fan.1* T h e groom was eighTy-soven and this « Ify, a poor “young couple talk ed the bride forty-seven. My wife, how­ into a church where a convention was ever, received from the groom's panta­ being held and inquired for the minis­ including 15 rare novelties, shapes and S e a t t l e , Feb. 22, 1890. loons pocket a cake of maple candy— ter. T hey were taken into a side room > terra Chemical Co., irtNtic imported ole «graphic and chro- "th e pure thing,” said he. : matic cards. This large and beautiful col and married, and gave a fee of SI to the I On the 11th of September. 1889, I called lection sent by mail to any one who w ii G e n t l e m e n : When I started in to give President Hyde of Bowdoin tells a minister, which in three minutes be upon Dr. Jordan with what the doctor» ! do this: Buy a box of 'he genuine Dr. C. good story of the first marriage ceremo­ turned over to his wife as usual. Five vour Great Sierra Kidney and Liter Cure said waa iufUinuiatory rheumatism. My McLane’s Celebrated Liver Fills from an} ny at which he officiated w hile occupy­ minutes later the w ife made a speech druggist, price 2o cents, and mail us the a trial, I supposed it was like all other ad­ ing a pulpit in Jersey City. It seerna presenting it to the Home Missionary right band was the size of four, and I had outside wrapper with your address, plain vertised preparations, put up to make lv written, and 4 cents in stamps. The Creía P rom ptly an d P e r m a n e n tly that the bigger half of the interesting Society with explanations. A many mooded g irl w e r « you not I ecu able to sleep for several night*. genuine McLsne’s Fills are prepared only couple was rather timid and nervous, In those delicious, virgin days. Tw ice 1 have been engaged for the money and of no use. Now since I have L T M B A (i O , by Fleming Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa., an > Dr. Jordan prescribed for me and told un­ Bo mutable I hardly knew one of those men w hoso diffidence is in marriage service by the lady, said a taken it my decision is that it is the best R h e u m a t is m , H e a d a c h e , T o o t Luc he, I have been in constant u«e f««r over sixty T h e w a y to woo, and w ooed all way«. to obtain some small bottle« in which to ‘ year«. They are nuperior to all others in danger of leading him into son.e awk­ popular Hub preacher, and in both cases H P It A I X S , remedy in the worltl for kidney and liver ward blunder. T h e bride, on the con­ paid by her.— Boston Herald. Y o u r m eed enhanced you r ch arm » to ma| urity and effectiveness. A certain cur* put ihe nr dicine. I thereupon went into N e u r a lg ia , S w e l l i n g « , F r o s t -b it e «, Be chanceful «tin , I w l 1 not ch ide; for indigestion and sick headache. Ad disorders. It has done me so much g od trary, was remarkably cool and self-pos­ 11 R U I S E N . a Seattle drug store and asked for some dress, Fleming Bros.. Pittsburgh, Fa. W h y should a »«ve eth ea rt's fancies« be sessed. As the couple presented them­ MAORI CHRISTIANITY. that I will forever praise it and gh d ly L e s s c a p tiva tin g in a bride? THE CHARLES A VOGELER CO.. Baltimore. Md. bottles, remarking that I wanted them to selves before President Hyde there Beware of imitations o f the celebrated Seal of New Z e a l a n d e r « W h o C a r r i ed Out Scrip­ recommend it to all suffering with general W h a t if the dim ple-h earted pinks seemed to be some misunderstanding in put I)r. Jordan’s medicine into. A lad} North Carolina Plug Cut Tobacco. CTPIM M /AV R K A v I t II. I'K A aK tu re I n j u n c t i o n « la te ra ll y . H a ve faded from your cheeks? I find d I C i n i V V H I . * || K. A T M . Gab!-r. Ho*, disorders of the body. regard to the side on which the lady P l u n d e r ’ « O r e g o n l l l o o d P u r i f i e r is T h m In a richer bloom, rn'-thlnica. who wan present gratuitously remarked ish Pianos; Burd»-tt< irgan«. Band Instruments. A window in a chapel of the Litchfield should stand. The groom hitched about the best remedy for that d ead disease dyspep Very truly yours, Largest stock of Sheet Music and Books. B tnda W ith in the garden o f your m l rnia. of their gratitude for Bishop Selwyn’s a misery in which other eminent physi the side on which I have always been When I sny cure I do not mean merely to «to p them May n obler Inspiration spring . attention to their wolfaro in that cam­ fo ra time and then have them return again. 