Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, August 29, 1890, Image 1

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A U \ I : K l h l M .
Out C olum n...........
H a lf Column —
Professional Cards
It A l l > :
.Twenty Dollars
Ten Dollars
........One Dollar
R e a d i n g K o t i e r » w i l l be i i i » e r t e d
tl»e r a t e o f T e n e e u t a p e r M u « .
N r H f e C I t I P T I O * K 4 T I:M :
One Y ea r
)O 0
Six Months
! Three Mouths...............................................
M u h e rrlp tio u P r i c e P a y a b le
a b ly la A d v a u e e .
VOL. 2.
A dvertising Bills Collected Monthly-
C H I ' l i t II \W • EH.
PR E SB YTE R IA N CHI'RCII.—Services ever. 1
StH’ou'l and fourth Lord's day at 11 a . m . sud 7:30
p m Sabbath-school every Sunday at 10 \. m
H # O r r u p i e * t li e t iiiq uo I’ otiitlon o f Croft*
to r • r a M igh ty E m p ire.
The birth of Bismarck dignifies the
W heat — Quiet but firm. Quote: Nom­ 1st of April.
ills retirement from the
K kv . w a W il l i son , Pastor.
inally, Valley, $1.25; Walla W alla,$1.17'.»
Chancellorship of the Herman Empire
F R IE N D S C H U R C H .—Services every Sun
F lour — Q uote: Standard, $3.90; Walla disturbs tlie equanimity of the nations.
dav at 11 a. in. and 7 1» in., and Thursday at 10
There is no civilized land in which he
a. in 'abb atti school every Sunday at 10 a. m.
Walla, $3.fith«3.80 per liarrel.
Monthly m eetingai 10u. m. the first Saturday
is not an object of interest
Already it
O ats — Quote: 48m52c per bushel.
iu . aeh month. Quarterly meeting the tecoiul
MiLLsriEEs — The market is firm. is assured that he is the individual of
aatunlay and Sunday in February. May. A u ­
Quote: Bran, $15 »»17; Shorts, $22e»23; this generation who has done most that
gust and Novem ber.
The only man in
E V A N G E L IC A L C H U R C H .-R e g u la r s*r The Minority Makes Its Report in the Germany W ill Compromise with the Cath­ Ground Barley, $32.50; Chop Feed, $25; w ill be memorable.
Middlings, $22.50(n 25 per ton.
Europe who competes with him in
vice first and third Sundays ot each month at
10 a. m.; second and fourth Sundays at 7 p. m.
H ay — T he market is firm. Quote: world-wide reputation is the great Eng­
olics by Returning One-Half of
Clayton-Brockinridge Contested
Sabbath school every Sunday at 11 a. in.
$10 m 17 per ton.
lishman, Gladstone, and even ha pales
V egetables — Tlie market is firm.
the Confiscated Property.
Election Case.
bofore the mighty German.
Q uote: Cabbage, $1.75 <¡2 per ren ta l;
Gladstone has spoken and written
i'eas, 3e per [>ound ; Onions and L» Unce,
N O t l K T V X O T I 4 KM.
15e per dozen liunehet;
California more words that have been heard
i tnions. 2 1 ,0 3c ; Oregon, 2*.-c per pound ; by myriads, and printed and read
Y . M. C. A. Devotional services every Sun
A Swedish scientific expedition has
The total assessed value of Kansas as
day evening. Y ou ng men earnestly requested
String Beans, 3e per pound; Cucumbers, by millions,
fixed livth e State Equalizers is $340,450,- been sent to Spitzbergen.
to attend.
10c per dozen; Carrots, 10m 15c per quent addresses and stirring appeals
An English syndicate is anxious to bunch; Asparagus, 10c per pound ; Beets, than any other man living or dead. He
I. O. O F. Sessions held Saturday evening
in the rooms over .Moore’s Drug store.
$1.50 per sack; Turnips, $1.25 per is a bravo and high-toned gentleman of
Three English engineers have gone to buy the Eiffel tower in Paris.
sack; Corn, 10c per dozen; California wonderful capacity, and of a facility
Y . W . C. T. U .—Business meeting the second inspect the route of the Labrador Coast
The next census of the United K ing­
Tomatoes, $1(81.25 per box; l ’otat<H“s, that is almost flexib ility; altogother a
Saturday in every month.
dom w ill bo taken in April, 1801.
75cm$1 per cental; Sweet Potatoes, 4«t statesman of the pacific and literary
A line from the dairy districts to sup­
G. A. R. Sessious held first and third Thurs­
The Sultan of Zanzibar fears an a t­ 5c per pound.
day evening in each month.
ply New York with milk is the latest tack shortiv from his elder brother.
F ruits — Quote: Tahiti Oranges, $4.25
Bismarck has created an Empire. Co­
W . C. T. U .- Business meeting held the third 1 project in pipe-laying.
per I k ix , California Lemons, $5 | k t I kix ;
. .
. .
