Kxma i « « w j • \\"illamelto i Ì eal instate Company. T uk people of Oregon paid during the in every line as it m for tl»o ¡usurai post year, for tlie bontiU of tho insane of ma»»? and if lh.*y w«ie as woll uniti ! Ill , die »tate, $340,44., or more than a third ¡.an rffort for st.df protection as tiro insur-! H EA L E ST A T E , LOANS AND IN SU RA N CE, STOCK RA N CH ES AND GRAIN FA RM S, Ar. 3 15 p. in. of a million dollar». The «tate expense ^ ance fraternity are they would Boon | 10 00 h . m . Oswego 2 :!5 p. in. of arresting and caring for law violatola revolution /.e tliings amongst themselvc B. Small Fruit Tracts, Kinds of Town And City Property For Sale- 10 23 a. in. Tualitau 2 05 p. m. 10 4' a. m. 8 mocks i 30 p. in. at the penitentiary and inform school, in- .duine in -tirane« wtati»ticH in Oregon won d J . M . A V a U G IIT & S O N S , M A N A G E R S . 10 .*>0 a. in. Middleton 1 25 p. m. eluding tho necessary c\|iensos of these no doubt be quite interesting ri ailing to 11 40 a. m. Ar. Newberg Lv. 12 35 p. m. IbTIEWlBlEBG-, OB». LAFAYETTE, OB. tho citizens if they could be had in such institutions, was $dl2,403, or u total for 11 55 a. mT Dundee -2 25 p. m. Passenger and Freight Kates to all points these two purposes slone, of $082,006. way that could be understood ; they would ca n be obtained from Agent Newberg. Now when we consider that the saloons then understand why < o:upanics get rich, l ’KOFESSIONAL CARDS. It. K okhi . ku . E. A B oakdm . vn , of the state are directly responsible for officers get suelr large saleries, and agents Mgr. A. (i. F. A P. A. seven-tenths of the crime, and ut least as good commissions, they could also see T HURT MOORE, great a |>er ceut of insanity, does it not w hy tho rates could be made so much H O U S E a n il S IG N P A I N T E R . —¡P H Y SIC IA N A SU R G E O N ,:— NEWBERG GRAPHIC. seem as though we were sadly in need of lower. There are many things connei ted i Houses painted ia the latent TINTS. Paper a little tnissioary work? “ Rut,” that with the business that tho insuring pub­ Office and Kebldence One Block South of Post Hanging, Graining, Staining and Hurd oil Office. _ _ . , IBHl’BD KYKHY rKIUAÏ MOUSING. party whom we mention d last week, will lic are not likely to find out until the N EW BE li G, - * O K EG OK. fin ish , say, “ saloons are a benefit to a town.” unions, orcompacts invite tiro citizens to done by D A Y or COUTEACT. K D 1T O K 8 A N D P U B L IS H E B S : I In about the same way that tliuy are a attend and take part in their most impor­ j j * W. CARM AN,:«!. D., N EW BERG, . . . . OREGON. Shop on Main Street, The saloon tant deliberations which we will not ex­ H . W oo d w aud & O hm . C. E m e r y . benefit to the state ut large. OREGON. ! HEWBEKO, Newberg, Oregon. pays a few hundred dollars for the privi­ pect them to do so long aa tho people F R ID A Y , M A RCII 0, 1891. lege of making a dozen men criminals or prefer to submit to their will and insist N e w b e r g f l o u r in g H il l s . OIRcs, corner Flrutzinl Mata Street«. lunatics, any one of which will cost the oo tlie companies having all the protec­ i\ 'Zt E . Í R î I nr.rirrtakr t- I tit fly ¡teach any ¿bi.-ly iitt<^!i|r»nt |« rr< tit f riihr’i E u te r e J an Hecontt eia*« m atter at the post «•», v k u c«n resti nr.<1 n n ie, »ml v. |>eoplti, in taxes to the state fund, more tion from legislation and combinations o Ilice at Neivbcris, Oregon f.i» tru itier,\ *ill work im J'irtrlouCy, _ — h o w to earn ï»ri«> 1 books bti lic.ilum t than twice the license fees, exclusive of but we have not much reason to complain D . w - L Y L E - Y un-in thuirow n locali tie*, win r - ver they Uve. I will siso LitnL li the lim a ti"» < > r l o y m o i l t , nt wl.it h you .un . um il s* at..