J The people it the W orld ’s Dispensary o f buffalo, N. Y., have a stock-taking time once a year and what do you think they do ? Count the number o f bottles that’ve been re­ turned by the men and women who say that Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery or Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip­ tion didn’t do what they said it would do. SINGULAR CASES S T R A N G E L Y DLED IN LAW A Woman Considered erty ami Drought Valued Before at tlie HAN­ CO U R TS. a» Personal 18.50— A Bar The Prop­ Horae Wrong >lan Told Why fie Wan There. To a Ilex-king county court belongs the remarkable distinction o f passing upon a woman as personal projxrty The unique precedent was laid some twenty-five or thirty years ago, and before women’s rights had progressed as far as they have sine«. A citizen o f old Hocking married a young lady against the energetic pro­ test of her father, and set up houaekeep- ing on his own account. It was a case of “ love in a cottage,” as a matter of fact. During the tem|>orary al>«ence of the unsuspecting bridegroom the w ife’s father auu brothers invaded love’s domi- cile ami carried her off. And how many do you think they have to count. One in ten ? N o t one in J ive J hundred ! Here are two remedies — one the Golden Medical Di». covery, for regulating and in- aricrnmrino- t b p l i v p r -inri n n r if v - Vlgorating tnc liver ana purity ing the blood ; the Other, the I,,.,.,. ..,..-,1,1., -.nl-i,....! hope o f WLakly womanhood, and they’ve been sold for b) the million Dot- years, i, sold by ties; sold under a positive guarantee, and not one in five hundred can say: A A. i IL M M j LhliA l. FIIKAKS. of law suited to the exigencies of the (aH«- After a thorough investigation of Swan’s Treaties and Cradle ha ugh's Con­ stable, it was unanimously decided by the squire, the constable ami the desolate ljusliand that the |>ro|>er thing to do was to proceed by an action in re|>levinl i B O O TB L A C K 'S CRITICISM . Polotlug Out s I M w t I d » Picture W hich Escaped Public Attention. Tom Nicholl, the artist, tells the fol­ lowing story on himself, which is a j pretty good one. It illustra'es tho well known fact that tiie best o f us can learn something from fools and children. Ttio ! story is as follows: On one occasion ho had made a large crayon picturo o f a lit­ tle child seated in a cart to which was hitched a largo Newfoundland dog. It was a line piece o f work, and for some two weeks hung in a public show w in­ dow, where it attracted much attention, and many were the compliments show­ ered upon tiie artist for liis skill. Some time after tiie picture had been taken down Mr. Nicholl was seated in his studio w hen there came a timid rap at the door. He called out to tho caller to come in, and there entered a little street urchin, who had often given the artist a shine, and who on tiie strength of such acquaintance used frequently to pay him a visit. “ W ell, Tod," said Nicholl, “ what can I do for you today'/" Tho little Arab hesitated a moment, and then, in a to n e that plainly indicated tho intensity o f his desire, lie said: “ W ell, I thought I'd like ter see the picter yer made o’ that hoy an' the dog ui u wagon.” “ A ll right,” replied tiie artist, and crossing tlio room to where tho picture stood, faced to tiie wall, tie picked it up i and placed it on an easel. Tiie boy stood and looked at it, with evident delight uml pleasure depicted on his face. Suddenly, however, he turned, and with considerable embarrassment, us though he knew ho was presuming, ho said: “ Mr. Nicholl, it’s er dandy, hut you've made a mistake in it.” “ What I" ejaculated tiie artist. “ A mis­ take; where'/” J “ W h y," said tiie boy, a little triumph- ' antlv, “ you've forgot to put in any ‘ bol­ ster on tiie front axletree." Nicholl stepped forward, looked at tiie icture a moment, and sure enough tire oy was rigid. Tho front end o f tiie wagon bed was resting on nothing. Ho quieklv seized crayon, put in the missing piece by merely making a deep shadow where lie had left a high light, and the defect was remedied. Tiie urchin watched the processor cor­ rection, and then, after a critical ami satislied look at tiie picture, und remark I ing, “ That's bully," lie slung liis kit over bis shoulder und went out. “ Tho strangest tiling, though," said Mr. Nicholl, in telling the