S O M E T H IN G FOR TU B NEW A b s o l u t e Power o f a T r a i n e d N u rs e a n d H o w I t Is S o m e t i m e « A b u tted . T h e w orld renow ned success o f H o stftter's Stom ach B itter», and their con tin u ed popularity fo r o ver a th ird o f a ceutury as a aiom achic, 1» sc rc ely m ore w onderfu l than the w elco m e that gr« eta the anim al appearance o f IIoHtetter’s A l ­ m anac T h is va'u ab e m edical treatise is pub­ lished t*y ih e Host -Her C om p an y, 1’ittsburgh. Fa., under their own im m ed ia te su pervision, em p lo y in g 6u humls lu that departm ent, th e y are ru n n in g about 11 m o n th » in to e >• ar on this w ork, ami the ls*ue o f same for 1*91 w ill be m ore than ten m illio n », printed in the Km rli»h, German. French, W elsh, N o rw egia n , s.vcdish, H o llan d , B ohem ian aud Spanish language-«. Ke ______________________ ________ “ O f all the nuisances I know o f on this earth the professional nurse is the worst,” said a confirmed bachelor at the j Illinois club the other evenin'.;. •'The professional nurse? Why, she is one of the blessings o f advanced c iv ili­ zation." responded another gentleman. “ Without the professional n u r s e w h a t . term «copy Of It for valuable aud bnerc.tii.s w oiii j become o f jieoplo without friends rt-adiuff concerning health, Mild numerous u*»ti- „ .. * .. 1 . . , mouialtt as to the eroeacy of ilostettcr’b stomach in town who fall ill." Man, til© profes- B llfir., .iuMa i,icii', varVd lmr onstion sitro hiuua] uurHe j„ a Ond given g ift.” nomieal <• .lculations ami r-hronolotfit-al iteniH, „ .. , , «&<*., w h ich can bed«-t>eude«l on for co rrect iiuhn . T h e A lm a 1 ac for inni cau obtain* «1 free o f eo «t. from dru g gist» and general cou ntry dealers in all p .r ts o f th. eou uiry. L A T R IL L A . A DOMESTIC AUTOCRAT. YEAR. ' ‘ I h a t H a ll r ig h t , re p ll»;< l tin? h i' -t sp eak er. “ S ll© I i i a v lx* a G o d iriv © n ,/ lft 1 , to peopl© s ic k in h o t e ls and h o s p it a ls , ---------♦ ------------ YoQBfbtabtDd Yet. I ’ m caught Th**r»*‘ s uo rose whose (H.-tals tender Fad ) not when th e y’ re kissed; Ev- ry snuM-t'a purple splendor V aci ■ hos ill mist. T h c iv ’t, no s,»ng w I km « joyous singing Ends not in a uigh; L o v • has e ’er an echo ringing W ith u mute good-by. On o * a/ur** dim pled ocean Tem pests eve r sleep ; Th n g ii wo live in love*» devotion. D ying, wo must weep. L ife hath nothing that's eternal. As y e a r rolls a fte r year. An t shadows fo llo w days most vernal— N othin g—save a tear. —J. II A rm strong m N ew Orleans Time:*- Demo­ crat. ______ but she's a nuisance around a private A P l a g i a r is t in th e P u lp it . Mi at last. house.1 Imagine a popular pr*. aciier in a Lon­ O ld Flhherman (in surprise)— A nd >he d id n ’t “ But you don’t live in a private house. don pulpit, with a grave old gentleman th row you b a ck ! W hy are you sore?” bitting at the foot o f it, waiting as it K K L I A B L K A M ) A L W A Y H T i l t H A >1 K “ I know I don't. I ain’t sick, either, were, with a landing net for plagiarisms, B r a n d k k t i i s P i l l s are t h e oldest, am I? Do I look like a subject fo r a pro­ and informing the congregation when­ ever he caught one. “ That is Shy- safest and b -at blood purifier and purga­ fessional nurse? A in ’t I all right?” “ Yes, but what about ii? W hy are lock's," lie said at the third sentence; at t i v e known. They are purely vegetable, the seventh, ••That is Tiilotson's.” Th© ! you down on professional nurses?” t h e r e f o r e harmless. They are always the “ W ell, because one o f ’em has just preacher, who knew that there were ►ame and always produ e Ihe same effect ! succeeded in utterly disgusting me. plenty more to come, was in a pretty Other purgatives require increased doses That’s why. Th ey’re worse than the lo ¿late; if he did it again he made up his a n d finally cease a c t 'i i g a b o g e t h e r . A _ u rs e o f one o r two of B r a v d k k t i i s c u s t s o f Egypt. They come into a home mind to speak to the man. “ That is P i l l s taken each night i- a positive cure meekly and then own the place. That’s B lair's," cam© out at the tenth sentence. “ Fellow,” said the preacher, leaning over for constipation, headar he and a ll bilious w h y p m * ,* «. disorders. If you can t laue them plain, ,;v , , , the pulpit, ‘ if you interrupt again you get them sugar-coated, io u see 1 ve got a sister and shes shall be turned cut." The old gentleman ___ — -m----------- married. They've got a beautiful house Should you ever I'lmi-lu le toriinaway.ruineni- aw l I've always I k - c - u as free there until looked round on the congregation with ber th.t you mu.t .to,,,,,mewl,ere. tw (, weeks ago as I am at my own apart- th© same calm confidence of recognition as before, and, without moving a muscle T h e s a v i n g in c l o t h i n g w h e n * D o b b in s ’ meats. Bee? W ell, I am not now; and o f his countenance, observed, “ That’s K e c t r lc S >ap !■» u sed is tw e n ty tim e s »h e M ay was my favorite sister, too, a chum his o w n ."