T il K Itl'C U A K K K K H or OLD T h e B a n e o f P ea c e fu l Swim m in g. There are few cruelties which public opinion in the boys’ world condemns, but 1 am glad to remember to their honor, that there were not many in that Boy's town who would tie shirts, aud I fervently hope that there is no boy now livin g who would do it. As the . crime is probably extinct, I will , . . , , s a y i n t h o s e wicked d a y s , i f y o u w e r e Flaunted the skull and < t o m bones, their en»igu, defiantly at the masthead. Your modern pirate, not on tne hiRh sea1*, but upon the hiah reputa­ tion of Htandard remedie«, skulks under various disguises. H i« hole and corner traille lias never to auv degree atfVicted Uoatetter’a rttomach B t ters, although that *taudard iuvigoiaut and eor- rective ha* long been the shining mark at which hi* shafts have been directed. Cheap local bit­ ter«, composed of fiery unrectifled stimulants, wi h an infusion, or extract possibly, of some tonic bark, are still sometimes recommended a* i dent leal with, or similar to, or poMtesalnf vi<-- tues kiudred to tb o * e o f America s chosen family «* i r i i s c i 'f i i i t n n d t lie n * w t a mini«* medicine. These perish speedily, w hile the Rreut *>u c li a r e a m , a n d m e r e w a s Som e subduer ami preventive of disease pursues it« boy you h a te d , you s t o le u p a n d tie d smneasful career, overcoming malaria, dy.-pep , i 1M i IJ. r iii.Kt L , m l , kf « b IUl* ,,, ikll« uw~ n sia. Hervottoiiesa, kidney trouble», const I nation u ie I ia r u e s i K1DU OI a K n o t i l l o n e a n i l and rheumatic alimenta, not only on this, but or b o th arms o f h is s h ir t . Then, i f both on many continents. I - On* M ONKEY ANO G U IN E A f * -nv Sigh t to Ho Seen In «ligtou I s n c l e r ’ i Shop. PIG. W ish- W O M AN'S A Sort o ' Ac c id e nt . IN TU ITIO N . IIO U A Suu man who was in the waiting | » » r l x A i w a » ICiiflit iu ll**r .1 m l * ......... rooms o f the Erie depot, across the In to Common Thing*» river, the other day, came upon a All old keen tie man, over ueven'y, cam« farmer looking man who was nursing into the city from hi« farm without hi» two or three skinned knuckles, and in , overcoat. The day turned chilly and he wan obliged to forgo hi» visit to the fair. quired if an accident had happened. To a friend who remonstrated with “ Sort o’ accident," was the reply. “ I was siltin' here about half an hour 1 him for thus going away from home un­ prepared, he «aid: “ I thought it was ago when a young feller came along going to lx* warm; my wife told me to and wanted me to go and look at a take my overcoat, but I wouldn’t. trunk full of clothes that was to be Women have more sense than men, sold to pay the railroad charges. I ’m anyway.” A frank admission. alius on the lookout for bargains, and Women’s good sense is sai 1 to come I went.” from intuition; may it not lie that they “ Yes." are im re close observers of little things? “ He rambled me up the street about One thing is certain, they are apt to a block, and we met another feller, strike the nail on the head, in all ordi­ who said lie had got to have twenty- nary problems ot life, more frequently five dollars right off quick, to save than the lords of creation. “ According to Dr. Alice Bennett, who some machinery from being sold. recently read a paper on Bright’s dis­ W ith that I dropped to the game.” ease before the Pennsylvania State Med­ “ Confidence.” ical «So iety, pert >ns subject to bili >:is “ Exactly. I kinder looked lamblike, attacks and sick headaches, w ho have crawling sensations, like the flowing of however, and when number one said 1 could perhaps loan number tw o the water in the head, who are ‘t red a I the time’ and have unexplained attacks of rhino, and take a check for a hundred sudden weakness, mav well lie suspected