Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, July 18, 1890, Image 1

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A I)V i:K T IN IM i
One Column
H a lf Column
Professional Cards
K 4 IK .M :
.Twenty Dollars
r«n Dollars
......... One Dollar
B f t l l a i K o tlrra w ill b f tn aartrd
the n l r a f T e s
p a r l .t n a .
M H K b.
P R K 8 B Y T K K I AN C H U R C H . 8e rv ic»s * i l
be held at Jones' Hail on the second and lourt
Sundays of the month, at 4 p. in. by the Her
w illiam T ra vis o f Lafayette, sabbath echoed
every Sunday at 3 p. m.
F R IE N D S C H U R C H .-S e rv ic e s every Sun
dsy at 11 a. ni. and 7 p ni.. and Thursday at K
s. m sabbath school every Sunday at 10 a. m
Monthly meeting at 10 a. in. the flr»t Saturday
In each nuftith. Quarterly m eeting the recond
•aturdav and Sunday in February. May. Au
gust and Novem ber.
E V A N G E L IC A L C H U R C H .-R e g u la r ser
vice first and third Sundays of each month at
10 a. m.; second and fourth Sundays at 7 p. ni
Sabbath school every Sunday at 11 a. m.
H ilM C R IP T IO .\ R A T E S «
One Y ea r
.Six Months
................................... 9
Three Months. .................................
S u b s c r ip t io n
A d ve rti-in * B ill* Collected Mon h lj*
riPLE o O F
VOL. 2.
Indiana White Caps Whip a Poor- The Cholera in Spain More Serious
Than at First Reported.
House Superintendent.
Wiman Declines to Return to Canada Six ot the Paris Nihilists Convicted and
Sentenced — Russia Enrolling
and Become the Leader of the
More Recruits.
Liberal Party.
M O TU Kd.
Serious rioting ia reported at Iquique,
Peru, growing out of a strike.
Portugal has made a general increase
It has been decided in Philadelphia
I. O. O F. —Sessions held Saturday evening
that Sunday shaving ia not a necessity. of t> per cent, in the taxation.
In the rooms over Moore’s Drug store.
The arbitration of the Delagoa Bay
The Vermont Assessor's annual report
Y . W . C. T. U .—Business m eeting the second
Saturday in every month.
will show a mark* d depreciation in the railway matter has been settled.
value of farming lands
The family of President Menendez of
G. A . R .—Sessions held first and third Thurs
day evening In each month.
The Interstate Commerce Commission Ban Salvador declare that he died of apo­
W . C. T. U .- Business meeting held the third ha* begun an inquiry to uncover the ma­ plexy.
Saturday afternoon in each month.
nipulation in grain rates.
Prince Bismarck is expe ted to visit
Florida intends to ask for the same London after Emperor William returns
amount of space at the World’s Fair aQ I to Berlin.
O m C A I i IIIK R C T O K Y .
that desired by California.
The Montevideo Bourse has been
■ losed. The crisis there has canted great
I 'n l t r d m a t e s .
St. Louis to »1 per 100 pounds, and noth­ excitement.
Benjamin Harrison ing has than ten pounds is sold.
China intends to borrow 30,000,000
Vice-President.................. ...... L e v i P. Moiton
The latest estimate or rough count taels of American silver for building
... James G. Blaiae
Secretary o f State
giv-qt St. Louis a population of 418,124, strategic railways in Manchuria
Secretary of the Treasury ........Win. VViudom
J. W .Noble Baltimore 433,000 and Chicago 1,100,000.
Secretary o f the Interior
It is lielieved that Balfour will succeed
. Red field Proctor
Secretary o f W ar
............B. F. Tracy
Secretary of the N avy
New York is breaking up the clock- William H. Smith as government leader
John Wanantakt-r
Postmaster General
in the British House of Commons.
W . H. H. M iller stock game. The principal runners of
Attorney General
Secretary of Agriculture. ...... Jeremiah Rusk the concern were arrested for selling
Firework exhibitions at the London
stock in a mythical mine.
Crystal Palace a-e unusually grand this
S ta te o f O regon .
The Georgia Melon Exchange, which summer, and attract greater crowds than
J. H. Mitchell. J. N. Dolph
U. 8. Senators —
................... Binger Herman was formed by the leading growers w ith ever.
...........Sylvester Pen»*oyer a view to regulating the output and mak­
Six of the Parisian Nihilists have been
G. W . M cB-ide
Secretary of >~tate
................ <; w. Wobb ing the sales direct to retailers, his gone convicted and sentenced each to three
State Treasurer.
F. C. Baker under.
State P rin te r........
years' imprisonment and a fine of 200
E. B. M cElroy
Supt of Schools
The Governor of Massachusetts has francs.
R. S. Strahan, W . P. Lord.
8upreme Judges
.................. W . VV. Thayer vetoed the bill authorizing the consolida­
The Prince Regent of Bivaria lias sub­
tion of gas and electric-light companies. scribed 1,000 marks toward the Bismarck
C ou n ty o f Y a m h ill.
