' ir*- * - ! i n «s> w - U m - lto u llu r H l M u r tn .,. berg, salt air agrees with him. A >ife Program of Uoview l'.xeicUei Milt Nicholson began excavating ior A very bite resting rfi“etlng of theChcha- saving station is to *>« built within two For FrietuU* Sabbath School to bo hold 1’aiker’s new brick yesterday. lem valley horticultural society was liuld j m ih- of tills place this summer. on tho evening oi June -8. Sam Irish lias the contract for ths brick u. at tjie p ulac school Douse l ist Saturday Song. I)r. J. 11. M- oro wont to the city yi - and stone work on Parker’s brick. at 2 p. ni. Tlie election of officers for tlie . . . . | Opening Kxcrciw»«. terduy. S h * -r\v * o » l lU 'u iii . C*bb age plants for , sale at mv • place „ .>« i t^uaiter, n-turio» ensuing six months resulted til the elec­ , * roi.ic» of .. lessons for lit and » Jnd Stabler A Edwards are busy with the east of tie 1 Stncakville is a tiling of the |>aHt. tion of K. C. Armstrong, I’n s. R. S. ! hmiua Moore h class. new cannery building. SAY you tiad some money. Texts for 1st Quarter, Nettie lngiis, Vice Pres. E. Rohineon.Seo. ami j Sherwood is the place where .tlie Port­ Heston A Bierman bore 1 a well for, Yellow Fir is tho bust for building land Press Brick Factory is located. Treaa. On motion Pr. Mills, William Sold at P ceer Rom an Y ard . Reece’» Class. Charley Moore, Wednesday. SAY you wanted a bicycle. Mr. Young is building his new house ,1. M Ramsey, tho (lainter, has been at Goideu Text3 for 2nd Quarter, Recce, E W. Wcesner, Nate Wiley and Turned posts, brackets, etc., at Paul Macy were appointed ns a committee | on Second street. D epot L omuek Y ard . SAY you saw thirty styles, work at La Fayette for tho past week or | 1 Vile Cox s Class, Win. Feeney and others have a for o of . The excursion netted the college Fl 10. ten daVE. ->• «-’. 'L The Id i Commandments, A elisa Moni* to arrange for tho July meeting cf tlie FAT it was at 12k VTasliington St. slate horticultural society to lie held at hands building a «lance hall on Front SC Very good foi one d ay’s work. Mrs. llocKett, of Salem, was down a Class, Two lots for sale cheap if sold in the few days ago visiting her nephews, the ''-mio Kings of Israel and Judah, this place. Committee on entertainment, I Tlie Germans ran a picnic excursion FAY it was in Portland, Oregon. 11. Cooper, N. C. Maris, ( yru* Hoskins. train out fiom Portland last Sunday, for next 30 days. Ir,quite at this office. Lucy Haworth's Class. Estep boys. the benefit of the new ebureh, that is to, FAY it was at Fred T. Merrill’s. Comm¡ties on exhibit, Cyrus Hoskins, Dr. McConnell lias moved into his new Charley Spaulding has built a wood Name the 12 trilies, and the 2, called ‘t * N. G. Kirk and Mr- lob b . George Fta- be built one mile north of here. Judah, Anna Miles’ Class. and commodious office on I irst street. SAY you bought a “dandy.” house of the regulation sine and shape, Jus. Loid has a contract to haul 100U bier gave a short but interesting talk on (live evidences in the past six months Carroll Kirk sustained a very severe tlio ¡last week. lessons, of the Lords regard for child­ st raw bony culture followed by general cords of wood foi tho iron Co. J. F. SAY you would not part with it. sprain of an arm lust 1’iiday by falling. Mr. lloyce left yesterday fur his old hood and youth, lloacock will help him. Sarah Smith's Class. remarks on tho subject. Screen doors, «■« •/ tf— / ■, at FAY you have a new lease of life. home in the east. He w ill visit his Tlie hue mins having injured tiie clior- ! Solomon Wecker and Ella Ford were Give brief review of the two Temper­ Di.m r L ohl - eu Y ard father and other relatives tl,a t he lias ance lessons this year, Anna Stabler’« rv and strawberry crop and tlie roses, the married at the residence of tlie brides S.VY you now eat, sleep and live. Only four ladies at the horticultural not seen for sixteen years. di.