NEWBEB© B 33 A 3 » ESTATE AGENCY. ........... J. M . W R I G H T , M a n a g e r. To think Hint people w ill.luy on a poor hard bed when they can get a good reliable spring that will lo t a lifetime with ordinary Care. So reasonable Located at the old staiitl of the Willamette Real Estate Co., on MAIN STREET, N8 WBERG, OREGON. All kinds of;}, report y Nought and Sold ou Commission. We have listed some of the FINEST Farms and Fruit tracts in the country, also To a u Being Notary Public, will execute all kinds of Legal Papers, Negotiate Lotus. Write Insurance Ac. Bo sure and call and get our prices., *»ts. * R FOR SALE. !# 7 r t will buy a choice resident lot 50 x ISA ft. iu Hobson’s addi- jtion to New berg. g ¡s Í 2 à. £ ^ ! X " ) __ a M 4 t. > I tM." g ; Wo Hava A MAN &c H T J IL T T , All Sizes of Brain Tile Kept Constantly on Hand. can sav e 25 percent, beside s h a v in g the satisfne tion of k n o w in g he gets ih c Worth of his money, iltul sle ep in g 011 a good bed. We posit ive ly have the finest Hue o f spring beds, cots aud chairs to be FOUND Increased the Capacity of our Factory and aro now Prepared to Supply the Demand. Tile Delivered on Board the Cara at Factory Prices ■Send for Price list. $ 8 0 0 will buy a 7 room house ¡and choice qr. block near the Post ¡office. The property is bringing .rent equal to 12 per cent interest ou price asked. $ 5 0 per acre w ill buy 45 acres In one mile of the town limits of Newberg. Soli good. One half sloping hill side aud one half, level valley land. A good dtouu-j jtain stream runs across the place,] a ls o » fine spring on hilside from which water can be piped to baru and house. Two fair box houses ¡on the place, mill frame 30 x ftu ft. ¡will make a good baru- Resides' ¡the buildings ou the property there ¡is near ten in ft. of good lumber. About fi acres clear. The timber is mostly a light growth of fir, ex­ cept about s acres of exclleut tim­ ber. This property with a com- “ paratlvely small outlay can be made one of the most desirable fruit farms aud convenient homes |iu the valley. i To any of my friends, or persons !who wish to make investment** uu city property, either in Port­ land.Astoria, or Port Townseiu* I will be pleased to assist you in making your investments iu suchl property as will bring you the quickest returns. J USSR friftEfON. | Office with the Oregon Land Co. j Portland, Oregon. S N ew b erg T ile netory CO i $ 0 0 will buy a '¿M Sludebaker iwagou, nearly new. 'His. E PROPRIETORS OF TI1K $ 5 0 0 will buy a one half inter-| lestlnthe Fruit Dryer and 3 frac tionol lots uear the Depot. Ï5& 1 1 ! E SAD, SAC, SAD, l>on’t go to Portland whm you want JOB work done, but give us a call. R E E S A! H U N T , in this country. We use nothing but first class material in the manufacture of our springs and are always alive to our customers interest. We keep no old DEAD ARLINGTON HOTEL NEWBERG OREGON. Everything New! Successors to J. EDWARDS, N c w lw r g , O re g o n . stock on hand but have everything new and put up iu the best style to be found in ---- T H E — or any other town In Has just opened on Main stree* NEW BERG, « y j OREGON. FROM FOUNDATION TO 1; ROOF; ELEGANT, T Z H Z IE ] B RATES FROM *1 TO |2 PER D AY. AND NOTHING BU I E S T ! ! Call on, or, address TlIK WlLLAMRTTK SCRINO BRI) WORKS, Newberg, Oregon. N. B, Factory near the Depot. O N L Y FIRST CLASS HOTEL Well W ell NEAR TH E DEPOT. John Atkinson, Proprietor. 33 v4v ! '! [ \ l m ¿ „¡s f22) s o D R U G S anti M K D V C 'I N K H . tv We carry a full line of PO PULAR PATENT )' a Á aud FAM ILY MEDICINES and PURE DRUGS / ¡¿ V , for Prescription*. _v— 4 Here I am again all ready for Spring and Sum­ mer work, such as Painting, Paper------ 0 * CALENDAR. ►c » cn W INTER TERM •copa. Dee. 4, 1S89 Feb. 28, 1*90 lit er atu r e , h ig h er Mar. .5, 1H90. May 8, lbi)Q m athem atics , science , % G reek aud I t HU. PR EPA RA TO RY COURSE, BUSINESS COURSE, and MUSIC DEPARTMENT. GOOD CHEMICAL LABORATORY, AND CABINET. Students LITEEARY Society. Two Dormitories for the accommodation of students. The Academy is located in a beau fifn llittle lawn, where good moral influences arc thrown around the student. E xpense L ow . ^ M I ---------- For Catalogue, Address---------- COWINXMORRISON, Principal. E. H. W O O D W A R D , Or, PR ES( RIPTIONH C A R EF U LL Y CO M PO UK DE D DAY or NIGHT. Give us a Call. P. O. Drug Store. C. F. M o o It F. î F.H. Howard, GOING SOUTH. M til and E x p re s s ,.................... 