—The Argonaut. sr»a o b ill. 1» i-* n o n e w e x p e i i m e n 1, but o f mine in everything, and she didn't h a s l e ■ n sold for 'Í* year- T,-,l .v Just ar u it wh(.n Bhe t llmn.;..(1 ,.ilhl.r. En^IiKh asid American Divorce. p u r e as is in Mi>. fry it. Your gr« cer has ..i«r „ i ** i . broth­ vili order it. W e l l , about tw o weeks ago my hr it o r w ill o rd c American women who marry English er-in-law’s fam ily was increased by one, husbands will have much difficulty in Several cn u 'lid a t"» a re n ow using brand» o f paten t m e d ic in e w h ich p rovid e a cure fo r “ that j and a professional nurse was employed dissolving their union i f the conditions to look after th© newcomer and his arc* unhappy, by a new divorce decision tired fe e lin g .” mother. She was a meek, pleasant look­ o f ¡m English court, which establishes For t h r o a t d is e a s e ■< a n d c o u g h s " B r o i m ’e i B r o n c h ia l T ro c h e * ” l i k e a ll o t h e r re tty j ing woman, thoroughly up in her busi­ the point that if an American woman nthiul t h l n f l « , b i b im it a t e d , a n d p a rc h i m - i - ness and a good salary per week. married to an English husband wishes to s h o u ld h e c a r e fu l tr» o b t a in th»- > »-iiiiiri« “ O f course as soon as I heard th© news 1 obtain a valid divorce, she must sue in a r t i c l e p r e p a re d . 1«* J o h n I. B R O W N & ¡¿u; ui tü" kuMjv*, Frank, my tin* English courts, or she cannot g< t it, S ons . _ rw~ HjTin nnr m-Taw, met meat nie WHOLESALE N a rro w BUFFALO H U N T IN a f-l»c a p « o f a P a r t y o f W h it © M « n IN CONSTANT F A IN 1» M O N TH S. I A man who ha» practiced medicine for forty I year» ought to know »alt from sugar; rend what he »sy»: A n d H o w I I W a s C u r e d by E l e c t r i c i t y T o l e d o , O., January 10, 1*87. A fte r A ll O th e r K n o w n R e m e d i e s * M e w . F. J. Cheney ác O g .- C í e s t i km k . n I h ave H a d F a i l e d —l o t a l D c s f n s » « C u r e d b y been In the gen eral practice o f m e d icin e fo r most Ih e S a m e M e th o d E i g h t e e n Y e a r « fo rty years, and w ou ld say that in a ll m y prac­ tice aud ex p e rie n c e h ave n ever been a ©repara­ A g o a u d R e m a in s P e r m a n e n t t o 1 h is tio n tnat I » ottld prescribe w ith as m uch coufl- D ay. _____________ deu ce o f suceeaa a » 1 can H a ll's t'a tarrh Cure, man dactu red by you. H a ve prescribed it a ¿rout 14 Market St., Port laud, Or., Nov. ¿8, 1890. m an y tim es, and it » effect is w* n d erfu l; and Editor Oregonian: Seeing so many w ou ld »a y in con clu sion that I h ave y e t to find cards and letters in favor of l)r. Darrin, I a case o f catarrh that it w ould not » lire, i f they w ou d take it a cco rd in g to direct lo o ». Yours think it justice t « him a* d as well as the tru ly , L . L G O R8U C H . M. D. afflicted to tell what be did for my wife Oitice, 215 Sum m it street. two years ago. For flf een mouths pri »r W e w ill g iv e 1100 fo r am case of catarrh that to calling on him she had been suff-Ting ran not be cured w ith H a ll’s Catarrh Cure, constant pain night and dav from the ef- 'la k e u in tern ally. F. J. C H E N E Y «k CO., Proprietors. fei ts of rheumatism in her arms and aigMi They heard strange noises, and looking toward the west beheld a great black surging mass, waving and rolling up across the prairie, half hidden by great clouds of dust, which were only occasion­ ally blown away by the brisk autumn wind. It was the great herd of buffalo and they bad been stampeded by the In­ dian hunters. The roar of the hoofs uj . jii the dry earth was like the low and sullen thunder. The vanguard of the fok 1 K herd was vet more than a mile away, hut shoulder. She had Hot raised her arm to Sold by dru ggist», 75c. the dark line stretched to right and left h »T nead during that time. She could not almint us far as the eye could reach, and sleep only by taking opiate-* and her gen­ ‘ A » heat nut, “ W hat is a fa m ily tree, papa?” our hunters saw that instant and precipi­ eral health v«as poor and broken down. m y sou.” tate flight was necessary in order to save After a course of electric treatment by Dr. Darrm she was cur d and has never had a i their live's. They specially chose the return F IL E S ! F IL E S ! F IL E S ! of her former troubles. Will gladly j northward as offering the shortest and answer any questions by etter or oiher- 1 Dr. W illia m s ’ In d ia n F ile O in tm en t w ill cure best direction by which to escape the wise. C F. M A Y H E W . B lin d, B le ed in g and Itc h in g © ile» w h en a il o ’ her coming avalanche, and. sinking the spurs oin tm e n ts have fa iled. It absorbs th e tu m or», T o tal D e a f n e » * C u r e d b y E l e c t r i c i t y . deep into their terror stricken beasts, they a lia s the itc h in g at once, acts hs a p**u th e. Mr. Editor: In 1872 my daughter was g iv es instant re lief. Dr W illia m s ’ In d ia n Fib- flew with the velocity of an arrow across taken with membranous croup, and up •>» O in tm en t is prep red o n ly fo - Fil* s and l on ing the wild prairie. A mile was covered in her recovery was left totall.v deaf I called o f th e p riva te pan s and n oth in g el»»-. E\vr.