-play in die competition fur premiums parents last Sunday afternoon. Class. meeting last Saturday, to see tho nice The Central hotel lias changed hands FAY F. T. M. knows his business H eston A Biermann traded some Give four reasons for the captivity of was not as large as it otherwise would tlowers. wells to C. F. Moore for his ice house, Israel and Judah, O. C. Emery’s Class. have boon. C. F. Fniith showed a plate j again, U. H. Hand Is the present proprie-- b a c k wards. County’ assessor York, has been busy w hich they have moved onto their lots X.mn* books of la v and books of prophets, of strawberries of the Big B ib variety j tor. A brother of Mr. Cox eim e last week, that were Hie finest we have ever seen. ■ j p r- AIilld' Class. SAY your frieuds are writing for in this vicinity during the week, assessing and converted Into a tab li. ]iro|H*rtv. John Davis anil Joe F-slep w ent to Wliat Prophets denounced the sins of Tlie society ordered them photographed and is at work on tho brick yard. catalogues. Kugeiie Hoskins has accepted a posi­ Uncle Wm. Hobson is failing very fast Salem the fir t of the week. T hey will j Israel and Judah and foretold their to cons ineo tlie skeptical of the possibili­ tion in Poitland. ties of this count• y in berry culture. • SAY you are happy. and it is not expected that ho v. ill last, work for an undo w ho has a largo captivity, G. N. Hartley’s Class. J Name hooka of Old Testimeut, Frank Miss Joycie Hoskins and Mt.s. Hade j Mrs. Stabler preached in Friends’ building contract there. much longer. Hoskins showed some very lino roses church last Subliath morning and gave a L ater --D eath came at noon yesterday. C. 15. Ilawurth, onr undertaker, has I Morris’ l lass, and Miss Acheson other flowers. Below , hibie reading in the afternoon on syste­ made arrangements whereby lie is able j By whom, when, and where were Isra- Funeral today at -1 o ’clock. matic giving, that was very interesting. A visit to Dorrance Pro’s, mill reveals j to furnish coffin's at very low price». Sce cl and Judah taken captive.* l.li/.alietli we give tlio premium list. The Sabbath school picnic was a suc­ Largest and Boa! Collection ofClierrieR. i Miles’ Ciass. tlie fact ttiat they arc turnm, out lumber ! his ad. e'sowliere in this pajier. Song. 1st. C. E. Hoskins. Varieties, Gov. cess. Among those taking part iu the at a lively rate. Fourteen pretty girls was a sight that Teachers form into class, and are ipicst¡oil­ Wood, Kentish, Rock port, h.lson, May exercises outside of homo talent, were , Eugene IlosUins has a position in Port­ m ight have been witnessed Tuesday ed by L. Ella Hartley, Stipi. Duke. Knights Early Black and u Seedling, j Mrs. Hartley,Klwood Weesnerand Abiam land as teamster. We understand he even in g on the law n at Mrs. Stable;;’;. 2nd Pr. Mills. Varieties, Abernathy Morris, Newberg. Mr. Henry Tualatin, The Kxt'iii'diniD Slie was entertaining her Sabbath gets good wages. .Mr. and Mrs. Barber and Elva Coppick, needling and Major Francis. During all last week as tlie cloudy, John Knight can extract more fun out school class. damp wea'her continued from day to day Largest in ! Best Collection of Strawberries Pleasant Hill. Mrs. Craven, Middleton. of a rainy day excursion than any man j The ladies o f the AV. C. T. U . are ar­ many eyes were anxiously turned to tlie 1st Pr. Mills. Varieties, Senecea A good dinner was served tliat ali seem­ ranging for a literary contest on the overhanging clouds, hoping that tlie e however th o tow n of Newhcrj*. a sk in g for the vacation o ! ; ple. alley th ro u g h Mock tw o (2) in «he o riffrt^ r' for when the time c ine on Friday mottl­ yer.eccu Queen, Cumberland Triumph an W ill Macy’s school at Riverside, closes j t iwn of new heru, as p la tte d and re c o rd e d by Jesse K dw ards and w ife. this week, and then wo suppose, Now her. . Catalogues