NEWBERG GRAPHIC. 4 I» v i : i m One C olum n.......... H alf Column Profei**ional Card# i f e i 'w H V l f'.rts .Twenty Dollars T* u Dollar* . . One 1 dollar H p h (U iij { \ o t l r e « w i l l be I n N e r t e d tin* r a t e o f T e n r e n t a p e r l . i i i e . NEWBERG GBAPHIC NEW BERG GRAPHIC. M at A dverti-in # Hills Collected Monthly* PR KSB YTK RIAN r H r K C I I.—Service* every •ecoiii] and fourth l/ml s day at 11 m . and 7 ::>0 p. m . Sahbaih-srhool every Sunday at 10 a . m U kv W. a . W il m m 'N, factor. F R IE N D S C H l'R C H . ¡services » very Sun duy*.it 11 a. m.ttnd 7 n in., and Thursday ut 10 a. in -abbatti school every Sunday ui 10 a. in. Monthly m eeting hi 10 a. in. the first Saturday in lull month. Quarterly m eeting the ccoml Saturday and Sunday in February. May. A u ­ gust ami Novem ber. K V A N G E L IC A 1. C H U R C H . Regular ser­ vice first and third s'unduvs of each month at 10 a in : -eeond ami fourth Sundays at 7 p. in. Sabbath school every Sunday at 11 a. in. U M R IF T IO Ì • w b a r r lp tlo a VOL. 3. NEWBERG, YAMHILL CO.. OREGON. FRIDAY. »IL LY 3. 1891 . A rizo n a Im llanA T h r e a t e n to W h ite ro p u lH tiou . K ill the Th* M etropolitan Michael o f Servla Con- feiit«» to M ilan'« Proposed Marriage. K A TU N : One Y ear ............... 8ix Months Three Months............... NO. 31 . FOREIGN NEWS. P r ic e P a y a b le 11 30 sq In v a r «- Addraas. G r a p h ic . New berg. Ortgoa. PORTLAND MARKET. The Local Markets Are Active—Butter Is Scarce. The sum of $1,264,716,000 has been Donald G. Mitchell was one of the There is rather more business than paid to tiie survivors of the war of 1M2, class of 1841 at Yale, and takes part in jobbers have experienced for a week. tlie Mexican war and the war of the the semi-centennial observance this The wholesale grocers are doing fairly I Revolution. year. well, and the proiluce men have nothing 1 Acting Secretary Spaulding has d i­ Kaiser W illiam pitches the tunes iu to complain of. The demand for sum­ rected that the three Chinamen arrested Fatherland. There is a Socialist song in mer fruit is good. Vegetables are steady. at IV troit for entering this country in Germany called “ A Free Man Am I . " A Butter is scarce. Poultry is in fair de­ violation of law shall In* sent to San sang it in barracks. He w ill 1» The wheat market is quite neg­ T H E A R I D L A N D CONVENTION. Francisco for deportation to China. A N A C O N D A MINE NOT SOLD. soldier locked up five years. B I O G R A P H Y OF VON M0LTKE. mand. lected, and quotations are only nominal. N t M ' l K T Y X O T I f 'K W . The Chinese legation at Washington Mine. Adam, the French author and has received advices stating that quiet magazine writer, is nearly 69 years old, Produce, Fruit, Etc. Y. M. (\ A. Devotional « ervices every Sun- has been restored at Woo lion, China, hut she has the spirit and energy of a day evening. You .g men a: lastly requested W hkat — W alla Walla, $1.45; V alley, Southern California Counties Adopt a and that the Chinese government lias The Exports of Breadstuff’s From the girl. Her first l»ook was published Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy and $1.60 per cental. to attend. taken steps to prevent further outbreaks. thirty-two years ago. F l o u r —Q uote: Standard, $5.26; Walla Graduated Sohedule for As­ United States— Wheat Crop I. O.O. F. Sessions held Saturday evening Switzerland Form a Great Captain Colton, Commissioner of the Walla, $4 76(#6.00 per liarrel. Out in Keokuk, where Mark Twain in the rooms over Moore's Drugstore. Latin-American IVpartment of the O ats —Quote: 53(^c; perintendent of the Moqui Pueblo In­ piano-playing is manual labor. Judge George Hoadly, now a member off the Russians. M a yor.................................... . .Samuel H oi son California, 12c per pound. llorsethieves are again committing dian School in Ream ’s Canyon, A. T\, in The Socialists nmel Hebrew unionists of the New York bar, is attending Su­ Emperor W illiam will edit the biogra­ ....J H. Howard Records*............................ Koos—Quote: Oregon, 2 2 ,c per depredations in the eastern part of which lie states that the Indians are of New York will go into politics. Marshal............... ................... ........ j. J. W ood« preme Court in Ohio. He is happier in phy of Von Moltke. dozen; Eastern, 22'«c. threatening to kill the whites and forci­ Washington. Tieasurer .......................... ......M >ies Vetaw They are tieginning to talk about 60,- ins practice and a great deal more pros- M1>Br „ wlll ,my Kaiser William will buy Carl Schurz’ P» h il t » y — Quote: OKI Chickens, $5.00 Street commikaioaer.......... ............A <'. Cox More than 1,600 notaries public have bly take their children from the school. 000,000 bushels of wheat in Kansas. porous than when hohung the otHce of brother-in-law’s country neat. ... K. K. Hobson Surveyor ................ (85.5.); young c'uickens, $2.50@4; Ducks, been appointed since Washington be­ The Commissioner referred the telegram Chief Magistrate of Ohio. ALOCftMBN. Brooklyn gas companies are not o)»ey­ to the War Department, with a recom­ Diamoinls of the purest transparency »6.00(87.00; Geese, nominal, $10 per came a State. 1 1. M. Parker The Metropolitan Michael of Servia have been found in British Guiana. dozen; Turkeys, 17c per pound. mendation that additional reinforce­ ing the law fixing gas at »1.25 per 1,000 First Ward ) N. C. Mat is The Ashland Tidingt says that »10,000 feet. lias given his consent to the proposed Y koktahlkh — Quote: Cabbage, $1.50 ments he forwarded and the ringleaders tlle n rv \ list iu French and German goods are driving boxes of pearlies w ill Ire shipped from 8ecoud Wai l per cental; Cauliflower, $125 per in the present trouble l>e arrested and f j . M. Boy. e The Methodist Episcopal Church will marriage of ex-K in g Milan. It is said those of British make out of Russia. that thriving locality this season. i ll. Cooper ilozen; Onions, l^ c per pound; held pending the difficulty. The present hold its next quadrennial in May, 1892, that Milan sent 40,1109 francs to the tailor Third Ward. IJ R Hunt Rudini says the dreilmnd compels Frost in the upper valleys of Mason, trouble lias grown out of the fact that at Omaha. of his mistress after receiving the 1,000,- Beets, $1.50 per sack; Turnips, great armanenta on the part of members. 000 francs from the State. Jacks and Carson districts. N ew . has the Indians are opposed to having their $1.75 per sack; Potatoes, t ¡Out 70c The International Congress of Homeo­ completely laid the potato vines low. A choir of twenty natives of South per rental; New Potatoes, l l j c per children attend school. A young daughter of Joachim, the fa­ pathic Physicians is to meet in Wash­ E A S T AND SO UTH Tomatoes, $1.75 per box; Various counties in Oregon are issuing mous violinist, recently made her debut Africa has gone to London to give con­ pound; The Chilian insurgent, commissioners, ington, D. C., in 1892. Asparagus, 4(«6c per pouml; Oregon, 10 bonds for required improvements, and it is said, have letters from Minister as an opera singer at Klberfeldt, ami certs. —V IA — Since the 1st of January 153 men in yt 1 5o per pound; Lettuce, 12f*o p erdoz; these in every instance are sold at a pre­ Kgan which will insme them a hearing made such a brilliant success that she A deficit of $81,000 is shown in the positions of trust have stolen |4,000,000, was immediately engaged for the w inter public accounts of Prince Edward Island Green Peas, 3 ^ @ 4 c per pound; String