\ a few seconds, and yet they were not on two eminent physicians, w ho said the} box is w arranted. Sold by dru ggist», or »ent^by o f Dric , 50c and i l per box. past ttie herd, which was rapidly closing coul * do nothing for her. As a last resort m ail on W ree*dpt IL L IA M S M A N t/F.V T U R IN O C O , I took her to Dr. Darrin, woo cured her in upon them. Proprietors, C le vela n d , O. They turned their horses' heads partly so she has never been troubled with deaf ness since. I consider it one of th© grea»- in the direction the buffaloes were going, est cures of electric treatment on record, Beware o f im ita tio n » o f the celeb ra ted Seal of North C a rolin a P lu g Cu t Tobacco. and, urging them to their utmost S[>eed, and with great satisfaction give this testi finally passed the outer line of the herd monish I ri'id ein Berkeley, Alameda Co. just as the leaders passed by. Then, California, aud will take great pleasure in having reached a place of safety, they answering any inquiries concerning this most remarkable cure. Yours respect­ dismounted, und, throwing their bridle fully, W IL L I AM S. DIBBLE. reins over their arms, commenced to load and liro into the herd with all |*ie- The Drs. Darrin are crowded with pa sible rapidity, nearly every stiot killing tients from 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. They have or disabling an animal. It took nearly a larger countiy practice and send their electric remedies to any one desiring half an hour for the rolling, surging, home treatment f >r any curable chionic, angry horde to pass the point where our a- ute or private diseases, wh ch axe kepi hunters stood, and as the rear guard strictly confident!*1. One of the doctors is visiting different came in sL-ht there came a new and still more terrible scene in the great tragedy. towns in the 8tate to better accommodate I those who find it impossible to come t» More than 100 Indians were in hot Portland. One of the doctor-* will be a pursuit o f the savage be-asts. They were , the H sff i.an House, Eugene City, Dec. 1 mounted on wild and almost ungovern­ to 6. able bronchos, who were frothing at the The bead office at 70£ Washington mouth, charging and cavorting among street. Portland will run as usual C >n sultation and exam nation free. AI the fleeing game. The white foam ! classes treated free from 10 to 11 A M dropped in flukes and bubbles from all ! dai y. Charges in»»derate, being on;) $2* parts of their tsxttes. Their noetvil. were i a month for ca- h disease, or in that pro distended, their eyes flashed file, and portion, as cases niav require. Send for they seemed as eager as their wild mas­ circular, free to any address. ters to deal death to their victims. Tiie Do not insult th** und« r m an in a fig h t b te ll­ savage riders seemed lteside themselves in g h im there is p len ty room on top. with mad. ungovernable passion. F R E E 8 U R 4 J IC A L M U 8 IU M . Their faces were painted in the most A P u re C ream o f T a r ta r P o w d er. glaring colors, their bright ami many W e w ere to-dav in I)r. T o o l’s office, and he colored blankets fluttered in the wind, took great pleasure in s h o w in g « 8 several h un ­ S u p erior to e v e ry o th e r known. dred spec1 mens and e x p la in in g to ns tin* d iffe r­ secured to the saddle only by an end or a ent form s o i cancers and tu m o r» T h ere are can U sed in M illio n s o f H o m es— corner, their long black hair streaming cere o f the breast, the w om b, th e o va ry ; fibroid 40 Y ears the Standard. ors o f the same organs, earn ers o f the back like the pennant at the mast head tum gland»-, o f the u rin ary organs, o f th e bones, the Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky o f a ship, and their deep, black eyes skin ; polypus o f d ifferen t organs, cant- re and Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable gleamed like diamonds in a dungeon. fibroid tum ors o f the ton sils; la tty tu m ors from and Wholesome. d ifferen t parts o f the b o d y ; cancers o f the nose, Arrow after arrow flew from deep strung th e lips; p ile s and o th er tu m ors o f th e rectum ; bows and sunk to the feathered end in the tum ors o i th brain m em bran es; th ere are ca - No other baking powder does such work. a t m h ih THIS H o w AND it | . W THAT. o r la s . C U R SS LUM BAGO. 16-6 Orleans S t , Uulto.,Md., Feb. 26, *90. I was confined to the bouse tw o w eeks w ith lu m bago,but St. Jacobs O il cured m e ; u o re­ turn. W m . A . G o e tz *. I 1 C U R E S B R U IS E S . Fcu ersville, M o., Feb. 7, 1890. “ St. Jacobs O il is w ith o u t a peer fo r pain®, b ru U w , aches, £ c ." Rev. T. G. H a w k in s , Pastor Baptist Church. C U R E S S P R A IN S . C in cin nati, Ohio, A p r il 2, 1890. I tu ffered w ith a sprained a n k le w h ich s w elled v e ry much. Fou nd great r e lie f in u s« o f St. Jacobs O il and s w ellin g disappeared. M o ll is H icks . S T . J A C O B S 'O IL The Great Remedy For Pain, CURES ALSO RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, S C I A T I C A . N e w Pension L a w . Givtut nil wMowti and d saUod soldiers aud »ail -ra i pension; no evidence t . fa-iii.