dollars on the bank, I reached down of dangerous tendencies in the direction into my pocket, as if to get the spon­ of Bright’s disease.” The veteran newspaper correspond­ dulicks.” ent, Joe Howard, of the New York Press, “ I see." “ But 1 didn't git it. I scraped to­ in noting this statement, suggests: “ Possibly Alice is correct in her diag­ gether a handful o f dry tine cut ter nosis, but why do sn’t she give some backer, sliet my ffst up light, aud idea of tieatment? I know a man who when I pulled it out I swung for No. haw been ‘tired all the time* for ten 2’s nose, and landed like a ton of years. Night b fore last lie took two brick. He went »-tumblin' into the doses of calomel and yesterday lie mud, and I turned on No. 1. He had wished he hadn’t.” A proper answer is found in the fol­ slid—dusted out o f sight like a rabbit lowing letter of .Mrs. Davis, wife of Kev. a gittiu’ for home ahead o f sixteen cur Wm. J. Davis, of Basil, O.. June 21, dogs.” | 1*90: “ I do not hesitate to say that I owe “ And what became o f the one you my life to Warner’s Safe Cure. I had hit?" constant hemorrhages from my kidneys “ L y in ’ right there yit unless the po­ for more ihan five months. The phy­ lice have taken him away. When 1 sicians could do nothing for me. My left, five minutes ago, one o f them had husband spent hundreds of dollars and his head popped up, and the other was l was not relieved. I was under the a askin' him what sort of a wagon run j care of the most eminent medical men over him, aud he was a say in that lie j in the State. The hemorrhage ceased before I had taken one bottle of Safe wanted to be taken home to b is ' Cure. I can safely and do cheerful 1\ anxious mother. I sort o ’ calkerlate recommend it to all who are sufferers of them two won’t bother me agin—not kidney troubles.” until aftertlie plantin' time is overand C O N S U M P T IO N S U K K L Y C U B E D . I let my fall whiskers grow .” —New | To th e E d it o r : l'lease inform your reader? York Sun. that 1 have a positive remedy for the above TO UK' V Y O I’ K D li. K S T I O N . AlniOHt e v e r y d a y w e f e d th e unplea ant sensatiouH o f in d ig e s tio n . Trv A LI. c o c k b \ P o r o u s P l a s t e r s a n d be re lie v e d . J . F . j D jv e n p o r t i f ( 'a tiara e, N. Y , w rite s : “ I h a v e been v e ry m uch tro u b led w ith . , »-UREO Br a vio le n t pain b e lliw m y client I m lie. I was to ld by »-everal p h y s ic !- him th a t it w a s ih e u - m a tU m o f th e D iaph ragm . It r e s id e d 'VEKY HUMOR OK T1IK SKIN AND SCALP fru in co ld and ex p o s u re. I had v e r y lit tle j <■ f iu fa n ey au«t childhtHsi, w h e th er tortu r­ a p p tite , and d ig e s te d by fo od w ith grea t in g, d isfigu rin g, itch in g , bu rn in g, scaly, crusted, p im p ly nr b lo teh v, w ith l«»*s o f hair, and every dfiti tib y . I place i o .e A l l c o c k ’ s P o Iinpuri v o f the blood, w h e th e r sim ple, scrofu­ r o c s P i . a s t k k l>el j w the b reast bone and lous r iie ed ita ry , is speedily, p erm a n en tly and tw o on each *id e . In the cou rse o f tw e n ty - eco n o m ica lly cured by the c c ic c r a R e m e d ie s , foil»* hours a ll p tin ceased, and 1 w a « ah ► * co n sistin g o f C u T iiT R A , the great skin care, Cu- to v i f and <. Cure* m ade in ch ildh ood pains in m y *i«i**, nml I h a ve alvv .ys found are perm anent. Sold everywhere. I’ rice, C u tic u b a , •r>0c; Fo.\r, th em q u ic k aud e ffe c t iv e ." . -5c; R e s o l v e n t . 