Mrs. L . K1U Hartley received ns a holiday jirescnt from her brother-in-law Kev. Luke Woodard, a beautiful poem j / , n, ./ - . i!le was in written bv himself and illustrated by his own |rintedtusend to hisfriends and relations. O. V. Allen and wife arrived here W ed ­ W e ate under obligations to A. C. Cos, nesday dirert from liosper, Kan. F. E. Hobson came up fiom Portland i Lee and Carl Stanley, OMie Hobson, J. T. Smith, Harvey White, Mr. Bicrman and Tuesday fer a few days visit at li »m3. Mr. Merrill for giving us a lift on last Fri­ N . C. .Maris received a bran new watch j day while moving our outfit into new as a Christinas pTeseut from ids father. J quarters. The gentlemen named will Head the Los Angeles county Cal., fruit j please accept our thanks for the favor and commissioners rtqiort in another column. , call around when they need assistance in Miss Lillie W iley lias been visiting her a similar way. uncle Nate W iley c * t oi loa n during vaca­ A young gentleman o?rather p(9potse«a- I JV, A / V 1 A 9 ~ * t E v e n ts . tion. ing appearance, who is a resident of the John F. Bond of Washington Ins been town, brought to this oflh-e on last Mon­ visiting the family of Fhi.auder Gard for day, a ladies black mitten. His story some time. was that lie found the mitten on the Miss Hoover went to lier home at 8a- street, but w hetlier t his is the true inward­ ' anJ Probabl-v 1avtoll Ore­ gon for .Stanleys D aikest Africa. Christmas eve passed i IT with the usual ti3. 3m. * slave ss. The entertainment and tree The program as published last week of could not hsve Invìi fletter. Tin-re are 11 iris- new house« to he tw ill review exerci-cs of the Sunday school les­ sons for the past year, was carried out at on the Marion fruit land in the -near fu­ Friends’ c I mhc I i last Sunday night. The ture. Ilary Hinshuw is building n dwelling tiousc w as crowded as usual on such occa­ house in town. sions and tlie audience was not disap* Prof. St. Helen and wife are spending IH>inted in the exercises of the evening. Mrs Hartley the Sunday school superin­ holidays at Ids brother Roger's. Rev. Tonesand of Turner spent Christ­ tendent as well us tlie teachers and child- 1 mas with his friends Mr. Gad's ami Mr. ren who took part in the exercises have reason to feel well satisfied with the ov-| Riithfonl's. enings work. Tlie lesson topics by Anna ! Tiie nmnlier of toys und wagons dis­ played by the children beais evidence that ■Miles .-lass ami the golden texts for the i Christmas w as enjoyed by them. year by Lucy Haworth's class, tlie map Everybody seems very busy getting exercise by Calvin Mai tin and tlie songs aud the dedali»atiuiiH by* the" Hule folks j « Vtìf> ifl th4l l*\íor (,‘° 00,(1 wettthor were all well received. A t the close of Wi ni‘l* ,,au thiaw m kr, Several gentlemen were here last week tlie program Mrs. Martin on behalf of tlie looking for a location. One lias purchas­ teacheraand scholars, presented to .Mrs. ed land and lias commenced building on Hartley a substantial rocker as a small it. token of the appreciation of the school for Able Bond b is purchased 2 acres of M. tier very faithful and earnest, telling yeais- 51. Daveilson and will build at once. work as sii|ieriiitcndent of tne Sunday M. M. Davidson lias set out one hundred school. This was al! unexpected to Mrs. fruit trees and will set out 200 more this Hartley and site was so much taken by spring. surprise that her tonguedid not prove to The Friends church lias received a dona­ lie so ready to express her thanks as it is tion of an uire of land on which to huiid on all occasions to explain tlie scriptures. a church and measures will be taken to Jesse Hobson is setting 13)0 fruit trees seo what can bo done toward building on his land nortli of town. We have no this summer. A ll aid cheerfully received. recollection of ever having seen a more li. St. Helen lias lumber hauled for his seasonable fall and winter for setting trees house which lie intends to build soon. than this has been; and the time has The sound oi tlie anvil is heard in our been well improved. Many thousands of town ami iron is bent ami hammered in trees havo been set throughout the W illam ­ all shapes. ette valley. In a few years wo will lie .Mr. Lance is fixing op a barn here for able to