story, “ is how that picture should have hung on exhi­ bition for two weeks, where it was ud- mired and criticised by hundreds, and none o f whom saw tiie blunder 1 had made, and that liootMuck should dis­ cover it tiie minute lie saw it. The | h > int was, tiie hoy was [losted on all the points about a dog and wagon. It taught me a lesson I have never forgotten—that al­ most any person can g ive you sugges­ tions aliout something that uro worth having.” —Arkansaw Traveler. The papers were accordingly made out and the writ lodged in the hands of the ' constable, who proceeded at once to exe­ cute It, and reptevined the woman from the custody o f her father, who, though exceedingly irate, didn't feel like resist­ ing the edict o f the* court. When it came “ It was not the medicine for to appraising the property and fixing tiie [ sworn value o f a woman, the constable me ! ” was rather perplexed, hut tho three free­ A n d — is there any reason holders whom lie called in to act as ap- I p raisers solved the problem in a manner why you should be the one ? \ at once olf hand anu business like. They Bent for her husband, the plain­ And— supposing you are what tiff, and ascertained for him that he had do you lose ? Absolutely expended the following sums of money U|M)ii his "p r o p e r ty L ic e n s e , 75 cents; nothing / justice’s marriage fee, $2.50; one new dress, H7| cents; one new bonnet, B7J cents. They furthermore decided that the woman was “ perishable property,” ami her value was only to lie estimated theoretically. Whereupon they fixed tho value or her labor uml services for the month at $4, which they added to 99 the other items, making $8.50. In due course o f time the trial came off and the plaintiff duly and satisfacto­ rily proved his ownership by producing his marriage certificate. Tho defendant For children a medi­ could not upset tlii» evidence, and the A C ough cine should be abso­ plaintilf got judgment o f restitution aud A 25 cents damages. Ills property was and C r o u p lutely r e l i a b l e . mother must be able to then restored to him in due and regular form, and the defendant solemnly Medicine. pin her faith to it as to notified that a repetition was of his offense her Bible. It must would fie regarded as petty larceny and contain nothing violent, uncertain, punished accordingly. The man and his or dangerous. It must be standard wife nro still living happily and con­ in material and manufacture. It tentedly together. liut Hocking county cannot lay claim must be plain and simple to admin­ to exclusiveness in “ precedents,” Over ister; easy and pleasant to take. in her next door neighbor, Perry, a A Rural IMstrirter. The child must like it. It must lie horse was once restored to ils rightful The average New Yorker is likely to prompt in action, giving immedi­ neighbor under u writ o f lialieos corpus think of Ids friends in smaller cities us ate relief, as childrens’ troubles issued by a justice of tho peuro. A's horse broke into li’s pasture, hardly equal to himself in keen business come quick, grow fast, and end wliereu|Kin 11 put it into his stable, sagacity, hut now and then somebody fatally or otherwise in a very short locked tho door and refused to g ive it from a small town or oven from tlie I country shows himself in this quality time. It must not only relieve quick up. A secured the services o f thoeole- j quite worthy o f the metropolis. A New but bring them around quick, as I hrated Hhep Tinker as his legel adviser, | Englander, who may lie called Mr. H ig­ children chafe and fret and spoil Sliep knew that Ilia client could not give gins, a man who stands six feet two in the necessary liiwl in an action bv reple­ their constitutions under long con­ vin, so lie decided to bring a different his stockings and is well proportioned, I landed from a Hound steamer the otiier finement. It must do its work in sort of an action. morning and was greeted witli tho fam il­ With this intent lie went I s'fore a jus­ moderate doses. A large quantity iar “ Good morning, Mr. Higgins! Ho tice of I he peace in old Straitsville, tuid o f medicine in a child is not desira­ glad to see you here! But I'm afraid you took out a w rit o f hulieus corpus and ble. It must not interfere with the literally brought tho iiorso into court. | don't remember m e." The usual intro- child’s spirits, appetite