< r-TS % Local E vents. IT»'.M S. Remember the lecture next Monday F. C. Mills, who went to Puyallup, I WOMAN’S COLUMN. evening. ; Washington, two weeks ago with a ear Gertv Brandt has gone to Portland to O. K. Edwards is a rustling bicycle I lo*J of truit trees for \. K. Cooper A Co., They do say the town is growing noilh. stay a month or six weeks. sin s. F . a . s io ttr.is, l . i i t o r . agent. 1 has not returned yet but writes that the , C o m in g w i t h a N e w Mr. Ilcath moved to McMinnville last Will Seenoy is putting up a now house ".Newberg is going to have a building ov, r tber0 *‘-v il is beBt ,lot o f! week. this week. liooin this season. I,r«■ evt>r bt,cn ehippeel into J. F. Heacock and family were taking o f f i c e r s o f t h e \ v . c . t . i \ Jesse Hobson came up from Portland , _ that country. Miss Mvrtle Reece w*nt down to Port- in the sights at the state capital, last Tuesday evening. Mr. Chas Kenne, the friend of Mr. P re s id e n t .. M rs . P u l i c . H. C o x . land Wednesday. M aria L ow krm as . week. It Costs N othing to Look at Goods and Compare Rallou, who came out from Wisconsin Vice P re s id e n t Milt Uumm was down from Salem, Sat­ K vmv M ooke . Ben Cook has been in town a day or I two months ago, has purchased tho Round Secretary an d T rea su re r Jane Yotaw preached a splendid sermon Prices. I Make no D ivision o f Profits, and Pay urday and Sunday. arPKKlX TK N D K .V TS OF PEPARTF.EKT8. two this week. here last Sabbath morning. ; place east of town. We think he has Kviincrellstte \Y rk M rs . L o u - r p. Komtp. G. W. Cutts and family are expected NO R E N T S. GOODS M ARKED LOW FOR CASH There was a wedding in town last Mr. Long bought an acre tract in Lit­ | secured a fine place, and will never have S cieutitie In s tru c tio n N a n m c M artin . on tomorrow’s train. SantiRtti O bservance M vku H owkkman . Saturday night, parties unknown here. tle Homes yesterday. j occasion to regret it, and we aro pleased Munte .......................... S adis H all Tennie Minthorn si>ent Sunday with D. B. Keasonor’s little girl of Middleton, Pre-r Work At Mtv M. M orris . It rained the first of the w ek. Yon to see him loeate so near Sc wborg. Work Among For eig n e rs ■ '* ............... * her parents in Salem. got her shoulder put out of place lust F airs nitd P u h l'e '.in h e rin g * .T u . i . ie H u - k in «. ■AT T H E " 0 1 ,1 ) h k i . t a b t . k ." may have noticed it. 11. F. Lashier, who has been building \ H eredity a t t i H ealth I a ir a H e ecu Friday while playing at Reboot, at last ac­ Sash weights at Portland prices at the ........... M ika K mkry . Marcus Blair's wife arrived from Alki, an addition to his house in tlie western N e re id e s count she was doing well. ¡ te m p e ra n c e L ite ra tu re ......... E m it K ik k . Lumber Yard near depot. part of town, met with quite a painful l e n u , ranee und L abor ........... J k n m k O k o if , Washington, last week. U. 0 Johnson has a contract to put up Flow er M ission A nna V o t a r . Call at Mrs. Hoskins’ green house on accident one day last week. While stand­ J. L. Hoskins lias been on the sick list W h i te C r o s s a S A i c ta l P u r t t y L r c v S P. II a wok ti i . a house on Parrot mountain, on the land River Street, for pot plants. k in d e re u rie u . Miss M auwik I ngi . is . ing on a trestle his foot slipped, ami he during the past week. Peaee D ep artm en t M as. E u z . akth It. M ilks . Jesse Hobson sold to a Portland man. S o m e t h in g N ew —S. A W .’s Tinted fell, striking the end of the trestle on his Sunday School W ork . L. Et t. a H auti ky . O F T H E Mr. anil Mrs. Barber stopiwd in town Dave Lamb I lls the Dosition of engi­ i au d J a il Work . M iky J. Foots. side and breaking two ribs, Hu is up Prism Lead at C. F. M o o k e & Co’s. aplOtf P u rity in L iteratu re a n d Art. bom t a M ai y . Monday night, on their way to Portland. neer at Dorrance Bros, saw mill. I ' iu . i . k f . h . C ox . aud about again, but hardly able for busi­ P arlo r Work The Tibodo boys, and J. M. Tice went See that fine picket fence of J. U. L e g islation au d P e titio n A manda M. W oodward Friends’ quarterly meeting will be held ness je t. down to Portland