Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, May 01, 1891, Image 1

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.4 1*% I ' l M
K I l i ft:
.Tw enty I »oliare
Ten bollare
One Dollar
One Column
H a lf Column
Professional Cards
H e a d i n g S o f t e r « w i l l be I n s e r t e d
HI V M ' K i r r u n
0«.J Y e w
Six M onth,
Three Month,.
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U n o iT io
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A dvertising Bills Collected Monthly*
Junction !
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N ,' M iM tJ V lL L E
New Sugar Refinery Started in San Cornell Students Eleot Bob Ingersoll to Owing to Failure of the Wheat Crop,
Franoisco in Opposition to the
France Will Probably Suspend
Make the Annual Address, But
Two Old Refineries.
the Tariff on Cereals.
the Faculty Vetoes It.
v ' ' s 5arr
M » » S.HOW( N(3 a n t * -'
T A it k ,
TD va , m
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IW U T »Itkt C P T M L
AN k iT rn . R v v x e . —
I fd THC H e A r t of a
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PoOyLOUt. A <2 f\l e U LT u A.A V COM
- k \ o Nt t v U ^ c r M * > L ia < jiv e ^
£ 67 $
V O T tn .lS
H 'L L C O U N T Y —
^ A- L
, T E L C 4 1 V « P rt 5» t c ,
< Tu*»'Ha PA ttU TICS CAW» Vi AVAIL»
Ooot> pLF.c* t o d tT A ^ cob Hoac
11 W C h e a p
i' L
Ln C O U N T Y
-C -O O -D -»
Of the Wes! Side Counties, and
Is to be Pushed to the Front!
One of the Largest and lid Equipped Fruit Canneries on
the Coast will he ilnili at Once!
(In Tim e for the Coming Crop, if Possible.)
W I L L P R O B A B L Y E M P L O Y 500 H A N D S .
F O L L O W .
Don’t Delay; Value of Town Lots will Double in 60 Dayt
Regarding Town Lots and Choice Fruit Lands. Address,
FRUIT LAND CO.. Whiteson. Oregon
R. B. DICKINSON. 215 Sansome street San Francisco
4 I I I Hi ll NO I KM.
o m
r \ l,
ft l GORTNER. Portland n'
l»IR K (T O I(Y .
Only $37.50. Oreit RnryAlm» in P I A N 0 6 . Write
for IxAL««t IlluBtraU»«! (tntHlogu« UTAddiPB«,
baule 1 f • Haattj, WaahlagUjn, Haw Jar»af.
( ’I t j o f N ew b erg .
PR ESH YTKR IAN CHURCH.—Services every
second and fourth Lord's day at 11 a . m . and 7:80 M ayor .......................
F. A. Morris
r. m . Habbnth-s< liool every Sunday at 10 a . m .
K it. Howard
K k v . W. A. W i l l i s o n , Pastor.
.Mont-s Yotaw
A M. H oak ins
F R IE N D S C H U R C H .-S e rv ic e s every Sun M ar« hull
1). P. hf rat ton
day »>t 11 a. m. and 7 n in., ami Thursday at 10 Street Commissioner
a. in Sabbath school every Sunday at 10 a. in.
fN . C. Maria
I H.
Monthly m eetingui 10 a. in. the flist Saturday
\ A W. Ree*
In each month. Quarterly m eeting tli" second Councilmen
; ( 'a lvlii Stanley
Hatnrdav and Sunday in February. M ay, A u ­
( J. I). Carter
gust and Novem ber.
I Geo. Urayaon
E V A N G E L IC A L C H U R C H . Regular ser
vice first and third Sundays of each month at
10 a. m ; second ami fourth Sundays at 7 i». in.
Sal liaiii school every Sunday at 11 a. in.
—V IA —
N O T IC K M .
Y . M. C. A. -D evotion al services every Sun
day evening. Young men earnestly requested
to attend.
I. O. O. F.-Sessions held Saturday evening
In the rooms over M oore’s Drug store.
Y . \V. C. T. IT. —Business m eeting the second
Saturday in every month.
Southern Pacific Route.
Traina leave and are due to arrive at Portland
O. A. R. Sessions held first and third Thurs­
day evening in each mouth.
LRAVK (for)
FROM FF B. 1. 1891
F. L. Posson & Son,
General Agts. for P. M. Ferry & Co'»
Garden Seed.
Grass, Clover and all kinds of
Trees, Bulbs, Fertilizers, etc.
