Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, April 26, 1890, Image 1

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A IM i:iM
I* 1 ^ 4 ji
One Column............
Half Column—
^d'roleabioual Card«
K A T E S:
.Twenty Dollar«
Tun Dollur*
.........Uue Dollar
w i l l be in s e r te d
t h e r a t e o f T e u e e u tn p e r L in e .
1)1 K E Í ' T O I t Y .
........... Benjamin Harrison
.. . Levi P. Mo ton
.. James (J. Blaise
....... \\ in. Windoin
J. W Nohle
Redth-ld Proctor
............B. K. Tracy
John Wanxmak r
. W . II. H. Mill r
....... Jeremiah ltu&k
H t u t e oT O r e g o n .
U. 8. Senators.......... J. 11. Mitchell, J. X. Dolph
i'ongressm au...................
Ringer Herman
............ Sylvester l’en»o\cr
Secretary of -täte........................ G. \V. McB file
State Treasurer.............................. G W . Webb
State Printer.........
.................. K.
Supt of Schools
.......................E. B. M< Kln y
Supreme Juilges
H. S. Stralian. W . P. Lorn.
W . W , Thayer
C o u n ty o r Yuinlilll.
I*. L. Lowery
.............. T. J. Harris
Wyatt Harris
Recorder.. . . . . .
J. W. Hobbs
L. II. l aker
Supt. of Schools
.........P, P. Gutes
.............. J. C. Cooper
...........10. B. Fellows
t ?oron«r...........
Brutscher. Kingcry
City o f N ew berg.
F. A. Morris
Frank T. Itsum
R ce*der.
.Moses Vo taw
A. M. Hoak.n*
Milton Nlckleson
Street Commissioner
M ayor......................
VOL. 2.
I'll I 'lK I I
Jim Corbett Worsts McCaffrey In a Excursion Trains to Be Run From
Sparring Bout at the Former's
the Interoceanlc Railroad to
Benefit in New York.
Popocatapetl Peak.
Present indications point to a good crop
Toronto is likely to have a system of
year in the Dakotas
street railways.
Swind'ers are operating in Kansas with
Ri h opal disi oveiies have been made
bogus deeds to Tex ts lauds.
in Queretaro, Mexico.
The streot <ars in the City of Mexico
The centennial of the Swiss confedera­
are to bo lighted by electricity.
tion is to be celebrated next year.
John L. Sullivan is under medical
The Teheran-Caspian railway will >>e
treatment to reduce accumulated fat.
made by Kustdaue with French capital.
The New York Central railroad is re­
Henry M. Stanley has finished the
ducing its force, which, it is claimed, is work of revising the prjof sheets of his
too large.
A Northern Club has been formed at
The operative bakers in Sydney have
Atlanta, Ga., composed of members born demanded the adoption of the eiglu-hour
in the North.
New York pawnbrokers Rent. $45,00# to
TraveVvs in Russia are now obliged to
Albany to del eat the proposed law reduc- have their photographs annexed to their
ing their rates.
passprr s.
(.Geo. tirayson
McCrea & Co. at Louisville ami Nash-
The peculations of Scaz/.iga, Treasurer
vilie Announce their failure. They were of Ticino, Switzerland, amount to 7,500,-
“ short ” in wheat.
000 francs.
1 e held at Jones' Bull on the second and fourth
Sundays of the month, at 1 p. in. by the Rev.
William Travis of Lafayette. Sabbath school
every ¡Sunday ut 3 p. in.
FRIENDS C H U R CH .-Services every Sun
day at 11 u. in. and 7 n m.. mi d Thursday at 10
a. in sahhath school every Sunday at 10 a. in.
Monthly meeting at 10 a. in. the Host Saturday
in ►ach month. Quart* rly meeting the recoiid
baturday and Sunday in Feoruary. May*. A u­
gust and November.
EVAN G E L IC A L CHURCH. - Regular ser­
vice first at (1 third Sundays of each month at
10 a. m.; second und fourth Sundays ut 7 p. in.
Sabbath school every Sunday ut H a . m.
An Attempt Made to Wreck a A Cobra Visits a Printing Office
Lake Shore Train.
in Bombay, India.
N. C. Maris
I B. <’ Milts
1 A. W. Ite. s
** { CalviuStanley
! J. I). Carter
N O T H '«».
Y. M. C. A. - Devotional services every Sun
day evening. Young men earnestly requested
to atte'iid.
I. O. O. F.—Sessions held Saturday evening
in the rooms over Moore’s Drug store.
Y. W C. T. IJ. Business meeting the second
Saturday in every month.
C». A. It. Sessions held first and third Thurs­
day evening in each month.
W . ('. T. U. Business meeting held the third
8aturday afternoon in each month.
General Dsn Sickles is credited with
At tlie drawing of the Panama Canal
mayoralty aspirations to the confusion of lot'ery at Paris the company won the
the New York “ boys.”
500-franc p ize.
Governor Jackson of Muryl ud lias ap­
President Carnot intends to v'sit the
pointed E d «iu 11. Broan State hreasur- house in which Napjleon was h im when
> r to succeed Arthur, the defaulter.
lie visits Corsica.