mium. at the State Department. One thing the and have been caught at it. Beans, 7lac per pound; Rhubarb, 4c per season at the Leipsic opera house. for the last year. The schooner Prem ier has arrived at | commissioners want to explain is that The Transcontinental Association is pound; Artichokes, 40c per dozen ; Rad­ Pan Francisco from Pirate Cove. The the failure of Minister Egan’s offer of The Servian bov King Alexander is a President Carnot in a letter to the considering the propriety of reducing ve-sel was reported wrecked, with total mediation is not due to them, as the Ilal- sturdy lad of 14 with keen eyes and an Pope expresses his high appreciation of ishes, ltk: per dozen bunches; young freight on California raisins. liniceda partisans claim. They will ask loss of the cargo. intellectual face, hut he is as self-willed the latter’s encyclical on social questions. Onions, 10c per dozen hunches; Cucum­ bers, 50c per dozen; Carrots, $1.25 jier The Supreme Lodge of the A .O U. W. J. M. Burke has won his suit against the United States to recognise them as has decided to meet the second Tuesday and stubborn as any royal child. He Count Munster will be retired from sack. has been well educated, and speaks Ger­ the German diplomatic service at Paris, j the Bunker llill and Sullivan Mining belligerents. France and other European in F koitb — Quote: l/)s Angeles Oranges, June, 1892, at Helena, Mont. man, French and English in addition to and Count von Wedel is to be his suc­ Company of Wardner, Idaho. It involved countries are ready to follow :n the wake $2.25(82.50; Riverside, $3.00(83.25; Na­ Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland: of this country. It is said the Chilians Mrs. Samuel Mather of Cleveland, <)., his native tongue. title to property valued at several mill- cessor. vels, $4.50(,r6.60 p e rls ix ; Sicily Lemons, will ask the restoration of the arms taken has given $75,000 to the Western It serve Dr. Baugh read a congratulatory dis­ The sum collected in Germany for a $7(87.50; California, $4.50(85 per box; ARRIVE F’M | ion dollars. LEAVK(for) FROM Ki ll. 1, 1891 ! on board the Data on the grounds that University for its college for women. patch from the students of Midland Col Governor Toole of Nevada lias ap­ church to lie erected in memory of the Apples, $1.00(8|2.50 per box; Bananas, the neutrality laws were not violated, American tin on American public lege to the Evangelical Lutheran Gen­ late Kaiser William amounts to about $2.00(33.50 |ier hunch ; Pineapples. $5.99 O v e r la n d E xpress . pointed thirty delegates to the Arid Land and that the only penalty to which the Salem« Albauy, Eug­ buildings. This is likely to be the text eral Synod at Lebanon, Pa.,closing with Convention, which meets in Salt Lake vessel is subject is for a violation of port ¿58.00 per ilozen; Htrawlierries, 5‘ a(«t7c 720,000 marks. ene, Roseb'g (Jrant’s of the Treasury order at an early day. a classical quotation. When he had put City September 15 to discuss the irriga- regulations. Pas«, Med fold Ash Another Manipur Prince, Sana, has per pound; CherrieB,$1.00(81.15per box ; land,Sacramento,Og- V *9:35 a . m . ! tion question. 00 P M Census Superintendent Porter says lie the latter phrase into English, he found lieen sentenced to death for warring (jhxiselierries, 4(84tjC per pound; Cur­ j den, San Fraueiseo, The Department of State has been no­ that it ran; “ There are no Hies on us!” Workmen are employed in the V ir­ tified of the appointment by the British has not resigned and don’t intend to un­ Mojave, Los Angeles. I against the (.