« ut-t. PH Y SIC IA N & SURGEON. of the companies, we have simply tied local prosecutions. And what is inoat un- No money for ni«-unless ru . ce»»?ti: u b o ts, I tt:.i!y r.ntl quickly Tuts state will have two congressmen Isarn ol. 1 sire but »ne w orker from li d'stiii t . r < i m v, j TVe » h a v e -w-i r e r m s\ o t t d t e x le d n o . a r J I _ I L L a n d , c a n noiv m a n - just is, that the sober, law abiding citizen | our own bands and feet and invited them NE iVBERG, - • OK EGON. umjflit p r -.b ie d w ith «m «*»................. * : have already u u g lit ami ** >i |»r».bU-d ,.! n .,;»t . ¡ T /» after tho next general election. w no tire m aking «»ver #.'SI * «.■ak-FEED WILL BE GROUND EVERY SATURDAY. established by the state, and these poor with indignation and declare that this r 1 \v. M c C o n n e l l , m . d . ing tho legislature. follows who believe in the society-benefit­ sort of tliing should exist no longer, and u • would put an end to it, which they can P H Y SIC IA N A SURGEON. A n o tiik k million d o lla r's worth of wind ing influences of the saloon should be giv - - O :EGON. will bo ex p en d ed on the Mississippi. en an equal chance with their friends, the easily do. What other people have done NEWBERG, WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION TO OUR CUSTOMERS. ---------- CALL AND SEE US.____ and are doing we can do. True .the coun­ Onice in die S c irc e residence. All calls Tho money goes to the boodlers, as usual. thug and tho luna'ic. pn.m;.Uv Amended to day <>r night. Dîneuses try is not yet so thickley settled as in of women and children a specialty. some of the eastern states and in many T iie first county alliance in the state T he Oregonian lias fallen into line w ith instances tho property not quite so valua­ j J R . HAROLD €1 ARK; was organized last week in Umatilla some of tiie eastern great dailies, ami is ble to the owner as one dollar in a man­ county, at which six local alliances were JO S . W IL S O N , DENTIST. now trying to make tiie farmers think sion, and the same rules that make suc­ represented. - - OREGON. they are a sot of fools, and that they have cessful insurance for the one will answer NEWBERG, D E A L E R IN » specialty. Gas or Vitalized Air S knatoh G eo . I I ba rst , of California, is been hoodooed into asking for Relief when for the other. It seems to me that “ shall Gold fllliii!} Ktven In extracting teeth. All win k dead, and the millionaire politicians of they needed no relief, by u set of jxjliti- we make our own insurance,” is no long­ warranted. Oll.ce on (.‘enter street, opposite the Post Otiice. eal demagogues. Of course tiie farmer er the question— Rut the question is when the state have already commenced to lias been fooled. Ilu lias been continual­ and how to begin. Now as to the “ v hen” guard for his official shoes. O PPO SITE BANK, ly fooled for years. Ho has worked and I will answer that the sooner the Ijetter ffiiv.ii». 0 0 a yonr bclnpr mmic b y Jo lm R, C E N TER S T R E E T . D R. YOUNG, Goodwin,Trt»y,N.Y.,Ri w».,k i,«r us Keader, ‘r i you m ay n* t nek*- ns m uch, but w e can C hicago w ill have to get along some­ saved und voted hard for what lie thought and a great many satisfactory reasons can t^ucli y »u quick lv how to earn fVom * o to Y E T fcK K N A U Y S U K O E O N . Vw R <•«*' at the s ta rt, und more os you go how without an exhibit from this state at were his best interests, and all the time lx) given for it. As to “ how” 1 can only p.jjfk on. n oth sexes, all ««•*- In any jiart u f ------- ------------------- vinericH, you can continence tit Lome, jfiv- a set of unscrupulous political shysters make a few suggestions hero, but they her big show. There wasn’t eough to go >. t, ■ g all your tim e,or ajiarc m omenta only to the work. All is new . Great pay M i i F for were putting up a job to fool him again, The treatment of horses a specialty. may help