The bark Saiali from Fa» al is at (piar­
Leading Cubans and newspapers of
en* ii.e, Bos'on. There are several casts Havana are openly favoring annexation
ot smallpox among the passengers.
to 'lie United States.
The completion of tlie new bridge
across theSustp" hanna river *s exp»cted
to make a new commercial era in Harris­
Jim Corhett had everything his own
way with McCaffrey at ti» * former's b *n-
efir pe rformance at New York tlie ottier
Tliis year’s Cuban budget calls for $10,-
294,8 »5 for army, navy ai d police ex­
penses and $15,000 for seliools.
At Bf r/amo, It ¡lv, t ic roof of a weav­
ing mill, in w ide i 30.) gi’ ls were at work,
fell in, and seventeen were killed.
Mrs. Fa-go, widow of William G Fa-go
of tlie express co'upanv. is lying at the
point o ' death at Búllalo, N. Y., fro u
heart fai lire.
Schaefer and Slosson are matched for
an HOu-point game ot billiards, 14-inch
I» lk line, for ¡(500 a side, to be played in
June in New Yo.k.
The Mexican nmn-o'-war Deinocratn
has s die I f om M izatlm under secret
orders. .Slie had 300 so'diers aboard.
An excursion train to run from the In-
terocenni r i'ro id to the teaks of Ixtac-
• iimaiz , nd Popocatai etl, Mexico, is pro­
The Shaw has g-auted a concession to
En:lis!i cap ta s s lor a t biceo inou< p-
The boundary of the Yellowstone park olv with exclusive rights iu Pe sia.
will probably he extended and u railr »ad
The steamer Northcote ran »Inwii and
lie j ermitted through the northern end
sank a t it ter off Oste' d, Belgium, and
of tlie pa k.
five of those on bnaid were drowned.
Italy has constructed several stronz
Confcde ate veterans are pelitioning
mili ary fortresses in Abyssinia, with a
the Rich'cotid City Council *o prest r v view of occupying her annexed territory
ti e Jeff Davis mansion lor aC onf derate permanent ly.
museum lor war relics.
England thinks her chances for win­
I K'chard W. Brcok, a contractor at Bay­ ning the champ'onship game in Africa
onne, N J., is repirted to have disap­ Inve been mn. h lessened since Emin
peared w ita about $4,001, and is on his signed with the Germans.
Judg-e Deady Decides That the way to tlie Pacific Coast.
From November to May tbe expirta-
Ulidden Patents Invalid.
The action against the street cable car tion of cut do wen from tbe little town ol
company at Clncago for an infringement [ Cannes, on tbe smtli coast of France,
of patent has been dismissed. Damages readied the sum of $713 805.
liad been laid at $3,0dd,0u0.
A conflagration at New Landic, Prus­
It is Said That the Atchison Will
N e w Y 'r k ’s entire delegation to the
Gem ral Assembly at Saratoga next sia, nescroye I 130 houses. Tlie fire orig­
Extend Its Railroad From Mo-
month is strongly iu favor ot tlie revision inate 1 in tne Jew sh quarter, and is be­
lieved to have been incendiary.
)ave to San Francisco.
of the ‘ Confession ol Faith.”
Boise City, Idaho, is enjoying a real-
estate boom.
Every rancher in Nevada is now busy
sowing grain.
An ».prising of the Indians at the
Tongue River reservation in Montana is
The lumber yard of L. Voss, south of
Nevada, C.J.. was hum- d the o her night
by an incendiary lire; loss, $(1,000.
The towns of Whatcom and Scheme,
Wash , a-e to he j lined in one corpora­
tion with limits four miles s<|uare.
The I-rs At geles Herald protests
against the importing of orange trees
from Florida, as they will introduce new
fruit pes! s.
Judge Deady in the United States Cir­
cuit, C< urt at Portland he'd that tile
Glidden patents for barbed wire are in­
Tlie vineyards in Tulare and Fresno
counties. Cal., not p-o e ted t.y wire fenc­
ing a e suffering from the » of
The Democra's at Butte City, Mont.,
carried the ela tion by a majority of 255,
electing tlie M ivor and six out of seven
Rumor is prevalent at I . s Angeles
that the Santa Ke lias under considera­
tion the ex'ension of its line north fr in
Mojave to San Fran, isco.
That part of Tacoma known as “ The
Gnlch ” will lie spanned by a hr dge 5HO
feet long by It» f et wide. The highest
bent w II he 144 feet from the ground.
N. A. Cornish of Blaine, Wash,, and
associates have applied io the Controller
of the Currency 'or permission to nrg.n-
ize the F'irst National hank at that place.
A young Indian committed suicide at
Vinnemncca. New. He t’ed a coni to
th etriig eref a ri tie. put the muzzle to
his I reast and pu le I the cord witn his
The lumbermen c f PerMand have rr-
gan zed a lumbermen's exchange, which
in*dudes e'gl.t roilis there, three at Van­
couver ami six at other points on the Co-
lu mb a river
W iliam Pippin. Jr . was seriously in-
jn ed • y a cave in s pro.t eot shaft of 'he
R iugh and R» a ly mine at (m ss Ya 1 v.
His hack and abdomen were
crushed by falling r ck.