yesterday. Smock's with self-closing gates that in this place May 9lh and 10th. Mr. Desbrougli, a former Yamhill coun­ swing lM>th wavs. See the new line of paint brushes at W h y W o W e a r »he W h ite R ib b o n . Have on band and for sale G. W. Grayson is just completing a ty man, but who for two or three years F. C. Varner is making a new fence aplOtf C. F. M o o k e & Co’s. Many people wonder why the W. C. large addition to his livery stable. past has been in Illinois, arrived here Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber. around the parsonage this week. F. A. I,ashler is teaching school in the Mrs. M. Rees and children returned Friday with his son-in-law, H. Dailey. T. U. adopted the white ribhon as its George Ingals was down the fore part badge. This is easily explained when we Westfall district north of town. from their visit to Salem last Saturday. They expect to make this vicinity their consider that white light is supposed to of the week. Those wishing anything in the building line would do well to consult them lieforo Go to C. F. Moore & Co’s., headquar­ Frank Hobson has sold his bicycle ami home, having brought their household contain all the colors of Spectrum. The George Brisner is running a saloon in placing their orders. Can furnish Sash, Doors, Ac. Prices Reasonable. ters for paints, oils, brushos, etc. aplOtf comtemplates the purchase of a finer one. goods ami some stock with them. W. C. T. U. may I to compared to white connection with the hotel, and had some The price of flour has gone up owing to Remember that Newberg is to have a Among other things they brought two light, and tho more than forty depart­ of our young men trying to k'll their the rise in the price of wheat. DRUGS and MEDICINES. first class college by another school year. very tine high gradu draft teams. ments of work it has taken up to the re- neighbors, the probability is the county Cabbage plants for sale at my place A gentleman named T ong arrived hero frangibility of its various colored constitu­ sheriff will have business in this (tart of Mr. Cummings lately from Kansas has east of the park. E. W. W kesner . rented tho Ella Hadley priqierty on River from Kansas City, Mo., last week and is ents. Every one of these departments is tlie county soon. Ben Uook and lady of the Oregon Mr. Tice will do the painting and deco­ street. so well pleased with the country that he a line of reform ; then what a (tower for Land Co., came down from Salem Tues­ rating on Dr. McConnell’s new office. has rented property anil sent for his fatni- rite education of tlie people of America Woe to the fellow who attaches a tin If Lin Parker koeps on he will soon can to the romance cf Mrs, Mount’s dog lv. A friend of his from Kansas City has and the World is the organization. Take day evening, ami staved over until tho contract for putting up the big union for instance tho Department of Heredity Wednestlay evening. have one of ttie prettiest homes in town. “ Boxer.” Mrs. Martin, north of town, died Sun­ depot in Portland ami he has the promise ami Health, which is designed to teach P aints , O il , V arnish , anti O il C olor . A fino line of the latest styles John Davis and E. O. Hobson are clear­ O. O Hudson and lady of McMinnville of a job there, llo w ill leave his family people the simple laws regarding the pro­ day morning from the effect* of la grippe. ing up their lots in the south part of town. visited with the family of A. M. Hoskins here however, of W all P aper . per care of the body, such as clothing, She w as taken to East Portland for burial C. F. Moore has moved this week, and last Sunday. Tuesday. food, ventilation, exercise, and tho effect, The Women’s Foreign Missionary Socie­ again sits beneath his own vine and fig P erfu m e s , F ancy ami T oilet articles. Books of I nterest and S tation ­ Mr. Garble is building a new house on Arviuo and Joe Estep are working for ty meets on Tuesday afternoons from not only upon tho individuals disregard­ tree. •Spaulding & Hodgkin at their logging 2 :;!0 to 4 :30 o’clock af the F. 1’. A. Studio, ing these laws, but also upon unborn his lot on Third street this week, making ery of all styles. S chool B ooks and S chool S fitlieh . Hi Foa took a raft of logs to Oregon