to get tho ball rolling and that around amt make a respectable showing '‘J T every w orker. Wu start you, furnishing e .. .ythiiiK. E A S IL Y , 8 1 ’LF.D iLY h u in -tl. e.urythuiK lie lias attended elections and howled is what is wanted at first then the way Culls attended with promptness. F U L E . Address a t once, ' 1 5 I’AI- ' ' ...... I* • LA1IH I at the world’s fair liesides. -\í-ú+. SllNiiOA A t ; 0 . , lOKTLAAii, FTEWBBBG-, OBEGOFT. himself hoarse in order that lie might will open, and plans come up almost N ew berg , O regon . elect some man who would use his in­ without number, and give us a clianeo to A n kxchanuk says an Otuwuy Kan. fluence for tho farmer rather than for Before sending your children away from home to school investigate the merits of select tho ones best adapted to our wants mao has a rooster that is so large it has tho corporations, but who, when once M IL L IN E R Y and D RESSM A K IN G . and circumstances when we learn just to lie helped up to roost. I t is ipiite a elected, sold himself to tho highest bid­ *------ O - --------------- what they are—bet every one whether A full line of Millinery goods. New arrivals common tiling in these parts (or roosters der und the farmer was fooled again. ¡F B Ï E Î C D S ’ P A C I F I C A C A D E M Y , N E W STO CK! ho be farmer or not, interest himself in of the latest styles every week. Cutting and to be belped olT the roost. He has been patted on tiie hack, and the move, encouage it all ho can. Talk fl'.tiug by the French bias system. Location on We are prepared to offer better advantages now than at any time in the past. told that lit) was tiie mainstay of the na­ it up amongst tho citizens, learn some­ Main St. m m S T D D IG Mas. N ettie H anson . T h e new senator front Dakota is at once tion, when they wanted him to be tiie Five courses of study: viz. GRAMMAR SCHOOL, ACADEM IC, COM M ER­ thing of the situation ill your own vicinity, Of Tho Latest Styles. MAIN ST. NEW HERO, OK. a Congregational minister, a prohibition­ mainstay of tiie politicians. For years lie C IA L, M U SIC and ART. communicate with citizens of otlior locali­ FIATS TR IM M E D TO O R D E R ON ist, an equal sulfragist and an alliance lias been fooled, hut not by tho class tiie ties—and learn their situation and senti­ SH ORT NOTICE. ALSO A F U L t man. The interests of his constituents, Oregonian would try to make him believe. The Grammar school and Academic courses gives opportunities for a thorough SAM UEL HOBSON ments—exchange your information thus L IN E O F R E A D Y TRIM M ED GOODS will, wo prodict, receive consideration ar Rut tiie farmer lias been fooled about tiie and refined education. In the Commercial course students may obtain a practical received, formulate ideas and pljns of ON HAND. CALL AND EX A M IN E working knowledge of Book-keeping, ,tc. his hands. last tim e. In otiier states he sees the your own help to decide upon a time and MY S U P P L Y . action of men for self-protection that is place for a meeting of citizens to discuss Mas. S. E . S mith . In tho Music course instruction will be given on the Piano and Organ. Piano for T he governor appears to have little faith eliciting tiie praise of tho world of produ­ the subject. And to decide upon plans, practice will be furnished students at $1.00 per month. In the Art course instruc in ids fullow politicians, as, in a recent cers, lie of tiie horny hand herd on the forms Ac. to govern tho association each I ? S c * ti l»«> earned at our NEW line o f w ork, tion will be given in Crayon Drawing and Oil Painting. For Catalogue, interview, lie said lie thongtit $10, 0 ( 1 0 in siiores of Hie great Pacific is fast making •ono should see that there was at least one W b rapidly and honorably, by those o f j W either i*«»k, youiiic or old, and in th eir | ARTIST. the hands of the