Local Events. Old papers (or sale at this office. Ask Oliver about I.ittlu Homes. Jot. U 'il.in has a brand new ad. Ibis L. B. Follow*, a prominent cUizeu of week. Read it. McMinnville, died alter a few «lays illness Call at Mrs. Hoskins’ green house on anil was buried in that city last Friday. River Street, for pot plants. Kris P. Jcuson intends to go down on The public school closes next week. the Columbia river to work again during See J. T. Smith’s new a.l. in another the summer. column. Joseph Miles, of Salem, a cousin of II. I’ rof. Hartley preached at Dayton, last C. Miles, has been in town during the Sunday. week visiting. Square rough pickets at N E tror.n o L i m ­ Dave Lamb is making arrangements to settle the estate of his brother Cyrus ber Yarn». Work is progressing nicely at the Dur­ Lamb deceased, j Mr. Painter, lately from Kansas, and ance sawmill. Dr. H. J. Minthorn, ot Salem, was in Horace Stanley, bought a farm on the mountain last week. town Tuesday. O b itu a ry . D iK n -A t N ew b er-. Oregou. SM ma 2Lt 1501, Cyras Lamb, soil ot i’ uiiip is and IlaM ih L im b ; I He was bora nth n ix 22ml. l.Vttiu H am ilton Co. Imi. W OM AN’S COLUMN. ants. r . A. MOIUtlS, Kdltur. OFFICERS OF T1IE w.C. T. V. A brother iu-law of Norris Tibodo, n*m- [ ed Tic«, arrived here last Monday with | hi* wife from Michigan. They come to | make Newborg their home ami have al ready bought }>roi>orty on River street. Mr. Tieo is a tirst class painter and decora­ tor and will engage in the business li^re. A nine year old son oi Mr. Tibodo came with them. It COME AND C o m i . n o w it h a “C” N ew Stock of General Merchandise. . Ma*. D ell * C. H. C ox lie was a life member of Friends' P ro .M c nt i ,, , ,, , , . .i í : Vic*. I’ rv.M cnt M aul . R o 'V r r m a n . Costs Nothing to Look at Goods and ctiurch : lie was converted at the age of : secretary amt Treasurer E mma M oors . Prices. I Make no Division of Profits, and 2ti under the influence of the Gjspel la St'PKU IXTEN DERT8 OF DEP.VRTEENT3. L.t F A Y E T T E I T E M * . lairs of William P. Haworth. He has KvaneelUMo W ork . Mu-. Lour** p. R om m . N O R EN TS. GOODS M A R K E D L O W F O R sci, iiiltlc Tu.tructfrn V a ns if M a r tin . lived a consistent C h ristia n life s in c e that j Satitoith Observance M aria R ow firm w There is lots of la grippe in town, Mr. tim e . He removed, with his family t o ! M isle B a d i * H all Ac u i r M. M orris . aud Mrs. Gotschce are both sick. Oregon, in ISSti. llis health was much ! iv,',rk Aniouir ForrU-ners An aunt of the Tolson boys arrived from T ii . l ' f H oskins . im p r o v e d a lte r c o m in g , l l i s last s ic k - i ¡- n r , «m l P".,'l ’ (' 1 ’ I Hereiptv aud Health L acra R rfck . the cast a few days ago, and is very sick. ness w as a severe attack of la grippe ti n - l Narr ates Mtriv E m b r y . S. G. Dorris and family, me visiting ...i ■ , r , ., I Teniperaeee Literature K ttif K ir k . m g which he suffered extreme pain : lle jT m is m r M ii.lL .b o r J knnik O roff . with Dr. Watts’ folks. They intend G. M. McCullough will pleaso accept ulwa\ shore his ufilietious with much Keep your garden seeds in the house A nna W t a w . •'"’"’I?" W hiteCross ¿Social Purity [•' < y s p. H aw orth . moving to Yuquina bay. our thanks for a string of nice fish, fresh pat'ence and cheerfulness: Never com­ I Kindergarten (or a while yet. Miss m vooik I ngmn . Mr. Yanoosj and family, have been Peace D opi rim ent M rs E i . i z u m i R. M u.ss. For half-acre tracts inside corporation from the Willamette. plaining. Ho was always a kind, and Sunday School W ork L. K lla H vrtlk y . very sick for a week, but are some better Prison and Jail Work If you want a first class milk cow, at- J loving father and husband. M ary J. C ook . limits, go to O liver . Parity in Literature and Art. L >;;lse P. R ound . at present. lie leaves a w ife and three daughters to Parlor Work _______ P f .M.KC. H. _____ CoX Miss Mattie Baldwin was down from tend the public sale of J. C. Clemenson, A. I). Hoskins lias bought tho Gates on Saturday, April 11th. mourn his loss, hut they can not grieve L egislation and Petition A manda M. W oodward Dayton last Sunday. AND ALL KINDS OF FARM MACHINERY. pro|ierty occupied as a meat market by For two weeks past F. A. Morris has as those who have no hope. For