came across the river. two Bachelors in our town who have tho for tlie pur{>ose of sewing carjiet rags, generations. Were it possible to give a City for Spaulding A Hodgkin the first of PRESCRIPTIONS CA R E F U LL Y COMPOUNDED D A Y or EIGHT. Miss Florence Brown came down from piecing quilts, tic., lo aid in missionary nsuiue of the work done in a single year cage ready for the bird. tiie week. Mrs. Barber preached in Friends’ church Salem last week, and will make her homo cause. Can you not give two hours per in the various departments, you would Sunday night. Give us a Call. P ost O ffice D rili S tork . Old Mr. Hanson is building a dwelling with ner uncle, J. H. Rees, for a time. week toward spreading the Gospel among not wonder that the Woman’s Christian There was a Christisn Endeavor Society house In tho western part of town near Teni|>eraiice Union ehoso as its badge, The live business men of Nowberg ad­ the Indians. All interested in this cause organized here Monday night, but owing the brick yard. vertise in the G raphic . Go and see are cordially invited to attend and contrib­ the little unassuming white ribbon. A C. F. Moore & Co. to bad weather there were not very mauy Habit fostered by the W. C. T. U. is to Rustic, V. rustic, or double V. rustic, them when you want to make purchases. ute material. Committee. lift a prayer for the extermination of the out. The Endeavor starts out with nine as cheap as the cheapest for first class Eminor Hall and Alf. Moore have C « '« k F o r S a le . liquor traffic every time a saloon is pass­ active members und seven associate work, at Mitchell A Clark’s. made extensive imnroveroents on their ed. Another habit, not understood by members. Mr. J. Madson has three fresh milk G. W. Young, who sold his farm to Mr. places west of town during tlie past few Mrs. Barber was taken quite sick Sun­ some, is noontide prayer, which it Is ex­ cows for sale. Cutts last week, has moved into tlie months. —*^**vr^ — pected that every woman belonging to day night, but so she could be taken Christenson house on west First street. WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF FURNITURE ALWAYS ON HAND There was a large attendance at the home Tuesday. C ard o f T h a n k s . the organization will observe every day at Heston A Bierman are making well Y. M. C. A. meeting last Sunday, to Tlie children aro to have a literary en­ AT PORTLAND PRICES. In behalf of the members of the I. O. 12 o’clock. BY augers this week. They have a contract hear Rev. Powell’s address, which was tertainment to-n'ght, admission 15 cts. O. F., I desire to thank the Newberg glee for two augers for parties in this town. very well received. S c ie n tif ic T e m p e r a n c e I n s t r u c t i o n . The base ball boys will give a literary club, also all others who contributed in Will trade good Now berg property for Dr. McConnell has let the contract for any way toward the anniversary celebra­ We are glad to know that there has entertainment Saturday night, for the a good driving horse. nvr^iiisr s t . n e w b e r g , oze ^ zeg - ohst . * building his new office building on First tion of April 25. been placed upon the statue book of the benefit of the club. G. T. B frnktt , Y a m h il l L a n d Co. State of Oregon the following law. street, to W. P. Hancock. It will lie, Chairman. O N L Y «ZO l ’K I t A C ltK . W. P. Heaeock is building picket fence when finished, the finest office-in town. Soc. 3. ‘‘It shall be the duty of the teacher to labor during school hours to and otherwise improving the appearance C. F. Butler anti Charley Maris went to A t t e n t i o n G . A . It. Repairing 72 acres 3 miles from Newberg—1 mile of his residence property near the depot. Portland Wednesday to make some ar­ Benjamin Harrison, president of the advance tho pupils in their studies, to from Hoskins’ station, on south slo|te of DEALER IN Dave Holloway is fixing up his prop­ rangements in connection with a Sons of United States will visit Portland on May create in their minds a desire for knowl­ Chelialem mountain, between U. Heater Fine Harness, Horse Furnishing erty in tho eastern part of town, and ex­ Veterans entertainment to lie given here 5. All G. A. II. men and old soldiers of