NEWBERG GRAPHIC. .4 1 »% H I M It One Column ......... H a lf Column Professional Card* .Twenty Dollars Ten Dollars ........One i*ollar R e a d i n g \ o t i c e « w i l l be I n n e r t r d th e r a te o f T e n c e n t « p e r L in «. at A dvertisin g Bills Collected Monthly* 4 1« l it« II XO I KN. PRKSBYTKKI A N r H t ’ R C H —Services every second and fourth Lord s day at il a . m . and 7:30 iv m . >aldjath-h- hool every >'iuday at 10 a . m R k v . W . A. W i l l i s o n . Pastor. NEWBERG GRAPHIC NJ K !WJBJÜI m V O L . 2. G R A P H IC . EASTERN ITEMS. •1 30 75 30 N u b scrip tion P ric e P a y a b le I n v a r i­ ably In A dvance. N E W B E R G r, Y A M H I L L CO.. O R E G O N , F R I D A Y , O C T O B E R 17, 1800. THE PACIFIC COAST. NI B M K im o .^ i KATEN : One Year Six Months Three Months. FOREIGN NEWS. .r^ flo w to E n joy I.lfs. To enjoy life does not mean going or staying. If you e;ui watch a tree grow­ ing. a flower blooming or the blue sky deepening; if you can listi-n to a goose squawking along a dusty lane, to a pul­ let cackling over a first egg, to a sleepy child crooning herself to sleep with a lit­ tle tune; if you can watch a cow licking her calf, u young mother suckling her babe, and take a big interest in all these tkings, feeling in the marrow of you their meaning and that they urea true part of life's sweetness and simplicity, why then 1 think you uiav truly answer “ Yes, oh yes," when one questions you "D o you enjoy life, good sir?” It is not a gixal habit to lie tiored of things, to cultivate ennui. Every day the sun comes up and shines, and hearts heat aud people are born, and some die and some marry and some hate and more love, so who are you and what are you to strut around like a fool of a tur­ key gobbler the .veek before Thanksgiv­ ing and say you are bored and life is too dull for your palate? After all you fill no more space than a fool takes on the sidewalk or under the green grass: so tie careful how you venture to draw about you a circle of exclusiveness. Ik' careful how you fall into the way of thinking the earth was made for you. Do not insist, us many selfish [xsiple do, on going through the world with an air cushion U[xin which you may sit in luxurious ease, while there are only stony Ixmches for the rest of [xxir m ortality.—Catharine Cole in New Orleans Picayune. 1 A GREAT N O . 46. LEATHER COLLECTION. I t 1« V n lq u . la the N u m b er o f Specimens null tieneru l Interest. Add rail. (■ KAi’Hic, New berg, Oregon. | ON LIFE'S THRESHOLD. Young Tommy. » (*oat, a Hot*© and a P r e tty B rave. A most interesting collection, consist­ A dear, benevolent old gentleman gave to ing o f over 130 varieties of hide», skins an enfant terrible a tine goat. This was a few FRIENDS ( III RCH. Service* every Sun and leathers, each from a different spe­ days ago. The youngster was uaRurally de­ day at 11 a. in. and 7 p in., and Thursday at 10 cies o f fish, flesh or fow l, has been put lighted with his pet. His gave t-^ vaguely a. in -ahtiath school every Sunday at 10 a. in. M oiithl) m eeting at 10 a. in. the Mist Saturday \ on exhibition within the big show win­ to bis friends and enemies that he was traio- in * ach ....... Q u a r t ily m eeting the second dows of a Union square jew elry shop. iug an animal which would be a terror to the Saturday and Sunday in February, May, Au- j The collection is a unique one, and it is neighborhood. Doubtless the goat would gnat ami Novem ber. the result o f many years' labor and the have proved a very disturbing element in K V A X G K L IC A L C H U R C H .-R e g u la r ser- Incendiaries Destroy by Fire the Trestle The W idow of Colonel Mulligan, the Hero A Rumor That Germany Contemplates I n ­ society if its youthful owner had not trained expenditure o f a large sum o f money. it a trifle too due. vice first and third Sundays of each month at 10 u h i .: s r c u n i and fourth Sundays at 7 p. in. tending the Pork Restrictions to It was got together by the proprietors Bridge Over Putah Creek, Near of the Battle of Lexington, Re- It came about in this wise: Sabbath >elio«d every Sunday at II a. in. s|x'eiallv for purposes o f comparison and The goat—and of this there is no doubt— American Beef. DavlsvlUe, Cal. ceives a Nomination. identification, aud though on exhibition stood badly in need of a washing. Tommy, N O C I K T V X O T I 4 KM. it is continually referred to every day. as its owner may be (‘ailed for the occasion, From the elephant to the mole all the is not generally overfond of washing, but as Y . M. O. A. Devotional services every Sun­ day evening. Young men earnestly requested animals are represented whose skins are regarding goats he was an ardent lover of Railway accidents have been unusually to attend. Georgia has 300 life-time prisoners in The Gentiles of Utah have nominated capable o f tanning. Am ong others, one cV&nliness. So he got a garden hose and frequent in Germany of late. the penitentiary. 