FKOTKCT Y O l’ R IIK V L T I1 . Cold and moisture com bin ed have a torporiz- In* effect apon the bodily organ», and the dl- gertive and secretive pro* eases are apt to oe more 'a ra iiy performed in winter than in the fall. The same is true also of the excretory functions. The bowels are often sluggish, and the ports of the skin throw off but little waste matter at this season The system, therefore requires opening up a little, and also purifying and regulating, and the safest, surest and most thorough tonic and alterative that can be used for these purposes is Hostetter’sStomach Hitters. Person» who wisa to escape the rheum atic twinge«, the dyspeptic agonies, the painful dis­ tu rb a n ces 0 1 the bowels, the bilious attacks, and the ueivous visitations so com m on at this time o f the year, will do well to reinforce their fys- teraa with this renowned veg table stom achic and Invigorant. It improves the appetite, strengthen- the stom ach, cheers the spirits, and renovates the whole physique. THE EARLIEST AMERICAN COINAGE- W A S H I N G T O N The V am ou i flog; Money Succeeds W a m ­ pum. N aak et Hulls amt Tobacco. CLA IM AGENTS. T he San F ru u -lw n “ K ia iu ln e r " E .ta li- I I .h e . a Claim Agi-ncr In tVa.hliiK tnn, SUICIDAL FRATERNITY. Expert P s r l s U . S w lm m .rt M ake a Liv­ ing by lt'% ,.u ing Each oth er. A new method of raising the wind was recently resorted to in Paris by a couple o f precious scamps, which should have succeeded if ingenuity o f this kind were entitled to any reward. The sharpest Jeremy Diddler would not be ashamed o f the trick hit upon by these Parisian gamins. At 10 o ’clock in tlie morning the passers along the yuai du Marche aux Fleurs noticed a young mail with a very melancholy and sui­ cidal look standing near one o f the bridges alone. Suddenly lie east his eyes upward, os if to take a last view of the skies, mat­ tered apparently as if in prayer for a moment, and then plunged headlong into tlie river. While all stopped para­ lyzed at this attempt a young man came up und with great simplicity asked what was the matter. The indi­ vidual who was floundering iu the tur­ bid current o f the Heine and who had just risen to tho surface was pointed out to him, when, at once stripping off his blouse and ejaculating that lie would save tlie unfortunate or perish in the attempt, he plunged in after him. The bystanders watched with breath­ less anxiety as the heroic youth dived, came up to the surface and again went under in his endeavors to save the wretch who had attempted hi* own de­ struction, and finally, when hope was nearly lost, tlie crowd was rejoiced to see the suicide brought ashore with life still in him. Close by was a house or station where half drowned persons are restored and where those who rescue them receive tlie tiiunieifuil reward of twenty-five francs. Thither tlie rescued and tlie rescuer were home by the crowd which had assembled, the latter overwhelmed with the admiration and praise Ills gal­ lantry called forth on all sides; but unfortunately, just its the reward was about to be given him, and while a subscription for an additional sum was being raised, a policeman stepped up who know them both. They were brothers, were two of the best swim­ mer* in Paris and made it a business to go about saving each other’s lives for a living.— London Tit-Bits. THE 1 h H IS T O O K N K T IC SYSTEM DlSCOVEKl ! VALUABLE th * * G r a n d e s t F V o d u c t o f t h e N in e ­ teen th C e n t u r y — 'I h e I t e M u lt M F rom T I i J m 3 y s t e i n o f T r e a t m e n t A r e A u i o l « £ th e M a r v e ls o f t h e A i;e . BU n FOK THE i». Dr. La fira sg e wishes to make known his hew TreatnmiU for tne cure o f all disease» o f tne Eye —Cataract, Defective Vision, In/lamination. etc , without Operation or Pain The remedy < an Se applied by the patient, and is sim ple, safe and sure in its tffe« U, strenrthenlug the muscle» and nerves o f the eye, rem oving pain almost in ­ stantaneously. It is a marvelous discovery and a blessing to the sutf'erer. For further particulars address with stamped envelope K. J. L a G range , M. D , 2i5 Powell 6L, fourth door from G etty, »an Francisco, Cal. o ffice hours— 11 till ___________ The earliest coinage for America wa» All parties who have claims against W hatcom , VI atih., March 10, 1891. L t l a c o b l that made in 1612 for the Virginia com ­ I the government will hail the establish­ Dr J Eugene Jordan, Seattle . Wash .