1 mean • When the d evil want« to train u pa young man cians failed. In just two weeks I could accustomed to stand.” This solved the F rom lo ve made perfect by the years I radical cure. I have made tho diaease o f l- lT S , E P IL ­ paign. in way he desires him to go Le em ploy» itlle- E P S Y or F A L L IN G S IC K N E S S a life-long atudy. 1 difficulty, and tho timid groom and A n d m ay you r lau reate liv e to sing write with my hand, and it lias been well warrant my remedy to cure thu worst caw s. Because It is a medallion depicting David in the i . i - ss to bos« the job. Son gs m ore d elig h tfu l to your ears. the widow, who knew all about it from others have failed is no reason for not now receivin « « $ act of pouring out the longed-for "w ater ever since. The only object’on I have got cure. S-m i at once fo r a treatise and a Free Bottle — K A W ood. In N . Y. Smi VOt A liK experience, were speedily united. D O N ’T GO O F F BEFORE f my h of infallible remedy. (Jive Express aud Post Office, of the well of Bethlehem,” procured for is that I paid * 0 fo the medicine and got 1. U. B O U T » .>1, C.. 18J P e a r l 81. N e w York* M ID T , A popular Boston clergyman related him by “ the three m ighty men” at the iseases this occurrence: " A man called at my risk of their lives. This medallion Particularly on u long journey. Be fully pre­ well before I used one-half of it, and now house one afternoon and asked: ‘ W ill you commemorates the similar heroic action pared. You cannot be. permit ns to sav. unless I have ^3 w orth of medicine I have no use A «rial packitg«* you are accompanied with the* traveler’s ami be at home ateigh t o’clock this evening to ©UTICURA tourist’« i 'title nncum, Hosteller's Stomach Bit­ How Hymen Somotlmos Makes marry me?’ I replied: ‘ Yes; have you a of a Christian Maori, who had been a ters, most genial of appetizers, acclim atizes for, w hich is aggravating. pupil of Doctor Selwyn’s when he was and promoter» o f digestion. Against sea sick­ who have used Plso’s p / R e m e d ie s . F. J. B a c h e ld e k , certificate?* He took one from his pocket, Bishop of N ew Zealand. Sport of His Votaries. Cur** for Consumption ness, malaria, cramps and colics begotten of say it is BEST OF ALL. but it was such as the minister makes badly cooked or uu wholesome food and brackish Representing the Seth Thomas Clock Co. r P H K MOST DISTRESSING FORMS OF SKIN Sold everywhere. '26c. This Maori, llenere Taratoa, when the water, nervousness, increased by travel, chronic out and gives to married parties. 1 said- A amt scalp diseases, with loss o f hair, from L u d ic r o u s M is t a k e s a n d A w k w a r d B lu n ­ Dr. Jordan’s oiH e is at the residence of infancy to old age, are speedily economically war broke out, fe lt hound to join his biliousness and constipation, the Bitters is s NO DELAY. Circular ‘ You can’t get married with that certifi­ preventive, it iin arts a relish for ex-Mayor Yenlcr, Third and James, S»*at- ami permanently cured bv the C u tivu r a R emk d e rs In t h e 1'ei‘ f'orniuiM‘u o f the fit«- W. I . POUITER, tribe. He was placed in charge of a sovereign food not altogether to your taste, and prev nts W a s h in g t o n . I>. C. cate. It w ill be necessary for you to M a r r ia g e C e r e m o n y — A m u s in g d i m when all outer remedies and methods fa ll a fortified village known as the formida­ It from disagreeing with you. Nev« r was there t e. Consultation and prescription ab*o- C u tic u r a , the gn at skin cure, and C u t h t r a call on the city clerk for one.* Where­ b t o r ie s T o l d b y C l e r g y m e n — «neb a capital thing for the unfortunate dys­ S o a p , an exquisite skin beautifier. prepared from ble "G ate Fa.” T h e British troops 'utely fr e e . Send for free book explaining peptic who stands in dread o f the best cooked T l i e l r l ees . upon he remonstrated, saying: ‘I guess it, externally, and C i tic u ra R esolvent , the new stormed the pa and were repulsed with meal. ¡Stomachic troublecause«l by ill-nrepared the Histogenetic system. blood purifier, internally, cure every form of that is all right. I paid twenty-five v lauds aboard ship, on steamboat.'), ami rations great slaughter. -kin ami blood disease, from pimnles to scrofula. Then let us assist you. Inclose 10 cents silver hastily boiled at railway restaurants, 1« soon C a u t i o n .