Bee Keepers' Supplies.
W e want voc for a customer.
a trial order.
Give us
F. L. Posson & Son,
209 2d St., Portland, Cr.
le e e w c r e to Miller Iro e
Caui i f i . • Pr«e.
♦ voo r
♦7::«» a .
H 40 Y.
¿ ¿ q s . ', « ¿ í 7 a »
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C hi
D in in g C ara on O g d e n (to u ts .
locoOlcfiOfid _
. Malern, Albany, Kmi
, Ibiaeb'g Grant's
Pa-a. M**dfo d Ash
; land.SRorainanto.Gg- ;
den. "an Francis <».
Mojave, Lot \ngol#s.
El i'hi >.New Orlean*,
and Ea*t
Roseberg & way stations
'V ia Woodburn for
I Mr. Angel, Hilverton, !
a eat Bel '. Browi ■
l villa and ( oburg
Albany and way stations
«’orvallis A way stations
M eM inn vitlaA waysta’ s
\V. C. T. U .—Business meeting held the third
Saturday afternoon in each month.
&SUJ _______ ,
B LE E PE R *.
T o u ris t S leep in g ( n <
For aceomm« datlon o f second-class pasv-n^ars
attached to all train?.
Through tlckat off) e, l ’U First street, where
through t cketa to all poire* in the k «i, rn
-tate*. Car ada and Europe can be obtained at
lowa«r rates from
J H K IR K L A N D .
Ticket Agent.
Ali above trains arrive and depart from Grand
Central 'tation. Fifth and I atraets.
N A R R O W O A t 'O K
■ ir o n
W . * . O fV fA lO N
-r AIC D —
P o r i la n d and W i l l a m e t t e V a lle y R a ilw a y
Will V" tj C t fr r *• r*anla»»tha
|..-»r *n*l ►
t Rb»»*r« tha
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•. In-lia***’ -®».
Passenger depo* foot o f Jeff-ra*-n street.
♦« :*) a m .
»** -0 A. M
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«w ego A w iy -t t i’a
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t6 :i» p.
♦8 : 1ft p
• wego. Newberg.
) Dundee. Dayton, I ji - i
I fajette.
Sheridan, (
Nfonmouth A A irlie
•> 4-1
♦ 1:30 p.
S h e r i d a n dr w a y s ' a i .o ns
i. Hr
r h a n « l l r *4
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Do not « t i e r ''* n t
O llilU t
B fiT ,
ihyeomaia/ oa. ir .
»Daily, ex ept Sunday.
C b *-> co i«*l|,i. . >n. L i » » r
p aint and HickB
H*»adb^- '
M ,".p> I>daa and Draam BoohB
Kerriea connect with ail ‘ rains for*eLwood
and Mllwankie.
R. K . LULEK. Maiiag -
E. P P .in iE P ' , « r
a .n
P 4 P.
Brain f'o«*r.
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D r . M A R T S » M S D I C I N E C O . , fc t U u U , ■ *
Hop growers of Wa-diiu - »reselling
this season’s crop nt 15 etnts a pound.
Spokane’s land otliee is erowded daily
| with men seeking to make homestead
1 entries.
Surveyors are locating a telephone line
from KUensburgh to Selah, liurge and
Tacoma people are building a steam­
boat, which they claim will be the fast­
est on the Sound.
A celebration of the discovery of Gray’s
harbor in 1792 is proposed to he held at
Gray’s Harlsjr city on July 4.
British Columbia wants an increase in
the Chinese Itead tax. It is now $50, and
Victoria wants it made $100.
Salem is beginning to realize the im­
portance of the fact that she lias a tirst-
class stone quarry just outside her limits.
Twelve union miners at Wellington,
B. 0., are under arrest for heating a non­
union man until his life was despaired of.
The British tug lsirne has been seiz.ed
and lined $.S44 at Port Angeles for towing
vessels from that port to other American
The Times says the expenditures in
I x i h Angeles this year for street railroads,
improvements and buildings will reach
E. Iiumason.a prominent cat tle dealer
at ¡Spokane, convicted of cattle stealing,
has been sentenced to two years in the
The Attorney-General of Washington
has given an opinion that tlie census
must lie taken by counties this year as
well as in 1895.
East Oregon sheepmen are getting
ready for shearing. The wool clip wifi
bring a large amount of money to the
State this year.