world’s fair commission­ up his mind to do his own thinking. And from each locality in uttonuunco at that ■ own localities,w herever they live. A n y | Address, ED W IN M ORRISON, Principal. S ono t an do the work. Easy to Icnrn. j ers would amount to more than $50,000 in us tho majority rules, und ho is in tiie meeting—Then after a general outlining Portraits enlarged to life size and finished W e furnish everytlilntr. W e stm t » on. No ri-k . You cun devote your »pure monionts, or all your lime to the work. This is an I « iitirsly new lead.and hHna* wondinful success to everv w orker. | in Crayon India Ink or W ater Colors, the hands of a state committee. majority, who slmil say that lie cun not and plans have boon agreed upon by the Ilcpimii Ti arc eandti}? fro.n I?- A to *r A<» per week and ‘upwnida, ! more afte r a little experience. W e i an fumish you the em ­ also make his own laws, and, having preliminary meeting, tiiey should intro­ R oom o v e r M o o re B r o s ., D r u g S t o r e p and loym ent and teach you rK K E . Ko space to explain hove. Fnli inform ation KLLL. '1'S£ (•' 0-J »v 4 « > ., ALGI STA, 31A1.NE. ! N EW B E R G , OREGON. U nueii the new immigration law any made them , und reaped the benefits, duce and adopt u constitution and by laws, A Something Rev/! Something New.(ef-' pereon bringing into this country any |>er- every man w ith whom lie comes into busi­ form of policy, application for member­ son not lawfully entitled to enter, is liu ness relations will also lie benefited. ship and insurance registers, and form) NSW ABPoIVAL. hie to a fine of $1,000. This, it is hoped, Talk about moss I If tliere is a thorough­ for keeping their 'accounts, ull to Hgreu ’ DC01ÜÍ Graves Bros, have started a Cabinet shop one will check some of tho reckless importa­ bred mussbuck in Oregon today, it is tiie with the plans adopt* d ut the preliminary block west of Jon es’ hall and are prepared to do first class work with the latest improved tion of criminals and imbeciles into this fellow wlio thinks tho farmers anil other meeting. Then they should proceed to machinery. New work done to order. Bring country. producing classes are a set of fools and do elect their officers und directors under tho in your old furniture ami get it repaired. We EAR R iver Landing, warrant our work to be first class and low EAR Sawmill and Box Factory, not know what is good for tiiem. If, alter laws adopted, and at tho same time they prices. Give us a call. EAR the Town of Newberg, G uavks B ros ., Newberg, Or. yaurH of broken pledges they haven’t should agree upon a number of ineiniicrs EA R Schools aud Churches. A very interesting article on Ilio sub­ (§ Y formed seme i lea as to what they want, or risks to secure before any insurance ject of umiliai insurance »ill ho found in who un eartli is capable of measuring should take effect, say 100 or more, fJ E . H ESTON ’S i— - ——«J • this issue. It is written by A. M. Hadley their needs? Nurely not the dtieat-loviug though it should not he I cnh than 2iH). un old friend anti neighbor ot ours in ( T h e E . II. W o o dw a rd F a r m .) Indiana, who lias liad years olexperience editor of the Oregon tan, or liis esteemed Now you are in running order anil if you E A S IL Y C L E A R E D , GOOD SO IL AND Is always opeu, ready for in this work and knows just what lie is fellow townsman the lio n , doe Himon. have adopted good forms and claims E X C E L L E N T F R U IT LAND. talking about. It will pay our farmer Wo predict that some ot these days tiie und they are fully carried out and you ALL KINDS O F WORK IN I ! IS L IN E . Oregonian will be found giving taffy to tho see that the association is kept entirely Give him a call. Shop near the Bank This property will double in value in the i readers especially, to read the article grangers u la Ingalls. Wait und see. Building. euretully. tinder tiie management and control of its next year. For pale on easy terms, by O rego n . members through the directors elected N e w b k r o , MARIS & COLCORD, by them each year I will assure you that MUTUAL. INSURANCE. O ne tliing the Kansas alliance bouse uf inside of three years every member of the xm viîiiiïo, O ÏÏE G O N . représentatives lias dune will cause il to J. J , Smri.KY. w. 8. POWITM.. 