The Senate refused to pass the bill over mem rial, which it is proposed to erect
L. L. Low ery
in Berlin.
................................ T. J. Harris the veto.
R ecord er....................................
Wyatt Harris
The President has if turned to the
Further French interference with the
C lerk.........
J. W. Hobbs
Supt. o f Siohools
L. H. Baker House w iihont his approval the bill ex­ fishermen on the Newfoundland coast
P. P. Gates tending the time of payment to pnrehas his occurred, and the usual indignation
Su rveyor..........................................J. C. Cooper ers of land of the Omaha tribe of Indians
j is reported.
C oroner..............
.................... E. B. Fellow s
Brutscher. Kingery in Nebraska.
The cholera epidemic in Valencia,
C ity o f X f « berg.
The bill to send a commission to Ore­ I Spain, is more serious than has been be­
M a y o r......................................... F. A . Morris
gon to negotiate for the purchase r.f the lieved. The aut horities have hidden the
R 'c e rd e r
Frank P. Banm surplus acreage of the Puyallup Indians true state of affairs.
.Moses Yotaw
A. M. Hoskins has been favorably reported to the Lower
The largest contingent of recruits ever
8treet Commissioner
Milton Nlckleson
House of Congress.
demanded by the Russian war office—
f N. C. Maris
| B. C. Miles
A huge tower, eleven stories high, is | 270,000— was fix--d for the next enroll-
l A. W. ltees
to be erected at South Kingston, R. I., 1 ment by the latest ukase.
Calvin Stauley
and defeated to the advent of modern
j J. D. Carter
spiritualism by Jos 'ph P. Hazard, a » The papers at Munich are praising
I Geo. Grayson
Henry Villard, and admiringly comment
wealthy spiritualist of that pis- e.
on his donation of »30,000 to the Bava­
The National Starch Manufacturing rian Society of the Red Cross.
Company, the »10,500,000 capital stock
Since the snow was melted and the
of which haa been listed by the Stock
Exchange, has bought outright all the passage from Turkey opened the border
of the district of Kars are troubled
principal starch works in the country
with bands of Turkish robbers.
British Minister Pauncefote denies that
Russia has ordered to be manufactured
negotiations with Mr. Blaine over the seacontroversy have been broken in France a quantity of new infantry ri-
< ff. A report to that effect having been tieB. modified from the French standard
published called fortli this public denial. rifle and without the magazine feature.
The I am don Chronicle’s Rome corre­
White Caps in Harrison count', Ind., spondent says : Tne Pope haa become
The Harvest of Oregon and Washington took the Superintendent of the county very feeble, and is preparing written in-
poorhouse, John H. Denhoe. from his ! st ructions for the guidance of his succes-
Cereals Said to be the Largest
bed and gave him twenty-fi' e lashes He ! «or.
was charged with maltreating his charges.
Ever Known.
An electric brake has been devised in
A pneumatic gun, which easily throws Kng'and, by means of which a train grv
an eight-inch shell a distance of 3,200 j ing at the rate of thirty miles an hour
ya'ds, intended for dynamite and to be can be brought to a standstill in a space
used for coast defense in England, was
Tlie Northwestern Exposition at Taco- successfully tried at Cold Spiings, N. Y of 2 0 feet.
ms will be opened not later than next
The British foreign office has issued
The United States Book Company (ms the text of the Anglo-German agreement
L. H. Bartlett, an absconding ernb'z- been formed at New York, with a capita! and offi'ial cor espondence on the sub-
zler snd hank cashier from Fort Morgan, of »3 2>0,C00, and all the business in low- | jeot: There is nothing new in regard to
priced pnblii ations which have been car­ East Africa
Col., has been captured at Seattle.
ried on by twenty-one concerns has been
It is reported at Berlin that Minister
The water supply at Spokane Falls is absorbed.
of Public Works Maybach and Minister
inadequate, and three houses were ('timed
; of Public Worship and Education Von
there, principally owing to that fact.
decided to make a reduction of *8.75 in Goeler will reaign on the return of Em­
F. Stevensen a Canadian Pacific ticket the pssBenger rate from Chicago to He’- peror William.
agent at V ictoria, B C , has gone down ena and Montana points after August 1,
London, jealous of Paris with its Eiffel
the Sound a defaulter to the extent of because the Northern Pacific cut the rate
tower, resolved to have a similar con­
f om St. Paul.
» 200 .
trivance, and prizes were awarded for a
L. D. Smith of Reuben Creek, Joseph­
Notice ie given that on or about August device which is a deliberate imitation of
ine county, Or., went prospecting recent­ 1, 1890, a fixed white light of the fifth Eiffel’s structure.
ly and came home with a nugget worth order will be exhibited from the struct­
Madame Rosa Kirschbaum. the first
ure rei ently erectf d on the northeastern
lady admitted to medical practice in Aus­
In consideration of the location of an extremity of Ballast Point The light tria, has just been authorized by specal
academy at Milton, Or , by the Advent sts will illuminate the entire horizon.
imperial decree to conduct a hospital for
the people of tha* town raised »8,000 as
A bi’l has been reported favorably to ey^diseases at Salzburg.
a starter.
the House granting »12 per month to all
The Prince of Wales continues to grow
Census Supervisor Mosher computes women who served as arinv nurses in stout and gray It is said of film that he
the population of Los Ange'fs county at
ia disinclined to make any exertion and
101,4-*0. The population of Orange conn- , months or more, and who rendered serv the only place to which he does not drive
■ ices to the sick on the bat le-field
ty is 13,600.
is to meals and to bed.
