•* ‘ - • . -»B **’ i a f jk v iT r u c rTTur r iWKvmt Tho iii iny fri.-n ls of Juliui Hudson »vili These meeting» are not mltcv! merely at the bottom before it does above. It a box six feet deep were UUoJ with I*« sorrv to bear of bis dcfe.it in thè race the I'plSon of the lounfy §t!j**rintendonf* .1. M . W I I K i H T , M a n a ir o r . — 1 io r tlu otti •■» ot coonty cleik in Mor- hut art* cuule obligatory by law. There ecu water and the water allowed to evapo­ 1 v l..t Iti.- "l i , u t of tlic VV illsiiu-tlc i l e i tv tate *.’ i.. on M UN SI'tiEET, KEtvnKRO, OltKOON. rate in the sun, there would be two inches A k in *., f pr -;.c:l>- lùcidi*. nu.l M ■■ C AI.* lai«»;. Ili. Wg h»vw l|.Ui>*t »«ras o lili« FINKET D r a i and Fruii traci» tu thè country, al so Town Lola. ia no tlniiht that thero inctling« uie of PortlauJ tlu* row couiity. He liad contiderable Frad Oliver was up from company aa tic* »b o lo Kepnti'ican ticket (•rent l«*niiU to teiirheni. Heretofore the of salt left at t:;e bottom. Talking the av­ 5'*' ■ 1 \v ilo -. citici', , sale c( lite G.HHÌrich Milalti I s ' oii o( ttiv l>c*ktua doiiattou. first of the week. '■c.n. oa-y Po ilu-, *<*IU vx ' j C'H. atlktn ts of fiorai Papera. Nuotiate L itut, Wrlte li,umico Ac. ]i*sirc iti 1 citi and gel our prtcc. (•in* rul t l.aa boen i!:s\i the time erage depth ot tlu* ocean to l e three The Ramsey bri Ige is completed util w i'li prohably oneexception was defeated- ()0 i of tho *e**fcion \\ hh loo kiiurl to tnahie mile.-, their would bo a la>er of pure suit li you have anything ,*r sale, It t it teamsters arc happy. 1 in.-truetors to careful!} pivtent t!ie vauotis -.‘i’J feet thick on tlu* Atlantic. fore thè ;>o*t* are pianteti thè t’.iroat» of Mr. Wrage the tailor went to Salem bv known ll.iough the columns of &G to( i« s. Tcuclieiv have nskc.00 down to $31.35. Andereon, I m i ton; l ’iof. J. A. Buchanan | liosi.le thè dead body of ber mothrr, wlio | A M is e r . short time to put up two houses for J. F. Arthur George made tho lowest bid and N. Yam hill ; l ’rof. Geo. i l . Daws, N »end lor Plico list. HUES & H UNT, A rather remarkable miser named Du­ liad beni ki'led for witeheraft. Wlienev- j Searls. received the contract. Y am h ill; and Stipi. L. II. Baker. 1 er a woman is s u s iv te d of consorting : rand has just departed this life in tin* Successors to Uncle John E 1 wards house shines w ith Orville Hudson and a large hack load ' town of H'slez, Fran e. Hu was Sd years with t'.ie evii’iiue slie is la'ien to Ilio m *d- a fredi coat of paint applied by Norris of ladies from M iM innville and Frank | T l i c G lo r i o u s F o u r t h . J. E D W AR D S, old, ami according to the French estimate ¡cine man. lle r ics-t uro tltsi togelherl Tibido. Fronton and wiie fiom the same place The committee appointed to make ar­ and Ilio legature is then attaelied to ber j oi fortune lie was a triple millionaire, his The Presbyterians will have Sabbath visited J. L. Hoskins last Sunday and rangement« for celebrating the day of all “ little pile’’ being worth in cash and pa- hair, and ber feet and lieiul are tlms | school next Sunday at 10 o’clock. A ll are feasted cn cherries. Refidem s of the national holiday» in tho United State« i per ulauit $tD0,J, or 3,000,000 francs, drawn together imtil lier tongne and ove» | County scat at** loginning to learn where cordially invited. met at J. M. Wright's oiliee Tuesday ---T H E --- N j Durand used to go about the town liko a prot 1 1 *. Silo is tlien cast on mi island night to consider matter« of interest con­ The Presbyterian church was filled last to come to got g ool things to ett. mendicant— so *nia*li bo that tho jieople ami loft to slarve.” — Ex. Sunday to hear the sermon by Uov.W ¡1 - 1 The depot building is to lie moved a Hi* cerning the arrangements necessary to he often offered ».