I H IS M O T H E R 'S PlEa P t « to lle d and tried and worried, I 'v e gon e the oook-books through. T i l l m y brain Is tired and flurried. And m y hands and patience, too. I ’ ve had the best instruction F rom the a blest cooks in town. A nd m y pies are cri*p and da in ty A nd d elic a te ly brown. But apple, m ince o r pumpk n. O f any form o r shade, ▲re nothing to m y husband L ik e the pies his m o th er made. Bo I 'll g iv e the stru ggle over, And thro * m y pride away, But as sirro as I'm a m other I ’ ll be aven ged som e day. M y bonnle lads are grow in g, A nd th e y’ll not be afra id T o t e ll th e ir fu tu re spouses W h a t pies th e ir m oth er made. —C ie ily Corw in, In G ood H ousekeeping. D A I S Y ’S F A R M . The S te rile L a u d T h a t P r o v e d a a V a lu a b le L e g a c y . Daisy was engaged, and her betrothed was receiving the merry congratula­ tions of the family, consisting of her uncle, her aunt, and nearly a ro dozen of cousins. Wharton Hill, a young lawyer, slowly winning name and fame in his profes­ sion, was being vigorously hand-shaken and noisily welcomed by the Truemans, when Ned cried: “ Perhaps you didn’ t know Daisy was an heiress, Wharton.” “ Ned—don’t!” said Daisy, reproach­ fully. “ A landed proprietress,” cried Tom. “ I do not refer to the paltry six hundred a year she draws from her father's •state, but to her own property.” “ Her farm, in fact!” said Sue. “ Yes, her farm,” echoed Nod, coming to the front once more. “ When you are tired of law you can start gentleman farming upon your country-seat.” A fter they were all gone, having jest­ ed a long time on this subject, Wharton was surprised to see tears in Daisy’s soft, brown eyes. “ What is it, darling?” he asked. “ T hey don't mean to hurt my feel­ ings,” Daisy said, gently, “ but they w ill lest about my farm, and—and— I don’t lik e It.” “ But do you really own a farm?” “ I t is not a valuable possession, as you w ill see when I toll you about it. When I was a baby, soon after mamma died, I was very ill, and the doctors advised my father to send me to the country for ehango of air. There was an old servant of father's family, who had married a farmer and was le ft a widow with a small farm. Such a farm, Wharton! The house has only three rooms, and looks as if a high wind would utterly demolish It; tho land is so poor that it was slow starvation to cultivate it. But it was all the home Margaret had. You may judge that she was very glad to receivo the liberal price father paid for me, and ray own mother could not have given ino more lovin g care. Every year father same to tuke me away, and every year was persuaded to leave me, until I was eight years old, and a m arvel o f rugged health and perfect ignorance.® Then I was put in boarding-school, but I still spent my summer vacations with old Margaret, and my trunk was always half filled with comforts for her. Having no one In tho world who claimed kindred with her, no one else but me to love, Margaret loved me with her whole heart. Six years ago, after father died, and I came here to live with Uncle Tom, Margaret died and loft me her farm, it has been a joke In the fam ily ever since. The place is so utterly valueless that we can neither sell It nor rent it, and it represents only the love of an old woman for her nursling.” “ Some time wo w ill visit it. You have not told me its locality.” “ It is in Pennsylvania, nine miles from anywhere, father used to say, be­ cause it is nine miles olT tho railroad. But you can always hire a wagon or car­ riage at G-----to go over to Corn’s M ill; and ray farm is very near Corn's M ill.” A fter this explanation, Wharton bore tho jesting about Daisy’s real estate with perfect good nature, and declared his intention of erecting