1 (>. O. F. Sessions held Sat unlay evening Judge 0 . C. Goodwin of the Salt Lake can see here examples of the hides, skins attached it to a hydrant. Then he tied up Tribune for Delegate to Congress. the goat securely and played upon it till the In the rooms over Moore’s Drugstore. There is no revolution in H ayti. The A Mormon colony is trying to buy land or leather of the sea lion, alligator, animal’s hair was as clean ns the streets of The American ship Eclipse has arrived from M exico on the frontier. country is reported t<> be prosperous. Y . W C. T. IT. - Business m eeting the second chameleon, lizard, eel, turkey, crow, Pittsburg will be at the millennium. at Portland with J 1,000 cases of tea for Saturday in every month. hawk, codfish, cassowary, porcupine, The Mississippi Constitutional Con­ A number o f A r i,v lian a have been Then Tommy fell to communing with him­ the East and Canada and 155,000 brick. vention still has a mouth’s work ahead killed and crops destroyed at Alashgerd. Persian goat, wild boar, dog, seal, calf self. (J. A. If. Sessions held first and third Thurs* . day evening in each month. George C. Foster, Tax Collector of of it. “ If,” reasoned he, “ the goat was so dirty sea wolf, elk, Tampico goat, kangaroo, A new Russian frigate, named the Tucson, committed suicide by taking African antelope, porpoise. Rocky moun­ outside, he must be very far from clean in­ W . O. T. U. Business meeting held the third The Chinese gamb'ers in New York T w elve Apostles, lias been launched at poison. He was a hard drinker, and was Saturday afternoon in each month. tain sheep, Rocky mountain antelope, side.” are taxed $1 ,l)0J a week for police pro Nicolaieff. short in his accounts. This seemed conclusive to Tommy’s com­ chamois, boa constrictor, shark, walrus, tection. The influenza is said to have again ap­ panions, and they consented to hold the goat The deciduous fruit shipments over lamb, armadillo, elephant, cat, crocodile, 0 * * 1 4 A l i I M lt * .< T O R Y . The report of the Pittsburg police de­ peared in Ireland at Belfast and in Ber­ while he effected the internal |uiriilcation. the Southern Pacific lines for the season garfish, pig boar, St. Bernard dog, West Tommy inserted the nozzle of the hose into up to October 7 amounted to 2.450 cars— partment shows a remarkable decrease lin, Germany. India pelican, wild swan, woodchuck, tho goat’s mouth. in crime. C i t y of* lin -tf. about UK),000 pounds of fruit. It is rumored that Germany contem­ rabbit, monkey, sheep, Australian wolf, It is a painful subject. Captain I’abst of M ilwaukee is to put plates extending the pork restriction* to M ayor ....................... F. A. Morris W ashington’s State Board of Equali­ But the goat has a very pretty grave at raccoon, black bear, buffalo, camel, Ca­ K e«"der. K. H. Howard upon the lakes a fieet of handsome pas­ Amercan b ef. nadian wild trout, dogfish, European the eud of the lawn between two laurel .Moses Votaw zation has raised Walla Walla county’s senger boats. Treasurer ............ Marshall A. M. Hoskins assessment $2,OiK),OUO, and t i e county’s Dom Pedro is reported to be looking sturgeon, wildcat, opossum, badger, pan­ bushes.—Pittsburg Dispatch. I). P. Stratton taxpayers are obliged to stand it. Street Commissioner The factional war over the Territorial unhappy and broken down. His mind ther, skunk, wild turkey, wild duck, wild fN . C. Maris Reasoning from Analogy. I B. c Miles goose, chicken, eagle, horse, East India Ernest B. Muttly, for several months seat of the Oklahoma government grows is thought to be weakening. J A. W. Itees in bitterness. A 4-year-old miss lately created a good deal C'ouncilmeii past the agent of the Chicago, St. Paul goat, luwack, ant eater, Russian dog, Severe sentences have been passed on ' ; Calvin Stanley of consternation, not unmixed with amuse­ D is p o s itio n o f th e D ea d . and Kansas C ity railroad at T.tcoina, has , J. I). Carter It is said that the " d o c k in g ” of our sixteen German soldier* stationed at agouti, squirrel, guinea pig, prairie dog, ment, in a small social circle uptown. She ( Geo. Grayson gone to Canada, lie is said to be short new steel cruisers w ill cost nearly <1,- Oldenburg for mutinous conduct. The dis|x>sition o f the dead is attract­ w olf, fawn, black monkey, peccary, red had been on a visit to her grandfather, and in his accounts. 