11 40, a. m. PROFESSION A L CARDS. J. NEWBERG, OREGON. O R R I S M President. Vice-President. Cashier. I L E c o S !»7 S 2 £ * WM. BOND Certificate» of Deposit issued payable on demand.------------- Exchange bought and •old.---------- Good notes discounted.---- -----Deposits received subject to elicei at »i(h t and a general banking business transacted.---------- Collections made on all •ceessable points in the United States and Canada. " t / u n c l. New York . ( National Park Bank, A Strangers visiting ; the City are invited to call at. the Bank'for ir information concern ing the City. MORRIS, MILES & CO. Correspondence Invited. C ASH STOHE- IB, M DIDST JS, 3. a i . m n u m : n i c k l k S L O W b e a t s a D O L L A It. CASH H ardw are Store, Center st. Newberg, Or. In Oetoher of last year we started '‘L O W r i C H F * and C A S H D O W . V ' aik I we lad love Hllour customers have been fully aatU/ied up to the present time. A F U LL LINE OF H ARD W ARE A L W A Y S ON HAND. TIN N ING and REPAIRING DONE. is thul Hammer thatl knocked the pr-1 ices down ^ DOWN. atJ. B. M o a M ^ to r e r^ T T ^ T B^ror7nTrTtli g" there" f< Nails, Hammers, Saws, Carpcnlors Tools of all ktnds, for n ; kinds of C a rp e iite rs J t^ h e v ^ c lw M ^ o m ^ o o d ^ itèrent. Tinware. jj PPM PS for] !*n>- well il ÎY .m h ill CO. “ Q U IC K » A L E S A N D » M A L L FR O K IT M . * MORRIS, MILES & CO. CASH STÖ BE, KAILS. SA ILS N A IPS, NAILS. NAILS. NAILS. NAILS. BIO «m l LITTLE, AT J. B. MOUNT'S, o— ------- O —o O------- O - O------- O ------- o— o ------- AT J B. M O IS T S , AT J. B MOUNT'S. -c F. E. B rach , V m M F a l l , Treasurer. Gao. VlXCIRT, Prostdent. K. H coiias, V ic« Pretidtat. -O Secretary. THE Pacific Firs Insurance Go., O W A S H IN G T O N PORTLAND. S T IC K K T , g g er » M OREGON C A PITA L STOCK, $500,000.00, SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, $459.80000. W . D, S C .H fl'E , O ffice on M a in S tr e e t, Office Ami Post Office, Local A g en t, » w b r - r g , O rego n . —Newberg has two hotels, either of which will discount any hotel in the ! county, our county seat hotels not ac­ cepted. | There is no doubt tlie (icople w ill take steps lo aliate lite nuisance Udoro long, Tlie "Hom e Plot cut ion Association” will soon Is» in good working order. —J. W. Hobbs took in tlie state con­ — Rev. Willlson of the Presbyterian church preached on tli.t subject of S ih- vention ami tliciti went over to Astoria to hallt Observance at Friends church last spenda few days. It is suspected that he has a town lot or two and has gone over Sunday night. to inquire how is the health of his invest­ —Woe unto him, w ho trveth to upset ment. The affairs of tlie clerk's office aro the “ devils” pail of pure sparkling w ater, very efficiently looked after in his absence of which heuseth much to uvoid abun­ by Fret! Harris.—7,’rporfrr. dance of “ pi.” — Henry Austin has sold tlie front part —Ol. Wrigld and John Campbell ar­ of his house to Ills partner, Mr. Boyae, rived in town Mondiv front Roslvn, who will remove it to the lot lie bonghi of Washington, where they have been in the Jesse Edwards, just north of t’y Limits»’ iiotel business. resilience. Mr. Lamb and Ids force of —Mr. Birnie, traveling agent for the carpenters aru busy this week, making IIV*( Shore was in town the lirst of the properallons to move the structure- week. He gave the G km ’ iiic olllce a — Martin.¡alt* A Kauffman havo moved pleasant call. their lied «priug works into the Winslow — It was the query of many, otto day this week where onr Marshall kept him­ self, vvhon a man made an exhibition of himself on the streets. restaurant building on Center street in or­ der to make room for their increasing business. They are now aliout fifty or­ ders la'liind with their work. They man­ — Monroe Ramsey is ready to tlo ail ufacture a gissi spring and have tlie push lands of painting in the latest styles. to make them go. Read his new ad in this issue and govern — Miles Renile desires the citizens ofthy yourselves accordingly. school district to turn out next Saturday, —There is talk of a paper being started April 2(J with team, plow and scraper to in Amity. Seven papers ought to keep level dow n the school grounds. Let n'f the