By a de ision of the Supreme Court of
It is commonly lielieved in Alaska that
Stanley’s new book, “ Darkest Africa,”
the missing Lord Boyle, oue of those Ohio property to the taxable value of »1,- has had a sale exceeding the most san-
who went up the Yukon in sedrch of
Hamilton county, having been omitted ' guine expectations in London The first
gold, is still alive.
for four years. The taxes on this to be • dition has lieen exhausted, and a second
one is aliont to be issued.
Mayor Gunn wants the enumeration raid to the city are aliont »150.1 00
at San Diego to he taken over. The pr s-
The Minister of Russian Imperial
ent returns show a population of 15,700.
Canada and enter politics as the leader Property has given notice to the War De­
The Mayor claims 24 000
of the Liberal party. He is convinced partment to send out troops of so diers
Postmasters have been apro'nted: that tie can serve the Dominion most ef­ to the Caucasian districts to destroy the
Montana—J. G. Nherman, Flat Willow, fectually by remaining in New York and locusts which infect that region.
Fenras county Washington—J. D. Dean, pushing his agitation for commercial
The grievances of the l/rmlon postmen
Hoquiam, Chehalis county.
are still nua'tended to, and the men
The wrecked strainer Sardonyx will he
An inspector of cuatoma at New York threaten to leave work. Should they do
turned over to the underwriters The seized from Adolph N rdman of Califor­ -o, the whole postal machinery of Eng­
crew of the vessel, who have t een living nia, who arrived on the steamship La land wonld be thrown out of gear.
in huts at Skidegate, have returned to Breia/ns. a gold watch valued at »250,
According to a recent nkaseof the Czar
which he had concealed on his person.
no person who is not of the Chris ian
Eureka, N w ., has granted the petit'on Nordman save the watch waa for his own faith will be allowed to servo on a jury,
of Chinese to be allowed to go there and personal use
unless by the special appro a* of the Min
disinter their dead.
The petitioners
Ht nrv Root of San Francisco haa begun ister of the Interior and of the Minister
promise to depart as soon as their work suit against the Third-avenne Cable Com­ of Justice.
is finished.
pany at New York to restrain the com
Since about the middle of May the
The following postoffices have been es­ pany from using a grip apparatus on the city of Tomsk in Nilteria his been under
tablished : Washington — At Rangau, ■ able road which he clai ns to own. He water A dispatch dated Jane 11 reports
Lewis countv, T. J. Long, postmaster; at says he purchased the grip from the pat­ that in several streets of the inundated
Chester, Spokare county, Alvin T. entee, Henry Casebolt.
place the people are still rowing in boats
Churrh. postmaster.
An appendix to the sentence of the among the mins.
The Santa Clsrx Conntv Board of Su­ Pope in the Burtsell cas“ de lares that
It is slated that Prince B'smarck has
pervisors has m 'de a report charging ttie henceforth it ia establish, d that the Bish­ begged the Emperor to disccun'snan e
Sheriff with appropriating to his own ns- ops o f the United States have full power, the project to erect a Bismarck monu
half the money allowed by the c ’un'y without having recourse to the Propa- ment during the Prince’« lifetime. The
for the support of prisor ere
gend», to transfer from rne p*rish to an­ Prince m«ks that the funds (or that pur
The Southern California Editorial As­ other titnlars of poets not essentially ir­ pose lie devoted to erecting a church in
memory of Emperor William I.
sociation, whicii haa b-en in session at removable.
Santa Barbara for four days nas\ ad­
At the Cheyenne Agency the Iudians
Signor Arrigo, the It lian banker jns
journed yesterday. Madame Mo 'jrak* have been without meat rations for four ransomed from Sicilian binditti for the
de'ivered’an address to the association.
days, owing to the r«ttl> not b ringdriven round snm of »25.000 in go'd, stye that
The A O U. W. Grand L 'd .e o' Ore- in from the rang*. Twelve died of con­ hisciptors kept him in the hot'om of a
Ip n and Washington. which has he n in sumption and lung fever, and the physi­ dry well, where they furnished him reg-
•ewsion at A-b ri*, O r, Las adj aimed cian has many more serious cases on his u ariv with food. At th« end of a ce-txin
nnt i the third Wrdnerd v in Julv. 1891, hand*. Sickness p-evril* almost entire­ time, nnless ransom»!, he wax to b
ly among the semi-civilized.
when it will convene at Victoria, B C
Y . M. C. A. —Devotional services every Sun
day evening. You ng men earnestly requested
to attend.