— D e a r D o c t o r : I iia v e Been a n d h o p e I pany at the Somers island*, uow called ment of the "E xa m in er’s ” Claim w ill b e ih e m e a n s o f c o n v i n c i n g m a n v p e o ­ Bermuda*. The coin « ’a* o f brass, j \gency with delight.— (Editorial from p le o f th e s u p e r io r it y o f y o u r w o n d e r fu l j 8. F. Examiner, March 15, 1*91. with the legend, “ Homers Island,” and s y s te m , a n d t h r o u g h m y in flu e n c e th e y The San Francisco Examiner is fre­ h a v e b e e n p e r e u a d t d t o c o m e to y o u a n d a “ hogge on one side, in memory of quently in receipt of complaints from its m a k e u s e o f y o u r m e d ic in e s , th e e ffica cy the abundance o f hogges which were subscribers in all jnrts of the Coast o f whi< h I huive 'e s t i f l e d to in th e p a *t, C O N S U M P T IO N H t'K K L Y C U R E D . found on their first landing." This States and Territories that legitimate a n d 1 t h in k it w o u ld b e w e ll t o p u b lis h m y I claims against the government for In­ t e s t im o n y a g a in , f o r th e r e a re s o m a n y j T o t h e E d it o b : Please inform your readers was the famous “ hog money.” p e o p le c o m i n g h e r e w h o a re d is e a s e i, a n d | that I have a positive remedy for the above- The earliest colonial coinage was ia dian depredationi and land, fioelnl and y o u r n e d ic in e s a re s o m u c h n e e d e d , th a t I named disease. By its tim ely use thousands of peneion claim» intrusted to the care of CUKES Massachusetts in 1652, a “ mint howse" various attorneys and claim agents have fe e l it m y d u t y to d o a il I c a n iu th e w a y hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two nottle» o f ray remedy o f a d v e r t is in g it. being established at Boston, and the not been properly prosecuted, or, if so, tree to any o f your readers who have consum p­ I f y o u r e m e m b e r m y ca s e , I w as t r o u b le d tion if they w ill send me their express and post- A facetious reporter refers to the National “ quoines” being a »lulling, sixpence that the charges of the agents or attor­ f o r m a n y y e a rs w it h n e u r a lg ia in its s e ­ office address. Respectfully, C ouncil of Women as a gala occasion. neys for fees or alleged expenses have and threepenny pieces. Before this v e r e s t fo r m , s u ffe r in g u n to ld a g o n y . I i T. A. SLOCUM, M. C., 1»I Pearl street, New York. tr ie d d o c t o r » o f e v e r y s o r t , a il t o n o p u r ­ M A K IO N II A K L A M ) . the currency o f the colonists was a very lieen so great as to leave littleur nothing for the claimants. We have lieen fre­ p o se , u n til I c o m m e n c e d th e u se o f y o u r P IL L S ! P IL E S ! P IL E S l The celebrated authoreaa, ho highly es­ mixed one. Musket balls passed for quently urged to make war upon these m e d ic in e s , a n d a f t e r c o n t i n u in g t h e m f o r a tim e w a s e n t ir e ly c u r e d . teemed by the women of America, ua>8 on change at a farthing apiece, and were rapacious attorneys, but for many rea­ Dr. W illiam s' Indiun Pile Oiutmeut will cure J a m s o g la d th a t th e p e o p le h e r e a r e 1 Blind, B ht d iu g and Itching Piles when all other pag Mi 1« 3 and 445 of her popular work, legal tender for sums under a shilling. sons it is almost impossible to do so in a w a k e n i n g to th e fa c t t h a t th is n e w s c i ­ ointm ents have failed. It absorbs the tumors T obacco and tobacco receipts were such a manner as to lienefit our stibocrib- *'Eve's Daughte r; or, Common ¡Sense for e n c e is th e w a y to h e a lth , a n d th a t th e s e allays the itching at once, acts as a poultice, instant relief. Dr. W illiam s' India Pile legal tender; com and beans and cod I era. We might possibly succeed in driv­ old drugs which kill more than they cure gives Maid. Wife and Mother:” is prepared only for Piles and Itching w ill be put under the ground or buried in j o Ointment “ F »r the ach'tig *»ack— ahould It he slow flsli were also employed. Wampum, ing a dishonest or over-greedy attorney f the private parts, and nothing else. Every I out of the field, hut his place would be oblivion. Yours very truly, box is warranted. Sold by druggists, or sent by- in recover ji g It« normal utrength—an A ll however, was the commonest currency immediately taken by another, and the mail on receipt o f price. 