supply the vast territory east of tlie Rockies witli a quality of prunes tiiat a livery stable and soon Marion will have will put to flight the little black, dirty, a good livery stable which will help tlie insignificant Turkish prunes. When {ieo- improvement oil. The Y . M. C. A. showed commendable zeal hv getting out a thousand printed in vitations which they have had scattered over town, inviting everybody to attend tlie G o s je l meetings during tlie week held by Rev. J. I I . Douglas. Tiie State Horticultural Society which has been reorganized, will hold a meeting in Portland Jan. 13tli and 14th to which every one interested in the upbuilding and advancement of Oregon’s Horticul­ ture is invited and asked to take part in the proceedings. The meeting will open at 10:30 a. in. the 13th with the presi­ dents annual address. In the evening at 8 o’clock the speakers will lie A. H. Car- son of Grants Pass, E. llofer of Salem anil B N. ltowiey. Editor Cal. Frail (¡rover. Newberg will be represented by C. E. Hoskins who speaks on Wednesday and by G. W. Mitehell wtio will tell “ How Trees Grow,” Wednesday after­ noon. Tlie program is quite extensive ami all who can, ought to avail them­ selves of the op[K>vtumty to attend tliis important meeting. ing of 2009 cords of wood. Call at Wr ights real estate office or the Graphic otlice New berg Ure. for teems. N o t i c e t o S t o c k h o ld e r s . The annua! meeting of the stockholders of the hank of Newberg will be held in tlie bank parlor on the first Monday in January 1891 at 2 ’oclock p. in. A full attendance is respectfully requested. * K. A. Mourns, Hecv. N O T IC K T O T il K A F F L IC T K D . 1 take tliia opportunity to Inform the public that I have left my m edicines. “ The Japanese O il’ , I)r. Swans l.iv er and K id n ey Cure” and the “ National Specific" for Malaria, with Mrs, Mary 3. llohsou on the north side o f First street opposite the Newberg bouse and Mrs Hardwick at tlie Bakery on Maiu street, N ew ­ berg. Those in the vicinity o f Dundee may leave applications at Dundee post otlice fer D. W. Martin. D. W. M. vutin , Agent for Oregon, Dundee, Oregon. A C im i. The action of the caucus last Wednes' day, In nominating mo for City Recorder, was wholly unexpected, not having been consulted in tlie matter at all. After a careful consideration of tny obligation to tlie Public School and other duties of life, I respectfully decline tho nomination, with thanks to mv Iriends lor their mani­ fest confidence. M il e s R f i l l |a-r iicte (or t U ii bait crop-on ll;e| I'rn n i T E R M I N A L nr I N . - i » . : O R P O I N T S tho trees5 y.mrs old ami some is ' iii li orchards 100 acres divided into sixteen 10 acre tracts—5 miles from Newberg on the way to Portland within 2 miles of the thriving town of Smockville. About sixty acre« cleared. This prop­ erty lies high, sightly- and level. Is well watered, by spring and running creek. The scenery from any point on this prop­ erty in exceptionally delightful. A grand panoramic view of tho Willamette valley and the snow cap|K>il peaks of tho Cas­ cade Range is seen at at a glance. These tracts will 1* sold from $30 per acre and up. Easy term, >4 down, bal­ ance 1, 2, 3 or 4 years at 7 per cent. J esse H o b so n . LAND IS T O O H I G H N ea r V ew b crg. “ W e cannot nffuril to buy a llo m e ." Such are the expressions I often hear upon onr streets. Sometimes hy people who Iiave lived in Oregon for some time, hut more eapeeially “ the new comer.’ I have tlie greatest rcs|iect for such opin­ ions from a stranger, tiut to hear such ex­ pressions from an old settler, I confess tries my patience when at the time they make such assertions they cannot help hut know tiiat prices of real estate ore continually advancing all over this North­ west country, and tlie men who are mak­ ing tlie most money are those who are buying Oregon lands. I wisli to say a few words tiiat perad- venture it might strengthen Dio faitli of some who have grown weak ami especial­ ly I desire to encourage tlie new comer who may ted discouraged with tlie out­ look for making ¡1 home in tills now what appears to bo a dark, dreary, woody, wet tundily country. Do you realize tiiat this Northwest, in­ cluding western Oregon ami Washington, is the richest country in