Judge Wood of Port Townsend 1ms de­
cided that policemen have no right to
search a man for concealed weapons
without a warrant.
Tacoma has nearly sufficient money
subscribed to tinish the “ Western Wash­
ington Industrial Exposition” building.
Work will commence on it at once.
Paul F. Riecker of Seattle and II. E.
Parrish of Tacoma have been appointed
A bath-tub combine is the latest.
Sugar is being smuggled into Canada.
Tenement-house inspection is now go­
ing on in Boston.
The New York police have been or­
dered to “ close the dives.”
A big soldiers’ reunion will bo held at
New York July 4 next.
New Hampshire lias adopted the Aus­
tralian ballot system of voting.
A whole family has been arrested at
Topeka for mailing obscene letters.
Many horses have died at Red Bank,
N. J., of a disease similar to the grip.
Anna Dickinson has written to George
Francis Train, who sympathizes with
The steamer Olympia from Palermo
has just landed 459 ¡Sicilians at New Or­
At the close of its tirst year of high
license Baltimore pronounces the system
a success.
Mexico will send the finest specimens
of various kinds of woods to the Chicago
A New York poolsellcr 1ms been sen­
tenced to pay $1,090 fine and spend three
months in jail.
Mayor-elect Rose of Cleveland is said
to he so annoyed by ottieeseekers that lie
has tied the city.
Archbishop Ryan of Philadelphia lias
forbidden Catholics to bury relatives nr
friends on Sunday.
in nearly every instance the women
candidates for School Commissioners
were defeated this spring in Missouri.
A party of 30.) impoverished Central
Kansas settlers have left for Topolobam-
po, the Socialist colony on the west coast
of Mexico.
The Baltimore and Ohio road has se­
cured a number of new and powerful en­
gines, said to Jie the finest and swiftest
ever built.
Tennessee is growing a little restless
over the thought that her legislature ad­
journed without appropriating for the
W orld’s Fair.
Five hundred immigrants have landed
at Halifax, and are coming into the
f-* «*r*l *» >
fnirorl ¡»tares nv ran to avoid the new
a survey of the State of Washington.
immigration law.
McCloud trout that were put in the
Delaware’s new tramp lalsir hill pro­
Truckee river years ago have increased vides that all tramps in Delaware may
and distributed themselves in the river be set to work for sixty days breaking
from Truckee to Pyramid and .Mud Lakes. stones ami mending roads.
The new sugar refinery company started
There is a bill still pending in the Leg-
to oppose the two Sail Francisco lclin- I islatlire at Springfield providing for ap-
eries has filed articles of incorporation propriation of $599,900 for the Illinois
at San Francisco. It is called the Eldo­ exhibit nt the World’s Fair.
rado Sugar Refinery Company.
Treasury locks are to he placed on Ca­
The ordinance passed by the Tacoma nadian goods in transit through the
City Council on April 11, compelling the United States, and the use of Consular
powder storage and the Standard oil seals is to be done away with.
works to locale outside of the city limits,
President Harrison has appointed Hall
has been reconsidered and killed.
(i. Parker (colored) of Missouri to lie an
It is generally understood that most of alternate Commissioner at large to the
the Eastern sheep buyers in Oregon this World’s Columbian F:xposition.
year will be compelled to return home
The new Constitution of Kentucky,
with their contracts only partially filled.
fram d by the convention which has just
The fact is the sheep are not for sale.
adjourned, forbids members of the legis­
The wagon road to tiie Seven Devils lature from acrepting railroad passes.
mines from Baker City is now an assured
A hill was reported in the Massachu­
fact. Union county lias appropriated
setts Senate one day Inst week authoris­
$1,500 for this purpose, and an equal
amount, or larger if necessary, w ill be ing the city of Boston to Imrrow $3,600,-
090 outside of debt limit as a park loan.
furnished by Baker City.
The officers of the Alton road profess
At a recent meeting of the California
lioard of Health at Sacramento a resolu­ to lie cheerful in (he face of the trunk-
tion was adopted declaring that heart line boycott, but add that it may not lie
failure, fever, dropsy, childbirth, etc., long liefore they will have to slash rates.
Petitions have been filed at Ottawa to
shall not hereafter he recognised as s.itis-
factorv causes of death when returned in unseat Sir Adolphe Caron, Minister of
the physicians’ certificates. It was the Militia, and Sir Hector Lungevin, Minis­
expression of the board that these terms ter of Public Works, for corrupt prac­
meant no more than that death occurred tices.
for want of breath.