50c an i $1 per box. M rs M a r y P a r is h , C O t K *8 I ’o R O U S » L A H T K K I h m i i excellent WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO., It was the shell bead money of tight would be endless and its results Formerly .Mrs. Mary Hindman. com forter, coin Lining the sensation of the of all. Proprietors, Cleveland, O. sustained pressure ot a strong warm hand the Indians, nnd was soon accepted by practically useless. We have, therefore, K e n t o n W a s h , N o v . 13 18 0. W 'th certain ionic qualities dev. lop* d in the colonists as a convenient token. P f u n d e r ’ H O r e g o n B l o o d P u r i f i e r is decided as the best means of curing tin* Dr. J. Eugene Jordan, Seattle, Wash.— g jnds ts weiungs remedy for thaf dread disease, dyspep­ the wearing ft should be k* pt over the D ear F r i e n d : I should have written you the best THE CHARLES A VOGELER CO.. -Saltlmora, There were two kinds o f wampum— evil to establish in Washington a Bureau for it regulates the lym phatic system and ae;tt of line. C., where Mr. Wedderburn may meetings. Tito boy arose to his feet. cous surfaces. r' I. t h«»f\r !e n n w 1 c d gi-d often cure sick headache iu an hour. the Mississippi have produced speci­ also he consulted in person. w ill give One Hundred Dollars for auy case leading remedy for all the The establishment of an honest Bu­ Everybody looked at him in surprise. o f We De d uces (caused by (Ntarrh) that we cannot unnatural discharges and They are gently laxative or actively mens o f lignite, coal, bone, terra cotta, private diseases of men. A reau of Claims cornea at a very opjgir- He wore a very sorrowful countenance, cure b. taking H all’s' Catarrh Cure. Send for cathartic, according to size o f dose. mica, pearl, earueliun, chalcedony, tune time, as the late act of Congress and many thought that he was truly circulars, free. certain cure for the debili­ CA TAR R H , POLYPUS F. J. CHENEY A CO., tating weakness peculiar As a pleasant laxative, take one each agate, jas|K“r, gold, silver, copper, lead nullified all contracts between claimants T oledo, 0 . to women. [ repentant for his wrong doings. Every —AND ALL OTHER— I l g T Sold by Druggists, 7f«c. night on retiring. For adults, four act and iron, which were fushioned into and their attorneys, which gives every I : it and feel safe in recommending it to one listened while he opened his lips to as an active, yet painless, cnthartic. It requires a strong corporation to throw a ail sufferers. claimant u chunee to transfer their claims forms evincing considerable skill nnd bridge across a river. speak. Cause no griping or sickness. Best .. J. STONER, M 0.,D ecatur .I ll to tlie Examiner Bureau. art. According to Prescott, the money S oM lt.V l l r a g g l s t A e Liver Pill ever made. Smallest, Cheap­ “ I would like,” said tho youngster R U P T U R E A N D P IL E S C U R E D . P R IC E (51.00. est, Easiest to take. For Constipation, of the AztccH and tho nations in kin [ solemnly, “ to ask the prayers o f those We positively cure nurture and all rectal dis- ! T lie Ite to r t t o G u iz o t. -A N D — Indigestion and Bilious Attacks, they consisted o f quills filled with gold dust I assembled for my poor old grand I eases without pain or detention from business I A candidate who displays needless have no equal. j No cure, no pay; and no pay until cured. Ad ¡ and hags o f chocolate grains. Choco­ father!” dress for pamphlet Drs. Porterfield & Le»sey 838 j Manufactured at the Chemical T.aho- late is still used in tile interior o f South assurance, and who p-ives himself airs, is UPLB w rite for i.e e illustrated The hoy sat .down, and there was n ¡ Market street, Sati Francisco. rgtpiry o ff the W o r ld ’ s D ispensart America for the same purpose, as are ! sure to draw down from his examiners ti'.y i aporon Hiiruical op. rations —BY— tumors, tistulfi, piles, \aricocelo, forfeiting is a very dangerous crim e. It | M e d ic al A ssociation , N o . 