11 seems at the present time that tiie I association will be pleased with his in- lie reinemberud by ull llie liettur dues of P O W E L L & S U I P I.H Y , peuple tliroiiglioilt tlio country. Tin y subject of mutual lire insurance is being : Durance und every one thut can will be- agitated by the farmers of Oregon to sumo | come members of the association as fast B U Y A LO T IX Something New. recognized tliu equality of threo liundied Something New. and Dealers in ■*- - . _i us their insurance expires even the men thousaud woineu, and passed a bill to extent, ami the interest is increasing GROCERIES FLOUR FEED HAY and more witli the agitation. Now 1 am glad tiiat you will meet tiiat oppose it liecause HEHALEM OR HR. give lier e quai riglits of franchise and to notice tills —It is a move in tiie right tiiey Bay they have no confidence in sudi 280, Cor. Front A Jefferson Sts. making lier elegihlo to any office in tho PORTLAND, OREGON. direction—It shows a spirit of iinlcpcn- associations and tiiey know all about ORCHARD HOMTi gift of tlie people of the i-tate, Tliero is dunce und progression thut will improve them. Now I huv o made a few sugges­ suivly a teinter spot sotnewhero iu the I t Contains 10, 20 and 40 Aero Lots, us we gut out of Hie old ruts, und from tions about, organizing, which 1 think are heurts of thoso old “ hayseed sociaiists.” Nicely P’atted with Streets. under the burden uf mono]njlics, such us pretty good but 1 w ant to hour from Olli­ ro m T K K Ü tIN A I. o r I N T I II ÏI ■"75 acres in ali. 400 aires mi.let cultiva­ N EW B ER G , O REG O N . that of insurants) companies doing busi­ ers and is-ilmps you can offer t»otter ones, ¡ tion. O U P O I N T S U to I n a Kansas exchange received Uds ness in this state. Co-operation is a I atn sure ut least tiiat these can be im Cagliai Steen, $33.000 Lie* sightly and rolling, - 4 mi'o from It. week, wo notice eighty-nine farms adver­ weapon whfth not only lumiera but ail proved upon, let us liero from everybody. It. elation. 3 miles from Newberg. tised for rent by one man, a representa­ citizens can use to better advantage agiiinut A. M. 11. CHOICE F R U IT LAN D S .TESSE E D W A R D S ,.. tive of an eastern loan company. These monopolies tliau any other. It is a weajs ......... ................................ President. l'riees range from $25 to $40 per aero. B. C. M IL E S ,............. farms have alt been taken on execution, on thut they tear mom than anything else, ........................................Vice-President. UAILROA D M OSES V O T A W ,.. . . Terms, ' , cash, balance 3 yer-s time. and a limited lundlord system lias sprung anti for that rearon they are always try­ A New B o o k . ......................................................Cashier. Is tho line to t ike up where u few years ago happy, indus­ ing by legislation and otherwise to keep We liava examined a number of luoks 3 , 0 0 0 C o rd s o f W o o d trious men tilled farms that wore ull their down associations of this sort amongst during the winter, sold i.y agents, but DIBECTOBS: To he rut to apply on payment. JE S S E EDW ARDS, own. Other causes than failuro of crops the citizens—I would Is) glad to seo the Tahnago’s new “ Idle of t'lirist” is the B . C. M IL E S, f A M O R R IS. J. I. KNIGHT, IH s the DINING C VU ROUTE. It run» have worked this change. Art' the peo­ people of Western Oregon get together best we have yet seen. Mr. 0 . L. Ballard, J . C. COLCORD E . II. WOODWARD. T hroig h V ESTIBU IE D ! K AI NS N EW BERG, : : OREGON. ple of Oregon more far-seeing than the ami organize a company on some such of our town, ia agent for tho work. This EV E R Y DAY iu the year to people of Kansas? bet them investigate plans tiiat would give protection, satisfac­ is a liook which is sure to have great Certificates of Deposit issued payable on demand.