inhabitants of Yamhill pretty well take hold of the matter and turnout early as nothing will add more to tho appear piosted on local affairs. —J .T , Smith left on last Tuesday» ance of the town titan fine school build­ train for Southern California for a short ings with well kept campus, visit to old Iowa friends who live at P ush dena and Whittier. — N. E. Britt is offlhis week fora short surveying trip in Jackson county. It will lio several weeks before he starts on his annual snminer trip. —Judge Hurleys name was quite prom­ inently mentioned for Supreme Judge on the Republican ticket, although bo was not a candidate for the place. O K R I S M 1 . I s o o —A campof Sons of Veterans was or­ ganized last Saturday evening. We were promised a copy of the full proceedings, hut it lias failed to reach us. —Rev. Willison announced last Sun­ day that they expoctad to have a tempo- ary church up and ready for occupancy in four weeks from last Sunday. —Our merchant» are kept busy now days waiting on their many customer», who uro anxious to buy the flno line of new goods, now being displayed. —B. S. Cook said when he was Itero Monday Hint if wo heard any man com­ plain about not finding work just tell him lie was “ another one.” Ron said ho hunted half a day in town for a man to- work on his farm down tlie river ami failed. From this lime on during tin* season a man will not have to hunt long for work here if he wants work. — Levi Gilbert left on the boat Monday morning for Salem where ho will visit the Indiati school a day and then lio will take the Southern Pacific to a point over tin» lino in California. Fiom there In* will take a stago for Klamath Indian u. gency where lie will do missionary work among tlie Li lians. He lias tlie best wishes ol his many friends itero. —Tlie 730 pollini bell bought for the graded school was raised to tha tower last Saturday by \V. P. I [ »acock an I JL. H "’ S and puliti (dace ami properly hung, Tire Iteli has a fine can lie heard all over Hie district. I ast Monday morning at a rather early hour some ono was practising ringing Ilia bell in a way that might liavu ettused a stranger to think this was a Catholic (own and tho iiell was ringing for morning mass. — F. A. Morris and wife went down In Portland on the triin Tnestlar. Mr-, Mor­ Office corner First and Maino Sis. ris will stop in Portland, while F' A. will —Tlie Oregon Lund Co. lias been pretty Newberg, Oregon. take a run over to Tacoma for u few days. w ell represented hi New berg this week by W. —Tlie Nowls-rg house will be well sup­ agents of tin» company. B. S. Cook and plied with garden “ sass” this summer, wife came rip ftittrrday and staid over un­ & Office 110 Main street, Newberg* Oregon. judging from tlie amount of seed being til Monday. Jesse Hobson carne up Sun­ day to slay a day or tw o w ith Ids family Calls made at all hours. CHRONIC CASKS put in the ground by vo landlord. A SPECIALTY. and Joseph Cook of Astoria, also carne Of — Lin Parker wont over to Tacoma this stop for a season with Iris family. This week in company will) F. A. Morris. Joseph is not ilio one of “ Boston Monday OATH y o u HALM Whether the boys aro on Hie trail of the At La Fayette Warehouse. Enquire of boom or going fishing de|»>nont «aitIt not. Lecture” fame, hut his many friends hery w. it. D k iiiiy . were very as glad to ree him anyway. •-Our carpenters havo been figuring on —Tin» wood that Mr. Colcord lias lieen the plans for the hrhlgo ucrosa t'ln balcin F O R SALK. having cut Iu Central addition 1ms been One two storey house mid barn with t wo lots. crock at larrant» A Sons' mill. We In-pe Is two blocks from the Pout Office. Enquire sumo of our workman will get the con­ sold to l ’upplutoii and Alexander utul it will go to fued Ibo ravenous furnaces at the OitArHif' Office. tract. tlie Osivcgu jron works. Ninety-one — It is now fashionable for ruling ladies WANTED. cords went uqt last Sutnlay in one train, A good work liorse, also good freah cow. Aan Ciillwrt I» tlie proud owner of a aur | mx .pie bave cause to I mi proud of it natno of our new P. A. W. V. railroad n- gride Clyleadule colt that lie reporta oa (s our excellent school privilege*. i gent. His name is C. It. Frisaell. Mr O. K. Frissell before coming to Newlierg had C a ll to C o n ven tio n . —Some of our townsman are brinxing I been for some time in tlie employ of tila- The annual mnvnt ion of Yamhill Co. in nine ntrinx» of finii from the Wiliam \ ver A Walker oi Portland. Womens ('l.ri-iiau Temperano] Union ette. —Morris Miles A Co., who have been » ill meet in McMinnville on Tuesdav tho ” -Jnd of April st 2 P. M.. continuing Tues­ — A general cleaning np nl«int town handling Ntaver A Walker’s farming im­ would a Id iniieli to the sp|» aranee of plements are going out of that line of bus­ day night and Wednesday. Loral Unions will I h » a llo w e d one Inner of Salem u a» In town the fir»t of up Jesse Edwards field in front of tlie Awvsiw M. WiH.iv.vvnn, the week. Academy grounds. The office of county Co. Prevalent.' —Prof. Rork »tate organiser for I be surveyor will not go Is'gging in Yamhill L. 8. P. II i t m o n t h , » » v . • i I ’tpou Party «pokeat tir,.' m.UjA bouac jn a jew real» jt talent ia qtiat j.r wanted. Cor. iicc. PHYSICIAN LYLE, SURGEON. Local Events. We are thankfull for the more than liberal patronage bestowed on uk since »hat time and shall continue to name I’ rlcen for staple and reliable goods that will D efy Com petition. \ This O------- o— O----- o — ------- O O------- M O O IIIÎ, HYSTC1AN AND SITKGBON. D IR E C TO R S: r BURT D. J. EDWARDS, J. C. COLCORD. . F * W . C A R M A N , M . 1>. M BENJ. MILKS, F. A. MORRIS, r Mail and E x p re ss ,...................12 35, p. m. NEW BER G , OREGON. Capital Stock. $30.000. HEIM. M ILK S ,.............. .JESSE E D W ARD S,....................... MOSES V O T A W ,................. ». si w . v . t i m i : t a i i l * *>N* * TRAINS GOING NORTH. p Residence One Block Sonili of REPAIRING FiNE WATCHES & CLOCKS A SPECIALTY. Newberg, Oregon P. O. BUILDING, BANK OF NEWBERG. —One day litis week a passenger rush­ —The table of tho“ Newlierg llonso” b ed off tip to the de|sit on time, forgetting still eontinned to be supplied w itli ll.e liis over coat. He paid a boy to tosh t back for his coat and then waited an hot r l»‘»t geing. ami a hail' for the train. This is tlie wuv —Tlie Dayton Herald show» »¡xns of of, of the P. A W. V.—patience and long improvement under the new management i suffering. S to brother Conover. — Miss Maggie Blairof New Providence, — A special agent of the “ State” In­ I b>wa arrived here last Sunday and is vis* surance company is doing business with [iting Mrs. Mary Hobson. Miss Blair onr local agent, N .C . Maris, Ibis week. taught iu the public school here two years — Jes»e Edward* attended tlie Reptile ago, w here she did splendili work. Her bean Stale convention this week as a many friends in Newberg aro glad to wol- delegate from our part of the county. ] come her hack again. —Considerable work is lielng done in —It is reported to us thkt It ess A the way of improving the west end of First tfollili haveISjugbt tlie Dundee saloon ami street and the south end of River street. are prepared to deal out liquid damnation. —John Campbell says that since re­ turning to Oregon lie has a much In'tti r Addre»», HAI.LETT A CO,, llot SSO, PORTLAND, M R. opinion of the country than when lie left here a few months ago. Watch maker and Jeweler. Pros, of Trustees NEWBERG. OREGON. ____ ;llt t h e w o r l d . Our fïrTlitï»»ftrfl unequtlfd, and to Introduca out »u jx-rior pood* w * w ill setiilriti'K to on ! p e r s o n In each locnlitr, g * a>above. Only those who write g » to n* at oncncan make aure of BÜ the chance A ll you lineo to do in return i* to »how our good» to thoac who call— vour neighhora and thoac nround you The be- gltinin? o f »Iti» advertisement ■how» the amali end o f the tclo- The follow ing cot gives the appenmnee o f it reduccdjo ! one nix Id last week. about the flOieth part o f ita bulk It ia a erand. double aite tele- ■copc.n» largo aa is easy to carry. W e will nlaoahow you lu w you eun make from Ü#îl to 1 9 1 0 n day at least, from the »tart,w ith­ out oxnorienee Retter write at once. We pay ull ca p re «»charge». Il ain SPRING TERM Oowrse off tfttidy including W istory , ‘ K 1 S T BogliiN, Closes, _ O n e o f the I " D K S T T e l- E? e »c o p e n I n . rOB M ANY MILES THOROUGH INSTRUCTION. ''*5t** ' WfUTiS CGIWQ ON aq Begins, Closes, t All work PROMPTLY and NEATLY done to order. Leave orders at Post Office Drug Store. Nonius Tinono. P A C IF IC ¡F K - H E IS T ID S Hanging, and Ceil­ ing Deco­ rating, Gr Attillili", St- • nini ng Carriage Iu" 1 Slin Painting. ,. J