003 Main some humiliation o f his vanity, some dis­ constrained silence for a moment, after j : is Con: hydr« vi l e ; bruces, appliances for only auother kind o f free coinage. eocoaiiuts and eggs. — San Francisco deform ities, fem ale com plaints; Street, Buffalo, N. Y. agreeable or severe reproof. And if, in which some one suggested a song, and ___________ ‘ also, confidential b ook for men, Chronicle. ! Dr. W allace Ely has rem oved his offices to 215 j explaining why thousands cannot get cured o f special, private, his answers, he i minifies in smart repar­ the meeting closed in the usual form. chronic diseases, eyes, ears, lungs, seminal weakness, loss of | Powell street, Sail Francisco. Cal , where he < ou- manhood, glevt, syphilis, unnatural losses, results o f abuse or It is needless to add that that young­ I tinu*\s to give special attention to Kidneys, Blad tee or sharp retort, he is certain to pro­ The M oon's Queer Freak. W i t h o u t L o s s of B l o o d . excesses, which unfit all for marriag *, happiness, or life's du­ I took Cold, (ler, Prostate Gland and all diseases arising ties. DR. LIEBIG'S WONDERFUL GERMAN INVIG0RAT0R, ster’s jacket received a much needed voke, if not a reprimand, at least the Mariners are noted for their supersti therefrom . Diabetes and Bright’ s Disease treated the greatest remedy for above complaints. To prove its merits, I took Sick, $1 trial b'lftle sent free. Au com ­ ! plied; lar*e stock of Hhee* Music. S tf . inway H all . representative. When tie was elected 2i/*i and 208 Post Street; M atthias U rav O o . Oal plete inst-notions by re-.urn mail. Quest! -ns per­ over Id* right shoulder at the new moon j for "a bridge." ; nn« t reliable Pill dim «.___ «- li I « n THE u ° O R m IG ,G,NAL g E enu , ne The for Bale. ample fortune and donate liis salary to SUCH TESTIMONY IS NOTHING NEW, I tion. All now tiegun to fade except In a party of insurance men an acci­ some charitable object.— Washington SCOTT’S EMU I SION IS IVHNCI WONDERS j j Î i Î m h Î t a X . I î . m o . « h e r L in d . R - ’ , , . , s „ i , ...........I - AU p ils in pasteboard boxes, pink wrapper* are dn n vrt m u * « '« u n t c r f i- l t " . At Druggists or Bend o « the object in the figure's hand, which dent policy man put the question gener­ daily . T ake no other . } ; • ........ ; ■ r ,r! ; • - ; •»<* • • R eiîer . . . r i . n . i : , - . - , , , . ,ir n i * M ,-■ Cor. New York Telegram. alL • . . . . . . . . . i «-.«i mi » mais. .. time ta p e r . 1 0 , 0 0 0 Tifstimorilali. Nam , Paper. C H IC H E S T E R C H E M IC A L C o . M d l . o n M ou a soon assumed monstrous proportions, ally; “ What do you think is our most tiare* t*old b y A ll L o c a l ll r u f w ls li) . I’ l l l l . W H .M ’ I H A . P A presenting the s|s,etaelo o f a full rigged unprofitable risk/" Most of those in tile T ro u b le s m m * <’ b ilb lu in n . ship, the figure of the soldier having party Halm'll iiersons engaged in danger­ >180*8 REMEDY FOR CATARRH.— Best. Easi­ A man once wrote to a friend: “ 1 ous avocations, such as railroad men, est to use. Cheapest. Relief is immeiiiate. A faded entirely from sight in the mean could not write you a linger letter as I cure is « ertain. For Cold in the Head it lias n o equal. .Ç s b h a a v O F y ? y e a t T \ time. For fully an hour the white jHtwder makers, etc. When each had am troubled with chilblains. You had ■ails of the phantom vessel were visi received a negative one asked the smil­ l>etter com e and see me yourself, when A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder ble, dearly outlined in strange contrast ing accident man the answer. “ Tailors," said he. "They're simply 1 can explain tlie matter more fully Superior to every other known to the Hack hull o f the vessel itself. tlmn in writing.” awful." Used in Millions o f H om es— “ This queer sight," says the old ac­ It is an Ointment, of which n small particle is applied The friend wrote in reply: “ How on earth can a tailor injure 40 Years the Standard count, “ was viewed by divers others of himself/" was the chorus. to the nostrils. Price f»0e. Sold by druggists <>r sent by “ If the chilblain* prevent your writ mail. Address: E. T. H a z e l t i w e , Warren, Pa. Delirious C ak e an d Paltry. I.iuht Flaky ye same tow ue." St. Louis Republic. " I f you’d step to think it wonld at ing a long letter. 