a palatial country seat upon the place, when be became a m illionaire and Judge of the Supreme Court. Being people of modest desires, and having an income of about six hundred dollars apiece, Wharton and Daisy saw no reason to delay their wedding, and were married with a large assemblage of true friends around them. They went to housekeeping in a little house, modestly furnished, and were fair speci­ mens of “ love in u cottage.” But Wharton H ill was ambitious. Having studied his profession under great difficulties often going hungry to buy needful books, often losing his night's rest to pore over knotty points, he was both fond and proud of his life work, and strove to win a good position therein. His love for Daisy, true, honest love, was never allowed to interfere with his pursuit of fame in his pro­ fession, ami after he was married ho at­ tacked his studies with fresh ardor, •pending his time in his office, w hen not actually engaged in the court-room. L ittle Daisy, whose life was affection, found time often hanging heavily upon her hands, as Wharton became mere and more popular and tho number of bis clients increased. But she was al­ ways ready with loving welcome w hen he did come to his home, and she knew that much of his ambition anti ardor was for her sake. Tho third year of her married life was nearly over, and her only child Tom Trueman H ill, was eighteen months old, when Wharton, ever busy and full of energy, began to complain of rack­ ing pain In his head, and loss of mem­ ory. Often in the midst of an argument the thread of his speech slipped from his mind, and cost a great mental strug­ gle to he resumed. He fought the symptoms bravely, but Daisy was full of terror at the change in him. He grew haggard and restless, oppressed with vague fears of loss of reason, and really suffering gn at physi­ cal pain. A t last, much against his will, he a l­ lowed Daisy to call in the fam ily physi­ cian, whose advice was simple, but strongly urged, consisting of two words only. “ Perfect rest.” “ The brain Is overworked,” he ex plained, “ ami no medicine w ill avail while he persists in study and practice. Get him away, if you can. H ’m this is May, a good time for a country trip. Take him to the country, Mrs Ifill.” Wharton rebelled. It was ruin to leave his office, where cases of import­ ance were in his bands, lie must work, or they might all starve He would de­ cline some of the practice offered him. would take little trips during the sum­ mer: would, in short, temporize. And then Daisy—little, brown-eyed Daisy—whose voice was as soft as a flute who was scarcely larger than a A N D S T IL L T H E Y CO M E. P A IN IN H i t STOMACH N IN E YEARS , AN E L E G A N T P A C K A G E OF F IN E F O R E IG N G O S S IP . ! well-grown child of twelve, “ put her CARDS. foot dow n.” Such a mite of a foot! It A n d H o w H e W a s C u red b y th e N e w M od e S a n F r a n c i s c o , J a n u a r y 29, 1890. —T h * consumption of American can­ ) was absurd to imagine it had any weight o f T r e a tm e n t by E le c tr !c ltr --O th e r ned fruit is continually on theincrea.se 1 Sierra Chemical Co. CURES P E R M A N E N T L Y I n c lu d in g 15 rare novelties, shape« and in tho world'* machinery; but it was W o n d e r fu l C u r e ». artistic imported ole<>graphic and chro- among the middle classes of England. G e n t l e m e n : 1 have been a sufferer down, and Daisy kop« it there. Tom S P R A IN S a n d S T R A I N S . Editor Oregonian: For nine yearn I 1 matic card«. This large and beautiful col­ —The Archbishop of Paris denoun«**» from kidney complaiuU for several years, A t h l e t e s P r a is e i t H i g h l y . was a lawyer, and Tom could take have been seriously afflicted with a pain lection sent by mail to