Germany is expected to use its inflii- fancy Sicily, $9 .» 10 per etc-*; I’eaeli and lossal, united, majestic Germany as she
Saturday afternoon in each month.
A disease, which some believe to be
pr!n,.e Ferdinand of Kill-
Bradshaw 1‘ lums, 75 u80c per box ; Mad­ stands, with the most formidable army
anthrax, has appeared among cattle at
! gana.
eline Bears, 90»*m$l; Oregon Bartletts, and the most faultless administration.
Cartwright, Manitoba.
Europe w ill need 164,000,000 bushels $1.25(8 1.50 per I k i x ; I’ineapples, $3.50(8 In c iv il and m ilitary affairs, of any age
O l K K A I . I l l K V A ’T O K Y .
There is much doubt over the passage
of wheat to supplement its own crop 1 per dozen ; Bananas, $3.75 per hunch; or country, is his handiwork.
of a Federal Supreme Court relief bill at
double", $ti; Oregon Astradian Apples,
Th e supreme credit for the magical
this year.
this session of Congress.
75c<a$l; Gravenstein, $1(8 1.15 per I k ix ; realization of the dreams of the Ger­
C it y o f X e w b e rg .
The panic among the Christian inhab­ Craw ford Beaches, $125 a 1.40; other va­
Returns to the Census Bureau from the
Mayor .
F. A. Morris
itants of Armenia is spreading. Hun­ rieties, $l. 15m 1.25 per I kix ; Nectarines, man race for centuries has been asolabor-
R co.-der
F. H. Howard South are discouraging the immediate
ately as stupidity claimed for others:
dreds are fleeing to Persia.
. Moses Yotaw reapportionment pushers.
1.50m 1.75 per box; Black-ÍK*rries, 8lac but behold his face, even as photography
A. M. Hoskins
England and Wales spent $21,000,000
Street Commissioner
D. P. Stratton
shows it! History is written there. Un­
South . Dakota’s Supreme Court has
alifornia Watermelons, $2.50m 3 per
last year in m aintaining their paupers,
fN . C. Mûris
der the superb dome of hishoad, behind
rendered a decision sustaining the pro­
l » . C. Mile#
including the expense of earing for 75,-
1 A. W. Kees
hibition of the liquor traffic.
rabapples, $1 per I k i x . Receipts tlie the deep burning eyes, and the firm
000 insane.
; Calvin Stanley
>ast week were 2,010 boxes and 8 car­ mouth, the w ill that has been indomita­
; J. D. Carter
Warden Durston says the official re-
E x-K h ed ive Ismael is in very had otids.
ble and the brain that has spun the iron
( Geo. Grayson
j k > rt will show that the execution of
health, and lias been advised to proceed
threads of destiny dwell distinct In sol­
C h e e s e — Quote; Oregon, ll(8 1 2 'jc ;
Kem m ler was a great success.
forthwith to Carlsbad for a course of the
alifornia, 9'girt 10c; Young America, 14 itude.
In one of the Chicago hospitals 25 per waters there.
i 15e per pound.
I t is a mistake to look upon Bismarck
cent, of the patients are suffering from
B u t te r — The market is firm. Quote: as one who goes from the palace in the
Captain Sevald of tin* Norwegian
the effects of cigarette-smoking.
steamship L eif Ericksson reports having
capital to his home in the country
T h e total product of pig iron for 1889- been tired upon at R io Janeiro while fly ­ -’7'ge; good to fair, 221 <>< 25c ; common, grumbling and prophesying evil. He
95 in the Southern States was 550,549 ing the American tlag.
has had his w ill through so many ways
tons, against 1,780,909 tons in 1890.
that ho must thoroughly enjoy the lux­
A society “ for tlie endowment of poor
P o u l t r y — The market is firm. Quote:
The Connecticut peach crop is said to marriageable girls ” is lx*ing started in
(Id Chickens, $5(80; large Spring, $3 ury of relaxation and the sweetness of
I k * a partial failure, hut it is relatively St. Petersburg on the same plan as that
« 4 ; small Spring, $2m2.60; old Ducks, repose.
The German Emperor is a young man,
better than that of New Jersey and Del­ of the Moscow society.
i.50(i(5; young, $6(80; old Geese, $5;
The increase of mendicants in Berlin voting, $8(89 per dozen; Turkeys, 18@ hut it is an egregious error to regard
him as a child or as caring for childish
The steamship Normandie has arrived is tlie subject of newspaper comment. -lie per pound.
Ecus— The market is firm. Q uote: things. It is the united testimony of
at New Y ork with the statue of Lafay­ So many beggars as now importune in
Los Angeles Protests Against the Re­ ette, which France has presented to the | the streets have not been known for -2'g0 per dozen for Oregon.
those who have knowledge whereof
N uts — Quote: Walnuts, 13c; Peanuts,
they speak that he is a man of marked
| years.
United States.
moval of Arm y Headquarters
creen, 11c; Almonds, 17c; Filberts, 13 individual force, a heliovor in his ex­
A man in New Orleans confesses to a
In the government of l ’odoi, Russia, @14c; Brazils, 13(814c per pound; Cocoa-
alted mission, whose zeal in public duty
to Santa Ee.
murder committed in England thirty- 1 tlie peasants have no scruples about sell­ nuts, $1 per dozen.
is the constant stimulant to ceaseless
five years ago, for which an innocent ing their children. Instances of a very
H o n e y — Fancy W hite, 1-pound car­
| revolting nature are reported in a Mos­ toons, 13c.
man was hanged.
It has been a part of his education to
cow daily.
N ails — Base quotations: Iron, $3.20,
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
put his trust in tlie army rather than in
New M exico’s population is 160,150.
American sea captains are complaining Steel, $3.30; W ire, $3.90 per keg.
Nettlecon confirms tlie report that the
the people at large, but it is of happy
Tacoma’s new hotel is to cost ¡11,250-, Corwin lias been ordered to Alaska, but j of tlie absurdity ami inconvenience of a
T h e Merchantlirte M ark et.
promise that he gives evidence of intel­
I late edict of tlie Russian government,
w ill say nothing further.
000 .
S ugar » — T he market is firm. Q uote:
whereby no ballast may he discharged (loKlenC , 4J8 c ; extra C-. 5l£c ; dry granu­ ligent popular sympathies. We may be
II. H. Simpson is on his way to this | in Russian jiorts.
Ogden will put up 8,000 cases of canned
sure these w ill not impair his devotion
lated, 6 l^ c ; uul)e crushed and powdered,
country from Australia to engage a base­
tomatoes this season.
| to the army, hut they indicate the en­
A ll over Europe are the agents of
ball team. He represents a syndicate
r j p w M exico w ill vote on a State Con- with a capital of $100,000.
H kans — T he market is firm. Quote: lightenm ent with which we may expect
American theatrical and other managers
, stitution on the 7th of October next.
Whites, $3.25; Pink, $4; Bayos, his energies w ill he directed to the pro­
! who are in search of novelties, and who
Systematic depredations of books in
utter,$3; Li mas, $5.60 per cental. motion of the general welfare.
The White-Cap stories from New M ex­ the mails from tlie Philadelphia postof­
T h at Bismarck indulges hit grim
D kikd Fin ns— The market is steady.
ico are declared to be greatly sensational. fice have been discovered and a clerk i object. London is made their headquar­
1 Quote: Plummer dried Pears, 10(a'llc; humor somewhat at the expense of the
A cloudburst in the W arm Springs le ­ arrested, charged with the theft.
| tindried and factory Plums, 5 ^ (ftAc: Emperor, hut with a paternal sort of af­
A movement is on foot to procure bv a I Peaches, sun-dried, lO '.jc; evaporated fection rather than personal pique, is
gion, Idaho, lias seriously damaged the
The Com m ittee on Commerce has re­
i writ of halieas corpus the liberation of Peaches, 16'2@17c; Smyrna Figs, Hut possible and probable. Tho saying that
ported favorably to the House the Senate
Mrs. May brick, tne American woman lAc; California Figs, 0c per pound.
“ W illiam has made liis best General a
The next Republican State Convention bill to provide for the inspection of live j who Was sentenced to imprisonment for
C anned G oods — Market is firm. Quote: i Chancellor ami his Chancellor a Gener­
in Washington w ill be held in Tacoma cattle and beef products intended forex- life on a charge of murdering her lius-
port to foreign countries.
September 25.
. blind.
Bartlett Pears, $2.25; Plums, $1.65; al,” certainly has the Bismarck flavor,
Sm all|K)X is ravaging Guerrero, a M ex­
St ra w Berries, $2.25; Cherries, $2; Black- but we may depend upon it the Emperor
The Grand Coulee (M on t.) coal miners
Tlie miracle-working wells of Galgocz berries, si I .85(«' 1.05; Raspberries, $2.25(% w ill not fail, as he has not failed, to
are on a strike. They claim wages are ican border town, and Texas towns are
becoming alarmed over the jiossibilitv of in the district of Pressburg, Hungary*, 2.50. Pie fru it: Assorted, $3.50 per treat the man to whom his fam ily and
too low to live.
being afflicted with the contagion unless are attracting so many thousands o f pil- dozen; Peaches, $1.25 «1.30; Plums, himself, as well as all Germans, high
The body of E. H. Allis, the engineer quarantine is established.
j gritns from the surrounding countries i|1.25; Blackberries, $1.05; Tomatoes, and humble, are indohted deeply and for­
whose train was wrecked near Panta, A.
j that the authorities have been forced to $1.1 >.</3.50; Sugar Peas, $l.4U(al.60; ever, with every form and ceremony
At a meeting of tin* trunk line passen­ j call in the m ilitary to keep order.
T., has been found.