— T h e Histogenetic Medicines cents for it.’ A fter remarking that it Bold even where. Price, ( 'n u n : \. 50c: S oap . and stamp to ‘‘ M A R R IAG E BUREAU,” Lock One Sunday afternoon In midwinter, remedied by the Bitters, which gives a quietus Several wounded officers were le ft in­ would make no difference if he paid one are sold in but one agency in each town. 2?>c; R es olvent , 41. Prepared by the P otter Box 558, Portland, Oregon._____________________ «l-o to rheumatism, kidney troubles and in ­ «aid a B oston pastor to the writer, two side tho village, and one of them feebly D rug an d C h e m ic al C o r po r a tio n , B oston ,M ass dollar for it, and add'pg certain ex plan* Th * label around the bottle bears the fol* somnia. - ‘ •"d f“ r •* >'o'V to I llr.• ski I! Diseil>es " •leighs drove to my door in a snow­ tions, he decided to postpone his wed­ moaned for water. There was no water low ing inscription: “ Dr. J. Eugene Jor AST rUmi-ie.', oi«ekiie«ds. m apped ami oily People who always say just what they think storm and two "couples” came in, stamp­ ding till tho follow ing any, when he to ho had, the nearest being within the Mem s« inehow always to be thinking disagree­ dan’s Histogenetic Medicine.” Every other skin preven t d by i ' i t h URA SOAP. H ing off the snow. A fte r the ceremony I British lines. A t night this young Chris- able things. K eiiet ill one minute, for sU pains and Giving a full and complete account o f the conspiraor came with a proper certificate.” device is a fraud. «sked the young man who had “ stood , tian Maori crept down, at tho risk of his rweaknesses, in C it ic c r a A n t i -P a in *’ l a s - murder,disreveryof the body, arresta.coroner's indues-., 1 suppose, continued the clergyman, the trial and verdict. Tho book eoataias evar loo iiiustr«. » te r , the only pain-killing plaster. 25c. Up” with the bridegroom to come up to life, within the line of English sentries, C O N F I D E N C E B E G O T O F M I T C E S H . tioa*. One la nr o 12 tno. volume o f a»>out 6*>o pages, prio- that you have heard of tho man who, • u I t #1.40. m THTS M»W KKADY. Send, ai once. 24 cent« try study to sign the certificate as w it­ filled a vessel with water, and carried it So successful has Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical . (oran outfit; flrstcome, first served. Thi«iat!iachaBc«oC when the minister said, I pronounce Discovery proved in curing chronic nasal ca- ! your life-time: tile commissions. Addret«. LAlRU a LXS» ness. W ith an eye to future opportuni­ hack to tho pa to refresh his dying ene­ tarrh, bronchial and throat diseases, that its SnbUabera. 008-004 Jack«oa Sir«*», «.alMgo, UL ties I said to him as I was writing: you one, asked "W h ich one?” And of my’s lips. manufacturers now sell it through druggist« un­ "W e ll, sir, I suppose your turn w ill the man who asked tho minister how The next day tho British again stormed der a positive guarantee of its benefiting orcuring 1 much the b ill was, and upon bis reply­ in every case, if given a fair trial,or money paid come next.” " W e ll,” ho replied, " I tho place*, and Honoré was killed. On for it w ill la* refunded. Consumption (which is ing that the law allowod him SI.50, took supposed this one was going to be mine. We have only one thing to ask this week, and his person was found tho text of H oly scrofula of tin-lungs), if taken in time, is also I had been keeping company with her. from his pocket fifty cents, and, handing Scripture which had suggested the deed: cured by this wonderful medicine. that is easily granted. Please send postal card it to tho officiating clergyman, said: with your address and ask for copy of lin t to-day she paired off with the other For constipation or sick headache use Dr. If thine enemy thirst, give him drink. Pierce’s Pellets; purely vegetable. Oue a dose. 1 fellow, and I didn't know what they "T a k e this and that w ill make two dol­ Tho Maories went to war to mairtain lars?” Tho question Is, How to got the •topped hero for till wo got in the house. their