¿ueen and for abetting the rants, 5c |sir pound; Apricots,$1.00(81.25 One would think Stanley awed enough massacre of her ollicers. per I kix ; Raspberries, 9c per pound; I El Paso,New Orleans, I ginia and Truckee railroad shops night government of Sir George Baden Powell til the work he has undertaken is com­ l and East.................. J pleted. PeachcB, $1.00(81.25 per box; Blackber­ black men in Africa to match just one The French Chamlier of Commerce *8:00 a . M. Rosebery A way stations *1:00 i\ M. an8c; Pecans, 17C3l8c; ruler of men yielded up to the potentate 17:C0 a . m . Corvallis .V way stations f -:30 P. m . When completed it will create a lake of President Polk of the National A lli­ negotiations looking to the arbitration of will In- offered the seat in the House of 11:40 p. m . M cM innville A way sta’s fS;20 a . m . of the Pullman just $190. Cocoamits, 8c; Hazel, 8c; Peanuts, 8u three square miles, with an average the claims made by the United States ance predicts a terrible civil war unless Rev. Dr. De Costa is left in a sulfi- Commons for Kingston made vacant by per pound. D in in g C ars on O g d e n H a u te. depth of thirty-five feet. have not yet progressed to a point that the money ]>ower is speedily controlled the death of Sir John Macdonald. cientlv humiliating |s»sition by the dis­ Btaple Groceries. The Indians at Arriba, N. M., defy the would permit the appointment of arbi­ in the interest of the masses. W illiam W alter Phelps, the American I T 'I . L M A X I U F F K T 8 L K E 1 K H 8 . covery that his Boston correspondent, Corruii—Quote: Costa Rica, 21 l^e; i United States authorities, and a strong ters, and in fact the nature of the arbi­ A shipment of Canadian cattle has upon whose statements he based his cir- Minister, who has been quite ill with in­ T o u r is t S le. p in g t ’a s Rio, 23c; Moi-ha, 30c; Java, 2 5 ; Ar- i force with Hotchkiss guns will probably tration iteelf has not lieen agreed upon. failed to pass inspection on arriving in cular letter to the Bishops and standing fluenza at Berlin, is still confined to his huckle’s, 100-pound cases, 26' For accommodation o f second-class passenger* lie sent to make arrests of Indians who It mav he that Powell and Dawson will England, and great is the consternation per lied. He has undergone a painful opera­ ;ainst Phillips Brooks, is committees against attached to all trains. pound. have been doing damage and threaten- hereafter serve as representatives of the of our Canadian cousins in consequence. no other than Miss A. A. Chevaillier, a tion. British government upon the expert S ugars — Quote: GoldenC,4$f)C;extra Through ticket otth-e. 131 First street, where : ing lives. It is stated that the Delaware, La ka- woman who had a quarrel with the new The report of the Leprosy Committee 0 , 4Tj|C; dry granulated, 57>o; c u t» through t ekets to all points in the Eastern Warrants have lieen issued at San Di­ commission, which the two nations are wanna and Western will help itself to a Bishop. at I/mclon, composed of eminent physi­ states, Canada and Europe can he obtained at crushed and powdereil, ö l4> P»w pound; ego for the members of the Seamen’s bound to send to Alaska, but it is alto­ different »ate on a hr sis of 20 cents on J lowest rates from J. B. K IR K L A N D . Bill Nve is enjoying himself in a eoiin- cians, gives hope for the discovery of a Ticket Agent. Union who assaulted the captain of the gether improbable that they will he ap­ first-class freight from New York to St. try village of high’ altitude in North Car- ! cure for this hitherto supposed irremedl- confectioners’ A , 5?4c per |toun»l. All above trains arrive and dcpu;t from (.rand steamer Hounslow and cruel v lieat two pointed arbiters, as their previous duties Paul. S yiiups — Eastern, in liarrels, 47(8S5c; olina. He drives a spanking team of able disease. Central talion. Fifth and I streets. half liarrels, 50(358c; in cases, 56(380c ; others who had