¡in alms, but wore grinned I tie west of where it now stand* and low- made. The question of tho location of lison the Pastor. at for their proffered generosity, lie was ¡s | ered to corres|iond with tic. height of tho the grounds was talked over and the com­ The new bridge northwest of town known to have had but one suit of tailor D O N ’ T C’ H F .W G U M . railroad track. A switch is also to tie put mittee on grounds was instructed to select completed. It is a great improvement made clothes din ing his long years of res- j j in to rtui around oil the north of the itejsit. A -ite in tlu* grove north-east of the pub­ O BEG O N. I ) i A l l S o rts o f Kvt I H E W I 3 E H G , over the old one. idenre in ltodez, hut on the days when lie ! i ’ Y o n ; W e are glad to see seme signs of life und lic reboot grounds near the railroad if sat­ T i l i n g s A r c S tiri* t o I ’o l l o w . went to draw hia dividends at the local Frank W oo l has (i:\idin 1 Ids contract improvement about the P. *k \V. \ . isfactory an aogcnienls could In* made fi r “ The young girl w ho uses chewing gum bank lie usually dunned a garment in­ on the Ramsey bridge and is now ready Tim railroad company has ordered ail the use of the ground. W o understand tended to t>e ceremonious, which seemed is foolish and, ¡ h i haps, ignorant.” to take another job. R O O F; ELEG ANT, AND N O T H IN G BUT land owners along the line from R ay’s since that the arrangement lias l»*cn to be a compromise between a blouse and Tin* speaker ivi- a well-known physi­ FROM F O U N D A TIO N TO R iley Smith, J. R. Mount and others Landing to Coburg, to set their fences maiki to use Ibis ground and tho commit' cian and ho was speaking of the habit I a sack. w tio went to the coast some days ago ar­ back to the full thirty feet. 130 men are tec will sec that it is put in proper sha|ic. j The miser lived alone in a big house, which was thought to have gone out of rived home Thursday This ground is centrally located and will to he put on the line in a few days to R A T E S FRO M <4 TO f3 PE R D A Y . O N L Y F IR S T C LASS H O T E L the door» of which were doubly locked, fushion, 1 .nt which seems to have become The children will meet at the Evangeli­ thoroughly over haul bridges and every­ make a very pleasant place when proper­ and occupied himself with mending Ids prevalent again. N E A R T H E DEPOT. cal church today at 4 o’clock p. tn. to thing and make reaJy for changing the ly cleaned up and put in order. The com­ “ I f tha girls who affect the habit only clothes and boots, cooking, washing Ids practice for Children’s Day. mittee on public «|«oakor informed tlic linen and counting up his m oney—this knew that it ruined the eves and injurioii.s- the line to standard gauge. The spiondi 1 rain we have had this 33 Roger St Helen has been busy for some meeting that they were corresponding last task being bis daily delight and pria- ( !y affected tho whole nervous system they week will do much for late crops and lim e improving the property on the Day- with some oi the big gnus of the state^ ci pal pastime. Durand lu s left Ili« I house louse ¡ ; would, porha[is, cenno to cling t o it , " grasses but ri;>e cherries will «'.iff r. ton road belonging to bis brother Henry A commitlc-' was ap|*ointed on anusc- and the bulk of his bullion toa female Ibli continue;! the speaker. “ The practice of Smith & ilcston have been engaged du­ St Helen wfto resides at Salem. Among ments composed of Lin Barker, Dr. Car­ j monger—a certain widow Noverami— who chewing gtpa is more general than most l> !:i (in anti M iem riN K H . ,A We curry n full line of POPITLAK PATENT ring tho week putting un the new other improvements made he has put ill* man, and W . B. ileacock. It was deci­ j someslimes visited him. To his own rei- l>eople suppuro, and is really injurious to ded to allow only four stands on tin* mid FAMILY MEDICINES and PI KK DKIÜB fence around the public school grounds. a nice picket fence around the property i atives, some of whom are iu poverty, the llioso who affoct it. ft*r Preseriptionv. ground and tlu* privilege« for «lands was miser has not left u penny.