1. too, am unable to Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable on»-e present itself," was the retort call upon you, as this morning I cut and Wholesome. Telegraph Office» am i M pmuispi . T H E P R A C T I C A L F E A T U R E S O F OU R M A I L D E P A R T M E N T “ They puck their fingers. You well tin one of the lingers o f my left hand, and No other baking powder d • h w ork. " 111 i °m niei!.l thpmn>lvrsat m ice to out-of-tow n c. nMimem whit hir> d < t itie I kc ilfli. - of vi»it- There are two telegraph offices to dot-stand that in making a close seam cannot walk so far.” — Strenno del 11 g unr ct.D lU n m v u t mul m ä k ln * « i*r,n nal »«■!. ctlou of an- -h n w-ut.-.f every I0,(XK1 o f the population in (ireat every particle o f the tailor's strength is Fiscluetto. Britain; in Tasmania there are eleven required in holding tho d oth together. D iv in in g H e r Weitkne«*«. # 4 ^ “ '‘amp!*1* with ru b s for s»t if-im a-urement w ill be n* • t o n application telegraph offices to each 10,000 o f the A prick in tlie finger disable* a coat Henpekt That new doctor yon in population. In (treat Britain there are maker, and we have to pay him |25 a 251 miles o f wire to every 1,000 square week until he gets w ell."—Cincinnati trodiioed me to, Bowler, is a great sytnp BOX 4 3 6 . PORTLAND, ORECON . Storms, mows, drenching rains, and furious winds 99 tt<'legist greut student o f human miles of area; in Denmark there are Enquirer. are a part of the regular routine of life. Two-thirds nature. 662 miles o f w ire to each 1,000 square of the sitknfH through life u caused ty cold*; you S«*lf riHM'Mt'tl, cannot be too well protected In atorniv weather to Howler Suits you. does hef miles o f nren. In Great Britain there avoid them. A man having a " Fier year o f 1675, the church at New Milford. Conn., hours at a stretch, and still be protected from every G. Glogcr. Druggist, Watertown, tin1 |M*ople; in West Australia there are « « s in charge of Parson Boardrann. It last night to treat my wife for a cold; drop of rain, besides being shielded from tha biting winds. No matter what your occupation, 7 5 messages |s r head. New York Tel is not with the good |>arson, however, siUd she didn't need any medicine, hut W is. This is the opinion of a man if you are liable to be caught in a rain or snow egnuik storm, vou shoo'd have on hand a " Kish Brand that this story Ibis to do. but with the that she must lie particular, above nil who keeps a drug store, sells all Slicker. ’ It will surely save your health, and things, to keep her mouth shut and medicines, cotnes in direct contact parson’s wife. perhaps your life. Beware of worthless imitations. A Wpklprn Kotimnrp. Sverv garment stamped with the "Fish Brand" A general alarm had seized upon the breathe through her nose. —Boston with the patients and their families, Titled Foreigner (en route toward the Trade Mark. Don't accent any inferior coat when community, »ml the p,-ople were H.vk Courier. and knows better than anyone else you can have the " Kish Brand Slicker " delivered setting sun) Mi boy, shall we never without esira coat. Particulars and illustratsd ing to the fort for security. A man was how remedies sell, and what true Senator Evarts takes no physical ex get past paling fencef It's a Instil, sent to the |>nrsonage to warn Madam Catalogue free. H e hears o f all I* C O * T * i « N T * ^ ^ ^ o f ^ c o u r i n g s o i \ p - - you know ; i.iii* thing o f traveling along Boardman of the danger from * hostile rreise, but his apparently frail body merit they have. A . J . T O W E R , - Boston, Mass* the failures and successes, and can a fence ail tiny. never gets tinsl or shows signs o f wear attack, ami to help her »ml the children therefore ju d g e : “ I know of no H O O K I \ > I I O T I I , Hush» M >nt American Traveling Companion — to escape. He was excited, and uatur ing out. It has been said o f him that For many years SA P O L IO has stood as the finest and gomery A Hiuieotn.