or general Lawyer Humidors, u most brilliant prac­ | duction and explanations followed, and health. These things suit old as titioner at file Logan bar and long tho then Mr. lUggiiiH started with tlie stranger to "call on some friends.” well as young folks, and make Ro- prosecuting attorney of Hocking county, i A fter walking a few blocks they came was called on the oilier side. Bchee’s German Syrup the favorite into a smull side street, und here Air. H ig­ lie didn't know tho nature o f the ease iiunily medicine. d> until the constuhlo made liis return u|ion gins interrupted tiie flow o f reminiscences ; by setting down liis valise on tiie side- tho writ. I walk ami InjSlig liis overcoat upon it. “ W h y,” exclaimed Mr. Saunders, with K I.K C T K IC IT Y C l It KS A C A N C K It This surprised liis companion, who a look of blank astonishment, “ this court A ft e r A ll O th e r M ouhm IIml Fulled. I asked: "W h a t is the matter, Mr. H ig­ can’t issue such a w rit and no court could I,list week Mr. George t\ W ilkie < issue one f or a horse!" Shop was more gins'/ What are you going to do'/” “ I am g o in g ,' replied Mr. Higgins W ichita, K h ii .. came to Peoria— a dis­ Ilian ei|tial lo tiie emergency. calmly, “ lo lick a bunco steerer within A.......... ».. 'P__ tance of f 700 miles— to I....... have I l»r. Toel I re­ "Y o u r honor," ho said, “ a wise and un inch of his life.” move a cancer from liis nose, lie liad just court can do anything that is laid Bill tiie New Yorker, w ho had no taste had it removed several times by means down in tiie hooks. Tho w rit of hnltcns for sparring matches, laid suddenly re- of plasters, but it had returned every corpus has been recognized us sacred for mem iered an engagement in another time, so he linally concluded to commit centuries. To say that this court can't part o f tiie city .—New York Tribune. I Jr. Toel. The operation was performed issuo it is to say that it is ignorunt of by means of electricity in a few minutes Magna C’lmrta." Electric Conveniences. “ But this court kin issuo it,” inter­ without tiie loss of a drop of blood, and One of tho ingenious members o f the tiie wound is now healed, so that Mr. posed the justice, “ and it has issued it New York Electrical club bus designed W ilk ie will return to liis home in already." Mr. Saunders saw liis mistake and u door opener which relieve, tho dis- KansiiH next week.— Nmlimial Umilienti. Dr. Toel is now located in Portland. apologized to tiie court for having doubt­ | gliHted traveler or visitor from the neces­ The cancer, w ith hundreds of other enti- ed its ability to do anything it chose. It sity o f shoving a heavy mass of wood cere and tumors successfully removed by is needless to say that tho horse was re­ I witli liis hands, or of wearing out the I tin s o f his I hhi I s in kicking it hack. him, can lie seen in liis office. Dr. Tool stored to its owner. A metallic plate set in tiie floor a foot WI1AT HIS M'iUNESS WAS. lias studied four years at the I'niversities and large Hospitals of Germany, Switz­ As funny a tiling us ever occurred in from tiie threshold is marked "door | opener.” The caller treads upon it in erland and Knglaud, ami is tiie only sur­ a court hapiantsl at Napoleon, O., in geon in the Northwest who operates by 18!I0, before Judge Potter ami a jury. A the same sty le us I lie |>euceful street car case was on trial, and un outsider seated horse tread, upon tlieciumsy iron switch electricity without loss of blood. litmself on one o f the puncheons ut the plates w hich now ornament every street D O CTO R TO E L where thisHtyleof locomotion is in vogue. Makes a specialty <>( Discuses of tiie fur end o f the panel o f jurors, there lio- Nose, Throat ami Neck, Skin, Urinary | ing no other uvailahle scat When the The plate yieltl. a quarter inch to tiie Organs, Female Diseases and all Surgical defendant'll counsel arose to address the pressure o f the foot ami forms a circuit, Operations, as for Fistula, l ’ iles, Strict- ! jury he scanned the face oi each very ! w hich immediately starts a linv electro- ure, l ancer Polypus ami all other Tu- closely, and naturally Ins gazo was ! motor, that in turn opens the door, morn and Ulcers. Operations |ierformcd directed to the furthest uian from him, | despite door spring, uir valve or counter­ bv means of electricity without loss of w h o