Jam« s I ei» hat , a S in Fran nsro team-
st‘ r, t ad Ids legs crushed white m 1 wd-
ing hravv iron girders a' the New City
had. He was badly man/led, and there
is little hope of ids recovery.
Frank Williams, urd-r indi' tn ent for
r»t b:ng stages and n a 1 n- as We ver-
vi le. A u 'n m aid Redd n /, Cal., «*«
placed on tr ftl in ttie I’ nde I Stet“ s I) s-
trict Conrt at San Framisco 'a-t wiek.
The to'al value of exports f-o n Port
Tewnaend ia March « a s $5 .3 »i.4»d, of
which American vessel* carried all t.ut
♦*47.-'14'» Th- value rf imports wa« I d .
7«>3 and the duty collected was h»i '.<»i.22.
William Splain, convic'ed of m*n-
•ia >: ter for killing John To in duringa
aasjon' quarrel in San Francisco som*-
montbi ago. liaa been sentenced to five
vear* in tn« State pris »n.
IC V I i : * *
On© Year .................................
Six Month«
Throe Months.
ta u b s c r lp tio n P r i c e P a y a b le
a b ly In A d v a n c e .
I u l teil M tutra.
Secretary of Slate ............
Secretary of the Treasury.
Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of W a r.................
Secretary of the Navy —
Attorney General.
Secretary of Agriculture...
81 U M
Advertifinif Bills Collected Monthly*
O F F M A I*
There is considerable ill-will among
the Cr eks and Chtrokees, caused by the
disposition of some of die funds received
from tlie sale of tlie Oklahoma lands
It is reported that tlie annuul salary
list of tlie Atchison road has been re­
duced $ OO.OitU, and that a cut of $1,00),-
000 has been made in other expenses.
It is probable that the body of J. S.
M rga«, who died at Monte Carlo, will
he laken to London for interment, llis
estate is said to he worth $30,000,000.
Professor Harekel of the university of
Hade, who is on a scientifi • exploring
expedition to Algeria, w*as arrested as a
spy. The German Consul secured his
The President has approved tlie act to re case.
admit free of duty ártico s imported for
The census having show n that there
tlie St Louis Exposition from ( añada, are over 31,000 Germans in Paris, the
Mexico and the oilier American Repub­ n wspiper L i Soir is led to siv that it is
, time the government stopped the inva­
Charles V. Bryan, President of the De­ sion of Germans.
troit Board of Trade, was caught short
Heavy rains are prevailing in New
on 4, i 0,1X10 bushels of May wheat dur­ Soil'll Wales, and Darting river has over­
ing the recent rise, and is very heavily flows I i's hanks. The town of Boarke is
inundated, an I residents a-e compelled
The United States Coutt of Claims lias to tetuuve to the highlands for safety.
decid 'd that an officer tales rank from
General Salcedo, who was arrested in
the tune that tlie la* entnies him to that
lank and not from date of receiving his Madrid a few days ago for writing a letter
resistance to the authority of
tlie government, has been aentenoed to
The Senate Committee on Mercant 1« two months’ imprisonment in a fortress
Affairs of tlie Massachusetts Legis ature
lias reported against instructing the At­
Tlie Hamburg-American Steamship
torney-G-neral to proceed against tne Company lias decided to send its steam­
Sugar Trust.
ships from HI bury Fort, at the mouth ot
A master mason named Andrews of the Thames instead of from Hamburg.
Prov dence, R. I , has just received w ith Tn s service will commence iu November
smile changa a iopp®r cent which lie next.
stam p'd with his iuitials and put in cir­
A national horse show will he
culation about t fty yeais ago.
h Id ia Berlin, commencing on June 12
Tlie arrest of the murderers of the rail­ an I as i g until June 22 next, under the
road station agent at Poseyvd e, Ind..led auspi es < i the Union Club of that city,
to revelations teat a gang of lniirdere s to «how and illu-trate the great results
con emplated tlie destruction of the town alt ined in Prussia and the ottier German
by fir»- and the murder of several of its States iu i ret ding fine horses.
intiat ¡tains.
Denmark has adopted a new rifle, after
An object glass for the forty-inch tele­ the system of Kra/-Jorgensen. The
scopic to be mounted at the University of we p m has a caliber of e ght milli­
Southern Ca iloruia lias been taken to metres. weighs a litt e over eight pounds,
Camhri'tg -, Mass. Clark Hr is are ex- and can lie used as a ie|»ea‘er or other-
pected to spell 1 two yeaft on it bef .re it w sc. Compressed powder of the ordi­
is raid) for use.
nary sort is to lie used for the present.
Within the next four years tlie North­
in overhauling the Czar’s eiyil list
ern Pacific will exp»end between $50 OOO,-
1 OJ and $6),00),000 in the Northwest. W'lli a vi. w to economy recently one of
H- m rv Villard so imormed the t win City the items discover* d was the paynien* of
Co inner' ial Club at a banquet g w n in ■7 0 a yearfor “ liji slive,” which has
b“eu made to one fam lv ever since the
Ins honor at St Paul.