right to a territory of which they Modesty has been known to be the death of a ] expected to marry her m yself.” " W e ll,” SI.50 from the law? had been unjustly deprived. Hundreds woman, but it has never even made a man sick. The follow ing occurred in a village is •aid 1, "as he wrote his name to the cer­ It w ill be ready May 1, and sample copies an* of them had received Christianity as offered free to all who ask for it. We know you tificate of his g irl's marriage to another the western part of Massachusetts: A taught by Bishop Selwyn, and. singular For 24 year- Dobbins’ E ’eetric Soap has w ill be intere-ted in it. Quotes many thousand man, "you had good grit to stand up there ooiif^e came into town on the train to as it may seem, tried to wage war ac­ been imitated by unscrupulous soap articles at lowest price to consumers, and gives makers. Why? Because it is best o f a 'l information how to order, how to buy, how to with them.” "Y e s, it rather took me be married, with ev id e n tly but fifty cording to Christian principles. and lias an immense sale. Be sure and 1 ship, how to liv e well and cheaply in any part back; but perhaps her »lster, the g irl cents in their possession. T h ey went o f the world. Address S n i i l l i ’ N ( a s h * t o r « » 9 One day a British officer, commanding get, Dobbins' and take no other. Your who stood up with mo, is just as good. I to a grocery store and bought seven a fort on the VVaikota, saw several large grocer has it, or w ill get it. T H E T E M P L E O F T H E M I N D “ F K A I t - 41 8 F r o n t N t., N a n F r a n c i s c o , C a l . FU LLY AND W O ND ERFULLY •han’ t cry about it,” he said, as he tried cents* worth of crackers for their din­ canoes coining down the stream, with a M A D E ." to swallow the evident lump in his ner. They then proceeded to the min­ “ Speech was given man to conceal his white flag flying. On stopping them, he TAKE IT ister’s and were married, and then tho thoughts;” but it was a needless precaution in throat and went down-stairs to meet the [Author Unknown.] '" W . P r U J s l D E R 'S . groom passed out tho remaining forty- learned that they wore from a very many cases. •‘other fellow 's” sm iling bride. “ Behold this ruin; ’ twas a skull strong pa, up the river, and wore loaded ( Mice of ethcrirtl spirit fu 1; Another Boston clergyman tolls the 1 three cents, and asked if there was to with potatoes and several milch goats, For cough«, as'limaand throat disorder« This narrow cell w h s life ’s retreat, regon lood u r if ie r follow ing story; "A friend of mine was be any change to come back. The min­ as a present to tho British General and use “ liraten's Bronchial Troches." 25 This snaee w h s thought’s »nys erious scat; ! 9 3 F i r s t St., P o r t la n d , O rN ----- — - — CU R ES ■ What beauteous visions filled this spot, seated in his study one day when a hack ister made them a wedding present of his soldiers. The chiefs of tho pa, hav­ i cuts a box. kKIDNEY Sr LIVER DISEASES. DYSPEPSIA. D E A L E R IN What dreams «if pleasures long forgot; . PIWPLES.BLQTCHES AND SKIN DISEASES. . drove up in which a couple were soatod the forty-throe cents, and they wont ing heard that the English troops vvero Nor hope, nor love, nor joy, nor fear away happy. When the milkm aid is awkward and fretful .HCADACHC» CÛ2TIVENESS. Have left no trace of record here.” dressed in the latest style—and appar­ A well-known pastor of this city re­ short of provisions, wore carrying out the cow generally turns pail. ently in good circumstances. Of course “ Beneath this m ouldering canopy S E N D F O R N E W IL L U S T R A T E D C A TA LO G U E . literally tin* Scripture injunction they Once shone the bright ami busy eye; the minister expected a good square fee. lates the following: The contracting had learned in tho mission schools: If But, start not u' the dis nal void, A pocket mirror free to smokers o f ' A fte r the ceremony was over the couple parties of the first marriage ceremony 1 thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he Punch If social love that eve em plo ed; ” 5c Cigar. 1 1 wilii no lawle.