I I F r u l t C u l t u r e ili Ot caroti. b gofyou to tiri; k Indoro you tquuik— , Prof's »Judith an 1 Vincent, ara giving had here this fed! i ivi ’ f a putgative. a >ur*e of le»-tur»‘S on phrenology, tins The culture of fruii is certain lo ho one speciali»' to un invalili. Il you la v e a j The (Quarterly meeting b e d at Kiki.de -a:— week, at Jones’ hall. If you want to chinch last Katun lay and Sunday was 0 Oregon'* ptiucip.il industrie» and clilef protty gown and fresh gloves, bv a l k iow w iat your character 1 », go ami let well attended and was un occasion ot sonni s cf «reati h »»¡tirili a very (• »»' years. ineans »lo lionor to ber »»boni you visit by j Tlic w ock I saw still runs. the.n make a Phrenological exam ination, nunh interest to the church. Beside the 1 lio proteclhwi of Ibis imlustry shouUl w arlng tboni, b a ld o not niake thè «li.- Public Sale tomorrow at one o'clock. as th *y are professionals in tiiis line of home ministers tiiere were present l onitiiand thè earr.est ut'ention of thè play of theni thè pi ime object of yonr j Mr, Mourn lias had Boxers ears clipped. work. fr m i t or pi in 's F. C. Varner from legislature. A start in Ibis line Ita* al- vi.-it, biave Ibis to III» 'evotee of fashion He that plants a tree is a public bene­ The Y. M. C. A ha» had public meet­ Km xkvhlo, Dr. II. .1. M inthorn from Ka­ ready liocn made in thè tifate llorticul. and calla, and devoto your lime to scmo- factor. ings at the Presbyterian church each eve­ lian, Milton J . Hampton alni Aaron Bray tnru! Commlssion ; hot thè banda of th is ; thing more notile. I ubhor a tlattering “ The town is growing so u th '' ami in ning during the week at w inch they h ivo from Dumbo, 1!. F. H inshaw from commission » lui'ikl ho strengt Itene»!, ami | tongne, yet Ilio believo in s|H':iking a every other direction. had ad Irco-es by different speaker*. Cir­ .Marion an I E.isiia Sm ith lately from it sbollili iie given ampio lucana ¡or th è I Mncero word of pruine or appicciai ioli to Cowslips are out of season, es|iecially cumstances have been such th at we .Missouri. T ie principal speak is were pratis ti m of ori-barri;» frinii fruit posti. ! my blenda, wltile they are witli me i. • on the side walks. could not attend but we iieai the meetings brothers Hhi-diaw, Varner and tinii h a n d E.eni.il vigilam-e is going to be U.e plico stea l of waiting until they are cold in \ Dr. Minlhorn who ma>le a .-tnring appeal of good fruit in bregón, especially apples death. D in an easy thing to distinguish Squire Cottle of Carlton was in town h u \e been interesting. one day this week. Charley Holt the milkman is q u ite in- at the Womens Foreign Mis: n n aiy So- j her 'teforeoar staple of fruit products. between eincerety ami flattery, so lliat | Wagon loads ol fruit trees pass through du.- trious. He gets out early in thomorii- ei tv h PM Kutiday afternoon, on beliali The m atter of lighting fruit |H*?ts lias one need not Iwafraid of seeming t<> be! iug and »allies the mail from West C lu- oi tho Indian. Jesse Edwards ma !e a lie n neglected, scouted und ignored I'») incinecre. ¡Sometimes tiiere is more in a town ulinuel every d.iv now. ualem to North Yamhill an l back, rep: r; of rib vi-it to R ick L ike iireoriug long already. Let the warfare against look, a hand cl.isp, or a smile (liuti in an» j The frame is up for Mr. Lai-l iura new word you might apeak, so do not forget to | riicn in th e afternoon lie pails his cows and it »»as decided to discontinue the the pests henceforth be unceasing.—Ex. store building on Main stu e t. scatter these seeds of good w herever you | and bungs the milk to town getting home louthly m u ing at that place lor the prt- ‘ Mr. Mills has his new honso in the go, you »» ill lx inaile happier by so doing, sent. Dr. Minthorn g ive a very intere it- ! at ten o ’clock at n ght. Goodrich subdivision enclosed. oi true happiness comes hv making ol! * ing account of tho work done at O.