1)00,000 a year. Grand Duke Nicholas, the uncle of the ing much attention in England. The monkey, nylghau, waterbok, gray gnu, while there was in the habit of playing with Am ong the new banks authorized to The cog-wheel railway to the summit Czar, is in a critical condition. A can­ question is being agitated by the English liartelxiest, lion, kixxlo, caribou, alliga­ him as ho lay, half asleep, on the sofa. One I commence business are the American of P ik e’s Peak has been completed, and cerous affection has attacked his brain. Burial Reform association. During late tor, mole, zebra, tapir and o f the A m eri­ day, as her chubby Angers glided caressingly years there has been more or less discus­ National bank of Salt Lake City, capital is now in operation. over tho old gentleman’s scant locks, he mur­ General distress, but no famine, is sion on this topic. The objection to tho can elk. $250,000, and the Merchants’ National Some of the separate pieces o f the mured drowsily, in reply to some infantile M ilwaukee’s public-school principals , looked for in the section* of lrolished scalp knap’s tlag ship. Duilt with the pneumatic tire. known west of the Missouri river, and $25.000,000. This would make the still on it, which was cut from the dead which gleamed in the light of the chandelier. S ure C ure for S ick H eadache , the losses w ill aggregate several hundred The widow of Colonel Mulligan, the There are rumors that the Guatema­ and a ll tr o u b le s a r is in g from ! thousand dollars The Riverside Ranch hero of the battle of Lexington, Mo., lans and Salvadorians have had a fight uverago e x c u s e o f every funeral about body o f ono o f these great extinct ani­ Suddenly, with a burst of ingenuous socia­ Indigestion or Constipation. ^ Im p r o v e s th e C o m p le x io n Company lost 300 head of stock. has been nominated for Superintendent on th - frontier, which act w ill precipi­ $50. In the United States it cannot be mals, which had melted out from be­ bility, she threw herself at his knees and ex­ by P u r ify in g th e H lo o d . any less. neath the primeval ice o f Siberia.— N ew claimed: “ Whose poor old bald headed grand­ of School at Chicago. tate war between the two countries. T h e d ose ca n b e n ic e ly a d ju s te d to su t th e case, as A double wedding took place at the The sanitary objection is based u|xin Y ork Evening Sun. o n - p ill ca n n e v e r b e to o liu v e a «lose. E asy to tak e father are you#”—Philadelphia Time«. as so m u ch s u g a r. 4 2 p ills put up in a s tr o n g v ia l exposition in Portland last week in the The Kansas Legislature w ill have to The central telegraph office at Berlin the re|x>rts of sanitary authorities that w h ic h can b e c a r r ie d in - e s t pock et. A Great (o m e n - presence of over 10,000 spectators. The pass a new prohibitory enactment to has discontinued the use of hat erics, communities living in the neighborhood lence to Travelers nml Kusturrv M«*n. None (¡cnuln'^wlth* T h e Ducket In I lls N ig h t Shirt. A n A b b r e v ia t e d S ign . out “ OresrenI” Trade Hark. Sold Everywhere, i!5e. s Tiottl* contracting parties were Miss Helena make the Wilson original-package law and w ill in future obtain the poW' r re­ Sample Dose and Drt-am Book for Ue. in stamps. o f graveyards sutler from ailments to Th© precocity of eiglit-ycar-old boys has George Bowles took advantage o f a j Sturnv and W ilhelm Becker and Miss effective in the State. ! DR. H ARTER S IRON T O N IC . V quired from an accumulator supplied by which those who liv e a distance from the P t’ K lKlKS the FLOOD; RF.GIM.ATFS the L I V E R * beautiful day to indulge in a drive with often been the theme for newspaper com­ ' Lou I. Shanahan and L. S. W right, all KIDS K.VS and RESTORES the D K K lL tT A T F .n l place o f burial are strangers. Disraeli, his wife. On one o f the principal streets ment, but I think I know of one who is en­ The pearl fisheries of the M iam i river the Berlin electric-light works. (; l and to HKALTH and VIGOROUS STRENGTH o f Y outh r ; of Portland. still continue to be prolitab e. The pearl It is stated that arrests of Armenians in the house o f lords, for this reason they passed a grocer’s wagon on the side titled to particular distinction for his bright­ THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIS. MO. ness. The other day ho importuned his John T. Carey, who r > / : w B SB > * § a.BSSi.VBSBfisS tion in Italy. have I'eeu ordered t^> make raids on all was held about a year ago in Milan. ar< used and he drove up alongside of the matches, a toothpick, u s.nuli silver watch, A t a consultation of the representa­ ! The jpnll ui luded rei>ieseiiiative> from Wfsgon WU**n gifw'or of a , piectaK'f cou^’ti v.kL.tlj ur.U .ho bu)’s About 2,5tX) aiino*3 arc-an a strike at Smith l t a ! i a n . n u " n c i i i ; s a r c a-'need tives of the eoai supply ami the coal­ ('W ho public. ThiJ is owing to discov­ -W e.7 ■art o f the civilized world.—De­ neighboring house with his empty has- pocket handkerchief When tho little fellow Ishpetiling, Mich., for increased wages. mining companies held in Tacoma it was troit Free Press. eries in an establishment known as the was questioned as to the reason for tho varied | ket George asked him what the sign 32*. äS- „ - *w5 ¿ i - estimated that the supply this winter The agitation may extend to other points. “ Nunnery o f the Buried A liv e .” fc g fe «*É2‘ S5®> 5^'il ®¡s <* 5- j meant. In a manner which seemed to assortment ho replied: “ Well, 1 thought if I There are 35.UJ0 miners employed in the w ill fall 25 or 30 per cent, below the de­ ¡ . t -*s i L u c k S a v e d i l i e T ra in s . express contempt of his inquirer for his got hungry in the night time l would need Dispatches from Pondicherry, the cap­ l a s s i L i E i U a m s h 'i j ! mand. The effect of the shortage will Lake Superior region. I remember some years ago when I ignorance he replied: “ Those letters i the seed cakes, and of course I’d want the I c w i tí r f ja -5 i l o w i a r M c i - a r m ^ i ' i f z a t m Alm ost all Western roads have been ital of the French settlement in India, !>egin to be felt about the 1st of next ! toothpick afterward. If I wanted to see dealing with scalpers, and it is said in state that a serious election conflict took had charge o f trains on a southern road, mean that my store is located just one | what time it was by my watch I would have January. Chicago that almost any point in the place there between a mob and the | h >- where telegraph oillces were few and far door east o f the postoflice.” Then Bowles | to have a match, ami 1 was afraid of cough- The Central street railway at Sacra­ West, com petitive or not, could be liee. Several were wounded on both between, o f givin g an order to the oper­ looked at the inscription and wondered j ing, so I put the candy there.” His excuse* mento, Cal., has been purchased bv J. | reached by a cut rate of from 25 to 40 sides. The m ilitary were ordered out. ator at a certain station to hold the north why he had not solved the riddle before. : were equal to hi < preparations at auy rate.— H. Henry of San Jose. The road is alxmt : per cent. The French Minister of W ar has de­ l>ound passenger train for orders, so that —Chicago Herald. Minneapolis Tribune, four miles in length. Henry w ill at once 1 In the opinion of real-estate men the cided in caHe of war that the men em­ I might help the south bound passenger introduce an overhead electric motor | recent cyclone of South Lawrence, Mass., ploye I in the coal mines shall he dis­ train to make its meeting point, the latter ( t e t t e r tu R e c e iv e T h a n G iv e . D e e r C o m e t o T o w n to L l v * . power. He w ill also extend and equip has had the effect of im proving the dis­ pensed from m ilitary service for a |M'riod being somewhat late. Tho operator re­ L. L. Gaffney informs us that the town ) In a 8t. Albans church on a recent Sunday tracks on other streets, for which fran- i trict nearly 1U per cent, in value by rea­ of forty days in order that a sufficient peated the holding order, for which I o f Downieville is at present inhabited by a little lad looked ou with surprise as the chises have been granted. son of building improvements which stock of coal may be secured to insure gave him O. K. I then gave the south ! contribution boxes wero passed around. He quite a number o f deer that were cap­ prop -r railway service during the whole bound train nn order to use some o f the had un idea that the cash was being distri­ New M exico has voted on the State followed. tured during a storm. They walk around of the cumpaign. buted gratis, and so, just as the box wa» north Ixmnd train’s time to make the constitution. The American cities and According to the law of New Y ork a town and are as tame as cattle, some of j leaving the i>o\v in which he sat, ho put hi« towns gave good majorities, but the Mex- [ barrel of potatoes contains 172 and a Madame Bonnet, in whose possession meeting point. Instead of holding the them going up to children on the streets chubby little hand in among tho change aud ¡can population voted almost solidly bushel of potatoes 6J pounds respective­ was found plans of the defense of Nancy, north bound train for orders the oper­ against it, being op|>OHed on account of ly. An effort is being made to have all and who confessed that she was a G er­ ator let it go by him. The road was to eat food and delicacies given them. brought out a fistful, and was quite disgusted 5 ¿ 5 i t|2¿ = 8 > 2 ¿ = 3 the provisions for public schools. It is fruit and vegetables sold in that State man spy, was sentenced to five years' crooked, ami as both trains wero be­ One hand o f fourteen wero found near when his mamma made him disgorge.—St. X J 2 ® - X 5£®- 32*. * 1 * 5 thought that the constitution has been by weight. imprisonment and a tine of 5,(M)0 francs. tween telegraph stations 1 started to walk the hanks of the river, above town. They Albans Messenger. Upon the expiration of the term of im ­ tho floor and wait until 1 should hear of were all bunched in the snow and left carried by a small m ajority. The United States dynam ite cruiser prisonment site will he exiled from A Q u cH tion A b o u t I ’ lilU ip n R ro o k s . their coming together. The susnimse was over night. The next day those who Three thousand men are employed on Vesuvius has made two trial runs over a France for ten years. When Phillips Brooks rose lust Sunday to terrible, almost unlit ting me for my other found them picked out what they wanted the branch of the Union Pacific railroad measured mile course at full speed with The I/Ondon Tim es says: “ The’ e is duties. As good luck would have it, the and took them to town, where, in a few give out his text, “ I was in prison, aud ye between Portland and Seattle, and 2,000 a forced draft and all her Isiilers work­ enmo unto me,” a little fellow, .5 or (1 years >- no reason to quarrel with the United north t>ound train, which had undisputed days, they became perfectly tame. Some more are wanted. Agents are now in ing, and has made twenty knots an hour old, looked up anxiously into his grandma’B States over the M cKinley bill, but the right o f tho road, was delayed before are kept tied in Htahles.and some wander H under these conditions. Kansas looking for men, E very effort j face, as he exclaimed in a hoarse whisper, less said alnmt friendliness and kinship reuching the m a tin g point. When the around town at will, returning to the plaiuly audible to those in the ad jacent seats, will be made to get the road finished The New York Mail and Express has between the tw o countries the Ix-tter.” first train reached a telegraph station I barn when they have had their exercise. | “ Grandma, was Mr. Brook« ever really in across the low lands along the Columbia a Washington special sayin g: it is stated The article urges Canada to adopt free felt relieved, but tlie strain bad lieen so o o before high water next spring. The town dogs do not disturb them when prison f”— Boston Gazette. on good authority that President Harri­ trade, as she w ill then lx- able to practi­ son w ill not call an extra session of Con­ cally exclude Am erica from com petiton. terrible on m y nerves that I was not good out.