-h; no discharg papers req «ir d; advice ir. e; d « j ad- v uee expvitse o fee. Authorized reg »ter d U. H. Pea i .ii Attorney (2* ye r ' < x.-e-ieuce), «• a im . .1 H H U M ’ HI» a .«l M u . W. E. N«>KU 8 2_i*,* Ptue Street, R .mu 17,4 djoiniug K . a Y% trion q i G . 8.6 1 ■ hcisco, \ \-.i. , — KetYr.'iices, A. .J. B ckle . Coium ml r D. A. ^ p K . I>, p ..f < aliforniu, and «Aher department * uiHcials. ' t h e iV v n n c ilo o f h e r h u a b a n d b e i n g t h e « \ i ’ s P I I i v r looked downcuHt. ‘How's everything, controlling fact in the eye of the law. The daughter of an American consul, old man?* says I. ‘ A ll right; but you can't sc© him,’ replied Frank. ‘The who obtained a divorce in a Colorado T R A D E S A N D «M C I T A T I O N S . nurse won’t allow it. I haven’t seen him court from her bus'and, who declined 1 T h e cheapest th in g in the m arket f<«E. ,1') ‘l ’ •H us, icehouses aud outbu ildin gs. vrlítí for yet. But say, Jack, we’re going to name to appear, has recently lost the custody ’f u k Y outh ' s C o m pa n io n for iH)l wH him after you—that is, if M ay consents. j of her child, and been divorced from PACIFIC ROLL PAPER CO., P acific Toast A g -ut, give an instructive and helpful Seih s ol her husband by the English court.— Bos­ 30 an I 32 First s re*..*t, Han Francis«-©, Cal. Paper*, each « f which describes the char 1 haven't seen her yet either.’ “ It was tru»*. That nurse, who came ton Budget. a< ter of some leading Trailo f« r Boys or Occupation for (Jiris. The\ give inf rrna into the house so meekly aud pleasantly, Tlit* N o r t h M agn etice I ’ oh*. tion as to the Apurent! ©ship rea died 1 had developed into a regular czar. She ma n g a l k k , H u e Core !« h C’ o i o r r l i , I i i c* I p i*- i i t C 'o iiN U it ip lio iiy 4 %t la­ learn each, the Wages to be expected, ti e Future explorations will he purely ex­ Qualities needed in ord r to enter an 1 11 1 had taken absolute pos e, ion, and was peditions of scientific research. One of n í o , H r « » u r l i « t i n , and all T l t r « i u t , !\ o m - ami I u ng T r «uhl©s 'r-tv prospects of ’Success. To New Subscriber^ running tilings with a high hand. tin* first and most important things to he by m aus <«f h rea th io g Me lica ed A ir / w h o H-nrl $l.7”> it once ih** naperwi I he “ Bhe had the upstairs part o f the don© is the determining of the north • n itiir r le p P o s itiv e ly p r « v « i i P i s e n t free to January l, /SUI, arai f o r u house in absolute state o f siege. The magnetic pole. This is not identical Diphtheria or o»h er > o tagious d i - n n J f u l l year from that dote. Address ess. P rice co m p ie-e to a« y addres servants were afraid to go up, and Frank with the pole proper, hut is the innut T u b Y o u t h ’ s C o m p a n i o n , . cers and tune rs taken from the arm s and legs 42 50. hook free. Ad-i w-s all or -rs was loafing around in a state of unsatis­ ¡ where the ordinary needle refuses to act quivering ilesli of the shaggy monsters. atm neck, as w ell as fro m th e iu s id e o f the borty; H istiin M IHM, WKI.CH INHAI.BK AND MEDICINE Co , IN h A LÍ^ Ponderous spears were hurled with the in fact, nearly a ll kinds o f cancers and tum ors 51 s ro n d street San F ia n d s c o , Ca iforn a fied anxiety. and the dip needle stands perpendicular. that can be rem oved fr«nn the liv in g by means “ ‘ It's all right, I suppose,'paid he, and This polo has been approximately located power and precision of giants and struck o f su rgica l operations. N in e-ten th s o f them down the defenseless victims as a sturdy w ere rem oved by l»r lo e l by men ns o f elec tric­ Send to S m i t l i 'M fo r yo u r w in te r outfit. I supposed it was and said so. ! twice in 1831 by Boss, and in 1879 by woodman strikes down the frail sapling ity T h ey h ave the biggest sto-k o f underclothin g. w ith ou t loss o f blood, w h ile in oth ers wher- “ I went home of course, deciding to me. Ross located it’ in Boothia, on Cape e le c tric ity cou ld not be used h e operated with T h ey h ave th e best boots and shoes. T h e y ave 170 and 172 F ir s t St., P o r t la n d , O r., in his path. he ch eapest h osiery fo r everyb od y. T h e y h ave th e knife. T h e d o ctor also show ed us a scrap go out and see m y namesake and m v Adelaide, and was made Sir John for “ Crack!” “ crack!” came from rifles, book fu ll o f newst aper c lip p in g » d escribin g such lie » reatesi va riety o f d ry goods. T h ey have sister a couple o f days later. The day 1 doing so. I found it roughly about and "p in g !” "p in g !” from carbines and o f his o peration s as th e p a tie n t» had anth--rized fa m ily g ro e e iie s o f a ll kin ds T h ey h ave dried intended to go I called around at Frank’s twenty mil«’« northwest o f C'aj*e