61. Prepared by Potter Drug and Chemical Corporation. Boston, Mass. if hop. are a sedative, why don’t frogs sleep Semi for “ How to Cure Blood aud skin Dis­ better” ease*.” ' tile monkey sat ou its perch in a cage at the fancier's shop, looking placid enough until the proprietor ap­ proached with a small guinea pig in his hand. Then she suddenly became J much agitated, chattering nervously, while the little pink eyed animal was put in through the wire door and dropped, the entrance b^ng thereupon closed again. No sooner was this done than Mis­ the evil one put it into your heart, you tress Monkey—for such was her sex— .heMw;n, S ; ^ >¡u^r^u^?iLnV'e7 ,h u ^ r - W ^ ««aked the knot in water and pounded reat.ljek out for im itationH . An ex confederate officer relates that its pink eyes. Fond Mother.—And so Lord Puggs Is going to at the battle of Fort Donelson it was Probably the guinea pig is the most take away my one ewe lamb. The Kwe I.ainb. decided after a hot fight to withdraw - Yea; the Loril is my shepherd. philosophic o f animals because it from the fort. Upon looking around for Caesar, his colored cook, he was thinks the least; at all events, in the K U P T U K K A N D 1*11.KS C l ' U K I ) . class iiiaininulia that pretends to so nowhere to be seen. He shouted to W e positively cure rupture and all reetal dis­ small a portion of intellect. eases without pain or detention from business. Him several times, and by and by was The fancier, who keeps a little shop No cure, no pay ; and no pay until cured. Ad Rheumatism, Neuralgia,Corns, answered in such faint tones that lie dress for pamphlet Drs. Porterfield A Pasey 83* on Twelfth street, said that the mon­ HEADACHE, and ALL PAIN. Market street. San Francisco. knew his servant was inside o f the log O X U E N J O Y S The California Positive and Negativa key often played doll baby in tiiis way on which he was standing. Both the method and results when A candidate may Dch for office, but If bis con­ E L E C T R I C COUGH CURE with a guinea pig for hours ut a time, stituents scratch his name he does not get there. “ Come out of there I” commanded CURES GOLDS, GROUP, CONSUMPTION. Syrup o f Figs is taken; it is pleasant and would do it for days if permitted; the officer. Sold by all Druggists. Each t6c,60c A $1. and refreshing to the taste, and rets T r y O k k m k a for breakfast. but it was rather too bard on the C re a s ln g e r A G o ., P ro p '» , L o t A n g alaa.C al. “ Can’t do it I” he shouted in reply. gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, guinea pig. He averred that lie bad “ But you must. The fight is all Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys­ never taught the monkey to do any over.” tem effectually, dispels colds, head- thing of tho sort, nor the guinea pig —IM PO RTE R AND DEALER IN — “ But I can’t—dar’s fo’ white men in iches and fevers and cures liabitu.-’' either. Not merely this particular dis log behind me.” named disease. By its timely use thousands ol For sale guinea pig would serve for tho pur­ B i s m a r c k h a n O r g a n G ri n d e r . hopeless eas« s have been permanently cured. 1 constipation permanently. And when tho officer investigated, be glad to send tw o bottle« o f my rented) in 50caud 81 bottles by all druggists pose, but any other; in fact, half a Prince Bismarck was one day pass- shall I IN IIIN O T A C K l.i:, I T C ., free to any of your readers who have eon. ump l.e found that such wus the case. | dozen tlml were just then in stock, : ing through the royal palaceat Berlin, tion if they w ill send me their express and pod i>3 First Street, Portland, Orégrnii. They crawfished out, one after tho CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. office address. Respectfully, T. A. HI.OCUM, M. C.. SAV FRANCISCO. CAL. other, each having un excuse to urge, were made to take their turns us doll when he entered a room in which the 1H1 !