— Nevada City Herald. UJ UJ UJ UJ UJ for much for several days, and the exj>e- A du lation . A fine vein of coal has tx-en discovered gress November 11 to consider and pass Russia has recently adopted more file rience o f that morning w ill ever remain on Iowa slough near Coquille C ity, and the Federal election bill. U nn old Lu n d In tlio U n ite d Slut©». eral and vigorous | kj 1 icv than heretofore in my mind. —Train Dispatcher in Globe- blacksmiths who have tested it say it is The Uniti'd Hlates government has Lieutenant-Colonel H enry C Corbin superior to that imported for their use. has Ireen reliever! from duty at head­ in res|x>et to encouraging the develop­ Democrat. Peculiar Business Methods. been the largest owner o f arable land ment of the mineral resources of the The vein is a large one, and can be easily It is a peculiarity o f the Indian of quarters, Divisi' n of the Missouri, and ' on the earth; the total area o f the Origin o f Nteaui Cower. empire. Numerous special grants and Ecuador that he will sell nothing at work'd. There is talk of chartering a ordered to the Departm-nt of Arizona, “ public domain," «old and unsold, Innuses to work coal mine* are being is­ schooner and loading it for San F ran­ The first records we have of stesm where, it is understood, he w ill act as wholesale, nor will he trade anywhere sued to companies, most of which are beinn applied ss a motive |Kjwor are amounts to 1,840,072,587 acres, and con­ cisco in order to interest capital in the Assistant Adjutant General but in the market place, in a spot where principally coiiqxised of foreign capital­ found in a manuscript entitled, “ Splrit- stitutes 72 per cent, of the total area of developm ent of the mine. ho and his i on fat hers have sold “ garden Health Commissioner Wiekersham at ists. uha .Sen I’ neumatica," written about 200 the United .States, including Alaska. truck” for three centuries. Although I ii denying a recount of ( Iregon’s popu­ Chicago has given orders that no more The movement for universal suffrage years B. C., by Hero, a learned philoso­ Alxiut 700,(MK),(KK) acres o f land have travelers on the highways meet armies of lation Secretary Noble says the grounds vaccinations on the leg will lie permitted tx-en sold and donated; about 1,150,000,- Indians bearing heavy burdens of vege­ presented by Senators M itchell and in the puhlic-hea'th office. If girls |>er- is attaining tremendous strength in Bel­ pher o f Alexandria. In it lie describes a little instrument 00«) acrex remain unsold. As the area o f tables and other supplies upon their Dolph and Representative Hermann sist in being vaccinated in that way, gium, and much indignation has been backs, they can purchase nothing from were not sufficient to warrant a recount they w ill have to go to some private phy- | roused bv the announcement that the which he calls an “ ieohpile” or "w in d Alaska is 366,580,000 acres, the area un­ Ministrv did not intend to submit to the b all." It consists o f a hollow ball of sold exclusive o f that territory is about them, as tlie native w ill not sell Ilia of the whole State. He has every reason eician. Belgian Parliament a proposition em- metal supported on trunnions, and hav­ 780,000,000 acres.—Current Literature. goods until he gets to the place where he to believe that the census omissions are Barbers on the F’ reneh steamers arriv­ bxl vi ng that reform This represents the prevailing amusement It was a result of is in the habit o f selling them. lie w ill fully compensated by the names enrolled ing at New York are s ,id to have regular j th s feeling that Minister of Public ing a numtier of jets lx>nt at right angle« la village circles just at present The young A r© th© G ir ls t o I llu m e ? patrons among their com atriots, who Works De Bruvn was moblx'd and nearly and equally distant from the points of carry them ten miles, and dispose of which should not have been. gentleman in the center is a recently gradu­ support. Steam is admitted into the ball The young woman who 1« forever com ­ visit the steamers upon their arrival, them for less than he was offered for The trestle bridge over Putab creek, bent upon having their beards kept killed at Mixlines while taking official through one o f the trunnions, and as soon plaining, however, that some man “ kee|»s ated cadet from Annapolis uud is being wel­ them at home. W e met one day an old comed home. — J udge. part in a civic ceremony. two miles south of Davisville, Cal., was [ trimmed in the ultra fashion of the liou- as it is introduced it issues violently from staring at her” in public places ought to woman trudging along with a heavy destroyed by fire the < tlier night The levards. the mouth o f each jet, making n noise It is reported that the Turkish Minis remember that if «he had not looked at basket of pineapples and other fruits, T**r*e. tire was no doubt