their Alva Macy and family, were down from Chas. l ’owell. Mr. Hoskins is having it been on the retired list, owing to tho com -; loss is his eternal gain. “ Blessed are the Day ton, last Sunday. Tim Oregon state W. 0 . T. U. is to repaired and overhauled, and will occupy dead that die ill the Lord.” mon complaint, la grippe. have a news paper of its own. it as a shoo shop and residence and move Mrs. Klla Smith and son wore in Port­ Mr. Larkin, west of town, has been very- his family up from Dayton. land, the tirst of the week. Til r: NEW CENSUS. busy for some time, setting out a largo The tramp that was arrested for break­ II. Fox is building a house on his lot number of fruit trees on itis farm. The census has at last been completed. The week of prayer, asked by tlio ing into Vickreys store and the saloon, CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS. in the southern part of town. Chicago is now the second city in the World's Sabbath Observance Union will A cl.inese tiog buyer, has been in town was released, there not being sufficient Union. In 1S3) who had but 503,000 and A sister of Dr. Carman, arrived from during the week. He is gathering up a bo held under the auspices of the W. C. evidence to convict him. The grand jury MARTIN COOK, Philadelphia 840,000. Only ten years T. U. in this pla-.-o next week. Meetings the state of Kansas last Saturday. E. C. IIANSON. car load to ship to the Portland market. found two indictment against him and shows Chicago with 1,008,000, a gain of at Friend’s church Tuesday, Wednesday, Notary Public. Lon llill has been driving Morris, Miles seventeen out of twenty-four jurors that Hen. Morris and Mr. Beggs were lifted over half a million, while Philadelphia Thursday and Friday afternoons at tried him said in their opinion ho was & Co’s delivery wagon tins week. from a cart one day this week by the has 1,045,000 a gain of hut 200,000. It 4 o'clock to which all arc cordially invited. guilty hut the evidence they thought not ____ Lin Parker has been changing the com­ heels of a fractious horse. No hones looks now as though New York would L . I‘ . R o u n d , plexion of Dr. Clark's house this week. strong enough to convict him. broken. soon he playing second fiddle to Chicago Supt. Evangelistic Work. The annua! conference of the Evangeli­ Dressed square pickets for fencing at If yon have an item of news that would as well. In 1880 New York had 1,200,000 cal church is in session litre this week, the N ewbero L umber Y ard . interest our readers, drop in and tell us and now she has 1,513,000, or a gain of a Not long since I glanced over a paper and a number of prominent ministers are Lot No. 1 in Little Homes was sold all about it. Such favors are thankfully little over 300,000. Tiie South is also in attendance. received. yesterday, to Alfred Wheeler. shown to be waking up, Atlanta, with printed not far from here contuinga write The college students gave an entertai: - up of Newberg. Among other things the 34,000 in 1,880 now has 05,500 nearly Charley True, of Middleton, was in Mrs. Heacock, wife of Hugh Heacock, MINTIIOKN ADDITION to Portland. Fine farms and fruit lamia mont in tho eha el M mday evening to article mentioned every organization hav­ town Tuesday, and called at this office. died near Dayton last Tuesday, 8 he had doubling her former population. Birming­ a crowded house. The exercises were va­ near Newberg and lots, aero and five acre tract* in H URLEY'S ing a possible existence in the town with A full supply of sidewalk lumber on an attack of tho la grippe a year ago, from ham, Ala., with less than 10,000 in 1830, ry entertaining mid instructive giving evi the exception of tho Woman’s Christian now has 20.000. San Francisco's Increase ADDITION to Newberg. For sal* by which she never fully recovered. The hand attho N rwbero L umber Y ard . denee of tho good work whhh is being has been a little disappointing, but she Temperance Union. When I consider Uncle Tommy Clemmons, who spent family have tho sympathy of many accomplished in the school. has passed Ciucinnatti in the race in a what tho W. C. T. U. has done for New­ the winter in Linn county, is about to«n friends here. Mr. E. B. Fellows of McMinnville died handsome manner and is now 8 th. pretty berg and tho adjacent country, you need A f a r . I o f