any one who w|J) • v. Minna BL,8*n Frsm isco,t «1., May 3,1887. Wharton's cav a for the summer months. cremation, and orders his clergy to d|> and have used all kinds of medicine with- in my stomach. Nothing 1 ever tried for 1 do this: Buy a box of »he genuine Dr. C. Some t'ra e p ^ o , w h ile a m em ber of the ^ There was her farm—a poor place to be so. He sayr it is a triumph of m aterial­ \ out any appareut results or relief until my it did me any good. Dr. Darrin cured me McLane’s Celebrated Liver Fill« from any Olym pic A th letic Club, I sprained m y kn ee^#^ friend advised me and told me of the won­ with home treatment iu five weeks by hin druggist, price 25 cents, and mail us the severely and suffered agony, but was speedily sure, but at least a house, and with some ism over spiritualism. sa d com pletely cured by st Jacobs Oil. A —An Australian town has given ita derful cures The Great Sierra Kidney und new mode of treatment by electricity and outside wrapper with your address, plain furniture in it. and surrounded by beau- JO H N G A R B C T T . w medicines. I can be t-een at Mo lalla, lv written, and 4 cents in stamps. The tifulscenery, possessing the purest of air streets chemical names, such as Argent» Liver Cure was accomplishing. 1 was in­ Clackamas county, Oregon. genuine Me Lane's Fill* are prepared only J u m p e d f r o m E n g in e . by Fleming Bros., Fittsburgh, Pa., ana H o m e r T r u l l in g e r . and water. With six hundred a year Beryl, Cobalt, Kaolin, Iodide, Oxide» duced to buy one bottle but without much 6"9 8. 17th sit., Omaha, Neb., i?ept 22,1888. have been iu constant use for over sixty I lum ped from an en gin e in collision, and they would not starve, and there was a Bromide and Sulphide. faith, and to iny surprise after using that « r a in e d m y ankle very badly. 1 used canca years. They are superior to al! others in —Some beer was recently discovered nest-egg in bank in case of emergency. M r. W illia m R o h r ’ » W o n d e r fu l C u re. . bottle I noticed such a great Improvement l urity and effectiveness. A certain cure for weeks. 8 t Jacob» O il com pletely cured ______________ ti. ROEDER. Wharton pshawed! Wharton fumed. walled up in the cellars of a brewery at \ that I k**pt on until 1 have now med three Mr. Editor: This is to certify that Dr. for indigestion and sick headache. A d ­ me. Darrin ha« cured me of chrouic na*al an i a t D u r u m ts * \ n D k a i . f r s . which had been \ bottles and can safely say that I am en­ dress, Fleming Bros., Pittsburgh, Fa. A ll in TllB. R itv R little D iilV Burton-on-Trent, throat catarrh by electricity and medical TH E CHARLES A. V0CELEP CO.. Baltimore. M l packed trunks, arranged her household, bro’ ed in the year 1798. It was found, tirely cured and never felt l»et*er In my treatment. 1 reside at the New York engaged her one half-grown g irl to ac­ to l>e in good condition. life. I wish to recommend this remedy to hotel. Front and B streets, Portland. company the party as child’s nurse, and —It is reported that the Czar o f > all sufferers from kidney and liver disor W il l ia m H o u r . enlisted the entire Trueman fam ily on Russia has added to his imperial cares ders, for it will positively do the work. When I say cure I do not mean merely to atop them her side. A f f l i c t e d W i t h C a t a r r h S ix Y e a r s . again. ----------- I mean - a and anxieties those of becoming an im ­ for a tune and then have them return-«,---- Very truly yours, L. H. C o h n , radical cure. 1 have made tho disease i of FITS, EPU r And Wharton, finding those queer mense cotton planter, and that be an­ Editor Oregonian: I wish to testify in EPSY or F A L L IN G SICKNESS a life-long stpdj. »¿tidy. » Atlantic and Pacific Pub. Co., Hoorn 