String Beans, $1.
marking tho sincerity of his attachment
ger agents at New York it was decided
I I idkk —T he market is weak. Quota­ and the warmth of hisgratltude.—Murat
San Diego is to vote Oetolier 8 on the to give a 2-cent per m ile rate for ten or
On the occasion of her marriuge with
question of issuing bonds for a new wa­ more persons traveling on one ticket on the son of King John of Abyssinia the tions: Dry Hides, selected prime, 8(tt \ Halstead, in N. Y. Journal.
9c, l sc less for culls, green, selected, I
ter system by the city.
»laughter of tlie King of Shoa won* tin*
any road of tlie association.
over 56 pounds, 4c ; under 55 pounds, 3c; |
historical crown of the Queen of Sheba,
The gas well at Summerland, near
Judge Max Stein of Hidalgo county,
Sheep Pelts, short wool, 30@60c; me­
Santa Barbara, is down sixty-two feet, Texas, was killed in Renos, Mexico, by which has been treasured by tlie Ethi­ dium, 60@80e; long, 90c(<* $1.25: shear­
and the pressure continues.
lings, 10 (a 20c; Tallow, good to choice, 3 I Most of Them W ere of KniflHh Origin nnd
Mrs. Della McCabe. The trouble grew
O re s t Antiquity.
The organization of the Coos Kay. out of an election, in which Mrs. Mc­
The Bishop of Bloomfontein has re­ (f£3loC. Receipts the past week were
signs which hung upon
Roseburg and Eastern Railroad and Cabe's husband was defeated.
solved on prosecuting an earnest tem per­
W ool — The market is dull. Quota-j N ew York taverns were of English
Navigation Company lias been completed
Among the contributions to the $1,000 ance work in South Africa. At the out­
tions: Eastern Oregon, 1()(& 16c; Yalley, ¡ origin; some of great antiquity. The
at Roseburg, Or.
fund to endow a bed in the Monmouth set he will particularly »levóte himself 16if/ 18c per pound. Receipts the past
W h ite L ion —a lion rampant, paintod
Strong representations are being wired ( N . J . ) memorial hospital is that of .1. to tlie Bechuanaland police ami the em ­ week were It>0,745 pounds.
white and set into tlie wall at St. John’s
to W ashington in opposition to the re­ B. Haggin, who gave $100, and many ployes of tlie British South Africa Com­
P ickles — Quote: 85c 3s; 90c 5s.
Clerkenw ell—was a noted resort of cat­
moval to Santa Fe from Ixis Angeles of prominent turfmen made donations.
S alt — Quote:
$17.50, tle drovers; the K ing’ s Head and the
army headquarters.
The breaking-out of the influenza in $18.53, $19.50; stock, $ll($12 per ton in
T w o hundred farmers of Huron coun­
Queen's Head, bearing the image of the
A small sloop of about five tons, owned ty, M id i., have asked for public aid la-
reigning sovereign, were common in all
hv John Hartman of lrondale. Wash.,
parts of tho kingdom; there were num­
K ick — Quote: 6 )ac per pound.
has been seized hv the customs authori­ by the storm which swept over the east­ rious. Of the 57,090 inhabitants in 1843
berless signs of the Coach and Horses In
2,000 died of influenza, and in 187H
ties at Victoria, 1!. C.
London alone; tlie Three Pigeons is
1,500 persons were carried o ff by tlie
Tlie M eat M ark et.
Stockmen in the Yavapai country, A.
same disease.
as old as Ben. Johnson and frequently
Seventeen soldiers acting as a patrol
T.. complain of the high railroad tariff
met with; so was the Fighting Cocks at
Beef— Live, fiMSQT; dressed, 7<\
Dr. Nansen’s expedition to the North
on beef cattle, in consequence of which for tlie C ity Custom-house at the t 'itv of
Staffordshire, where this sport was in
Mutton— Live, 3 m 3*4 c ; dressed, 7c.
they will drive their stock to California. M exico deserted in a body after killing Pole is to start in the spring of 1892.
fashion. Dr. Samuel Johnson has made
Huge— Live. 5(85QQ ; dreused, 7c.
His companion, Captain Sverdrup, will
Four prisoners at Folsom, Cal., made their Lieutenant. Cavalry is in pursuit take tlie nautical direction. He is at
Veal— 5 i» 8u [K*r [Kiund.
tho Pineapple famous; it was originally
their escape by tunneling from their cell of the deserters, three of whom have present on hoard a fishing Imat in the
Spring Lamba— $2 each.
used by confectioners hut later by inn­
under the prison wall. The tunnel is iieen captured.
keepers also; the Globe is fam iliar to all
Polar sea in order to practice in maneu­
claimed to be sixty feet long, and the
New Y o rk ’s Board of Health warns vering among the ice.