assljted the captain in might Vie supposed to unfit them to act Among the rumors in Philadelphia horses, and when he has the spare time The French Senate rejected the bill per gallon; $2.25(82.50 per keg; Califor­ judicially in the matter where they for­ N A I t k O W (■ A I out ex-President Marsh of the Key­ ho puls it in on the new play he is w rit­ recently passed hv the Chamber of Dep­ nia, in barrels, 40c per gallon ; $2.25 per merly acted as partisan experts. stone Bank is one that he lias been taken ing for Stuart Robs -n. In a letter to a uties rem itting 6((KH),900 francs of the keg. President Woodruff ami George Q. to sea bv friends and is now bound for 1 friend W illiam savs he can now imagine tax on land sown in wheat in the past r o r t la n d and W illa m e tte V a lle y H a llw a y Cannon of the Mormon Church in an B kans — Quote: Small Whlte3, 3?^c; California on a yacht. interview have defined the position of how Shakespeare used to feel about the spring season. CABLEG RAM S. Pink, Bayos, 44^c; Butter, Passenger depot foot of Jefferson street. the church in regard to politics, which St. Joseph, Mo., fears that it will soon time lie was giving birth to a new play. Official opinion in France generally 414c; Limas, 4J,(<(5c |ier pound. t6:30 a . M. 1 they say w ill no longer attempt to seek ♦7 JO A. M he left two miles from the river, owing tends against the prosecution of 1 > u lo s ­ Dm Kn Knurrs— Quote: Italian Prunes, General Taliaferro, who has lieen teli- Oiililtu,Imls Prevails lo a n Alarm ing E l- to the work of erosion by the water on 112:1'» P. M. tn: t0 a . M. power in that way. ing the people of Richmond some inter- *eps. hut ( onstans says the public feel- 10'j(812c; Petite ami German Prunes, ♦ 1:30 p. M tout at the College o f Guslar. 11.55 P. >l the neck of land which separates the euling reminiscences of Stonewall Jack- 91** demands that the famous engineer 10c |»er (Kiund; Raisins, $1.75(82.25 per San Diego is delighted over the fact 15:15 P. M. Oswego tfc way st ti's ; ♦ 3:10 p. M. ♦6:20 P. M. that Prof. Karnes of Pittsburg, the well- river north and smith at Belmont. P. M. son. savs that the great Southern leader placed on tnal. box; Pluminer-drind Pears, 10(3 tic ; The Jesuits are alxmt to start a news­ ♦ S: 55 p. M ♦ 7 :40 P. M. known iron manufacturer, is prospecting The ex|sirts of hreadstuffs from the never held a council of war. He was a Sailors are so scarce in England that sun-dried and factory Plums, ll(812c; [Oswego. Newberg.1 paper in Rome. United States m the lust eleven months singularly devout man, with a tendency it is doubtful whether the intended na- evaporated Peaches, 18(820c; Smyrna j Dundee, Dayton, La I ♦ 3 :20 P. M. at the former p'ace with the view of es­ *9:4) A. M ] fa vette, The British Parliament w ill be pro­ had a value of $110,000,090, or $30,000,- toward fatalism, and in the early days va| maneuvers will be held unless a suf- Figs, 20c: California Figs. 9c per pound. Sheridan, [ tablishing an iron plant there of 100 L Msita in Straw berries, $2.60; Cherries, $2(32.60; The proposition for an outfall to the appropriation of $200,000 for the Chicago Only $37.60. Ore it. Bargains it: P IA N O S . Writ* Black lierries, $2.25; Raspberries, $2.75; Several I kivs who were candidates for lightful and interesting.’ ’ During the the colony. for Latest Illustrated Catalogue- tjt~A(ldreen char­ CRIME AND CRIMINALS. In the United States Circuit Court at SMOKBD MEATS AMD LABD. The great event of the London season Los Angeles Judge Boss in the two cases ing the wheat situatio at home, and re­ tered in Baltimore to load with grain for Quote: Eastern Hams, 12${@13c; of the United Stntes against the South!