52, liehalf of Dr*. Darrin and tell of the won­ w arrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Becr.i feelings in his bead Increasing, the nually raises a huge crop of cotton from others have failed is no reason for not B| St. Anne’s building, San Francisco, derful cure they performed on me for dizzy spells becoming more frequent, liis vast estates at Mughab. cure. Bend at onoe lor a treatise ant catarrh of six year*’ standing. I am of mr infallible remedy. Give Express and Post finally submitted to fate, in tho person —The Czar lias a new train of cars to II. 6 . U U O T , ffi, c . , 183 Feurl si. New tr*ce’ •ord, and in tho most good-humored i p ep tic w ho stands in dread o f the best cooked free of charge from 10 to 11 daily. A ll and they must make the best of it!” ! manner to their styes or stables; but meal. Btom achic trou ble caused by ill-prepared private diseases confidentially treated and 1 H E APHRO MEDICINE COSPARY, Jennie, tho nurse, proved a treasure, ’ vian ds aboard ship, on steamboats, a n d rations cures guaranteed. Patients at a distance now and then they w ill chase a man, i h astily bolted af ra ilw a y restaurants, is soon can be cured by home treatment. Medi­ Western Branch, Bo* 27, fU K IL A M D , OR* and the women were soon busy “ putting Sold by W isdo m D ru g Co.. Portla n d , O r ___ :uui, if they can overtake him, w ill rem edied by the Bitters, w h ich g iv e s a quietus cines and letters sent without the doct;rs’ to rights,” while Wharton took Tom on j also to rh eu m atism , k id n e y troubles and in ­ name appearing. knock him down and eat him. Q T P IH iW A Y K K A M i'H . PRAN K som nia. an exploring expedition over tho estate. a i Q i r a W H I . A M K A C M . « a b le r . R o e- —A remarkable three-story reservoir There was a queer glance in his eyes Its superior excellence proven iu millions of homes for rish Pian os; B u rd e tt Organs. Band In stru m ents, SORE SH OU LDER CLUED. 1 T h e top and bottom o f a n y th in g are co n s id ­ Mas just been built upon Montmartre, more than a quarter of a century, it is used by the la r g e s t stock o f S heet M u sic and Books. Bands as he came back in time for dinner, but ered ex trem es, but there is n ’ t mu< h differen ce United States Government. Endorsed by the heads of supplied a t Eastern P ric e s . M A T T H IA S ! ho highest point in Paris. The capacity , betw een them in a straw berry box. Charles A. Stiles, 180 Carroll st., Buffalo, the Great Universities as the Strongest. Purest and G R A Y GO.. 206 Post S treet San Francisco. ho only said: most Healthful Dr. Price’s Oream Baking Powder doe^ N. Y ., writes: “ I can’t quite trust my own head yet is 11,000 square meters and the area not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Hold only in cans NO DELAY. Circular For catarrhal and throat disorders B A K IN G POW DER OO tn e . W. f. BOULTIi, Daisy, but—is there a post-olllce at ¿,300 square meters. It is proposed to “ I have been a clerk in the Continental N B W Y O R PRICE “Brown's Bronchial Troches’* are re­ K C H IC A G O . HAN F R A N C IS C O . W a s h i n g t o n . D . 0 . t supply tho whole city with water from Corn's M ill?” nowned and marvelously effective, giving Hotel, corner Exchange and Michigan “ Yes, the mail goes out twice a week.' 1 this high level. immediate relief. 9 reets, for some years, and first used “ Give me a sheet of paper and an en­ i —T h e London Institute of Actuaries A l l c o c k ’ s P o r o u s P l a s t e r s three years proposes to dispense with the services A n “ o rig in a l p a ck a ge’ ’ n ow in Kansas w ill ago for a «or* shoulder. I fed down stair* velope, that’s a dear.” m ean am th in g from a barrel o f w h is k y to a >f medical men in exam ining for insur- and gst a terrible wrench and bruise. For “ Now, Wharton, that is not resting.