Tin* market is firm. Quotations: East­ literary men; the “ Dog’ s Head In the
prisoners are supposed to have been the public to beware of tlie average
The recent increase of the salaries of ern Hams, 13(814e; Breakfast Ba­ Pot,” of great antiquity, had little to
working on it for months. The escapes towel snpplv at the public baths, as in­
were Matthias Klummer, Charles Geler- vestigation lias shown that many victims government officials in Germany « ¡ I I con, 13 < 1 14c; Hides, 10M 11 }g « '; laud, recommend It, save tho scum of society,
emblem as it was from early time of
man. Tom Wilson and C. II. Kohler, all of ophthalmia can trace their affliction swell the civil list in tlie Postal depart­ lUittilc per pound.
slovenly housewifery and mean accom­
ment by about $2,500,000. As 85,(M0 per­
to that source.
r o n l d N o t M e n i l Il r e i f l l n g .
Strange to say, however,
sons (85 per cent, of tlie German JKistal
A joint com mittee of the Board of
Tlie Denver Lottery Company, which
General Gordon, it w ill ho remember, that while there exist innumerable ex­
Trad«' and Chamlier of Commerce of San recentIv opened headquarters in Kansas employes) are affected by the increase,
ad, had accepted the post of private sec­ amples of the W hite Horse in England,
Jose, Cal., has decided to call a conven­ C ity, Kan., has vacated its office, and its no one will get a very big slice. 0
tion, to meet in San Jose Septemlier lti, officers tied the town after having re­
It is said that Germany lias agreed to retary to Lord Itipon, the then newly- the recent exhaustive researches into
to consider the question of com pleting ceived $30,000 by the sale of tickets, etc., a comjiromise, in accordance with which appointed Governor-General of India. the history of sign-boards have not
the Transcontinental railway. The coun­ leaving all prizes unpaid.
she will pay hack one-half of the money Tho private secretary, however, sudden­ brought to lig h t that of the Black Horse,
ties of Kern, Tulare, Merced, Fresno,
value of the Bishops’ property, which ly i*id without warning, flung up the which was In frequent use in the Amer­
San Benito, Santa Clara, San .Mateo and
Many of tin* iieople of Newfoundland was confiscated during the cultiirkampf, appointment, to tho surprise of every ican colonics.
San Francisco w ill tie asked to send nine express themselves as strongly in favor an»l interest on the reinain»ler.
He that would understand the story of
body, and returned home. Oneevening,
of annexation with tlie United States, if
Tlie new law regulating the work of In course of conversation, the topic of N ew York signs must not be misled by
Complaints have iieen made that the there is not a satisfactory settlement of minors in Russian factories' is not so fashionable society was touched upon, the Idea that they wore fixtures. On
treasury agents and customs authorities the fisheries question, which is now stringent as tlit? old la « «a s. According
and Gordon made reference to the rea­ the contrary, they were as much prop­
at San Francisco were careless in the causing so much anxiety on the island. to tlie latter children below the age o f 12
son that induced him to g ive up offic* erty as trade-marks are to-day, and mi­
such dutiable
George Faribault, C hief of the Indian years were not allowed to work at all, on the occasion mentioned. The trua gratory as their owners, the innkeepers,
parcels as came by Asiatic and other
hut the new law allows children o f 10
mails which are landed in this country Police at Standing Rock agency, N. D., and 12 years to be employed in factories. and only reason he had, be said, for who must hear the palm for reckless­
leaving India was that be could not put ness. For Illustration: the King's Arms
on the Pacific Const, and an investiga­ is dead. H e was the Daniel Boone of
hung in 1753 from a house in Broad
tion is to i>e made by a «peeial officer. Minnesota and a man of great influence
The National Assoeiation of British up with the ways and customs of tha
Dutiable articles, it is said, have passed among the Indians. He saved the lives ami Irish Millers refsirt a decided in- high social circle in which he was ex­ street, near the Long Bridge,where Mrs.
through the mails.
crease in wheat productions in Russia, pected to move. “ Dress for dinner, L lgh tfoot was the hostess; in 17A3 was
Roil mania, Austria ami Hungary. They dress for evening parties, dress for taken by Mrs. Sarah Steele to the lower
A number of Italian fishermen of San
Tie* m inority report on th eC lavton- think that America is approaching the t*lls , dress and decoration, decoration end of Broadway opposite the Fort; in
Francisco have ls*en accustomed to carry
tim e «h e n she must considerably in­ and dress—day after day! I could not," 17R4, by Edward Barden, to the upper
on a thriving business with the canner­ Breckinridge election contest has been crease her wheat acreage or <*<*as<* to lie
end of Broadway, facing the Commons,
ies in Sacramento by selling them made to the House. It charge« that the a wheat-exporting country, such will lie said Gordon, “ stand the worry of it,
and rather than do so I gave up tha who in turn ceded it in 17fi9 to his suc­
their catches of salmon. Lately, how­ majority re[>ort was “ unfounded in the home demand.