TIiailLfl. »gain. it not be surprised that t was stirred with last Thurusday night of la grippe. The We wish to express our thunks for the fur behind Baltimore with her 433,000. Ottico on Main Street, funeral was held in the court house on Nowberg, Oregon. Frank ami Ollie Hobson, rode over to righteous indignation at seeing this organ­ The Atlas publishers will reap a har­ kindness and sympathy of our many Sunday. Quite a number of the Odd McMinnville Wednesday, behind Smith’s friends during tho illnoss and death ot vest this year, as the census statistics and ization so completely ignored. No otln-r Fellows of La Fayette, attended the funer­ team of grays. in w maps, etc., causes an immense boom organization has reached out in so many brother, husband and father. al, Mr. Fellows being a prominent Odd lines of work and made its influence tell Buy a spraying pump of J. B. Mount, in tho business. Wo take tho abo\o D a v id L a m b , Fellow. on tho public sentiment of the place as and Bave your fruit from the ravages of figures from tho Standard Atlas of the A nn e L am b a n d F a m il y . The Cannon Ball Express will lie put has the AVr. C. T. U. W ho sees that the codlin moth. J. J. Henderson, who lives west of Ami­ World, which w ill.in all probability sell on the Narrow Gaguo on Wednesday OZE1 T E L E Scientific Temperance is taught in the bv thousands, as it is one of the most com­ J .T . Smith has treated himself to a ty, and who is one of tho largest as well morning tho first of April passing La Fay­ fine new desk (his week. Noah Heater as one of tho most successful farmers in plete and accurate works of the kind we public schools? Who has agitated the Kindergarten question until the people ette at 7-10 a. m. is the manufacturer. the county, advertises ills stock and farm­ have ever seen. As the weather gets warmer the Drum­ are ready to liavo the Kindergarten made Itis safe to say that the first agent in Wm. Hobson ban withdrawn from the ing implements to bo sold at public sale a part of the public schools? What has mers increase and it is not an uncommon the field will fairly coin money, as we all market the 20 acre tract of land that ho next week. Ho retires from farming cn thing to see from five to eight on our streets want the new census statistics and the helped to educate the mothers, giving Have on hand and for sale has been advertising for sale. account of failing health. in u single day. them new ideas concerning the rearing of new features in this Atlas w hich com­ John Smith was in Portland a few days We made a slight error in announcing The commercial men unlto in saying mends it to everybody. Tho History their children? What has brought the the first of the week, laying in a new the time of the annual celebration ot the the Olds house is the best plaeo to stop Company of San Francisco, the well children togethor in strong I-oynl Legions stock of goods for the spring trade. Odd Fellows. It will bo held here on on the line. known Publishers, control tho Coast rights teaching thorn the effect of alcohol upon P osey . Address C. W . Wentworth Dayton Ore­ the 27th of this mouth, and will be partic­ They want agents, and wo call attention the system? What influence has beeu at ipated in by all the organizations in the gon for Stanleys Darkest Africa. to their advertisement in another column. work with laboring classes teaching them Those wi-hing anything in the hui ding fine would do well to consult them before H E R E IS Y O U R C H A N C E county. If the day is fine the exercises that nothing so influences wages as the n3. 3m. pi cin; their orders. Can furnish Sash, Doors,'Ac. Piic-s Reasonable. M A lilO N ITEMS. To O ct n Hom e. saloon element? Who has gone out and Frank Wood and Jim Jones have been will take place in the grove. B o r n :— On Tuesday, March 24th to attended conventions all over this state, 160 acres divided into sixteen 10 acre building a barn this week, on the quarter Spring flowers in abundance and the advertising Newberg as a temperance tracts—5 miles from Newberg on the way block occupied by Dr. Clark, the dentist. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur George, a girl. This children think spring has really come. is an item of nows such as we are always Wm. Ohm’s are made happy by the town? Who bought tlm carpet for ti e to Portland within 2 miles of the thriving Bills are out announcing the public glad to give, hut somehow this was over­ advent of an eight and one half pound girl. first church over built in Newberg? town of Sraockville. sale of J. C. Cleinenson’s stock and farm looked last week in writing up our locals, About sixty acres cleared. This prop­ Miss Mary Cook, of Newberg, ¡3 here Who has distributed literature broad cast property on Saturday April 11th at one so we hasten to make amends and tendei giving instructions in instrumental music. over (his country educating the public erly lies high, Bightly and level. Is well o’ clock. our congratulations. B. F. llinshaw, minister of Friend’s sentiment as perhaps nothing else can? watered, by spring and running creek. Mitchell &. Clark, of the Enterprise saw­ Tho State Board of Horticulture has church here, attended dedicatory services Who furnished literatary entertainments The scenery from any point on this prop­ mill, have an ad. in this issue. If you to the people of this town ' when there erty is exceptionally delightful. A grand want good lumber and prompt delivery, issued bulletin No. 5 which contains of Friend’s church at Salem last Sabbath. F aints , On., Yan.msn, and O il C olor . A fine line of the tatoat g y M was a dearth of such entertainments? |>anoramic view of tho Willamctto valley much valuable information for fruit raiser . SIiss Alice Hoskins, of Champoeg, ha- see them. If you have not received a copy drop a been visiting her cousin. Mrs. R. StHelen. Who has brought a largo majority of tho and the snow capped peaks of tho Cas­ of W all T aper . Misses Emma Vestal ami Jennie Lar­ card to E IV. Allen at Portland who is Alfred Cook and family, of the Hawkeye lecturers that liavo come to Newberg? cade Kunge is seen at a glance. son were surprised one evening last week, These tracts will he sold from 130 per I lTiiri'MKs, F a n c y and T o il k t articles. Books of I nterest and &TATiAét- secretary of the board and he will be glad state, arrived here yesterday and intend Who has sent flowers to the sick and suf­ fry a few of their friends going in to spend fering to cheer them ? In short who has aero and up. Easy term, *4 down, bal­ to furnish you. locating hero. EiiY of all styles. S chool B ooks aud S chool S upplies . the evening. Mr. Fresh, of Albany, was here last come to the front in every good word and ance 1, 2, 3 or 4 years at 7 per cent. The young men who compose tho Whit­ Geo. Grayson, purchased the first ticket tier literary society at the academy have Saturday and will move here this week, work ? We hope hereafter to have honor J esse H obso n . PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFU LLY COMPOUNDED D A Y or N IGHT. for a ride on the new morning train, incorporated under tho laws of Oregon as ho found a good building spot and got given to whom honor is due. W O lt S K T H A N I . K l ’ KO.SY, which made tire first trip down Wednes­ which places the society on a solid basis. the papers for it and will build at once. Givo us a Call. P ost O p e r e D hcu S torr . I* catarrh, amt them I* hut one préparation day morning. Miss Bertha Ramsey is visiting her sis­ They are now in a sha|>e to hold property, Waste seems to Ire apart of some wo­ I lint duca cure that disease, and that Is the Cnl- Mr. Wiley Johnson, lately from Illinois, sue and bo sued &c. Tho boys are to be ter Mrs. Tumplin, in Portland. men’s names. I have been so “ rousted Q ornia P ositive and N egative E lectric Lini* Alva Cook was here over Sabbath, visi­ up” at seeing so much carelessness and ment. Hold by C. F. Moore A Co. It ala« cu re , lias been here during the week visiting commended for the zeal they have ex­ neuralgia, rheumatism, headache, sprains, ting his sister. Mrs. Gardner. He raid wastefulness displayed by some wives b u rn ., and all pain. T ry It and tell your the family of Daniel Hastings, who are hibited of late. * relatives of his. Remember, that a local regarding your he was well pleased with tho location here. that l could scarcely refrain from giving neighbors where to get it. That is just wiiat they all say that get vent to my .feeling by a lecture on “ Do­ Mr. Stratton has been very busy for business is a part of our stock in trade, off the cars to see the place. O N L Y O N E IN T H E U » . mestic Economy.” No matter if you are several days putting up a tram on his just as much as sugar or calico to the . fx - e — Sam Gardner’s father, mother and as rich as Croesus you can put your w ealth merchant and when you ask for any such Out o f t:i'i7 cough syrups m anufactured In U T A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF FURNITURE ALWAYS ON HAND property, which he will occupy until he brother arrived hero yesterday from Iowa, the U. H., but one baa been found to he entirely notice, also remember that you also ought to better use than by shoveling it out lay AT PORTLAND PRICES. can build a dwelling. free from opiates and that Is the C alifornia to reserve for vour town paper the paying and are looking for a location. the pailful at the hack door. I never see P ositive ami N egative E lectric Cough Cure, BY Mrs. Sade Hoskins, and Mrs. Sade work which you sometimes send to Jother Health in this locality is exceedingly a woman display a faculty for wastetul- which Is the best on earth fur coughs, cold s Smith, went to Salem last week, and re­ towns. There arc two sides to this mat­ good, I don’t know of a singlo person on ness that I do not pity the pour man who croup, etc, Sold by C. E. Moore A Co. ym an. mained over Sunday. They returned by ter. the sick list. must provide material for this continual ST. way of Portland, the first of the week. N E W B E R G , O R E G ON. John Haworth, who was hero last week train, for I always think no matter how- Jess Edwards started for the east lust E X C IT E M E N T Emmor Hall arrived home from Salem, Monday, and will probably be gone about and purchased a piece of land, arrived hard he may toil, he can never hope to Runs high at C. F. Moore A C o’s drug store o v ­ Tuesday, where he had been assisting two months. He goes in the interest of vesterdav to inako arrangements fur bis accumulate anything for a “ rainy day.” er System Builder, as evcrylauly Is using It for Repairing Rev. J. H. Douglas in holding revival the academy and will go as far east as family, who will come to-day. He will There is an old hut true saying” that “ a catarrh o f the stom ach, dyspepsia, eonstlpatiou and im pure blood aud to build up the system. woman can throw out with a spoon faster It certainly possesses w onderful m erit when all services. He reports a lively interest in Philadelphia and New York. He has build in the near future. DEALER IN Building will eomineneo in earnest than a man can throw out with a shovel.” apeak so w ell o f It. * the meetings. the full confidence of the people here and next month here. The Haack hoys have There is such diversity of opinions con­ W’ hat’s the use in sending away for all wish liiii: a trip that may prove profit­ received two cur loads of lumber, and cerning matters of economy, some consid­ DelphinA E. K ills (the in v a lid ) keeps a sup ­ fancy iron work ? If you want anything able to the academy and ho;«) he may re­ Joseph Cook. Mr. Winslow, Mr. Fresh, ering tlm use of u certain article of food ply o f stationery and notions, such a« in ip e u - A m i A v e r y ’* A d ju s ta b le A x le W a s h e r . lrelter than Heston & P.ierinan put in at turn home from his long trip in duo time Mr. Haworth and Mr. Ohm, are looking an extravagant luxury, w hile others look (lers, ce llu lo id collar*, handkerchief*, com bo, iu safety. the bank last week, you arc too fastidious I*1 COS, pin*, needle*. gloves, A c., h I ho arrange* daily fur the arrival o! their lumber. upon it us a mere necessity that no estab­ C. J. Messer, of Portland, was in town tor any use. R iR p A im is ra Monthly meeting last Saturday was lished rule can be given, but every wo­ Oregon specim ens for sale, at one o f the co t­ tages near F riends’ boardin g hall. She solicits the first of the wook. soliciting subsonic N EATLY AND PR O M PTLY DONE. well attended, there were no friends from man must be her own guide. There are the patronage o f N ewberg and vicin ity and re­ The festive town cow spends all her tions for tho Evening Telegram. Through other meetings, the first time since we be­ some things, however, that cannot mean quests patrons to call iu the alternoou. oild moments these warm days making tho kindness of Mr. Messer, the Telegram came a monthly meeting. We take this anything else but waste to an intelligent