*' h a lf p in t flask. several we^ks I suffered acute pain in the moe in cases where the applicant pre­ only write » lozein lines, dear” There are people using D .bbins’ Electric shoulder joint, and getting no relief, or Tne dozen lines being written and fers to make a statement before a re- on y temporary, from numerous liniments, posted, Wharton seemed to find an un­ ponsible officer. T h is change is based Soap to-day who commenced it« use in I put on an A l l c o c k ’ s P o r o u s P l a s t e r ; 18(15. Would this be the case were it not upon tho idea that thousands of people failing source o f amusement roving th* purest and most economical soap kept it on for two or three weeks and my about th«* farm, poking holes in the in good health w ill not insure because made? Ask your urocer for it. Look out shoulder was well. They also cured me in six w’eeks of a most obstinate form of dys­ they have to pass through the doctor’s ground with a short cano, often kneeling for imitations. Dobbins’. pepsia.” down to examine the earth, so turned surveillance. ve ry man has a fo o l streak; it is o n ly a —Tho German Rmpross is forming a m E atter I f afflicted w ith Sore Eyes, use Dr. Isaac over. Daisy hinted at planting some of g iv in g h im o p p o rtu n ity to show it. T h om p so n ’s E ye W ater. Druggists sell It. 25c. vegetables, though sho said, despond­ “ League for the Preservation of Good T h e U n ited States G o vern m en t m akes regular B ew are o f Im itatio n s o f the celebrated Seal o f Habits” among lh-ussian ladies. The en tly : N orth C a rolin a P lu g Cu t Tobacco. purchases o f “ T a n s ill’s Bunch ” fo r the army. “ I don’t suppose they w ill grow if we uembers bind themselves to discourage P l u n d e r ’ « O r e g o n I l l o o d P u r i f i e r is luxury in every form, both for them­ do.” N e w Y o rk G irl— H a ve you ra p id transit in the best rem edy fo r that d ead disease, dyspep­ “ N ever mind beans and peas now, selves and their friends; to wear fewer, Philadelphia? PhiladelphiaGlr£-|Ion©Ht! No! sia, for it regulates the lym p h a tic system and bad secretions. love. W alt till we have an answer to more simple and cheaper dresses, and T r y OiCRMKA fo r breakfast. to practice rigid economy in their my letter.” T H E W ID E S P R E A D FAM E OF TH E A week later, when Juno was young, households. IIIH T O O E N E T IC M E D IC IN E S . —A new French law' bestows certain tho answer came in the person of two e a u t y men, one white-haired and absent- advantages on fathers of more than 7 M odesto , Cal., March 30, 1890. minded, the other young and emphati­ diildron. T h e resulting inquiry shows cally busine -like. Wharton gave i hat there are 2,000,000 households in Dr. J. Eugene Jordan, Seattle Wash. them cordial welcome, and after par­ France in which there has been no STORED D e a r S i r : You r letter with prescrip- taking of a substantial luncheon, the hild; 2,500,000, with 1; 2,800,000, with 2 | tion came some day« ago. The medicines -.V; b y # •hiUlren; 1,500,000. with 3; about 1,000,- three started out upon the farm. i Miss Hall was taking were A.,1., M., OO., C U t i c U f ^ L ittle Daisy, Intensely happy in tho ooo, with 4; 550,000, with ft; 280,000 with L She lias been taking your prescription, knowledge that Wharton had not had i; and 200,000 with 7 or more. f^ / v \ ç d iç s . and is taking it «till, although she says —Modern inventions have a hard time one diz/.y turn since their arrival on the she considers herself thoroughly cured. o t h i n g i s k n o w n t o s c ie n c e a t a l l of it n Constantinople. A German farm, that he had the appetite of a com parab le to the C u t ic ü r a R e m e d í *.