------- -Exchange bought and these things so that they may bo en­ tion and buttar rates than they ate non popularity and immense sale, Isilli l»o- St. Paul and Chicago sold.----- -------Good notes discounted.------------ Deposits received subject to check at abled to steer clear of tho ris ks on w hich getting. Three important items, but cuuse oí its interesting style und its superb -ight and a general banking business transacted.------------ Collections made on all (NO CHANGE OF CARS) others have gone to pieces. accessable points in the United States and Canada. this is not all the advantages that will bo illustrations, is “ From Manger to Throne,” C o n o s . f o f r>: l i t t f f C a t s V n s u r p a w d , gained from such association. In Oregon a now life of t'lirist and a history of I’aies- P u l l m a n D r a u ii ii i R o o m S l e e p e r s C orresp on d en ts \ ■ P ° r •Hand. Of Latest Kqulpmrnt, T iik roKMKit ie-i.| -tits vi Wisconsin we are deprived by our laws of the com­ timi and its people, including Dr. Tai- (A a t to n a l P a r k B a tik , A'ew Y ork mage's account of Ids famous journey to, petimi iu insurance to tiie extent that it havo formod a Btid.er Club at Portland, Strangers visiting the City are Invited to call at the Bank for information concern and desire Ilio nanies of ali Wisconsin exists in tiie eastern states, and even in through and from tito O irist-laud. The ing the City. people in Oregon. Sudi persona may the states whore lite rates art» lowrr than [ work, which is splendidly printed, con­ Best that c m be constrncied »nd in which aeeonimodfttiotis are for holders of First or Homi their OSMIO« lo l ook Box Silfi Port­ here the farmers find tiiat they can make ' tains nearly TOO largo sized pages, Dxll Seco nil class Ticket#. C o rre s p o n d e n c e In v ite d . land. The objocts of the Club, as «et them stili lower. Tiiey can a!«o improve j inches. It is illustrated with more limn ♦X*grand illustrations, among which are enconr- ! on Uia h>rm of policy contract to lie used forili iti ttie Conatitutioii, uro to property a« they cart) to cover, accurate copies of nearly 200 of the famous and EUROPE c m be purchased at any T ick e ago acqnainlunce and piomote cordial I *,,r making them plain, easily understood b y ' paintings of the old masters, which have Office of this Ceraptny, social relation« smong former residente Full infurtiistb»!» concerning rates, time of of Wiw-onsin ; to oollect rubatile informa­ cverylssly. Adjustments would 1»‘ made so long enriched I lie galleries and cathe­ ti«*« »« lo tho location and situatimi of al' witli less difficulty, wi’.li no disposition to : drals of Europe, but were never before rains. n>mc> am! ottu r details furnished on application to any agent, or which 1 ---- * ’ ' ! published in America. Wisconsin people now in Oregon; to ren­ take advantage ot technicalities, by He treats the story of tin) Savior with A. 1>. CHARLTON. tier aid and assistunce to its mmnls r« ; to the assured is often robbed of Ids tights : relieve thè |sH>r and visit thè sii k ; and to idler be lias suffered loss of his property groat reverence, with uiicx|x'ctcd tendí r- A n i Pa««. Ag».. that he thou^lit was properly rovereti l»y no s, there la ing no »training for effect. | bave a gelici al festival once a vcar. No. 121 First 8 lri« l, Cor. W ach., The work is a Viirtory, and in no way inmiranw—Tho satiofaetion of