edge, principle, morality, (loliteness, and J. B. David. Also 40 acres adjoining pects to quit the restaurant business soon. soon. Newberg and vicinity that intend visiting cleanliness, and tho preservation of physi­ N. E. corner of J. B. David’s place. One Goods, Phamix Axle Grease, It you desire a good location to raise Portland on that occasion are invited to cal health; and it is hereby made the half cash, balance on easy terms. Land Window stops, parting strips, O. G. A n il A v e r y ’s A d j u s ta b le A x le W a sh e r . duty of every teacher to give, and of every battens and moulded casings at Mitchell your family where there are good schools fall in with Kilpatrick Post G. A. It. at adjoining west sold for $170 |>er acre. & Clark’s at less than half Portland prices. live churches and first class society, try Armory Hall at 7 o’clock a. In., May 5, board of directors to cause to bo given, to R eed A H oiikon , R E P A T H IN G all pupils suitable instruction in physiol­ O. V. Alien and wife of La Fayette took Newberg and you will never have cause to for the morning train. 108 2nd St., Portland, Ore. NEATLY A N D PR O M PTLY DONE. ogy, and hygene, with special reference to regret it. C. L. B a l l a r d , J. D. B e l l , in the celobration last Saturday and re­ the effect of stimulants and narcotics tip- Adjutant. Post Coin. W O R S E T U A N I.E I'K O K Y , mained over Sunday with Mrs. Allen’s Henry Morris has sold his tract in the on tho human system.” I r c a ta rrh , a n d th e re Is b u t one p re p a ra tio n A Specialty. parents. Goodrich subdivision to a Mr. Madden, This law dues credit to the state, and th a t d oes cu re th a t diRease. a n d th a t in th e C al­ L e c tu re . NKWUISUU, : OKKGON. E . H . W o o tW a r J h a s to k e n p o s s e s s io n of Portland, who is a practical cabinet if properly carried out, will eventually, in ifo rn ia P o sitiv e an d N egative E le c tric L in i­ On Monday evening next, May 4th, onr of his five-acre homestead, where he will maker and carpenter, and who will make people are promised one of tlie greatest the great battle of truth against evil, bring m en t. Sold by C . F. Moore A Co. It also cures lie handy to superintend the building of Newberg his home. ne u ra lg ia , .rh eu m atism , h e ad a c h e , sp ra in s, treats of the season, ltev. L. R. Janney victory to the rising generation. The in­ b u rn s, and all pain. T ry it an d te ll your his new house. If the school hoard would place a tax M. A., returned missionary of the M. E. troduction of this law marks an irai>or- n e ig h b o rs w here to get it. * Six subordinate lodge«, two encamp­ notice in tlie G raphic , those interested church, who has spent nearly eleven tant era in tho history of the state, for by ments and one liebekah degree, participat­ would he much more likely to re.nl it years in India, will deliver his popular the application of it, there will not only O N L Y O N E IN T H E V. S. ed in the Odd Fellows celebration here titan when nailed up along with soothing lecture “ Life among tho Hindoos,” at be impressed upon the receptive minds of Out of 1357 cough sy ru p s m a n u fa c tu re d in th e U. 8., b u t one has b een found to be e n tire ly last Saturday. svrup posters. Friends’ church on that date. Mr. Jan- the young tho appalling effects ujon the free from op iates m id th a t I h th e C alifo rn ia human system of alcoholic stimulants, Hoover Kingery, of McMinnville, was P o sitiv e a n d N egative E le c tric C ough C ure, The time for holding the regular month­ ney was sent to India in 187(i under direc­ in town the first of the week and visited ly meeting of the Friends’ church lias tion of Bishop William Taylor, and his but also tho baneful influence of the nar­ w hich is the b est on enrth for coughs, colds Tim othy, Clover and Orchard Gras3 Seed. A lso a at tho academy. There must be some at­ been changed from ten o’clock to two long life among these people eminently cotic, tobacco—which by analysis is found croup, etc, Gold by C. F. Moore A Co. F u ll Line o f R eliable Garden Seeds. to contain two active principles, an acrid traction down this way. o’clock in the afternoon the first Satur­ qualifies him to speak on this subject, E X C IT E M E N T lie will