resources of its size upon tiie globe. Scarcely a foot of land in tiie valleys or on tiie mountains are witi,out somc n„ tllra| Tlie i r a i cherry tree this year near Newherg pro­ duced over $121 worth of fruit. Is thè liue to tnke you say land is too high, when you can j buy it tor $5.) per acre and in a >hurt -time ^ To All Poinls Essi and Sonili. lt is thè l»|NI.Vi C VI. KOUTK It runa Thrn .ifh V K S IIM LK I» li;A I N S liV K K Y 1>AY iu Che year to put it in the same condition of the above, results by your own efforts Another ilu­ ll, s tin t item in regard to our situation to St. wliicti I particularly desire to call atfe-n-, Taul and Chicago ( no nuw jK or C.VRS) tion and tiiat is onr very close coimectktn witli tlie mctrojxjlU of tlie Northw j - t — ?ffi] UA11UOA1) W hy do flim /HWd «/ D in tu fi f \ir* f ’ n * n rfxv*#frf, Ih'HM'tHy h'itoin S lrrp c r* OJ L a ti*1 A'r/nipoti h (. Portland. Very fetv people id tlie country are aware of tho magnitude of the importance of a great city in the dovelojieineiil of tlie rural districts immediately surroumlingrt Portland is the groat metnopolis of the Tourist Stain * Cars, liest that o*n lie w u »troeteil nini iu which aceommodatfoit« are for holder* of First or SecoiKl-cltuw Tickets. Türomii M e ts ’'x is S tir r U Ä i!: Northwest; always lias been and always j anil-Kl’ KOPE c m be purchase«! at any Ticke OtHoe of this C ou p my. w ill be. Her advantages as* a great jeity Fall in form a toli concerni hr rates, time «»f and commercial center are unsurpassed r ites, routes *uior acre and that one eece . H E R E IS Y O U R C H A N C E THE To prohibit Iho selling of, or giving away of any intoxicating, malt, vinous- or fermented liquors. COVER TO COVER. F u lly A b r e a s t w ith th o T im es. F l e x i b l e AV heel W in d M ill MANUFACTURED. Can graduate the t-pecd of the wheel as low a US strokes per minute in strong winds. \\ e use only l i different pieces in the entird construct!« n of the Iron work. Our M ill cannot I k ? equalled for simplicity» power, null self governing principles. W e manufacture TASK S, P l'J trS a tH l W IS’D M I L L S U P P L IE D ol every description. Reliable agents wanted n unoccupied territory Address, F. B. STEARNS & CO., K U S H V IL L K , IN D ., U. S. A. Scud for a Catalogue. S A M U E L H O BSO N W E B S T E R ’S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Photographer P o r t r a it A R & L a n d s c a p e T I S T . Portraits enlarged to life size and finished in Crayon India ink or Water Colors, R oom over M o o r e B r o s ., D r e g S t o u r NEW BERG, O REG O N. A G RAND IN V E S T M E N T for ir tho mu T Family, utility, o School, l iiu u i , o or r x Profci»i*lon*l r«uv ss iu n m Library. i.iiiru ry . « — • ^uthontio Webster’« Uno- ridged Dictionary, comprising 1 tho bridged I -« • l 1 L l l lO T 'A ^ • issues of 1864, 'TO s ’84, copyrighted property of the undersigned, la now Thoroughly Revised ana Enlarged, and aa n distinguishing title, bears N E W the name of Webster's Interna* tlonal Dictionary, Editorial work upon this rovision has been in aetivo progress for over Ten Years. Not less than One Hun­ H A T S T R IM M E D TO O R D E R ON dred paid editorial laborers have S H O R T NOTICE. ALSO A F U L L been engaged upon it. Over 9300,000 expended in its L IN E OF READY T R IM M E D GOODS preparation before the first copy ON H AND. C A L L AN D E X A M IN E was prlntsd. Critical comparison with any other M Y S U P P L Y . Dictionary is invited. Get the Beet. Mus. S. K. S m i t h . NEW STOCK! Of The Latest Styles. a. A C. M K l t l t l A M St C O ., P u b lis h ers . S p rin gfield , M ass., V . 8. A . BoMJorall Dooksellsrs. llluatrsteil p am p h leth sa [I'nssi-.l amt approved Dec. I, ICjfl. J The people uf the Town o f Newberg i!