seized as his health will permit, the Plantag & Heyer brewery and the Bismarck has aged much litelv, and New York brewery, both located at Hay­ wards, Cal., for violation of the revenue hia form has tient. Physicians do not think he will live much longer, as he is ; laws. The combined value of both the es'ahlishments is about $."0.0et of a side were arrested for sla-’ . -ring and sell­ ami a purse. Most of the nionev for ing meat of stolen d> „ •. One butcher Ch 'vnski ha* leen subscribed, andCor- was sentenced to two in • t> s’ imprison- be't l a» -ignifbd his willingness to meet ruen' f >r slaughtering thirty stolen mon­ DO NOT CR'PE, SICKEN 0 * his o 'd opponent again, if ftie financial grels. CONSTIPATE. German military ■ :r. '< - are greatly in­ inducement is la-ge etiongh. As far as Su it Cu»E FOP S!8* N'lOSC«», cleverness went, Chovnski was com- terested in the new explosive ra led •nd .11 tmot> «rio» 2 le'elv outclassed by Corbett when they ecrasit, » h i h has lately been tried at I n d i c a t i o n or C&nstipati.a* ■rrrr.-v*-1 « C-.m pi*•»••« eight with hard gioves, but with big Presb'irg. I he experiments were in­ by i' irifyii.e h« b lo o 4 . g oves it is thought that Ohoynski could tended to test the comparative merits of Th* e .o b * to »u t *.h • ??•••, m •n-* [ 1 .i r • n • ‘ i • * - .r . r . n^r. E **y to t « k . do much better, as he has grown btgg-r dynamite and ecrasit, and have resulted . « *o ic-a h • ■ * ■ * r.s » d a 'd cleverer in An-tralia. The contest, favorably to the new explosive, which is - Irtr* (• Tr»»*lrr* ■■>1 Ratin' -• *• • .nan tirai"« if it takes place, will attract much a'ten- found to possess twice the force of dy­ •at * *Cr»«nr a 1 " T r»4- * . -fc . "«* * » »nrywhrfa. ii c . • ■•e:UA I t a t i * Re*# u l D m # Reel fon 1» la m a p « . tion, and Coriiett will be a hot favorite, namite. The explosions are accompa­ though Chovnski will give him a hard nied by no detonation. It is ab o conve­ / ?*; H A R T E P • IR O N N T O N I C I . V,,■ V t . tf r* ■ battle, at his favorite game it a rushing nient a- a charge for firearms, and is lets r ' : .r> -T.F I liable to explode in case of ac« idem. , fight. THE M. KANTER MEDICINE CO. ST. ICUIS. Mft Southern Pacific Route. «<1 SHASTA LINE.I» B EA T T Y ORGANS m Om t - £ V .S £ Hi > > £ g > ham g*a H Z H H f- H i— H Ü tr a < < < on M on Ui on Ui yj o & O S3 0 cn 2 ; r 2 > H < w cs E A ST E R N ITEM S. LITTLE LIVER PILLS. r personal m e n t io n . St. t-.iui* tla- I lie Only reunite t'lllteil State'* Marwhul. l » « * t t i il a o f t h e FttKKaiiM»iUd(lity Day A f f a i r . Another Break in th9 Colorado River MM 11 .1 \ \«»TI4 W . P rlre P ayable I n v a r i* ubly iu Atlvauce. C ollected M ¿nthly* PRESI!Y I'MRI AN CIIPKC1L—Service* every ■••(••»ini and fourth I/. ni » day at 11 a . m . uud 7:H 0 p. m . Sabbath s. ln*ul every Sunday at 10 a . m . K i - v W. IX IJ.USON. Pastor. FRIKNDH Clll'IK’ II. servi. « every Sun da\ at 11 a. in. ami 7 I» n».. anil l’iosr'.ìuy at 10 a. in >al»batn school every Sun'ay ar lb a. in. Monthly meetingm lOu. in. the ti>**t ."aturday in • ioli 'month, tjuarl. rl\ meet tug the re«ond Saturday and siimi iv iu February, May, Au gust unti No\ ember. K V A N I D D I C A D (IICIDII. Regular ser- v lee first a• <1 third "U ik I hvs of each month at 10 a. m ; •«icoi» I and fourth Sundays at 7 p. ill. Sabbath >cl»»ml every Sunday at ll a. m. 11 \ 1* I'lST < Hl'Ut ll —t.Tviee.- tlr-t Sabbath in' the moiirli at s i- >i. : tblr.l sabba'li Mf 11 a . m . mid ■*• p . m . Sabbath School every sabbath at « ’clock. 