-s fires it gleamed, took their departure, but the groom did ever performed were young, thoroughly thirst, give him drink.” — Youth's Com­ But, through the dew o f kindness beamed, | not forget to hand the parson the custo­ educated, and in excellent standing in panion. The silent man Is the one we always listeu to That eye shall be forever bright ___ ______ with the great, st pleasure. When stars and suns have lost their light.’’ mary envelope. When the party had society. The groom was in good busi­ ness for himself, the bride tho only HEATING BY STEAM. driven away the minister or his wife “ Here in this silent cavern hung The ready, w ift and tuneful tongue; opened the envelope, expecting, of child of riel parents. H er father was One o f llie M ost In t ea tin g Oi«e«>verien If falsehood’s honey is disdained M in k a t I • m pell. courso, to find a generous fee. They somewhat peculiar and thought his And where it could not praise was chained; If bold in virtue's cau»e it spoke, were just a little disappointed and an­ daughter too good for any man, and con­ That steam boating is not now ap­ Yet gentle concord never broke; sequently did his best to break up the I gered to find simply a piece of paper pears from remarks made by Mr. George* That tuneful tongue shall plead for thee Nearly everybody needs a good medicine. The match. T h ey were to ho married at W'ith this w riting on It: "W o roquest When death uu veils eternity.” II. Babcock before th American Society four o’clock p. m. on a certain day. of Mechanical Engineers some time ago. impurities which have accumulated in the blood your prayers.” during the cold months must be expelled or when The above sad though beautl'ul aenti- , A Boston minister who has now gone That morning he offered his daughter Mr. Babcock cited the fact that when tin* mild days come, and the effect o f bracingair ment portrays a iuin wrought d o u b le »-,; abroad, told the writer that a couple St 0,000 cash if she would reject her at Fompeii ho found that tho old Roman is lost, the body is liable to be overcome by de­ at. an untimely Mage in it» former owner’s once came to his house to bo married lover. The young man, thinking he baths there wore heated by steam, and bility or some serious disease. The remarkable existence through drugs and poison», and and had no marriage license. The might increase his offer tenfold and Seated in a better and more scientific success achieved by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and the nil killed effort» of medi ine, and igno- j groom said to the bri le: "(), yes, I gave thereby injure the prospect of his win­ manner than is practiced at the present many words o f praise it has received, make it ranee of the divine gift that heals w ithout wounding and re» without injury— i you the license just before wo started.” ning the object of his love, persuaded time. The walls wi o double, and the worthy your confidence. We ask >«u to give this elec ricity. Thi» iny»teriou» though be The lady admitted this, and said it was her to meet him at her aunt’s home at steam, of courso not above atmospheric medicine atrial. We are sure it w ill do you good. lieficeni infiin nce, a-exhibited by Dr. Dar­ “ Our little girl, 19 mouths old, was troubled rin of 70 Washington street, Portland, in her cloak pocket. Search was made, eleven o’clock a. m., instead of four pressure, was carried up through these but no llcenso could bo found. The o’clock p. in. as was first contemplated, walls all around the room. The walls w ith scrofula sores. Her eyes were In a terrible Or., ha» averted count le » ruin» like those eloquently described above. And ma y groom reprimanded her and more search and at that time in the presence of a were thus heated to a temperature ap­ condition, and her nose all covered with s» ah »o Physicians sal 1 they could not cure her. Wo a skull, “ w ith ethereal spirit full,” b ar» ' was made, hut no llcenso was forth­ few friends the young couple were proximating to that of the 'team, and commenced givin g her Hood’ s Sar aparilla, and hope and love and jo y within it» “ narrow coming. Then followed a sharper rep­ join *d in holy wedlock. So great was the occupants of the rooms wore e x ­ now. after using two bottles in the pa -1 three ell ’ and “ beauteous visions till the months, her fact* and eyes are deu o f the sores, "»p o t,'’ that drugs a d drastic doses lonp rimand and further search, hut no paper the haste and