The estimated increase of the popula
Mon of New Hampshire is 30,000
Chinese Granted Permission to
Remove Their Dead.
Henry Bm-ey. President of the Tmom*
and Seattle Air Line railroad, rays that
the cons-ruction of the line will hi gin as
soon as Congress passes the* bill giving
the company the right o'' way through
tha Indian n serration
He is in -eceipt
of a letter from Senator Drlph of Oregon,
in which the latter says that in hie opin­
ion the bill will pass without opposition.
A «eek the in.tsaee of the Brit­
ish Government, the Canalian Govern­
ment carried into • ffect an act, passed
last session, making i* punishable with
imprisonment for li'e for an off)' er or of­
ficial rf the Canadian Government to
fnrn ah any information regarding the
defense* of the country to a foreign
NO. 33.
TH f
There was no west, there was no east,
No star abroad for eye to see;
And Norman spurred his Jaded beast
Hard by the terrible gallows tree
M e rc h a n d is e
M a r k e t.
SUGARS—The market Is a U ltle weaker, and
prices hav ' fallen 14«. Quote: Golden C,49»o;
e x t'a C. 5'4 c ; dry granulated, ft15( ; unbecrushed
and powdered, 694c per pound.
BEANS—The market Is steady. Quote: Small
W h i t ' S , 93; Pink. 94: Bayos, 94 50; Butter, 9»;
Limas, 95.50 per cental.
DRIED FRUITS—The m arketlsstetdy. Quote
Plummer dried Pears, lOOHc; undried and fac­
tory Plums, b*y96c; Peaches, situ-dried, 1014c;
evaporateU Peaches l6l-'.'W\7e, Smyrna Figs 14fli
15c; California Figs, »c per pound.
CANNED GOODS—The market 1« steady, with
the follow in g quotations. Table Fruits, 2’ 3c;
Peaches, 92; Bartlett Pears, 91.90; Plums, 11.65;
Strawberries, 92.25; Cherries, 92; Blackberries,
91.35(91.95; Raspberries. 92.2 02.5(I. Pie Fruit;
Assorted,93.50 per dozen; Peaooea, 41.2501.30;
Plums 91.25; Blackberries, 91 65; Tcnapics, 91.10
(93.50; sugar Peas. 91.10(9160; String Beans, 91
RICE—Quote: 6(4c per pound.
HOPS—The market is steady, with nominal
prices. Quote: 10c per pound.
HIDES — The market continues the same.
Quote: Dry Hides, selocted prime, MO'.ic, '/ac less
for culls; green, selected, over 55 pounds, 4c;
under 55 pounds, 3c; Sheep Pells, short wool,
30050c; medium, B0O*t0c; loug, 90cQ«1.2t>: Shear­
lings, 10020c; Tallow , good to cholco, vip-Cy
WOOL—Market is unchanged Quote: East­
ern Oregon, 10(9160; Valley, 16(alHc per pound.
N AII.S— Base quotations; Irqn, 93.20; Steel,
93.30; Wire, 93.90 per keg.
M eat
man across the drawing room, and lol
he will arise and go, leaving the woman
he had been talking to all alone, and
perhaps she knows no one else in the
room. Another woman will cross the
room and enter into conversation with a
man who is enjoying a quiet talk with
another woman, whom she does not
know. But it is so easy to ignore the
other woman! A man will seek out an­
other man who has retin>d to a secluded
corner with a pretty gi3 f and, not know­
ing the girl, will tell Itis friend he wants
to introduce him to a certain lady. I f
you are a woman, your host or hostess
comes up aud carries off the man to
whom you are talking, in order to intro­
duce him to some one else, and you are
left standing alone, perhaps in the mid­
dle of the room. These are actual oc­
currences.—Philadelphia Press.
A Strange F ea th ered Cannibal.
A remarkable bird, about tho size of a
1 robin and much resembling a kingfisher
without the prominent tuft of feathers,
attracted considerable attention on a
street in Kennebec, Me., recently. Fly­
ing along to an English sparrow, with
one dart of his hooked beak ho killed the
little bird, and then, placing one foot
upon his victim’s breast, proceeded to
tear in pieces and devour him. A stags
driver picked up the feathered cannibal
and his prey and carried them into a
near by store, where, perched upon the
counter, lie devoured the sparrow with
apparent relish. The bird seemed to
have no fear of any one, and showed no
antipathy against anything but the
sparrows, several of which he killed dur­
ing the afternoon. His species was un­
known to any who saw him, but it is
thought he is one of the variety known
as butcher bird.—Maine Paper.
M a r k e t.
The market Is Arm. Quotations:
Beef—Live, 3|4(9394c; dressed, 7c.
Mlltton—Live, 3140314c; dressed, 7c.
Hogs—Live, 5c; dressed; 8c.
V eel—507c per ponud.
Spring Lambs—9'2 each.
F rau du len t Faw n Tickets.