d id n t happen Ui lio a juror ut all. weight. The moment tiie visitor passe. | in tiie plate i. thrown luck by a coiled blood. Office — No. 70S, Washington Glaring lit him, he began: spring to its former | h > b U ioii , the circuit street, corner Fourth, rooms 3, 4 ami 5 “ Gentlemen o f the jury, 1 want to is broken and the dcr's foot o|H'iis weight und emphasis to tiie question, he iioth doors, hut w hen disconnected only oue. — l ’h i ladel ph ia T illicit. | jumped to liis feet und howled: “ What um I here for, you cross eyed Tam ing a Bird. | cock o f tho walk? What am 1 seeking | for in this here court? I'll »ell you in No creature is more jealous cr sonsF J short order, you weazen faced old son of tive than a biril, guys Olive Thorne Mil­ ! a gun. I've been here three days ler in Tim Home Maker it is easy, how­ | ¡»-waitin' for my fees, and nary u red kin ever, to w in tiie heart of utmost any 1 git. Pay me my witness tees, sir, and bird, and w itlimit starving him or making 1 11 git out o f hero im megiatcly." him think lie has mustered you. Simply This unexpected oration brought down talk to him a good deal Place hi. cage OM of Man Will positively cure Nervo« | tho house, and tiie lawyer never finished near you on your desk or work table, hood, Imp »tone;. i amo Bm k, Rheumatism I Ids aide argument. and retain his choicest dainty to give to Dyspepsia General Debility, etc Price. «.V 910 »nil BIB. John 11. Morrison practiced law manv him with your own linger»». 1st luiu Alan Drugs. Trussas. Crutches. Elastic Stockings J years ago at Findlay ami all through know that he can never have that par­ Shoulder Braces. Electric Insoles. Etc. Ho had some ticular tiling unless he takes it from you, Htat« Agent for Halsey Urne.' Homeopathic j Hint sta tion of Ohio. Heine.lie*. Kend In vour order». ’ striking peculiarities, which were in the and lie will s . hui learn, it you are patient | habit o f cropping out in court. He w as ami do not disconcert him bv Axing your i once trying a case I k 1 fore Judge Patrick eye. upon him. After Ih is W will more The U e lin h l* i 'n i | f U t , T h ir d and T a y lo r . P o r t la n d . O r. Henry Goode und a jury, and opeued Ids readily take it from your lips, ami then (Meution thin paper.] side o f Hie case ns billow s: when you let him out o f Ins cage, after i “ Muv it please the court, by the per­ tiie lirst excitement is over, lie w dl come ry o f witnesses, the ignorance o f tiie to you, es|s< uillv it you have a call »ou lur- . . jury and the connivance of the court, I have accustomed him to, and accept the J . M c C R A K E N * C O ., ex|xvt to I ono this case»” dainty from you while free. As soon as —DEALER* 1N- "W h a t istliat you say, Mr. Morrison?" he become, really convinced that you Itoche Harbor Lime. Portland Cement. Gol­ "Tliat is all I have to sa v o n that point, will not hint him, or trv to eateli him. den Gate and Utah Plaster. Hair. Fire Brick ami tini court will f, of itn real value—send to Stark Bros. Nurseries, tns~ Rheumatism,kidney pains and muscular c L, Louisville, K ., New York, N. Y. Louisiana, Mo., for the book.—Farmers' Call. weakness relieved In one minute by the ; Do not ac ept any cheap, non advertised u t ic u r a A n t i -P a i n P. as t e r . 25 c . T r y G k r m k a for breakfast. » * ■ j Imitations if offered . _____ | ^ philosopher is a ma who can feel as easy I over his own troubles as h< -dot s over his ue.gh- Ckjer this Windmills j hor’b. There are no phih ■■»opher.c HOW DO YOU i ready. ACCOUNT ». I ■ F o r the M is e ra bl e F a i l u r e » U n d e r the “ O l d " Pra ct ic e o f Medicine?—Becaus e ! I t 1» A l l G u e s s w o r k . N*> Boiler. No ?m».ke. No No Ashes. N o E u - No Danger. rit'c lric V a p o r Kitslue Co. F r i d a y H a r b o r . March 18. 