excitement, so earnest posed to a radiation from all directions. him ! her appetite has returned. We feel very suite have made a “ silent cavern” hut for and profuse were the congratulations, was revealed. The groom raved, de­ This, Mr. Babcock held, is the true thankful for finding so valuable a medicine us the saving power of this man’s »kill. For Hood’s Sarsaparilla to save our ch ild ." J. A. clared the bride to ho "exasperatingly that they forgot to pay the clergyman theory of heating, and the system *ol G example, read he bill wing card from ex r e y , 453 M ner avenue, Stockton, Cal. careless,” and wondered "w h y in thun­ for his services. But before sundown a steam heating by indirect radiation, or M iy o r H ill of Albina, Or. Mr. Hill is a der she could not take care of the pa­ friend of the groom came riding faster heating the enveloping air only, is un­ man of undoubted integiity, whose word» »peak volumes for Dr Darrin« Sure y the per.” Then tho lady wept. The groom than Gilpin with a large and generous scientific. expensive and uncomfortable. Sold by all •Irninrirt., f l ; nix for C\ 'repared ; art of curing diseases by electricity is tak­ assured tho minister " i t was all right,” marriage foe. It is of interest to add here that tin only by ( ’. . 1IO.Hi A t o . , U n v eil, >I h »« ing the lead, and no doubt will revolution­ One day, said a popular Boston clergy and that he should marry them without late Joseph Harrison, Jr., of Philadel­ ize Ihe practice of m dicine in the near i D o s e s O n e D o lla r a permit. Tho minister remained firm, man. an aged lady called at my study and phia. in d eliverin g a lecture before the future. Drs. Darrin treat confidentially and tho couple departed, the groom asked if I remembered attending the Franklin Institute several years ago. all curable chronic, private and acute dis­ eases. I •wearing aiffl tho bride weeping. The funeral of her son-in-law. Mr. B-----. I said that h«* had seen in the museum at ; clergyman said he hoped tho lady would replied that 1 did, upon which she said Naples a boiler substantially of the E x - M a y o r I I i j l and W i f e T e a tlfjr to D r. D a r r in 's A b i l i t y in C u r in g T l i e l r back out before u new permit was se­ that during the service she made up her same construction as the modern, vor- ! Non W it h F le c t r ic it y . cured, and vowed that Si,000 would not mind thatsho would have me perform the tleal. tubular boiler. This boiler was A l b in a , Or., April 10, 181K). marriage ceremony of her youngest boy, found at Fompeii, and was made of cop­ To euro Biliousness, Siek Headache Constipation, induce him to marry t he man. Dr. Darrin—D k a k fc»lR: W e write to Malaria Liver Coniplnint* take the safe A South Boston pastor narrated the who was livin g with her at that time. per. Engineering and Building Record. ami certain remody. S M IT H 'S inform you that our son i ’laud, whom you follow ing incident which came under Aftoi tier boy was married he handed me cured (by your electric process) of sore and running e rs two years ago, lias conii ued bis observation in St. John, N. B.: Tw o a tive-dollar bill, saying: “ This isasm all WOMEN'S FAMILY NAMES. sound and well ever since, ami he 1ns not foe, but 1 w ill do bettor the next tim e.” people in middle life sought out an aged T r o u b l e W o u ld I» « N h v « m I I f T lit*y \V«*r« been troubled in any way with Ms ear- Use tho SM ALL 8IZK <10 little beans to the bot­ On one occasion, said a Presbyterian end well-known clergyman to tie the N ot D ro p p e d A lto g e th e r . tle» They nr»* the mostconvenient; suit nli ages. since, liis hearing is just as good as can connubial knot. Mis advanced years pastor, I married a gushing middle-aged There is a law yer who does a good Price of either size. 25 cent-, per bottle. | be. We take this method to express our bad brought him a treacherous memory, widow to u bashful country chap, and deal of real estato conveyanoing, one of K f S S S N n nt 7 17- 70 Photo-gravure, gratitude and to thank you for the good panel size o f this picture lor 4 you have heeu to ns in the cure of our son. Co r v R i & r r r - IA S 9 • ud, with this uncertain quantity todeal a s they were bidding mo good-bye, she the chief of whose grievances in lif»* is cents (coppers or stuuif*) As health i» untold wealth, money could with, he began the ceremony. There said to me in a very pleasant way: “ Is the scant respect women show toward .1 F SMITH A CO I t ’ s guaranteed to give satisfaction, in ti -t purchase the benefit the cure has been ___ Makers o f -Bile Beans. Ft. Lou!