The story is circulated that Lawrence time of the Empress Call urine, who is
Bariett will u . v r agón appear on the supposed to h ive once had chapped lips.
s'aze. A tumorous giowth war removed
While the compositors of the Bombay
f-mn histhroa some ui inthsago, hut the
seme kino < f formate n has appeared on Gaze,te wo re a'w ork in tlie composing
ioo ii ' n° evenmg re ently, a full-grown
another I ortmn of tlie bedy.
c»»i ra dri pp 'd in uj on them through
An att ‘mfit was mude the other night windows iu the ro f. It was a* badly
to wreck a Lake Shore tra n at Andover,
scared as they were, end Htterop*ed to
O , by placing ete» 1 bars on toe tra. k.
Ill® engine jump-d the track, hut go es» a»>e through, a window, hut was killed
with an ir in bar.
back again. This is tlie third attempt
made mar tlie same point inafew wee.s.
Si- rtamnel Baker, the AH.-an exp’or-
er, in a lett r totl e l/mdou Time* blames
Sena or Edmonds lias introduc-d a I il Enghc »1 f.>r the l'*ss of all the pr sit on*
to p. y to th® l tir» of tl e o » m rs oi the gained in Atr i a l y til ' enterprise of in­
C.t'lii" s. wh en \evel hroaglit o»er La-
dividual Englishmen,and poin * out how
*a\ ene to tl is coni t v in K 4 a sum due Germany m yin a t . « niontl*, l>y e * a '-
for » ' a ' the F-emn General et • and
lirtiitig stiti ns a' V fo r m Nianzi and
d -a ik d u r n g the voyage The bill calls ¡Oriii i gan al ial ( .. w it)»the Kmgof Ugan­
f r |‘),J71X7, and was referred t j the
da, re ure control of the equatorial prov-
Committee on C aims.
in e.
The New Yt rk Sun says ex-Pres'd-nt
C le.e’and was accumulating fat so rapid­
French erientife men and engineer*
ly t at he was f »r> ed to p ace himseli in are d scussing th® fea-it>i;ity of a railroad
the hands < f a prictitún. rof the Scwein- ai -o * tbeDe*e*t of Sahara. It us claimed
n .g r iis 'e m ol fat reduction ; ttie chief that *iieh an enterprise is necessary to
feature is oxer ire on a “ mountain- confirm the held of F am e up .n tier
clim ber” or tread-mill. Medical men. pi sseseious upon the w r coast of Africa
the article declares, are much interested and to develop Die North African prov-
in the Case.
in< e* that »he hold*.
pungent paragraphs .
—llurber— “ I think this is the first
The aggregate volume of business is a 1
time 1 ever shaved you, sir.’* Victim—
that could be desired, the more sett ed **You’re mistaken there.** Barber—
weather making a perceptible difference, “ Strange 1 fail to remember it, sir.’*
and the activity along Front street in all Victim—“ You wouldn't be so likely to
Hues is plainly ob-ervablo. The Old) cl >ud rtmiember it as I.**—Boston Herald.
upon the horizon at present is the «emi
Old Mr. Walstreet—“ And have yon
announced demand on helialf of the bull • sufficient means, young man, to support
ing trade f, r ihe inauguration ot the eiglu- toy daughter in comfort?” Jack Hast­
hour movement, with perhai s a resistance ings —“ Why, yes; provided I'm not ru­
to any less «ages than those in Vi gue; ined hy the expenses of a long engage­
but it is confidently predicted that the iu ment!’*—Puck.
—Father—“ William, you are running
uoiaiiou will not impede the further con­
struction of new blocks, several of which up enormous debts around tow n. You
must remember your undo is not dead
will be started in the nea- future.
yet.** His Uncle's H eir—“ Yes, but ho
Breaking Plow ..
#:t:<W.V» has discharged his doctors and is now
Broadcast Seeders
.................. « (.ilio undergoing treatment by a Christian
scientist.” —Life.
Binding Twine....... . 10 per et dis 18c
Binding Wire ........ .
—Judge—-“ If you know of any miti­
(iraiu Drills.............. ........................ llOitt ¡fin gating circumstance you are at liberty
Gang Plow ...........
to state it.*’ Prisoner—“ I don’ t know of
Usburue’s Mowers
'40 tit cl dir
120 any except that I took to stealing be­
Combined Mowers and
cause I didn’t w’ant to loaf around the
r o street corners and be taken for a detec­
20 6* ct dis
uto tive.” —Texas Siftings.
Ste. l-frame self-bkrding
ilaivesters, 20 r ct dis
Miss Bored—“ Mr. Dolley you seem
Rulroad Barrows, iron wh els,
to lead an inactive sort of lift»; why is it
t* d zen
that you never do any thing? Mr Dolley
Railroad Barrows, wood wheels,
—“ 1 am waiting for an impulse.” Miss
tc dozen
Road Plow
30 (a 30 Bored (looking at tho clock) “ 1 wish
"olid Steel Scrapers
12 a 1 t you could have one now,” Mr. Dolley
8teel Disk Harrows. ..................
r o (a 9 »
Spring Wagons ......................
125® 170 (eagerly)—“ W hy?” Miss Bored “ Be­
Sulky Plows. ...............................
7 '(v 95 cause people are usually carried away
Walking ' lows.............................