The captains of the various fire-engine
Tlie Oregon agricultural authorities, houses in Cincinnati have received strict
orders to put a stop to the custom fol­
believing that acquaintance w ith the iq
pearance of our native animals on the lowed by policemen of sleeping in en­
part of students is advantageous, desire gine houses.
that there should lie represented in the
A sensational article in a New York
college’s zoological museum typieal spec­ paper says Mrs. Leslie Carter and David
imens of Oregon birds, mammals and Belasco have gone to Europe together.
reptiles, (¿uite an interesting museum It is claimed by others the trip is only a
has already lieen established at the col- business one.
| lege, which is being added to daily.
The Committee on Territories will
President Fulda rei»irted at a meeting probably not visit Alaska, as authorized
of the Directors of the California Ath- to do by Congress. The question of the
I letic Club at San Francisco the other proper government to give Alaska lias
I night that he had visited Peter Jackson’s not yet been decided.
quarters and found 1’eter feeling well
The United States District (!onrt nt
! anil able to walk alsmt w ithout eriltehes
I or even a cane. Jackson assured Presi­ Omaha has decided that the South * hnalia
dent Fulda that he would lie all right for : Live Sbs’k Exchange lias the right to
his match with Corbett in doe time. He 1 prohibit parties not memliere of tlm ex-
is now sutlering no pain from his recent­ i ' hange from selling stork at tiie yard.
The life-saving service along the New
ly injured leg, and ail inflammation lias
| Jersey coast has been crippled by the ill­
I Oregon agricultural experiment station ness of many of tiie men on duty. The
! has issued its April bulletin, which will ' report along tin*entire shore front from
lie of more than usual interest to fruit | Ca|s* Mav to Sandv Hook shows that the
i growers and farmers, as it contains an ! grip and rheumatism are general.
; account of practical work at the station
Tiie great horse Tennv is considered
in ex|ierimenting on the codling moth | out of all danger of a breakdown, an t
with paris green and with a combined j his lameness is fast disappearing. There
fungicide and insecticide; also an article j is now little doubt that lie will lie in
j on the hop louse, giving a history of the | raring condition this summer, and there
animal, remedies for it, etc. This bulle- is hope that he will Vie able to start in
f tin will be sent free to ail residents of the suhurlain.
l the State applying for it, and it is worthy
The first official act of the new Mayor
of perusal by all who raise fruit or hops. o' Philadelphia, Mr. Stuart, was to give
A meeting of representatives from policemen ten days in which to withdraw
twenty irrigation districts of California from all campaign and political commit­
was held one day lost week to take action tees of which they may lie riiornb *r».
toward promoting th*- sale of irrigation Hereafter they are to k e e p out of |iolities
bonds. Isador Jacob» presided, ami said on pain of instant dismissal.
the Han FrancisroChamber of Commerce
The impeachment trial of Judge The­
would assist as far as possible in aid of
the cause of irrigation. He «xmsidered odore Botkin of the Thlrtv-aecond Judi­
the bonds issued under the Wright irriga­ cial Ifisfrict of Kansas has Is-gon by the
tion law a go>sl investment for capitalists, Kan as State Renata, The charges ate
they having been passed ii|«>n by the Su­ drunkenness, oppressive anil malicious
preme Court. Judge Hazen then read a abuse if judicial authority, willful and
paper holding the name of these lamds malicious partiality,corruption and mis­
should is* marie as well known as those conduct.
Tiie Mormons of Utah under the lead­
of other gilt-edge securities. Two hun­
dred thousand dollars' worth had been ership of John W, Young did not pur­
bought by San Francisco linkers, an I chase the 2,500,9)0 acres of land in the
some of them had been sold abroad. It State of I'hihuahtia, Mexico. Young’s
was decided to persuade the San Fran­ followers ha<l an option on the land for
cisco I rankers to indorse the irrigation three months, hut at the expiration of
bonds, so that a market for them might that time failed to com« forward with
i »efficient fund«.
* be found in the East.
I n v a jr l-
I « i r aai, U u r m c , N .w bery, U npaa.
The British Tug- Lorne Trunk Lines Boycott the Phylloxera Devastating
Seized and Fined.
Chicago and Alton.
Hungarian Vines.
s o ...
N O . 22.
• . « . r r l p t t . n P r i e « P a y a b le
a b ly la A d v a a e a .
th e r a te o f Tern c e n ts p e r L lu a .