1800. D r. J. Eugene J ord a n , Seattle, Wash. I wish to add my testimony , to i he many other mira ulous cure- which j you have perf r ued w iih your Histoge- netie System of Mi di ine. I was very sick j with pneumnpia—si« k unto death the* j said —when your a e », Capt. J Edwards Lopez Island, who was stopping at my j of hotel, came to see me and told me • hai he could cure me. I commenced to take y ur medii i ie. wbi h the »Kent always carries with him, and can truthfully say that I commenced to recover right away. I also had a very high fever, for which he gave me medic ne, and the fever leftrnethe tlist night, and your agent, who waited < n me and gave me yourme iicin ever> half hour according to your directions, stated to me that it only took 25« enta w orHi of medicine to break tue fever. The third cay afrer taking your medicine I could get out of bed and wralk about the house, and h *ve been steadily improving ever ince. The sixth day I was ah‘e to get out of doors, and I think another we k of your treatment will make a new man of me. Please print this to let all sufferers know that they need not suff r any longer if they only take your Hist »genetic Medicine. With afeeliugof thankfulness that by your valuable discovery « f the science ot medi­ cine you are able t > relieve much suffering j and for the unremittingly «re of your g»*nt , ( apt. Edwards, I remain, sir, very truly yours, -i LMEft Loss. | Proprietor San Juan Friday Harbor, San Juan county, W ash . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th daj of March, 1 SD:3. J. L F a r n s w o r t h , Justice of the Peace. 21i CALirCKSU ST., San Francisco, - California. j — DEAR SIR: valuable information to all sufferiugfront disease. Home treatment. Portland Dii • pensary, oor. 3d and Alder. Portland, Oi FREE THE NEW W E B S T E R JUST PUBLISHED—ENTIRELY NEW. m Jk£4 ser fé. CURE B ilio u sn e ss, S ic k H eadache, M a la ria . mm Required of a Doctor* Dr. \Y I' . Ki. r says: O f all theprofi'S- t-M . u sions. I think the medical must lie the most exactint;. No one has any idea of the amount of work a physician of any practice must |>erlVrni, and the strain he must he under. In the lirst place, he never knows whether he i* going to get a night's sh i p or not. unless ho simple makes a rule that lie will not take it tilth's.« it is very urgent Then, when he gets up in the morning, lie limls a halt dozen or two dozen calls, from all direc­ tions, which, in n large city like St lx»uis. means a great deal o f traveling. Starting out on these, he returns u t E X J O V M other hours, works without a spare min­ ■ 1 n;ul i< ■‘ults tvfipn ute there, and then is out again. Then conn s dinner, more office hours, another round ct calls, ami night office hours ttul refreshing to tiie tn«te, ami acts again, the «lav Is ing tilled up from oarlv Tenth- yet promptly 041 the Kidneys, until late without allowing a moment's !river and Rowels, cleanse, the st* pleasure, tu even relaxation. 8uch a phy i ian should never invite company, 'em efleetually, di-pel j colds, heat! to entertain them, unless it is of friemls iclies am! fevers ami cures habita.' who will not tool had if they have to •onsti pat ioti permanently, F..r sal* dine alone St jzwtis Glohe-|ipnnx'n»t m 50c am W IL L IA M C. BECK ARM S C O ., Guns, flifles, Revolvers, Sporting Goods and fishing Tackle, !<«* in l u g t o n , He m in ato ti, W lia r l ie i t e r , P a r k e r Bros., T I « r l i n , t 'o lt * « !.. C . S t illili, C o lt * « M i o f * tin * , V lc p c a llii« K l f l r « 17 1 A V I ) 174 T H I R D 8T., Y A M H ILL ST., PORTLAND. OR. T H E P R A C T IC A L F E A T U R E S OF OUR M A IL D E P A R T M E N T Will * orninomi themselves at «mee to out of-town consumen», who ha ir cstabiija'iment »n*i making a personal selection of anything SPRING 0x1: COODS ÖP* Samples, with rule« of seli-mcasuremenS NOW 111 be sent on apt READY. i r V S r S i s ^ ^ V i t i s ^ n i A. B. STEINBA8H l CO., POPULAR ONE-PRICE CLOTHIERS AND HATTERS, d l l botti s bv all druggist». I iti\i>v| K mo w ii Flower. Fare*!* *ait ltninfall. An I n glb h InT**«*tion. It seems Idle to d x iM further the in­ An En 4lis; :nan has Invent«*! «b ra k e fluence of fores** upoti rainfall from tbs LAND AND INDIAN !»t MtKDA h any pereon in a com part nunt economic point J view, a* it is evidently bv Hon claim* Special attention gi»rit turn « lever «m i «top the train, A new album inoni poison o f 100 too «light tc. l*e of the least practical Im­ to t hr at* >*•■ N athan It Irk ford . I u ame time « white d i s k will appear tiimw thè power o f stryclinine is ex portance. Man has not yet invent«! a K. f of the r«uu part ment to u e tifyth e State Blank# an t Information fre* method of controlling rainfall.— ileury tractcd from thè aeetls o f Abru* prtea •r in which carnale the «»rake h.m Liauuett In Science. torio. h !.