bring with him a number of brass alkaloid, ami an essential oil, both of Joseph Wilson has bought the corner day in each month. idols presented him by an East India which arc prompt and powerful poisons. R un* h ig h a t C. F. Moore A C o's d ru g sto re o v ­ lot west of Hill’s barber shop, and we Jacob Gratier, who recently arrived king. The proceeds of tne lecture will Tho first named principle is Haiti to act e r System B u ild e r, as e v ery b o d y is u sin g it for In N ew U riels R a n k R iiiltlin tr, learn that a good business house will be c a ta rrh of th e stom ach, d y sp ep sia, co n stip atio n hero from Iowa, and who is a brother of directly upon tlie heart, frequently caus­ be used by the M. E. Foreign Missionary built thereon this summer. and im p u re blood and to b u ild u p th e system . Mrs. W. C. Kruger, lias bought a small ing death ; also upon the digestive organs, It c e rta in ly possesses w o n d e rfu l m e rit w hen all Ode Hatfield and Alva Mac}’, of Day- house in the western part of town anil is Society. Tickets 25 cts. anti lOcts. on causing derangement of the stomach, loss speak so w ell of it. * ton, with their wives and babies were building an addition to it, expecting to sale at J. T. Smith’s store and at tlie of appetite etc. The other property as Arlington House. here last Saturday and Sunday, also Mies make Newberg his home. Always keeps In clock shown by analysis is the oil from which A d m in istra to r* * N o tic e . Lydia Macy from the same place. nicotine, that deadly |>oison, is derived, T h e 0 build a barn to take their families into ica, by the different lodges in Yamhill instant death. Children oil getting it W H IT M O R E At S O N , NK W UERO , OREGON. move here with his family in the fall. is h e re b y g iv en th a t th e u n d e rs ig n e d county, took place in this city last Satur­ from pipe-stems have died suddenly from has N otice in order to be up with the times. been by the C ounty C ourt of Y a m h ill C oun­ Jesse Hobson shipped all his house­ day. Although the day was somewhat its effects. The concentrated testimony ty, O regon, a p p o in te d a d m in is tra to r of tlie E s­ J. 0 . DIEKMANN. ta te of Cyril* Lam b, d e ce a se d : T h e re fo re, all ] . E. HUSTON. Miss Gertie Lamb opened a subscrip­ hold goods to Portland the first of the rainy there was a good ciowd, and Armo­ of eminent physicians is that it produces persons h a v in g claim!- a g ain st said e sta te , are week. Sorry to see it, as it looks like wo tion school at the public school building ry hall was [Kicked to hear the exercises many of the diseases seated in the nerves; h e re b y notified to p re sen t th em to m e, d u ly v erified, a t m y re sid en c e at N ew berg, Y am hill might loose him and his family entirely. last Monday, with an attendance of over of the occasion. Mr. G. II. Burnett, damages the finer texture of the brain, C ounty, O regon, w ith in six m ouths from th e IIE S T O N & I U E R M A N N , da te hereof. thirty pupils. She will undertake to keep and consequently undermines tlie power People are beginning to learn that city Giand Master, delivered the principal D a te d th i s 8th d a y o f A p ril, 1891. D a v id L a m b , recorder Howard don't sit on tho bench the little ones out of mischief for a couple address, which was one of tho best of the of resistance, and thut it takes hold up­ A d m in istra to r of sa id E state, on the forming tisúes of tlie young, and F . W. F e n t o n , simply for his health and are conducting of months! kind wo have ever heard. He showed A tty. for E state. apl7t> themselves as the ordinances require. Miss Lulu Burnett, returns this week himself to be a man of thought, and one docs its injurious work by stunting the growth, ami blufiting the sensibilities. to her home at Corvallis. She hxs many j cotiltl note, running through the entire We have repeatedly warned our young Wo would respectfully announce that J. O. Blermann lias msocinted himself with J. men about letting young chaps from friends in this city who will be greatly i length of his address, a touch of that hu- The habit of smoking is tho most rapid W - P. HEACOCK, E. Heston in the Hlacksinitliing business, and that we are now bc'ter