Felix. revolvers. Hundreds of shots were fired h im to g iv e the reporters at bis fo rm er h om e in fr u it o f the new crop. T h ey h ave canned good* th e East. Cancers and tum ors cen n ot be m anu ­ at w holesale prices. T h ey h ave w arm m itten « P ic t u r e s a n d F r a m e s . office to go out with him. But lie In this age of electricity the locating of by flu's«' who carried firearms, und be­ factu red, and arc con soqu en ’ ly n ot in the m ar m d gloves. T h ey h ave blankets from $1.25 up. wasn’t in. ‘ Hasn't been down for thivo this poli * is a matter o f intense interest to fore these murderous weapons the poor ket. 1 hey are an absolu te and p o s itiv e p ro o f of They h ave com forts from 90 cents each to $5. i Send fo r catalogue. I hey h ave o v e r a l l o f ev e ry size. T h ey pay spe­ the s k ill o f the surgeon w h o has rem oved them days,’ his partner said. ‘ Important a f­ the scientific world. Lieut. Nchwalka. bison sank like rijiened grain liefore the successfully from his patients and has them in cia l atten tion to a ll orders. A ^ r e s s for full h is possession as p roo f «>f w h at h e lias done. No particu lars and co p y o f Home Circle (free) fairs at home, I guess!’ rea|ier’s blade. S udh I i I u «' a n d G o o d H e a lt h . adm ission fee ch arged at this e x h ib itio n . A *1 ' • i i l t l i ’ ai © a s l i S t o r e , 4 1 8 F r o n t S t r e « - t . “ I went out to the house. Frank met One young warrior, more ardent and those suffering from any o f the be ow -tm ntion ed S a n I r a n r l N O , « ' » I - A fter thirty years of traw ling in oil me as before. ‘ I t ’s all righ t,'h e said, fearless than the rest, had forced his high diseases should at on ce ca 1 on Dr. lo e l. as his joyfu lly. ‘ I wish you could see May. climates of the earth, w»» are satisfied strung si,««! far into the middle of the m ethod o f opera tin g saves a ll loss o f blood and freq u e n tly all pain. She wants to see you; but the nurse that sunlight is one o f the most ini portante solid phalanx, where the horse was finally factors of life, and indispensable to vig ­ impaled iqx>n the horns of a monster won’t have it. Says she's getting better, ÍA N B 0 0 D } For LOST or FAILITT orous health. Shade tends to weaken hull. He and his rider were tossed like jG.ncr.1 «nd IÎEH VÜ 03 D Ë 3 IL IT Y; but too ill yet.* Makes a specialty o f Diseases o f th e No»«*, Th roat , |Weakne8cot- Body Rndâlir..i, Eü'ecta | the skin, and acts dehleriously oil the sheaves of wheat into the air; then both am i N eck,B kIn . U rinary Organs, F e m a le Diseases “ ‘ How does she look?' ______________LU of Errors c-r Excesses iu Old or Young, nerves and liver. W e always, therefore, sunk to earth, and were instantly trod­ and all Surgical Operations, as r«>r F is tu la , P i t-s, Kobutt, Copyright, 1H90. Noble HAMIOOU fnllj Hwloml. How to enl&rtre six. “ ‘ I don't know; hav n’t seen her yet. S trictu re, Can W ashin gton b u ild in g, I’ o tla m L Ur. I The finest prospect toward the north is into the distance and disappeared from Pierce’s (¡olden Medical Discovery. gry. The nurse orders all the meals, D RO PSY. not for a moment to weigh against the S T E I N W A Y , Gabler and Pease Painos T h ey know what it can do — and and I haven't had anything blit a diet rays o f ihe cheering, life giv ing orb of their view. Then came the squaws, the boys and the old men, to dispatch the W e ca ll the atten tion o f those su fferin g w ith ! VfL-auiitg the B est P i a n «* M a d e , and the fav« riie they guarantee it. Your money for three days. Nobody but the doctor day. W e r< commend this practice to lo the f»«ir p rop o sitio n o f Dr H. H. firecn ! cheaper Pian »»; all Munical Instiun ents; I;an«i» Mip- wounded and to skin and cut up the dropsy & sons in their a d vertisem en t on thLs page. Try nlied; lar>;e stock of Sheet Muse. 1 t e i n w a y H a i . i , is prom ptly returned, i f it fails to and the nurse and the chambermaid our readers. Dr. Joseph Simms. 206 and 208 Post Street; M a t t h ia s G r a y C o . (ah dead. These were strewn all over the , th em ; i t « oats you n o th in g to do so. an«i see our new rooms and new »trx-.k. benefit or cure in all diseases arising have seen my son yet. The chamber­ prairie, and not a tithe o f them were or H o lis m fo r flu- P o o r . T r t Gwwwie* fo r h-nnkfsa» from torpid liver or impure blood. maid says lie’s a beauty, though, and could !»■ saved by all the people, white Our rich men can conceive no more and red, assembled there.