—lk «ton Budget. N. P. N. V . No. 377—S. f . N. I . R * Cài PENSION. I L U S T R A T IO N Never anywhere else was there such a scene; never anywhere else was so beauti­ ful a picture hung in so rude a frame; never anywhere else on a background so forbidding and weird were so many W EBSTER’ S glories clustered. Around and beyond there is nothing but the desert, sere, A Pure Cream of T artar Powder silent, lifeless; as though desolation had INTERNATIONAL, Superior to every other known budded there everlasting thrones to Sor­ row and Despair. Used in Millions of Hom es— D IC TIO N A R Y Away back in remote ages, over the 40 Years the Standard withered breast o f the desert, a river of Delicious Cake and Pastry. Light Flaky fire 100 miles wide anti 400 miles long Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable was turned. As tho fiery mass cooled, an«l Wholesome. its red waves became transfixed and A G R A N D IN V E S T M E N T turned black, givin g to the double No other baking powder d • h work for the Family, the School, or the Library. Revision has been in progress for over lu Years. desert an indescribably blasted and for­ More than 100 editorial lat*orers employed. bidding face. But while this river of $300,000 expended before first copy was print«-«!. fire was in flow a river o f water was Critical examination invited. G et th e R est. ‘ the ^ spec T fic a no . i ; Bold bvall Booksellers. Illustrated 1 aninhlettree. fighting its way across it, or has since li^irosall unnatural discharges of m^n, G. & C. M E K K IA M & CO.. P u b lis h e r», made the war and forged out for itself a \ V n i ! M O ,rt matter o f how longstanding. Pre- Sprin gfield , M ass., U. 8. A . channel through the mass. This chan­ f | U U s i l l vent:1 stricture, it being an internal C a u tio n !—There have recently been L?ued I 1 w v h c' ures when everything els»* nel looks like the grave o f a volcano that several cheap reprints o f tho 1817 edition «»! • ‘ * Uric ~ ‘ ".0*3.00. -------- Circular ---- ula on jhas failed. Webster’s Unakridged Dictionary, an edit i« n long has been robbed o f its dead. lb y 1 •ruggiste or sent tppl’cntloa since superannuated. These books are gB^n n ree ipt of price by The A . Schoen Hut right between its crumbling and various names,—“ Webster’s Unabridged, ’ " 1 !;o licit Meiticine Co., Han Jose, Cal. repeilant wall" a transfiguration appears. Great Webster’s Dictionary,” “ Webster's Big And such a picturo! A river, aa lordly Dictionary,” “ Webster’s Encyclopedic Dictiona­ D r . J o r d an ’ s office is at the residence S T E I N W A Y , G abler and Pease Pianos ry,” etc., etc. . as tho Hudson or tho Ohio, springing of ex-Mayor Yesler, Third and James. Meaning tiie B est P ia n o M a d e , and the favorit* , Many announcements concerning them are from the distant, snow crested Tetons, cheaper Pianos; all Musical Instruments; Bands Sun very misleading, as the body of each, from \ to Consultation and prescriptions absolute­ plied; stock of Sheet Music. S t e in w a y H a l l . I _____ large -rge _____ _________________ with waters transparent as glass, but Z, is 41 years old, and printed from cheap plates 206 ‘ii)8 M a t t ----------------- h ia s G r a y C o . Cat • - and • 'P - - P ost * - Street; • ------ ly FREE. made by photographing tho old pages. green as emerald, with majestic flow ind see our new rooms and new stock. Send for free book explaining Ihe Ilis- and ever increasing volume, sweeps on togenetic system. until it reaches the point w’here the I C a u t io n . The Histogm tic Medicines grand display begins. I are sold in but one agency in each town. S u d d e n ly ,......... in different . places In the I The label around the b ttie bears the fol- river bed, jagged, rocky reefs are ui>- j lowing inscription; “ Dr. J Eugene Jor Every raised, dividing the current into four | dan’s Histogenetic Medicine.” rivers, and these, in a mighty plungo of other device is a fraud. eighty feet downward, dash on their Hojack (to his w ife )—I f you’re waking, call way. O f course the waters are churned 1 me early. Mr». H opck If I ’m not wak.ng, I ! suppose I can call you Tom, as usual. into foam and roll over tho precipice white as are the garments of tho morn­ j Dr. Wallace Ely bus remove«! his offices to 215 Vi' ^ Powell s reet, San Francisco. Cal., w here he con ing when no cloud obscures the sun. tiuues i- ;:ö to give special attention to