+< r ( r equal valuo ONE I’RR hon in . curb locality can aecuro one f r e e , togi'tlier with our large _ il 'uluaLic lliiuof I l o i iN e h « » l < l :4 ilin w lC A . These samj.lfR, aa well 9 » ilaw natch, tire All Ihe work you need (In to show wh it we send you t«> those who coll—your IYh-*ls mill n- ighhuraurtil thnan about you— fhat always result« in vgliinhl.t trade font', n hlch Holds for > car« win -11 once aturted, amUhiiH \vi nrn rcjiaid. We imy alloxprcaa. freight, etc. After .' "'».kitnw a if. If you would like to go to work fur us. vnu can e*n»triin < 1 4 0 fo (?erson to tie found w ithin tiie cor­ porate liniits of tlie town of Newlierg. in a state of intoxication, in any highway, thoroughfare, or oilier public place, and every person bo offending, shall upon conviction, forfeit and pay to said town of Newherg, not less than five, nor more than twenty dollars, for each and every Hue'll offense. For a short time I will give a 14 x 17 portrait with every dozen cabinet photo­ Section 2. Every |>erson who shall bo graphs at $2.00 per dozen. This offer is found drunk or intoxicated, in or on any to introdin-e my instantaneous eahinet private lot, house or place, w ithout the photographs. consent of the occupant of thesame, shall . W.ITSOK, T hey hail a Christmas tree at tlie new lie deemed guilty of a breach of this or li - 225 First St., church at Dundee on Christmas eve. W e nance, and whenever any such iierson o r A lengthy report of the K im ball— Ha­ * Portland, Ore. understand they had a very nieasant persons shall be arrested by any of tiie worth and McCrea— Haworth double time. A couple of fellows undertook to officers of tlie town of Newlierg, whilst wedding mentioned last week came in at make a disturbance but they were set E x c ite m e n t intoxicated, tlie said |>erson or persons so a late hour. W e only have room for down onso proin ptly that they retired in arrested, shall lie committed to Die town mentioning tlie presents which were as Runs high at C. F. Moore A C o’s. disgust. jail, there to remain until lie or they shall follows: ToC iias. E . Kimball and liriile, drug store over System Builder, as every G. \V. Wyman is putting in a full line table cloths, towels, glass berry se>, hook body is using it for catarrh ot thestom- «oj| Q( tlie Willamette valley is sussept- become sober, when it shall lie tlie duly of organs and other musical instruments of poems, and family record by father and ach, dyspepsia, constipation, and ini* | aide of sustaining the largest population ot such officer to convey such person or ai tiis furniture stor«^ corner of First and mother. Set silver table spoons, china pure t.loisl and to build up the system j o l any pia, ^ of iU g iie in tlle Nnion. , , llr persons before tlie recorder's court, to Isi Main strei-ts. wlik-li ho pro[>OHes to soil at j cups and saucers, John ami Mary Biilups. It certainly imssesses wonderful merit mountains generally from base to summit dealt with according to law, and tlie ordi- nances of tlie (own. bottom prices. Call and examine his Set china plates, Fred and Kutha McCrea j when all speak so well of it. are either |K»ssessed witli a productive stock if you iiave any idea of buying any- \ Set silver knives and forks and sugar 1 _______ „ „ _______ Section 7. No person shall, himself or ] soil of surpassing richness or covered with tiling in tiiat line. spoon, Roda Haworth. Glass rolling pin dense grow th of great linn In-ring interests herself, or by his servant or agent, keep O n ly One In T lie U. 8 . and salt sifter, Geo. Haworth. Glass cake 1 - n its primitive state, or elso with sub- or maintain a gaining house or room, or Vrof. Morrison and the Academy stu-1 stand, set napkins, C. It, Haworth and Out of 1357 cough syrups manufac­ | terancan mines, which witli the little any place or rc-om w here betting is done, dents Iiave been putting up a gymnasium wife. Set salt cellars, A. T. Haworth and tured in tlie U. S., hut one lias fieen prospecting tiiat iiaa been, are proving j nor P 'w m i, or permit any person or i* r - building on the school grounds during tlie | wife. Dressing case, J. It. Smith and > •ound fo be entirely free from opiates j highly encouraging. j * ° na frequent any place occupied, own­ holiday vacation. This will give the boys j wife. Silver butter knife, Clint and Hat­ and that is the California Positive and Do you realize in any degree how espo- ed or controlled, hy him or her, or to come a good place to turn summcr-sanlts, and tie Smith. Presents to Fred L. McCrea Negative Electric Cough Cure, which is . ¡ally favorable Newberg and its surround together at such place at any time, und flip fla{>s and carry on genera', acrobatic and wife, hardwood bed M om set, one tiie best on earth for coughs, colds, 1 ngs are