Uiu 25 with impulse.**
VV agons, all makes ..................... .HU® 1(H)
—Political Economist—“ The way to
cure this trust trouble is for every one
Burlaps, 40 in ................................ . . . .
to stop using all articles monopolized hy
Duria n, 45 in ................................ ....
7* tho trusts.” Friend—“ 1 know a man
Burlaps, 00 in ............................... ... 11]
who tried that.” Political Economist*
Gunnies, 28x40 ....................................
Dotato Bags, net cash ................ . 5® «è “ Noble fellow; where is he?” Friend —
' ool, 4 fi»,
.................. .... 40
“ First he was arrested for not being suf­
.................. . . . . 38
ficiently clothed, and then he starved to
Wheat Sacks, spot, net cash
\N heal Sacks, extra, second-hand ....
—Uncle George— “ Harry, why will
you give so much thought to base ball
Guatemala, tf* lb............................ .22 ffiZtJ matters?” Harry—“ It's what every­
J ava, iff tt» .................................... .25 ® 27 body's talkin ; about in this world, and
Mocha, tt>th .................................. .28 fa 31
how do we know but it will be the same
N ». 1 * osta Rica, ID .................
in the next? What would you do, now,
Ilio, t>' Iti
.................................... 2! ®23
Salvador, tf* 11»................................ .S liia 224 if you should go to heaven and find that
base ball was the principal subject of
Roasted, in bags —
conversation?” Uncle George- “ I'd start
Arbuckle’s Ariosa, tf lb. . ...
( losset & D.’s Columbia 1 lb prs 2«i® 2(1*1 out for tho other place as quickly as pos­
< osta Rica..................................... 25 (a 28
sible.” —Boston Transcript
Guatemala..................................... 25.) (a 28
—“ My husband is the handiest man
Roasted .lava................................ 30 ® 3 2
in the world,” said Mrs. Jones; “ I ask
Boasted Mocha............................. . 35 ® 37
him to do a thing, and it's done; and the
best of it, when 1 need his services ho is
Asparagus, w lb........................
Cabbage, te it»
21 always sure to be at hand.” “ My hus-
Cauliflower, if doz..................... 1 10(31 25 I hand is different,” said Mrs. Smith,
Carrots, Iff sk .............................
1 (4)
gloomily; “ when I don't need him to do
( arrols, young, #t doz .............
Celery, I* d z .......................... 90 g 1 (JO j any thing for me, he’s always hanging
I around
tho house in tUe way of evory-
Green Peas . .....................................
I el tuce, p* doz...................................
! 12$
body, Then when I do want his as-
Onions, (r 100 lbs.........................
7 00 I sistance, and want it had he can't be
Potatoes, k lOu It»s.....................
1 75
■ found
“ But that’s not
Potatoes, sweets, tft lb......................
! 12*
strange, my dear,” said Mrs. Jones;
Itailmhes, |C doz...............................
•Spinach............. ..........................
..... I “ your husband is a policeman ”—N. Y.
Turnips, per sk ..........................
1 25 I Ledger.
—The grim little man who attends
Chickens, large young, fc* dox 5 5013 0 00 the menagerie had just emerged from
Chickens, broilers....................................... ; the lion's cage one day last week, when
i hickens, eld........................... 5 50 n H 00
Ducks, If doz........................... 7 00@ 8 50 | a timid maiden inquired—“ Say, mister
té ese, young, If doz............... 9 (Kko 10 IK) ¡«an, do you ever get frightened when
T’ur eys, young, f tb .............
18 | you are in the cage with that awful
Grouse and Pheasants.. . . . . . . .
3 00 i monster?” “ No, ma'am,” the keeper
| boldly made reply; “ I am not afraid of
! any thing that walks.” “ Why,’’ pursued
Apples. ....................................1 50*17 2 00 j tho inquirer, meekly, “ do you possess a
Bananas, If bunch..................... 3 50i'c4 *0
natural charm oyer wild animals?” “ 1
Lemons, California, if box ... 3 75(g4 00
I .......... Sicily, if ho«, new ...
I ID ! have been married twice,” quoth he.—
Limes, ie cwr.
1 50 Buffalo Courier.
Oranges, Riversides...........
Oranges Seedle-s
........... 4 50®4 75
U ilA IN .
T h e Ititby K u le r m w l lie C a t , » n i l t li e H u g -
Barley, whole, tf ct!
......... 80 @ 90
gii r M si i 4 14 n.
Corn, If UK) II s. .
1 50
Stories of the little King of Spain aro
() ta, good, old, K* bushel ...
Oita, new,
40 (3 42J in order now that his recovery lias been
I’ ve, If l(K) Dis, nominal
1 20 (31 224 assured, and several new ones have come
Wheat, Valley, If 1"0 Itis...... 1 15 (3.1 17J i out. The young King, as is well known,
Wheat, Eastern Oregon
1 124® 1 15
! has been brought up in a strictly family
way, and very much as any other young
Oregon fancy creamery-...............
25 | person of good birth in his kingdom.