-ki- The w ither has been very favorable ers happy, insiemi of leading sellisli lives I si a l i »a k'early m u rin g held hi Kept- Hugh Heaeock was down from Dayton BY f ir building the past week am p work ha« every day. to attend church last Saturday. ember. On Saturday night the quarterly been pushed on the large building on W in. Townsend came up from Poit- Main street. Tho frame is up and the Bible s,'ho.)l conference w a s held. The M H S. T . A . M O R R IS . reports from too different schools showed land to attend Quarterly meeting. brick work will soon begin. Veniered that about $5.). Ita I I k ' cii collected for Mcmliers of the W oman’s Christian I r r o t t i T E R M I N A L o r I N T K K I - “ 1IOT SH O T ,” C. F. Moore & Co. have just received a buililings ate getting to Is1 quite i-otninon Sunday school work and that tho average Temiier.ince Union »»ill reinenilur tl»at O lt P O IN T S th o fine line of new style of wall ¡a;>er. j in the cast hut are new to lira country. “ D E F Y C O M P E T IT IO N ,” ritemlunce in the schools was aliout 2"t>. the lime of meeting has been changed A saw mill with a capacity of 119,090 W ith the new roml across the riverand The following program was carried out. from J o’clock to 2 o’clock p. m. owing to “ S E N S A T IO N A L S L A U G H T E R ” ETC. fo.t |>er day is to tie built at Tillamook. die on»» running north ofiown opened up. Opening exercises Jesse Edwardj. K ing. thecliango in tho length of tlie days and the one west of town extended and Alva Macv with his parent«, wife and Reports front school« tiy th e siqx'rin- Next Saturdsy will be tho regular m onth­ Are Chestnuts old and (tale, used liy many in their Adi'ertisements—Generally KAILROAD son were down from Dayton last Sunday improved, the public w ill have better way- tendents. Remarks upon reqiorts, C har­ ly meeting, held at Erieiida’ iliurch, s|>eakiiig, their loud taik is tlie most prom inent point they make. ----------- ----------- .. Is tho line to tnke Mrs. Deskins new residence north of forgetting into town and trade will he ley Mitchell. Song. An Ideal S S. improved. We hope the »lav will be teacher, 1.. E lla Il.n t' y. R em arla bv One of out lector, r ., who ha* been work­ the railroad is alm ost ready for occupancy hastened when these roads are opened Marlin Cook .aid others. Types an,lOffer­ ing in (lie Nebraska cam paign, says tha! Benj. Jane way Mr. Tyson & wife and and improved. It Is th e PININil CAR ROUTK. It ru n s ings, Louisa l*. Round. Rciniirkr, bv 1‘rof. never before lias she seen so many white T h r o lffh V’KSTIRULED TRAINS Mr. H ays were up Sunday from Middle In sofii-iting advertising we are often Hartley and ».thers. Song. Dee. Tim ribbons in m en’s vests ami lapel* as were E V E RY DAY in th e y e ar to G E N U IN E B A R G A IN S , ton. answered that it don’t pay to ndvt it is?. rich m »'i and Lazuriti, E lva Ong. Qo:s- visible there. She consider* it a synip. Did you ever see the like C. F. Moore Last week we inserteu a local in our St. Paul and Chicago tion Box, Milos Rjeca. W hat I have tom that the men are m aking common Such as our customers appreciate is what pleases us best and we take pleasure In & Co. have such a line line of Holiday columns stating th at we hud pears to sell learned tonight, Elmer W ashburn. cause with the woman in this tight. (NO CHANGE OF CARS) -ailing your attention to these coeds. The num ber of calls for |ie»»rs in answer to — - —♦------- 'i i n ip n s .’tl o f D i n i n t i O tri* I 'w u M r p n iu r t) , Item em ber the public sale tomorrow at Ilia local has been rat bar surprising. I G en u in e Baripnlnit. Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens president of the Pullman Drawing Room Streper* N o tic e . one o'clock. Lin Parker will be tire pays to let die public know when you Of Latest Equipment, Maine W. C. T. U ., writes that the state Ad p o ro u s knowing them «Iva* to be convention just closed »vas the largest and auctioneer. li ive anything to sell. i ndehteil to the e ll firm of Austin »fz bust by fa r e»’er held in Maine. It made A good opportunity wilt bo given to get 1 Je se Cn ergo who was a student in the a good colt or a splendid bruod mare at t lie A adeuiy t ur years Hgo was here last Boy to will please call and tettle ut on<*e a profolln(j impression in Portland, whore Best tliHt c a n be c o n s t r u c t e d a n d i n w h ic l i W it HAVE NO»»' TIIK LARGEST STOCK AND 1IKHT VARIETY OF GENERAL 4fKRCItAMDI8R and pave costs. acc ommoda tio u* nre for h o l d e m of FIr»t o r it was held. All the pastors of tho city sale tomorrow. Sunday. He has spent considerable time Secoud cbiKs Tickets. THAT HAS EVER 11KKN IN (lt'R STORK AND »YK TAKE A FARDONABLC PRIOR IN CALLING tam o to the convention with, or sent, Rev. W. A. W illisoncam e down Tues­ Luce leaving here in the Ctieur D’ Allue greeting* and words of cheer. Over six me t ä a n day from La Fayette and spoke for the mining country in Idaho where lie lias n o t ic i : to t a x f a y u iis . ATTENTION TO HOME S P E C IA L I TPMS. hundred new members have been added him I KUKOPE c ii i bi- pii rchs sc d st nny Ti cket two brothers, h'lt is at work at present Y . M. C. A. th at night. The A ss ess m ent lloll of the tow n of Ncwbc r : Olttee oi t h is C omp my. during the year. in Powers’ furniture factory in Portland, has be en pla ced iti my h a n d s for collection J. F. Heaeock and family and Mrs. Full fnf. rm a tto n r m i c e ru ln g rutes, tim e ot a n d wil l be d e l i n q u e n t a fte r D ece mber 2C» iIe thinks New berg lias m ule rapid strides Rrar.t of Sinockville attended church tralna, routos a n d otlicr d c ts lls f u r u l i h e d »in IKK), The Nortl Dakota W .C . T. U. at itseon- in the way of im provements since lie left here Saturday and Sunday. sp pH cstim i to s n y »gellt, or A. M. lIoeKINK, Our B oot am i Shoe D e p a r tm e n t la very Complete« vention at Jam estow n, September 29, here four years a^o. Collector. Will Ralston and H attie Churchm an of A. I). C1LVRLT0N, created a departm ent of charitable work Charley Moore has lia»l a legion of SPECIAL: M ilwaukee O il G r a in W ater - proop B oot . Slii'i idaii botli old students of the Acade­ Ass’t l ’ass. Agt., and electeil Mrs. Linda Slaughter snja*r- questions to answer since trading his my were married last week. No. 121 First S treit, Cor. W arb., 20 in c h l e u . H o l e l e a t h e r counter . ( lim ing: O a t . intendent. The object of this dep artu re't property off. He lias no intention ot go­ l'ortland, Or. Sam Kee has a supply of Chinese Mrs. Hanson on Main street is closing is to prevent suffering among tlie poor o> ing out of the diug business, neither will E. II. WOOWARD, Agent, water lillies th at lie is ready to sell to he di-eontinue looking after UneleSam- out her stock of Milliner gooils among the state during tlie coming winter, ami New borg, Oregon. the ladies at reasonable prices. which n:e a nice assortm ent of ready its hea (quarters, together with the de[ urt- utds interests. Tho business will be con­ Foot-ball is a great game at the Acade­ ducted a t the sam e place until spring tiiniined hats. Call early and get your ment of ‘The Relation of tem perance to D e p a r tm e n t o f G c n ta F u r n is h in g G o o d s. bailor,’ »» ill lie at th e W. C. T. U. reading my. Fur healthful exercise this a good and then som ething will probably “ turn pick at a bargain. N O T IC E , rooms at liism arek, where all donations | g o n e if played with moderation. Tennis Shirts. up.” Itw a s M rs. Wiley the mother of Jeans Pants. Scarfs: Tie*: may lie sent. F . II. Howard is all smiles this week Nate who got the pro|>erty and Charley E x citem en t Negligee Shirts. Satinet Pants. Collars: Guffs: as Mrs. II. and (he. baby are at home gets a piece of land east of town. Runs high at C. F. Moore & Co’s, Chevoit Shirts. Gassimere Pants. H ose: Jew elry: Bishop William Taylor, replying to an again after their visit to Portland. H enry Austin has the best trained c a t­ drug store o\’er System Builder, as every To the party receiving tho