diligent search for each and every spear A Specialty. ¡3 placed on our exchange list. We find as evidence that our Quarter thinks we ( « n o n ; for instance: hits of meat thrown of grass that dares to peep through the NEWBERG, OREGON. Q .R A V E S BROTHERS, that the pa|>er has been greatly improved 1 arc able to stand alone. soil along the Etreets. out that might ho made into hash, or in every way since the change in manage­ meat pie; bread thrown out or allowed to Mr. Horace N ute, of Morrow county, ment, and it will no doubt in the near fu­ W H IT U X O N ITEMS. mould that would make nice toast and a was in town a few days the first of the ture become a very popular evening dai­ Hue lltve» 11 Hpucialty. score of other dishes if properly utilized ; Mr. Maloney has very nearly finished R epairing Neatly and Prom ptly done. If you week, and bought a ten-acre tract of Ru­ ly- a N um ber One float. Cheap, give us a call. laying off aero tracts adjoining Whiteson. vegetables are thrown away that would want ral Home, on which he intends to make One block west o f Jones’ hall, Young Woo 1, who has long been sus- Work will be commenced next week on warm nicely for breakfast; dough is left NK.ruF.RG, - O kkgon . a home. He will move here in the fall |iected of breaking into houses and laying : the Fruit Land Co.’s cannery foundation. sticking to pans ; pie dough left to sour with hie family. his hands on various articles not his own, Sidewalk laying will commence in full instead of making a few tarts for tea; Christenson Bros, have sold their im­ has at last come to grief. At court last force Monday. pudding thrown out that would be good plement business to Mr. Sawyer, who week he plead guilty to a charge oi There will 1 as several dwelling houses steamed for dinner tho next day ; |s>tatoes Timothy, Clover and Orchard Grass Seed. will continue the business at the same breaking into Mr. Bristows house. He | commenced next week. grow and the sprouts are not removed Full Line of Reliable Garden Seeds. sentenced to one year place. The boys will put in a feed chop­ was The Fruit Land Co.’s office opened op j until they are spoiled; apples spoil for the penitentiary. Those who per at the warehouse and concentrate in want of looking over; china set alsrut the i for actual business last Monday. have a good opportunity to know sav that their forces there. Can be made In the next three Mr. Miller, of Cornelius, will commence stove anil spoiled by heat; silver spoons month* Meiling older head- are as guilty as the boy. Iu N ew B r ic k B a n k B u ild in g , at once the erection of a first-class livery and knives used to scrape pots with ; pans , rpvy-pv V I P W S T A W T 1 A TJTY Have you set any shade trees along The long looked for morning train has | stable, something very greatly needed h 11 gwh »1 to rnfft for want of 1 borough dry- j ***”•-* " ** ® A aXiM D a U D the street in front of your property this comeat last, and our people can now go to I here. ln*r; toa towel* tiaw! to lift vomh ^I h from spring? A very little outlay of time " " " " 1 * " 1 ' " ----- 1 t - L t f - J ! ! . 'ML the city in the morning and return in the I Mr. T. B. Campbell will start in to build tlio stove instead of holders; buckets and and money expended in this way will evening, having about seven hours there in # few tubs left in the sunshine until they fall to pay yon four fold in the appearance and (or transacting business. The trains* Mr. C. K. Mallory, of Hillboro.eontem pieces; vinegar allowed to corrode caster comfort of your home. Always keeps in stork composed of one coach and a baggage car, pl&teH building, , nd intends opening up r tsrttles, soap soaked in water and wanted ■ I uA, 1 .,h*.u'-w ' 2 ® m".” '" r’ " ,rn;. m»P" 1 *, . ’mwiiiv the m-w state*, new Counties, new S T ^ IN ID7VB?,R) BIRRIN'3DS O F IF131,0171?,. Mr. Stratton and w ife, F. II. Howard, and glides along very nicely. The coach ItailroaU*, new Po*t Otti<■<■»», ,Vr., Ae. carpets swept with stubs unfit to s c r u b ............ barber shop and cigar store. Charley Moore N. C. Maris, Mr. Clark, I. has been rcGtted throughout, and is a ALSO BRAN, HIIORT 8 , CHOP, OATH, AND HAY. OIL MEAL, TIMOTHY, B E A U T IF U L Quite a number ot strangers in town, with, and good brooms used for scrubbing; Wrage, J. L. Hoskins and wife, Wm. “ palace car” compared with w hat the old CLOVER AND ORCHARD GRASS SEED. PRICKS REASONABLE. arc bntejed Diagram, of the yrtnelpel elites,show ifie new hotel here Is taxed to iss utmost clo th e s blow about in the wind * and 1 ar* ' In* the Ntrect.