A gang of swindlers whose specialty
in crime was the fraudulent imitation of
Mont de Piete pledges, or pawn tickets,
has just been discovered.
guarantees of this description have fre­
quently been falsified in Paris by a pro­
The market lz Arm. Quotations
Eastern cess known among those who live by
Hams. I2'4(913<4c; Breakfast Baron. 12',01314c; their wits as the lavage des faffes. But
Sides, 91, 0 9 '4n; Lard. '.l^OlO^c per pound.
the knights of industry who have been
captured went further than this and bod­
ily fabricated fictitious pledges, which
Fortunes In Rent Ratata.
they sold in large quantities to purchas­
Many men o f very moderate means, ers or marchands de reconnaissances du
some with no capital save a fair sal Mont de Piete. The swindlers had suc­
ary, have founded fortunes on real es ceeded in realizing aliout £1,000 between
tate speculations by beginning in a
them by their transactions when pounced
small way. There are always oppor
tunities for the investment of a few upon by tho police. At their headquar­
hundred dollars where the returns ters in the Faubourg St. Martin was found
bring a modest profit, with little if a complete manufactory of false tickets.
any danger o f loss, and it is by watch —Paris Cor. London Telegraph.
ing for opportunities to invest
D ickens’ Nam e.
that the wide awake poor man makes
Discoveries of what has been already
a start as a real estate speculator
Agents often reap the benefit o f such discovered are not infrequent. One of
deals, but as a rule they look first at the latest cases in point is that of Mr.
the commissions and are keen to sell Kitton, the high priest of English Dick­
and resell and let the purchaser reap ens worship. Mr. Kitton declares “ it is
what profit he can. I have known not generally known that thn name of
agents to sell property where a profit Charles was entered in the baptismal
was almost a certainty and advance register of St. Mary's (the parish church
the purchase money to their customer of Portsea) as Charles John Huffham
to consummate the deal.—SL Louis Dickens.” I f it is not generally known,
it is not the fault of the great novelist's
biographers. Dickens dropped the John
W hy.
Huffham early, despite the fact that it
It is a pity that some people are rot was the name of his father's old friend.
■o outek with their hands aa they an* —Boston Transcript
with their tongues. A farmer once
had a very lazy helper. One day In
P a r tic le « la th e Eye.
returned from market and found hi*
Every mother knows how often little
man sound ssleep under a tree.
ones get something in the eye. Take
“ W hat I” exclaimed the farmer
hold of the lashes of the upper lid with
“ asleep when you should be at work
You are an idle wretch, and not worthy the left hand, and pressing the dull point
of • pencil against the middle of the lid,
that the sun should shine upon you?'i
“ 1 know it; I know it," said the turn it upward; then remove the sub­
stance with a camel's hair brush or the
man. Bitting up and yawning,
eg. "and
corner of a soft handkerchief. Particles
that’s the reason I lay do*
ths shads!” —Youth's Cotni
of lime often cause great pain if they get
into the eye, as any one who has ever
I v a a t liiM Ms Daaa
whitewashed a ceiling can testify. Apply
“ Goodliver, 1 am told that Tom weak vinegar to neutralize the alkali and
w ife is a most excellent cook f" “ W ell
remove the particle as directed.—Herald
ye*, she is. I was paying her »3 u
of H ealth.__________________
week for it when I marrieo her." "1
see; so you married your cook to make
Some people wonder why the corporals
sure o f s good table!” “ Just so. but of police never find the patrolmen sitting
since our marriage we hire a womai. down on their beats. And then they
who doesn't know a steak front s wonder why tha corporals, In making
•quash, to give us both the dyspepsia their rounds, pound on the sidewalks
Say, what would become o f us all if it
with clubs loud enough for th# patrol-
was the custom for a man to abandon
his business and give up his profession
A* the last sitting of the Academy of
Medicine M Lx' orde of tl e Paris faculty
snnonneed h s discovery of s new antes
tbetic, which he calls crys'alliied nar-
cein A so'ntion of this subx'ance amds
the patient i'.to a sound sleep free from
vomiting or digestive derangems it and
without tip-ssqoent torpo*. So far ex­
periment« have bees tonfiotd to rabbits. wbao ha got m a rn s d r—-Bob Burdette
B o w • Vice r m i d e n t o f tho t*nlt«<1 Stitt*» :
W H E A T—There Is * Arm faellug In the local
m aikel.but trading lacks activity Th etbipi'lng
demand Is light, and m illers are on ly purcha«
“O Norman, haste across this waste.
mg sparingly, quotations range from >1.22', ( « l 25
For something seems to follow m e!"
for Valley aud 91.20 nominal for XV alia Walla Th.
"Cheer up, dear Maud, for, thanked be God,
We nigh hare passed the gallows treat"
w rather throughout Kuglaudroutliioeauufavor-
at'le. and foreign uarketa are atrong, with the He klsaed her Up, then spur and whip,
prospect of a still farther advance In value*.
And fast they fled across the lea;
K L O l'R —The market remalnathe same quote
But vain the heel and rowel steel.
For something leaped from the gallows eraat
standard, 93.75; outside hranda, per barrel
OATH—The market la Urn. Quote: 50t«52c per
"Give me your cloak, your knightly cloak.