«1 P °r* U»at I ranee will have to import at ports of the United Kingdom between An Kpltoin* o f the Dolili;« o f tho Kl- , will lie the marriage of the Queen's I f “: 5 “ ¿ I I S ' “' i - r e f i l l n j fI y W lc k r d . granddaughter, Princess Aribert of An- Oregon, IO.’ b A ^ ^ c ; Breakfast Bacon, ern Company, lieing suits to set aside the lowest 90,000,000 bushels of wheat. June and October. ---------- j halt, which will lie celebrated at Wind-1 12(813c; other varieties, 8(811c; Lard, grants of land, lias dismissed both hills There are 150 cases of ophthalmia The report that the Anaconda mine p«r pound. without costs. On motion of conn-el for among the students of the College of has been sold to a syndicate it The general belief iu that the soldier» sor Castle July 6. The Queen lias con- the government an appeal was allowed Goslar, Germany. The malady has taken denied by the owners of the property. w h oare charged with the lynching ol tribute»! handsomely toward the bride’, M is c e lla n e o u s . »lowry an almost epidemic form, and is causing The mine is shutdown at preterit, owing Hunt will lie acquitted to the United States Supreme Court. Hinse— Quote: Dry Holes, selected The crop of monster turtles at Magda­ much alarm. to a dispute with the railroad concern­ Mr. Spurgeon, with a number of other John Maine, aged 13, is charged with lena Bay, Lower California, has induced The British government intends to ing freight charges. the brutal murder of Annie Briimler of ministers, lias signeil a manifesto »leclar- prime, 8!^(89c, 4jc leee for culls; green, a company to experim ent with canning summon the House early in January and ing for thorough Calvinism ami accept­ selected, over 56 pounds, 4c; un»ler 56 The correspondence between Blaine the sanie age at Delano, Minn. ' j - the extract for ex|>ortation. The first ing Udii Testaments, on inpiration and pounds, 3c; Sheep Pelts, short wool. 30 stake its fate on the Irish local-govern­ and Panncefotfc regarding reciprocity c Z i S. K. Smith and W illiam Mason, who lot ha- gone to England through La I'az. ment bill. They calculate to d issolve! with Canada was partly made public Sabbath-keeping as the arord of Go»i, (850c; medium,60(380c : long,W0c(3$l.26; W roblsMl the depot saf»- at Oceanside, Cal., Thf i.m rfr f'ahlnrniiin of Ensenada re­ Parliament after carrying the bill. saying the two must stand «r fall to­ shearlings, 10(820c; Tallow, go»>d to during the Canadian ehetion* notwith­ the other night, have lieen arrested. choice, 3(#3j^c per uouml. ports also that fishing for hair seals is a gether. standing express stipulations that se­ It appears that the Czar is desirous o f ; Sixteen hours after Antono Gratinilo Wool.— Quote: W illam ette Valley, 18 growing industry at the head of the Gulf crecy should i f oh««fired. The “ holy coat,” which, it is allege»!, repaying to England the amount of the «•as tiling at Clifton, A. T., a respite for is the seamless o w t worn by our Savior, (820c: Eastern Oregon, 11 317‘zC per of California, miners buying the output The Bethlehem Iron Works promise / Russian loan of 25,000,000 florins lior- ten davs was received from H»»l»»monville. at 50 rents a gallon. will lie exhibited in August at Treves at pound, according to conditions and Manager B. T. Rogers of the Van, -Oli­ rowed by Russia during the wars against to have the Monterey’« armor all ready W illiam B. O sik. late P olle« Clerk of thè <’athe.lral <»f Ht. Peter and St. Ilelen, shrinkage. by the time the iiull and machinery are the first Napoleon. This will be an H ors — Nominal. Q uote: 20c per ver B. C .) sugar refinery has declared Toleilo, O , pleailed (fiiiltv to thè emliez- where it has t»>en since 1196. lt is aaid war tl|ion Spreekels. The cause of the agreeable windfall to the British Treas­ out of the contra tor’« hand«. The gum zleinent of $5,090 