— Ex. “ You ;iak how is tliis? I wili teli vini. Mr. Levette has been up at McMinn­ which gives the place a neatuppenrance. ordered let to tho highest bidder». The The i* uscles of thè ja\v aro eonnected A few extra touches hero and llicie with > *r ville during the week where he lias tlie u>£ with thè “ pine, and freni thè pine deh- but very little expense will add much to Xewberg Brass Band lias been secured contract for putting up two new houses. g * for tbe day and the small hoy will he hap­ A M c r tlo n ì I,n J (». ente neries hruncli on* in all direction.«. tlieap[>caranco oi a home. — i® The fragi ance of a sweet scented hou py. There " i l l probably be a display lomiicv fr(,in Spellane Some of tlioso esterni lo thè uvea and are Some of our merchants already have A t nil S c qnet tills our office. Miss Lylian C. of tire works at nigh! if tHe pr«|*er amount o r Falla Is Medicai Lake, in tho city of I l-nown ns tho nptic nervvs. I; you « i l i Smith will lie remembered for the same. a display of fire works, flags Ace., in their of money is raised. Mi Idlehnu -h. W ilhin a very »bori lim e noti»* a poi son oating yon wlll ree a ;ul|.i- front windows, and the patriotic young Henry St Helen came dow n from Sa­ ÏJ > n — > % a consideratile sol demoni Ita» been estab- \ •‘dion of thè tempio», wtiicli is cause ! l*y American of ten summers, presses Ids « •- 2 *T3 lem on business Thursday and will step C r n js - W o a t lie r I S ilH e t ill N o . 1 4 , lisìied on thè hord . of Ibis lake. The ! «>»o «o ik in g of Ilio optili nervo». Tliosc nose hard against the glass as lie longs for over with his brother Roger for a few * á F o r w o o l: «- u t lin g S a t u r d a y J u n e a dime to make necessary purchases for town has wide sircv'ts, excellent shops and nervo« aie very ’sen»ilive. If ovcrworkcd Sir X " days. 14 th , 1 8 9 0 . R 5 * many neat dwellings. The alleged cura­ bv an incessant motion of Ilio jaws they celebrating in accordance with his patri­ m O* * * . ’D $ The contract has tieen lot for building Weather. becomo wonk and «lirunkcn and thè evo- •ri otism. Tho p>p, phizz, bang of the lire tive proi ertics of 1 1 .o' w ateiscf the lake 2 ta (h e bridge across the Valid dll river at * C The week has tieen cool and partly have tieen the incentive to this remarka­ «iglit is impaire 1 , for thè siiruikuge of thè cracker is music to his ears that thy older ■r. - 5 - 5 ~ Dayton, to the Pacific bridge company for in rves draws in eyo back into thè Socket cloudy, wirli light sprinkles of rain on ble growth. Tho lake covers an extent head don’t always appreciate. »7 S- H r. $13,173. and as a restili tlu* pupi! of tho eyo li«— L- c O 2= C If supply has anything to do with de­ Sunday, Monday and Saturday. The of over one thousand acres and ¡»enriched come« affected. Then Ilio eyo liecomes Mrs. Howard was so unfortunate as to rainfall was light and did not much more by low weeded hills. mand a hospital will lie the next necessi­ run a sewing machine needle through Tho waters are sai l to hold in solution v.vak, its color Jchanges, and eye-glasnes ty in Nowberg. Jack Noble is hobbling than to lay tho dust. Vego’ ation of all 1*It K8( lUFTlONHCA It E K l’ MsY COM FOUNDED her linger last Monday. Dr. J. 15 . Moore kinds would be lamented liy a goo I heavy salts of sodium, potassium, lithium, cal­ becomo necessari'. around on account of a Revere cut on one D A Y or NIGHT. Givo um a cuii. was ca lied to take it out. “ Tliis inay scout to he a serious wav of foot and Roll Cooper is fcrd!y nursin jn ruin, andes|ied illy would the wheat crop cium, magnesium, iron and aluminium, P. O, Drug 8tore. looking at a stilali mailer, but it is not. On Monday, June 3 )th., 1 will open a a sling what remains of one thumb. E l­ la* benefited. The weather has however, alse sulphur and borax. A groat variety C. F. MOOKK. Kindergartin in the Academy building. mer Dixon is just about laying aside bis not been injurious to crops, tbe cool, of patients have boon reported cure! by Ridiculiitg thè haliti of ehewing .ginn is |,-j. : naturai in i!s way, but ready tbe mailer Patronage respectfully solicited. crutches ami N. G. Kirk is still grunting •londv weather living inoro lieneticial i battling in tha lake, chief among th. M aggie I noi . is , Kindergartner. than clouvile*.a warm w-Mther would ho, | ¡ng ihemnatism an I certain diseases of is a serious one. I bave one patient who over a severe cut of a years standing. ha» lieen ohligcd to ime eye-glasses, uml A gentleman from Minnesota named Dot lying districts are yet to hear from but ruin ia w!