Choice Jiiiry
His mother has very sensibly forbidden
Hfa 10 ; tho lugging In of the royal features of
IMckledt Califorula..................... 1 9 | l)
his life any more frequently than the
Kan tern fancy creamery .............
absolute necessities of the strict rules of
Califor ia fresh roll...................... 18®21
the Spanish court etiquette required,
Cheese -
New C'alirornia ........................
lity and except on the occasion of state cere­
Oregon «kimn and old ............... 12('®i4 monials young Alphonso has been at­
Swiaa ( heese. domcHtic............... 15(gl0 tended almost entirely by his mother
Young America, Or.......................
and by the stalwart peasant nurse who
Eggs -
has been his companion from* his earli­
Oregon, tf* doz .............................
B m U hh , f doz ..............................
17 est babyhood to his present comparative-
1 iy mature age of four years. During his
Portland patent roller, V bbl................... «3 75 illness she and thoQueon were constant­
Ealem patent roller............................. 3 75 ly at the little fellow's bedside, and
Dayton patent roller................................ 3 05 about the only other living creature so
f ascadia patent roller............................. 3 65 constantly in the room was a cat. The
Country branda. ................................. 3 50
McMinnville. ..................................... 3 75 young King, before his sickness, had be­
......................................... 2 50 gun to tire of his baby playthings that
White L ily ............................................... 3 75 had been sit his command, and, seeking
Graham...................................................... 3 25 other toys, let his fancy light upon a
Rye flour...................................................... 4 50
Maltese cat that he saw somewhere
about the palace. Tho animal at once
Gra*« .Seeds—
Tim othy........................................ 5 (® ftj became a creature of distinguished con­
Orchard Gram .............................. 11 fa'12 fide ration in the royal household. It an­
Red Top
.................................. t\(* 8J swered to the name of Porico. The rib­
Blue Grass..................................... 12 <2)14 bon upon it* neck was tied there hy the
English Rye Grass.......................... 7*fie 9
It.ilian Rye (¿ras-*.
94^11 King himself, and when he was taken
Australian liye Grass..................... l\(d, 9 *ick the King insisted that pussy should
M esquite....................................... 7 tin 10 l>e in the room with him. So, Utv a full
5 (<$
ILuigarian Millet. .......................... 5 (a 0 month the faithful cat was constantly in
chamber. Naturally the animal
Mixed Lawn Grass....................... 124Q15
became a great favorite, and on«? of tho
Clover Seeds—
lied Clover...................................... 10
fall high ladies at the court made for it an
Whit« Clover ................................. 15 (a 17 embroidered cushion upon which itslept.
Alsvke C lo v e r.............................. 15 (a. 17
Another story from the sick room, and
Alfalfa .......................................... 10 (all
one that has more of the flavor usually
Canary .......................................... 444Q 5 found in stories of royal infants, George
Flax .............................................. i f o 5 Washington and other lofty personages,
................................. 5 frQ f>4 icals with a little crippled girl whom
Rape, California............................. 3 % 4 the King met on one of his walks or rides
ihout with his nurse before he was taken
Bran, f ton........................... 17 0TK& 18 00 lick anti to whom, seeing often again,
Hay, ton, baled. ................ 10 OOte5l7 50
G»o nd Barley, yt ton. .......... 22 5**<r24 00 tie had taken a fancy. It came to be
that whenever the King in his outings
Mill i hop, tf* t/jn..................... 1M 00Tfl,20 (0
Oil Cake Meal, tf ton. .......... 27 50'a30 00 *aw the little cripple he would make one
Sliort tf ton
l l t t f i l ( I A the ladies of honor descend from tho
carriage and carry some little gift to
Rough.................................. Per M, f 10 00 ber. When he had been sick for a w hile
12 00 be said to his mother one day:
T. &(». sheathing .......................... 13 00
“ What will become of my little crip­
No. 2 flooring .................................. 18 00
No. 2 ceiling .................................... 18 (X) ple and w hat will she eat now that I go
No. 2 rustic....................................... 18 00 out no more?”
Clear rough...................................... 20 0t> “ Bread." said the Queen, “ like all the
Clear P. I.S......................................... 22 50
No. 1 flooring.................................... 22 -M) Door people; that is, if she can get it.”
No. 1 ceiling .................................. 22 50
“ I am too little tocommand,” said the
No. 1 rustic....................................... 22 50 King.
Stepping. ......................................... 25 00
“ As it is to do good,” replied the
^ueen, “ I will permit you Ut give or*
Coarse Fine—
200 lb I tags, tf ton .......................... 17 00 lers.”
MO.IT. bats •V ton
....................... 17 <*) The King, at this, said nothing, but
Ground Kock, 50-ft» )>ag*, tf ton. ... 12 50 .he next day he had taken to the little
jeggar the bonbons some one had sent
Eastern Oregon —
o himself.
According to shrinkage .............. 10^14
No affidavit goes with this story, but
♦. is very pretty one, and there is no par-
Eprngcllp......................................... 185T18
1 rnr^iua
R I M Jcular reason why it should not be true
Umpqua, lambs and fall
. ....... AUtfcll V. Y. Sun.
NO. 21.
In v a r i­
A «titre«, OHAeuic. Newbrrg. Oregon.