largest list of Jesse Edwards who returned from Alki tle horse in the e parts. W ueu Henry body is using it for catarrh ot the stom­ invitation to attend the nationol W. C. T. names for SPEC1A L: S tanley P ants , s p r in g iio t t o m , r iv it k d —95 cents. in W ashington last week was not very lias an unruly steer to rake to the pen he ach, dyspepsia, constipation, and im­ U. lotie Irek! in A tlanta next nioiitli, pre­ sents in his brief letter a striking com. favorably impressed with th at country. ties tho rope to the saddle horn and starts pure blood and to build up the system. SPECIA L: J eans I ’ a n t b — warranted 6 m o n t h s n o t t o » i p . IL L U ST R A T E D Mr. Larkin is increasing the si/.e of Ins the horse on while he drives. If the steer It certainly possesses wonderful merit mentary upon the evils resulting from the liquor traffic in Africa. He savs! It i orchard which is already large, by set runs forward the horse taker tho trot to when all speak so well of it. SPECIAL: “ P ride o f N k w r e r u ” o v e r a l l s , r iv it e d . Our own make. would afford me special pleasure to ac- ting an additional num ber of trees this tighten the rope as ha don't propose to let eept, were it possilde, for yours is tlie the ste. r get unpleasantly near him , nor fall. B r ic k , B ric k , B ric k . real Issue of the day and of great Import UY IIU m iK H T II. B A N C R O F T M*lt Nichotson has bought the gray tangle him in tiie rope. This is w hat we I have just fihished burning three bun- not only to our American h o n es, for call “ horse sense” ami it is interesting to T ilK KMIKRNT HTNTOKMN team of Dave Holloway. A; i t says it dred thousand first class brick that are whose defense you stund in the nam e of EADY lit lust—Only tr u e history of Mormon- D ry G oods um l N otion D e p a r tm e n t, seem s natural to get hold of the lines see the horse peiform. Ifim p u b l i s h e d —Vacinatiuir, lntensel> in te r now ready for the m arket. Call at my (}*), but. also, in its relation to mis»ion We are informed that H. R. Cobb the yard in the west part of town near the | Work in heathen lands. Poor Afriea'* dr- estliiK, p o w e rfu l— En dorse d a li ke by MormoiiK again. a n d Gentiles. Never was so completely stocked up with choice now gotxla and latest style* aa Eir.m or Hall and Alf Moore each gentleman from Iowa who bought O .k railroad track and aee w hat 1 have when p lia b le condition under the rum e>irse is WON I > EU FU L A D V EN TU I t K8 bought a thousand trees of Cooper & Co. Fir orchard of Mr. Samuel last week in­ von want brick. right now. il.irker th in when the stealiiigof millions of Trappe rs a n d Trave le rs —Bloody In d ia n Wars last Monday to set on their places west tends building on it yet this season. Mr. J ames H am mett . of its people caused Livingston to call it —T hril li ng a ccoun ts of Massacre s a nd M ira cu ­ A ll wool T ricots . D ress G inghams . A hhabkts S uitings . Cobb we understand is a practical fruit of town, the “ open sore of the world.” A hundred lous E sc ape s—The famous Dauitc Association, man and will keep tins orchard, which is Etc., Etc. B lack H enrietta *. L ai - iks B roadcloth . S uhaii S ik es . Joseph Cook of “ Boston Monday Lec­ Kor a short lime Í »vili gi»-e a 11 x 17 steam ships th at sail from European and much admired by all who pass th at way, M YSTFRIFH o f PO L Y G A M Y tu re ” fame lecture»! in Portland two ixirtrait with every »¡oxen cabinet photo- English |K>rts to the Wrest, sonili and (>ust The T ith in g House—Celestial Marriage— up to its present condition. W e a rs glad M anuhestrr G vbiimkreh . L adies K kpkllants . A ll colors V elvet *. nights this ween th e first of the series giv" graphs at $2.00 per dozen. This offer is coasts, carry n principal cargo of rum ami Stran ge Religious C usto m s —Bio grap hy of J rig- to welcome this class of men to the com­ en in tiie Star lecture course of th a t city. to introduce my instantaneous cabnet gin. H am burg alon*-, by tivo