«*t is nee led tor tlie growth j ;hc skin. One of tha properties of tho ! water is that it forms a lather wlionever hergener.d bealih ha* lieen ruined by Ilio T yle r has been in town during tho week. wuli in ligations favorable—for the .VI. I >'e. and maturing of grains, vegetables Ac. Mail and f.’ ijnr*». Crops. it is agitated violently or rubbed quickly predire.” —-V. H e is looking at Und in this vicinity with W e took a drive down to Mr. Saunders’ on tho hands or the siirtaee of the Isxly. Haying is generally in progress and the prospect of buying. farm opposite Chamnoeg Wednesday for It rained all day Tuesday in the good cherries, and came away with rather a light yields aio generally reported. The No (isli or ( llier living thing can he found T i n : p a p e r a g i :. old fashioned way and Lafe Kinney came feeling of sadness, not oil account of any continued dry weather proved to ho quite within these waters, and the lake itselfis Many people li ve in paper honres, rather repulsive and mild ly in uppeuranec. injurious to the hay crop in most section«. to town of course. A good rain w ill fetch loss we sustained while away but rather NEW BERG , OREGON. The full and early sown spring wheat Factories have lieen established for while others wear piqier clothing and re­ A. M. H O SK IN S SH O E SHOP, J.afe when all other efforts fail. on account of ail over dose of the tempting cline on paper cushions, in paper cars evaporating tho water ami, packing the are in good condition. They would bo F . E. Hobson and Miles Recce will fruit. It would be real convenient if a rolling on paper wlieelM. W e do a jiaier benefited by ruin, hut if no dry north salts that are obtained. probably do some surveying for Jesse Hob­ fellows calamity could lie enlarged during business over a paper counter, pii.-elmsing winds prevail, the crop will average very son next week out east of Portland 17 cherry time to suit tho abundance of the paper goods, fettling tlie bills with piqier well. The lato «own spring grain contin­ crop but nature lias ruled otherwise and miles on the O. It. & N. road. money, orceediting tliem in paper I looks, ues to he in a poor condition, and less wo must put up with a gallon or two nt a C h i l d l e s s P a r i s . Rev. Dillard Ilolinon a Christian minister and deal in paper stock on pa|ier margin«. than one-liatf the average, from spring Paris is childless. You see bonne« in W e row races iu piqier boats for p*i;»-i K R I S M I I, K will preach Saturday night and Sunday time. Mr. Saunders claims to have the M O sown grain is exported. Barley, rye and dainty caps and aprons trundling the prizes. W o go to paper ttieaters, where morning at 10 o,cock, and also Sunday larest cherry tree in United States. It moarnres t)J inches in circumference IS oat« are doing quite well. Corn ha« a night, at the Evangelical church. otl q*Ting of tho weallliy, but in Ilio iower j pa;ier-|mfred actors play to paper andien- i ini lit « above the ground and the top «low growth owing to tho cool weather. ta e to itìa ì seetions of thè city among thè Isairgeois, 1 t.