appointment."—Con tem porary Review. cessor, I>e la Montague, who held it till
ever, the relations between the fisher­ truth, not justified by the evidence and
the Revolution, in 1775. T h e Hanover­
A complete list of the Sultan’s wives
men and the eanners have been some­ i« defaced by the repetition of j»artisan
—A reporter found a “ stamp fiend" ian Kings were in small favor in the
what strained. The fishermen demanded slander,not sustained ’ey any testim ony.” shows that he has five first-class wives—
valiiles, twenty-four secoml-elass or mor­ gloating over some rare envelope stampa city, and their image did not prove at­
5 cents per pound for salmon, and were
The Kansas Kailroa»! Commission in
offered only 3 cents. This rate was re­ reducing local rates on i-preals 32 per ganatic wives ami some 250 thiol-class of the issue of 1870. The stamps— five tractive. In 1778, when tho British were
fused, and a combine has Is-en effected cent, ami on other articles 10 per cent, partners, variously described as “ favor­ In num ier—were sent to Muakegen, in occupation, Loosely and Elms swung
among the fishermen. They determined a-serts that local rates have been main­ ites ” ami “ staves.” The care and at- Mich., by an agent, their value being out the head of olistinate George the
to take their tisli down to >an Francisco tained for some years after distance tendance of tlie female establishments 117. 50. A 30-cent stamp was quoted T hird on Brownjohn's Wharf, and re­
rather than accept the eanners’ prices, rates had iieen reduced because the roads require the services of 0,000 persons, 13.50, a 15-cent stamp at S3, a 24 and '00- cruited privateers to prey on the com­
and the other afternoon the novi I s 'H ip o f the State were cmliarrassed, hot that who are the only people in Turkey who cent stamp at $4.50 each and a 12-cent merce of the patriots, and it crossed the
presented itself at the fishermen's wharf current earnings— which are undoubted­ receive their full pay with regularity. * stamp at S2.
river with them to the Long Island side
of a dozen or more fishing smacks loaded ly most favorable— now justify a reduc­
There were 138 lake disasters in A]>ril of the Brooklyn ferry the year follow­
In the agreement by which H eligo­
down with thousands of fish, which
land is ceiled to Germany young Kaiser In Lake Ontario, aggregating $24fi.8o0. ing. —John Austin Stevens, in Harper’s
were for sale at 25 cents each. In con-
A Memphis electric-light company was W illiam , who by the careful and delib- Stranded, $43,500: disabled, $30.900; Magazine.
Mition with one of the fishermen a
_ rt.-r was inf. r ■
IBOery- sues 1 for $499.99 damages a few days ago erate conclusion of the united States of heavy weather, $19.100; ashore, $10,000;
A G ood K fM o n .
n. n had made a cut because heavy in­ for »lestroying a sha»ie tree in the yard Germany is the tremían Emperor anil Are, $85.100: collisions. $34,100; sprung
“ I do not lik e the way you speak of
voices of fruit were being received at the o f a I'itizen. The damage s « e r e eiee'reeel not tin* Em|s*ror of Germany, appears a leak, $4,000. Tlie cargoes were dam
this paper,” said the editor, "W h y do
The aged $74.000.
canneries, and the fish-canning industry by ilefault. The President o f the com­ a« the “ Emperor of Germany.
you persist in calling it a sheet?"
was tem porarily shelved for that of fruit pany was subsequently arraigne*d Iwfore use of lliis title in the English counter­
“ Because so many peopls sloop over
parking. The fishermen rather than ac­ a Justice, chargeel with trespass in put­ part o f the deed was insisted upon by
Salt Lake City, U. T ., expect* to have
cept the prices are determined to boy­ ting up the wires. H e waived an exam ­ the German foreign office, although it is lixty flve miles o f electrical railw ay in IA * — Ifunsey's Weekly.
cott the canneries aw l let the public ination, and was hound over to the Crim ­ entirely contrary to the intention of the (« r a t io n tyr tfie close of the summer,
German nation.
inal Court.
reap the benefit of it.
Texas Judge Killed by the W ife of L i Grippe Causes Quite a Panic
in Iceland.
a Defeated Candidate.
The Capital of Idaho Infested
w ith Tramps.
NO. 39.
A t about three o’clock in the after­
noon I came along to a Kentucky
“ squat," which differed from a hundred
others only in tho fact that a woman
and boy sat on a log In front of the
opening in the brush fence,which might
be termed the gate, and because six
dogs were lying in the sun instead of
the usual throe or four. I askod after
the man of the house, and the woman
“ He un haln't home just now.”
“ Be back soon?”
“ I reckon. Ho 'un has gone down the
road a piece to drop that Dave Smith.4
" T o what?” I asked.
“ T o drop Dave Smith.”
“ Do you mean he haa gone to ahoot
“ Sartin. Th ey 'una has bin wantin'
to pop at each other fur a long time.”
“ Thar she clatters!" shouted the boy
as the report of a gun reached our ears,
and lie was off down the road lik e a
"Reckon the ole man dropped him ,"
calmly observed the woman as she went
on with her work of patching an old
woolen shirt.