That wrapped you oft beyond the aea;
V If.LHTPKFH—The market Is Brm
The wind is bold, my bones are old.
And I am cold on the gallows tree."
Bran, 9 l'«tl7 ; Shorts. 917(911*. «rou nd Barley.
; ch op read, 929: Middlings, 922.5(K#'25.00
"O holy God 1 O dearest Maud,
per ton.
Quick, quick, some prayer, the beat that bat
H A Y - T h e market la steady Quote 111X920 A bony hand my neck has spanned.
per ton.
And tears my knightly cloak from m et"
V E G E T A B L E »-T h e market Is firm. Oregon
"Give me your wine, the red, red wine.
and C alifornia Potatoes. California Tomatoes
That in the flask hangs by your knee;
and C alifornia Wax Beaus have fallen. Oregon Ten summers burst on me accurst.
Turnips have ad vaueed Quote: CaliforniitCab
And Pm athirst on the gallows tree."
bag*, 92.10 per cental: Oregon. 'IxuMOc perdoaeu.
"Oh, Maud, my Ufa! my loving wife!
C alifornia Cauliflower, 912b per dozen: Or.gon
Have you no power to set us free!
Greeu l'eaa, 5c per pound* y >uug Oulout aud My belt unclasps, a demon grasps
Lettuce, ljc per dozen buncoes; i k w California
And drags toy wine flask from my kneel"
Onlou*,2c per poHud; Oregi i String Beans, t 1, '
p. r pouud; California Cucumbers, 25e; Oregon, "Give me your bride, your bonny bride;
That left her nest with you toflee;
tOc per d o z -ii: C alifornia (ksrrotf, 91.99; Oiegon,
Oh, she hath flown to bo my own.
9 per sack: C alifornia Asparagus, 92.20 per
For I'm alone on the gallows tree."
box; Oregon, In bu k. 10c per pound. Oregon
closer, Maud, and trust In Godl
Green Beets, lbr per dozen; California Turnips,
Cling close! -Ah, heaven, she slips from tn *r‘ -
91.50; Oregon, 92 per sack C «llfo ru la Tomatoes.
A prayer, a groan, and he alone
91 50(91.75 per box; Callfonsla Wax Beaus, Be per
Rode on that night from the gallows tree.
pound; C alifornia Corn, 92 per box; new Call
—Fits James O'Brien.
orula Potatoes, 91.60(91.75; new Oregon, 91.5001
1.75 per cental.
B a ll R oom Maiinera.
F R U IT » —Fancy Sicily l.- mous have advanced
A society woman writes deprecatingly
91 per box. California IVaches and Plum i have
of the want of manners that so many
also ad vaueed. Pineapples have falleu. There
are some O.egou Apples and Peaches aud a few peoplo exhibit at balls and other social
Oregon Blackberries in the market. Oregon entertainments, and of the ruthlessness
Plums are expected to arrive daily. Quote: Cal- with which they will interrupt an inter­
ifornia Lemons, 94.2.0; l&ucy S icily, 9s per box; esting conversation. How are they to
C alifornia Apricola. 91 per box; California know that it is interesting? Well, if
Plums, S0r(99L50; C alifornia Pears, 91.25(92 per they have only a little discrimination
boa; Pineapples. .91.50(0.5 per dozen; Bananas, they will be able to see for themselves.
single bunches, 93.75; doui'lu, 9*> California a id “ Once upon a time," she says, Hit was
Oregon Apples, 91.75 per 5n pound box; C alifor­
understood that opportunities were to be
nia Peaches, 91 25(9140 per box; Oregon. 9125
waited for, and tete-a-tetes were not ab­
per box; Oregou Cherries, fs‘9tK'x' per box; Ore­
But such a
gon Currant-. 5c per pouud: Oregon Raspberries, ruptly broken in upon.”
red, 7c; Mack, 10c par pound; Oregon Blackber­ state of tilings—if it ever existed—exists
no longer. A woman will beckon to a
ries, 7(9Mc per pouud.
CHEESE—Quote' Oregon, lltA U 1* «; C alifor­
nia. ,J11(910e; Young America, 13(914« per pound
B (7 r r a K —The market is Ann. Quote: Ore­
gon fancy dairy, 25c; fancy creamery, 27*4c;
good to fair, AX«221 , c ; common, 15(a 17',c; choice
Cal foruta, 19(920« per pouud.
EGOS—The market is firm. Quote: 20c per
dozen for Oregon.
PO U L TR Y —The market is firm. Quote: Old
Chickens, 95; large spring, 93(91: small spring, 92
(92.50; old Ducks, 91.50(95: young, 95(95; old
Geese, 95; young, 91X99 per dozen; Turkeys, IHc
per pound.
S*rv«*<I < bm 94 P r iv a t e S o ld ie r .
F r ir e P a y a b le
In A d v a n c e .
Address. G r a p h ic . New berg. ‘
s t s i I -
-g n
■ e was a very oourteoua mss.
With marujer* perfect quite;
No ooe waa ever more uroaae;
Or could be more polite.