Kidneys, lilad- Tito loveliest of these falls is called “ The d< r. Prostate Gland and all disea -, Bing there IS'»;! Í Bridal Veil,’’ because it is made o f the from. Diabetes and Ilriuht’s Dinas«- Heated HL lace which is woven with a warp of fall- according to the latent approved ? ethod M««st itur w iti-r a > 10.1 a ivvm f r»f ¿nnHo-lit ca»ea can lie treated sue« «— fully by rorrespond- mg waters and a or euniignt. e lK .e consultations daily from io a . m . to i p Above tin s anu near the right bank is a « . W a i . lack E l y , m . D.. - j i :» i*«»wt*li street, four long trail of foam, and this is called door» from Geary street.sau Franc loco, cal. “ The Bridal Train.” Tho other channels Why Is a pretty girl ltT- a l.auk not«.’ Because aro not so fair as tho one called “ The , they both have & face value._____ TJ t "' .“P \jS Bridal Veil,” but they aro more fierce D I S O R D E R S \\ Il I T i l A F F E C T T H E § and wild and carry in their furious K ID N E Y S Y ou r health sweep more power. Are among the most formidable known. Dia­ WREATHED IN A RAINBOW KALO. is a citadel. betes, Bright’s disease, gravel and other com­ One o f tho reefs which divides the plaint» of the urinary organs are not ordinarily T h e winter’s river in mid-channel runs up to a peak, cured in » were cases, but they may be averted 9 by tim ely medication. A useful stimulant of and on this a family o f eagles have the storms are the urinary g auds has ever been found in Hos through tho years, may bo through the tetter’s Stomach Bitter*, a medic ine which not c o m i t s g enemy. Y ou know that this enemy will sit centuries, made their homo and reared only affords the requisite stimulus when they their young, anti on tho verge o f the j become inactive, bin increases their vigor and down for five long months outside this citadel, and do its secretive power. By Inure» lug fh»- a tiv ity o f abyss and amid the full echoes o f the re­ | the kidneys and bladder this medicine has th-» best to break in and destroy. Is this citadel garrisoned sounding roar of the falls. {Surely the additional effect o f expelling from the blood eagle is a fitting symbol o f perfect fear­ Impurities which it is the peculiar office of those and provisioned? The garrison is your constitution. Is organs to elim inate and pu< 5 off The Bitters is lessness and o f tliat exultation which also a purifier and streiigthener o f the bowels, it vigorous or depleted? H ow long can it fight without comes w ith battle clamors. an invigoraut of th ' stomach hii «1 a matchless But these first falls are but a begin­ remedy for bili usiiess ami f ver an«! ague. It help? Have you made provision for the garrison by fur­ a tendency t<> premature decay, aud ning. The greater splendor succeeds. counteracts sustains and comforts the aged and infirm. With swifter How the startled waters nishing a supply o f S C O T T ’ S E M U L S I O N o f i'he Chicagoat s are <• mpiniuing of cold street dash on and w ithin a few feet take their cars. They ought to insure hot passengers. pure Norwegian Cod Liver O il and Hypophosphites o f second plunge in a solid crescent, over a Did you ever go wu Inn a mile of a soap sheer precipice, 210 feet to tho abyss lie- Lim e and Soda? It restores the flagging energies, in­ low*. On tho brink there is a rolling factor}? If so, you know what material creases the resisting powers against disease; cures Con­ they m ak e soap of. I) »bhiii»’ EUc ric Soap crest o f white, dotted here and there in factory is as iree from odor a« a chair fac sharp contrast, with shining eddies o f tory. Try it once, ¿vsk your grocer for it. sumption, Scrofula, General D ebility,and a ll y I utcmic and green, as might a necklace o f emerald 'la k e no imitation. M asting Diseases ( especially in C hildren), keeps coughs shimmer on a throat of snow, and then It is estimated «hat h man walks half a m ile th<> leap and fall. and colds out, and so enables the constitution to hold the in putting on a stiff collar. Here more than foam is made, nere fort o f health. P a la ta b le a s Milk. H O W S T H IS ? tho w aters are shivered into (leecy spray, whiter and finer than any miracle that We offer One Hundred Dollars’ Reward for any M'CT A L — Scott’ s Emulsion is_non-secret, and is prescribed b y the Medical Pro- ever fell from an India loom, while from case of Catarrh that eain»ot