^g( As thè ago progrc«seB tho ordinar)' J. T . Smith. Prof. Morrison, I.in Park­ i spreads out and covers a wide circle of ¡1 >;*; aretiqiorted as progressing nicely. little ones aro invisibili. The tradesmun i man wlll bo moro docply imiucrscd in er, Chas. Moore, Ted Tarrant and Roger Vineyards are healthy and excel­ • ground. who has bis shop on tho ground floor and tho paper net. H e will wake in the St. Helen and family were down at Mr. lent prospects are. shown by them. j Dr. W ill Clark, formerly of Carthago his sleeping room on the fourth or fifth sto­ morning and emerge from under liis pa- Saunders place Thursday after cherries. Eastern Oregon crop reports are more I 1ml., and a former schoolmate of ours in ry could not keep tiis children without lo­ patter clothing on h i» piqier couch, and i hopefnl than from the Willamette valley. W in. Hash of Dayton was in town plie days long gone by stopped over with n s ! sing the services of his wife, whom lie array hi nit elf in liis |iu|ier dressing gown Thursday looking for a carpenter to Fruit, however in the Willamette valley lust Sunday. He was v cry agreeably sur­ wants to help him in liis business. If he and paper «liiqiers. He will meander ov­ M- superintend the building of a bridge in is iu as fine a condition as could lie de­ prised to find so avtny Rush county peo­ kept, children his w ife would he obliged er velvety pa|>er carpets, down paper stain-, sired, and southern Oregon promises to bis road district, but he found all of our ple living in New berg and vicinity. How to live upstairs, so he sends out liis babies ami sealing himself on a paper chair, read -o eclipse former years by her fruit yield. carpenters busy. pleu«ant it is to meet an old schoolmate | to nurse ns soon as they are born, with piqsiriicwH iii a morning paper. A pu|ior The strawlierrv crop is becoming exhaust­ Contractors anil builders will take no- j occasionally, and talk over old times and the intention of letting them remain in bell will announce that his breakfast is -R lice of tho advertisement in another col­ learn of tho avhere-abouts and doings of ed and cherries are now plentiful in the the country until they aro 5 or (i years old ; R- ready, cooked in a paper oven, served on umn for bills, for building a school house those we knew in our youthful days. In­ market. and the ouvrler. who hue generally but paper dishes ami laid on a paper cloth on Rivers. in Dis. No. 32 in Washington county, >» | (*|.irk j* traveling fo r' llorlick it V o ., of one garret room up itduxon flight« of stairs, a paper table. He will use a paper nap­ -R R- The rivers continue to fall slowly and docs the same thing. Tho result of this the vicinity of Middleton. Racine, Wis., manufacturers of a prepared kin to wipe his lips, and having put on Mrs. Barton from New York who is food for infants, invalids and traveler« reports do not indicate that there i« much j is that more then 50 per cent, of tho cliil- his paper shoos, paper lmt. and pu|*-r coal traveling for her health is boarding with Ho lias tieen on the coast fr.r ron e time snow to tie melted. ¡ dren borne in Paris die in the baby farm­ I and pa;K*r cane, lie will proceed to proine- s t o r i B. S. P aoce , Jas, Vestal. She has a daughter and Ron spending most of the time in southern ers’ hands before reaching their second j nade on a paper pavement, or lido in a Observer, V . S. Signal Service. with her and also has a son who is an California. He intends making a visit to 1 vear. A ll that the A»fi»tnnce Publique i |,;ij,er carriage to liis |>aper office, whose N----- a n im iu j : n ic k l i : h r a t h a engineer on tlie narrow gauge road. liis old homo in Ind., during the summer. ! has tries! to d«) toward uht»< kiii;' fliinnlitck j furnilnre and iidoniinentHare made of pa« S n p e r s f i t i o n s ¡ i l i o n t D is e a s e s . SLO W D O LLA R . Mr. T yler lately from Amboy Minnesota ins waute o ( life bat b a i l < i liUto per, H ^ w ill o m a i i i i paper on terp riM A large croud was out to hear Rev. H i ; M f.B .