— G. O. Shields N o better terms could be asked for. that May is dying to see both o f us, but the nurse won’t let her. The nurse or­ noble method o f benevolence than hous­ in Outing. N o better remedy enn be bad. dered a cast* of champagne l ist night; ing the poor healthily. (Ireat benefac­ Wbpn I say cure I do not mean merely to stop them N oth in g else that claims to be a i *r a time and then have them return again. I mean a C’ h lnes© P r o g r e s s in T e le g r a p h y . said tin* doctor prescribed it for May. tions uni t be applied at tin* bottom of so­ radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, KPLL- blood-purifier is sold in Ibis way— KPSY or F A L L IN G qiCKNKeW alifs-h.n«study. I Tin* Chinese are fast extending their Four empty bottles cavil© down lliis ciety. The condition o f things in Eng­ warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because because nothing else is like the morning. I don't like to mistrust any­ land is ably told in The Fortnightly. O f telegraph system, and it will not be many others havo failed is no reasou for not now receiving a core. Bend at. once for a treatise and a Free Bottle “ G. M . I ). ” months before every town und hamlet of V A ^ )c .L D fd l£ . l,(IOl houses visited in one district. 1,810 thing, hut'----- of my infallible remedy. Givo express and Post Office, U O R O N E D O L L A R sent us 1 y m ail, w e ill de- u . Ci. R O O T , 31, C .. 183 P e a r l Sit. N e w York# So positively certain is it in its “ That settled me. 1 went up to see had no water supply for water closets; any size in the empire will have a tele­ 1 Iiv • r. free o f all rhanu-s, to any uer.-.ui in the curative effeets ns to tcarrant its m y sister. The nurse wasn't going to 118 had foul pans; 813 uncovered dust graph office. In extending the lines a P ! r O lMhnnrknorrlPdcrnd Unite»l states. »*11 ih e fo llo w in g a rticles ca re fu lly leadin g rem edy fo r all the packed in a neat b ox: makers in selling it, ¡is they are do | let me in the room, but 1 went in. She bins; 1”. 1 houses were dilapidated and great «leal of work has b«H*n n«*cessary, unnatural discharges and One tw o ounce bottle o f P u re V a selin e...10 cts. and several large rivers had to be crossed. p riva te diseases o f men. A was glad to see me and she showed m© dirty; there were two cellar dwellings; ing, through druggists, on tr o d ! On«* tw«>-onn« e bottle V a -e lin e ©omad«*...15 *• certain cure fo r the debili­ ten sinks were untrapped. This can lie This was difficult work ow ing to the o n e ja r o f Y a seli e Cold c r e a m ............. 15 “ ta tin g w eakness peculiar It’s especially potent in curing my namesake. Then the nurse came in 1 One « ake o f Vas«-line Cam phor Ic e .........10 “ great Hoods that at different seasons of to women. mor«» than matched in American cities; _______ . I »rescr.be it And feel safe One c ake o f \ -i---line >* ap uns«-entui. ...10 “ T etter, Salt-rheum, Eczema, E ry­ and fired me out. She said May mustn't and it means durase, degeneracy, con­ the year cause them to overflow their T he E vans C hem ^ m J V in recom m ending it to One t ake o f V a -elin «1 S ap, s«-eire«l.........25 “ sipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore be excited and that babies shouldn't be tagion. —( j JI o I hj - Democrat. CINCINNATI.u.HHI »11 sufferers. banks and sweep everything before them. I One tw o-ou nce b«*ttle o f W h ite Vaseline.25 “ f.B . a . ’¿ M a J. STONER, M 0 .O ecati ».111 — II Some of these rivers, when at the flood, Eyes, Goitre, or Thick Neck, and bewildered by strange faces and voices b old by Braggista. ( >r for stamp» any single article at th« price named. for the first tw o weeks o f their lives. are from five to eight miles in width. In 1 'K I C 'E 9 1 .0 0 . | I f you have iMvasi n to use V.«»«-line in any f rm I hj T li© E iK liim iio e o f W o m a n . Enlarged Glands, Tumors and can fill t<« accept only genuine go-ds put. p by us in “ That settled it 1 went out and saw Th** Sandwich Island women are bet­ extending the work across the rivers it Swellings. Great Eating d e e r s May regularly every day. Sometimes I «»rigimil pack a es. A gr-at. m nv «1 Hggist« are trying to was found necessary to use the heaviest BOOK. P A I N L E « . * ! pt r-'Ua«!*'buyers to take VAN* L lN 'i l" t up by them. rapidly heal under its benign in­ got a glass of champagne. She coni 1 ter swimmers than the men. They can I cliil« -b'rth and h om e Never ji )«l lo such p rsu t '« n, a« Ihe aiticl- is an iiui- kinds of cables, but at times these were wi h -ut value ami wid n t give you the result y u treat nu n fo r a ll ch ron ­ 1 t.ition fluence. W o rld ’s Dispensary Med­ only take one a day, and l arrived twice sustain themselves longer in tin* water. torn away and the work was delayed. expect Ab.-fth- «-f Bi te Neal Vaseline is sold by all o n c e n j o y s ic diseases—m en ami dr g ists .»t 10 cents ical Association, 003 Main Street, just as she was taking it and got some. It is unsale t * say that a woman's muscle To offset this mishap a laid line was .«om en, i . I t . T l i t r « l a n d i U I « r , cannot In* made as strong as a man's. j lloth the method nn«l results when " o r i >:i i » « l . f ' r Cheiehrough T T g Co.,24 State St..New York. Buffalo, N . Y . O f emirs© you know clmmpagn© spoils Look at the girl o f the trapeze. The size built to high jKiints ami the wires were j Syrup o f Figs if- taken; it is pleasant after it is uncorked, if allowed to stand. «»f a rope is no indication o f its strength. run overhead. On© of these overhead But I don't think that nurse allowed it Bo it is with human muscle. A tiny cables lias a span of 1,(>00 yards. This I md refreshing to the taste, and acU p i S O ’S R E M E D Y F O R C A T A R R H .