incendiary, ami seems John Schmidt, the counterfeiter re­ ter, lloussein Pasha, has been informed like the rushing o f the wind, and henco him she would not have known he waa and tried to relievo her o f part o f her to lie the work of parties who have here­ The follow ing notice was posted on th* the Czar regards in the most gracious its name. On the opposite aido of each load, offering ten cents for pineapples tofore made several attempts to wreck cently arrested at Louisville, K v., has “ «taring.” It takeH two to make a «tare Brunswick and Western bulletin board Fri­ spirit the invitation to the Czarowitz t" jet it [ » eases without being able to escape, which could l>e obtained for a quartillo the Oregon train, which has a > ery heavy conf I'sed to the police that he has coun­ day morning by the agent to keep from an­ annoying. visit Constantinople. The Czar, how­ and this unbalanced pressure makes the (tw o and a half cents) in market. She travel. The burned bridge was over 800 terfeited $2 certificates, having made ever, fears that a visit to that city might It would be well to supplement the old swering the thousand and one question« globe revolve, givin g up a form of rotary $4,1)0 ) worth. H e r lo m s to have been was polite, but firm, and declined to sell feet long. Tel graph'C communication adage to “ Never look a g ift horse in the about the train: “ All trains delayed on ac­ at the present time give rise toad elicate anything until she got to town, although was badly interrupted, as both the wires assisted by Miles Ogle, known as " T h e and embarrassing situation,owing to the engine by which machinery con bo set in mouth” with “ Never look a «trange limit count of fire at Tifton. Tift's planing mill K ing of Counterfeiters.” motion. burned. This is all we know.” A mischiev­ thero was a weary, dusty journey of two of the Western Union and Pacific Postal unsettled condition of Greek patriarchal The first really practical steam engine in the eyes.” — Ella Wheeler Wilcox. ous chap came along and read it, and forth­ Miss Mary Franz of New York has leagues ahead of her.— American Maga­ Companies were all destroyed. affairs. It is said that fears of cholera with begun to study up aome way to catch brought suit against a physician for most strongly operate against the pro- was invented by Thomas Newcomen, a zine. C4>»t o f P u ln t fo r Am©rl<>un W on i© n . the agent, so (Hiked his head in at the door Lyman E. Knapp. Governor of Alaska, making an unfavorable rejg>rt on her blacksmith of Dartmouth, England, and p sed visit. A German statistician, who ha« ac­ aud «aid: “ Mister, when did this thing oo- The Kiiterprlsii»* Housewife. in his annual report to the Secretary of case to a beneficial society, of which she was put in operation in pumping out the Interior states that during the year was desirous of becoming a member. H orrible accounts come from the Red mines about 1711.— "J . U. E .” in Boston curate data concerning the m e o f cos­ cui'f” Forthwith another line was added to about UK',IKK) full-sized sealskins were Several doctors have certified that her Sea Coast of the rondi'ion of rholer metics throughout the civilized world, Ihebulietiu: “ Hapitied last night,” —Bruns­ Budget. taken by the Alaska Commercial Com­ I ealth is good, and it is expected that victims. Arabs and •dranger* in that e«timatcH that the money which Am er­ wick (Ua) Advertiser. pany under the contract with the gov­ the suit will develop interesting legal region are dying by scores. Persons arc Asia'« Old Effete Nation. ican women p a y for cosmetic* would (»ay Too Much Learning. ernment, and that probably half as many points. seized with cholera and die within an It will not be long before we, the ad­ for the painting of 87,000 houses at an more were captured at sea and stolen by Gus De Bmith—What did you do with that The Chicago Times says articles have hour, with clenched teeth and theii vanced guard of the Aryan race, will lie expense o f |7«‘» per house.