91 30 75 30 "ix Months NO. » I* )• Address, GRAPHIC, Newberg, Oregon. PORTLAND FOREIGN N E W S . A Refeum e MARKET. o f tlio C o n d it i o n o f Ita D if ­ f e r e n t D e p a r t mente». The poet Whittier will p|»en- Queen Victoria’s daughter, Princess dozen bunches; cucumbers, $1.50 per lished there. Christian, employs a woman as her phy­ mising political correspondence with l» x ; carrots, $1 per suck ; corn, 15c per Gladstone, obtained while l’aruell was sician when her nerves trouble her. Her Wealthy corporations in Illinois are to dozen. in Kiimainham jail. contest the law which makes incorpor­ attendant at such times is a well-known Fai n s— Riversideoranges,$2.50(if3 50; I The Russian navy is lauiig increased ated bodies pay their employes at least specialist, I)r. Julia Maitland. by twenty-two ships in process of con­ Sicily lemons, $6.50; California, $4.fi0(§ once a week. Henry Irving epigrammatieally char­ struction on I m itli the Baltic and Black 5 per l» x ; apples, $1.26 per box; ba- After attending the Grand Army en­ acterizes an English scheme for the re­ Seas, besides others ordered. nanas, $3.50(o4 a bunch, pineapples,-$5 (ii 6 per dozen ; cherries, 65(a 85c per box ; campment in Vermont in August the generation oi the theater as missions The women in Prussia according to currants, 5M(ic per pound; apri­ President will probably visit Mr. Blaine which propose to save the player’s soul statistical re|»rts hir outnumber the by [»inting the way to the work hours. cots, $1 per b o x ; raspberries, $7(»l'c per at Bar Harbor. Mrs. P. T. Barnum before she sailed men. The latest estimates show a dif­ pound; peaches, 50c per b o x ; California The Dominion Secretary of the Inte­ ference o( at»ut, 000,000 in favor of the j Crawfords, $1 ; blackberries, 8c per rior, l’ ierra, lias been suspended as a re­ for Europe sent the comfortable rolling women. pound ; plums, $1 per box ; watermel­ sult of the disclosures before the Public chair used by Mr. Barnum during the A scheme lias been sin ce.«fully inaug­ ons, $4 per dozen; cantaloupes, $2(«3 last few months of his life to the Bridge­ Accounts Committee. urated by the Royal Institute of D. af per dozen; grapes, $1.50 per crate; German capital is seeking investments port Hospital for use in that institution. and Dumb iu Great Britain to train up pears, $2 per box. Bessie Bel I wood, who lived a long time in America, and a large amount of Ger­ tlie iu mates as barbers. Comment ia N ut »—California w nlnuts.ll'.iM ^'.jC ; man money is likely to come to the | with Viscount Mandeville, who married unnecessary. | hickory, 8 'j c ; Brazils, 10 (i'llc; al- \ Miss Yznao of New York, is al»ut to site United States this year. In consequence of prevalence of chol­ monds, 16( h -18c; filberts, 13(4 14c; pine him. now that he has lieconie Duke of It is proposed to utilize the steel masts era at Mecca pilgrims from that placo nuts, 17 m 18c; pecans, 17M 18c; cocoa being removed from the Philadelphia as Manchester, claiming that he owes her have to undergo a quarantine of twenty Huts, 8c; hazel, til;; peuuuts, 8c per masts for the new armored cruiser Maine, money. _________ General Anson G. Cook, Secretary of days at Eltor before proceeding through pound. they being about the size required. the United States Senate, is a strongly- the Suez canal. Sliipl« GrocerloR. The I»nd-endowment schemes which built man, about 60 years of age, and I The Central Statistical Society of St. CorrxK—Costa Rica, 21‘ ¿ c ; Rio, 23c, promised $3 for $1 are collapsing light has dark hair, mustache and