lines of ha m Young, as th ri llin g ns a no vel yet tr u e his munity and hope Mr. Cobb will find this SPECIAL: A ll wool A sbabkt S uitingb , 36 inrhet wiile. photographs. steamers, exported to Africa 200,000 tuns tory. N. C. Maris has been carrying his neck valley to be ail 'h a t he anticipates. A gra nd book to sell. K v o r y b m l y W n n t * W a t ; ox, of rum last year; and many other cities, Ladies will enjoy lixiking over these new slioitaa. in a sling for several days on account of If -- M ercha nts , Fa rm ers, Mechanics, a n d all Five or six years ago people coming 225 First St., including our own Boston, arc engaged classes ha ve eagerly a w a it e d th e a p p ea ra n c e of afflictions sim ilar to those that tried the from th e east to Newlierg could hardly l ’ortland, Ore. in t'.ie nefarious business of turning a th is r e m a rk a b le book. O ne P ozen |H tyi . ks B uckles — Latest and correct fashion. patience cf his ancestor the old man Job. find out where the place v;as or how to get AGENTS .Mi-'-i tippi of death and destruction upon S taple P hy G oods , such us Taliie Linens in 10 styl«»a—Waterproofs.—All wool In a U nion to the property advertised here win n they arrived in Portland. Send qu ic k $I.G0tfor costly and e le g an t C a n ­ the defenseless Africans, annually decim- The Norweigen ship Thor, which is to be sold at (lie public sale to-morrow, There are many here who well remember i ating whole sections of that country. Our vass ing Outfit. Don’t waste ti m e w ri ti ng for Flannels—Ganton Flannels in blenched anil unbleached and all colors—10 quarter cir cul ars , b u t sec ure te rr ito ry be fore It is g iv en there will be another Jersey and a Shor! how they tram ped over l o I land inq tir- com pleting tier load of lumber In Tacoma | nl. hojie is in the gospel. GoJ bless von out. Rem e.mbcr t h ! « ia a s u b je c t of I n t m i s c sheetings—Tickings, our shelves are loaded full. H orn hull, truth of which are full blotxl- ing at hotels anil railroad depots for the for London, will carry away a cargo that in your great woik.’ I n t e r e s t to nil, a n d th e G ra nd I ll u s tr a tio n s at ed anim als. town they were looking for. Things have in some res|iects is one of tlie most re­ tra c t a tt e n ti o n e v er y w h er e. A ddress — .......... . nuiRTiNG, 2 eta. lower than any one else. C. F. Moore it Co. haveo|iened up the changed since then and we are better m arkable evil sent from tho Bound. It When von call u ;» jii a friend, ilo you y includes a great ntimlier of long, heavy, largest line of Holiday good-; ever brought known to tha outside world. In fact we 7M3 MAItKKT HT. NAN KKAKCINCO. )sn rrn tifinocir, matron nv moans o ra non- . » » P i * v n u r S i * I f a n d j 'n m * m e n u i l n s - ■ * • them e of your conversation, or do you to this eity. The McKinley Bill does ire beginning to bo known from firm to key engine, two feet square and from 107 | feel a real interest in tier whom you visit, not effect them , as they are cheaper in Beer Sheba and from the rivers to the Q U K K N 8W A R R , F in e A Rsortm ent. i ntis of (lie earth. At least it loi'ks that t o l l Jf»'et each long. There is yet aliout and manifest this in some m anner. price than ever before. 459,050 feet of lum ber to he placed on j way since two travelers arrived in our , , . . . m . » , i Though your friend, out of deference to A splendid Tumbler, (it 5 eta. K ntibkly new . Jonathan ami Jane Votaw left last it will take se»eral * • .. ............... loa n last Tuesday direct from Jerusalem lo ird , . . It is supposed , , ... . . your conversation regarding jo u r |M»rson- Tuesday for Alder in Willowa county innntlis to unload lier, and it luvs already ' ... , , ____ , ..p | the holy city. , i a' f.ff.urs, lie assured th a t your talk is where they have a daughter who is in taken sixty davs to get the tim ber on , . . .......... .i,,,,,.,. i ! much morel interesting to yourself Ilian to I T hat excellent illustrated literary