* L i plow-boy, and was cheerful and full of photographer undertook to catch a She commenced taking the medicine when th e ir m a tvelo n s p roperties o f c cau sin g, p u rify ­ animation, was busy baking a batch of picture of tilt; Sultan as he rodo to the | she was first taken sick, rod was immedi­ in g and b e a u tify in g the skin and in cu rin g tor­ tu rin g, d isfigu rin g, itch in g , scaly and p im p ly pies, when the three gentlemen re­ mosque, but the royal guard rushed ately benefited. She was persuaded by her ! diseases o f the su m , sea p and blood , w ith loss i turned to the hou 'H. She could see upon him and smashed his instruments. folks to go back to her old physician. She ! o f I»air. C u t ic u r a , the great skin cure, and C T t k t k a grew wor e under his treatment, and them from tho kitchen window as they I’he reason for tbo violence is an inter­ S o a p , an ex q u is ite skin h ea u 'ifler, prepared from caine over the neglected path, and saw dict of the Koran which forbids all finally took her case in her ow n hands and , i it. extern a ly.im d C u t ic u r a RicsoLVKNT,tb< n ew that Wharton's eyes wore full of exul­ pictures of the human form. Th e pho­ • bought the five bottles of lilstogenetlc h ood pu rifier, in te rn a lly , cure e v e ry form o f 8« in aud bloo l disease from p im p les to scrofula. tation, his face flushed* his carriage tographer, after a month’s imprison­ medicines referred U\and pronounces her­ Sold eve ryw h ere . Price, C u t i c u r a , 60 c ; K k erect. He looked like som eone newly ment, was saved by the intervention of self well. Bhe is the happiest person 1 s o l v e n t , |1; B o a t , 25 c . Prepared by the P o t t e r D r u g a n d C h e m ic a l <’ o r p o k a t io n ,B o sio u , Mass. laden with good tidings, and all throe his Ambassador. think I ever saw. I wouldn’t attempt to Send fo r “ H o w to Cure skin Pis* ases ” were talking eagerly and earnestly. tell you the many ways in which this S ir P im p les, blackh eads, cb ip p r d and o ily S I P O P U L A R E X P R E S S IO N S . tfiT sk in preven ted by CUTICUSA SOAP. • n Daisy wondered a little, and scorched young lady wan afflicted—eight years an Dull a h s,paiu*an fool, and he m ale satis- to Mr. Stephens, and the latter had his w ith yo u r address and ask for co p y o f S for the sale of the “ os- chub who led out in the aisle and said factory t« F it G u a r a n t e e d . tate.” and iVusy returne d home m in that shrill, piping voice, which al­ Send 4 cents in stam ps fo r sam ples and rules for ways commanded silenco: “ Mr. Speak­ w ralthy n Sit. self-m easurem ent. Y o n can save bty m on ey by d e a lin g w ith me. S atisfactio n guaranteed. er, the gentleman s arguments are A Kuropi• •an trip restored tho health It w ill be ready M ay 1. and sam ple co pies are offered free to all w h o ask for it. W e k n ow yon of the youmg lawyr*r, and ho resumed gratuitous assertion made up of whole w ill be in terested in it. Quotes m a n y thousand cloth. And cloth, sic, so gausy and thin practice a yea r aft*‘ ‘.'wards, isith every a rticles at low est p rice to consum ers, and gives tb.it it w ill not hold water. It is entire­ T o ca re Biliousness Sick Headache Constipation. in form a tion how to order, how to buy, h ow to hopo of onIO l1lay realizing his vision of Malaria L iv e r Complaints take the saie C o r . 2 d a n d M o r r i s o n H t»., P o r t l a n d . O r . shin, how to liv e w ell am i ch ea ply in a n y part ly tm» thin, sir."— American Notes and fame, whil « 1itile Daisy, still rather and certain remetí y . SVI I T U ’S o f tne w orld. Address S m i t h * « ( a o h s t o r e , Queries. fPl*»*™» m en tion t h l» narw'r.l dart'd at he ew foirtune, en to red upon 41S F r o n t S t., S u n F r a n r l a c o , C a l. * • * liuerU Iltwt Prolific Itlrtt. domestic d Util ** in a i n a i iHouse, with horses. plate, and servant», cart- The partri l of the Southern States. r s o t h e 9 M A L I . 