“ Did you ever know,” asked a gen
To hear him murmur, ‘Thanh you, Mr I"
tlem sa at the Union League club ban
Waa really quite a treat;
quet, “ that Hannibal Hamlin once
To aee him bow, with Inborn grace,
Waa happioeae complete.
served this government in a dual ca­
pacity, holding a position near the top
But th ou «* a mas be moat pohta.
Some time he'a aura to slip
o f the ladder ana another near the
From grace, and ooce a cruel fata
bottom at one and the same time?”
Made even tbia one trip,
The reporter admitted that he had
For ooe day a awaet girl said "Taa"
never heard of the incident
(How strange are Cupid'a prmnhs!)
“ W ell, he did,” said the club man.
And then ha luet her, once for all.
"W h ile he was vice president o f the
Because he murmured, Thanksl"
United States he served fpr a time as
—Somerville Journal.
a private in the volunteer array.
Queer idea, wasn't itf I ’ll tell you how
Gauged by Moisture.
it happened.
‘ T can tell you how larse an audi­
“ You see he wax an honorary member
o f a little company o f militia in Ban ence there i in the hous« t*uy evening
gor, Me., and when Lincoln issued his without lo King,” said the leader o f a
call for troops it promptly responded Broadwr.v toeatre orchestra the other
and wtne to Washington. There it day.
was ordered to the navy yard to do | “ How?" interrupted a reporter.
“ My violin bow iclls the taie
guard duty, and to the surprise of
every one Mr. Hamlin announced his When the house is full the moisture
intention to go with iL The officers, coming from the audience lessens the
rather rebelled at the idea o f having tension o f the hairs on the bow, and I
a vice president under them, but Mr am compelled to tighten them many
times during an evening. I f the air
Hamlin was determined.
“ ‘W h y not?’ he asked. 'I f I ’m a is dry, o f course, this is avoided. You
idea how
the sound
good enough man to be an honorary have
a violin
is affected by the
member o f the company I guess I ’m of
Damp atmosphere will
good enough to be a private.
“ And he shouldered a gun and went loos"u und flatten the strings, and the
with them. W ell, at the navy yard result is a screeching sound from the
there were, of course, more complica­ instrument. The body o f the instru­
tions. The officers decided that it ment is also affected by the atmos­
would not do to put the distinguished phere. Moisture gets into the wood
private on guard duty, but he objected and the violin gives fortli an unnatural
tone. The moisture thus lowers the
again, and pertinently inquired:
“ ‘W hat am I here tor— to look pitch, and it is exceedingly difficult to
keep the instrument rightly tuned on
pretty I’
“ And the result was that he marched a damp evening. The wind instru­
up and down as a sentinel in his reg ments are affected in an opposite wav
ular turn. Odd, wasn’t it? Imagine Dampness contracts the metal, and the
the vice president of the United States result is a higher pitch. It frequently
receiving orders from a sergeant o f a happens that there is a difference of
an entire note between the wind and
milita company.
“ Then when the company waa mus­ string instruments in playing a selec­
tered out he was offered tue regular t io n . —New York Star.
pay o f a private for the time he was at
The RuslneM of the L lvinf.
the navy yard, but he declined to ac
cept i t
Edmund Burke once said, referring
“ ’W hy?' he was asked. ‘Y ou served to tho American colonies then in re­
with the rest o f ua.’
volt against Euglaud, that he did not
“ ‘ W e ll,’ he said, ‘I don’t think it’s
right for a man to draw pay twice know how to indicta nation. It would
from the government, and, taking all be even more difficult to impeach a
things into consideration, I believe I ’d century. Each age has its own in­
rather draw the vice president’s sal dividuality. Some are bad, some are
good; but most are neither w holly bad,
ary.’ ” —Chicago Tribune.
nor wholly good, but like Moham­
med's coffin, hung between heaven
Toads end Snakes.
and earth. Even the Eighteenth cen­
Toads in the presence o f snakes usu tury, of which Carlyle said, “ it blew
ally remain perfectly still; in this if its own brains out in the French revo­
their only safety, for did they make lution,” did some noble things before
the least movement they would im it committed suicide. It gave birth to
mediately be caught I have known u this republic.
The truth is that the charge o f in­
hungry snake lie in waiting over an
hour for a frog to move, and even sanity cannot be brought against any
iush with the nose to stir him up age, as a whole. A writ de lunatico
inquirendo will not apply. A ll the
“ is has been called “ snake charm
ing,” and indeed it looks like it, but same, the children of an age have it
the toad is the charmer, the snake tilt laid upon them as a sacred duty to dis­
cover and kill out of it the character­
charm ee.