ì£ iìD Local Events D A T A T E S N E E S H n rn S T T , e w l >ep<^ r T i l o T ^ a c t o r y A ll Sizes of Drain Tile Kept Constantly on Hand. ARLINGTON HOTEL Has just opened on Main otreet Everything New! 1 E 3 I E T B E S T ! ! Proprietor. John Atkinson, % s N p ig , v w y -à vp- ll F.H. Howard, Watch maker and Jeweler. REPAIRING riilE WATCHES & GLUCKS A SPECIALTY. . MORRIS. MILES & CO. •CASH :. I Esm ngs wore consideied a sure euro for Forty creches have tson institnto.1, but und lllliko ,,a|„.r |(rontB. He will g o to W . A. W it lison at the Presbyterian church ! they meet tho wants of only a small mini- I Kurope 0n paper sU-anisliipsand navigate last Sunday. Three parsons were receiv­ sore eyes. Fried mice were looked upon as a cure i l»*r of mothers. A system for registering tll)! ed into membership. Rev. W illisoa is the air air ¡„ in ,,u|K,r pa|icr l,a|l,xms. balloons. Hu will smoko (lie homes of peasantwo- paper tobacco in a paper pipe lighted with please 1 with ttie success lie is having in for smalhsiv, . . . j and inspecting - .Ague wa« frequently treated wiMi “ Pi- I ,rit.„ who tase children to nurse lias been a ]a w .r lnm»,.|,. He will write witli a If you have a visiting friend from a building up tho cli urch. ders and cobwe'is. Fright was also look- I attempted, but the Assistance get« little | ,M,r ,x.lll:¡|t Militile sticks with a |iaper distance leave the name and address at Mrs. F. A. Morris received an interes­ help from the parents o f the working j g niie, go fishing with a pspc*- fishing roil, our office and we will he glad to publish ting letter this week from .Mrs. Robinson ed upon as a cure for ague. W a 't«. it was averred, could lie cured ,.;aRWS ¡., contending against the rapacity 1 a pa(K;r and a pa|«r lim>k, and place the same. Any other items of interest to written at W infell Hall England. I by robbing bacon on them, the condition of baby farmers. 5 nurse, of whom ao | ;lU f c |, ¡ „ « p , , * , k - k r i. Ho will go the public we will thankfully receive, F IR E W O R K S ! F IR E W O R K S, of all jw n g .h a t'th e b a eon won! 1 luva to questions are asked, charges twenty-five ;, hooting with a |.ap«-r gnn. louiiod with The Jews arc much despised |ieop!e and kinds big and little. A fine assortment, \ sj0|u n __ r X- francs a moiilli for tho keep of a baby; pl, p -r cartridges, and defend liis country are accused of doing many questionable call and see at F. Muoie's. tliosi* find who are iv;,i ‘ ered and so «¡th pa|»>r forts, with paper cannons und things hut it is saiil that among tHe 70.'HO T i t « o r i g i n y f t h e w n t c r m c l n n . ' controlled that they can only receive one ,. |ier b ,nl,s. H aving lived his pa|»-r who live in New York, there is not a sin­ The other week in lVnnsvlvania a man The origin of ttie watermelon was long child <1 maud fifty francs or more. Those ]if0 ar.d achieved u paper f.uno and a pa- gle one of them that is a saloon keeper. w»s tip before a jnsiice court f.>r ts*.uing ■l question w ith tie.* botanists, hut it was find th-*ir customers amonff the bonrge* i*», ' • P) v.-cultli. be will retire to paper leisure Tho Oregon Pacific steamer the Three his wife and tho evidence of guilt had no indigenous to lmt the working classes cannot affird to nml expire in ps|*er |*eacc. There will is) Bisters th it was left sitting in the shadow of doubt about it. A t tho conclu- ¡ Iin;l’ *y ag reed that it i« a paper funeral at which the mourner», »ion of the trial tlic magistrato dt-: . ended a Livingston reporte*! ib i* I saw patronize them.— Ex. county ro i l la«t winter when the fan I I ____ dressed in )*u|»:r e ra )«, will wifar their d’mtr.cts covered with ilio vines, subsided has been successfully launched from hia throne and gave the fellow a : weening eyes wi'h paper liandkcrcliiefa, sonivi thrashing and then fined himself an 1 t!i .t both wild lienst» and "¡1*1 sata- and will again make trips ou the upper F U 1 G IIT F U L A T H O G IT IK S . and a paper preacher will |.rcu*'h a paper for doing so. He said that sending t|,e 1 <|es w-r*-fond of the in -’ ons. Tw o kinds Willamette. m rmo" rniou ln in « a paper f P’>>P'5 p'ilpit iron wretch to jail would only have rob!x*d tho w* r<’ plentiful, the Utter und tha sweet, S ttv n c «! I*r*i«*th-<*s r f tire* N a t iv e * » s‘ fre m ia a papor Mrs. Elihu Cam mack, Mrs. S. T . Cam- I it* antico of text. I f* will re-post* in a p:i;*cr coffin,! family of s ippor* an I have done tho lei- w take the Ot* A llleliil. muck, Mrs. H. L. Yotaw, of .Marshall­ making an opening to last (lie juice in i wrapped in a papi r >lirotifi, liis name will j low no good.