—Brick is generally regarded as the I A C u rlou rt S i g h t t o B o S o o n o n t h e M a r s fc g
best building material. And its orna­
S h ore a t A b h otsb u ry .
mental capactity is fully equal to its du­
A very curious sight does the marshy
shore at Abbotsbury present iu the
—A Russian physician announces that breeding season. Then the ground is
he has discovered arcure for diphtheria. dotted with nests, a pair of swans to
He says the disease is easily cured by each, ore covering tho eggs, the other
inoculating erysipelas.
sitting or standing, a snow-w’hite senti­
Chemical analysis is said to establish nel beside his mate. The swans do not
it as a fact that four and one-half pound* brood until they aro three years old;
of potatoes are approximately equiva­ they are strictly monogamous, and the
lent to one poundof rice.
male bird tukos his full share in the in­
-A French scientist, who has been cubation. The nests, formed of dry
studying the hands of manual laborers, reeds, are of great size, and are made
finds that very marked physical peculi­ upon grassy tussocks among the osiers,
arities are engendered by the pursuit of the whole breeding ground, moist with
runnels of water, being so freely inter­
di tfe ren t occ u pat ions.
—The application of hydraulic power sected by narrow alleys of sound turf
to the manufacture of steel seamless that the visitor is enabled to inspect
boats is one of tbe latest things in En­ them closely; nor does his approach dis­
gland. These boats are thought to be turb the equanimity of the birds, though
n every particular superior to those If molested during the breeding season,
nude of wood, and can be made ut about or while tho brood is young, the swan ia
a bird that will defend himself, and
t he same cost.
—The pack of California canned still more his offspring, with considera­
peaches in 1888 consisted of 308,470 ble valor. They lay from five to eight
cases, twenty-four cans to the case. very large thick-shelled white eggs, and
This was about onethird the total pack tho period of incubation is six weeks.
The swan is not indigenous to the
of table fruits.
In twelve years the
total annual fruit pack has grown from llritish Isles, but is supposed to have
been introduced from Eastern Europe
.70,000 cases to 1,200,000 cases.
—The international display of scien­ or Asia many centuries back. Our cli­
tific progress to be made this year in­ mate, however, suits them well, and at
clude the Electrical and Industrial Ex­ Abbotsbury they have flourished exceed­
hibition at Edinburgh and the Exhibi­ ingly. The number there now is about
tion of Botany and Microscopy at Ant­ eight hundred; formerly more w’oro kept,
werp. At the latter will be celebrated as many as fifteen hundred; while further
the tercentenary of the compound micro­ back, again, tradition gives the number
as seven or eight thousand. In winter
— It is confidently predicted that the time many sorts of wild birds put in ap­
present high price of maple sugar will pearance, when the sooty plumage of in­
never be lower, owing to the rapid de­ numerable coots forms a striking con­
crease' in the area of maple orchards. trast with tho snowy whiteness of the
The variety made from hickory sap and swans. Some few years back a black
brown sugar will prolong the supply, swan, that ntra avis in t e i 'r i kept the
however, for those who aro not well ac­ white ones company for a while, bit!
none knew whence it came or whither it
quainted with tho genuine article.
—The belief that smoke from softcoal went. There are also hoopers, or wild
may have beneficial sanitary effects, is swans, a smaller species.
Wild species are, perhaps, always
gaining ground. It is claimed that the
sulphur in tin* coal when burned become* smaller than tame, though generally
t-ulphurous acid, then a well known dis­ more beautiful; but this does not seem
infectant. Further, that creosote and its to be the case with the swan, as M.
t illed products aro thrown off with the ; Baillon, King's Counselor and bailiff of
fumes of bituminous coal, and that an I Waben, at Montreuilsur-Mer, remarks:
atmosphere charged with carbolic acid “ The abundance and the choice of food
must he freer from germs of tho disease augmented the bulk of tho tame swan,
but its form has lost none of its olo-
than an apparently purer ono.
— Another new fiber-producing plant, gance; it has preserved the same graces
w hich is looked upon by its discoverer a> and the s a m e freedom in all its motions;
to become a rival of those now in use, its m a j e s t i c port is ever admired. I
has boon discovered, but wo have not doubt even whether all these qualities
yet heard of any of tho largo cotton aro found to equal extent in the wild
fields being abandoned.
Those new bird.” At Abbotsbury, however, tho
fibers aro mostly of a coarser grain, and swans are not fed; they find ample pro­
not adapted to tho production of the vision for themselves in the algtB and
liner grades of goods. They are valu­ oilier marsh plants which grow on the
able, however, as they open up new banks of tho Fleet
The grace and power with which the
fields for industry and enterprise, and
their introduction into the textile in­ swan moves in what wo may call his ,
dustry will no doubt result beneficially native element are delightful. On land
to tin* general public, provided they ho has been coupled with tho dis­
mounted dragoon to illustrate the ex­
prove to he what is claimed for them.