cf Pacific College are now- ing for getting ready to start for tho boat, anil Manchester. CoSUKU IVtTH A N k V My o rd e r of the com m on co u n cil. out. Students and others interested who a gentle “ siz/.ie, aozzlo” had set in, and Finest Bjieeiinenfl of Cherries. Fit in k H. H ow ard , wjll seem natural again. R ecorder for the tow n of N ew berg, get their mail at Newberg can get copies when the crowd was on the way, it had 1st C. K. Hoskins. Borkport. H ated, N ew berg, Oregon, th is '.»til day of Prof. Thomas Newlin, president of tire by calling at the bank or this office. increased to an old fashioned downpour. J u n e , 1 N) 1 . 1-juiU t 2nd Pr. Mills. Major l'raneis. college will arrive hero from Indiana, f. Students living at other points will be It was a bin] day ior youn,*-tcis, who had Finest Specimens of Strawberries. W O llM K T H A N I K l'H O H Y , . t the middle of July. supplied through tlie mail. l.u C F. Smith. Big Bob. i* c a ta rrh , an d th e re is b u t oifo preiH* ailon I t C osts N o th in g to Look a t G oods and Com pard figured on linen dusters and snowy white lucre will he services at tho Evangeli­ th a t noes cu re th a t disease, an d th a t is th e C al­ 2nd Zimri Mills. Big Bob. The Cantata given at Armory hall last dresses, but they got there just the same. P rices. I M ake no D ivision o f P ro fits, an d P a y cal church next Sunday, et 10 a. in. ifo rn ia P o sitiv e a n d N egative E le c tric L in i­ Largest and Best Collection of Roses. Saturday evening was well rendered, and Trio road down tho long Dill to tlie steam­ NO R E N T S . GOODS M A R K E D L O W F O R C A SH m ent. Sold by C. F. Moore A Co. It also cures All are cordially invited to attend. 1st Miss Joycie Hoskins. 15 varieties. n e u ra lg ia , rh e u m a tism , he ad a c h e , sp rain s, greatly enjoyed t v the audience. Tlie er land'r.g was not at all dusty,'and al­ Frank Hadley, J. I. Hadley and N. C. attendance, however, was small, owing though tho track would have been con­ 2nd Mrs. Fade Hoskins. 12 varieties. b u rn s, and all p a in . Try it and te ll your Maris acted as judges at tho strawberry, no doubt to the fact that there were so sidered by competent judges rather n e ig h b o rs w here to get it. * 'cherry ami rose fair last Saturday. many other attractions crowded into last heavy, good time was made bv several Ncwlierg Fair, ¡S.*juember 33-4-5, 1891. O N L Y O N K IN T H E V S. Yon missed a pleasant excursion if week. Out of i:r>7 cough sy ru p s m a n u fa c tu re d It* paities. In fact, “ tlie slippery paths of vou (ailei) to go w ith tho three hun­ Tlio above date is set for our next an­ th e l T. s., b u t one h as been found to be e n tire ly Cd.ning tip the hill from the boat land­ youth'’ often refered to would not com­ free from opiates am i th a t is th e C alifornia dred to Latourcll Falls last Friday. ing tlie other night, a lady stooped down pare with it at all, for “ old folks” of nual fair, which we expect to liuld, if we P o sitiv e a n d N egative E lec tric Cough Cure, don’t succeed in procuring any grounds, “staiil habits,” guiding their flocks of lit­ w hich is th e b est on e a rth for coughs, colds Rev. C. M. Hill, of Portland, will to put on her rubber, which she thought preach in tho Presbyterian church, June she had lost and behold she was vainly tle ones appeared to bo ou tlie downward we will hold it under a big fir tree if wo croup, etc, Sold by C.,£* Moore A Co. rttih at 8 p. w . All cordially invited. trying iO put a gentleman's ,ubbcr (which course all tlie same as the beardless can’t do better. After onr last fair, al­ KXC I T E M K N T Yellow’ fir lumber delivered to any part site picked up) on over both her shoo and youtli vainly attempting to guide his best most everyone was enthusiastic and H uns h ig h nt <’• F. Moore A Co’s d ru g sto re ov­ girl and avoid unnecessary