than ever enabled to do ail work in our lino with neatness and dispatch. other places carry off our young misses pleasod to welcome her back, should she ' man sympathy that makes men brothers, means of convoying this poison into the Contractor & Builder. and yet another one was captured last ever conclude to spend another winter j even outside tho precincts of tho lodge system, for in this way the lungs become with us. I room. Mrs. Galloway, of McMinnville, filled und it is absorbed the more readily B u ild in g s e re c te d In the la te st sty le s and week. a ll w ork w a rran ted . In making a running switch at the de- ,Jelivered »"address, showing the growth into the blood, l ’rominent educators After next Sabbath, M. E. services will . R esid e n c e n e a r depot. have taken pains to gather statistics re­ A m . W ork W a k r a x t e ii . H E S T O N «V B I E R M A N N . lie held in the Evangelical church until pot Saturday the train hands had quite an 0< tl,e orJer' 80,1 8ctlln8 ,ortb tbe moral NEW BERG, : : : : OREGON. specting school boys addicted to the habit and elevating influences of true OJd Fel­ the M. E. people erect a new one, which interesting experience. A brake failed to ami those who are not, and the averago they hope to be able to do some time this work and a box car was knocked into lowship. One or two short S|ieeches [ter cent runs much lower with the tobac­ F ro m T E R M IN A L o r I N T E R I ­ summer. j kindling wood, anti a brakeman pretty ami a recitation, aside from the music, co O R P O IN T S th o users, than with those free from the ended the program. The vocal music A. C. Cox has moved into Mr. n eath ’s \ badly jarred up, as a result, habit, because the benumbing influence was furnished by the I.a Fayette glee house in the eastern part of town. Mr. Jim Jomes lias the contract for build- club, and the glee club of this city, both upon the brain produces a tendency to idle­ Long now occupies Miss Hadley’s ¡ng a large barn for a farmer above Day- of which rendered some very fino music. ness. The law recently enacted forbidding NEW BERG, OREGON. house in which Mr. Cox has lived the ton. It is to be sided with rustic and will The Newberg cornet band did themselves the sale of tobacco to minors, witnesses RAILROAD {«St winter. j be finished in first class style, making a proud as usual, in furnishing instrumen­ the fact that public sentiment is being 1« the lin e to take Rev. Howard, M. E. pastor, informs us fine appearing building. Jim will Jo the tal music for the occasion. Taken ail to­ aroused to put forth efforts to cut off this that after this conference year, which ends job in a workmanlike manner, gether, the celebration was a success, fruitful source of disease to lioth body anti h It !• the DINING CAR ROUTE. It ruua in June, be expects to make Newberg his These things augur better dayB, I Senator P. P. Gates of La Fayette, ex- and was greatly enjoyed by many who Through VEHTIRULED TRAIN« home. Tally one more good man for ami [>oint to a blissful future when the j representative II. It. Laughlin of North were not O JJ Fellows. EVERY DAY iu the year to temperance and right. ---- i pure air of Heaven shall not be adultera- : Yamhill and county superintendent L. II. N o tic e . A Nebraska sheriff anti I’ortland deputy Baker and county clerk Hobbs of I led with the poisonous gaRes arising from St. Paul and Chicago arrested a Nebraska man at Dundee yes' McMinnville were here last Saturday cel- All person« are h ereby w arn ed a g a in st b u y ­ the fumes which King James the First, of (NO CHANGE Of CARR) ing a c e rta in note for fllo »JO, d u e som etim e iu England, described as “ most nearly re-1 terday. He is charged with defrauding j ebrating with the O ld Fellows, O ctober, given by me to o ne Jac k S m ith . The Componrtl o f TUninti ('nr» Vn*vrpn**Pt1, the railroad company in some way, and Eembling tho stygian smoke arising from Pullm an Drawlm j Unout Hleeprr» Mr. William Smith, of Vermillion coun­ p ro p e rty for w hich it was given was not as re p ­ the pit that is b o tto m lessw h e n rail-. will be taken back for trial. Of L a trtt E/fuipm rnt, re sen te d , a u d I positiv ely refuse to pay th e ty, Illinois, a friend of It. L. Thompson, note. F. W. H