he < ured by takiug tessi .1 ill over the world, because its ingredients are scientifically combined in such a the depths below an everlasting vapor H a ll’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. ( 1IKNEY A CO., in.toner as to greatly increase their remedial value. I’r«»ps , Toledo, O. rises— the incense of the waters to the the umleisigned,have know u F. J Cheney C A U T IO N . Scott’s Emulsion is put up in salmon-colored wrappers. Be sure and waters’ Uod. Finally, through the for We, the last 15 y ars, and ht-Heve him « erfeotly t the genuine. Prepared only by ¿colt¿c Bowne, Manufacturing Chemists N ew York. long unclouded days, the sun sends honorable in a 1 bus.ne.-s transactions and finan­ Sold by all Druggists. down his beams and, to give the cially able to carry out an> obligation made by WK?T .V l’ K lTA X . startling scene its crowning splen­ their firm. Wholesal«* 1> uggists. l oledo, O. dor, wreaths the terror and the W ALD NG. k lN \ \ N A M ARVIN, Wholesale Druggists Toledo.‘A. glory in a rainUnv halo. On either sul­ H a ll’s Catarrh Cure is takt u internally, actin len bank the extremities o f its arc are direct!> upon the blood ami muc us surfaces o f anchored, and there in its many colored the system. Price, 75 cents per b«> tie. Sold by robes o f light it lies outstretched above all druggists. the abvss like w reaths of flowers above This Picture, Panel sii^, mailed fe r 4 cents. I f afflicted with i '•■re Eye«, ^ um* Pr. IsaacThom i- a sepulcher. Up through the glory and gon’ s E> e Wa cr. Druggi-ts s il it. J5 cents. J. F. SMITH A CO., the terror an everlasting roar ascends, Makers o f “ Bile Beans,” deep toned a.«* the voice of fate, a dia{>u- 255 fc 257 6r«enwich St., N. Y. City. son like that the rolling ocean chants w hen his eager surges come l ushing in to greet and fiercely woo an irresponsive N e w S to re. C y m n a s l u m a n d A t h l e t i c C o o d s . N e w C c o d s . iV;'.S »*v promontory. —Salt U k e Tribuna. The large known flower i* the rnflleslji, A Nr Vi York m>cicty worn.'in had a ball Buenos Ayrrs, in thè Argentine Repnb- an extrnord •it y (mrasite of t he forest t ivea «ire*« nm*W of white satin which hail lv- llr, Is now thè largì M city In Soulh Amer­ of 8a mam which measure* three feel in ica, thè ccnsti, i'f 1887 glvlng it a pupil­ forc making Nan run through tho press mm ighs flttren {HUimt* ami has of one of the great dailies, s«> that tier cos­ la! nm of 434,000. six qnnrts. The odor i* tume was ttie news of the day. She won n i i\w \ «1 meat. The plant consist« Ai» Alhany reporter writes o f “ a quiet the priie for the moot novel costume.— flower, growing directly on Chicago Herald. b»»t effettive wcddlng ’ ’ s hoot.— Arkaneaw Traveler. the stc F.ven a rur majr bark at hi. own gate.— Jat>aiiese Proverb, T FOR T H E I VALI A B LE D IS C O V E R Y B L IN D . O f th e va lu e of extensive and .judicious Dr. I.a (iranj?e winhea to make known his New a d v e r tis in g of a n y article of undoubted m e r it is found in the remarkable suc­ Treatment for the cure of ail diseases of the Eye —Cataract, Defective Vision, Inflammation, etc., cess o f the C a l i f o r n i a F iu S y r u p C o ., without Operation or Pain. The remedy can be which hAstlmpl) been phenomenal, even applied by the patient, and is simple, safe and in th is i»ge of great enterprises. -lire in its eih-cts, strengthening the muscles Organized a few years ago to manufact­ and nerves o f the eye, rem oving pain almost In­ ure a new and more perfect remedy than stantaneously It is a marvelous discovery aud had ever been produced, a laxative with a blessing to the sufferer. For lurther particulars addiess with stamped ial and attractive feature«, prepared envelope K. J. L a ( i r a n g e , M. D.. 215 Powell St., from delicious fruits and health giving fourth door from tieary, San Francisco, CaL p ants, one which would be pleasant and Office hours—11 till 3. AN CALIFORNIA nr* syrup 54 V FRADISCO. C4L. £. r r __________ V f rV roRX A JAM LEFF BOX ^ 430. PO RTLAND , ORECON. mmm, , ,IIIM Beit Cough Medicine. Recommended hr Phy«i. |ans. Cures where .11 else fails. Ilcw knt and agreeable to the taste. Children take it without object on . Jtjr dnur vista. CO TERWH = J A K E S I..E FFE L & C O .’ V ": Î S S Â f S a S r * S P R ÏW C F I3 I.D , O H IO , or Liberty St., NEW YORK CITY.