IIA lE h
The strike at Fiasen, Germany, affects
fifteen collieries, employing 2,900 men.
I.adv Florence Dixev publishes a letter
appealing for justice lor Mrs. May brick.
l ’ettv thieves have been lately operat­
ing w ith much success at tiie hotels of
The French government will consent
to the burial of Prince Napoleon’s body
at Ajaccio.
Welsh tinplaters are obliged to shut
down for a month on account of the Mc­
Kinley bill.
All idea of the transatlantic steamers
landing at Milford haven appears to have
been abandoned.
An unusually large number of the po­
tentates of Europe are on the sick list at
the present time.
lineen Victoria lias presented a richly
caparisoned Indian elephant to the Em­
peror of Morocco.
Ireland is only visited now by people
who are anxious for a fight or have im-
portant business to transact.
'Plie much-talked-of Siberian railway
will soon he begun, the condemnation of
land for the first section having taken
A petition against the employment of
young girls ns barmaids has been pre­
sented the King of Sweden. The petition
has tü,009 signatures.
The Portuguese in Africa have fired
upon the British steamer Agnes, convey­
ing the Willoughby expedition, and
seized the cargo of boats.
Crop reports from Hungary say that
phyl'oxera is devastating the vineyards
there. The price of Hungarian wine has
risen one-third w ithin a year.
Revolutionary documents have lieen
discovered baked in rolls sold by a St.
Petersburg baker, whose customers are
revolutionary. Tiie baker lias been ar­
rested .
The first installation of electric trac­
tion in France is soon to take place at
Marseilles, where a street railway com­
pany is about to introduce tiie overhead
The census returns just completed
show the ismulutiyn of the •udisji em­
pire to lie 285,990,990, all increase of fully
30,000,000 since the last census taken in
The poye has ordered 100 churches in
Rome to lie closed, they being unable to
support themselves on account of the se­
questration of their goods by the govern­
The markets are quiet. Groceries and
smoked meats have a tendency to ad­
vance. Ground barley has advanced.
Eggs are still weak and lower. Navel
oranges are scarce, probably on account
of the shortage of crops in Southern Cal­
ifornia and fruitmen there not allowing
them to leave the warehouses. All kinds
of oranges have advanced. California
lemons have also gone up. Chickens are
still plentiful. Canned corn and stock
salt have risen. Dried Italian prunes
liiUKi fallen. California walnuts have
advanced. There are no changes in the
other markets.
W iikat —T here is very little doing in
the l s al markets. Offerings are small
and prices asked considerably above an
export basis, causing buyers to hold off.
Cargoes are again cabled firmer and
alwut tkl higher, but the continental de­
mand is cheeked. The Liverpool spot
market rules steady and futures irregu­
lar at the close. Eastern uinrketa are
F loor —Q uote: Standard, $4.75; Walla
Walla, $4.80 per liarrel.
O ats — Quote: 9 2 1 a"i»15c per bushel.
H a v— Quote: $19«417 per ton.
M ill 'T ovcs — Quote: Bran, $19(920;
Shorts, $22(<(23; Ground Barley, $31.50(9
32,60; Chop Feed, $25 per ton ; Barley,
$1.25(91.80 percental.
B ut is a—Quote: Oregon fancy croatn-
erv, 30a; fancy dairy, 25c; fair to good,
20(c22'jC ; common, 17‘»c ; California,
22(n 24c per pound.
C iikksk — Quota: Oregon, 14i915c; Cal­
ifornia, 14(915c per pound.
Ecus— Quote: Oregon, 17c per dozen.
P oultry — Quote: Chickens. $5; small
Broilers, $4.00(94 .59; large Broilers, $5.90
'5.50; ¡lacks, *10(912; Geese, nominal,
$12 p t do«>n; Turkeys, 17c per pound.
V k u k t a h l h k — Quote : Cabbage, $1.50(9
1.75 percental; Cauliflower, $1 25(91-50
per dozen ; Celery, 90c per dozen ; On­
ions, 4'..c per pound; Carrots, $1.00 per
licit; Beets, $1.50 |>er sack ; Turnips,$1.75
per sack; Potatoes, 05(<t75e per cental;
tomatoes, $2.00(<l2.o0 per liox ; Aspara­
gus, 5(itoc per pound; Parsnips, $1.00
per sack; Lettuce, 20(i(25c per dozi-n;
Squash, 2Q(i'234c per pound; Green
Peas, 8c per pound; String Beans, 15c
per pound; Rhubarb, $2.00«r 2.25 per b o x ;
Cucumliera, $1.25 per dozen; Artichokes,
59c per dozen; Parsley, 26c per dozen;
Radishes, 25c per dozen bundles; young
Onions, 3i’e p r dozen hunches.