*ea 1 street. New York LOUISVILLE. KY NEW YORK V Y. babies for Mistress Monkey. young princes were merrily romping and finally the durky appeared. The “ Put a second guinea pig into the und dancing to the music of a barrel The Oldest Medicine in the W orld is probably officer was ubout to open on him, but D K . IS A A T T H O M P S O N S cage nnd see what will happen,” sug i organ. The youngsters insisted that Caesar protested: C E LE B R ATE D E Y E -W ATE R .1 Prince Bismarck should stay and This article is a carefully prepared physician’s pre­ “ Doan’ say one word! Dis are do! gested the reporter. scription, and has been iu constant use fo r nearly a cent irv. There are few diseases to which mankind fust time I either got ahead of a white [ The fancier said he hud never tried j dance with them. " I am too old,” j are i ubject more distressing than sore eyes, and that, and quickly fetched uuother. said the stiff and stately septuagenar­ man, an' it’sgw ine to he de werry last. Get one of the celebrated F. A. Loomis’ Double- none, p rliaps, for which more remedies have been tri 'd without success. For all external inflammation Barrrel, Breech-1« a«llng Shotguns, Top Snap, De nex’ fout we have I'zo gwine to let ! When it was put inside, tho monkey ian. “ and really I cannot dance, but o f the eyes it is an infallible remedy. I f tho dlree .............. Far Locks, Damascus Barrels, Fancy Stocks, IMs- tlons are follow ed if w ill never fa il. W e particularly f,,] ( ; rjr, nmi a Greener Treble Wedge Fast, 12 Gauge, him have whole log to himself, an' I became very much excited—so much if the crown prince will dance I will Coeyao nvito the attent’on o f physicians to its merits. Foi 1 )• so, indeed, that she held the first grind the organ.” The bargain wus j a! 5 by all dniKROts.^ JOHN i . THOMPTON, SON: j I ’ll look fur a hole h i de ground.” — j Sent bv express with 25 Bravs Shells and Ke- ta Wished 7!) . On the mend Boston Budget. guinea pig upside down in her arms ’ at once struck. The crown prince 1 loading Tools upon receipt o f price. — tho consumptive who’s not be­ for some minutes, with its hind legs in joined his two brothers, and Prince reft of judgment ami good sense. tho air, while she watched the second Bismarck ground away m errily at the T h e In v ita tio n TV iih N o t Ilep eu ted . Mew S to re . C y m n a s iu m a n d A th le tic C o ed s N e w C oods. He’s taking I)r. Pierce’s Golden It is related that Thomas Carlyle, guinea pig noso around the floor o f tho organ while the children danced on Medical Discovery. If taken in | while on u visit to the provost of Kir- cage. She looked wistful, hut made in high glee, in the midst of their W I L L I A M C. BE C K A R M S CO. , time and given a fair trial, it will caldy, u worthy elder who conducted no attempt to seize the second guinea mirth the door opened and the young effect a cure. Consumption is family worship, was one morning in- pig, evidently considering that she kaiser entered. He stnihd to see the CURES PERMANENTLY Lung-scrofula. For Scrofula, in its | vited by the provost to take the read- could not well hold 11101*0 than one at redoubtable Rcichskanzler grinding K f i n i n '; l r ii, K v in i n # t o n , myriad forms, and for all Liver, | ing, and he would offer up the prayer a time. The lirst guinea pig. that was the barrel organ, and, after a word of W in c h e s te r , P a r k e r B r o s ., held upside down, did not seem to greeting to his sons, he observed in I himself afterward. Carlyle, by acci­ IUood and Lung diseases, the “ Dis­ M a r lin , C d i s I ,. ( ' . S m it h , covery” is an unequalled remedy. dent, opened the Bibleat the first chap­ mind it a particle; but presently the mock displeasure to 1’ rineo Bismarck, It’s tlie only guaranteed one. if iter o f the Book of Job. He began to monkey discovered her doll baby’s “ You begin in good time to make the K c p c a tin ^ K ific ! o i l ’ s S lio lg iir it doesn’t benefit or cure, you get read thin slowly and intelligently, predicament and hastily reversed its heir apparent dunce to your piping. 