— Best, Easi- eutly yet promptly on the Kidneys, cat to use. Cheapest. R elief 19 immediate !. A to spoil. The bottles all came down watch spring in relatively far stronger aerial line is the second longest in the .iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys cure is certain. For Cold in the Head it has no equal empty any way. Frank didn't get any; than a hundred times its weight of pig world. The offices are daily increasing, em eRectually, dispels colds, head neither did I. unless we were right there iron. Women do endure pain bettor and the work of construction is lieing « n when it was opened. ches and fevers nnd cures hahitu than nu n. and endurance means simply gineeivd by Americans and Englishmen. Much of the material used in the con­ “ But say, that woman’s out there yet. nn outlay «»f strength. Prentice Muliord onstipation permanently. F " r Kile striction of tlu* system is manufactured Sin* has prohibited Frank smoking in the in New York Star. n 50c nnd $1 bottles by all druggists' OH* It is an Ointmrnt, of which n small particle Is applied in tins country.— Demorest's Monthly. house and lie’s a confirmed smoker, lb* to the nostrils. Price 50c. Sold by druggists or sent l>y tlinii<-M Proem an Clark©. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO daren't touch the piano, and lie’s a great l\ «'y* to S tm iiK c ra . mail. Address: E. T . H a /. kj . t i n e , Warren, Pa. S«V r.UNCISCO. CAL. “ I hav»* never been in a hurry; I have i musician, ami neither of us can set' May The wiles o f the criminal classes are LOUISVILLE ■ K1 NEW HORN. N t for over tw o minutes at a time, though always taken a plenty o f exercise: I hav© often so ingenious that I can't help bt*- she's »lying to see us both. The profes always tried to lx* cheerful, and I have lii'ving that if those who practice them sional nurse may lx* all right in your f ’ ken ¡di the sleep that I needed.” These were to turn their energies into other I | hotel or in a hospital, but in a private were tlu* rules of health followed by the courses they would attain no small meed I house she's a nuisance. She's liable to late I*ev. James Freeman Clarke, aud lie o f honor and fame. Some little time ! D oiioih *«* Mieli Headache Constipation. make a man forget what his fam ily outlived and outworked mo.^t of those ago, for example, a burglar was caught ■» I »ver Comi nt» take the «ufe him.— Boston I s o il T IT S looks like and to drive all the servants who began life with red handed in a strong room, opening a Herald. n out of tin* house. I'd ratbel have the safe with a key that could not have been yellow fever than u nurse like the one 1 moreiM rfect bad it been supplied by tlu* F lo r is ts o f T o d a y . Httle bean* to the hot- speak of in my house. O f course that’s Early in tlu* present century there maker of the 1 ck. The man, after hav- j renient Milt nil ngoa hypothetical. I ain’t thinking of getting were abeut Iffff professional florists in the ing btvn convicted, was asked to say j 1 per I k »it le married.” —New York Telegram. 70 Photo tira v i r a Unit«*il States, and tla ir combined green­ how he had obtaimil the k«»y. K ' j S S I N C pi el o ut Ih !» pu tuie for 4 houses covered 50,000 square feet of 1 “ Nothing t'asu'r.’ ’ he replied. “ W e ~couu io n pern or »letup«! «lam The Final Teal. j r p m m i a co glass. There are now over 10.« oo florists, knew who carried the key and what it f “ Hile Beans. M. I ,i > u I « Mo. Customer You nr© quite sure that this cxvupying 50,000,000 feet of glass, or was lik«*. so me ami mv pals got into the is ¡i genuine diamond? nbout 1.000 acres o f greenhouse.}.— Bos­ same railway «'¡im age with your man- ! ager \' lien I d * wa* going home on«» «lay. j Salesman Absolutely positive. It will ton Budget C O » » « '9 N l» One «»f u-v had a bag whieh he couldn't scratch glass or the hardest steel, ami. Mitt llv ro n «, «-n e r o li» ? o j k 'ii. ‘ lias any gentleman a key?* he finally. *t left a mark on the cheek o f my Certainly not. I ii his youth he spent many a woman who strivet nskoi! Your manager produced his r •« »•; % i i d • n f . f . . friend Ne\ ci wynce. inoro motley than be ought, but in later T o o l t l r r l v t ' « r » 4 u l l l i l « g e l It M r i t e m r d l f i please her household and The one thing you’ ll always ti; d in every cow­ bunch, ami my pal, who hail wax in his Customer W» 11. what of that? l i a r « eared ihou»aii i* <>| cuse» i on* palienl» pro years lie was avaricious. Byron always boy's outfit mhen he got.s m the spring r< und-up nn ini rd li|*'«n In l>e-t phv»U a <*. » , ••m Hi t f..s* work* herself to death in the effort. If the house does not look as bright as a pin, she Salesman l ie is the society reporter paraded his generosity. Shelley always palm, while up|H*aring t«* «> j »«* ii his log. is a “ Fish Brand ” Pommel Slicker. They make arniptoinnil « tppear II l • via at «*a»t l*wi hlr>li a I • the only perfect saddle ct»at, and come either buck gets the blame— if things are upturned while house-cleaning goes on— why blame her of The Daily Scantier.