t C l a ir . :* road cars free from the pollutions th a t! It is about time to bear from the fair is here on a visit, and experts to stay shock the sensibilities of the refined, shall i committee again if we have a fair next long enough to see some of the beauty of D flp h in » I Kill« uhi* in v a lid ) keep« t «tip be places of inviting cleanliness; when fall. The last day in the evening is a . . .. i Best that can lie constructed and In w hich Oregon summer weather. He expresses ply o l» ta ’ io n ery »tvl a o tlc .i- , ich «« ¿ti.p en - , , rices easonable nquire at ill d e r,. retM loM e e l ! « ,. hanU kerehteN . c u t . . . the earnest, persistent efforts of the teach- poor time to mature plans for an indertak- accom modation* are for holder* of First or himself well plesed with the country. l«rri, pin«, npf't i r •. « lo v e , Ac., tlto i r r « n « e ers of the state to create a desire for 8eeond-cla*fl Ticket*. ing of any importance. Simon says Buy an acre tract in Deekin’s stibdivi- iirc e e n « p e c lm e n -f r «»le, » t o n e of th e cot- j “cleanliness, ami the preservation of , thumbs np. To and from all Point* in tuirr. n r« r F rier,4« twwr tlns hell. She «oticlu h e a l t h ” — according to the law on Scienti­ AMERICA, ENGLAND, Vincent Brothers, Middleton's enter ; sion, only three Blocks from the depot, J 1 th e p a tronage of N ew berg a n d v ic in ity and re fic Tem|ier»nt* Instruction,—there shall j prising saw mill men, were in town Wed- an<^ Blocks from tlie public school, quest» patron* to c*ll in th e afternoon. »nd F.t’ROPF rsn h , purchased «I any T ic k , forever be divorced from the minds of the OStee of fht» C nm p.ay, nesday, and made this office a call. 1 ^ tracts sold in thirty day*—only 8 re- »’or Kent. young the Mea, that to be manly one must F oil Information concerning rale», tim e of their ad. elsewhere in this issue, and rt> tnaining unsold. Soil on easy term« by j rain«, root«, and other detail« fornlahed on 20 a-res of good (¡rain land. Also 10- resemble a walking volcano. member them when in neeJ of anything Y a m h i l l L a u d C o . When the deleterious effects of this application to any «gent, or in their line. Mr. A. C. Churchill, of the Newberg O r-' 20 or 30 acres of land just set to trees and A. D. CHARLTON, The can! of W. p. Heacock, contractor, chart Association, was a caller last Tues- in good condition which we will let some nar,»tic have been made known by Ass’t Pass. Agt., will be found in this issue. Mr. Heacock lay. He has untiounded faith in the one plant in vegetables ami hare all they thorough Hcicntiflc instruction in the pnb- No. 121 First 8treet, Cor. Wash., Is too we’I known to need any endorse­ bright future for Newberg and vicinity, eww make off it for cultivating the trees ia t bc *rb,,'>ISi H*® number will certainly he Portland, Or. ment from us, and if you contemplate He was accompanied by a Mr. H a»kins, good minner. A good chance for yon.' lessened who will persist in the use oí i REPAIRING FINE WATCHES & CLGCKS A SPECIALTY. K. H. WOODWARD, Agent, that which is suicidal to their best inter- building this summer see him before you another Portland capitalist, who is also a Inquire Immigration Office, NEWBKKW, . . . . OREGON. Newherg, Oregon. mcmler of tlie as«o«-iation. I M » b i s A Cot roan, i H í . - I . F u . H i i T i i Y . l t ) A r n itr m ifio .i. * ■.•¡•we rour contract. COME AND “C” Stock of General Merchandise. ,T. T. SMITH, Mitchell M the past. OMMER* tliorough practical STORE. C . M ARIS, Tiano for ie iustruc 10, pal. Harness of All Kinds To Order a Speialty. Stoves! Stoves! Stoves!! HARDWARE, TINWARE, CUTLERY, ETC. S E E O S! et. 8 E K1 > S !! S E E P S ffl J * . IB . I v d lO T J ^ T T , Newberg, • (& )/' .» —w Z a C IT Y resident. ’resident. Cashier. light ami check at o on all FEED Oregon. ST O R E . Carriage Work & Horse Shoeing a Specialty. The Newherg Saw Mill, >rk. concern j To All Points East and Sontli. A > 'U L L K R o u g h and Dressed Lu m b e r ^Vncl S h in g le s . P Through M ets i ER, J now ready to cut out on short notice all kinds of Tourist Sleeping Cars, ?o n . I R . I M . DORRANCE BROS. F. H. Howard, Watch maker and Jeweior. y S. -icirxp. - BLA CK SM ITH S MORRIS. m an - -