17» A N D 74 T H K D , A5 Y A M H I L L S T .. P O R T L A N D , O H . position, bringing it right side up W hy, this is the fourth generation of I pausing after some clause iLsif to medi- your money hack. You only pay | late on the circumstances and take in again. The fancier made her dmp the Hohenzolleriis to whom you devote for the good you get. T H A T CAN BE USED E VE RY D A Y “ Discovery” strengthens W eak ! the whole meaning. On he went, the first guinea pig, whereupon she picked ; yourself 1” —St. James Gazette. is the kind that pays. Scores o f tho provost j up the second guinea pig, that being Lungs, and cures Spitting of Blood, servants wondering, S cratch Ing I l l s W oo d en Leg. young business men, and hun- dumfoondert.” Yet no one dared to near at hand, and proceeded to do Lite Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis, _ ^ ^ _____ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ dreds o f book-keepers and sten­ A good story is told on Justice Me Severe Coughs, and kindred affec­ intt'rrupt tho sugo, as his fuco wus got- maturimi uct witli il us witli theother. ! Donnell by some o f ti is friends. John­ ographers o f both sexes, attribute their success to a course at the P o r t la n d B usi^ n e s s C o lle g e , Portland, Ovegon, or the C a p ita l B u s in e s s C o lle g e , Sdlem, tions. Don’t be fooled into taking ting ull aglow. The time passed on, Guinea pig No 'i did not seem to mind. ny has a wooden leg, aud one evening Oregon. Both are under the management o f A. P Armstrong, have same courses o f something else, said to be “ just as und yet ho wus only healing to his — Washington l’ost. recently while standing near the cor study, same rates of tuition. Business, Shorthand,Typewriting, Penmanship n nd Eng­ good,” that the dealer may make a work. After finishing tho whole forty- A Clteup L e t t e r ('li e. tier of Fifth and Hampshire streets, lish Departments. Write to either for joint Catalogue and specimens o f penmanship. larger profit. There’s nothing at two chapters ho quietly closed the A friend keeps many hundreds of : the friends standing there witli him Bible and remarked, “ That isa marvel­ all like the “ Discovery.” It con­ letters on file in a novel way. A were surprised to see hint raise his tains no alcohol to inebriate ; no lous life like drama, only to be ap- memorandum is kept, iu which is re­ wooden leg and scratch it. Witen prOriated when read right through.” syrup or sugar to derange di­ uN o other fFtc, w P r y o r g ir t s such a Variety o f Entertaining and Instructive Reading at so low a price.' corded Die date ami addresses o f each his friends related the fact McDonnell gestion. A s peculiar in its cura­ Carlyle used to wonder that tho invi­ piece mailed, also whether it be a letter l denied the story, but three of his tive effects as in its composition. tation was not repeated.— Boston Jour­ or postal card, together with remarks. j friends insisted that he did scratch nal. Equally good for adults or children. Ou the opposite puge is a similar rec­ his wooden leg, and tho preponder Kx|M>«’ teU 100,000 Il«*|>Iie». ord of whatever is received by mail. ance o f evidence being aguinst tho There was a man in New York, Sol­ This gives the date, tolls from whom justice, the reporter decided aguiust omon by name, who was induced by it was received, whether u letter, card him, nnd held that Justice McDonnell, an agent of a newspaper to advertiso or otherwise, und remarks sufficient to during a temporary aberration of S ia u x iE N c o r .E s a n d f i l l a n n o v x c e . m f . x t w i l l h e s e n t o n a p p l ic a t io n . Writ«* to thi* K I.F.CTKIC K S< 11NI : K It I S t i r o .21 his “ Mammoth Catalogue,” one Kun- identify tho letters afterward. Each ! mind, did scratch his wooden leg.