— An examination of the textiles from treme of awkwardness, and it must be
the German peat-finds of tho northern confessed that his gait is most ungainly;
bronze period has enabled Herr Busohan ; but afloat he is superb. According to
to distinguish the fibers of the stuff, and that keon observer and eminent natur­
to show* that at a period of great remote­ alist, BufTon, tho swan presents the
ness wool and flax, hut not hemp, wen finest uuturul model for the art of navi­
made into webs. The folk of the lake gation, “ Its raised neck and round
dwellings could manufacture (lux int( | swelling breast exhibit the prow of a
coarse lace nets, mats and even em ship cleaving the waves, its broad belly
brpidery. H«*rrBuschan holds it proved represents the keel, its body, pressed
by the instruments discovered that they down before, rises behind into the
could knit and weave to the Neolithh si^rn; tho tail is a genuine rudder; its
period, when mighty mammoths wort feet are broad oars, and its wings, half
roaming over Europe and when En­ opened to tho wind and gently inflated,
gland harbored tho musk ox and grizzly are the sails which impel the animated
machine.**—CornhLll Magazine.
b e a r . _________________
A C O N D U C T O R ’S H E A R T .
It Wa« of Hton«* anil Not Even Threat*
CnnUI Move It.
When a certain conductor on a Michi­
gan Central train got down to the depot
the other morning for his run he found
a stranger awaiting him, who asked hiui
if he was so and so, and added:
| “ Four weeks ago I left Ypsilanti t<
come to Detroit. When you came around
for my ticket I couldn't find it. Do you
“ Y oh , I believe 1 do.”
“ You said 1 must produce the ticket
or pay cash.”
“ Yes.”
“ 1 had no cash. I told yon I had
changed coats and forgotten rny wallet.”
“ Yes.”
“ You didn't believe me.”
“ No.”
“ You looked upon me as one trying to
dead-beat his way.”
“ Yes.”
“ But you stopped the train and put
me off five miles from a town.”
“ Yes.”
“ I proteste«! and assured and asserted,
hut your obdurate heart refused to melt.”
“ Exactly. **
“ Well, sir; 1 have come twenty milea
t<» prove to you that I am no dead-beat.
Here is tho ticket I had at that time.
See the date. I had put it in the wrong
“ W ell.”
“ Well, I want to sue the railroad for
damages. I want $00,000. Can you di­
rect mo to the proper official?”
“ Certainly. Right through that door
up stairs turn to the left—fifth door
down. Knock before you enter. All
aboard for Ann Arbor, Jackson, Nilos
an«l Chicago.” - Detroit Free I’ resa.
TIi»* Origin*! 4*r«in<l Olil Wmi.
“ The Grand Old Man" is a phrase that
is popular ly supposed to belong to Mr.
W. E. Gladstone, and to have been in-
vented to especially distinguish him.
This is not the case. In a speech
“ t’owd Vicar” of Leeds, the late Dr.
Hook made at Manchester alsmt thirty
years ago. the reverend gentleman used
the phrase in reference to the composer
Handel. He was addressing a working-
ing-class gathering at a popular concert,
and here is the sentence in which the
phrase occurred: “ I dare not allude to
the sacred oratorio, 'The Messiah,* as
merely an entertainment and an amuse­
ment, for I remember that when the
oratorio was first produced In London,
ami Handel was congratulated on hav­
ing ’entertained* the town fora whole
week, the gr.>n l old man in his usual
outspoken manner, said: *1 did not wish
to entertain the town; 1 wished to do It
good.’ ** There you have at once an in­
teresting anecdote and the precursor of
the most famous sobriquet of modern
times Notes and Queries.
$1 50
H ow to
L iv e
P H IL O S O P H Y .
lls|»|>lly iiih I A t P e a c e w i t h
A l l t h e W o r ld .
Tho loss a man knows tho greater his
pro j,id ice.
Every good ant man does is shaking
hands with God.
Life is the best school, and conscience
the best guide.
Nine-tenths of man's ills come only a*
they are invited.
The man who is always sober is al way*
; on the right road.
Persons who have dirty baok yards
leavo dirty memories.
Our host friends are not those who
always come with taffy.
Never ask a man for his advice unless
you aro willing to accept it.
Retailing scandal and injurious re­
ports of others is like drinking swill.
Ono sure way to bring unhappiness is
to quarrel with what you have.
No man should expect more of good
will from others than he has for them.
To neglect to train a girl to active
usefulness is to land her in future misery.
The sturdiest and tallest trees grow in
»he field of Indifference to public opin­
The man whose wifo does not know
how to keep house neatly is not fully
benefited by marriage.
When persons marry they should c o s'*
trying to offend each other with words
intended to sting.
Never accept the advice or roly on thta
judgment, of a man who is not posted on
what he talks about.
Tho preaching of others will never get
us into Heaven, as every person must
make the climb fur himself.
Many a man has cured himself of sick­
ness hy going to work and ceasing to sit
on a nest full of worry eggs.
The dirtiest robber of all Is th* per*
son who detracts from anothor’» food
name anil thus robs his betters.
Home wives are never happy till th )y
have said something to make tbolr hus­
bands feel sore and miserable.
The woman who really loves a man
will never lay in wait with words that
burn or that aro intended to humiliate.
The less you have to do with any per-
sm whose talk is about his neighbors,
tbe better off »nd happier you will be.
Man's principal wealth as he starts in
the next life will be his education and
.»hat he has learned that is useful to
•tliers in tills.
I’la it no reliance on tlie love of a
toman whose great d» sire is property.
»r on 'he love of a man who loves only
physical beauty.
W hat a helper is death when it takes
children from parents who abuse and
aegieet them, and old people away from
children w hofiel that old age is burthen*
»eme i ’omsroy's Advance Thought.