I expressed my unbounded surprise at
this sort of man-hunting, but she said it
was one of the customs, and had to be
lived up to. In about ten minutes the
boy reappeared, and, sitting down on
the log to get his breath, he said:
“ Pop’s a-coming.’ *
“ Drop Smith?" she queried, without
even looking up.
“ No; Smith dropped him. Pop's got
buckshot in the shouldor. Better g it
things ready.”
"Reckon I had, Jim,” she shouted,
getting up, she folded her work and
moved into the house without the least
sign of excitement.
A fow minutes
later the husband came up at a slow
walk, with the fresh blood dripping
from his shoulder, and halted long
enough In front of me to say:
“ Evening to you, stranger. Sort o'
make yourself to home. I went out to
drop Smith, and the ornery varmint was
waitin' behind a bush and dropped me.
G it the blood washed off and tho shot
picked out, and w e'll hev a v is it You,
Jim, take his knapsack and show him
whar’ to wash up."—N. Y. Sun.
A ádrese, tta ^ a x c . Nsvhav«. OM fos.
Went Out to Itrnp smith. Hut Smith
D ropped Him Instead.
T ha Secrets of an Obvtruse Helene« l>a-
serlhetl In l.uclil Terms.
la r a r i*
M e e ts.a . o f *he Hoe W h o Pnseoea Pewov-
ful Ila tte rl«*
W eapon#.
Some years ago a young man, in all the
glory of his first knickerbockers, found
himself in a small village on the N ew
England coast, and, liking the location,
determined to spend the season there.
The morning follow ing his arrival he
ran down to the beach, where he fonnd
a crowd o f red shirted men gathered
arming a flat fish about three feet In
length. “ W e ’re trying to get some one
to heft it,” said an old sea dog in answer
to a question. " L i f t it! W h y, a child
could do that," remarked the young man
from the city.
“ P'raps he could," replied the fisher­
man; “ but i f you kin lug the fish from
here to the dory over yfinder you kin
earn $5."
“ Y o u ’re a fine lot of men,” said the
city youth, w ith a laugh; “ can’t lift a
fish o f that sizet W h y, TT1 wager the
same amount that I con throw it that
far. ”
The fishermen were very anxious to
take the wager, and finally the young
man approached, thrust his fingers into
the eyes o f the fish, and, i f it had been
any other fish we might have s&id, pre­
pared to throw, but as it waa the mo­
ment his hands touched the fish a strange
look o f surprise came over hie face, and
those near might have seen a certain rig­
idity o f the muscles. H e retained the
■ante position for several moments, then,
w ith many grimaces,asked to be relieved,
and amid roars o f laughter the fish was
pulled from his hands. When the young
man had recovered his equanimity he
confessed that it was the heaviest fish he
had ever attempted to lift.
The fish was the ray, known popularly
as the torpedo (topiedom am ioratus), and
one o f tlie most powerful o f the marine
It is said that the physician o f Cleo­
patra, Deoscorides, used those fishes in
medicine, and Dr. Walsh, F. R. 8., was
robably the first to introduce lta use in
Tho experiment o f Dr. W alsh created
a craze that swept over tills country some
few years ago. The most extravagant
stories were circulated about the fish and
its marvelous powers o f healing, and it
became a fashionable fad to go to the
Isle o f Re and take an electric shock
from the fish o f Dr. WalHh.
The livin g torpedo in these experi­
ments was placed upon a w et towel, and
from the fish extended tw o pieces o f
wire, tlie ends o f which rested in bowls
o f water. A circle o f persons was formed,
those upon tlie end placing their fingers
in the water, and in this w ay the shock
was received by the entire party, and
often equaled that o f a Leyden ja r in itd
In examining the torpedo tlie electri­
cal apparatus is very noticeable, being
made up o f tw o large, flat bodies lying
on each side o f the head. The organa
are composed o f numerous prisms placed
vertically, each o f which is subdivided
by delicate septa, form ing small cells,
whicli contain a clear, tremulous, je lly
like substance. In a specimen of torpedo
marmoratus one may count nearly 500
of these prisms.
It has been found that the upper side
o f the fish is negative and the lower posi­
tive, and tliut tho [lower is entirely under
the control o f tho fish. Some curious
experiments have been made; thus, tlie
scientist Marcz applied a telephone to the
fish and at every ordinary shock given he
distinctly heard a click. When the fish
was greatly excited a load groan was
heard, which sounded like “ m i,” and the
discharge was prolonged four or five sec­
The electrical discharge o f this fish is
not o f sufficient [lower to kill a man un­
less lie was in nn extrem ely enfeebled
condition, but that it is fatal to other
fishes lias been noticed on many occfv-
•ions. Moreau, a French observer, no­
ticed turbot fall upon a torpedo in a fish­
ing lioat anil the result was instantane­
ously fatal. They leaped high in air
upon receiving the shock, and fell back
dead and rigid and remained for some
time bent in a curve. In appearance the
torpedo is a flat fish, with a rounded
head and short, thick toil.—Electrical
Jommetry is a study witch treats—an
a m ighty dry treat it is—of dividin up
surfaces. On tho first page is axums. A
tiu m is a thing you can guess without
askin, or see without lookin, as. A ele-
funt is bigger than a rat. Only they
don't have any animals in jommetry,
and that's why it’s so stupid. One of
the easiest axums to remember is— “ A
strate line is tlie shortis distance be­
tween two points.”