eyes, lie Petersburg has published data estimat­ Mocha, 30c; Java, 251 .jc ; Arbuckle’s, and left in Ohio. Four with a large is one of the most agreeable and popular ing the population of Kussia in Dcrcni- 100-pound cases, 26'4C per pound. membership have just gone to the wall. men in Washington. I her last at 111»,OOO.OliO, tlie annual in­ tit uak —Golden C ,4 }»c ; extra C, 4Jgc ; A resolution in favor of nnrestri t'''1 Mrs. Logan lias left the General’s li­ crease being 1,000,000. giHiiiliitied, 5 '„c ; cube cnis!ii'd amt poW- reciprocity between the United State brary just as it was when lie last occu­ The Irish peasantry have liegun to d e r c l. (i'^ c; confectioners’ A, o ‘.tc |>er ar.d Canada has been adopted bv tin pied it, untouched, except hv the dnar boycott and stone tlie honses of those pound. Provincial Legislature of Prince Edward finish, and unchanged. Ills arm chali who refused to join the plan of cam­ Ill: \ n s—Small white, 3:,.,c; [link, 3'^ Island. still retains its customary position, snfi paign in Ireland. The outrages are com- (« »„c; liayos, 4 L c ; butter, 4 'oO; litnaa, hardly a paper lias ts'en moved from hi* m it'ed during the night. Revenue officers at Washington, D. C., 4 1. in e per pound. are on a still hunt for violators of the desk. I Fifteen thousand marks have been ap­ lloNxv — 18( h 23c per lHiiind. liquor revenue laws, and ex|ieet to cause Obver Wendell Holmes' library in bis propriated to induce 6ml German chil­ N u.i Liverpool, f 1(1,$16.30 " 17; stock, a sensation when they have ended their Boston home looks over the Charles dren of the weaving persuasion to quit $11 per bin in carload lots. search. rivtr, and furnishes n aupern view of thi the trade and become farmers or ser­ C aknkh Goon.-—Table fruits, $1.65, 2'.jg; peaches, $2.60; Bartlett [>ears, Most of tlie Alliance lecturers in Kan­ distant spires and towers ol Charleston vants to the feudal barons. $1 .8.1 ; pin ms,#1 371« ; straw berries,$2.23; sas have dropped the sub-treasury and Somervi'le. Just at sundown the The Royal Commission appointed to scheme, and the sub-alliances are voting prospect is ideal. investigate Westminster Abls-y with a cherries, $2.5t»«( 2.0 i ; blackberries, $1 it*»; on the proposition to take it out of the Prof. John Stuart Blackie of Scotland view of considering tlie enlargement now raspberries, $2.4»; pineapples. $ 2 .0 " 3 ; Alliance platform, and Prof. \V. S. Tyler of Amherst Col­ needed recommends two [ilnns, which apricots, ,5c. Vegetables: Corn, $ 1.36 m 1.65, according to quality; tomatoes, A girl has been born to the Chinese lege have lieen teaching Greek for more will have to 1» determined. Minister and his wife at Washington, than fifty years. And. what is more, I Miss Gladys Evelyn is to tell the Brit­ $1.:0('|3.25; sugar pens, $1.25, string and rejoicings have been kept up at the thev are still pretty lively, though close ish public from (lie rostrum how she was beans, $1.10 per dozen. IMe fruit: As­ sorted, $1.50; peaches, $1.65; plums, legation for ten days in accordance witli on 80. w onged liy William Henry llurlhert. I $125; blackberries, $1 05 per dozen. tlie Chinese custom. Captain Hnins of the steamship Etru­ The evidence the Court would not pet' ; Fish : Sardines, K5eM 1 t;6 ; lobsters, $2.30 The Indian authori'ies are landing in ria and Commodore of the Cumird fleet inlt her to give will lie produced, i (" .3.5(1; oysters, $1,5 »(«3.25 per dozen. Texas hundreds of destitute intruders has just completed his 508th trip across i Sir John Pender stated in Lindon that Salmon, standard No. 1, $1.25(1*1.60 per who wcie refused admittance into Okla­ the ttlantie. lie Is'gan his sea life in there was a decline in cable correspond­ case; No. 2, $2.55. Condensed milk: homa. These parties are being driven 1838, and ha- Wen in the service of the ence, and be attributed it to the M.