« Mo. T H E TR U A N TS . wore luckily no witnesses to the amus­ there any thing else wo can do for you, their names. Th e fact that certain event rase, or money i>aid for it promptly to us. Iti-ferany one to us. Resoectfully, Harrxt—" That’s ma calling me ; she’s go­ in g scene but the clergyman's daughter- sir?” to which I replied: “ Call again.” alteration takes places in the name at refunded. C. II & M . a . H i l l , ing to lick me, ’cause I didn't hurry from “ Favorite Prescription” is a positive cure "N o t many men know how to behave marring«* destroys, so ho claims, what­ in-law and grandson. T h e preliminaries H ill s block, Bussell street, Albina. the druggist’s with this medicine. Jimmy, for the most complicated and obstinate cases over, the ring was asked for. The when they give a minister his foe foi ever regard a woman might he expected you can take my gum till I get back ; I ’ve of leucorrhea, excessive flowing, painful N e w S e c t io n a l M a p s o f groom was e xceedingly nervous and marrying them,’ said ltev. Uobert Coll- to pay to an exact rendering, and tho got to squall like I was being half-killed, or menstruation, unnatural suppressions, pro- lick me ; ma can't hurt any, ’cause lapsus, or falling of the womb, weak back, could not find it. lie searched in all yer recently. “ It seems to embarrass fact that any legal significance can in O R E G O N &. W A S H IN G T O N , pa'll she's sick most of the time.” “ female weaknt*ss,” antéversion, retrover­ 1 remember any case attach to the form seems to be bis pockets, shook his sleeve, ran his them for some reason. Revised to October, 1W9. Jimmy—“ Let's see that medicine. That's sion, bearing-down sensations, chronic con­ band down the side of his right leg in once, out in Indiana, that a man whom quite beyond the grasp of the average the same Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription 75 ( V i i l « Facia. T o g e th e r , 91.25« gestion, inflammation and ulceration of the fear of a hole in his pantaloons pocket, 1 had just united in marriage to a very (««minine brain. If a rirl baby is chris­ that cured my mom. Why, she couldn't womb. M ailed anywhere. Addr< ss snnnk the baoy, and n ow - the ether day fe lt of his sock, and repeated tho pro­ comely young woma i gave me ten dol­ tened Elizabeth she w ill sign herself A Book of 1F>0 pages, treating of Woman J. K. GILL & CO , Publishers, sue shook pop so he doesn’t drink any more. and her peculiar diseases, and their Self­ cess, increasing In nervousness as he lars for the fee. As he did so he blushed wh«*n calhal on to put her name to a In about two weeks you’ll get Indted so cure, illustrated with wood-cuts and colored ___________ 1 __ Portland, O regon. Then he* said, with deed after sin* is grown, Lizzie, Lisa, certainly did in blushes and awkward­ and stammered. you'll wish you’d been born go»»d." plates, mailed in plain, sealed envelope, on ness. Finally, tho old gentleman sat perfect can lor: *1 would like to give you Elis«», Ltshet or Lisheth, according to L A X l) , T II E P <> R Please remember, that l)r. Pierce’s Fa­ receipt of ten cents in stamf*«. vorite lTescription is the onlv positive down, while both witnesses assisted the more, doctor, and and l w ill next tim e.’ which diminutive happens to be her Addr«*s.s. W o r l d ' s D i s p e n s a r y M e d i c a l P O R T L A N D . OR. cure for the numerous «lisea.