jotir- imor health. They will probably remain boa™' h e r , c r any one else. If she be a mother, nal, lire/ Shore, offers five splendid prises th ere during the winter. Groceries. ' she w ill perhajis, most appreciate a word for competition in a word contest, open to The city fathers must have used a yard P r o f i t ill P o t a t o e s t i l l s Y e n r . I „( praise as to the nmuagenient of her all its subscribers. The piir.es nre: A stick th a t was pulled too soon, when they A complete line of every thing that should lie kept and sold at C a s h P ricks . II. W. Murphy, one of our mof t enter- J babe, or voa may sp<-ak of his line pbysi- [ scholarship in either the Portland or S„- A R T IS T . made calculations for the luinlier for lem business college; a Hie size crayon prising and Hti't-estfnl farmers who li»-es ' qu','¥ or Iris little cunning ways, using tact, i street crossings. The crossings fail to p o rtrait; an elegant oil painting of Sa-I some three miles south of thin eity, In* of »■ .urse, so that you d > not *eem to Hat- ! Portrait* enlarged to life size and finished SPECIAL: Our own tea, " F a u i . t i . e s » : ’’ lm|x>rted by u s p r o j J apan direct in Crayon India Ink »ir W ater Dolors, connect with tlie side walks. frano rose* ; a set of Clismlrere' encyclo- already ilng an 1 garnt red about 8509 ] ter. Dr. Holland sai l th a t he would Ihrangh tlieGustom House—It takes ua 5 months to fill an order for it but we will R oom o v k k M oo * k B k »>*., D arn Bronx A Jersey cow is the kind to keep in pedia, ami a copy of thè new edition cf btishel» of Burbaiik pccdling |M.tatoes. ! rather listen for a full h o u r to a voting havo the best. NF.WBEKG, OREGON. m u'her relating the saying* and doing* ol Webster'« unabri ige i diutionary. Full Thia s; Umdid crop of “ iqnidu” inakc* a tow n. Attend the sale you will ste ad j vertised in another place for to-morrow particnlars and rules of thè contcst are Imge pile se»’pntei.n fei t wide, sixty-flve her child, than to sit and talk one m om ent ; and buy a first class Jersey heifer anil publisheil in ITn! Short of N ovcnitxr K li. fcct long, and six feet bigh. I’otutocs are j «¡tli u eilly, aff.mted, or goMiping W 'o m . ti I Here is a chance for thè winning of valn- no»v worth tr) cents |s>r bushel, witli | [ ( you are visitingthesi ck cliainber, nolli- th u s make your wife happy. SPECIAL. Dr. M inthorn, B. S. Cook and Jo. able prixes in a contest tliat is t ttrely i • ' ovcry prosjiect of a ri-e in the market. ! ngyou ftin say will nooner bring tlre lixrlt Mesers. Thomas 4 lludilelsoii recently ! Qf |,e ,|th to the wan fiu-e of th e parient, Cook with their wives and John Brown, telle»rtual and l.aa none of tlie element* ot purchased ten acre* of |K.tatnes, paying ^ ljn | 0 tfln film lie looks lieltor Ilian W e ark s o l e A g e n t s for the G \» ik —D owns C orset and keep it in one D ormi Mr. Spencer and A lvi Cook all of the gainbling aliout it. Eroi. Vincent of N«'W York, an»l Brof. $500 cash for the sam e. This is at t h e ; when you last saw Inin. Certainly you Oregon Land company were here to a t­ s t y l e s — We can please the moat fastidious taate. Gririith of Portland, (Phrenologist), are rate of $50 per acre. Ju st think of if, yon will not lie so thoughtless as to tell him tend Friends Quarterly meeting. people who are living, In fhe East and I th at he looks worxe. I once heard a la ly . , . . . „ s_ ,. ! giving a course of lccturi'8 at Jones lia'.l, John Brown who was in town the first f ® . . . .. . tins city. The attendance was g'Ksl at hardly making a living,—lan»l that can ! flIy th at at one tim e ill her life, when *lie O the week savs there are more in.ni: . . ,.. . , . , . „ first, and has steadily increased. The do- be bought for $25 per acre, an»l raised a I thought she wa* rapidly gaining strength, grants coming into Portland than ever ’ |,a,| teen suddenly made to feel so We have emp'oy si more help in the store because we were compelled to do so * lineal ions of character are w onderful ac crop that sells for twice the purchase before. The larger portion of them come weak by a rem ark oftldsnature.aaacarce- curate. Prof V incent lectures to-night price of the la n d —Ex. and can now «ait on you proui|itly. train Kansas and Nebraska and are of ly to be able to take another step. H oi on Physiognomy ; this le< tnre is said to limite»! means. merit pecial applause. The c o m ' . lost« [ n b .'ie S a le To O r it P atron *.