-Kin- | Eagle brand, $8.10; Crown, $7; High­ Canard Company since 18 i7. otf the Cherokee Strip. lev bill, though lie admitted dcpr< »»¡on land, $6.75; Champion, $6; Monroe, The '.mperty left by the ate Sir Rich­ in trade hud something to do witli it. Collector Phelps lias been sustained $0.75 per case. in requiring a duty on the wreckage of ard Sutton, owner of the Geneeta, is ea- i The Emperor of Germany has sent a SvatP-—Eastern, in barrels, 47(«55c; the Trenton and Vandalia, which was timated at over £7,0 '0.000. The heir to number of costly presents to tlie officials liiilf-liarreli, 50(" 58c; in cases, 56("80c presented to Samoa and was sent to a the estate is a posthumous child, only of Queen Victoria’s household, foreign >er gallon; $2.23("2.50 per keg. Cali- San Francisco firm to dispose of on ju-t l»rn , and by the time he Is*comes office and (lie Guild Hall and also to the ornia, in liarrels, 40c per gallon; $2.25 of atre the fortune will lie one of the very chief officers o f the |»lire department. ; per keg. shares. D kikd F ruits — Italian prunes, lO'^d* Correspondent Cronnse of the New greatest. The Manchester canal has had the wa­ Sir William Gordon-Ciimming’s High­ ter of the M. raey admitted to the linished 12c; l’ctite and German, 10c per pound ; York World lias tn'cn indicted for —0^@11$^e per pound. Tlie total internal-revenue collections During June there was launched from A n R p l t o i n « * o f th«* IVt-lxIoriintlal D o l n i f * in Chicago for the fiscal year ending Biotch ship building yards forty-three I llfle s , W o o l s m l H o p ., o f tli** W i c k e d . June 30 were $13,004,833.21, an increaa" vessels, aggregating 00,317 tons. I)f tb it II iiiks - Dry hides, selected prime, 8'^ of over $3,510,000 over the collections of total the Clyde oontrlhated twenty-eight | <®9c; less for culls; green, selected, Rotiert Howe has lieen arrested at New steamers and ten saPing ships, nieasur- t' e previous fiscal vear. Moat of the j over 65 pounds, 4c; under 55 pounds, 3c; York and charged with a fl'I.IHHI dia­ : ing 37,200 tons. t a x c collected were from spirits. sheep [»'Its, sliort wool, 30(350c; me­ Minister Fred Douglass has a hand­ mond ro'"UTy committed last February. The Kaiser has on foot a scheme to in­ dium, 60(i* 80c; long, DrteM $1.25 ; shear­ I»rd Beresford'a alleged nephew, Wal­ troduce into Alsace )girr»ine a str ing lings, 10«t20c; tallow, good to choice, 3 some home in Anaco'ta, a pretty suburb of Washington, and he says he would ter S Beresford, has leen arrested in German element hv inducing wealthy i (BdLjc ;>er pound. much rather live there than in Hayti. New York, ebarged with swindling citi­ Germans to buy large estates offered for Woolt— Willamette Valley, 17("19c; There is every probability that he has zens near Koine, Ga. sale in those provinces ami settle them Eastern Oregon, 10rt$16h,e per pound, come home to resign his mission. George Anderson, s saloonkeeper of with German tenants. according to conditions and shrinkage, llous—Nominal; 20c per pound. Rev. Takusa llantda of Japan stated District Attorney De Lancev Nicoll of F.ast St. Isi'iis, shot and killed Dennis New York has made known his intention Kyan, another sa li«n keeper, and then in the International