— Ex. “ So far as’ tlie native* are concerned town, Iowa, and Mrs. F. M. Cain mack of order to ascertain if the melon ia a good f. ei,gruvnl on a |*a;s r plate, am! u |> h Alaska is » savage country,’ ’ said a man Wcodburn, were vi-iling the f.iinili-s of or l*j*l one.— E x. t'” ";; ! («-r hearse, adorned wilh pn|**r pilline» Oliver Morton Coffin, ns foreman in; win* lias lived in Alaska for years Moses and Jonathan Yotaw the first of v. i l carry him to a p»|« r-lined grave.o- tho N ew lierg, Oregon G m r;i;c ol!i*-e, : rc;»ortL*r yesterday. the week. ver Mhielt will bs: raised a pu|*er monu­ W o n d e r s o f tlic Sea. keeps the mechanical «ppesrance ot iliat i “ It was my fortune, on one occasion, l ’rof. anti Mrs. Morrison arrived home ment. liis pai».r ..rtucs will l*e extolled most excellent pa|*er. up to the etandar*!. . The roa cr Mpies three-fifths of the to « itne»« a “ licvll dance” of tlie native*. from their extended wedding trip tn in paper manner in the pa;» rsuf the day. \Yhen tl*e frenzy of the dancers was nt it» Cal. an d Indiana last Wednesday well Oilie learneil the printer» trade under o lr earth’s surface. —• The ink Fiend. instruction, and is making a nmnlier one highest pitch tho me1 feet wave* are not (**lt. The native» may Ite * ! i v i * !«< 1 into ranni-1 few dava ago for $ 10 , 01 »). Neveral other rapidly growing Pacific Northwest.— S ic The temperatati* is the same, varying bah or tinman fi* sii cater», dog caler» ami Hffnfffnx Her© I real estate sales have tieen made at Day- Jftnn /■' i / .y //*r, fi-.r, it * 5 ) tlm filn . nini O il am nur»in only a Irido troni Hie i*s* of tlie ;»ile to the flsh caler» Ion lately and the chances are that if the l«iff Dcro- Ail ready I•timing »un of the equator. T e n d i e r « In s titu t o . “ Many **f flieh ceremonies arc fright­ for Hprfrg thing continues the staid o'd timers of i r.itluir.Gr SX.’*. A t some places tlie force of the sea The Animal IYachi-rs Institute for V’ ' nfnliiK.81 ful tocotnfenip!» ’e. W h e n e v e r» ch id Is nnd 8n»n Dayton will get excited. ft iC gaining An exchange tells of a nun who fell Yam hill county for the vear D ip , m et at dashing ii|*on the rorks on tlie shore is elected lie musi l*o provided with a new in. r work, rnrrlag© stiri» « » .f* - and broke “ the femur boon ’ of bis hip” tlie McMinnville Public school building said to be seventeen tons to the sq laro house, and that house ho built in lite fol» Painting, eud Sign lowing *n inner : T ho supporters of the Paper----- ami of another who broke “ the spine of on tlie 17th. just, and will continue unti ! yard. Fttlntliig. Tie? water is colder at the bottom than .-hid gather no- * -».»ry material to ;ho »ite his hack.” If those fellows had lived in the 27th. A tpxd attendance of the t *a* h- All PKOMFIIsYand NEATLY lloilt’ to ,jv.r Lcjv. orlcr a* Po»t Oflln« ,Hit*ft* New berg they would lia v j ihmc lav n- c*»*d l’ ambii! are expected. i.- | «iij!ly at the surface. In ll.e n.uny bays on tito and dig four holet in wliii h tlu- corner S u»Hl> tlUáW •ijri I*:.* lb* *'•• ek !» ciun.i* * M* t.d. y 3 h*i. ■ ■oa.il of N A ■■ jk4 the « alvi uftaxi fr.vzot poo* *; i!,u boa v arc planted but I»-- ecD'ce un wi h an ax. has bought thirty-three acres of Mr. Madi­ son formerly owned by Bam Hess. He w ill send for his household effects immediately and locate on the land. U Wei! W e ll M- I.-----! tn Oftobrr of last y*nf Wc Rtarte«l "L O W r i l l ( KS nml C A N II D O W N " M»«l we Iwlteve nil <»iir nistomers have been fully nntlnfled up tolh c present time. We 4re tliH.ukfull for the more thnn lihernl pAtronn^e lientowed on iu nine© *hnt time ami fthnll eoutlniie t«> name I’ rl«'©* for btaple nu«l reliablegooilM that will D efy C»ni|»etll!on. ' ( j l l t ' U H ALK S A N D » M A L I* r K O r i T » . " MORRIS. MILES P< CO. 'C A S H 3 T 0 E E , O----- í T T r n i i"