«, park«, Ar , colorr d churt* awl W IH T M O IC E & H O N , Townsend, Mrs. Mount and Miss. Staffar- ones are. Sec the r.ew time table in this N E W BE R G , OREGON. political hi*u>ry capacity to accommodate its numerous whipped to piece*; flannel* are J<*ft out dlKcram*. valuable • • « , • * , . . , 1 o f th»» United State«, A c. 1,000 R eference Table» rans went to Portland on the new morn­ issue. in the run to shrink and become hanh ; i rao flue einrraviiut*. guests. ing express yesterday. J . E. HESTON. W. P. Heacock, proprietor of the dc|>ot T E N B O O K S IN O N E . The forernnner of 2 Y>,fy)0 feet of lumber stained table linen wa-hed without first 1 . U . RtKRMANX. A preetlesl. n .e fn l work wltleh ever; rv bu*l- List of unclaimed letters lying in the lumber yard, has in the past labored un­ a carload of 10,000 feet, arrived Tuesday. liouring boiling water through the stains; upu'mai), every home every »ehool, proretiiinn fe» Newberg P. O. at the end of the month der disadvantages, owing to the fact that Mr. W. If. Watkins, a gentleman from h<# fires kept in cooking stove when tmt n ) man. mechanic or farmer want* and will d talers at Portland, charged him the Fame Iletroit, Mich., is iu town, and will prob­ iittle, if any, is needed; Hour is spilled buy. 'IhU 1 » the !»e*t alia* forth« price ever 1 «. of March 1801. •ued. _ ___________ from the chest: molasses jug loses Us cork I A f ’ 17 ’ X J rP WfKvarjrbwIf wnntfl the VI m. H. Davidson Dr. A. Dutrieh for lumber that anyone else going from ably locate here. ........ . ..........i hnve A l • l roldcn b *> 1 -ut making. Prof. Ewing & Parson James Emmett here could buy at id car load hots. He The I r lit Land Co. are goinjjf to rorn- ! an^ ttieM take poiaeN-uon ; ■ ......... tea, roasted opportunity for money Ilerney Marshal Ben Martin informs ns that he lias had the matter me nee making contract, for garden truck ; « » * * " ’* M « » •” > Wt uncover, ,1 and j ** " ,or ,lw Wo would respectfully announce that J. (J. Biermann has ¡wseriated himself with'Fi Nilas Nelson James Rowell adjusted so that he now buys tuml-er at a and fruit*. j lone their strength; and in many other' O N I! M lh frV O N E. Heston in the Blacksmithing Uisineae, and that we are now he*ter than Mrs. F.fiie Eliff Robbins Larence Sponburg price that will justify him in making it fh i :4 i • without doubt the 'Arden «pr t 1 • car*leM or ioexj-erieoced hotlM - AtUM* Will h% »old during on «»eeonnt of ever enabled to do all work in our line witli neatness and dispatch. W m . F. Taylor Lan its Thorshurg an object for contractors and build.rs to of earth. J iu*. ( omkr . k«eyer wattoe, without heeding, the hard th#*fl*id. Address. Jame» N. Vestal Harvey Vaughan buy directly from him in piace of going TI.C uhov I- was P ,-d la-t w, ck too ''¡‘ rne I wages of her hmdsiiid. Economy T I I E H lH T O I t Y C O M P A N Y , C. F. M oor * P M . 1 to Portland. ] ’.a t : ; IIE S T O N & B IK K M A N N . ....... Li . ‘ cou n U low here ao «t'.l at in the kitchen . 1 * 3 3 St., t a n F r a n c is c o , C al. | A ll W ork W vhr . v . s t z d . Compare Pay CASH J. T . S M IT H , JVT T H E “O L D R E L I A B L E . " Christenson Bros. Headquarters for Wagons, Hacks, Buggies and Carts, Oliver Steel mi Oliver Chilled Flow:. Monitor Seeders and Drills, LOTS IN THE OREGON LAND CO’S C O O K & IIA N S O N , Mitchell I ^ & Clark, ENTERPRISE SA W M IL L All Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber. DRUGS and MEDICINES. We carry a fall line ci POPULAR PATENT and FAMILY IEDICMI and PURE DRUGS for Prescriptions. 0. F. Moore & Co. NEWBERG FURNITURE STORE. C J. M A O R IS , * > Fine Harness, Horse Famishing Goods, Phoenix Axle Grease, FURNITURE & CABINET MANUF’RS. Stoves! Harness of Ail Kin To Order a Speialty. Stoves! Stoves!! HARDWARE, TINWARE, CUTLERY, ETC. 500 DOLLARS 7 C E N SU H . Atlas of the World. SEED S! ~ S !! S E E ~ D SEEDStn Also a CT. 3 3 . Z M I O T T U T T , Newberg, C IT Y - FEED - Oregon. STORK. IIE S T O N & B IE R M A N N , BLACK SM ITH S. Carriage W ork & Horse Shoeing a Specialty* # * { j