—Pittsburg Bul­ gave in MH ivt. Byron confessed (and 1 t» ok ;i likeness of the key «»f the sale. rm l* nr m lr a « .il'i* cu r«» I «* •. » i.v « in iim c n l or yellow. They protect the *hole front of the Then ’ » tlu* secret for you.” t'asHcll's fre»* hr rv•« 1 1. I o i .■r.Do ir *< . i ui»* m st ttnp* letin again. One remedy is within her reach. II she uses S A P O L I O everything will look rider’s body, being made to fit r.-und the outside of had only 1500 a year, while k 'h a d t‘4, lOpnr po«tag<‘ l*u H II tiiiKk.% A *..\«. • i» ( , ,j„ Saturday Journal. the sadd e entire. When used as a waikir.g coat, I f v..u order trial return tin* adveiTmcuteni i.i ui , and the reign ot houst-cleaning disorder will be quickly ever. 5001 that he was in my debt, and that he >h*toi'lu*« ( I'tiHn \nj»tvx«Ml. the extension pieces neatly over .ip each other, making a regui.tr overcoat with a doub’e st«-rns> Tlu- >©«»«»»* o f ^nckcloth. The Fnglish crown is made up o f dia­ must settle. But l always turne»! it off. roof tront When riding, the saddle is d 'Y * s * It lias ht, n anted that society people monds. rubies, sapphires, pearls and He confesa d that he had saved £1.500 one, from to csntle, and the rider is en­ THAT CAN HE rsh.D EVERY DAT tirely protected in eve-y part of h.s body. These emeralds set in silver ami gold bands. out of one year’s« income. Shelley had enjoy the ason , * Oregon. Both are under the management o f A. P. A m i-'r ; r. have same c o u rs s of A « « 1 . T O W E R , • B o s t o n , M a s s . bathing. In the distance a lhn k of «lucks O nr C oal M in e . etuilv, same rates o f tuition, liusineet. Short hotyl. Tr/en-r;': in -, P er mon 'rp n u d I ’m«• 4 1.0114 Kill«*. was sporting on the water. is o f penmanship. IVal is n o » found in about thirty d if­ P k 1 y p i l Y A SURE! SAFE! CERTAIN! IfilVEftlORS GUIDE lish IKpartm euts. Write to either for joint Catalogue and s ; . . In Nov»‘iiih* r. 1889. Cap!. Pvevtiioff, a Yankee Pat. let’s tak«* a duck. ferent states of the Union and seven ter­ Don’ t ht» humhiufveJ. gosnaek officer. >tai. d fr»»in the town ot ln->hninn ^starting hastily forth© shore) ritories In IS-.' the little state o f Nave T im e, Health, to Obu n i Point, Bielovetchensk. on the river Auioor, to a m i money .take u oo th No. « 'i’ll not, tfi’ll j©*d lav«* ye t«* ver- Rhone Island supplied 6,000 tons out of Sent fre e »• % T K I < h O ' H R H U I . , At N e w S t o r e . C y m n a s i u m a n d A t h l e t i c C o o d s . N e w C o o d s . SiU iia and K usma to St m*lf Oi t’ot i >i was swimmin’ wid a tlic total pro'.net of ic;l,a0o.4j5 tuns.— torney at U vr. ash ington . D. C. anr * l l w Pct«»r*burg. a \ of ft.30 11111* gintlemon — not a chicken thavfe! — Arkansaw fruveler. f m a ll ot ■ nearly a »iii.irtiT of the distance art \WID? ef|»n* Epoch. A4«lm v til© glolM* lb quii«* ali >n© t>n ; Dr Meunter mentions a case in which Ilir I » * a < :t«h I l c j U ’ er. IME APHRO MED’CINE C O lP m , ordinary In» o* i l l v h «»r-« ; c u rr K r n »iiig to n t r s i - , amo tttbervuloua from eating the W estern Brain h, il,a . l U iU l.A .M * o r - Local or T r a v e lin g , It has tw n that th.' p hono Cast e lf pouiticve of au intumarv. -1 ' - *» » * l ifl t mile» i provision .rr.n.11 J,.iJ! l„ NoM hr vi mrtoM iimi *** <*,» . !*«>rOau.i Or % % Inr lu’ vtrr, ■J «.« » rash register, To »ell cmr well-known Ntireen «took W# wxni «lay, ami from h«*uiti i«> f«M*i f.ir KT}|l»‘l i'UUH l« fix>d. lively worker». *u«i will p»y well—corn slii.-r receives ini^ht b- M s r lin , C »lt* » f»rot«i't ior m lilu ri II© ha« mot E r , t t m m th "A ll, " s.ii j the newly hatched chick, v l»»io n or «la r v Qood r»ft’ npncet required ;r tph nn.l there Te- with a figli ot relief, " I ’ m free frojjj the AP? y ^ Irk L. L. MAY £ CO., Naiwym M L w,rlt in t lit p c n tlM g I t ' l l « » ■k on th* account* — yolk at Uac '- U a ip e r '* y l*l«»W ffifO , but It© D iu POTUVU, AN & A p p b to M1L ¡ ercuti AtlrttrUMtf. I41W t -tr • w • » -ji. dU(f»iU biAf. ,\aw y .-is t V s l y s .T .T fc . s . u. m l • « *»»-»© « • » » » • ».. » » i a h «»ii i tsvaiai**!, ffi Nuts fo r the D em ocrat».—Jackson was “ Old H ic k o ry .” C leveland d«*serv«-h to be kn ow n and rem em ber d as 01*1 (Jheatniit. Powder ’ w inter is com ing . Manillo-Leather Roofing. P m x NOSES Sanborn,Vai!$cCo. A R T iS T S ’ SU P P LIE S, ■DOCTOR TOEL FOR MEN I CURE FITS! FREE For a Disordered Liver CATAR R Try BEECH M’S PILLS, f 25c.3. a Box. CAMP LIFE. BILE b EANS g r o w J-a«ir in khe light*of- 1 their w orks, e s p e c ia lly if ’ they u s e F3 0 L I 0 ; Ibis ©wsolid ca«ke ofscouring l^soe^p used l*oradl cleaning- purposes. All grocers keepir. DROPSY Faber’s Golden Forpale Fills. LOVE S LABOR S LO ST Ï r r AI tN I o.«» W ILLIA M C. BECK ARMS CO., S A L E S M E N W A N T E D . Guns, Billes, Revolvers, Sporting Goo’s r d Fisliing Tackh, P E N S I O N S ! N! Ï U Î W 4 -