contact with clamorous for stock company, fair to e r System b u ild e r, as e v erybody is u sin g it for rubber. of town at a reasonable price by j. 4* t tho ever present “ blue mud.” The charge admission and pay premiums, but c a ta rrh of th e stom ach, d y sp ep sia, c o n stip atio n M itchell a C lark . The young people w ho took part in a n d im p u re blood an d to b uild lip th e systep*. Have on hand and for sale curiously inclined might get further in­ so far we have been unable to get a suf­ T). W. Cummins is having a new well the I >it no rest medal contest on the e x ­ formation regarding the ups and downs ficient number to take stock anil put it c e rta in ly possqshgs lyoudcrful b a n 'll $hfch all 9 peak«.ow cH of it. auger made, with which lie e x a c ts to cursion were Mabel Edwards, Myrtle All Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber. of the three hundred by rel’ei ing to the fond money iu to make it go. “ Money makes _ — Q discount anything yet in use in that line. Ikivis, M attie Stratton, I.ottio Dixon, parent, who carried a young hopeful on tlie mare go,” and it takes money and THE LADIES! Tliose winliitig any-tiling in tlie building line would do well to consult them beforu Mr. Storey the new tin-smith, lias been Lihhie Morris, AVillmr Round and AVal one «mi and a weighty lunch basket on enterprise to make tlie fair go Mv new stock of placing their order*. Cun furnish Fash, ’Door», Sc. Fricea Reasonable. very busy during tho week putting the lei Edwards. The latter was awarded tho other, followed by the elderly gentle­ Almost oveivone asked to subscribe tin root on Morris, Miles A Co S, building. ih e medal man who also “ rested” the same odd save, “oil yes T'n Inl'efectcd, its a good ------ I Home farmers are complaining that tlie spells, or the philosophic young lady w ho iliing and we must not let tlie fair go Prof, and -Mrs. Hartley and Mrs. Vun- plete in all rc-spco'.^ nini t am co n stan tly D R U G S und M E D I C I N E S . nie Martin, are intending to attend tho continued rains have caused early winter on finding tin; adhesive properties of tlie down, but I can’t take stock myself, you Is C om re c eiv in g new and d e d ra b le styles iu state teachers association at A’uiptina Bay. wheat to fall. Tlie increase in tlie crop soil too much for her dainty slippeis, had better get soma one else tliat Would i l a LG a n d T rim m in g s, of oats and hay will no doubt make up took them oil anil carried them under her Vie a better hand to run a fair.” What POPULAR The date iix id for tho opening of the in c lu d e m a n y novelties n e v e r before lor all loss in wheat from falling. A lit­ arm as she good nature.lly waded down wo want is substantia! encouragement in W hich seen in t ?»f pl.ice. I feel a ssured college is Sep. Otli. Let all fi ¡ends of the th it I cuu please you. tle more sunshine would be acceptable ull the hill in her stockings, “ All aboard I” Hie way of a little hard cash and work in"!' IV Ull. college do thely best to encourage young C all and sec m e at m y room s ou C en ter Street. around. Sang out tho mate and Cap. Spencer of and it is high time arrangements were fieople to attend. MILS. S . IO. 831 I T U , President Rosenberger, in speaking for the oid steamer Salem, who had boon en­ completed. Tlie stock book lias been NEW It KitG, • - - OREGON. Have yocr house spouted now while I’. unth , O il , V auxihii , and O il C olor . A tino line of the lattei eiyle» Prof. J. J. Jessup, who has been selected gaged to pilot us doivn tlio Willamette, circulated considerable and, as yet, only ‘ •<•'3 l;r.n, but before doing so call at the as instructor in science and mathematics turned the wheel and the I’ndine steam­ 8 names of tiie desired 20 Iiavo signed to of W all P apkr . new tinshop and see the patent eave in Pacific College, said ho regretted that ed off down tlie river with