F n u m —Quote: Los Angeles Oranges,
$2.25(92.59; Riverside, $3.00(93.25; Na­
vels, i5.50 per I m x ; Hieily Lemons, $0.50
@7.00; California, $4.50(96.00 per I hjx ;
Apples, $ per I h > x ; Bananas,
$3.00(94.00 per bunch; Pineapples. $5.00
(9H.IRI |>er dozen; ¡Strawberries, 60c |>er
N lts — Q uote: California Walnuts, 11 ' a
(9(2Q c; Hickory, 8'.o:; Brazils, 12c;
Almonds, 10(918c; Filberta, 13(914c;
Pine Nuts, 17(918c; Pecans, 17(9l8c;
Cocoanuts, 8c; Hazel, He; Peanuts, 8c
per pound.
H ops — Quote: 28c per pound ; nomi­
nal prices.
W ool — Quote: Willamette Valley, 18
(920c; Eastern Oregon,. 1 2'§ 17c per
H ulks —Quote : Dry Hides noi cote J
Prl ime, . S ' . a 99c, l¿c less lor culls ; green.
selected, over 55 pounds, 4c; under'66
pounds, 8c; Sheep I’elts, short wiol. Kl
950c; medium,90(989c ; long,90c(9$l.26 ;
shearlings, 10(92Jc; Tillow, good to
choice, 3.98
per pound.
N a d s — Base quotations: Iron, $8.00;
Steel, $8.10; Wire, $3.75 per keg.
T h e M erelin nrilae M a rk et.
Referring to the New Orleans lynching,
the London paper s print statistics show­
C o a l O il — Quote: $1.95 per case.
ing that the Italian murder returns ex­
R h ' k — Quote: $0.00(90.75 per cental.
ceed those of every other nation on the
Hosuv—Q o t e : lfl(9i8’-.
S alt — Quote: Liverpool, $16, $10.50,
A consignment of 183,900 francs in $17; stock, $11 per ton in carload lots.
gold from the Bank of Genoa to a Venice
C o r r e i—Quote : Costa Rica, 22o;
firm lias been stolen in transit. The po­ Rio, 23c; Mocha, 30c; Java, 26*^0; Ar­
lice are as yet without a elew to the bor k le's, roasted, 2034 .’ per pound.
guilty parties.
B zaws — Quote: Small Whites, SVc»
The Chilian men-ol-war Imperial, Pink, So, Bayos, 43. c ; Butter, 4 !{c ;
4*^0 per pound.
Lynch and Condell are starting for the
Sun a as — Quote: Golden C,6'^e ; extra
north under orders to attack tiie squad­
ron commanded by the officers who re­ 0 , 6 ^ 0 ; dry granulated. O^gc; cube
crushed and ixiwdered, OQc |>er pound.
volted against the government.
D iukd F r u it s — The market is firm.
The Berlin /’««) says that assurances Quote: Italian Prunes, 10'4(9i2c; Pe­
have been given in the most authorita­ ti).• and German Prunes, 10c per pound;
tive quarters that peace is less endan­ Raisins, $2,25 per box : Plummer-dried
gered than ever, and that the relations Pears, HI'S lie ; sun-dried and factory
of Germany and Russia are friendly.
Plums, 11 (912c: evaporatisi Peaches, 18(9
Denunciations sent to tiie German 20c; Smyrna Figs, 2()c; California Figs,
government, protesting against tiie ring 9c per pound.
C a n n so Goons — Market steady. Quote:
in wheat and rye forcing prices to a ficti­
tious height, have caused the govern­ I'alile fruits. $2.25, 2Qg; Peaches, $2.50;
ment to (qs'ii an official inquiry into tiie Bartlett Pears, $2.25; Plums, $1.-5.
Strawlierries, $2.50; Cherries, $2(92.50 ;
Blackberries, $2.25; Raspiierrics, $2.75;
A serious riot has just occurred at Pineapples, $2.75; Apricots, $2 40. Pi«
Ceida, Sicily, growing out of the op|M>si- fruit: Assorted,$1.5<)pcrdoien ; Peaches,
tion to the poll tax. Two thousand peas­ $1.05; Plums, $1.25; Blackberries, $1.05
ants took part, and released a comrade per dozen.