situated ill many respects, com- play any game for money or other vaiu- performances on rainy days. fall leaf dining table, set silver spoons, j croup, etc. Sold by C. 1-. Moore A Co. pared witli any other town within 90 able thing, or for any check or representa­ Mr». Barton the invalid lady who came set plates, cops, saucers, set soup plates, j miles of Portland, for future developm ent? tive of value, and every |ierson so offend- from New York state last spring with tlie J. C. McCrea and wife. Set hardwood ! W e have an eaterpm in * |«o|>te, good in* H,,an iorieit aml I,a;v to “ itJ town oi hope that a change might avert the j cane bottom chairs, hardwood bed stead, C h rlu tia n « an«t T e m p e r a n c r O o p l a , T a k e society, tfcxxl achoole arid churches hi nuit! upon con vie lion thereof, not N o t I re. effects of the dread disease consumption- table cloths, towels, family record, C. If. Our Rhippin^ I ^*SM twenty, nor in ;re than one hun- About the lut. of December 1 w ill be prepared anybody but tho croaker. died at the Newberg house on Thursday Haworth and wife. - Silver hotter knife, dollars, for each and every such of* to ahow a jp eeia l line o f Holt tiny f/oor/a. Hhieidfl privileges are muc h Riiperior to any other ! evening of last week. The funeral servi- J. G. Kberhard and wife. Fancy mustard , Motto eiirdff, Books. Booklets from the Wom an'« town the same distance on any line o f ! ^,n8e* i-es were con looted on Saturday afternoon jng and silver spoon, B. A. Eherhard. j Temperance P. A. CMcaro. H are on hand al- j railroad running out from the metropolis ! Section 8. No |ierson shall bo an in- at Friends’ church after which, tlie Issiy Set rliina inush bowls, John and Bennie ! so the best Flavoring Extracts without Alcohol. The secret is we have both railroad and mate of an) gaming house or room, with- | f a ll early and pet F IK s Y ( ‘HOICK. l£ s laid to rest in Friends' burying E herb aril. Glam berry set, Elsie and , tiver. Tlie hills surrounding our valley in tlie town of Newberg, or shall lie in any L c r r U a WORTH, Opposite Post Otlice. gr nurds. Edith McCrea. (tlaaa salt cellar, J. C. i ->n three sides make an additional advan-, *'*y connected therewith, or shall Ireqn- Mrs. Philander Gaid will please accept McCrea Jr, Glass table set, John and tage to tlie growth L f fruit over almost - *nt tlie same, or shall bo found therein.or W o r s e Titan Leprosy, any oilier locality. shall play for money-or other valuable the thanks of this office for a beautiful M an B iiliii». Setchioa plate, Roda II»- bonqet of flowers (licked from a flower worth. Glass rolling pin and salt sifter, Is catarrh, and tfierc is hot ono prepa- Tlie Horticultural hnsincss is tiie Indus- , thing, at any game witli cards, dice, checks lied in the yard that has had no protec­ Geo Haworth. Glass cake stand an-l set ration that does rare tliat disease, and try triat should claim tlie leading attention ; billiards, or sny other article, instrument Set that is thè California Positive ami Neg­ of every land owner in our valley. tion from the weather this winter. Our napkins, C . It. Haworth and wife. No device, or thing whatsoever, or bet on eastern readers who have been wading salt cellars. A . T . Haworth and wife, i ative Electric l.iniment. Sohl by C. F. man need* a large traet of land. Actual any such game when played, or to lie snow three feet deep will read this with Red spread, J. R. Smith and wife. But. Moore A Co. It alno enres neuralgia, demonstrations are now being made of played by others, or lie guilty of selling tears in their eyes. Poor fellows, we feel ter knife, Clint and Hattie Smith. Set rlienmatism. head ,-he, sprains, hurns, the real value of land in this community {sails, under a js-naltv of not less than •orrr for them —don't want to reach them silver spasms and sugar spoon K. Kimball and all pain. T ry it ami teli yonr when I tell you tiiat owners of fruit or- twentyrmw more than one hundred d-d- and wife. lejw e'or, through-the mow. i herds m ar town have rwiliaed nearly sdar». i tirigli hors w bere to get it. LOCAL PAPER l o r t lie y e a r 1 8 0 1 ? IF YOU DO, TRY THE 6 R Ä P U I O , Tin regular pice cf tie Graphic is 51.51 Tie regular ¡ices ef the krieu Fw is 51(11). YOU CAN HAVE THEM BOTH FOR $1.50.