9 l7 E .4 0 little beans to thè bot­ Jewels. or quatl. a* t to \ are cal led in the North, i le ' T h er are thè niost convenient sull all agea. “ It is lik o a fairy tale, Wh arton,” sho is the onl\ •*'|ieries of game whose num- P rie e o i eo lic i «die. •J’» cent- per t><>ttle said, “ to t hin i hat mise rable place her* h i v e no ’ l»een lessened by the in- being *o vn Poor Margaret little troduction « f the breech-loader. It is Ceuta »coppers or stamp*) .i y s m i t h .% r o realized tin rtune she was bestowing wonderful. • eti marvelous, how the bird Maher» o f Rilo Bean.- St Louis M a upon me w hen she heft me all she owned holds it* a * hil© o ’^ e r varieties of game hav. 1e. n either utterly extern !- The Trut n oouitins, shar ing in all nated or 1 a ve iteromo *odiminished as < 7 5 — — 4 S O U T H o«a bo tu*d.« I U 9 L J U — working f r a*, porooo- generou* Dali ifts and entertain- to e X«•! u b • th m i from th«* game list. profsrred who can furniah a horso and *.v* their whole time to th* basinoM Sp»re m om m i* mar N* profitably ment*, no rurer jest deri*lively, but W » * iId pigeons that used to omrlo»ed »!«•> A few «sca n n .« m t wn* and cities •P«'!tk in tli e spec tf ul terms of swarm in th • mi annual flights all over R I . JOHNSON à CO.. Main St R hm »-d. V * that precious Icgacy Daisy's farm. — An- North \ . oa .‘ 1 ha? not seen one for N ew S ection a l M a p s or na S ut«, i n \; y i .odger. fifteen \ ea: Where are th»' swan and mallard. Un­ i«»bin. the wild turkey that T H E S M O K TJR %«w e r e Rebuke. I f y o u w a n t a fir? t-c la M mat-hint*, filled the *n »’■• '• highland, and lowland R ev ised to O ctober. 1999 Ella— M a. 1ou*i n Hob k it »»•d me this alike; the •. W ill KaVe r\o o th e r J o b a c c o «»r reed bird and other d o not purrhaw> u n til you h a v e morning. 1A C e n t s I n c h . T o g e t h e r , f t l . t f A . VSrietie . e< • *»o plentiful, but nos sel- lo o k ed up th e record o f the " A d v a s c ic .” na it ia th e o n ly m a c h in e in th e W h o or\ce trie s Mother Hr• did? I hope, ou rebuked dotil seen in t M ailed any w here A d d reo» 'i»ort man’s game bag? m a rk et th at w ill g iv e ah aolu fe aatiflfaction. Send fo r d e a e rip tiv e oata- - S t y U i OF J IO R T f! C A P O L I N I him. Lila. J. K G IL L A f* 0 .. Publishers. N ellie ti.. wil-ln» *«. wariness, or locn^ to ‘ Klia 1 « MT» th in « I «aid: ounnin. *.u • •! them P o rtla n d , Oregon Now, the par- Fivig Gvit. • Bob. you to do that tridge fi*iw '•»it little craft; he haunts J h is is th e s e c r e t of its when pa ms are aroun l. er \ou ll Open field* a h i h.»-* *b olutely no protec •o’tCur* for iVev ton ta 1 UK I t> T F o o t o f M o r r is o n S t r e e t , P o r t la n d , O r e g o n , hear some P •**—'T ex as Siftings. tion NS». I _____ Im m e n s e s a le . eei in die voice flashing fligh t The A oeuta. Also dealer in General Machinery and Supplie« Week - • N. r. N. V. N*. W A F. N. c . So «I - ^ J A C O B S O f f I GURE F I T S ! 'f U L L V iE ia H r PURE p?P R IC C fe CREAM Faber’s Golden Female Pills.. PATENTS B Skir\ & S c a lp N BEYCLESŒ A S T H MASKED-FREE D rs .M e rrill ¿¿M errill DB. PIERCE S PELLETS One Reason For A Hood’s Sarsaparilla ONE REQUEST Stock of C or for C o ., M Men’s Suits Made to Order, Men’s Pants Made to Order, $6 to $12. M iY HOME CIRCLE. ARTHUR KOHN, Clothier. Hatter and Tailor, BILE BEANS ALWAYS IN THE LEAD, THRESHERS, Engines, Horse Powers, Self-Feeders and Strawstackers. OREGON A WASHINGTON, Z . T . W rig h t, G e n e ra l A g e n t,