I I remember one day I dropped » istic evils. The Nineteenth century
toad in the midst o f a pit o f snakes 1 embodies infinite n obility; but it has
had in ni v hack yard. He at once lie its foibles, its self-indulgencies o f feel­
ings and conduct, and its gigantic in­
came perfectly still, though surround
ed by more than a dozen hungry iquities. It is the business of those
livin g to right these wrongs.
snakes. There wus a circle o f flerci
beads and glaring eyes around hint, Each generation should weed its own
but he would not move. The circle garden. Bequeath (lowers to the fu­
narrowed, until the protruding tongue* ture, not weeds.—SL Louis Republic.
almost touched him, yet he was im
Geroma on Modern Art.
movable. Just then I was called away
for over half an hour, but on return
The famous French artist, Gerome,
ing found the toad, in grave dignity, contributes the follow ing to an article
still holding the fort by most masterly on himself in The C entury: “ You ask
me about my method o f teaching. It
The senses o f seeing, hearing ami is very simple, but this simplicity ia
smelling are very defective in garters
the result o f long experience. The
they can seo but a few yards at most, question is to leaa young people into
ana even at short distances o f hut n a straightforward, true patn; to pro­
few inches they are often at fault.
vide them with a compass which will
A snake waa seen pursuing a frog in keep them from going astray; to
a saw m ill yard.
The sawdust and habituate them to love nature (the
open space were greatly in favor of true), and to regard it with an eve at
the snaxo and against the frog. Tin once intelligent, delicate arid firm,
fro g made long jumps and the snake being mindful also o f the plastic side.
mono a direct lino to the spot where he Some know how to copy a thing and
blighted, hut before reaching it the w ill reproduce it almost exactly;
frog had again jumped in another di others put into it poetry, charm,
rection, ana so the hunt went on for power and make o f it a work of a rt
about half a minute; tho snake quit« The first are workm en; the second are
unable to trace the frog in his aeriu) artists. An abyss separates the mason
»pogress, was directed only by the die from the architect
urbance made in alighting.
“ Today, in this epoch of moral and
A t last tho frog, more ny occidenl intellectual disorder, there seems to be
than design, alighted on the flat sur a sovereign contempt for those who
face o f a rough board, which stood seek to elevate themselves, to move
leaning against a pile of lumber at an the spectator, to have some imagina­
angle o f about 80 dogs., and snt per tion ; for those who ore not content to
fectly still, about ten inches from the remain fettered to the earth, dabbling
ground. The snake was quite puzzled. in the mud o f realism. It is today the
ne looked, listened, sniffed and poked fashion to which all the worl^l saeri
about for several minutes, passingclose (Ices, because it is only granted to a
to the end o f the hoard several times, but few to have a well balanced mind, and
the hunt was an utter failure, and lie because it is easier to paint three fried
slunk away toward the brushwood, a eggs than to execute the ceiling o f the
very mad and disgusted specimen.— Bistine chapel.
Forest and Stream.
“ But all this will pass like a shad­
ow y phantom and it need not make us
T h e Grand M ufti.
H e is nominated by the sultan, but
Causa o f B is SlaaplaasoaM.
he can only choose one o f the three
It now appears that Count Herbert
highest functionaries; these, again,
ore nominated by the sultan, but Bismarck was on the eve of being en­
under a similar restriction; and so gaged to an English lady who shares
progressively downward, the sultan al­ thefriendshipof the Princess of Wales,
ways nominating, but only from the < when his cruel papa forbade the
W hat
eligible persons determined and pre banns.
the girl I The
eented by tho hierarchical progression for
must be a species of
o f the body itself. It finally rests upon husband
the students in the different colleges Grand Turk and the Thirteenth
who are raised the first two steps fiy century savage, from all accounts.
collegiate degrees. The grand mufti, Bismarck himself, contrary to every
the cazaskiers o f Anatoly aud Kounr- domestic precedent, rules Mrs. Bis, ana
ely. the three cadis of the first cities, won't allow her to read as much as a
ana some other dignitaries from the newspaper in which the word progress
supreme council o f Ulema, or learned or woman's rights appears. No won­
men. The ordinary functions have der he is troubled with insomnia.—
reference to their own corporation, Boston Herald.
but in all extraordinary or doubtful
T h a M a rrlaeaa b la A f * .
occasions they ore consulted by the >
governm ent; they ore not invited to
A Hungarian statistician haa been
Join the divan, out the case is sub­ investigating the results derived from
mitted to them. Thus, for instance, marriage at different ages. He col­
before the measures against Mehemet lected data in 30,000 cases, and after
A ll were adopted they were appealed careful study announces that the chil­
to, and it was on their felva itself, re­ dren o f mothers under 20 and fathers
hearsed in the firman, that ha was de­ under 24 are liable to have weakly
clared an outlaw, or according to constitutions. The healthiest children
their expression, • "F irm a n li." The are those o f tethers from 25 to 40 and
case is not presented to them in the mothers from 20 to 30. The best mar­
form o f documents to examine, but as riages are thoee where the husband is
a solicitor prepares a rase for submis­ the wife's senior. A man from 30 to
sion to counsel. It ia said: “ M. or N. 40 should take a w ife from 20 to SO.
has done so and so. Is his act lawful The vitality o f the children of a
or unlawful; and if so, what is mother five years older than the fa­
the penalty r
This is the form in ther would be seriously im paired.-.
which cases with foreign powers are Ban Francisco Chronicle.
submitted.—Tha Notional Bevtew,