— format ion aboüî their i t ) li it m ow lìtui lflo io V l* -r ....... IflQQQO letter is numbered us received and in Quincy W iiig. by which power in»y be dis'ributed over tunny “ * / • ..................... miles M|imrc « * f nren lor running ijiuirl/ mills, copies was promised. anailuiiioii.ii „ _ i ...... tha number of I ----------------------- hoist! g works, pumps nml all kinds of machlu Culling a few days after to ask for it tho letter is given. The letters ua. I'rc p o s te ro iis . Tho Serial Stories engaged for the year will be of unusual interest aud Finely Illustrated. cry. They arc the Inst in I h t ivo 'h t. Tlie word preposterous is literally renewal of tho card, he met the infuri­ filed away eonseeutivelv as numbered. Through Thick and Thin ; by Molly Elliot Seawell. ated merchant, who declared that he and, by referring to the memoranda, applicable to a state of things in which T h l» Traete Nepigon; by C. A. Stephens. Kent Hampden; by Rebecca Harding Davis. M a r k I* o n had been swindled. Asking if the re­ Dio nuinlierof any letter is readily as the natural order is reversed, as when 8uleika; by Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen. The Heygood Tea Service; by Elizabeth W . Bellamy. turns had not been satisfactory, the curtained and by looking in the pack the cart gets before tlie horse. “ Have you seen a w olf and a pack of shopkeeper bccnnio still more in­ age containing that niunlier the letter censed. is found.—Cor. Springfield Home dogs |>ass this way V” asked a hunter of A rm y Life and Adventure. N av a l Life and Adventure. a farmer. “ You tell me dat you hrint 100,000 stcuil. A Phenomenal Scout; by Gen. O. O. Howard. Adventures of a Middy; Admiral David D. Porter. “ That’s what,” answered tho farmer; ba|>ors, hut I huf only received ¡i.TG.'t s h ___ ln th« world. Reading Indian "S ig n ; ” by Gen. John Gibbon. l*ala»tMhle Inse ct I'owtl er. Powder Monkeys; by Admiral S. B. Luce. ■Mulinili.,.mi,-,11 A.J T'™.Bon..n, “ and gee whiz, wa’n’t they goin’, answers already.” — Exchange. Hunting Large Game; by Gen. John R. Brooke. A Chat about Samoa; by Admiral L. A. Kimberly. At an officer’s mess in the East lu though !" In Big Horn Canon; by Gen. James S. Brisbin. Overland in a Man-of-War; Admiral J. H. Gillis. dies the cakes handed round for dessert A Mi>rs M u t t e r o f Cl is nc e . “ Good! How were they making it?” l'i )R i »N K. |M H.l. A If sent us by until, wo w ill do- were greatly relished for their choice People never get over being sur­ “ W al, when they went by here the * liver, froo of nil oharpes, to nny ihthoii in tho I Inquiry wus ilavor and rich saffron color, which dogs was a leetle ahead.” — Youth's I'lilted States, all tho following artio’os onrofullv prised by coincidences. l»*okod in a noat I h > x . made al Die cigar store the other day excellent properties were attributed to Companion. One twoounoe bottle of Pure Yasoll tie I0«t*. ! one tvto ounce bottle Vaseline l»oina«te .15 ” for a certain brand of cigars. The in­ the baking powder used in theirprepa This Series of Tapers explains In a sf-.tpls manner the recent rcsearilic ; o.’ the greatest Specialists in Science. one jar «*f Vaseline Fold t'reani .15 Au O rie n ta l M a n u scrip t. H>k quirer was met by a blank stare and a , ration. One day Dio native one cake of Vaseline Camphor lee. . 10 The Stars ; by J. Norman I.eckyer, F. R. S. The library o f Cornell university i Hie eake of \ asellne s«»ap. nnseente«l to look of suspicion, which indicated that , brought tho announcement that his The Moon; by Prof. C. S. Holden. The Farth ; by Prof. N. S. Shaler. 