«es that de­ A s s o c i a t i o n , N o . t3G3 Main Street, Buffalo. partially married couplo to find the His bride overheard him and looked at favorite for tho year, and w ill omit her stroy a woman’s influence in her family. N. Y. A new hotel, cnntHiuing all he modern im- missing symbol of their union. Down him in a queer w ay, but he evidently did middle name, give it in fu ll or by initial, nrnveincnt**; even room light and airy; lighted on their knees they got, and turned up not realise what he hail said in his em­ or sign instead «»4 her own her hus­ b\ electricity ; heated by steam; open fireplace»: baths in suit> and on «very floor: elevators. the corner of the rug, and peered under barrassment.” band's nanu*. according to her sweet Guest» • nt rtabied on eith r American or Euro­ the sofa, and altogether mo le a most The door-bell rang at a m inister’s liking. pean plan. I he restaurant the finest in th«•«• itv. Tho task of the lawyer who i B AR KS K : i l \ SD. ludicrous sight. Meantime the clergy­ house one evening, lie answered the has to trace up half a dozen of thest* B i l lo n « H e a d a c h e , D iz z in c « « , C o n «li p a tio n , In d ig e s ­ man's mnemonic faculty failed him. Hs call and was greeted bv a young coupie signatures to make sure that they all tio n , B i l l o n « A tta c k «, and all derangements of tho stomach and forgot w here be w as. and could not he standing before the door. The young r«'f«*r to the same person is not ealeu- bowel», are promptly relieved and permanently cured by the use of made to understand the mission of th# man asked: “ Does the Baptist pastor« Is *'d to make easy the task of his wife strange lady and gentleman. It ought live here?” T h e clergyman did not our who has to soothe his rufiled temper to be added that he was alsiV harm«« the young man by asking him a ith a giMnl din ner. T h at the married P u rely Vegetable and P e rfe c tly lla r m le ««. Scud for Catalogue. very deaf. Fearing complications, his “ if he wished to turn Ins young lady out woman should m all cases retaiu her As a l i l V E I T F I X j X j , t ’neqnalcd ! own family name, preceding it by her daughter-in-law sent the grandson for to grass,” but politely responded “ Yes,* W i l e y B. A l l e n & Co. S 'm i.R t T , CIIEtPFST, the regular minister of tho parish. At married them and sent them on their .riven name and follow ing it with her G e n e n tl A g e n t », husband s fam ily name is the lawyer's EASIEST TO TAKE. la*t the ring was found in an obscure way rejoicing. idea if h»* is to be saved from insanity ‘i l l t>*t M ..l*«»rt1 »»»i«1 .0 r . Corner, whither it bsd rolled, and the A 1 m vcralist minister married a l ranees 1 Isom Cleveland, Julia Dent parties to the suspended contract tt ied couple in th»* vestry of hi« church. On Grant, I. uis«* t handler Mm Iton. Julia F o r a Sto ck of C A N D Y o r Anything for a B A K E R Y to look resigned under the aggravating being asked his fee he repli» d: “ I never Ward Howe. Ella \Yheel»*r \\ He *x and - send ro---- circumstances. T h e ministerial gentle­ make anv charge,” und was going to say ethers M1’ in ibis resn«*ct a good ex -v REO C RO S S D U M O S O B ? » N O . man waked out of his reverie, and said that ho loft it to tli«» circumstances and siuple. N Y. Mail and Express. A l is k y C andy M a n u f a c t u r in g o to the lady of tho house* "W h o is this generosity of the groom to decide. But X _ _ Y ■ < • ini* I*t» r. couple? Tho answer was almost a when be got as far as “ 1 never make 106 E S T R E E T , P O R T L A N D , O R., I .1 l'\* - It*. » shout, after which he subsided a mo- utiy cha:g«*” the g n U f il groom broke Jobbers in Show C a m , Scales. Paper P a js — in fact, anything you nee«l in a Con* ' ment, and then continued: "ll<>w long in, “ You uro very kind, sir; 1 am very fectinm'r’« store. Salesroom—Corm*r of Front and Oak Rfre* ♦ * have you l < n married?” They really ni'ii'h obliged th you; good morning.” didn’ t know how much tie y wore mar­ Said a Baptist pastor to the w riter: ried, but stammered out a reply that Once a couple “ stood up” with two w friend« vouuir m an and maiden and. minute or so vernation by S 2 3 to 9 4 0 . children ave much, and w< suffering vietii lster arrived and c > F it G u a ra n te e d . I CURE FITS! jdoW lo (Sbn? |ealp D *witi\ t!\?**- FUN AT THE ALTAR. ASTH M A S FREE in g e r s PATENTS Do You Wish to Marry? 10,000 AGENTS « on !! Dr. CRONIN. ONE REQUEST Season Opens for Trout April 1st MAY HOME CIRCLE. "O B P / H. T. HUDSON, Arras, Revolvers and Spoilsm en’s Goods i In the Spring Y 1 *■ Hood’s Sarsaparilla too BILE BEANS ■\s "• i i a, r a p K , . The Best Typewriter. J D R . P I E R C E ’S P E L L E T S . ONE PELLET A DOSE! m m w m i ¿vQkC1 '- ’"■'À C ., Men's Suits Made to Order, Men's Pams Made to Order, $6 to $12. m . and driving an abuse for suggest! 4 »