This is pretty true, but it depends on
how the walkin' is. and on what lays be­
tween tlie two points.
There is two kinds uf Jommetry—
plain and solid, l ’lain jommetry is any
thing hut plain; but solid jommetry is
orfully solid.
Figgers como next. Thoy have aide*
and angles, lik e old maids. A square ia
a Agger with four ekal sides and four
ekal angles. The angles are called
right angles, because you generally
make them wrong.
A triangle has three sides, and comes
to a point. 1 always come to the point
when I want money for shootin crackers
an so on; and then mother tries anglin
for me with her slipper, or her hair­
brush, witchever is handiest.
A fter awhile you learn theeorems.
You draw lines, drop perpendiculars,
and all that. Every thing is A. B. C.
and I). E. F. One of the first you learn
la that a strata line drawn through two
parallel linos cuts them at the same
It looks easy, but it's no fool of a job
to prove it. By and by you learn about
the square on the hippopotamus of the
right angled triangle, otherwise known
as the pawns as honorum. (Them last
three words is Latin.)
Solid jommetry is more interestln than
plain jommetry. It is fun to make cuhes
an pollygones out of pasteiioard and gut»
C arvin g Fowl#.
arable. It keeps you so busy you can't
A goose is curved the same as a wild
run errands; an' the boxes is jus’ the
thing to keep flies in. I see B illy Adams duck (this is also the case with a tame
outside with a stray dog, an' I guess I 'l l dock) anil should be served up with tur­
go out an' chin him awhile.—Jonas nips or olives. It should lie sufficiently
well done for it to lie possible to carve it
Longlow, in Santa Claus.
with a spoon or the point o f a knife.
Hounrl to Stay.
Pigeons when roasted are divided into
“ There is one solace left me at least," four pieces. When no company is present
remarked the old farmer.
"A fte r all the most equitable way is to cut a pigeon
my hoys leave and and go up to the city, in tw o longitudinally.
Chickens and capons are carved very
after the pigs and tho cattle die, and ev­
ery thing else forsakes me, there is at mnch in the same way as turkeys. The
least one thing that w ill stick to the old legs make tw o pieces, the wings three,
farm. ”
the white meat is left in whole slices, and
“ And that ia—T'
the carcass is se[>arated into six piece«.
"T h e mortgage."— Lawrence Amer­ Chickens and capons are much improved
by the use o f truffles, but, as George
Grant w ill tell you. truffles cannot be got
K o m a rk ab le W om an .
Kajones—To-day is my thirtieth wed­ in Am erica.—Cor. Chicago Herald.
ding anniversary.
Kersm lth— W ife still living?
••Y ea"
“ Lived with you all that time?"
“ Certainly.”
(A d m irin gly )— “ What nerve
woman must have!” —Chicago Tribune.
Tho O utlaw Stud.
There is said to be a largo band o f wild
horse*, known to stockmen as the “ Out­
law Stud,” ranging between Truckee,
Nevada county. Cal., and Avine, Nev.
Years ago the stallion, a thoroughbred
racer, escaped to the mountains, and has
A Curiosity.
since defied capture. By desperate rid­
P o lite clerk (showing goods)—Here la ing stockmen manage to get into the band
something I would like to call your at­ every year ami drive out the colts. The
tention to, lady. It'a the very latest horse* range on the highest peaks, beyond
where cattle or sheep often go. They
thing out.
Mrs. Rounder (a b sen tly)—I f there’s only go to water once a day, and then in
any thing out later than my husband single file down the mountain trail na
I ’ll take It, If only for a curiosity.— Life. fast as they can run. They go back at
their leisure.— Montreal Star.
H ad I.earn «d the Motte.
Teacher (tn spelling-class).—Johnny,
apell fall.
Johnny.— I can't.
Teacher.— You can’ t spell that simple
word? W hy not?
Johnny—'Cause there's no such word
as fe lL — Lippincott'a.
H a n d y T h in g # t o H a v a .
The government is issuing maps and
•hart* to show just where gold may be
found. A map or chart to point out to a
fellow where he may pick up a few
green backs would also be a handy thing
have in the house.— New York W orld.
to hai
IWRlaletlvo f aitom .
Mo’ll H oar T o *.
Anxious T ailor: By the way. Sena­
“ Y ou r husband has grown quite deaf,
tor, bow about that little b ill of mine?
Solemn Statesman: In splendid shape, they say."
"Yea, but don’t speak ad 11 He is
my dear sir; I w ill pass it to a third
very sensitive on the snhject."—Ch atter.
reading osxt weak.— Jury.