iter three hun­ take stock. Come uo yo enterprising A Dressm aking Departm ent trough maker, hangers etc. May be ft»u«v? a l » a ne place, in ch arg e of tlie finances of Penn would prevent them dred passengers, winy were on pleasure agriculturists, fruit and stock raiser, from 1’ ehpume », F.iNcy and T u i i : t articles. Book* of I ntkii K st afiil S tatuir - £ ust Friday would iiavo been a good from keeping him there as one of their C o m p e te n t a m i E x p e rie n c e « ! bent in spite of wind or woathcr. all ye ends of old Yamliill and give us a Kiiv Ot all style*. S chool B ooks and Fcuooi. F liilil s . tim e to have passed a subscription paper j faculty. Just tlie kind of young men J H o d isii’.s. The rain s where th(. ,,wirio *«-l,«,U- ' 12 in. alter a pleasant trip down tlie Col­ Mondav. It lias been so cool and rainy j we shall expsot good work in tho rulluge , t||., ^ that but few iiersons have gone to the from him. He will ad-J strength to the tr ,s lh0 011,y ..vwge|» to )k! geep. A umbia and atroM Baker’s hay to Ilwaco J . 15. M O U N T Peach. A few Dot days will send scores faculty. rj(|0 0,- j^-uive niile.1« liroiiglit us to U o and front thence to this place by rail a N Lf/DKItO, ORKGON, Haa just received tlie largest and finest dinplay of of people from Portland. i Piouth of t'.i.i Willamette and the Undine distance of fifteen iniies. This summer I)ro3»makin« done at Mrs. U in b s re.«i-| VVUM uVAi\vt\ fur | | 4e uj.por Coiur lna. resort was until three years ago owned by H now b e tto r p re p a re d th a n e v e r to nupply jUr. C. l>. Frissell lias at last succeeded in getting some long needed changes detice corner fifth and Meridian St’s ., i Vancouver was reached herfore ngon. tiie Methodist denomination and used by th e p u b lic w ith goods In h is lin e , a t p ric e s th a t This w one of the oldest military |K,, a them to hold camp meetings and also usa d e fy com p etitio n . made at tlie depot, so that tlie duih four blocks south of Bank building. M rs . L amb »fc Miss W oodward . ¡n northwest and Ur.tle Sam contin* pleasure resoit. Fini e then it bus changed C O FFIN S FOR T H E SMALLEST INFANT OR With tliow* rm eiitly patento*l MAKKA TUL) OVKNS,” e\or lironght to Nowiierg. routine of business can be transacted with T H E LARGEST MAN, D on’t buy 11 u til you h av e ho ^ ii th em . Iu hunk b u ild in g ou F irst 8 treyL •"* ‘ uo» to keep his boy« htr.fiom*»! here. hands. Many lots have been sold and a greater ease and comfort. F o r $♦*> to if* IO a n d U p w a rd » ■ ■i. ■■■ i »■»*» » ■ ■>! - •-¿¿■■.■ bmjpu —». j i "— j . Notice to Tl»«» I’ai’ifc. Lonir before noon, lunch baskets were in number of neat cottages lieen erected, T h e ih tT e re n t c h u r c h e s d e s ir in g to h a v e A ccording to fu rn ish in g s , trim m in g s, etc. I hereby warn tho public to make no j,rea^ demand and the good things spread several having I n n added this year. J. G. 1ÜEKMANN. J . E. UE3TON. tlie p la c e o f h o ld in g s e r v ic e s a n d tlie tim e contracts of tiny kind with Edward L . 1 ou^ or) the lower deck were sufficient for ! The beach is very line, allowing a drive of tiie s a m e p r o p e r ly g i . c n in tlie G r a t iir Sw etroau. 1 a multitude. LatotirtdJ Fall-4 tiie object* of t .yenty njUoi ’at any lime horn Ilwaco I’KOfr EFFiON A L CA UDF. directory, w ill confer a f a v o r by h a n d i n g H E ST O N & B IE IIM A N N . J oseph S wktman . I ive point was readied At 1 :20 p. in. an«l to • d; -1 ei v ii Ic. ns a c o r r e c t copy of tlie s a m e . ! the crowd filed out to take in tlio sights, A number of other camping places ere J BUUT MOOKK, Robert Samms, who was a student in j F n t r o t i i r . e I Ì « / ju o I n d u s t r y . i Tlie tails are about a quarter of a mile scatteied along the beach, but tiiis is tlie ¿he Academy last year, is now in IVs I Lave JiMt finished burning a kiln of