city ftirnls, and was to Imve tie«-n »lia«»ver»xl by thè Emprsse pound. for the vessel are well nnder way in the N ail » — Baee quotations; Iron, 2 86; war irdeclared to lie the action of Sprock­ ure. s» ri fenced to live years in the peniten­ Helena during her memorslile visit to Washington ordnance shop«. Steel, $2.85; Wire, $3.40 per keg. e t in sending sugar into the British Co- tiary and to pay a fine of $10,000. j Palestine in the fourth century. The illumination of lighthouses has S hot — Quote: $1.75 per sock. lumhia market at prices not onlv wav been lately a subject of investigation by The Secretary of the Kansas State Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy and The trial of Henry K. L»»ng, the first C o al O il — Qu ote; $1.90 per cam. below those at which sugar i- sold to a special committee in England, and in Board of Agriculture is reported as »-sti- Switzerland have fnrnmxl a great central »»f thoae charged with the ipurder of Os­ United States points, but actually lielow a general way it has been proven that mating the wdieat crop of Kansas this car Crandall, at It»«! Bluff, Cal., result'd European customs league. The league the cost of production, the object lieing electric light is not so well adapted to year at 58,000,990 bushels, the largest T h « j D ie w it h T h e ir B o o (a On. is to he an intim atecoinm errial alliance, to swamp the Canadian refinery and the purpose intended as certain oils and crop ever raised. The wheat crop of in a ver»li»'t of not _ guilty. It is probable tube Mitchell, Charles in which no one of the »-»»ntraiding ;»ow- an »-arlv trial of Rub«» “ The Alstons die with their boots on.” ( lose it up. Kansas last year was 28,195,009 bushels. Hoyden and Frank Hughes will follow. : ers will lie privilege»! to Firm a trade gas. That was the constant boast of the lata The hill section of I/>s Angeles sup­ treaty with any other outshle the union An indictment for criminal libel has An entire caravan laden with gold dust plied bv the Citizens' Water Company, The well-known American speeislist in unless it first obtains the ass nt of the Col Boh Alston, famous throughout Georgia as un »slitor and p»ilitician. ilis in which are located most of the city ’s to the value of some 21,000,000 rubles b ee» returned at Philadelphia against lunacy. Dr. Walter Kempler, has arrive»! other parties. Rev. J. W esley H ill o f Ogden, Utah, for fine residences, is suffering from a water belonging to the Russian government grandfather and Ids father had died that in Wales, where he will testify on w riting and publishing letters charging Emperor W illiam , while avowedly famine, the main lieing too small to has mysteriously vanished somewhere behalf of E. C Dinn-an o ( Washington, way. and one day after lie hati made Rev. Sam Small with criminal conduct supply the reservoirs. Some houses only in Eastern Sibena,and i« being searched I). C., who w ill then he plaeeti on trial proud of the Gnelph connection anil that boast he «a s shot to death. Not get water during six hours out of the for high and low by : ■ imperial author­ in connection with fund« of the Utah for having attempted the murder of his m nsiilering himself a member of that long al ter this one of his hoys committeil j University. family, has given it to lie understood twenty-four. There is much alarm in ities. wife. that he will not tolerate any disparage­ suicide in Washington, l>. (J. Today consequence, and the grass on the hills The riot among laborers near St. Louis Sir Thomas Elder of Vustralia ha« Anton Karl,an oldan»l trusted oflii-erof ment of Prussian supremacy in Hanover, amither son was jailed at Uthonia, Ga., ha« lieen burned in order to lessen the equipped another ••xrc-'lition under the was not a factional fight between