— We have just receiv­ tom orrow (Sat), evening with a lecture ,, . , , I will sell at Pnblie Auction at mv late ed a tine line of good* fur tha I lo'.i lay on “ Adaptation in Marriage ,, ending . . . v- i r.'M ilenceonelialfm ih'iiorthw ertoiN ew - trade. We invite jo u lo call and exam- witii a l lirenologn'al \\ »Milling” ; a val- . . . . . ,, . , .. . , . . . ... . . Is-rg, at 1 ocliH-k on Saturday Nov. 15, ine the goods anil note tlie low price this, liable K C. HANSON. prize being given to the couple who . , , ,, , . MARTIN COOK, . . . , . , . IhtM. the following p ro p rty to w it: year. a e the best adapte»! in marriage. ro r , .... . ... NOtarv Public ... . One excellent hress] m are witfi sirin g C. F. M oore A Co. Inform.iti m, exam inations, etiarts etc., . . . . . . . . . . r. i*olt. One high gra»le Khort Horn row. W hy not organize at once an I have a c ,|] at the office Arlington Hotel. th e . . , ... .. . „ , , ,, , One three quarter Jersev heifer. One fulf course ol fust class lectures here during P.of’s. go to Klreridan Monday. . . . . . . . . .. blrexlol Jersey hud, -1 years old. !-.tnr- th e winter. Heretofore we ha»e waited A man was here th e otlrer day who teen tread of goat«. One farm wagon, until too late in the season. A goo f lect­ lately came from Ka:i*as, having left (jnR two seated hack. Also harness, ure at this season of the year will tie there on account of the continued drouths plows, iron harrows, ami such »other farm- 1 appreciated by our people. ruining Ilia crop prospect*. H elm * Ireen fng im p le m n t* as collect on a farm, Tlie Quarterly conference »if tire Evan­ in Oregon two or three weeks and is now among which are the mplement* and MI.NTIIOBN ADDITION to I'ortiand. Fine farm* and Irait landa gelical church will 1« held here Saturday growling because it rains here, a id yet tools owned by L. Samuel and hoed at afternoon at 2 o'clock evening service* at the ground has not been wet e n o u ji to Oak Fir Or near Newberg mul lota, acre and five acre trai'ta in I l i ’ ltLKY 'S 7 o ’clock. Also services Sunday morning plow wall this fail. Tli it is tlie way ADDITION to Newberg. For sale by Ht 10 o ’clock. Kev. Poling wlil be present. th j growl in Kaiisa» liecsnse it ilon’t All sums niuler fl UOi , ra«h in hand. All are cordially invited. rain ami th -n grunt in Oregon beoxnse it For all snnis over $10 00, a creilit of Teams are still busy hauling lum ber does rain. We would suggest to tlii* fe!- twelA'e months will lie given, tlie purchas­ from MiUthell A C lark's mill to Heaeock’» low that lie try Arizona where in place* er giving satisfactory «ecurily with note Newlierg, Oregon. Odicc on Main Si reel, lum ber yard. Mr. Heacock ia al o mak- lliev have to content tliemselves without liearing ten |s r cent interest (rom »late. ing arrangements to get lum ber from rain for ll.ns? years, and if this don't Ten ¡s-r cent of for carli. L 11. W oodward iSlier jioinlR by rail wtien the roads get iM iigrelie' ' I..... *'» I .»radire. ll.e too 'lipppry to haul over tlie loo itu ain . mu.. » b i > *• ■ •» wma »er vr * i.a Local Events. MORRIS, MILES & L A D IE S ’ C O L U M N - m m not Ta All Palais East and Sonili. Tourist S le e p s Cars, T hront Tickets ^ 25.00 LV !" itEWAKD TriE GREAT NEW History of Utah R THF MieroAV ooiwraw SAMUEL HOBSON Photographer P o rtrait & L andscape f J G. B. Haworth, UNDERTAKER A fall line of under­ taker’s goods m ay be found a t m y residonce on W inooski street. P ri­ ces reasonable. j LOTS IN THE OREGON LAND CO’S I COOK & H ANSON. MORRIS, MILES à CO.