j (,a,* (r„m the river at the head of u tlie gorge of sufficient velocity to almost bay, where passengers take tlie steamers W. McCONNKLL, M. 1). r iiic c M M n t to (.'liriniiniH iiii llro s .,) fast Saturday. Seven of them were laid An accident ucenred up toe valley last take a fellow off his feet. A shower just for Fouth Bead. 1’HYHICIAN A 8UKGKON. on a rule occupying a space of 12*2 inches. Sunday by which Fred lends}!, a young before arriving made it wet and slip|iery It lias raine J every day since we have D K A I .I .U H IN - • ORKDON. \ p h o t o o f tid e k in d s h o w .;ig tlie r u le a* man about fifteen years of age, loses an under foot but the party took in the grand lieen here, keeping us within doors must NEW BERG, well a s t h e b e r r ie s g iv e s v e r y c o n v in c in g arm. H eard another young man were sight»anyway. An hour was spent here of tlie time, where we can sit and listen Office tw F!r*t S tree t. All m il* pro m p tl t*» d a y o r night. proof of t h e f e r ti lity o f o u r s o il. out hunting, and in som ew ay his shot when all went aboard and started ou tlie to old oi-ean’s incessant toar. There D iseases of w om en an d c h ild re n a specialty. « Mrs. Larkin, wife of J. 8. Larkin, gun was discharged accidentally, the homeward journey. Much of the time are but few families here yet. The crowds Started last Monday with her youngest charge entering one arm above the eiliow. on the way home w as taken up with songs will not commence coming until after the J ^ K . HAROLD C l ARK, daughter, on a visit to her son iu Minne­ 1 lr. <’arm. 1,1 was called, who dressed tho *“ ’d recitations, band music Ac. Tlie fourth of next month, when every steamer D E N T I S T . sota. She will probably lie gone most of wound, but later it was found necessary I»emoreat medal contest was enjoyed by will bring its hundreds. Ciams tiiis year the summer. Mrs. Jones and her son, ( to fase the arm off at tiie shoulder. His all. 1 b e boat landed at home at !• :g I. arc very plentiful and large. Call and *ee ns. We iwotnise you 4 NEW BEBG, - * OREGON And all descriptions of Farm Machinery. also returned at tho same time to their recovery was considered doubtful for a which was earlier than many expected. In Astoria we me! Joe Atkinson. Ho Gold filling a s p ec ia lty G a l o r V ita lised A ir fair deal and Guaiantue Fati-ta. lion. » given in e x tra c tin g teeth . All work home in Minnesota. They wont over the few days, but we hear he is »little Letter Tlie universal verdict was a splendid is engaged in fishing, and has grown w a rran ted . Office on C en ter utreet, opposite N E W B E R G . - - O R E G O T ^ . , trip. • much heavier than when living in New- th e Pn.u Office. ' Northern Pacific. I at this writing. Local E v en ts. on t. I FoUl on Com 'ut uro Ad vain o- ipetition. rrod Payment») o Cauli Buyers .■ o f tlio Flnoat ■o found in Ilio s.A/3r nsro MORE: P. S. Bicycles and T ype-w riters, cagh or oil $asy paym ents, or bought, sold or exchanged. Send for Catalogue, Discounts and Terms. ions* infootionery, irò AU > COME AND “C” Stock of General Merchandise + * •T. T . S M I T H ; A T T H U “O L D K I-.'T I A l l l . i : . ” M itchell & C lark E N T E R PR ISE SAW M ILL m now out a n d •W A R D , man o f Hoard. l N e w . ® T i 'T M illin e r Y Wc carry a fell lice of PATENÎ and FAMILY MEDLINES and TUBE DRUGS for Prescriptic It* ket. NEWBERG M President. .. . \ ¡co président. ............. .. .Cashier. + + F. .i. MORRIS. ARO. tic York- urination concent D i'S . Oregon. •S, i UMBER, >X. id a good supply of II and inspect ouf »sm.'ti.i Fc u rn x ir I IS IK lJILTa-- i i I a A C K S M I T H S ; IL L S . g— AND SEE PS. GARLAND G arland Stoves and Ranges nd. Sf STORE. . UNDERTAKER ■hango bought and it joot to olieok nt cis made on a 't now m a n­ ille FULL L FURNITURE > < C.arriago Work & Horso Shooing a Specialty«' S a Y y y e r