knowing CONSTANTLY KKEPS ON HAND Portland, Or. that your money goo» to parties that have st efariun, and is tlieifore cue which every | K. II. WOODWARD, Agent, T u rn s ¡«n’t a «i«»t of «¡niü.tr «:.:j on had a î«wk» instead of to »ome rieh eorp 'ra- ( liristian may read with advantage, li I T H E ON LY No« Ix-rg. t'regnn. eai th thut | i>.i.v,«ii a« varied und a- tion i» worth ftomething, and (liât it is will »Io good, instrui t and entertain—threo great rvnoareei •« Oiogon. And at lin­ only paid out aa n« t iled, and a »tatenient • thing» »o few writers aocotuphah iu earne time there Isn’t a «tate in the I nion always given i\» to who and what it ia single volume, tiiat ha« been more peiM.slently and ma for. It would ho usee»»» for mo to under 1 3 S T C L X J I D I O S T <3- «„ Uekmsly mÍMepreseiiU I Ilian this M ato.1 ¡.lkp J„ cnumpra, d tho advantages to We hold »-¡thin our ‘«irilnr« all the |io«.-i- ,] r¡, | [r ,m •neh an aawvlation. l i n t e l! C tio ap !! Shingles, Lath, Lime, •'un era ■lítate the «peed «*f the wheel *« low Lumber, hiliti*»» ami r ^ iireiaenta of a ¿re it »tato, ('o operation ia the rorreet principio for We have for »ale the fine hotel pro >p a* !» s t a k e s per minute in st nc wind*. teeming with i t-lu'-tiul life, ami won- insuraf.t»o, ospeeiat y on any particular ty known »» “ The Newlrer* lloti«e,*v! Cement, Plaster, Hair, Doors, iVe u»e only W different pieces in the entire eon struct ton of the trou work, rumily ri< h in natural renounu*». Our ria»» of proj* rtv wlv rc the rh.in*v» of he* which within the next thirty flay» we can dur Mill cannot be equalled for sim plicity mine« are rich in the pneiona met.il», tin, ili if ilo»troytt| are m nrly even, thi» is a 1* M'll cheap amt on ea«y term». The pn>j>- Windows, Mouldings, Weights, Pulleys power, and >elf governing principle*. irw , le.ul ami coal, our forest* are amoii^ mittrtl ov manynf the icrtvling insurance ! •‘Hy i» llr»t ria»», » ’Ution the very In'st Wc m anufacture the !>e*t known to man, our eoreals ami mcn to ho mrrvet u!tlioiiv;h they rpjwvae tiri tur in the tvnt of the town near the iSaslx C o r d a n d F i x t u r e s . y A panipblft of tBfonnsttoa »ml sb- • TASK*. PI MPS n*,l U TSD MILL s i r r L I F * «.f tho Is*«»,«ho«In» il«'w t«' new» ami they ma»t pr»>tt»rt that at all man will «to a »p!en«li I l*u»inr»» with this Hrtüitiwiiî. k j C î . 0 ‘ j % - á f f i i F . B. STEARNS & CO., Ji.it e reacho'l h » near an earthly eden as hazarfl». Now i» it noi jn^t «» important house, l or part:» uLir* call on t>r a*l»ir« Yard Near the D.*pot. K l S H V IL L K . I NIL, ü . S. A. in puMÍbir, mui uro «ontento«! ami pro - for th© farmer or the ptiMie in g noral a» M\K!» «^ UfUf•o*;i* M EW DERQ, . . O REGON , 4eud fv r » Catalogue. fiefMU» Ü iejpii agaiust the \'orM N.' to that Litui , to proti***! their r. & w V. TIM E TAULS. Ju ly , l*yu. South. » *) a . m. Lv. f o r o ta d N o rth . * e All i 7 F.H. Howard, E U M S W atch m aker and Jew eler. REPAIRING FINE VVATCHES & CLOCKS A SFECIALTY. I J. D. TARRANT & SOU, P ro p rieto rs. G. B, Haworth, iJC ill A full line of under­ taker's goods may be found at my residence on Winooski street. P ri­ ces reasonable. Cash paid for Wheat Newberg, Oregon. GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, F rien d s’ Pacific A cadem y, IMillinery. P h o to g ra p h e r P o rtrait & Landscape Wy Su'sim; I 3 S HIGH AND SIGHTLY, {RU RAL HOME? ^ No. 2. > r V BLACKSMITH SHOP The B est on the Market. S E E M A R IS COMMISSION 0 MERCHANTS c -Ì? C D iB D E D . B A N K OF NEWBERG. mm F.» r I l To All Points East and Sonili. Ill I! 1 , Tourist Sleeping Cars, Turen?,li Tickets » m NEWBERG LUMBER YARD . . . W . P. H EACO CK, P ro p rie to r. , 1 Texible AVliecl W in d TSlill Building M aterial of Every Kind, MANUFACTURED. DilY FLOGRING AND CEILING A SPECIALTY. ^ A ; 0 1 ^