Congregational N ow 4 oim*4 th e 4’anln«* 4*1»re. | Conn ¡1 at Igindou that Coug’ egational- of selecting one paper which published blew out his own brains. The eccentricities of the medical pro- ¡»in in Japan, although tlie youngest Dennis John “«in, the keeper of a noh»- an account oi the Hing Sing electric exe­ An cution in violation of the State law and rioiis saloon near Mi dlelmrough, Kv., ■mild of the church, hail seventy-one I fossil >n will never be exhausted. American nir;n i 11 in Ida travels through while resisting arrest shot two |»lice- churches and 10,000 memiiers. lay the case before the grand jury. E uro;» not e d that the peasants when men. V crowd of I » men soon gathered In a ease tiefore Chief-Justice Lord The gove-nment commission, which and destro'ed the saloon. | Coleridge in Lindon brokers testified hurt by splinters, thorns or other dan- g- roll. ’ sub tancea would get their has just finished a six weeks’ investiga­ Judge Slierm in in th" Sii|ieri«ir Court j that the rules of 1 he Stock Exchange wounds Ucked bv their dogs, and that tion of the Sioux troubles ami their at • ireenfleld. Muss , sentenced C. Mason j |icmiitted the delivery of l» n Is that they were speedily healed. Acting on tril»al relations, have had the valise con­ were known to have fieen “ etopped,” taining all the evidence they secured Mo'sl V. the default n ! ( 'nuntv Treasurer, because they had lieen stolen, sml the this ol»-. rvati'-n lie carefully examined stolen, it Is presumed, by Indians, who to five years in the State prison at hard . Chief Justice dec ar d such transsetions tliu tongue o f the r.niaials. and recog­ nised the prosecco o f a healing power of were suspicious and did not nnderatand Ini«.r. , devoid of the principles of common high degree, ho convinced was he o f wiiat the commission was doing. Rev. Henry F. Sutherland of the lln- ! business honesty tlie truth o f ldi theories that he has Seventv-five employee have lieen dis- sleton M. K. Churi'li o f Er e, |*a.. was 1 The Roumanian government has or­ ope ned a cr.nhto hospital near Zurich in mis-eil from tlie New York Custom­ convicted in the Unitisi States Court dered a strong military cordon to lie Switzerland, where dogs o f various house, the salaries of eleven are reduced npon a charge of -ending ubacene matter ' placed upon the Russian frontier to stop hi .'«is cre utilized ia licking tlie wounds I tlie influx ol Ku-aian Jews, whom the and nervous centers o f the patients and seven offices are abolished, which through the inaila. have iieen for some time vacant. The The jury in the ca«e of Mason P.rad- 1 Cxar's order of expulsion has lieen driv­ under < igilaut tucuical control. Already changes made, with those to rome and fleld for killing Joe Dye at 1/'« Angeles, ing into Roit.aania. In addition to tide wonder, ul cures have been reported, and those made some time ago in the office Cal., gave a verdict of not gniltv. The decree it has been ordered that no pn^ ; If the th cork i t i e successfully realized of the Surveyor, will make an aggregite ground ol the defense was Dyels mur­ seogers will be allowed to laud at Rou­ tlie canine c c-o may become the fashion­ saving Ui the governuieut of fully (luu,- derous record and continuous threats manian ports unless their passports are able c i. zo o i th thousands o f visitors to UUU a year. I the s- i c f LuiOjU.—bun Francisco caused the partial inaanity of Bradtield. v is'd l>jr the Roumanian Consul. CluvuiUo. McGlynn Will Probably Be Reinstated. The Educational Bill in the House of Lords. }