1 e ! ; : s o m e t h i n g unusual had happened o r ! »Dn-k was exhausted, and he was told possesst's an oriental manuscript writ­ The Ocean ; by Camille Flammarion. The Sun ; by Prof. C. A. Young. ten on palm leaves, consisting of 1 1 )5 It 10 was expected to happen. This was ex I to fetch the empty canister in order u >..., i,J, , m t,.",,:. ■ \V.,’ihV"in’ i„ t plained when tho cigar dealer related that afresh supply might be ordered strips or leaves, each seven by one by , that t « o men ha.l asked for cigars o f from the same firm. W ith the know a quarter inches, fastened together by College Athletic Sports. H o w to Choose a College. JS7.V’i; i i l i z I th* 1 br“ ,‘‘ l two or three * > ® i r « f one who h n n , « J . a grand a cord passing through a hole in the By Harvard, Trinceton and Yale Captains. Four Articles of great value to any young man coosideriag center o f each leaf. The writing is Uou without vslu«' nik I w UI n>i g v.you thi r. suit >ou Illiltlltt'S plVC inli tig , A lltl lit) tit (ill'll : “ I \ Q18COVGry til© COOK OX 111 blttHl til© 6111 p t y a College Education; by .»IHC* A b i l i . . ..f Hlm n . h I V College Boat-rac.ng; by R. \V. Herrick. b . . i . i hr . ii | ______ ____ (la t | h i » inquiry ¡nquiry for lH.f„ m i canister, which was found to have done on each siiie o f the leaves by ilnigg a*a at l»r^ n*a Pres. Seth Low. H or. Andrew D. White. Foot-Ball at Princeton; hy C. A. Poe. Chesebrongh « f’gCo., 24Su i*Sh.Nfw York. in my life.” Ho thought it was a put. contaiiuMl Persian Wstvt powder.— etching the characters with a sharp in Prof. Geld win Smith. Pres. Merrui id. Gates. Base-Ball: Matches Lost and Won; by A. A. Stagg. strument on the palm leaves, which Ptiare du Bosphoro. up job, but it wasn’t, — Buffalo Ex M«H)K P A I N I K Hh have been afterward rubb«id over with t’itlld l*trch anss. A Dog Timt risyi IIlile and Seek. treatment forali« hron a black pigment. — Exchange. Ir «lispNses inen an«l An intelligent »log in West Chester O n r l l . 'I . r . O a iiK h lp r . untntu UHI t l H . I , I li Irti iiiiit I I » a O ur l.ongcxitY D f f i r » * r t l ? I ’o r i l » m l . O r. Mr. J. Stanley Brown was private se,^ plays hide aud seek with its owner, a Has the longevity of the human race The Succe.-3 at tVe Oaf of Famous Lawyers; Vy Lord Coleridge, Chief Justice of England. retary o f President Garfleld, and sineo- little girl uuiiuh I Am y. 8ho taught it Incident.) in the Lives of Famous Surgeons; by Fir More!! Mackenzie, M. D. that iiiLs tne.1 r.-al eatatc, luinking and tho g’ltne, and they both, it is said, dt'creasedi is a question which many modern physicians seetn inclined to an­ « i>irktir parhac« Railway Stories by Railway Men; hy Prominent Railroad Officials. the law, and tinally taken a seientifie find much fun in playing iL Amy swer in the negative. ky «wall Is asfrrrrt. » r a *t HI 11 V t X Si r«nl « l . a Statistics un­ Jules Verne's Boyhood, telling how he became s Story Writ r: hy Jules Verne. course at Yale and at a Oermsa univer- will tell tho dog to remain in a certain doubtedly prove that within tiie last Among the Highland Peasantry; by The Marquis of Lome. Ulus, hy The Princess Louise. In ord< r ti place until she hides. She then calls eighty years epidemics have become less honst versity, and now has a Position in the Intrisi n w I f , gisilogieal survey. TI h > llrowns live in and the dog starts on the st'arch, find froqu«'iit and chronic diseases more cur- f \ I I D »> H i" it (¡.i.iTT; ni \ ¡ V / W i r X i x k \ h ;\ U . . I - I I I . M I . K..i; s little honm> on M.issa< lnis<.tts avenue, ing Amy every time, no matter where able. Our streets are getting wider and where t h'orge Keunan nse.11»> live. Thev Tho Girl wish a Tasto for M u s i c . Thrown on H er O wn Resources. ■he hides. Then the dog will wag his cleaner, our drinking water purer; our ■ f.'W V î’M «7 I¡ »»FF» K FOR iPU sU U Wi l l I.D r ' O u . l u , sr»' very qniet and ivtiring, ar»‘ s»s'n very tail, show his teeth ils though laugh doin»>stic habits an» becoming far more What can a Girl of Sixteen do ? How can She make the most of Her Voice ? little in socu'ty, and lnakc no attempt to- ing, and hie away to the point origi hygienic, and centenarians more fre­ fleVea. Head m >ney by P A feries of Four pram! - ! nnd helpful Articles, which A remerksMe wrtrs o f papers «ritti a expressly to r prêta». monv> court it. Mrs. Mary Garfield ¡Stanley- quent. in North America at least, and in o n le r o r in tMistsae «tumps thssl ........ . lit by express. wifi prove ruggesUve aud valuable to any girl; by T u s ( ' r a m n o ) by tlie (olios 1 i famous singers: nally designed for him by Am y, while Brovvn, as she styl.nl heraelf on the d»vd. civilized districts of western Europe. INDIA PACKING CO., Portland, Oregon. lias lately purehastsl lan.lon Washington Am y hules again, only to t>e found an Die Ma fame Albani. Miss Morie Van ZandL Amelia E. Barr. “ Jenny June.” —Detroit Free Press. i M en tion this paper. I instant afterward by the dog. — Ex Mary A. Livermore. •• Marion Harland.” Miss Emma Juch. Miss Emma Nevada. or Kalorama helghts, and will huil.l a ra n Is* made easily b> ! hotis». there whieh will also )n> the k.aue I «h an g«. Mada me Lillian Nordica. And other Favorite Writers. A Rank P la g ia ris t. ra isin « ehl< kens u « r j of Mrs. Garfield for th»' future, a. kxui T e n t * W a i l , ut l i w i t i ' H a i r. la r .e :t2 p a «e llln s Countryman (lookmg over copy of trat« «1 « Ntal« «n o tells 1 as her second eon is married. Washing . The w iiw iif tho Arabian shepherds Avxop’s fables)— What's the price of this ail about Weekty Editorials oa Curre-t Events at home and abroad. A Charming Children's Page Every Week. t»>n Oof. 8t. Lenin» Republic. '« t i l l weave gnut-a’ hair for their tent*. book, mister I Household Articles vv.il Le pu—i.-'-.d t.q u fflC y , giving uvefsl Informa:ion in toe vart.ni.« uepwtment* o f home life,— IV.iler—Fifty cento. Do you want a A rt Work, Kancj W. rk, Ii iihrol.:. .. , I in IW n rU isa of ¿looms, tlie Fare of riant», <'in king, amt Hint, on Housekeeping. INCUBATORS. Thix li.nr elotli is nearly black, and re Samuel J. Brown, now a pennini) at­ rewiifilesuli.il of whieh our modern coal copy? Bro,»der*. n hst t«' feed torney in Philadelphia, entered th. Countryman- No: the feller what ebieken s. In fa« t all saekaare made. The Arab, alxo bang wrote it has stole most of his ideas froui the secrets «*f the ! Union army when he was uuly 13 yrars t'hi«-ken tniou neeil tomac in lfifil. AhleO tlrp addrm ri nn l : !.T ^ . w p w f*I «»'nd T h r Y n a tli*« ( nm ^snion F R l . f ff» supply them with fo»xI. — Dry Good* p ' - drum, but as a boy .oldier he beau t h . J s n a n r r t . 1^01, nnd f « r a F u ll Y e a r from flin t D n fr. Th in «fiV r lu r la d r « fii ' The bashaw of Tangier, the same who in fo r m s f t o n record. I Chronicle. F irn P . ì n » V IK 1 ID \ v \ » M U R R A und a ll fh«. I M I A TR A TID W X f K I . Y than m any o f the SLJacobs Oil (uticura H. T. HUDSO N, Guns, Ammunition, Suns, Rifles, Revolvers, Sparling Goods and Fishing Tackle, fiteum atism « ^ .S c ia t ic a I R acIC A cb es ¿ 'a llA c h e s , „ I T ^ S W lS ilL IT IS THE BEST. ELECTRIC v POWER. Illustrated Serial Stories. O br M ^ Tbc Best Waterproof Coat VA SE LIN E. Latest Discoveries in Science. \ I ,lever o| 1 0 FREE Important Articles. ASTHM A :M! FREE TO E V E R Y MONEY t i F « £ E TO JAN,, 1391. bk» sold at JSrents W e send It fi re ip t o f 4 rents In sta m p »to pay p w U i f x I'r n n iiiu ti. A IT year-old lad who elimiaxl to the' ' l ’apa. what is an agnostic I” dome of the .tate huose at To|rk Suu. N. P. N. U. No. %!•—8. P. N. V. No. 43!» breaking a bone» become so corpulent that he is unable to walk abroad. He is only 5 feet 2 inches breadth, as he weighs ov»'r 400 pounds. He has been ad\ ised by his thirty-two physicians to fast for a mouth.