Italians M N 3T CRIPE, SICKEN the geological survey, is itrnler arrest at and that the agitation among olfii-ials with a charge of murder opposite his chances for a conflagration as was at first represented. American leadership of Davi i Lie lsav to explore C0K 3TIPATE. The Tacoma Athletic Club is in a neatly nil tuatralin for a westerly tele- workmen drove the Italians from camp, Washington, ehargisl with embezzling favorable to the Gnelph movement moat name. A young Scotchman named W il­ $3.090 of government funds, lie aswrts be sternly repressed. tun Cun rss Sc« Hr»s*c»r, quandary. It wishes to incorporate, bat graph son w as killisl in a Fourth o f July brawl line from Port Augu«ta on the and confiscated their goods. Several •nd «11 troah M t r it i r « f r » a Raima»-**!«’« version of the Esmeral­ there, anil Alston is charged with tlie is told by lawyers that no organization south, which will nesrly divide the con­ Ameriransimplicatcd have been arrested, that while there are apparent irregular­ XslifftttioR or Consti patio«. ities he never took a dollar not belong­ da’s attack at the Ixihos guano islands l.*n prora ? do O a pitiiM can incorporate without having some tinent. and a rigid inquiry is being made. crime. The prominence of Alston and br FarifriLg tho BIoo4. ing to him. and the story as told by the insurgents his fam ily makes the case o f particular Tbo ran bo ni Vy «4; «*<♦ to • j t th« too*. M specific object to accomplish. This ques­ Several of the widows of persons killed on-< pill c*n ■»vor b*» U*> larz* a r.—j to ute Sir John E. Oorat in the debate in the at tqnique are somewhat disaitnilsr. Interest.—Atlanta Special. tion affects rranv |c-al organizations, itteve Daly shot and kill«>d John Mc­ »• m ach « i * « r Ad p » put c p la • o * m n c and the cnurte will probably lx- a«ked to British House of Commons on the Man­ in the wreck at Hagerstown, Ind., last Carthy at T rin ity College, Hartford, Balmareda’« report kills all the fifty A krnl f»s*f _____ >••«$#»*» •■« Rsilsn, |n. t |* iy tk * decide it. The athletic club desires to ipur massacre declare»! that Senaputty winter have been offered from $3.090 to Conn., the other night. Daly is a well- m**n who landetl from the steamer, while N t **f T r a «« la r k . Is '4 t » « r , » k « r * . U t . « U l t a A S’ S l t w m h.,lit » itles. ism » , ! Pma B««k tar 3# la lUaps. * klm, tap1 * P om is incorporate in order that its officers will was a m anof brains; that his real crimes $5,000 each by wav of a compromise, but known athlete and trainer of the T rin ity the insurgents claim to have destroye»! North Carolina Is a state without cttlea 6 6 * *. . M H A A N S I T «« a ISOM TONIC. V be responsible only to the amount of , were independence and originality, and all have refused. They will bring suit students. He claims ha was assault« I the wharf and railroad and prevented m u r r » ik, , s » > " • r - .rr , t k l.tM c l ■ e « t o r r i •• •• .- n ■ -T.TSS* their stock in signing contracts to pay that the government prefered amenable for $10,000 each against the Pennsylvania by a gang of toughs, and that he shot in all future nitrate shipment« without tha Wilmington, its largeat town, has only 19,UJ$ • V v lo > ,Iu l..T tl> «T * «IT »iv ir rood unless better offers are mad«. people. Raleigh 13,(100, Charlotte 9,000 mediocrity. money. loaa of a man. UftATm „ 4 I MEDICINE CO. IT. IODIO. MO •«If defense. TNI W M. HANTE» AsbovtUe 8,000. Southern Pacific Route. ^SHASTA LINE.!» BEATTY ORGANS < o ^ ty OiCilGifO ! ! < w / C > 111Hi¡5# |I| ! ? <0 \> Z > Z > > H < f— (- : h < u K H* Ü H < H < < < • u tt Ui Ct yj iU o CÛ 0 tß 02 6 LITTLE LIVER PILLS. ( Frost Lays Low Potato Vines in Nevada. The President Will Visit Saratoga. The Holy Coat to be Ex­ hibited in August