—Berlin Courier. isiaehing vessels. The value of the ex- lieen signed there for a match between bodies te n ib ly drawn tip. Birds and in close connection and intercourse with Utter that wa« on my tablef ports last year was nearly 110,000,000. Jack Me Aulifie and Billy M eyer for $2,- dogs feed oil the corpses, which [X'oph Colored Boy—I tuck it to d* pot’offls. «ah, the parent stock in India. Our ideas arc O w la A r© ll© t t « r T h a u C u t«. I if this amount among other items was 500 a side and a purse of $5,(KK) a side arc afraid to touch. From the interior and put it into de hole. there already, and our institutions Qro Tlie barn owl, when she ha* young, ♦ 1,000,1100 representing the value of offered by the Metro|g)lltan Club o' New of Arabia the ucoiiints are fully us heart­ Gus De Sir.i* h - Did you not see there waa whalebone, $2,000 000 worth of soal fur Orleans. Each man is to pay his own rending. and the victim* are said to Is admired and desired in Bombay and Cal­ brings to her nest a mouse about every bo address on the envelope! cutta. Our reaper* aro in use in their numbered among the thousand«. and $2,00h,000 worth of gold bullion. Colored Boy - i saw dar waa no writin’ on twelve minutes, and, as she is actively expenses. The fight will be with five- fields and our sewing machine* in their employed !»oth at evening and at dawn, a|M'r I,c Matin and lx* J our, houses T* e proliabilitv of a scarcity of coal imnee gloves, to take place in New Or­ But o f more importance is the on Ifoget sound this winter is Herded leans during the early part of February. the new pa[S'r which has just )x*en es­ fact that there is a native press growing and as male and female hunt, forty mire purpoe«, eo I couldn't tell who yer waa a day is the lowest computation we can s-wntiii’ to . seari eddicated otggah, I u, authori atively by many deale’ *. A man The annual report of Pension Com­ tablished by M. IJPIrent, are out with lip with great rapidity all through India •ud I a'pbwxi j , u kuotvrel tut.—Texas Sift- in ’erested in the Pos yn mines state* missioner Raiim shows ther* were at the accusations against M. Rotivicr, M nistci Their congress of 000 deputies is less iiko make.— M ac mil Ian’s. lags. that, while there ha« be n a scarcity of end of the last fiscal vear 537.044 [ten­ of Finance, whom they charge with th* English parliament than like our cir-r, the demand has been supplied sioners upon the rolls, classified rs fol­ making use of his position in the gov­ K i'u 'ift i t . N I s A mj O s , V H a rd L in © « fo r un ln u o c© n t M an . own house of representatives. Tiirce without trouble. He claimed that the lows: Arm y invalid pensioners, 302,- ernment to conduct «iici-essful «[x-ciila -Stan tu ai jri-ow un your vacation, sbl In China the man who lives nearest and one-third millions o f pupils are in Roslvn m ne alone could supply the H00; army widows, 104,45fi; nrvy invalid tlons on the Bourse. M . R ouvier hat W b T . . r . you ¿ouigl" n- ed* of the State, or 3,00 l tons a day if pensioners, 5,274; navy widows, minor not yet replied to these accusations, tail state schools, while 30,000 young men the scene of a murder is accused o f the "Ob, Just dux'» to Rocky Botch." crime, and lie must prove hi* innocence liave, within ten years, [«issed university the general impression among the pub called upon, the Franklvn mine had children and dependent relatives, 3,4»K); "Aba! H o» Jo jou go to grt tborsr He—How they do advertise that Recemier or stand the punishment. Consequently, examinations The old effete nation, or lie is that a repetition of the Wilson heen shut down recently because of the survivors of the war o f 1812, 413; w id­ "Blamed if 1 know I l thought I did, bus Cream. I see it everywhere. complexity of nations, has renewed its i f h* i* innocent he rattle* round pretty scandals, which wre. ked the G revy re large »m ount of c. al on hand. W hile ows of soldier* of the war of IK12, 8,fill); I bavs b*ru studying t railroad guids to fthe—So do I. an l it must to good. I have youth. \Vc may look for great m m « lively to d i« u»er the crim inal.—Chicago «■•ks sure, and I e*ut VsU auytblag about written the milkman to send it instead of some of the mines are not getting out survivor* of the M- xican war. 17,158; girne through the operation* o f th« President's «on-in law, is alintit to be in Asia. -G lo b e Democrat. much, new claim* are be ng open'd and widows of auldier* of the Mexican war. I t " —LowsU L’ lUMIg Tii Alderney —Life sprung upon Hie Freiu'li people. the ruppl) is almost inexhaustible. 9,7tii. LITTLE LIVER PILLS. BEATTY ORGANS w 2 < tá > > H I- < I- < K H H < < < O < C¿ tú O £30 o c a O 00 eo A Fine Vein of Coal Discoveied Milwaukee’s Public School Princi- The Italian Police Ordered to Raid Catholic Nunneries. Near Coquille City. pals About to Strike.