-. R K . e»*nduetoil on U>th the medicine tor Coughs, Sore Throat, F.ur»»|**an mid American i U ii Tills ll..t«*l Us till daybreak C o u g h s , cents to f 1 00 per night n w coach to and from the they look I ke a eouib. T, German S\ rup. Last i without showing sign* o f weariness. T. F ,— Fawney! -Pittsburg Bulletin. needle."— Youtb's Com|smiou. S o r e T h r o a t, . , r ,, , outlast two cakes of cheap makes. It is therefore the wtnter a lady called A I W r i P en. H o a r s e n e s s , a* mv store, who was cheapest in the end. Any grocer will supply it at a A Far lilt star. !t is cnlctilntcd thnt thè hall frottt nn suffering from a very Oliver Wendell Holmes has a gohl pen It Is difficult to conceive that the Armstrong 1 « ■ • > poutuler quits tlie g«ff which has N smi his constant companion severe cold. She could hardly talk, reasonable price._____________________________________ beautiful dog star is a globe imieb for twenty-five years. Though he has with thè spee«l o f a I h > ut 4t*t) yarxls pe» and I told her about German Syrup larger than our sun, yet it is a fact that written with it during all that long s*'«*«'tul Now. if tliis veloeity eould I n Birins is a sun many times more mighty period, it is as good today as if it had k«-pt tip, it woiild rxsptire nofew er tlmn and that a few doses would give re­ r o m i H l i i l a i i H r r r lia tits IV - than our own. This splendid star, 1 only issue! a w,s-k ago from the mauu I00.90n.000 years before tlie ledi ciano lief; but she had no confidence in ( A R E THE B E S T A f * p patent medicines. I told her to take which even in our most powerful tele factory The |«s t can uot write with reaeh Hirius « F O R ALL S O IL S J J P P a bottle, and if the results were not j scopes, appears ns a mere point of 1 any other pea. and cherishes his old A * D CLIM ES. W ■“ ■■ I rie! J for rx n O a T» irA n.. WUT %T 4*' ft % > I) Ml I I AVI N k T M F K f y light, is in reality a globe emitting so «'rrant with the greatest care nnd affix'- A celebrai,si Frenuli nrtist said timi satisfactory I would make no charge I P \U.- Y *•■ » ; • . i I NT ’i> for it. A few days alter she called S a n F r a n c i s c o , C a l. enormous a quantity of light and heat lion. He has a note lo ck almost ns I'!d if voti wonld tln«l thè cipressino o f l«o I Uf>ndI M ti for r»rr i fama at* liberal Advance« Made an Consignment« that were it to take the pirn's o f our —a t ittered, tom and limp note book— erty an«l etnirnge iti a ehild's faoe. voi and paid for it. saving that she Personal Atfention Given to All Sales I i>tr Catair^r t* the p"Wi&h*»i Ln Aawrict. Ç . own »un every creature on this earth which has Nxu the dopoeitocjr of hi* must not go to «eek it anioug t h è woula never be without it in future as I would be consumed by it* burning ray*. thoughts an»l confidences for many years “ gam m i" o f t h è S tr e e t, but « u u o u g ti.«* a few doses had given hex relief '' ® I -Exchamfix F le lU lU l e lu .x i.v 3 o i t h è w s l l t v d a ■JO H N A . « A L X L N * . L A C R O S S E . W IS C O N S IN j •V V. S. V. So. 3& I N U. > 0 . 459 Hu I T h e G re a t^ ^ ^ l R E M E D Y FOR P ÏÏIN l$ r TS urhs scalds S t if f n e s s - 5 ® :c £ S ° reties3 ^aO RElHRO AT* W L .CU .S m ßr FHRFfl... O B P « HOME CIRCLE. Faber’s Golden Female Pills. DOCTOR 11 * i | *- TOEL STRICTURE, CANCER, TUMORS ULCERS E L E C T R IC IT Y CAST TOUR m OVER TH K ( FREE TO EVERYBODY,';;, SCOTT’S EMULSION C U R E Biliousness, Sick Headache, Malaria. f rtu n M R O Y M i * r \ \ i h s MANY MEN FIND THAT “German SyrupH \ S P R IN G GOODS NOW READY. A. B. STEINBACH & CO., POPULAR ONE-PRICE CLOTHIERS AND HATTERS, ' ’¿ I 'm e y b e h - u e w h r J - s o m e m e n ^ I n n & u n b e t r u e . , w h & h e ! m e n s a ,y ” P u b lic ■ ■ : j c n d o r s e s x^ j S e ^ p o lio . — y H WOOL. HULME S HART, Wool,6rain and General Produce, I GRAIN. 1 ’T ’ T T j