Vegetables: Corn, $1.35
from prison. Troops have been dis­ .91.05, according to quality; Tomatoes,
patched to tiie scene.
$1.15(93.50; Sugar Peas, $1.10(91.60;
The reported successes of the insur­ String Beans, $1.10 per dozen. Fish: Sal­
gents in Chili come in such shape that it mon "$1.25(91.50; sardines, 85c(9$1.50;
requires considerable credulity to believe lobsters, $2(93; oysters, $1.50(93.25 per
Condensed milk : Eagle brand,
them. One thing seems to la- assured, dozen
and that is there is much suffering for
H.25; Crown, $7; Highland, $0.75;
tiie want of provisions.
Champion, $0 per case.
S hot —Quote: $1.75 per sack.
The British government lias decided to
strengthen tin- existing fortifications of
the Thames and to erect a new heavy
battery at Sheerncss, and all the river
forts are to Is- supplied with new guns of
late and approved patterns.
Hignor Imhriani lias given notice in
the Italian House of Deputies that he
intends to question Premier di Rudini in
regard to the refusal of Inspector Byrnes
of New York city to accept the decora­
tion Bent to him by King Humbert.
A lively encounter lias just taken place
between the gendarmes and brigands in
the province of Foggia. alsait UK) miles
from Naples. Tiie liandits were dispersed
after one had been killed and a number
wounded. Tiie leader of the outlaws I
was captured.
Every telegraph tsile in tiie remote
country districts of Norway lias to lie
continually watched on account of the
ls-ars, which have a mania for climbing
the |siica and sitting on the ernes I m - h ii i s ,
swaying liackward and forward until the
pole finally falls.
M arket.
B eef — L ire, 4<;;
7@ 9r.
Mutton— Live, 41.»fà!5c; » 1 reused. 10r.
Hoff*— Live, r>»4'i.»5'*c;
Veal —
pvr ;>oun<l.
Lantern llamn, 12*4^!8e,
>n*gnn, 10 ’ 3 'il2 l9c; ttrea< aH .»con,
; lot :i?; other v*r etiee, 8 @ llc Lurl,
*t @ U V per pousa.
Th*» P l e u n m
o f G ardening.
“ Yea,” said the suburban amateur gardener,
“ I take a groat deal of pleasure iu iny agri­
cultural labor». O f course, there are a good
many things in a garden that are not alto­
gether pleasant— here, Towner, come out of
that flower bed I That’» one of them. A i I
w u Maying, there are a good many thing*—
confound it, if there ain’t old Briggs’ hen*
digging up my peas again.” —New York Preea.
P h o n e t i c * p e l t i n g o f a La s y Man .
Essence of being, N T T ; prior to, B4; kind­
The Asian and Australian mail steam­
ship line, which is owned by the North ly, B9; Queen Elizabeth’« favorite, S X ; four
German Lloyd and has received an an­ »core, A T ; shabbily dressed, CD; a foe, NM B;
nual subsidy of 4.6n0,900 marks from tiie proc*w of rot, D K ; void o f cxmtentn, M T;
government, In-* nearly 2.9n0,0iK) marks funeral poetry, L K G ; an Oriental official,
on its last year’s business, or 4 ^ per K I> . a girl’a name, L N ; vigor in action,
N R O ; a student*» composition, S X ; valuabla
cent, on its immense capital.
Acco ding to a leading Marseilles pa-
|ier the French government in view of
the prospective fail.ire of the harvest of
wheat and the dearness of bread will
pro|s>se in ttie Chamliers a tcnqsirary
suspension of the tariff on cereals. That
tin- report is true is ¡mpmlatbic, lint it is
notable as an indication of difficulties
that are awaiting the government during
tariff delwtee in the face of diminution
of crops.
quality, X L N C ; extreme happinca^ X T C .—
New York Herald.
At a Hoarding Honae.
Scientific Boarder—There aré no ferrea of
t*Mte in the roof o f the mouth. Tf we wish
to get the full tante o f—ot bread and sirup,
for instance, we rmret put it in the mouth
with the aweet aide down.
Practical Boar» 1er—Ah i I suppoae that ft
why we all eat thin bread and butter with tha
buttered side np.—New York Weekly.